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[Keyword] energy efficient(22hit)


  • Energy-Efficient KBP: Kernel Enhancements for Low-Latency and Energy-Efficient Networking Open Access

    Kei FUJIMOTO  Ko NATORI  Masashi KANEKO  Akinori SHIRAGA  


    E105-B No:9

    Real-time applications are becoming more and more popular, and due to the demand for more compact and portable user devices, offloading terminal processes to edge servers is being considered. Moreover, it is necessary to process packets with low latency on edge servers, which are often virtualized for operability. When trying to achieve low-latency networking, the increase in server power consumption due to performance tuning and busy polling for fast packet receiving becomes a problem. Thus, we design and implement a low-latency and energy-efficient networking system, energy-efficient kernel busy poll (EE-KBP), which meets four requirements: (A) low latency in the order of microseconds for packet forwarding in a virtual server, (B) lower power consumption than existing solutions, (C) no need for application modification, and (D) no need for software redevelopment with each kernel security update. EE-KBP sets a polling thread in a Linux kernel that receives packets with low latency in polling mode while packets are arriving, and when no packets are arriving, it sleeps and lowers the CPU operating frequency. Evaluations indicate that EE-KBP achieves microsecond-order low-latency networking under most traffic conditions, and 1.4× to 3.1× higher throughput with lower power consumption than NAPI used in a Linux kernel.

  • Energy-Efficient Hardware Implementation of Road-Lane Detection Based on Hough Transform with Parallelized Voting Procedure and Local Maximum Algorithm

    Jungang GUAN  Fengwei AN  Xiangyu ZHANG  Lei CHEN  Hans Jürgen MATTAUSCH  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E102-D No:6

    Efficient road-lane detection is expected to be achievable by application of the Hough transform (HT) which realizes high-accuracy straight-line extraction from images. The main challenge for HT-hardware implementation in actual applications is the trade-off optimization between accuracy maximization, power-dissipation reduction and real-time requirements. We report a HT-hardware architecture for road-lane detection with parallelized voting procedure, local maximum algorithm and FPGA-prototype implementation. Parallelization of the global design is realized on the basis of θ-value discretization in the Hough space. Four major hardware modules are developed for edge detection in the original video frames, computation of the characteristic edge-pixel values (ρ,θ) in Hough-space, voting procedure for each (ρ,θ) pair with parallel local-maximum-based peak voting-point extraction in Hough space to determine the detected straight lines. Implementation of a prototype system for real-time road-lane detection on a low-cost DE1 platform with a Cyclone II FPGA device was verified to be possible. An average detection speed of 135 frames/s for VGA (640x480)-frames was achieved at 50 MHz working frequency.

  • Dynamic Energy Efficient Virtual Link Resource Reallocation Approach for Network Virtualization Environment

    Shanming ZHANG  Takehiro SATO  Satoru OKAMOTO  Naoaki YAMANAKA  


    E101-B No:7

    The energy consumption of network virtualization environments (NVEs) has become a critical issue. In this paper, we focus on reducing the data switching energy consumption of NVE. We first analyze the data switching energy of NVE. Then, we propose a dynamic energy efficient virtual link resource reallocation (eEVLRR) approach for NVE. eEVLRR dynamically reallocates the energy efficient substrate resources (s-resources) for virtual links with dynamic changes of embeddable s-resources to save the data switching energy. In order to avoid traffic interruptions while reallocating, we design a cross layer application-session-based forwarding model for eEVLRR that can identify and forward each data transmission flow along the initial specified substrate data transport path until end without traffic interruptions. The results of performance evaluations show that eEVLRR not only guarantees the allocated s-resources of virtual links are continuously energy efficient to save data switching energy but also has positive impacts on virtual network acceptance rate, revenues and s-resources utilization.

