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  • A Study of Aspect Calculus

    Kazuo HASHIMOTO  Tohru ASAMI  Seiichi YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Foundations of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Processing

    E75-A No:3

    Since Vendler classified aspect into four categories, state, achievement, activity, and accomplishment, much effort has been made to define the notion of aspect logically. It is commonly agreed that aspect represents the general temporal characteristics of events and states. However, there still remains a considerable amount of disagreement about its formal treatment. One of the major problems is that the aspect of a sentence shifts by certain types of sentence construction. For instance, adding time adverbials to a sentence modifies the original aspect, taking the progressive form of the verb changes the aspect, and so on. These phenomena are known as the aspect shifts. The other is the problem known as the imperfective paradox. The imperfective paradox is a problem of the truth definition of the progressives. The truth condition of the progressive form of the sentence is defined at an internal subinterval of the temporal range of the corresponding non-progressive sentence. If the truth condition of the progressive form of the sentence is defined using the truth condition of the non-progressive form of the sentence, there are logical contradictions of truth definition in a sentence such as "Max was building a house, but he never built it". These problems cause much confusion (1) in the truth definition of aspects, (2) in the definition of aspect operations, such as initiative, terminative, progressive, perfective, etc., and also (3) in the definition of adding time adverbials. This paper reviews the semantic problems with respect to aspect, and presents a consistent mechanism of aspect interpretation in order to settle all these semantic puzzles at once. For the sake of logical clarity, we construct a formal language, Lt, where every meaningful formula is a pair of a meaningful sentence and its aspect. The syntax of Lt describes the phenomenology of aspect shifts. The semantics of Lt defines temporal interpretation for all the meaningful sentences of Lt, with assuming the temporal interpretations of three inherent aspects, state, achievement, and activity. The proposed aspect interpretation gives a reasonable account for aspect shifts, and solves the imperfective paradox by asssuming the time structure to be backwards linear.

  • Linear Time Fault Simulation Algorithm Using a Content Addressable Memory

    Nagisa ISHIURA  Shuzo YAJIMA  


    E75-A No:3

    This paper presents a new fast fault simulation algorithm using a content addressable memory, which deals with zero-delay fault simulation of gate-level synchronous sequential circuits. The computation time of fault simulation for a single vector under the single stuck-at fault model is O(n2) for all the existing fault simulation algorithms on a sequential computers. The new algorithm attempts to reduce the computation time by processing many faults at a time by utilizing a property that a content addressable memory can be regarded as an SIMD type parallel computation machine. According to theoretical estimation, the speed performance of a simulator based on the proposed algorithm is equivalent to a fast fault simulator implemented on a vector supercomputer for a circuit of about 2400 gates.

  • A Linear-Time Algorithm for Computing All 3-Edge-Connected Components of a Multigraph

    Satoshi TAOKA  Toshimasa WATANABE  Kenji ONAGA  


    E75-A No:3

    The subject of the paper is to propose a simple O(|V|+|E|) algorithm for finding all 3-edge-components of a given undirected multigraph G=(V, E). An 3-edge-connected component of G is defined as a maximal set of vertices such that G has at least three edge-disjoint paths between every pair of vertices in the set. The algorithm is based on the depth-first search (DFS) technique. For any fixed DFS-tree T of G, cutpairs of G are partitioned into two types: a type 1 pair consists of an edge of T and a back edge; a type 2 pair consists of two edges of T. All type 1 pairs can easily be determined in O(|V|+|E|) time. The point is that an edge set KE(T) in which any type 2 pair is included can be found in O(|V|+|E|) time. All 3-edge-components of G appear as connected components if we delete from G all edges contained in type 1 pairs or in the edge set KE(T).

