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  • Fitness-Distance Balance with Functional Weights: A New Selection Method for Evolutionary Algorithms

    Kaiyu WANG  Sichen TAO  Rong-Long WANG  Yuki TODO  Shangce GAO  

    LETTER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E104-D No:10

    In 2019, a new selection method, named fitness-distance balance (FDB), was proposed. FDB has been proved to have a significant effect on improving the search capability for evolutionary algorithms. But it still suffers from poor flexibility when encountering various optimization problems. To address this issue, we propose a functional weights-enhanced FDB (FW). These functional weights change the original weights in FDB from fixed values to randomly generated ones by a distribution function, thereby enabling the algorithm to select more suitable individuals during the search. As a case study, FW is incorporated into the spherical search algorithm. Experimental results based on various IEEE CEC2017 benchmark functions demonstrate the effectiveness of FW.

  • Counting Convex and Non-Convex 4-Holes in a Point Set

    Young-Hun SUNG  Sang Won BAE  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E104-A No:9

    In this paper, we present an algorithm that counts the number of empty quadrilaterals whose corners are chosen from a given set S of n points in general position. Our algorithm can separately count the number of convex or non-convex empty quadrilaterals in O(T) time, where T denotes the number of empty triangles in S. Note that T varies from Ω(n2) and O(n3) and the expected value of T is known to be Θ(n2) when the n points in S are chosen uniformly and independently at random from a convex and bounded body in the plane. We also show how to enumerate all convex and/or non-convex empty quadrilaterals in S in time proportional to the number of reported quadrilaterals, after O(T)-time preprocessing.

  • Max-Min 3-Dispersion Problems Open Access

    Takashi HORIYAMA  Shin-ichi NAKANO  Toshiki SAITOH  Koki SUETSUGU  Akira SUZUKI  Ryuhei UEHARA  Takeaki UNO  Kunihiro WASA  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E104-A No:9

    Given a set P of n points on which facilities can be placed and an integer k, we want to place k facilities on some points so that the minimum distance between facilities is maximized. The problem is called the k-dispersion problem. In this paper, we consider the 3-dispersion problem when P is a set of points on a plane (2-dimensional space). Note that the 2-dispersion problem corresponds to the diameter problem. We give an O(n) time algorithm to solve the 3-dispersion problem in the L∞ metric, and an O(n) time algorithm to solve the 3-dispersion problem in the L1 metric. Also, we give an O(n2 log n) time algorithm to solve the 3-dispersion problem in the L2 metric.

  • Convex Grid Drawings of Plane Graphs with Pentagonal Contours on O(n2) Grids

    Kei SATO  Kazuyuki MIURA  

    PAPER-Graphs and Networks

    E104-A No:9

    In a convex grid drawing of a plane graph, all edges are drawn as straight-line segments without any edge-intersection, all vertices are put on grid points and all facial cycles are drawn as convex polygons. A plane graph G has a convex drawing if and only if G is internally triconnected, and an internally triconnected plane graph G has a convex grid drawing on an (n-1)×(n-1) grid if either G is triconnected or the triconnected component decomposition tree T(G) of G has two or three leaves, where n is the number of vertices in G. An internally triconnected plane graph G has a convex grid drawing on a 2n×2n grid if T(G) has exactly four leaves. Furthermore, an internally triconnected plane graph G has a convex grid drawing on a 6n×n2 grid if T(G) has exactly five leaves. In this paper, we show that an internally triconnected plane graph G has a convex grid drawing on a 20n×16n grid if T(G) has exactly five leaves. We also present an algorithm to find such a drawing in linear time. This is the first algorithm that finds a convex grid drawing of such a plane graph G in a grid of O(n2) size.

