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  • Stemming Malay Text and Its Application in Automatic Text Categorization

    Michiko YASUKAWA  Hui Tian LIM  Hidetoshi YOKOO  

    PAPER-Document Analysis

    E92-D No:12

    In Malay language, there are no conjugations and declensions and affixes have important grammatical functions. In Malay, the same word may function as a noun, an adjective, an adverb, or, a verb, depending on its position in the sentence. Although extensively simple root words are used in informal conversations, it is essential to use the precise words in formal speech or written texts. In Malay, to make sentences clear, derivative words are used. Derivation is achieved mainly by the use of affixes. There are approximately a hundred possible derivative forms of a root word in written language of the educated Malay. Therefore, the composition of Malay words may be complicated. Although there are several types of stemming algorithms available for text processing in English and some other languages, they cannot be used to overcome the difficulties in Malay word stemming. Stemming is the process of reducing various words to their root forms in order to improve the effectiveness of text processing in information systems. It is essential to avoid both over-stemming and under-stemming errors. We have developed a new Malay stemmer (stemming algorithm) for removing inflectional and derivational affixes. Our stemmer uses a set of affix rules and two types of dictionaries: a root-word dictionary and a derivative-word dictionary. The use of set of rules is aimed at reducing the occurrence of under-stemming errors, while that of the dictionaries is believed to reduce the occurrence of over-stemming errors. We performed an experiment to evaluate the application of our stemmer in text mining software. For the experiment, text data used were actual web pages collected from the World Wide Web to demonstrate the effectiveness of our Malay stemming algorithm. The experimental results showed that our stemmer can effectively increase the precision of the extracted Boolean expressions for text categorization.

  • Optimization of Polarimetric Contrast Enhancement Based on Fisher Criterion

    Qiming DENG  Jiong CHEN  Jian YANG  


    E92-B No:12

    The optimization of polarimetric contrast enhancement (OPCE) is a widely used method for maximizing the received power ratio of a desired target versus an undesired target (clutter). In this letter, a new model of the OPCE is proposed based on the Fisher criterion. By introducing the well known two-class problem of linear discriminant analysis (LDA), the proposed model is to enlarge the normalized distance of mean value between the target and the clutter. In addition, a cross-iterative numerical method is proposed for solving the optimization with a quadratic constraint. Experimental results with the polarimetric SAR (POLSAR) data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Co-clustering with Recursive Elimination for Verb Synonym Extraction from Large Text Corpus

    Koichi TAKEUCHI  Hideyuki TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Linguistic Knowledge Acquisition

    E92-D No:12

    The extraction of verb synonyms is a key technology to build a verb dictionary as a language resource. This paper presents a co-clustering-based verb synonym extraction approach that increases the number of extracted meanings of polysemous verbs from a large text corpus. For verb synonym extraction with a clustering approach dealing with polysemous verbs can be one problem issue because each polysemous verb should be categorized into different clusters depending on each meaning; thus there is a high possibility of failing to extract some of the meanings of polysemous verbs. Our proposed approach can extract the different meanings of polysemous verbs by recursively eliminating the extracted clusters from the initial data set. The experimental results of verb synonym extraction show that the proposed approach increases the correct verb clusters by about 50% with a 0.9% increase in precision and a 1.5% increase in recall over the previous approach.

  • Estimation of Bridge Height over Water from Polarimetric SAR Image Data Using Mapping and Projection Algorithm and De-Orientation Theory

    Haipeng WANG  Feng XU  Ya-Qiu JIN  Kazuo OUCHI  


    E92-B No:12

    An inversion method of bridge height over water by polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is developed. A geometric ray description to illustrate scattering mechanism of a bridge over water surface is identified by polarimetric image analysis. Using the mapping and projecting algorithm, a polarimetric SAR image of a bridge model is first simulated and shows that scattering from a bridge over water can be identified by three strip lines corresponding to single-, double-, and triple-order scattering, respectively. A set of polarimetric parameters based on the de-orientation theory is applied to analysis of three types scattering, and the thinning-clustering algorithm and Hough transform are then employed to locate the image positions of these strip lines. These lines are used to invert the bridge height. Fully polarimetric image data of airborne Pi-SAR at X-band are applied to inversion of the height and width of the Naruto Bridge in Japan. Based on the same principle, this approach is also applicable to spaceborne ALOSPALSAR single-polarization data of the Eastern Ocean Bridge in China. The results show good feasibility to realize the bridge height inversion.

