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  • Parallel Precomputation with Input Value Prediction for Model Predictive Control Systems

    Satoshi KAWAKAMI  Takatsugu ONO  Toshiyuki OHTSUKA  Koji INOUE  

    PAPER-Real-time Systems

    E101-D No:12

    We propose a parallel precomputation method for real-time model predictive control. The key idea is to use predicted input values produced by model predictive control to solve an optimal control problem in advance. It is well known that control systems are not suitable for multi- or many-core processors because feedback-loop control systems are inherently based on sequential operations. However, since the proposed method does not rely on conventional thread-/data-level parallelism, it can be easily applied to such control systems without changing the algorithm in applications. A practical evaluation using three real-world model predictive control system simulation programs demonstrates drastic performance improvement without degrading control quality offered by the proposed method.

  • Cooperative GPGPU Scheduling for Consolidating Server Workloads

    Yusuke SUZUKI  Hiroshi YAMADA  Shinpei KATO  Kenji KONO  

    PAPER-Software System

    E101-D No:12

    Graphics processing units (GPUs) have become an attractive platform for general-purpose computing (GPGPU) in various domains. Making GPUs a time-multiplexing resource is a key to consolidating GPGPU applications (apps) in multi-tenant cloud platforms. However, advanced GPGPU apps pose a new challenge for consolidation. Such highly functional GPGPU apps, referred to as GPU eaters, can easily monopolize a shared GPU and starve collocated GPGPU apps. This paper presents GLoop, which is a software runtime that enables us to consolidate GPGPU apps including GPU eaters. GLoop offers an event-driven programming model, which allows GLoop-based apps to inherit the GPU eaters' high functionality while proportionally scheduling them on a shared GPU in an isolated manner. We implemented a prototype of GLoop and ported eight GPU eaters on it. The experimental results demonstrate that our prototype successfully schedules the consolidated GPGPU apps on the basis of its scheduling policy and isolates resources among them.

  • The Panpositionable Pancyclicity of Locally Twisted Cubes

    Hon-Chan CHEN  

    PAPER-Graph Algorithms

    E101-D No:12

    In a multiprocessor system, processors are connected based on various types of network topologies. A network topology is usually represented by a graph. Let G be a graph and u, v be any two distinct vertices of G. We say that G is pancyclic if G has a cycle C of every length l(C) satisfying 3≤l(C)≤|V(G)|, where |V(G)| denotes the total number of vertices in G. Moreover, G is panpositionably pancyclic from r if for any integer m satisfying $r leq m leq rac{|V(G)|}{2}$, G has a cycle C containing u and v such that dC(u,v)=m and 2m≤l(C)≤|V(G)|, where dC(u,v) denotes the distance of u and v in C. In this paper, we investigate the panpositionable pancyclicity problem with respect to the n-dimensional locally twisted cube LTQn, which is a popular topology derived from the hypercube. Let D(LTQn) denote the diameter of LTQn. We show that for n≥4 and for any integer m satisfying $D(LTQ_n) + 2 leq m leq rac{|V(LTQ_n)|}{2}$, there exists a cycle C of LTQn such that dC(u,v)=m, where (i) 2m+1≤l(C)≤|V(LTQn)| if m=D(LTQn)+2 and n is odd, and (ii) 2m≤l(C)≤|V(LTQn)| otherwise. This improves on the recent result that u and v can be positioned with a given distance on C only under the condition that l(C)=|V(LTQn)|. In parallel and distributed computing, if cycles of different lengths can be embedded, we can adjust the number of simulated processors and increase the flexibility of demand. This paper demonstrates that in LTQn, the cycle embedding containing any two distinct vertices with a feasible distance is extremely flexible.

