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  • Influence of Phase Difference between the Groups on BER Performance in the 2M-Plex System

    Hiromasa HABUCHI  Takaaki HASEGAWA  


    E76-B No:7

    Recently, there has been increasing interest in Code Division Multiplex (CDM) systems. We reported the CDM system using the -chip shift multiplex operation. So far the performance of this system evaluated under the optimum . In this letter, we evaluate an influence of the phase difference between the groups on BER performance in 2M-plex system.

  • Scale Factor of Resolution Conversion Based on Orthogonal Transforms

    Shogo MURAMATSU  Hitoshi KIYA  Masahiko SAGAWA  


    E76-A No:7

    It is known that the resolution conversion based on orthogonal transform has a problem that is difference of luminance between the converted image and the original. In this paper, the scale factor of the system employing various orthogonal transforms is generally formulated by considering the DC gain, and the condition of alias free for DC component is indicated. If the condition is satisfied, then the scale factor is determined by only the basis functions.

  • Integrated Design and Test Assistance for Pipeline Controllers

    Hiroaki IWASHITA  Tsuneo NAKATA  Fumiyasu HIROSE  


    E76-D No:7

    We Propose an integrated design and test assistance method for pipelined processors. Our approach generates behavioral-level test environments for pipeline control mechanisms from a machine-readable specification. It includes automatic generation of test programs and behavioral descriptions. Verification can be done by applying logic simulation to both the designers' descriptions and the behavioral descriptions, and then comparing the results. We have implemented an experimental system that enumerates all hazard patterns--instruction patterns that cause pipeline hazards--from the specifications, and generates the test programs and the behavioral descriptions for the pipeline controllers. The test programs cover all of the hazard patterns. The behavioral descriptions can manipulate any instruction stream. Experimental results for several RISC processors show that actual hazard patterns are too numerous to be easily enumerated by hand. Using workstations, our system can generate the test programs that cover all of the patterns, taking a few minutes. Results suggest that the system can be used to evaluate pipeline design.

  • Two-Pattern Test Capabilities of Autonomous TGP Circuits

    Kiyoshi FURUYA  Edward J. McCLUSKEY  


    E76-D No:7

    A method to analyze two-pattern test capabilities of autonomous test pattern generator (TPG) circuits for use in built-in self-testing are described. The TPG circuits considered here include arbitrary autonomous linear sequential circuits in which outputs are directly fed out from delay elements. Based on the transition matrix of a circuit, it is shown that the number of distinct transitions in a subspace of state variables can be obtained from rank of the submatrix. The two-pattern test capabilities of LFSRs, cellular automata, and their fast parallel implementation are investigated using the transition coverage as a metric. The relationships with dual circuits and reciprocal circuits are also mentioned.

  • On an Optimum File Transfer on a File Transmission Net

    Yoshihiro KANEKO  Jiguang ZHANG  Shoji SHINODA  Kazuo HORIUCHI  


    E76-A No:7

    In a file transmission net N with vertex set V and arc set B, copies of a file J are distributed from a vertex to every vertex, subject to certain rules on file transmission. A cost of making one copy of J at each vertex µ is called a copying cost at µ, a cost of transmitting one copy of J through each arc (x, y) is called a transmission cost (x, y), and the number of copies of J demanded at each vertex u in N is called a copy demand at u. A scheduling of distributing copies of J from a vertex, say s, to every vertex on N is called a file transfer from s. The vertex s is called the source of the file transfer. A cost of a file transfer is defined, a file transfer from s is said to be optimal if its cost is not larger than the cost of any other file transfer from s, and an optimal file transfer from s is said to be optimum on N if its cost is not larger than that of an optimal file transfer from any other vertex. In this note, it is proved that an optimal file transfer from a vertex with a minimum copying cost is optimum on N, if there holds M U where M and U are the mother vertex set and the positive demand vertex set of N, respectively. Also it is shown by using an example that an optimal file transfer from a vertex with a minimum copying cost is not always optimum on N when M ⊃ U holds.

