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  • Deterministic Particle Swarm Optimizer with the Convergence and Divergence Dynamics

    Tomoyuki SASAKI  Hidehiro NAKANO  Arata MIYAUCHI  Akira TAGUCHI  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E100-A No:5

    In this paper, we propose a new paradigm of deterministic PSO, named piecewise-linear particle swarm optimizer (PPSO). In PPSO, each particle has two search dynamics, a convergence mode and a divergence mode. The trajectory of each particle is switched between the two dynamics and is controlled by parameters. We analyze convergence condition of each particle and investigate parameter conditions to allow particles to converge to an equilibrium point through numerical experiments. We further compare solving performances of PPSO. As a result, we report here that the solving performances of PPSO are substantially the same as or superior to those of PSO.

  • Reliability Function and Strong Converse of Biometrical Identification Systems Based on List-Decoding

    Vamoua YACHONGKA  Hideki YAGI  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E100-A No:5

    The biometrical identification system, introduced by Willems et al., is a system to identify individuals based on their measurable physical characteristics. Willems et al. characterized the identification capacity of a discrete memoryless biometrical identification system from information theoretic perspectives. Recently, Mori et al. have extended this scenario to list-decoding whose list size is an exponential function of the data length. However, as the data length increases, how the maximum identification error probability (IEP) behaves for a given rate has not yet been characterized for list-decoding. In this letter, we investigate the reliability function of the system under fixed-size list-decoding, which is the optimal exponential behavior of the maximum IEP. We then use Arimoto's argument to analyze a lower bound on the maximum IEP with list-decoding when the rate exceeds the capacity, which leads to the strong converse theorem. All results are derived under the condition that an unknown individual need not be uniformly distributed and the identification process is done without the knowledge of the prior distribution.

  • Quick Window Query Processing Using a Non-Uniform Cell-Based Index in Wireless Data Broadcast Environment

    SeokJin IM  HeeJoung HWANG  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E100-A No:4

    This letter proposes a Non-uniform Cell-based Index (NCI) to enable clients to quickly process window queries in the wireless spatial data broadcast environment. To improve the access time, NCI reduces the probe wait time by equalized spacing between indexes, using non-uniformly partitioned cells of data space. Through the performance evaluation, we show the proposed NCI outperforms the existing index schemes for window queries to spatial data in respect of access time.

  • Improving Accuracy of Ray-Tracing Prediction in Non Line-of-Sight (NLOS) Urban Street Cell Environment beyond 6GHz

    Nobutaka OMAKI  Tetsuro IMAI  Koshiro KITAO  Yukihiko OKUMURA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E100-B No:4

    Recently, mobile networks employing high-speed high-capacity communications have been investigated extensively to satisfy the demand for faster and higher-capacity data communications. In one approach, frequencies between 6 and 100GHz are candidates to utilize relatively wide frequency bandwidths. Accordingly, radio propagation loss in these frequency bands must be characterized. Ray-tracing (RT) is the most common modeling approach to predict propagation loss in site-specific scenarios. The accuracy of RT simulations has been investigated in urban street cell environments based on comparison to measurement results and we observed that the difference between RT simulation and measurement results tends to increase as the frequency increases. In this paper, we focus on the shape of building corners at an intersection because it is this shape that is a dominant contributing factor in the region away from the intersection. In order to correct the error in the conventional RT method, we propose an alternative model that considers the detailed shape of the building corner and surface roughness. The performance of the RT simulation using the proposed method is then investigated based on comparison of two different sets of measurement results. Finally, we extract the optimal size and roughness for the proposed modeling method. Consequently, we confirm that using the proposed method with optimized parameters significantly enhances the accuracy compared to the conventional method.

  • Reliability of a Circular Connected-(1,2)-or-(2,1)-out-of-(m,n):F Lattice System with Identical Components

    Taishin NAKAMURA  Hisashi YAMAMOTO  Takashi SHINZATO  Xiao XIAO  Tomoaki AKIBA  

    PAPER-Reliability, Maintainability and Safety Analysis

    E100-A No:4

    Using a matrix approach based on a Markov process, we investigate the reliability of a circular connected-(1,2)-or-(2,1)-out-of-(m,n):F lattice system for the i.i.d. case. We develop a modified linear lattice system that is equivalent to this circular system, and propose a methodology that allows the systematic calculation of the reliability. It is based on ideas presented by Fu and Hu [6]. A partial transition probability matrix is used to reduce the computational complexity of the calculations, and closed formulas are derived for special cases.

  • Industry Application of Software Development Task Measurement System: TaskPit

    Pawin SUTHIPORNOPAS  Pattara LEELAPRUTE  Akito MONDEN  Hidetake UWANO  Yasutaka KAMEI  Naoyasu UBAYASHI  Kenji ARAKI  Kingo YAMADA  Ken-ichi MATSUMOTO  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E100-D No:3

    To identify problems in a software development process, we have been developing an automated measurement tool called TaskPit, which monitors software development tasks such as programming, testing and documentation based on the execution history of software applications. This paper introduces the system requirements, design and implementation of TaskPit; then, presents two real-world case studies applying TaskPit to actual software development. In the first case study, we applied TaskPit to 12 software developers in a certain software development division. As a result, several concerns (to be improved) have been revealed such as (a) a project leader spent too much time on development tasks while he was supposed to be a manager rather than a developer, (b) several developers rarely used e-mails despite the company's instruction to use e-mail as much as possible to leave communication records during development, and (c) several developers wrote too long e-mails to their customers. In the second case study, we have recorded the planned, actual, and self reported time of development tasks. As a result, we found that (d) there were unplanned tasks in more than half of days, and (e) the declared time became closer day by day to the actual time measured by TaskPit. These findings suggest that TaskPit is useful not only for a project manager who is responsible for process monitoring and improvement but also for a developer who wants to improve by him/herself.