  • Shortening Downtime of Reboot-Based Kernel Updates Using Dwarf

    Ken TERADA  Hiroshi YAMADA  

    PAPER-Software System

    E101-D No:12

    Kernel updates are a part of daily life in contemporary computer systems. They usually require an OS reboot that involves restarting not only the kernel but also all of the running applications, causing downtime that can disrupt software services. This downtime issue has been tackled by numerous approaches. Although dynamic translation of the running kernel image, which is a representative approach, can conduct kernel updates at runtime, its applicability is inherently limited. This paper describes Dwarf, which shortens downtime during kernel updates and covers more types of updates. Dwarf launches the newer kernel in the background on the same physical machine and forces the kernel to inherit the running states of the older kernel. We implemented a prototype of Dwarf on Xen 4.5.2, Linux 2.6.39, Linux 3.18.35, and Linux 4.1.6. Also, we conducted experiments using six applications, such as Apache, MySQL, and memcached, and the results demonstrate that Dwarf's downtime is 1.8 seconds in the shortest case and up to 10× shorter than that of the normal OS reboot.

  • Cycle Embedding in Generalized Recursive Circulant Graphs

    Shyue-Ming TANG  Yue-Li WANG  Chien-Yi LI  Jou-Ming CHANG  

    PAPER-Graph Algorithms

    E101-D No:12

    Generalized recursive circulant graphs (GRCGs for short) are a generalization of recursive circulant graphs and provide a new type of topology for interconnection networks. A graph of n vertices is said to be s-pancyclic for some $3leqslant sleqslant n$ if it contains cycles of every length t for $sleqslant tleqslant n$. The pancyclicity of recursive circulant graphs was investigated by Araki and Shibata (Inf. Process. Lett. vol.81, no.4, pp.187-190, 2002). In this paper, we are concerned with the s-pancyclicity of GRCGs.

  • Enhancing Job Scheduling on Inter-Rackscale Datacenters with Free-Space Optical Links

    Yao HU  Michihiro KOIBUCHI  

    PAPER-Information networks

    E101-D No:12

    Datacenter growth in traffic and scale is driving innovations in constructing tightly-coupled facilities with low-latency communication for different specific applications. A famous custom design is rackscale (RS) computing by gathering key server resource components into different resource pools. Such a resource-pooling implementation requires a new software stack to manage resource discovery, resource allocation and data communication. The reconfiguration of interconnection networks on their components is potentially needed to support the above demand in RS. In this context as an evolution of the original RS architecture the inter-rackscale (IRS) architecture, which disaggregates hardware components into different racks according to their own areas, has been proposed. The heart of IRS is to use a limited number of free-space optics (FSO) channels for wireless connections between different resource racks, via which selected pairs of racks can communicate directly and thus resource-pooling requirements are met without additional software management. In this study we evaluate the influences of FSO links on IRS networks. Evaluation results show that FSO links reduce average communication hop count for user jobs, which is close to the best possible value of 2 hops and thus provides comparable benchmark performance to that of the counterpart RS architecture. In addition, if four FSO terminals per rack are allowed, the CPU/SSD (GPU) interconnection latency is reduced by 25.99% over Fat-tree and by 67.14% over 2-D Torus. We also present the advantage of an FSO-equipped IRS system in average turnaround time of dispatched jobs for given sets of benchmark workloads.

  • Model Inversion Attacks for Online Prediction Systems: Without Knowledge of Non-Sensitive Attributes

    Seira HIDANO  Takao MURAKAMI  Shuichi KATSUMATA  Shinsaku KIYOMOTO  Goichiro HANAOKA  