  • Evaluations for Estimation of an Information Source Based on State Decomposition

    Joe SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E76-A No:7

    This paper's main objective is to analyze several procedures which select the model g among a set G of stochastic models to minimize the value of an information criterion in the form of L(g)H[g](zn)+(k(g)/2)c(n), where zn is the n observed data emitted by an information source θ which consists of the model gθ∈G and k(gθ) mutually independent stochastic parameters in the model gθ∈G, H[g](zn) is (-1) (the maximum log likelihood value of the data zn with respect to a model g∈G), and c(n) is a predetermined function (penalty function) of n which controls the amount of penalty for increasing the model size. The result is focused on specific performances when the information criteria are applied to the framework of so-called state decomposition. Especially, upper bounds are derived of the following two performance measures for each penalty function c(n): the error probability of the model selection, and the average Kullback-Leibler information between the true information source and the estimated information source.

  • Three Dimensional Optical Interconnection Technology for Massively-Parallel Computing Systems

    Kazuo KYUMA  Shuichi TAI  


    E76-C No:7

    Three dimensional (3-D) optics offers potential advantages to the massively-parallel systems over electronics from the view point of information transfer. The purpose of this paper is to survey some aspects of the 3-D optical interconnection technology for the future massively-parallel computing systems. At first, the state-of-art of the current optoelectronic array devices to build the interconnection networks are described, with emphasis on those based on the semiconductor technology. Next, the principles, basic architectures, several examples of the 3-D optical interconnection systems in neural networks and multiprocessor systems are described. Finally, the issues that are needed to be solved for putting such technology into practical use are summarized.

  • Constant Round Perfect ZKIP of Computational Ability

    Toshiya ITOH  Kouichi SAKURAI  

    PAPER-Information Security and Cryptography

    E76-A No:7

    In this paper, we show that without any unproven assumption, there exists a "four" move blackbox simulation perfect zero-knowledge interactive proof system of computational ability for any random self-reducible relation R whose domain is in BPP, and that without any unproven assumption, there exists a "four" move blackbox simulation perfect zero-knowledge interactive proof system of knowledge on the prime factorization. These results are optimal in the light of the round complexity, because it is shown that if a relation R has a three move blackbox simulation (perfect) zero-knowledge interactive proof system of computational ability (or of knowledge), then there exists a probabilistic polynomial time algorithm that on input x ∈ {0, 1}*, outputs y such that (x, y)∈R with overwhelming probability if x ∈dom R, and outputs "⊥" with probability 1 if x dom R.

  • A Trial on Distance Education and Training through the PARTNERS Network

    Masatomo TANAKA  


    E76-A No:7

    Japan's PARTNERS Project, one of the programmes of ISY advocated by UN, has just started. This letter is a brief introduction of the trials being carried out by the partners in the University of Electro-communications under the Project. The focus is on the distance education and training via ETS-V overcoming the geographical extent and the cultural diversity of the Asia-Pacific Region.

  • A Universal Coding Scheme Based on Minimizing Minimax Redundancy for Sources with an Unknown Model

    Joe SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E76-A No:7

    This paper's main objective is to clearly describe the construction of a universal code for minimizing Davisson's minimax redundancy in a range where the true model and stochastic parameters are unknown. Minimax redundancy is defined as the maximum difference between the expected persymbol code length and the per-symbol source entropy in the source range. A universal coding scheme is here formulated in terms of the weight function, i.e., a method is presented for determining a weight function which minimizes the minimax redundancy even when the true model is unknown. It is subsequently shown that the minimax redundancy achieved through the presented coding method is upper-bounded by the minimax redundancy of Rissanen's semi-predictive coding method.

  • Research Topics and Results on Simulation for VLSI

    Isao SHIRAKAWA  Nagisa ISHIURA  


    E76-A No:7

    The design of complex VLSI systems relies more and more heavily on scientific computing for numerical simulation and configuration/performance optimization. Especially, computer simulation is becoming a component of VLSI design methodology, for which a variety of computation evolutions have been accomplished for the past two decades. There are many different forms of simulation which are used for verification of VLSI design at various stages of the whole design process. They may be classified into functional or behavioral simulators, register transfer level (RTL) simulators, gate-level logic, or simply logic, simulators, timing simulator, circuit simulators, device simulator, and process simulators. Among these simulation tasks, a series of logic, timing, and circuit simulation is most strongly related to the design stage which deals with logic/electric waveform performance of VLSI circuits. This article surveys the state of the art of VLSI simulation, putting stress mainly on the domain of logic, timing, and circuit simulation, since the reader of the Transactions may be interested exclusively in this field.