  • Analysis of Lower Bounds for Online Bin Packing with Two Item Sizes

    Hiroshi FUJIWARA  Ken ENDO  Hiroaki YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E104-A No:9

    In the bin packing problem, we are asked to place given items, each being of size between zero and one, into bins of capacity one. The goal is to minimize the number of bins that contain at least one item. An online algorithm for the bin packing problem decides where to place each item one by one when it arrives. The asymptotic approximation ratio of the bin packing problem is defined as the performance of an optimal online algorithm for the problem. That value indicates the intrinsic hardness of the bin packing problem. In this paper we study the bin packing problem in which every item is of either size α or size β (≤ α). While the asymptotic approximation ratio for $alpha > rac{1}{2}$ was already identified, that for $alpha leq rac{1}{2}$ is only partially known. This paper is the first to give a lower bound on the asymptotic approximation ratio for any $alpha leq rac{1}{2}$, by formulating linear optimization problems. Furthermore, we derive another lower bound in a closed form by constructing dual feasible solutions.

  • Parameters Estimation of Impulse Noise for Channel Coded Systems over Fading Channels

    Chun-Yin CHEN  Mao-Ching CHIU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E104-B No:7

    In this paper, we propose a robust parameters estimation algorithm for channel coded systems based on the low-density parity-check (LDPC) code over fading channels with impulse noise. The estimated parameters are then used to generate bit log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) for a soft-inputLDPC decoder. The expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm is used to estimate the parameters, including the channel gain and the parameters of the Bernoulli-Gaussian (B-G) impulse noise model. The parameters can be estimated accurately and the average number of iterations of the proposed algorithm is acceptable. Simulation results show that over a wide range of impulse noise power, the proposed algorithm approaches the optimal performance under different Rician channel factors and even under Middleton class-A (M-CA) impulse noise models.

  • Single Image Dehazing Based on Weighted Variational Regularized Model

    Hao ZHOU  Hailing XIONG  Chuan LI  Weiwei JIANG  Kezhong LU  Nian CHEN  Yun LIU  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E104-D No:7

    Image dehazing is of great significance in computer vision and other fields. The performance of dehazing mainly relies on the precise computation of transmission map. However, the computation of the existing transmission map still does not work well in the sky area and is easily influenced by noise. Hence, the dark channel prior (DCP) and luminance model are used to estimate the coarse transmission in this work, which can deal with the problem of transmission estimation in the sky area. Then a novel weighted variational regularization model is proposed to refine the transmission. Specifically, the proposed model can simultaneously refine the transmittance and restore clear images, yielding a haze-free image. More importantly, the proposed model can preserve the important image details and suppress image noise in the dehazing process. In addition, a new Gaussian Adaptive Weighted function is defined to smooth the contextual areas while preserving the depth discontinuity edges. Experiments on real-world and synthetic images illustrate that our method has a rival advantage with the state-of-art algorithms in different hazy environments.

  • Exploring the Outer Boundary of a Simple Polygon

    Qi WEI  Xiaolin YAO  Luan LIU  Yan ZHANG  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E104-D No:7

    We investigate an online problem of a robot exploring the outer boundary of an unknown simple polygon P. The robot starts from a specified vertex s and walks an exploration tour outside P. It has to see all points of the polygon's outer boundary and to return to the start. We provide lower and upper bounds on the ratio of the distance traveled by the robot in comparison to the length of the shortest path. We consider P in two scenarios: convex polygon and concave polygon. For the first scenario, we prove a lower bound of 5 and propose a 23.78-competitive strategy. For the second scenario, we prove a lower bound of 5.03 and propose a 26.5-competitive strategy.

  • Heuristic Service Chain Construction Algorithm Based on VNF Performances for Optimal Data Transmission Services

    Yasuhito SUMI  Takuji TACHIBANA  


    E104-B No:7

    In network function virtualization (NFV) environments, service chaining is an emerging technology that enables network operators to provide network service dynamically and flexibly by using virtual network function (VNF). In the service chaining, a service chain is expected to be constructed based on VNF performances such as dependences among VNFs and traffic changing effects in VNFs. For achieving optimal data transmission services in NFV environments, we focus on the optimal service chain construction based on VNF performances so that both the maximum amount of traffic on links and the total number of VNF instances are decreased. In this paper, at first, an optimization problem is formulated for determining placements of VNFs and a route for each service chain. The service chains can be constructed by solving this optimization problem with an optimization software or meta-heuristic algorithm. Then, for the optimization problem, we propose a heuristic service chain construction algorithm. By using our proposed algorithm, the service chains can be constructed appropriately more quickly. We evaluate the performance of the proposed heuristic algorithm with simulation, and we investigate the effectiveness of the heuristic algorithm from the performance comparison. From some numerical examples, we show that the proposed heuristic algorithm is effective to decrease the amount of traffic and the number of VNF instances. Moreover, it is shown that our proposed heuristic algorithm can construct service chains quickly.

