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[Keyword] optics(143hit)


  • All-Optical Signal Processing Using Highly-Nonlinear Optical Fibers

    Shigeki WATANABE  Fumio FUTAMI  

    INVITED PAPER-Optical Systems and Technologies

    E84-B No:5

    The effectiveness and possible applications of all-optical signal processing using highly-nonlinear dispersion-shifted fibers (HNL-DSFs) are described. Transparent and simultaneous processings of multi-channels WDM signal are key features of optical fiber processors. Simultaneous wavelength conversion of 3210 Gb/s WDM signal by four-wave mixing, all-optical 3R regeneration of 220 Gb/s WDM signal using nonlinear loop mirrors, and simultaneous recovery of 2020 GHz WDM optical clocks by supercontinuum were successfully demonstrated using HNL-DSFs, and possible applications of ultra-fast and multi-channel processing in future photonic networks are discussed.

  • Experimental Studies of Switching Characteristics for All-Optical Demultiplexer Module

    Rainer HAINBERGER  Yuki KOMAI  Yasuyuki OZEKI  Masahiro TSUCHIYA  Kashiko KODATE  Takeshi KAMIYA  


    E84-C No:3

    By combining the technology of all-optical saturable absorbers and the diffractive optics, a scheme of all-optical time division demultiplexing module is investigated. Following authors' proposal, design, test fabrication of the optical platform in the previous paper, this paper focuses on the characterization of switching performance. Using a multiple quantum well saturable absorber of InGaAs/InAlAs composition, and gain switched semiconductor laser pulses of 25 ps pulse width, the switching function was demonstrated experimentally at wavelength of 1.55 µm. The switching on-off ratio was compared among 4 lens configuration, 2 lens configuration (2L) and free space, collinear geometry. No degradation was observed in the case of 2 lens configuration in comparison to collinear illumination. Thus the feasibility of all-optical switch module with power efficiency and high speed is predicted, under the assumption of the progress in sub-micron lithography.

  • Optical MEMS

    Hiroyuki FUJITA  Hiroshi TOSHIYOSHI  


    E83-C No:9

    Recently the applications of MEMS (micro electro mechanical systems) have made remarkable progress in many filelds. The optical application of MEMS is one of the most promising because it provides micro mechano optical devices, the key components for high-perfromance systems in optical communication networks and data storage devices. This paper disucces the impacts of MEMS techologies on optical systems. Furthermore, state-of-the-art exmaples of micro optical switches, pig-tailed tunable filters and two-dimensional MEMS optical scanners are described.

  • Micromechanical Photonic Integrated Circuits

    Ming C. WU  Li FAN  Guo-Dong SU  

    INVITED PAPER-Switches and Novel Devices

    E83-C No:6

    We report on a novel micromechanical photonic integrated circuits (PIC) for integrating free-space optical systems on a chip. Using polysilicon surface-micromachining technique, micro-optical elements, three-dimensional optomechanical structures, and microactuators are monolithically integrated on silicon substrate. We will discuss the basic building blocks of the micromechanical PIC, including XYZ micropositioners, 2-axis tilting micromirrors, scanning microlenses, and their integration with vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers. We will also discuss their applications in reconfigurable optical interconnect and active alignment in parallel free-space optical interconnect systems.

  • Ultrafast Hybrid-Integrated Symmetric Mach-Zehnder All-Optical Switch and Its 168 Gbps Error-Free Demultiplexing Operation

    Kazuhito TAJIMA  Shigeru NAKAMURA  Yoshiyasu UENO  Jun'ichi SASAKI  Takara SUGIMOTO  Tomoaki KATO  Tsuyoshi SHIMODA  Hiroshi HATAKEYAMA  Takemasa TAMANUKI  Tatsuya SASAKI  

    PAPER-High-Speed Optical Devices

    E83-C No:6

    A newly developed hybrid-integrated Symmetric Mach-Zehnder (HI-SMZ) all-optical switch is reported. For integration, we chose the Symmetric Mach-Zehnder (SMZ) structure rather than the Polarization-Discriminating Symmetric Mach-Zehnder (PD-SMZ) structure which is similar to SMZ but more often used in experiments using discrete optical components. We discuss advantages and disadvantages of SMZ and PD-SMZ to show that SMZ is more suitable for integration. We also discuss about the use of SOAs as nonlinear elements for all-optical switches. We conclude that, although the ultrafast switching capability of SMZ is limited by the gain compression of SOAs, the very low switching energy is more important for practical devices. We then describe the HI-SMZ all-optical switch. This integration scheme has advantages which include low loss, low dispersion silica waveguides for high speed operation and ease in large scale integration of many SMZs with other optical, electrical, and opto-electrical devices. We show that a very high dynamic extinction ratio is possible with HI-SMZ. We also examine HI-SMZ with 1 ps pulses to show its ultrafast capability. Finally, we describe a 168 to 10.5 Gbps error-free demultiplexing experiment which is to our best knowledge the fastest experiment with an integrated device.