    PAPER-Forensics and Risk Analysis

    E101-D No:11

    The number of IT services that use machine learning (ML) algorithms are continuously and rapidly growing, while many of them are used in practice to make some type of predictions from personal data. Not surprisingly, due to this sudden boom in ML, the way personal data are handled in ML systems are starting to raise serious privacy concerns that were previously unconsidered. Recently, Fredrikson et al. [USENIX 2014] [CCS 2015] proposed a novel attack against ML systems called the model inversion attack that aims to infer sensitive attribute values of a target user. In their work, for the model inversion attack to be successful, the adversary is required to obtain two types of information concerning the target user prior to the attack: the output value (i.e., prediction) of the ML system and all of the non-sensitive values used to learn the output. Therefore, although the attack does raise new privacy concerns, since the adversary is required to know all of the non-sensitive values in advance, it is not completely clear how much risk is incurred by the attack. In particular, even though the users may regard these values as non-sensitive, it may be difficult for the adversary to obtain all of the non-sensitive attribute values prior to the attack, hence making the attack invalid. The goal of this paper is to quantify the risk of model inversion attacks in the case when non-sensitive attributes of a target user are not available to the adversary. To this end, we first propose a general model inversion (GMI) framework, which models the amount of auxiliary information available to the adversary. Our framework captures the model inversion attack of Fredrikson et al. as a special case, while also capturing model inversion attacks that infer sensitive attributes without the knowledge of non-sensitive attributes. For the latter attack, we provide a general methodology on how we can infer sensitive attributes of a target user without knowledge of non-sensitive attributes. At a high level, we use the data poisoning paradigm in a conceptually novel way and inject malicious data into the ML system in order to modify the internal ML model being used into a target ML model; a special type of ML model which allows one to perform model inversion attacks without the knowledge of non-sensitive attributes. Finally, following our general methodology, we cast ML systems that internally use linear regression models into our GMI framework and propose a concrete algorithm for model inversion attacks that does not require knowledge of the non-sensitive attributes. We show the effectiveness of our model inversion attack through experimental evaluation using two real data sets.

  • A Low-Complexity Path Delay Searching Method in Sparse Channel Estimation for OFDM Systems

    Kee-Hoon KIM  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E101-B No:11

    By exploiting the inherent sparsity of wireless channels, the channel estimation in an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system can be cast as a compressed sensing (CS) problem to estimate the channel more accurately. Practically, matching pursuit algorithms such as orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) are used, where path delays of the channel is guessed based on correlation values for every quantized delay with residual. This full search approach requires a predefined grid of delays with high resolution, which induces the high computational complexity because correlation values with residual at a huge number of grid points should be calculated. Meanwhile, the correlation values with high resolution can be obtained by interpolation between the correlation values at a low resolution grid. Also, the interpolation can be implemented with a low pass filter (LPF). By using this fact, in this paper we substantially reduce the computational complexity to calculate the correlation values in channel estimation using CS.

  • Adaptive Object Tracking with Complementary Models

    Peng GAO  Yipeng MA  Chao LI  Ke SONG  Yan ZHANG  Fei WANG  Liyi XIAO  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E101-D No:11

    Most state-of-the-art discriminative tracking approaches are based on either template appearance models or statistical appearance models. Despite template appearance models have shown excellent performance, they perform poorly when the target appearance changes rapidly. In contrast, statistic appearance models are insensitive to fast target state changes, but they yield inferior tracking results in challenging scenarios such as illumination variations and background clutters. In this paper, we propose an adaptive object tracking approach with complementary models based on template and statistical appearance models. Both of these models are unified via our novel combination strategy. In addition, we introduce an efficient update scheme to improve the performance of our approach. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach achieves superior performance at speeds that far exceed the frame-rate requirement on recent tracking benchmarks.

  • Modeling Attack Activity for Integrated Analysis of Threat Information

    Daiki ITO  Kenta NOMURA  Masaki KAMIZONO  Yoshiaki SHIRAISHI  Yasuhiro TAKANO  Masami MOHRI  Masakatu MORII  

    PAPER-Forensics and Risk Analysis

    E101-D No:11

    Cyber attacks targeting specific victims use multiple intrusion routes and various attack methods. In order to combat such diversified cyber attacks, Threat Intelligence is attracting attention. Attack activities, vulnerability information and other threat information are gathered, analyzed and organized in threat intelligence and it enables organizations to understand their risks. Integrated analysis of the threat information is needed to compose the threat intelligence. Threat information can be found in incident reports published by security vendors. However, it is difficult to analyze and compare their reports because they are described in various formats defined by each vendor. Therefore, in this paper, we apply a modeling framework for analyzing and deriving the relevance of the reports from the views of similarity and relation between the models. This paper presents the procedures of modeling incident information described in the reports. Moreover, as case studies, we apply the modeling method to some actual incident reports and compare their models.