  • On the Performance of Two-Way Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks

    Trung Quang DUONG  Le-Nam HOANG  Vo Nguyen Quoc BAO  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:12

    The performance of two-way amplify-and-forward (AF) relay networks is presented. In particular, we derive exact closed-form expressions for symbol error rate (SER), average sum-rate, and outage probability of two-way AF relay systems in independent but not identically distributed (i.n.i.d.) Rayleigh fading channels. Our analysis is validated by a comparison against the results of Monte-Carlo simulations.

  • Fast Mode Decision on the Enhancement Layer in H.264 Scalable Extension

    Tae-Kyoung KIM  Jeong-Hwan BOO  Sang Ju PARK  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E92-D No:12

    Scalable video coding (SVC) was standardized as an extension of H.264/AVC by the JVT (Joint Video Team) in Nov. 2007. The biggest feature of SVC is multi-layered coding where two or more video sequences are compressed into a single bit-stream. This letter proposes a fast block mode decision algorithm in spatial enhancement layer of SVC. The proposed algorithm achieves early decision by limiting the number of candidate modes for block with certain characteristic called same motion vector block (SMVB). Our proposed method reduces the complexity, in terms of encoding time by up to 66.17%. Nevertheless, it shows negligible PSNR degradation by only up to 0.16 dB and increases the bit-rate by only up to 0.64%, respectively.

  • A System-Level Model of Design Space Exploration for a Tile-Based 3D Graphics SoC Refinement

    Liang-Bi CHEN  Chi-Tsai YEH  Hung-Yu CHEN  Ing-Jer HUANG  

    PAPER-Embedded, Real-Time and Reconfigurable Systems

    E92-A No:12

    3D graphics application is widely used in consumer electronics which is an inevitable tendency in the future. In general, the higher abstraction level is used to model a complex system like 3D graphics SoC. However, the concerned issue is that how to use efficient methods to traverse design space hierarchically, reduce simulation time, and refine the performance fast. This paper demonstrates a system-level design space exploration model for a tile-based 3D graphics SoC refinement. This model uses UML tools which can assist designers to traverse the whole system and reduces simulation time dramatically by adopting SystemC. As a result, the system performance is improved 198% at geometry function and 69% at rendering function, respectively.

  • Filter Size Determination of Moving Average Filters for Extended Differential Detection of OFDM Preambles

    Minjoong RIM  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:12

    OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) is widely used in wideband wireless communication systems due to its excellent performance. One of the most important operations in OFDM receivers is preamble detection. This paper addresses a general form of extended differential detection methods, which is a combination of differential detection and a moving average filter. This paper also presents a filter size determination method that achieves satisfactory performance in various channel environments.

  • Low-Power Based Coherent Acoustic Modem for High-Speed Communication in Underwater Sensor Networks

    Heungwoo NAM  Sunshin AN  


    E92-B No:12

    As the need for underwater communication has recently grown, an acoustic modem has become more necessary for the sensor nodes to perform effective underwater communication. To develop acoustic modems for effective underwater communication, some limitations must be overcome, such as the limited power supply and high cost of commercial acoustic modems. Recently, low-power, low-cost acoustic modems have been developed. However, the data rates of these modems are very slow. The objective of this work is to develop an acoustic modem capable of supporting high data rates. We introduce a coherent acoustic modem that uses waterproof ultrasonic sensors to process acoustic waves. The proposed modem is based on a low-power, low-cost, short-range concept, and it also supports a high data rate as confirmed by underwater experiments. Experimental results show that our modem has the best performance among all recently developed low-power modems.

  • Constructions of Factorizable Multilevel Hadamard Matrices

    Shinya MATSUFUJI  Pingzhi FAN  

    LETTER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E92-A No:12

    Factorization of Hadamard matrices can provide fast algorithm and facilitate efficient hardware realization. In this letter, constructions of factorizable multilevel Hadamard matrices, which can be considered as special case of unitary matrices, are inverstigated. In particular, a class of ternary Hadamard matrices, together with its application, is presented.