  • Hardware Accelerated Marking for Mark & Sweep Garbage Collection

    Shinji KAWAMURA  Tomoaki TSUMURA  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E101-D No:4

    Many mobile systems need to achieve both high performance and low memory usage, and the total performance of such the systems can be largely affected by the effectiveness of GC. Hence, the recent popularization of mobile devices makes the GC performance play one of the important roles on the wide range of platforms. The response performance degradation caused by suspending all processes for GC has been a well-known potential problem. Therefore, GC algorithms have been actively studied and improved, but they still have not reached any fundamental solution. In this paper, we focus on the point that the same objects are redundantly marked during the GC procedure implemented on DalvikVM, which is one of the famous runtime environments for the mobile devices. Then we propose a hardware support technique for improving marking routine of GC. We installed a set of tables to a processor for managing marked objects, and redundant marking for marked objects can be omitted by referring these tables. The result of the simulation experiment shows that the percentage of redundant marking is reduced by more than 50%.

  • Design Considerations on Power, Performance, Reliability and Yield in 3D NAND Technology

    Toru TANZAWA  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E101-C No:1

    This paper discusses design challenges and possible solutions for 3D NAND. A 3D NAND array inherently has a larger parasitic capacitance and thereby critical area in terms of product yield. To mitigate such issues associated with 3D NAND technology, array control and divided array architecture for improving reliability and yield and for reducing area overhead, program time, energy per bit and array noise are proposed.

  • An Adaptive Backoff Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks

    Batbayar KHANDISH  Hyun PARK  Jung-Bong SUK  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E100-A No:10

    The IEEE 802.15.4 standard enables a short range, low data rate and low power communication between devices in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In IEEE 802.15.4, a slotted carrier sensing multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) algorithm is employed to coordinate a large number of sensor devices. Unlike IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN (WLAN), energy consumption requirements enable it to use fewer number of backoffs, which adversely increase collisions, resulting in degradation of energy consumption. In this letter, we devise an adaptive backoff scheme in WSN whose backoff range is adjusted depending on the contention level, and present its Markov model for mathematical analysis. The proposed scheme is analyzed and its efficiency is validated by ns-2 simulation in respect to network throughput and energy consumption. Its performance is also compared with the standard and previous works, showing that it outperforms them for a whole range of arrival rate.

  • Efficient Selection of Users' Pair in Cognitive Radio Network to Maximize Throughput Using Simultaneous Transmit-Sense Approach

    Muhammad Sajjad KHAN  Muhammad USMAN  Vu-Van HIEP  Insoo KOO  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E100-B No:2

    Protection of the licensed user (LU) and utilization of the spectrum are the most important goals in cognitive radio networks. To achieve the first goal, a cognitive user (CU) is required to sense for a longer time period, but this adversely affects the second goal, i.e., throughput or utilization of the network, because of the reduced time left for transmission in a time slot. This tradeoff can be controlled by simultaneous sensing and data transmission for the whole frame duration. However, increasing the sensing time to the frame duration consumes more energy. We propose a new frame structure in this paper, in which transmission is done for the whole frame duration whereas sensing is performed only until the required detection probability is satisfied. This means the CU is not required to perform sensing for the whole frame duration, and thus, conserves some energy by sensing for a smaller duration. With the proposed frame structure, throughput of all the CUs is estimated for the frame and, based on the estimated throughput and consumed energy in sensing and transmission, the energy efficient pair of CUs (transmitter and receiver) that maximizes system throughput by consuming less energy, is selected for a time slot. The selected CUs transmits data for the whole time slot, whereas sensing is performed only for certain duration. The performance improvement of the proposed scheme is demonstrated through simulations by comparing it with existing schemes.