  • Stabilization of Power Line Impedance for Radiated EMI Level Measurement

    Atsuya MAEDA  


    E75-B No:3

    It is important to develop methods of measuring radiated electromagnetic interference level that will produce identical results at all measuring locations. We have considered a number of problems which prevent the achievement of identical results, and proposed some solutions. However, agreement of measurement values adequate for practical purposes has not been achieved. After our successive studies, we finally became aware that there is a causal relationship with changes in the line-to-ground impedance of the power supply. It is presumed that power cables of AC-powered devices operate as antenna elements that produce emission. Thus changes in the power line-to-ground impedance cause variations in the radiation efficiency to produce a different EMI level. We therefore made plans to measure the values of line-to-ground impedance at the AC power outlet for the frequency range of 100kHz to 500MHz at various locations where measurements are made of EMI from EUT (Equipment Under Test). The impedance varies greatly between 6ohms and 2 k-ohm, not only according to the frequency, but also according to the measurement location. In such cases, the EMI level shows a different value even with the same EUT, and it usually increases-especially for vertical polarization. We have developed a new type of LISN (Line Impedance Stabilization Network or Artificial Mains Network) to stabilize the power line-to-ground impedance to get consistent measurement conditions. The LISN consists of feed-through capacitors and an disk type RF resistor. The measurements confirm the consistency in the impedance value which is maintained at 50 ohms in the frequency range from 1MHz to 500MHz. Thus the newly developed LISN improves consistency of measurement values at all locations, while it was difficult to obtain good correlation before employing the LISN. We feel confident that incorporation of the method discussed here in the pertinent technical standards of EMI measurements, such as CISPR, would lead to a major improvement in getting consistent measurements values.

  • Magnetic Radiations from Harness Wires of Spacecraft

    Minoru TSUTSUI  Hirotsugu KOJIMA  Isamu NAGANO  Hiroaki SATO  Toshimi OKADA  Hiroshi MATSUMOTO  Toshifumi MUKAI  Masayoshi KAWAGUCHI  


    E75-B No:3

    Radiation properties of magnetic noise from the harness wires of a spacecraft (GEOTAIL) have been studied experimentally and theoretically. A simulation experiment on the noise radiation using a minimum set of subsystems of the spacecraft has shown that the intensity and the directional patterns of the noise radiation from the wires were largely changed by the existence of a conductive plate near the harness wires. The change in the noise characteristics is explained by eddy currents induced in the conductive plate by the signal current flowing in the wires. The eddy currents distributed in the conductive plate were calculated by the Finite Element analysis Method (FEM). The magnetic flux densities calculated from both the source signal current and its induced eddy currents for the wiring configuration of the simulation experiment have shown to be consistent with the values obtained in the experiment. The results in the present study have provided us an important information on a wiring method to diminish noise radiation from harness wires.

  • Bifurcation Phenomena of a Distributed Parameter System with a Nonlinear Element Having Negative Resistance

    Hideo NAKANO  Hideaki OKAZAKI  


    E75-A No:3

    Dynamic behavior of a distributed parameter system described by the one-dimensional wave equation with a nonlinear boundary condition is examined in detail using a graphical method proposed by Witt on a digital computer. The bifurcation diagram, homoclinic orbit and one-dimensional map are obtained and examined. Results using an analog simulator are introduced and compared with that of the graphical method. The discrepancy between these results is considered, and from the comparison among the bifurcation diagrams obtained by the graphical method, it is denoted that the energy dissipation in the system considerably restrains the chaotic state in the bifurcation process.

  • Bicriteria Network Optimization Problems

    Naoki KATOH  


    E75-A No:3

    This paper presents a survey on bicriteria network optimization problems. When there are two conflicting criteria that evaluate the solution, the bicriteria optimization is to find a solution for which these criteria are both acceptably satisfied. Standard approaches to these problems are to combine these two criteria into an aggregated single criterion. Among such problems, this paper first deals with the case in which the aggregated objective function, denoted h(f1(x), f2(x)), is convex in original two objectives f1(x) and f2(x), and, as its special case, it reviews a strongly polynomial algorithm for the bicriteria minimum-cost circulation problem. It then discusses the case in which h is concave and demonstrates that a parametric approach is effective for this case. Several interesting applications in network optimization that belong to this class are also introduced. Finally we deal with the minimum range problems which seek to find a solution such that weights of the components used in the solution are most uniform. We shall present efficient algorithms for solving these problems arised in network optimization.

  • Anechoic Chambers for EMI Test

    Yasutaka SHIMIZU  


    E75-B No:3

    Anechoic chambers have been effectively used for microwave propagation, electromagnetic interference (EMI) and immunity testing. The electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problem has recently become serious and many of these chambers have been constructed. The results of a questionnaire survey sent to anechoic chamber manufacturers are described that a total of 450 anechoic chambers have been constructed in Japan since 1964. Twenty years ago the purpose of the chambers was microwave propagation research, but more than 50 each year have recently being built for EMC/EMI and immunity testing. Their size has gradually been reduced by the use of absorbing materials such as ferrite with dielectric materials. The lowest frequency of most chambers is 30MHz for the 3 m method of site attenuation.