  • Autonomous Relay Device Placement Algorithm for Avoiding Cascading Failure in D2D-Based Social Networking Service

    Hanami YOKOI  Takuji TACHIBANA  


    E104-D No:5

    In this paper, in order to avoid the cascading failure by increasing the number of links in the physical network in D2D-based SNS, we propose an autonomous device placement algorithm. In this method, some relay devices are placed so as to increase the number of links in the physical network. Here, relay devices can be used only for relaying data and those are not SNS users. For example, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) with D2D communication capability and base stations with D2D communication capability are used as the relay devices. In the proposed method, at first, an optimization problem for minimizing node resilience which is a performance metric in order to place relay devices. Then, we investigate how relay devices should be placed based on some approximate optimal solutions. From this investigation, we propose an autonomous relay device placement in the physical network. In our proposed algorithm, relay devices can be placed without the complete information on network topology. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method with simulation, and investigate the effectiveness of the proposed method. From numerical examples, we show the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm.

  • An Approach for Identifying Malicious Domain Names Generated by Dictionary-Based DGA Bots

    Akihiro SATOH  Yutaka NAKAMURA  Yutaka FUKUDA  Daiki NOBAYASHI  Takeshi IKENAGA  


    E104-D No:5

    Computer networks are facing serious threats from the emergence of sophisticated new DGA bots. These DGA bots have their own dictionary, from which they concatenate words to dynamically generate domain names that are difficult to distinguish from human-generated domain names. In this letter, we propose an approach for identifying the callback communications of DGA bots based on relations among the words that constitute the character string of each domain name. Our evaluation indicates high performance, with a recall of 0.9977 and a precision of 0.9869.

  • L1 Norm Minimal Mode-Based Methods for Listing Reaction Network Designs for Metabolite Production

    Takeyuki TAMURA  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E104-D No:5

    Metabolic networks represent the relationship between chemical reactions and compounds in cells. In useful metabolite production using microorganisms, it is often required to calculate reaction deletion strategies from the original network to result in growth coupling, which means the target metabolite production and cell growth are simultaneously achieved. Although simple elementary flux mode (EFM)-based methods are useful for listing such reaction deletions strategies, the number of cases to be considered is often proportional to the exponential function of the size of the network. Therefore, it is desirable to develop methods of narrowing down the number of reaction deletion strategy candidates. In this study, the author introduces the idea of L1 norm minimal modes to consider metabolic flows whose L1 norms are minimal to satisfy certain criteria on growth and production, and developed a fast metabolic design listing algorithm based on it (minL1-FMDL), which works in polynomial time. Computational experiments were conducted for (1) a relatively small network to compare the performance of minL1-FMDL with that of the simple EFM-based method and (2) a genome-scale network to verify the scalability of minL1-FMDL. In the computational experiments, it was seen that the average value of the target metabolite production rates of minL1-FMDL was higher than that of the simple EFM-based method, and the computation time of minL1-FMDL was fast enough even for genome-scale networks. The developed software, minL1-FMDL, implemented in MATLAB, is available on, and can be used for genome-scale metabolic network design for metabolite production.