  • A Multi-Layered Immune System for Graph Planarization Problem

    Shangce GAO  Rong-Long WANG  Hiroki TAMURA  Zheng TANG  

    PAPER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E92-D No:12

    This paper presents a new multi-layered artificial immune system architecture using the ideas generated from the biological immune system for solving combinatorial optimization problems. The proposed methodology is composed of five layers. After expressing the problem as a suitable representation in the first layer, the search space and the features of the problem are estimated and extracted in the second and third layers, respectively. Through taking advantage of the minimized search space from estimation and the heuristic information from extraction, the antibodies (or solutions) are evolved in the fourth layer and finally the fittest antibody is exported. In order to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed system, the graph planarization problem is tested. Simulation results based on several benchmark instances show that the proposed algorithm performs better than traditional algorithms.

  • Semi Empirical Approach to the Charge Transport Characteristics of Molecular Junctions

    Aruna P. PRIYA  Preferencial C. KALA  John D. THIRUVADIGAL  

    PAPER-Fundamentals for Nanodevices

    E92-C No:12

    The idea of using molecules and molecular structures as functional electronic device, promises to substantially decrease the size and improve the performance of electronic devices. In this paper, nonequilibrium Green's function formalism (NEGF) combined with extended Huckel theory (EHT), a semiempirical approach is used to study the electron transport phenomenon in single molecular junction systems. Benzene diamine molecule is studied to investigate the bonding of amine group to gold electrodes and the electron transport across the junction. The results are compared with that of benzene dithiol molecule with thiol end groups. Furthermore, the influence of charging and torsion angle on the transport characteristics is emphasized.

  • Voltage and Level-Shifter Assignment Driven Floorplanning

    Bei YU  Sheqin DONG  Song CHEN  Satoshi GOTO  

    PAPER-Physical Level Desing

    E92-A No:12

    Low Power Design has become a significant requirement when the CMOS technology entered the nanometer era. Multiple-Supply Voltage (MSV) is a popular and effective method for both dynamic and static power reduction while maintaining performance. Level shifters may cause area and Interconnect Length Overhead (ILO), and should be considered at both floorplanning and post-floorplanning stages. In this paper, we propose a two phases algorithm framework, called VLSAF, to solve voltage and level shifter assignment problem. At floorplanning phase, we use a convex cost network flow algorithm to assign voltage and a minimum cost flow algorithm to handle level-shifter assignment. At post-floorplanning phase, a heuristic method is adopted to redistribute white spaces and calculate the positions and shapes of level shifters. The experimental results show VLSAF is effective.

  • Robust Spectrum Sensing Algorithms for Cognitive Radio Application by Using Distributed Sensors

    Yohannes D. ALEMSEGED  Chen SUN  Ha Nguyen TRAN  Hiroshi HARADA  

    PAPER-Spectrum Sensing

    E92-B No:12

    Due to the advancement of software radio and RF technology, cognitive radio(CR) has become an enabling technology to realize dynamic spectrum access through its spectrum sensing and reconfiguration capability. Robust and reliable spectrum sensing is a key factor to discover spectrum opportunity. Single cognitive radios often fail to provide such reliable information because of their inherent sensitivity limitation. Primary signals that are subject to detection by cognitive radios may become weak due to several factors such as fading and shadowing. One approach to overcome this problem is to perform spectrum sensing by using multiple CRs or multiple spectrum sensors. This approach is known as distributed sensing because sensing is carried out through cooperation of spatially distributed sensors. In distributed sensing, sensors should perform spectrum sensing and forward the result to a destination where data fusion is carried out. Depending on the channel conditions between sensors (sensor-to-sensor channel) and between the sensor and the radio (user-channel), we explore different spectrum sensing algorithms where sensors provide the sensing information either cooperatively or independently. Moreover we investigate sensing schemes based on soft information combining (SC), hard information combining (HC). Finally we propose a two-stage detection scheme that uses both SC and HC. The newly proposed detection scheme is shown to provide improved performance compared to sensing based on either HC or SC alone. Computer simulation results are provided to illustrate the performances of the different sensing algorithms.

  • Joint Chinese Word Segmentation and POS Tagging Using an Error-Driven Word-Character Hybrid Model

    Canasai KRUENGKRAI  Kiyotaka UCHIMOTO  Jun'ichi KAZAMA  Yiou WANG  Kentaro TORISAWA  Hitoshi ISAHARA  

    PAPER-Morphological/Syntactic Analysis

    E92-D No:12

    In this paper, we present a discriminative word-character hybrid model for joint Chinese word segmentation and POS tagging. Our word-character hybrid model offers high performance since it can handle both known and unknown words. We describe our strategies that yield good balance for learning the characteristics of known and unknown words and propose an error-driven policy that delivers such balance by acquiring examples of unknown words from particular errors in a training corpus. We describe an efficient framework for training our model based on the Margin Infused Relaxed Algorithm (MIRA), evaluate our approach on the Penn Chinese Treebank, and show that it achieves superior performance compared to the state-of-the-art approaches reported in the literature.