  • Analysis of Multiple Reflections by Transfer Functions of Transmission Line Networks with Branches and Its Application

    Iwata SAKAGAMI  Akihiro KAJI  Tomoaki USAMI  


    E75-B No:3

    Networks in this paper consist of non-commensurate transmission lines with branches and branching resistors at junctions. When signals on a transmission line are divided multiple ways at the junctions of branched lines, multiple reflection waves occur by the impedance mismatching. For the analysis of multiple reflections and network design, lattice diagrams have been used so far. However, the expansions of network transfer functions provide an easier way for the same purpose as in the case of lattice diagram. The output transient responses can be directly calculated from the expansions of network transfer functions or can be numerically calculated by software such as the fast Laplace transform. Therefore, once the network transfer functions are given, calculation of transient responses can be carried out quite easily. In this paper, the expansions of network transfer functions have been derived with respect to delay elements ξi=exp(-sτi) by formularizing the propagation of multiple reflection waves, and then the multi-variable rational network transfer functions have been obtained from the expansions. As an example, a 3-port transmission line network with normalized characteristic impedances 1, 1, 6 and normalized branching resistors 1/23, 1/23, 126/23 has been taken up. As the terminal resistances at output ports can be determined from the relation of the first arriving wave to the steady state, the design of 3-port transmission line networks which will furnish output waveforms similar to the waveform of the input within given tolerances has been considered. The output waveforms have been calculated for pure terminal resistances and for the pure terminal resistances plus parasitic parallel capacitances.

  • Analog VLSI Implementation of Adaptive Algorithms by an Extended Hebbian Synapse Circuit

    Takashi MORIE  Osamu FUJITA  Yoshihito AMEMIYA  


    E75-C No:3

    First, a number of issues pertaining to analog VLSI implementation of Backpropagation (BP) and Deterministic Boltzmann Machine (DBM) learning algorithms are clarified. According to the results from software simulation, a mismatch between the activation function and derivative generated by independent circuits degrades the BP learning performance. The perfomance can be improved, however, by adjusting the gain of the activation function used to obtain the derivative, irrespective of the original activation function. Calculation errors embedded in the circuits also degrade the learning preformance. BP learning is sensitive to offset errors in multiplication in the learning process, and DBM learning is sensitive to asymmetry between the weight increment and decrement processes. Next, an analog VLSI architecture for implementing the algorithms using common building block circuits is proposed. The evaluation results of test chips confirm that synaptic weights can be updated up to 1 MHz and that a resolution exceeding 14 bits can be attained. The test chips successfully perform XOR learning using each algorithm.

  • A Layout System for Mixed A/D Standard Cell LSI's

    Ikuo HARADA  Hitoshi KITAZAWA  Takao KANEKO  


    E75-C No:3

    A layout system for mixed analog/digital standard cell LSI's is described. The system includes interactive floorplan and placement features and automatic global and channel router. In mixed analog/digital circuits, crosstalk noise causes chip performance degradation. Thus, the proposed global routing algorithm routes analog nets in areas that are free of digital nets as much as possible. The number of line crossovers, especially for analog nets, is minimized by both global and detailed routers, because these crossovers are the dominant factors in the crosstalk noise. Double width lines can be used to avoid unexpected voltage drops caused by parasitic resistances. A postprocess automatically puts up shield lines for very noise sensitive wirings to improve the S/N ratio. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms are effective in reducing the number of crossovers and redundant vias.

  • Recent Progress in Fiber Optic Antennas for EMC Measurement

    Masamitsu TOKUDA  Nobuo KUWABARA  


    E75-B No:3

    Recent progress in electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) technology has created a need for small and wideband antennas that can be used to measure the quality of EMC measurement facilities and to measure electric field strength for immunity tests and human hazard studies. Antennas using fiber optics are being developed because this kind of antenna has the wideband property and can eliminate the influence of the coaxial cable. This paper first summarizes the development of fiber optic antennas for EMC measurement and the construction of practical fiber optic antennas. It then describes the recent progress that has been made in Japan. This progress includes the electromagnetic source and the electric field sensor using a spherical dipole antenna with O/E or E/O converters, and it includes a wideband electric field sensor using electro-optical crystals.