  • On the Optimal Configuration of Grouping-Based Framed Slotted ALOHA

    Young-Beom KIM  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E101-D No:11

    In this letter, we consider several optimization problems associated with the configuration of grouping-based framed slotted ALOHA protocols. Closed-form formulas for determining the optimal values of system parameters such as the process termination time and confidence levels for partitioned groups are presented. Further, we address the maximum group size required for meaningful grouping gain and the effectiveness of the grouping technique in light of signaling overhead.

  • A Line Coding for Digital RF Transmitter Using a 1-Bit Band-Pass Delta-Sigma Modulator

    Takashi MAEHATA  Suguru KAMEDA  Noriharu SUEMATSU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E101-B No:11

    The 1-bit digital radio frequency (DRF) transmitter using a band-pass delta-sigma modulator (BP-DSM) can output a radio frequency (RF) signal carrying a binary data stream with a constant data rate regardless of the carrier frequency, which makes it possible to transmit RF signals over digital optical links with a constant bit rate. However, the optical link requires a line coding, such as 8B10B or 64B66B, to constrain runlength and disparity, and the line coding corrupts the DRF power spectrum owing to additional or encoded data. This paper proposes a new line coding for BP-DSM, which is able to control the runlength and the disparity of the 1-bit data stream by adding a notch filter to the BP-DSM that suppresses the low frequency components. The notch filter stimulates the data change and balances the direct current (DC) components. It is demonstrated that the proposed line coding shortens the runlength from 50 bits to less than 8 bits and reduces the disparity from several thousand bits to 5 bits when the 1-bit DRF transmitter outputs an LTE signal with 5 MHz bandwidth, when using carrier frequencies from 0.5GHz to 2GHz and an output power variation of 60dB.

  • A High Gain Soft Switching Interleaved DC-DC Converter

    Sirous TALEBI  Ehsan ADIB  Majid DELSHAD  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E101-C No:11

    This paper presents a high step-up DC-DC converter for low voltage sources such as solar cells, fuel cells and battery banks. A novel non isolated Zero-Voltage Switching (ZVS) interleaved DC-DC boost converter condition is introduced. In this converter, by using coupled inductor and active clamp circuit, the stored energy in leakage inductor is recycled. Furthermore, ZVS turn on condition for both main and clamp switches are provided. The active clamp circuit suppresses voltage spikes across the main switch and the voltage of clamp capacitor leads to higher voltage gain. In the proposed converter, by applying interleaved technique, input current ripple and also conduction losses are decreased. Also, with simple and effective method without applying any additional element, the input ripple due to couple inductors and active clamp circuit is cancelled to achieve a smooth low ripple input current. In addition, the applied technique in this paper leads to increasing the life cycle of circuit components which makes the proposed converter suitable for high power applications. Finally an experimental prototype of the presented converter with 40 V input voltage, 400 V output voltage and 200 W output power is implemented which verifies the theoretical analysis.

  • Speeding up Extreme Multi-Label Classifier by Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search

    Yukihiro TAGAMI  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E101-D No:11

    Extreme multi-label classification methods have been widely used in Web-scale classification tasks such as Web page tagging and product recommendation. In this paper, we present a novel graph embedding method called “AnnexML”. At the training step, AnnexML constructs a k-nearest neighbor graph of label vectors and attempts to reproduce the graph structure in the embedding space. The prediction is efficiently performed by using an approximate nearest neighbor search method that efficiently explores the learned k-nearest neighbor graph in the embedding space. We conducted evaluations on several large-scale real-world data sets and compared our method with recent state-of-the-art methods. Experimental results show that our AnnexML can significantly improve prediction accuracy, especially on data sets that have a larger label space. In addition, AnnexML improves the trade-off between prediction time and accuracy. At the same level of accuracy, the prediction time of AnnexML was up to 58 times faster than that of SLEEC, a state-of-the-art embedding-based method.