  • Study on Scalability in Scientific Research Data Transfer Networks: Energy Consumption Perspectives

    Chankyun LEE  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E104-B No:5

    Scalable networking for scientific research data transfer is a vital factor in the progress of data-intensive research, such as collaborative research on observation of black hole. In this paper, investigations of the nature of practical research traffic allow us to introduce optical flow switching (OFS) and contents delivery network (CDN) technologies into a wide area network (WAN) to realize highly scalable networking. To measure the scalability of networks, energy consumption in the WAN is evaluated by considering the practical networking equipment as well as reasonable assumptions on scientific research data transfer networks. In this study, we explore the energy consumption performance of diverse Japan and US topologies and reveal that the energy consumption of a routing and wavelength assignment algorithm in an OFS scheduler becomes the major hurdle when the number of nodes is high, for example, as high as that of the United States of America layer 1 topology. To provide computational scalability of a network dimensioning algorithm for the CDN based WAN, a simple heuristic algorithm for a surrogate location problem is proposed and compared with an optimal algorithm. This paper provides intuitions and design rules for highly scalable research data transfer networks, and thus, it can accelerate technology advancements against the encountering big-science problems.

  • Optimization of Hybrid Energy System Configuration for Marine Diesel Engine Open Access

    Guangmiao ZENG  Rongjie WANG  Ran HAN  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E104-A No:5

    Because solar energy is intermittent and a ship's power-system load fluctuates and changes abruptly, in this work, the solar radiation parameters were adjusted according to the latitude and longitude of the ship and the change of the sea environment. An objective function was constructed that accounted for the cost and service life simultaneously to optimize the configuration of the marine diesel engine hybrid energy system. Finally, the improved artificial bee colony algorithm was used to optimize and obtain the optimal system configuration. The feasibility of the method was verified by ship navigation tests. This method exhibited better configuration performance optimization than the traditional methods.

  • A Modified Whale Optimization Algorithm for Pattern Synthesis of Linear Antenna Array

    Wentao FENG  Dexiu HU  

    LETTER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E104-A No:5

    A modified whale optimization algorithm (MWOA) with dynamic leader selection mechanism and novel population updating procedure is introduced for pattern synthesis of linear antenna array. The current best solution is dynamic changed for each whale agent to overcome premature with local optima in iteration. A hybrid crossover operator is embedded in original algorithm to improve the convergence accuracy of solution. Moreover, the flow of population updating is optimized to balance the exploitation and exploration ability. The modified algorithm is tested on a 28 elements uniform linear antenna array to reduce its side lobe lever and null depth lever. The simulation results show that MWOA algorithm can improve the performance of WOA obviously compared with other algorithms.

  • Using SubSieve Technique to Accelerate TupleSieve Algorithm

    Zedong SUN  Chunxiang GU  Yonghui ZHENG  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E104-A No:4

    Sieve algorithms are regarded as the best algorithms to solve the shortest vector problem (SVP) on account of its good asymptotical quality, which could make it outperform enumeration algorithms in solving SVP of high dimension. However, due to its large memory requirement, sieve algorithms are not practical as expected, especially on high dimension lattice. To overcome this bottleneck, TupleSieve algorithm was proposed to reduce memory consumption by a trade-off between time and memory. In this work, aiming to make TupleSieve algorithm more practical, we combine TupleSieve algorithm with SubSieve technique and obtain a sub-exponential gain in running time. For 2-tuple sieve, 3-tuple sieve and arbitrary k-tuple sieve, when selecting projection index d appropriately, the time complexity of our algorithm is O(20.415(n-d)), O(20.566(n-d)) and $O(2^{ rac{kmathrm{log}_2p}{1-k}(n-d)})$ respectively. In practice, we propose a practical variant of our algorithm based on GaussSieve algorithm. Experimental results show that our algorithm implementation is about two order of magnitude faster than FPLLL's GuassSieve algorithm. Moreover, techniques such as XOR-POPCNT trick, progressive sieving and appropriate projection index selection can be exploited to obtain a further acceleration.