  • Method for Estimating Electromagnetic Interference due to Unbalance in Telecommunications Line

    Fujio AMEMIYA  Nobuo KUWABARA  Tsuyoshi IDEGUCHI  


    E75-B No:3

    Information technology equipment connected to telecommunications line can be a source of electromagnetic interference. Two sources of interference have been under evaluation. One is the digital pulses in the switching regulator and the clock oscillator, and the other is the signal's common mode voltage. In this paper, the interference-inducing mechanism for the signal's common mode voltage and a method for measuring the interference are described. An equivalent circuit representing both the equipment and the line is derived on the basis of the interference-inducing model. A method for estimating the signal's common mode voltage from the differential mode voltage and the line unbalance is obtained using the equivalent circuit. It is confirmed that the level difference between the estimated and the measured common mode level is less than 3dB.

  • Effect of Reflected Light on Mode Partition Characteristics of Fabry-Perot Laser Diodes

    Akiyuki TAKEDA  Takeshi KAWAI  Masakazu MORI  Toshio GOTO  Akira MIYAUCHI  

    PAPER-Optical Communication

    E75-B No:3

    The effect of the externally reflected light on the mode partition characteristics of 1.3 µm Fabry-Perot laser diodes is studied experimentally and numerically. It is observed that the k-value increases monotonically with the DC bias current and the external reflection coefficient. Based on these experimental results, a numerical model to study the mode partition characteristics of laser diodes in the presence of external reflections is developed. The results calculated using this model agree well with the experimental ones. It is found that the mode partition noise is mainly caused by the interference between the light in the laser diode and the reflected light, and also by the fluctuations of the induced emission and absorption. In the time domain, their contribution to the mode partition noise is almost localized in the time region within 0.1nsec at the time when the optical pulse turns on.

  • New Approaches for Measurement of Static Electricity toward Preventing ESD

    Osamu FUJIWARA  


    E75-B No:3

    Serious failures of the latest electronic equipments occur easily due to electrostatic discharge (ESD) , which can be caused frequently by the electrification phenomena of human-body walking on the floor. The number of the above damaging incidents has significantly been increasing with an increased use of integrated semiconductor elements with lower operation power. The most effective measures against the ESD consist in preventive ones, which are to obtain dynamic behaviors of the electric charge before the ESD happens, thereby preventing the charge accumulation. From this point of view, this paper describes new approaches for measurement of the static electricity directed toward preventing the ESD. First, a two-dimensional measurement method for visualizing charge distributions is described. This principle is based on visualizing the potential distribution induced in the array electrodes from the electrostatic fields. For showing usefulness of the visualization measurement, a prototype was built and attempts were made on the visualizations for the static electricity distributions of charged bodies. Second, a potential calculation of the human body charged by walking on the floor is described. A model was shown for analyzing the human-body potential on the floor, and the theoretical equation for describing the potential attenuation process was derived in the closed form in the Laplacian transformation domain. In order to obtain the typical half-life of the human-body potential, numerical computations were performed using a reverse Laplacian transformation. The experiments were also conducted for confirming the validity of the computed results. Finally, a new method is described for estimating dynamic behaviors of the occurrence charges of the human body electrified by walking-motions. Statistical measurements of the charges and potentials were made for the fundamental walking-motions specified here. The pace transitions of the potentials due to continuous walking and stepping were also measured and their results were explained from the electrification properties for the fundamental walking-motions.

  • LIBRA: Automatic Performance-Driven Layout for Analog LSIs

    Tomohiko OHTSUKA  Hiroaki KUNIEDA  Mineo KANEKO  


    E75-C No:3

    This paper describes a new approach towards the performance-driven layout for analog LSIs. Based on our approach, we developed an automatic performance-driven layout system LIBRA. The performance-driven layout has an advantage that numerical evaluations of performance requirements may exactly specify layout requirements so that a better layout result will be expected with regard to both the size and the performances. As the first step to the final goal, we only concern with the DC characteristics of analog circuits affected by the placement and routing. First of all, LIBRA performs the sensitivity analysis with respect to process parameters and wire parasitics, which are major causes for DC performance deviations of analog LSIs, so as to describe every perfomance deviation by its first order approximation. Based on the estimations of those performance deviations, LIBRA designs the placement of devices. The placement approach here is the simulated annealing method driven by their circuit performance specification. The routing of inter-cell wires is performed according to the priority of the larger total wire sensitivities in the net by the maze router. Then, the simple compaction eliminates the empty space as much as possible. After that, the power lines optimization is performed so as to minimize the ferformance deviations. Finally, an advantage of the performance improvement by our approach is demonstrated by showing a layout result of a practical bipolar circuit and its excellent performance evaluations.