  • A Mathematical Proof of Physical Optics Equivalent Edge Currents Based upon the Path of Most Rapid Phase Variation

    Suomin CUI  Ken-ichi SAKINA  Makoto ANDO  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E83-C No:4

    Mathematical proof for the equivalent edge currents for physical optics (POEECs) is given for plane wave incidence and the observer in far zone; the perfect accuracy of POEECs for plane wave incidence as well as the degradation for the dipole source closer to the scatterer is clearly explained for the first time. POEECs for perfectly conducting plates are extended to those for impedance plates.

  • Fiber Laser Intra-Cavity Spectroscopy (FLICS)


    PAPER-Chemical, Environmental, Biochemical and Medical Sensors

    E83-C No:3

    Compact intra-cavity spectroscopic measurements may be obtained with any material that has an absorption signature under the gain bandwidth of a fiber laser. Experiments have demonstrated that compared with a regular absorption scheme, an increase in sensitivity is achieved when using the intra-cavity configuration. The practical limit for this enhancement is given by the fiber laser noise. Since intra-cavity spectroscopy is essentially a single beam technique, the application of dual-beam noise reduction techniques is not possible. However, considering that a single-mode fiber can support two modes of polarization, we have used a polarization beam splitter to create two independent cavities (x and y polarization) with the same noise, one cavity of which contains the absorber. For the first time, this permits the convenient use of Balanced Ratiometric Detection in conjunction with an intra-cavity absorption arrangement.

  • An Optical Fiber Sensor for the Measurement of Elevated Temperatures

    Theodore F. MORSE  Yifei HE  Fei LUO  

    PAPER-Physical and Mechanical Sensors

    E83-C No:3

    A novel optical technique for the measurement of temperature is proposed. This is accomplished by depositing alternating 1/4 wave layers of silicon nitride and silicon-rich silicon nitride at the end of an optical fiber. These layers of alternating refractive index form the equivalent of a Bragg grating of a high temperature material. When the fiber and the Bragg grating are heated, the Bragg stack expands, and there is a change in the reflective peak wavelength of this wave stack. Thus, the wavelength of peak reflectivity is a function of temperature. Currently, the 15 nm spectral width of the Bragg stacks is achieved in our laboratory, which is conveniently monitored with a CCD solid state spectrometer and the temperature sensor probes can be also multiplexed at separated specific reflection wavelength. In the experiment, the temperatures in excess of 1,100 centigrade have been measured with a resolution of less than 3 centigrade degree.

  • Distributed and Multiplexed Fibre Grating Sensors, Including Discussion of Problem Areas

    John P. DAKIN  Mark VOLANTHEN  

    INVITED PAPER-Multiplexing and Sensor Networking

    E83-C No:3

    A short review of distributed and multiplexed sensor technology, based on fibre gratings, is given. This is followed by details of more specific work in this area at the University of Southampton, particularly grating fabrication, distributed and multiplexed addressing and important practical aspects such as temperature and strain discrimination. The paper concludes with a short discussion of the problems that must be avoided in order to construct viable systems for engineering requirements.

  • Simultaneous Measurements of Temperature and Strain Using Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in GeO2-Doped Core and Dispersion Shifted Fiber

    Ralph POSEY, Jr.  Sandeep T. VOHRA  Alan B. TVETEN  

    PAPER-Distributed Sensing

    E83-C No:3

    Simultaneous measurements of temperature and strain were demonstrated by measuring the stimulated Brillouin scattering frequency shift and gain in two separate types of optical fibers: dispersion shifted and special GeO2-doped optical fiber. This novel approach allows for a hybrid frequency division and time division multiplexing scheme for developing advanced distributed strain sensing. The preliminary measurements show a temperature resolution of approximately 1.6 and a strain resolution of 32 µε.