  • Energy Efficient Macrocell Strategy: Opportunistic Beamforming with Femtocells Deployment Based on Hourly User Location Distribution

    Nur Ellina Binti ISHAK  Eiji KAMIOKA  


    E99-B No:8

    In the conventional cellular macrocell implementation strategy, the main base station transmits the radio signals in the omnidirectional manner in order to provide a wide range of cellular transmission to the users. In reality, however, the users move from one place to another depending on their activities, hence, sometimes this creates areas where no user exists inside the macrocell. Nevertheless, the base station continues to transmit the radio signals to all the coverage areas due to its involuntary manner, thus causing waste of energy. In our previous work, an energy efficient LTE macrocell base station scheme based on hourly user location distribution, which utilized opportunistic beamforming, was proposed in order to provide the cellular transmission only to the area where the user density is high. The drawback of this scheme was that there were many users who cannot receive the cellular transmission because of the limitation of the beamforming shape. In this paper, to overcome this difficulty, a new energy efficient macrocell strategy will be proposed. Here, additional low power consumption femtocell access points are deployed inside the macrocell to support the energy efficient opportunistic beamforming based on the hourly user location distribution. Concretely, the femtocell access points are woken up only when the active calling users exist inside its range. The proposed new strategy will be evaluated in terms of the hourly successful calling user ratio, the total power consumption and the hourly average downlink throughput compared with the previously proposed beamforming transmission strategy and the conventional omnidirectional transmission. The results will show the effectiveness of the proposed strategy in providing an energy efficient cellular macrocell system with high quality cellular services.

  • Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in Sensing-Based Spectrum Sharing for Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks

    Wanming HAO  Shouyi YANG  Osamu MUTA  Haris GACANIN  Hiroshi FURUKAWA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E99-B No:8

    Energy-efficient resource allocation is considered in sensing-based spectrum sharing for cooperative cognitive radio networks (CCRNs). The secondary user first listens to the spectrum allocated to the primary user (PU) to detect the PU state and then initiates data transmission with two power levels based on the sensing decision (e.g., idle or busy). Under this model, the optimization problem of maximizing energy efficiency (EE) is formulated over the transmission power and sensing time subject to some practical limitations, such as the individual power constraint for secondary source and relay, the quality of service (QoS) for the secondary system, and effective protection for the PU. Given the complexity of this problem, two simplified versions (i.e., perfect and imperfect sensing cases) are studied in this paper. We transform the considered problem in fractional form into an equivalent optimization problem in subtractive form. Then, for perfect sensing, the Lagrange dual decomposition and iterative algorithm are applied to acquire the optimal power allocation policy; for imperfect sensing, an exhaustive search and iterative algorithm are proposed to obtain the optimal sensing time and corresponding power allocation strategy. Finally, numerical results show that the energy-efficient design greatly improves EE compared with the conventional spectrum-efficient design.

  • Energy Efficient Power Allocation for Delay-QoS Constrained Cognitive Radio Networks

    Ding XU  Qun LI  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E99-A No:6

    The problem of power allocation in maximizing the energy efficiency of the secondary user (SU) in a delay quality-of-service (QoS) constrained CR network is investigated in this paper. The average interference power constraint is used to protect the transmission of the primary user (SU). The energy efficiency is expressed as the ratio of the effective capacity to the total power consumption. By using non-linear fractional programming and convex optimization theory, we develop an energy efficiency power allocation scheme based on the Dinkelbach method and the Lagrange multiplier method. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the existing schemes, in terms of energy efficiency.

  • Robust Beamforming for Joint Transceiver Design in K-User Interference Channel over Energy Efficient 5G

    Shidang LI  Chunguo LI  Yongming HUANG  Dongming WANG  Luxi YANG  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E98-A No:8

    Considering worse-case channel uncertainties, we investigate the robust energy efficient (EE) beamforming design problem in a K-user multiple-input-single-output (MISO) interference channel. Our objective is to maximize the worse-case sum EE under individual transmit power constraints. In general, this fractional programming problem is NP-hard for the optimal solution. To obtain an insight into the problem, we first transform the original problem into its lower bound problem with max-min and fractional form by exploiting the relationship between the user rate and the minimum mean square error (MMSE) and using the min-max inequality. To make it tractable, we transform the problem of fractional form into a subtractive form by using the Dinkelbach transformation, and then propose an iterative algorithm using Lagrangian duality, which leads to the locally optimal solution. Simulation results demonstrate that our proposed robust EE beamforming scheme outperforms the conventional algorithm.