  • A Simulation Model of Hyperthermia by RF Capacitive Heating

    Yasutomo OHGUCHI  Naoki WATANABE  Yoshiro NIITSU  Osamu DOI  Ken KODAMA  

    PAPER-Medical Electronics and Medical Information

    E75-D No:2

    A new model for a computer simulation of RF capacitive type hyperthermia has been developed by taking account of the following points. Blood flow is usually determined by many physiological parameters, but is regarded as a function of only blood temperature under some conditions. The temperature dependence of blood flow of tumors and normal tissues is assumed by referring the data obtained by Song et al. and Tanaka. The blood temperature which is elevated by externally applied power significantly affects temperatures of the body and the tumors. The transport of heat from the body surface is studied by considering air convection. These points are examined by experiments on a computer with simple phantom models and real patients. The results of simulation on the patient have shown a good agreement with clinical inspection based on CT images and a temperature of the stomach.

  • Minimum-Width Method of Variable Ordering for Binary Decision Diagrams

    Shin-ichi MINATO  


    E75-A No:3

    Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) and Shared Binary Decision Diagrams (SBDDs), which are improved BDDs, are useful for implementing VLSI logic design systems. Recently, these representations, which are graph representations of Boolean functions, have become popular because of their efficiency in terms of time and space. The forms of the BDD vary with the order of the input variables though they represent the same function. The size of the graphs greatly depends on the order. The variable ordering algorithm is one of the most important issues in the application of BDDs. In this paper, we consider methods which reduce the graph size by reordering input variables on a given BDD with a certain variable order. We propose the Minimum-Width Method which gives a considerably good order in a practicable time and space. In the method, the order is determined by width of BDDs as a cost function. In addition, we show the effect of combining our method with the local search method, and also describe the improvement using the threshold. Experimental results show that our method can reduce the size of BDDs remarkably for most examples. The method needs no additional information, such as the topological information of the circuit. The results can be a measure for evaluation of other ordering methods.

  • Power-Sum Estimation of Electromagnetic Noise Radiated from High-Speed CMOS Printed Circuit Boards

    Osami WADA  Megumi KOSAKA  Hidemi OKA  Ryuji KOGA  Hiroya SANO  


    E75-B No:3

    A new approach is proposed to evaluate total electromagnetic noise radiated from a printed circuit board (PCB), and a result of experimental verification is given. The purpose is to represent the total radiation noise by summing up noises from elemental sources on a PCB, such as signal traces or ICs. Each of the elemental noise is calculated by an a priori noise model for each component of a PCB. Parameters of each noise model should be determined experimentally. Radiation sources on a digital PCB were found to be not only signal traces between ICs, but also package-side loops each of which is composed of an IC and a decoupling capacitor. Radiation noises from these two kinds of sources were evaluated separately. Experimental PCBs, which are two-layer PCBs mounting a few high-speed CMOS (HC) ICs, were prepared and radiation power from them was measured. Each PCB has a ground plane on one side, which simulates an internal ground plane in a multilayer PCB, and signal traces on it have a configuration of a microstrip transmission line. Electromagnetic noise caused by a high-speed CMOS gate is radiated impulsively during transition time as short as about 10ns. No significant interference was found between the noises from separate traces because each of the noise is impulsive and rarely overlaps each other. It is concluded that the total radiated power is represented by a simple sum of radiations from each traces without any interference to be taken into account.

  • 3D Facial Model Creation Using Generic Model and Front and Side Views of Face

    Takaaki AKIMOTO  Yasuhito SUENAGA  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E75-D No:2

    This paper presents an automatic creation method of 3D facial models which are needed for facial image generation by 3D computer graphics. A 3D facial model of a specific person is obtained from just the front and side view images without any human operation. The method has two parts; feature extraction and generic model modification. In the feature extraction part, the regions or edges which express the facial features such as eyes, nose, mouth or chin outline are extracted from the front and side view images. A generic head model is then modified based on the position and shape of the extracted facial features in the generic model modification part. As a result, a 3D model for persons is obtained. By using the specific model and the front and side view images, texture-mapped facial images can be generated easily.