  • Adjusting Holdoff Algorithm Dynamically According to Network Conditions for Improving Performance of Wireless Mesh Networks

    Santong LI  Xuejun TIAN  Takashi OKUDA  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E101-B No:11

    Unlike Wi-Fi, Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) technology provides a high-speed communication in a wide area. The IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX) standard of wireless mesh networks is one of the widely used BWA standards. WiMAX mesh mode achieves data transmission in conflict-free manner in multihop networks by using the control messages (three way handshake messages or MSH-DSCH messages) to reserve channel for sending data. Concurrently, the coordination of three way handshake messages depends on the mechanism named Election based Transmission Timing (EBTT). However, IEEE 802.16 mesh mode uses a static holdoff algorithm, which leads to a low performance in the majority of cases. In this paper, after analyzing the IEEE 802.16 mesh mode with coordinated distributed scheduling, we propose a novel method to improve the throughput by a dynamic holdoff algorithm. The simulation results show that our proposal gets a better throughput performance.

  • Dose-Volume Histogram Evaluations Using Sparsely Measured Radial Data from Two-Dimensional Dose Detectors

    Yasushi ONO  Katsuya KONDO  Kazu MISHIBA  


    E101-A No:11

    Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), which irradiates doses to a target organ, calculates the irradiation dose using the radiation treatment planning system (RTPS). The irradiation quality is ensured by verifying that the dose distribution planned by RTPS is the same as the data measured by two-dimensional (2D) detectors. Since an actual three-dimensional (3D) distribution of irradiated dose spreads complicatedly, it is different from that of RTPS. Therefore, it is preferable to evaluate by using not only RTPS, but also actual irradiation dose distribution. In this paper, in order to perform a dose-volume histogram (DVH) evaluation of the irradiation dose distribution, we propose a method of correcting the dose distribution of RTPS by using sparsely measured radial data from 2D dose detectors. And we perform a DVH evaluation of irradiation dose distribution and we show that the proposed method contributes to high-precision DVH evaluation. The experimental results show that the estimates are in good agreement with the measured data from the 2D detectors and that the peak signal to noise ratio and the structural similarity indexes of the estimates are more accurate than those of RTPS. Therefore, we present the possibility of an evaluation of the actual irradiation dose distribution using measured data in a limited observation direction.

  • A New Discrete Gaussian Sampler over Orthogonal Lattices

    Dianyan XIAO  Yang YU  Jingguo BI  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E101-A No:11

    Discrete Gaussian is a cornerstone of many lattice-based cryptographic constructions. Aiming at the orthogonal lattice of a vector, we propose a discrete Gaussian rejection sampling algorithm, by modifying the dynamic programming process for subset sum problems. Within O(nq2) time, our algorithm generates a distribution statistically indistinguishable from discrete Gaussian at width s>ω(log n). Moreover, we apply our sampling algorithm to general high-dimensional dense lattices, and orthogonal lattices of matrices $matAinZ_q^{O(1) imes n}$. Compared with previous polynomial-time discrete Gaussian samplers, our algorithm does not rely on the short basis.

  • A Comparison Study on Front- and Back-of-Device Touch Input for Handheld Displays

    Liang CHEN  Dongyi CHEN  Xiao CHEN  


    E101-C No:11

    Touch screen has become the mainstream manipulation technique on handheld devices. However, its innate limitations, e.g. the occlusion problem and fat finger problem, lower user experience in many use scenarios on handheld displays. Back-of-device interaction, which makes use of input units on the rear of a device for interaction, is one of the most promising approaches to address the above problems. In this paper, we present the findings of a user study in which we explored users' pointing performances in using two types of touch input on handheld devices. The results indicate that front-of-device touch input is averagely about two times as fast as back-of-device touch input but with higher error rates especially in acquiring the narrower targets. Based on the results of our study, we argue that in the premise of keeping the functionalities and layouts of current mainstream user interfaces back-of-device touch input should be treated as a supplement to front-of-device touch input rather than a replacement.