  • SIFLAP-G: A Method of Diagnosing Gate-Level Faults in Combinational Circuits

    Koji YAMAZAKI  Teruhiko YAMADA  


    E76-D No:7

    We propose a method of diagnosing any logical fault in combinational circuits through a repetition of the single fault-net location procedure with the aid of probing, called SIFLAP-G. The basic idea of the method has been obtained through an observation that a single error generated on a fault-net often propagates to primary outputs under an individual test even though multiple fault-nets exist in the circuit under test. Therefore, candidates for each fault-net are first deduced by the erroneous path tracing under the single fault-net assumption and then the fault-net is found out of those candidates by probing. Probing internal nets is done only for some of the candidates, so that it is possible to greatly decrease the number of nets to be probed. Experimental results show that the number seems nearly proportional to the number of fault-nets (about 35 internal nets per fault-net), but almost independent of the type of faults and the circuit size.

  • Synthesis of Testable Sequential Circuits with Reduced Checking Sequences



    E76-D No:7

    The test pattern generation for sequential circuits is more difficult than that for combinational circuits due to the presence of memory elements. Therefore we proposed a method for synthesizing sequential circuits with testability in the level of state transition table. The state transition table is augmented by adding extra two inputs so that it possesses a distinguishing sequence, a synchronizing sequence, and transfer sequences of short length. In this case the checking sequence which do a complete verification of the circuit can be test pattern. The checking sequence have been impractical due to the longer checking sequence required. However, in this paper, we have discussed the condition to reduce the length of checking sequence, then by using suitable state assignment codes sequential circuits with much shorter checking sequences can be realized. A heuristic algorithm of the state assignment which reduce the length of checking sequence is proposed and the algorithm and reduced checking sequence are presented with simple example. The state assignment is very simple with the state matrix which represents the state transition. Furthermore some experimental results of automated synthesis for the MCNC Logic Synthesis Workshop finite state machine benchmark set have shown that the state assignment procedure is efficient for reducing checking sequences.

  • Development and Fabrication of Digital Neural Network WSIs

    Minoru FUJITA  Yasushi KOBAYASHI  Kenji SHIOZAWA  Takahiko TAKAHASHI  Fumio MIZUNO  Hajime HAYAKAWA  Makoto KATO  Shigeki MORI  Tetsuro KASE  Minoru YAMADA  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Chips

    E76-C No:7

    Digital neural networks are suitable for WSI implementation because their noise immunity is high, they have a fault tolerant structure, and the use of bus architecture can reduce the number of interconnections between neurons. To investigate the feasibility of WSIs, we integrated either 576 conventional neurons or 288 self-learning neurons on a 5-inch wafer, by using 0.8-µm CMOS technology and three metal layers. We also developed a new electron-beam direct-writing technology which enables easier fabrication of VLSI chips and wafer-level interconnections. We fabricated 288 self-learning neuron WSIs having as many as 230 good neurons.

  • Polyacetylene for Soliton Devices

    Nobuo SASAKI  


    E76-C No:7

    This paper reviews the potential possibility and present status of trans-polyacetylene research toward realization of soliton molecular devices utilizing characteristics of the quasi-one-dimensional conductor. Properties of solitons in polyacetylene are summarized from a point of view to produce a new microelectronics beyond Si-LSI's. The limiting performance of soliton LSI's are roughly estimated. One bit information is stored in only 420 2. The information transmission rate of a wiring is 2104 Gb/s. The delay time per gate is 0.05 ps. For realization of this high performance devices, a lot of research must be carried out in future. A new circuit with new principles of operations must be developed to achieve the performance, where a localized soliton or a localized group of solitons are treated. Some systems, which may lead to development of logic circuits, are proposed. The problems in crystal quality and fabrication process are also discussed and some means against them are presented.