  • Process Scheduling Based Memory Energy Management for Multi-Core Mobile Devices

    Tiefei ZHANG  Tianzhou CHEN  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E95-A No:10

    The energy consumption is always a serious problem for mobile devices powered by battery. As the capacity and density of off-chip memory continuous to scale, its energy consumption accounts for a considerable amount of the whole system energy. There are therefore strong demands for energy efficient techniques towards memory system. Different from previous works, we explore the different power management modes of the off-chip memory by process scheduling for the multi-core mobile devices. In particular, we schedule the processes based on their memory access characteristics to maximize the number of the memory banks being in low power mode. We propose a fast approximation algorithm to solve the scheduling process problem for the dual-core mobile device. And for those equipped with more than two cores, we prove that the scheduling process problem is NP-Hard, and propose two heuristic algorithms. The proposed algorithms are evaluated through a series of experiments, for which we have encouraging results.

  • MAC 2: A Multi-Hop Adaptive MAC Protocol with Packet Concatenation for Wireless Sensor Networks

    Kien NGUYEN  Ulrich MEIS  Yusheng JI  


    E95-D No:2

    Wireless sensor network MAC protocols switch radios off periodically, employing the so-called duty cycle mechanism, in order to conserve battery power that would otherwise be wasted by energy-costly idle listening. In order to minimize the various negative side-effects of the original scheme, especially on latency and throughput, various improvements have been proposed. In this paper, we introduce a new MAC protocol called MAC2(Multi-hop Adaptive with packet Concatenation-MAC) which combines three promising techniques into one protocol. Firstly, the idea to forward packets over multiple hops within one operational cycle as initially introduced in RMAC. Secondly, an adaptive method that adjusts the listening period according to traffic load minimizing idle listening. Thirdly, a packet concatenation scheme that not only increases throughput but also reduces power consumption that would otherwise be incurred by additional control packets. Furthermore, MAC2 incorporates the idea of scheduling data transmissions with minimum latency, thereby performing packet concatenation together with the multi-hop transmission mechanism in a most efficient way. We evaluated MAC2 using the prominent network simulator ns-2 and the results show that our protocol can outperform DW-MAC – a state of the art protocol both in terms of energy efficiency and throughput.

  • An Energy Efficient Sensor Network Processor with Latency-Aware Adaptive Compression

    Yongpan LIU  Shuangchen LI  Jue WANG  Beihua YING  Huazhong YANG  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E94-C No:7

    This paper proposed a novel platform for sensor nodes to resolve the energy and latency challenges. It consists of a processor, an adaptive compressing module and several compression accelerators. We completed the proposed chip in a 0.18µm HJTC CMOS technology. Compared to the software-based solution, the hardware-assisted compression reduces over 98% energy and 212% latency. Besides, we balanced the energy and latency metric using an adaptive module. According to the scheduling algorithm, the module tunes the state of the compression accelerator, as well as the sampling frequency of the online sensor. For example, given a 9µs constraint for a 1-byte operation, it reduces 34% latency while the energy overheads are less than 5%.

  • Energy Optimal Epidemic Routing for Delay Tolerant Networks

    Jeonggyu KIM  Jongmin SHIN  Dongmin YANG  Cheeha KIM  


    E92-B No:12

    We propose a novel epidemic routing policy, named energy optimal epidemic routing, for delay tolerant networks (DTNs). By investigating the tradeoff between delay and energy, we found the optimal transmission range as well as the optimal number of infected nodes for the minimal energy consumption, given a delivery requirement, specifically delay bound and delivery probability to the destination. We derive an analytic model of the Binary Spraying routing to find the optimal values, describing the delay distributions with respect to the number of infected nodes.