  • Characteristics of Fiber Bragg Grating Hydrophone


    PAPER-Physical and Mechanical Sensors

    E83-C No:3

    Characteristics of an FBG hydrophone are described under various conditions. The developed FBG hydrophone detects an acoustic field in water with good performances: linear response,high sensitivity,high stability,wide dynamic range as large as 90 dB and wide operation frequency range from a few kHz to a few MHz. A WDM FBG hydrophone consisting of two FBGs in serial connection can detect simultaneously amplitudes and phases of acoustic fields at different points,which in turn allows a directive measurement of an acoustic field in water.

  • 10 Gbit/s Optical Soliton Transmission Experiment in a Comb-Like Dispersion Profiled Fiber Loop

    Hiroyuki TODA  Yoshihisa INADA  Yuji KODAMA  Akira HASEGAWA  

    LETTER-Optical Communication

    E82-B No:9

    We performed 10 Gbit/s optical soliton transmission experiment over 2,000 km with bit error rate of < 10-9 in a comb-like dispersion profiled fiber (CDPF) loop of 80 km amplifier spacing which corresponds to 1.8 times of dispersion distance. By reducing the average dispersion of the CDPF, error free distance of 3,000 km was obtained.

  • Development on Guided-Wave Switch Arrays

    Hirochika NAKAJIMA  

    INVITED PAPER-Photonic Switching Devices

    E82-B No:2

    State of the arts on guided-wave optical switch arrays are reviewed. In this paper, electro-optic Ti:LiNbO3 devices are mainly described in comparison with crosspoint switch element structures and switch array architectures. Packaging technologies and stability problems are discussed for practical system applications. Recent development on other materials such as semiconductor waveguides, thermo-optic glass/polymer waveguides are also reviewed briefly.

  • Development on Guided-Wave Switch Arrays

    Hirochika NAKAJIMA  

    INVITED PAPER-Photonic Switching Devices

    E82-C No:2

    State of the arts on guided-wave optical switch arrays are reviewed. In this paper, electro-optic Ti:LiNbO3 devices are mainly described in comparison with crosspoint switch element structures and switch array architectures. Packaging technologies and stability problems are discussed for practical system applications. Recent development on other materials such as semiconductor waveguides, thermo-optic glass/polymer waveguides are also reviewed briefly.

  • All-Optical Switching in Novel Waveguide X-Junctions with Localized Nonlinearity

    Hiroshi MURATA  Masayuki IZUTSU  Tadasi SUETA  

    PAPER-Photonic Switching Devices

    E82-C No:2

    We propose novel all-optical functional devices using waveguide X-junctions with localized third order optical nonlinearity, where one branch is made from a Kerr-like nonlinear material and the rest are made from linear ones. All-optical switching operations can be obtained because of bistable like nonlinear dispersion characteristics in linear and nonlinear coupled guided-wave systems. The performances of the devices are analyzed by the Beam Propagation Method (BPM) modified for nonlinear waveguides combined with the nonlinear normal mode analysis. The methods to construct the waveguides with localized nonlinearity are also discussed by utilizing the technologies for the selective control of a band-gap energy of semiconductor Multi Quantum Well (MQW) structures and the performances of the designed devices are presented.

  • All-Optical Switching in Novel Waveguide X-Junctions with Localized Nonlinearity

    Hiroshi MURATA  Masayuki IZUTSU  Tadasi SUETA  

    PAPER-Photonic Switching Devices

    E82-B No:2

    We propose novel all-optical functional devices using waveguide X-junctions with localized third order optical nonlinearity, where one branch is made from a Kerr-like nonlinear material and the rest are made from linear ones. All-optical switching operations can be obtained because of bistable like nonlinear dispersion characteristics in linear and nonlinear coupled guided-wave systems. The performances of the devices are analyzed by the Beam Propagation Method (BPM) modified for nonlinear waveguides combined with the nonlinear normal mode analysis. The methods to construct the waveguides with localized nonlinearity are also discussed by utilizing the technologies for the selective control of a band-gap energy of semiconductor Multi Quantum Well (MQW) structures and the performances of the designed devices are presented.