  • The Advantages of a DRAM-Based Digital Architecture for Low-Power, Large-Scale Neuro-Chips

    Takao WATANABE  Masakazu AOKI  Katsutaka KIMURA  Takeshi SAKATA  Kiyoo ITOH  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Chips

    E76-C No:7

    The advantages of a neuro-chip architecture based on a DRAM are demonstrated through a discussion of the general issuse regarding a memory based neuro-chip architecture and a comparison with a chip based on an SRAM. The performance of both chips is compared assuming digital operation, a 1.5-V supply voltage, a 106-synapse neural network capability, and a 0.5-µm CMOS design rule. The use of a one-transistor DRAM cell array for the storage of synapse weights results in a chip 55% smaller than an SRAM based chip with the same 8-Mbit memory capacity and the same number of processing elements. No additional operations for refreshing the DRAM cell array are necessary during the processing of the neural networks. This is because all the synapse weights in the array are transferred to the processing elements during the processing and the DRAM cells in the array are automatically refreshed when they are selected. The precharge operation of the DRAM cell array degrades the processing speed, however a processing speed of 1.37 GCPS is expected for the DRAM based chip. That speed is comparable to the 1.71 GCPS for the SRAM based chip with the same 256 parallel-processing elements. A DRAM cell array has the additional advantage of lower power dissipation in this specific usage for the neuro-chip. The dynamic operation of the DRAM cell array results in a 10% lower operating power dissipation than a chip using an SRAM cell array at the same processing speed of 1.37 GCPS. That lower operating power dissipation enables a DRAM based chip to run on a 1.5-V dry cell for longer under intermittent daily use even though the SRAM cell array has little power dissipation in data-holding mode.

  • 88 Optical Matrix Switch Using Silica-Based Planar Lightwave Circuits

    Masayuki OKUNO  Akio SUGITA  Tohru MATSUNAGA  Masao KAWACHI  Yasuji OHMORI  Katsumi KATOH  


    E76-C No:7

    A strictly nonblocking 88 matrix switch was designed and fabricated using silica-based planar lightwave circuits (PLC) on a silicon substrate. The average insertion loss was 11 dB in the TE mode and 11.3 dB in the TM mode. The average switch element extinction ratio was 16.7 dB in the TE mode and 17.7 dB in the TM mode. The accumulated crosstalk was estimated to be 7.4 dB in the TE mode and 7.6 dB in the TM mode. The driving power of the phase shifter required for switching was about 0.5 W and the polarization dependence of the switching power was 4%. The switching response time was 1.3 msec. The wavelength range with a switch extinction ratio of over 15 dB was 1.31 µm30 nm.

  • Material and Device Technology towards Quantum LSIs

    Hideki HASEGAWA  


    E76-C No:7

    Current status and critical issues of the material and device technology towards constructing new architecture LSIs based on quantum-mechanical principles are reviewed in an attempt to draw attention of systems workers to the field. Limitations of the present-day LSI architecture are discussed from the viewpoints of material science and device physics. New quantum mechanical phenomena in the quantum structures are reviewed. Then, key material and processing issues for fabrication of desired quantum structures are briefly discussed. Finally, the basic operation principles the quantum devices and possible architectures of quantum LSIs are discussed.

  • Natural Laws and Information Processing

    Yasuji SAWADA  


    E76-C No:7

    We discuss possible new principles of information processing by utilizing microscopic, semi-microscopic and macroscopic phenomena occuring in nature. We first discuss quantum mechanical universal information processing in microscopic world governed by quantum mechanics, and then we discuss superconducting phenomena in a mesoscopic system, especially an information processing system using flux quantum. Finally, we discuss macroscopic self-organizing phenomena in biology and suggest possibility of self-organizing devices.

  • Numerical Verification of Algebraic Non-integrability for High Dimensional Dynamical Systems

    Hisa-Aki TANAKA  Shin'ichi OISHI  Atsushi OKADA  


    E76-A No:7

    The singular point analysis, such as the Painlev test and Yoshida's test, is a computational method and has been implemented in a symbolic computational manner. But, in applying the singular point analysis to high dimensional and/or "complex" dynamical systems, we face with some computational difficulties. To cope with these difficulties, we propose a new numerical technique of the singular point analysis with the aid of the self-validating numerics. Using this technique, the singular point analysis can now be applicable to a wide class of high dimensional and/or "complex" dynamical systems, and in many cases dynamical properties such as the algebraic non-integrability can be proven for such systems.