  • An Energy-Aware Multipath Routing Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks

    Moonseong KIM  Euihoon JEONG  Young-Cheol BANG  Soyoung HWANG  Changsub SHIN  Gwang-Ja JIN  Bongsoo KIM  


    E91-D No:10

    One of the major challenges facing the design of a routing protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is to find the most reliable path between the source and sink node. Furthermore, a routing protocol for WSN should be well aware of sensor limitations. In this paper, we present an energy efficient, scalable, and distributed node disjoint multipath routing algorithm. The proposed algorithm, the Energy-aware Multipath Routing Algorithm (EMRA), adjusts traffic flows via a novel load balancing scheme. EMRA has a higher average node energy efficiency, lower control overhead, and a shorter average delay than those of well-known previous works. Moreover, since EMRA takes into consideration network reliability, it is useful for delivering data in unreliable environments.

  • Energy Efficient Online Routing Algorithm for QoS-Sensitive Sensor Networks

    Sungwook KIM  Sungyong PARK  Sooyong PARK  Sungchun KIM  


    E91-B No:7

    In this letter, we propose a new energy efficient online routing algorithm for QoS-sensitive sensor networks. An important design principle underlying our algorithm is online decision making based on real time network estimation. This on-line approach gives adaptability and flexibility to solve a wide range of control tasks for efficient network performance. In addition, our distributed control paradigm is practical for real sensor network management. Simulation results indicate the superior performance of our algorithm between energy efficiency and QoS provisioning.

  • QoS Guaranteed and Energy Efficient Transmission Scheme for Wireless Personal Area Networks

    Yang-Ick JOO  Yeonwoo LEE  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E91-B No:6

    In this paper, we propose a QoS guaranteed and energy-efficient transmission scheme for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs), which operate in conjunction with contention-based access protocols such as CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance). Energy consumption is one of the most important issues in WPAN systems, because WPAN devices are often required to operate under limited battery capacity. Furthermore, if the WPAN adopts a contention-based medium access protocol, the energy consumption problem becomes even more critical due to the collisions caused by independent channel access attempts. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an algorithm that selects the optimum fragment size, modulation level, and transmission power, in order to minimize the energy consumption and guarantee the QoS (Quality of Service) requirements, simultaneously. From the simulation results, it is shown that the proposed algorithm can achieve the minimum energy consumption, satisfying throughput and delay requirements.

  • Energy-Efficient Transmission Scheme for WPANs with a TDMA-Based Contention-Free Access Protocol

    Yang-Ick JOO  Yeonwoo LEE  


    E91-B No:2

    Energy-efficient transmission scheme is very essential for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPNs) for maximizing the lifetime of energy-constrained wireless devices and assuring the required QoS in the actual physical transmission at each allocated TDMA time slot. We therefore propose the minimum energy (ME) criterion based adaptive transmission scheme which determines the optimum combination of transmit power, physical data rate and fragment size required to simultaneously minimize the energy consumption and satisfy the required QoS in each assigned time duration. The improved performances offered by the proposed algorithm are demonstrated via computer simulation in terms of throughput and energy consumption.

  • A Practical Routing and MAC Framework for Maximum Lifetime Sensor Telemetry

    Ozgur ERCETIN  Ozgur GURBUZ  Kerem BULBUL  Ertugrul CIFTCIOGLU  Aylin AKSU  


    E90-B No:11

    The recent progress in sensor and wireless communication technologies has enabled the design and implementation of new applications such as sensor telemetry which is the use of wireless sensors to gather fine-grained information from products, people and places. In this work, we consider a realistic telemetry application in which an area is periodically monitored by a sensor network which gathers data from equally spaced sample points. The objective is to maximize the lifetime of the network by jointly selecting the sensing nodes, the node transmission powers and the route to the base station from each sensing node. We develop an optimization-based algorithm OPT-RE and a low complexity algorithm SP-RE for this purpose and analyze their dynamics through extensive numerical studies. Our results indicate that SP-RE is a promising algorithm which has comparable performance to that of the more computationally intensive OPT-RE algorithm. The energy consumption is significantly affected by the channel access method, and in this paper, we also compare the effects of the collision free TDMA and contention based CSMA/CA methods. We propose practical enhancements to CSMA/CA so that the energy consumption due to collisions is reduced. Our simulation results indicate that with the proposed enhancements contention based channel access can provide comparable performance to that of the collision free methods.