  • Efficient Evaluation of Aperture Field Integration Method for Polyhedron Surfaces and Equivalence to Physical Optics

    Suomin CUI  Makoto ANDO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E81-C No:12

    The equivalence between Aperture Field Integration Method (AFIM) and Physical Optical (PO) is discussed for polyhedron surfaces in this paper. The necessary conditions for the equivalence are summarized which demand complete equivalent surface currents and complete apertures. The importance of the exact expressions for both incident and reflected fields in constructing equivalent surface currents is emphasized and demonstrated numerically. The fields from reflected components on additional surface which lies on the Geometrical Optics (GO) reflection boundary are evaluated asymptotically. The analytical expression enhances the computational efficiency of the complete AFIM. The equivalent edge currents (EECs) for AFIM (AFIMEECs) are used to extract the mechanism of this equivalence between AFIM and PO.

  • Shadow Boundary Currents in the Problem of High-Frequency Electromagnetic Diffraction by a Circular Impedance Cylinder

    Andrey V. OSIPOV  Hirokazu KOBAYASHI  Kohei HONGO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E81-C No:10

    A correction of the physical optics approximation by accounting for the presence of specific currents concentrated near shadow boundaries on the surface of a convex non-metallic scatterer is analysed by considering a canonical problem of diffraction of a plane electromagnetic wave incident normally to the axis of an infinite circular cylinder with impedance boundary conditions. The analysis focuses on the development of Fock-type asymptotic representations for magnetic field tangent components on the surface of the scatterer. The Fock-type representation of the surface field is uniformly valid within the penumbra region, providing a continuous transition from the geometrical optics formulas on the lit portion of the surface to the creeping waves approximation in the deep shadow region. A new numerical procedure for evaluating Fock-type integrals is proposed that extracts rapidly varying factors and approximates the rest, slowly varying coefficients via interpolation. This allows us to obtain accurate and simple representations for the shadow boundary currents that can be directly inserted into the radiation integral and effectively integrated. We show that accounting for the shadow boundary currents considerably improves the traditional PO analysis of the high-frequency electromagnetic fields scattered from smooth and convex non-metallic obstacles, particularly near the forward scattering direction.

  • A Feasible All Optical Soliton Based Inter-LAN Network Using Time Division Multiplexing

    Akira HASEGAWA  Hiroyuki TODA  

    PAPER-Optical Communication

    E81-B No:8

    By sacrificing approximately ten percent of the transmission speed, ultra-high speed optical time division multiplexed network can be fully operatable by the use of currently available electrical switches. The network utilizes dispersion managed quasi-solitons and transmits TDM packet which comprises of ATM cells that are introduced from a gateway through bit compression to match to the ultra-high speed traffics. The network can provide flexible bandwidth and bit on demand at burst rate of the maximum LAN speed.

  • Dynamic Analysis of Widely Tunable Laser Diodes Integrated with Sampled- and Chirped-Grating Distributed Bragg Reflectors and an Electroabsorption Modulator

    Byoung-Sung KIM  Youngchul CHUNG  Sun-Ho KIM  


    E81-C No:8

    Wavelength tunable laser diodes are critical components in a wide variety of WDM and packet switching architectures. And also wavelength-tuned short pulses generated from the semiconductor laser diodes are of great importance for the developments of ultrahigh speed and WDM optical communication systems. Over the past several years, both continuously and discontinuously tunable lasers incorporating periodically sampled and chirped grating have been studied theoretically and experimentally. These laser diodes show the wide tuning range of above 60 nm, stable lasing condition, and large side-mode suppression ratio. Directly modulated semiconductor laser diodes, even those with a single mode, exhibit a dynamic frequency chirp during the on/off modulation. The dynamic linewidth broadening caused by such a large frequency chirp can result in a significant penalty in the performance of high-speed long-haul optical communication systems. The CW laser diodes integrated with an external EA modulator are an breakthrough to realize the high-speed optical systems with low chirp. And also the short pulse generation using the external modulator has been realized experimentally, whose principle of the pulse generation is the optical gating of the electroabsorption modulator. In this paper, widely tunable laser diodes incorporating periodically sampled and chirped gratings and an external modulator are analyzed using an improved time-domain dynamic model. First, it is demonstrated that the improved model is very powerful in simulating the complex laser diodes with active and passive sections. And, the dynamic properties of the sampled grating DBR and chirped grating DBR laser diodes are investigated. Second, the modulation characteristics of the laser diode integrated with the external electroabsorption modulator are studied. It is shown that the external modulation are superior to the direct modulation in the aspect of the lower frequency chirp. And the pulse generation by the optical gating of the external modulator is observed theoretically.