  • Driving Techniques for Long Sustain Gap AC PDP Using LaB6 Cathode

    Tomokazu SHIGA  Masao ONO  Shinichi HARA  Satoshi KUSAKARI  Yoshifumi AMANO  


    E92-C No:11

    A replacement of an expensive MgO protective layer with relatively inexpensive Lanthanum Hexa Boride (LaB6) has already been proposed. Since LaB6 is not transparent, unlike MgO, the LaB6 panel employs a long sustain gap structure. Since the sustain gap is 2.6 times larger than the distance between sustain and address electrodes, different driving methods from those of the conventional PDPs have to be adopted. For the driving technique of the sustain period, an application of delayed auxiliary pulses on A electrode and the overlap sustain pulse drive are proposed. Luminance degradation with higher sustain frequency driving can be compensated by use of a 2step sustain pulse driving. Low reset luminance and low address voltage are achieved with a square-ramp technique for the reset period. TV operation is successfully realized on AC PDP which incorporated the LaB6 cathodes.

  • Characterization of Left-Handed Traveling-Wave Transistors

    Shun NAKAGAWA  Koichi NARAHARA  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E92-C No:11

    The characteristics of a left-handed traveling-wave transistor, which is formulated as two composite right- and left-handed (CRLH) transmission lines with both passive and active couplings, are discussed for generating unattenuated waves having left-handedness. The design criteria for convective instability are described, together with results of numerical calculations that solve the transmission equation for the device.

  • Realization of Simple Antenna System Using ETS-VIII Satellite for Land Vehicle Communications

    BASARI  M. Fauzan E. PURNOMO  Kazuyuki SAITO  Masaharu TAKAHASHI  Koichi ITO  


    E92-B No:11

    This paper presents a realization of a simple antenna system for land vehicle satellite communication that is tested in experiments conducted on the Engineering Test Satellite-VIII (ETS-VIII). The developed antenna system which was mounted onto a vehicle roof is compact, light weight with simple satellite-tracking operation. In order to realize compact antennas, an onboard-power divider and switching circuit for antenna feeding control are mounted under the array antenna. A Global Positioning System (GPS) module is used to provide accurate information on the vehicle's position and bearing during travelling. A personal computer (PC) is used as the control unit and data logger, which was specifically designed for this application, allow the switching circuit control as well as the retrieving of the received power levels and error rate. The field tests reported in this paper mainly address the tracking performance of the proposed antenna system. Satisfactory results were obtained. Good received power levels and bit error rate (BER) for tracking the ETS-VIII satellite were confirmed. Furthermore, in order to grasp the environmental factors that impact the quality of land vehicle communications, we carefully captured data at obstacles such as buildings, foliages, utility poles and highway overpasses. The results showed blockage and shadowing was confirmed. Additionally, when the antenna was tested at the inclined-road for simple propagation characteristics in elevation direction, stable reception of the satellite signals was realized.

  • Mobile Viewer System Consisting of Mobile Phone and 13.1-Inch 4096-Color Electronic Paper Display Open Access

    Kosuke NISHIMURA  


    E92-C No:11

    A prototype of a novel mobile viewer system consisting of a mobile phone and a 13.1-inch 4096-color electronic paper display has been developed. The basic concept of the system, the technological study for realizing the concept, and the specifications of the prototype are described. Possible applications of the system are also proposed.

  • Dynamic Load Balancing Method Based on Congestion Prediction for IP/LEO Satellite Networks

    Daigo KUDOH  Kenichi KASHIBUCHI  Hiroki NISHIYAMA  Nei KATO  


    E92-B No:11

    In Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite networks, the user distributions are unbalanced due to the geography and the population dispersion. As a result, some satellites have few traffic loads, while others have heavy traffic loads which often lead to congestion events. In this paper, we propose a novel load balancing method based on congestion prediction. In the proposed method, each satellite detects areas where congestion often occurs and conveys their positions to its adjacent satellites. In those areas, the concerned satellites perform load balancing algorithms to prevent congestion. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated through a number of simulations. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme improves packet drop rate, end-to-end delay, and throughput.