  • Tag-KEM/DEM Framework for Public-Key Encryption with Non-Interactive Opening

    Yusuke SAKAI  Takahiro MATSUDA  Goichiro HANAOKA  

    PAPER-Cryptographic Techniques

    E101-D No:11

    In a large-scale information-sharing platform, such as a cloud storage, it is often required to not only securely protect sensitive information but also recover it in a reliable manner. Public-key encryption with non-interactive opening (PKENO) is considered as a suitable cryptographic tool for this requirement. This primitive is an extension of public-key encryption which enables a receiver to provide a non-interactive proof which confirms that a given ciphertext is decrypted to some public plaintext. In this paper, we present a Tag-KEM/DEM framework for PKENO. In particular, we define a new cryptographic primitive called a Tag-KEM with non-interactive opening (Tag-KEMNO), and prove the KEM/DEM composition theorem for this primitives, which ensures a key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) and a data encapsulation mechanism (DEM) can be, under certain conditions, combined to form a secure PKENO scheme. This theorem provides a secure way of combining a Tag-KEMNO scheme with a DEM scheme to construct a secure PKENO scheme. Using this framework, we explain the essence of existing constructions of PKENO. Furthermore, we present four constructions of Tag-KEMNO, which yields four PKENO constructions. These PKENO constructions coincide with the existing constructions, thereby we explain the essence of these existing constructions. In addition, our Tag-KEMNO framework enables us to expand the plaintext space of a PKENO scheme. Some of the previous PKENO schemes are only able to encrypt a plaintext of restricted length, and there has been no known way to expand this restricted plaintext space to the space of arbitrary-length plaintexts. Using our framework, we can obtain a PKENO scheme with the unbounded-length plaintext space by modifying and adapting such a PKENO scheme with a bounded-length plaintext space.

  • Automatically Generating Malware Analysis Reports Using Sandbox Logs

    Bo SUN  Akinori FUJINO  Tatsuya MORI  Tao BAN  Takeshi TAKAHASHI  Daisuke INOUE  

    PAPER-Network Security

    E101-D No:11

    Analyzing a malware sample requires much more time and cost than creating it. To understand the behavior of a given malware sample, security analysts often make use of API call logs collected by the dynamic malware analysis tools such as a sandbox. As the amount of the log generated for a malware sample could become tremendously large, inspecting the log requires a time-consuming effort. Meanwhile, antivirus vendors usually publish malware analysis reports (vendor reports) on their websites. These malware analysis reports are the results of careful analysis done by security experts. The problem is that even though there are such analyzed examples for malware samples, associating the vendor reports with the sandbox logs is difficult. This makes security analysts not able to retrieve useful information described in vendor reports. To address this issue, we developed a system called AMAR-Generator that aims to automate the generation of malware analysis reports based on sandbox logs by making use of existing vendor reports. Aiming at a convenient assistant tool for security analysts, our system employs techniques including template matching, API behavior mapping, and malicious behavior database to produce concise human-readable reports that describe the malicious behaviors of malware programs. Through the performance evaluation, we first demonstrate that AMAR-Generator can generate human-readable reports that can be used by a security analyst as the first step of the malware analysis. We also demonstrate that AMAR-Generator can identify the malicious behaviors that are conducted by malware from the sandbox logs; the detection rates are up to 96.74%, 100%, and 74.87% on the sandbox logs collected in 2013, 2014, and 2015, respectively. We also present that it can detect malicious behaviors from unknown types of sandbox logs.