  • Approximate Simultaneous Diagonalization of Matrices via Structured Low-Rank Approximation

    Riku AKEMA  Masao YAMAGISHI  Isao YAMADA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E104-A No:4

    Approximate Simultaneous Diagonalization (ASD) is a problem to find a common similarity transformation which approximately diagonalizes a given square-matrix tuple. Many data science problems have been reduced into ASD through ingenious modelling. For ASD, the so-called Jacobi-like methods have been extensively used. However, the methods have no guarantee to suppress the magnitude of off-diagonal entries of the transformed tuple even if the given tuple has an exact common diagonalizer, i.e., the given tuple is simultaneously diagonalizable. In this paper, to establish an alternative powerful strategy for ASD, we present a novel two-step strategy, called Approximate-Then-Diagonalize-Simultaneously (ATDS) algorithm. The ATDS algorithm decomposes ASD into (Step 1) finding a simultaneously diagonalizable tuple near the given one; and (Step 2) finding a common similarity transformation which diagonalizes exactly the tuple obtained in Step 1. The proposed approach to Step 1 is realized by solving a Structured Low-Rank Approximation (SLRA) with Cadzow's algorithm. In Step 2, by exploiting the idea in the constructive proof regarding the conditions for the exact simultaneous diagonalizability, we obtain an exact common diagonalizer of the obtained tuple in Step 1 as a solution for the original ASD. Unlike the Jacobi-like methods, the ATDS algorithm has a guarantee to find an exact common diagonalizer if the given tuple happens to be simultaneously diagonalizable. Numerical experiments show that the ATDS algorithm achieves better performance than the Jacobi-like methods.

  • Experimental Verification of SDN/NFV in Integrated mmWave Access and Mesh Backhaul Networks Open Access

    Makoto NAKAMURA  Hiroaki NISHIUCHI  Jin NAKAZATO  Konstantin KOSLOWSKI  Julian DAUBE  Ricardo SANTOS  Gia Khanh TRAN  Kei SAKAGUCHI  


    E104-B No:3

    In this paper, a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) architecture is constructed, and the effectiveness of mmWave overlay heterogeneous network (HetNet) with mesh backhaul utilizing route-multiplexing and Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) utilizing prefetching algorithm is verified by measuring the throughput and the download time of real contents. The architecture can cope with the intensive mobile data traffic since data delivery utilizes multiple backhaul routes based on the mesh topology, i.e. route-multiplexing mechanism. On the other hand, MEC deploys the network edge contents requested in advance by nearby User Equipment (UE) based on pre-registered context information such as location, destination, demand application, etc. to the network edge, which is called prefetching algorithm. Therefore, mmWave access can be fully exploited even with capacity-limited backhaul networks by introducing the proposed algorithm. These technologies solve the problems in conventional mmWave HetNet to reduce mobile data traffic on backhaul networks to cloud networks. In addition, the proposed architecture is realized by introducing wireless Software Defined Network (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV). In our architecture, the network is dynamically controlled via wide-coverage microwave band links by which UE's context information is collected for optimizing the network resources and controlling network infrastructures to establish backhaul routes and MEC servers. In this paper, we develop the hardware equipment and middleware systems, and introduce these algorithms which are used as a driver of IEEE802.11ad and open source software. For 5G and beyond, the architecture integrated in mmWave backhaul, MEC and SDN/NFV will support some scenarios and use cases.

  • A Satisfiability Algorithm for Synchronous Boolean Circuits

    Hiroki MORIZUMI  


    E104-D No:3

    The circuit satisfiability problem has been intensively studied since Ryan Williams showed a connection between the problem and lower bounds for circuit complexity. In this letter, we present a #SAT algorithm for synchronous Boolean circuits of n inputs and s gates in time $2^{nleft(1 - rac{1}{2^{O(s/n)}} ight)}$ if s=o(n log n).

  • Randomization Approaches for Reducing PAPR with Partial Transmit Sequence and Semidefinite Relaxation Open Access

    Hirofumi TSUDA  Ken UMENO  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E104-B No:3

    To reduce peak-to-average power ratio, we propose a method of choosing suitable vectors in a partial transmit sequence technique. Conventional approaches require that a suitable vector be selected from a large number of candidates. By contrast, our method does not include such a selecting procedure, and instead generates random vectors from the Gaussian distribution whose covariance matrix is a solution of a relaxed problem. The suitable vector is chosen from the random vectors. This yields lower peak-to-average power ratio than a conventional method.