  • A Hybrid Push/Pull Streaming Scheme Using Interval Caching in P2P VOD Systems

    Eunsam KIM  Boa KANG  Choonhwa LEE  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E100-D No:3

    This paper presents a hybrid push/pull streaming scheme to take advantage of both the interval caching-based push method and the mesh-based pull method. When a new peer joins, a mesh-based pull method is adopted to avoid the overhead to reorganize the structure only if all of its potential preceding peers are likely to leave before the end of its playback. Otherwise, an interval caching-based push method is adopted so that the better performance of the push method can be maintained until it completes the playback. We demonstrate that our proposed scheme outperforms compared with when either the interval caching-based push method or mesh-based pull method is employed alone.

  • Improving Purchase Behavior Prediction with Most Popular Items

    Chen CHEN  Jiakun XIAO  Chunyan HOU  Xiaojie YUAN  

    LETTER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E100-D No:2

    Purchase behavior prediction is one of the most important issues to promote both e-commerce companies' sales and the consumers' satisfaction. The prediction usually uses features based on the statistics of items. This kind of features can lead to the loss of detailed information of items. While all items are included, a large number of features has the negative impact on the efficiency of learning the predictive model. In this study, we propose to use the most popular items for improving the prediction. Experiments on the real-world dataset have demonstrated the effectiveness and the efficiency of our proposed method. We also analyze the reason for the performance of the most popular items. In addition, our work also reveals if interactions among most popular items are taken into account, the further significant improvement can be achieved. One possible explanation is that online retailers usually use a variety of sales promotion methods and the interactions can help to predict the purchase behavior.

  • Analysis of Vehicle Information Sharing Performance of an Intersection Collision Warning System

    Yusuke TAKATORI  Hideya TAKEO  


    E100-A No:2

    In this paper, the performance of a vehicle information sharing (VIS) system for an intersection collision warning system (ICWS) is analyzed. The on-board unit (OBU) of the ICWS sharing obstacle detection sensor information (ICWS-ODSI) is mounted on a vehicle, and it obtains information about the surrounding vehicles, such as their position and velocity, by its in-vehicle obstacle detection sensors. These information are shared with other vehicles via an intervehicle communication network. In this analysis, a T-junction is assumed as the road environment for the theoretical analysis of the VIS performance in terms of the mean of entire vehicle information acquiring probability (MEVIAP). The MEVIAP on OBU penetration rate indicated that the ICWS-ODSI is superior to the conventional VIS system that only shares its own individual driving information via an intervehicle communication network. Furthermore, the MEVIAP on the sensing range of the ICWS-ODSI is analyzed, and it was found that the ISO15623 sensor used for the forward vehicle collision warning system becomes a candidate for the in-vehicle detection sensor of ICWS-ODSI.

  • Vehicle Classification under Different Feature Sets with a Single Anisotropic Magnetoresistive Sensor

    Chang XU  Yingguan WANG  Yunlong ZHAN  


    E100-A No:2

    This paper focus on the development of a single portable roadside magnetic sensor for vehicle classification. The magnetic sensor is a kind of anisotropic magnetic device that do not require to be embedded in the roadway-the device is placed next to the roadway and measure traffic in the immediately adjacent lane. A novel feature extraction and comparison approach is presented for vehicle classification with a single magnetic sensor, which is based on four different feature sets extracted from the detected magnetic signal. Furthermore, vehicle classification has been achieved with three common classification algorithms, including support vector machine, k-nearest neighbors and back-propagation neural network. Experimental results have demonstrated that the Peak-Peak feature set with back-propagation neural network approach performs much better than other approaches. Besides, the normalization technology has been proved it does work.

  • Periodic Model Predictive Control of Multi-Hop Control Networks



    E100-A No:2

    In this paper, a new method of model predictive control (MPC) for a multi-hop control network (MHCN) is proposed. An MHCN is a control system in which plants and controllers are connected through a multi-hop wireless network. In the proposed method, (i) control inputs and (ii) paths used in transmission of control inputs are computed with constant period by solving the finite-time optimal control problem. First, a mathematical model for expressing an MHCN is proposed. This model is given by a switched linear system, and is compatible with MPC. Next, the finite-time optimal control problem using this model is formulated, and is reduced to a mixed integer quadratic programming problem. Finally, a numerical example is presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • GDOP and the CRB for Positioning Systems

    Wanchun LI  Ting YUAN  Bin WANG  Qiu TANG  Yingxiang LI  Hongshu LIAO  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E100-A No:2

    In this paper, we explore the relationship between Geometric Dilution of Precision (GDOP) and Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB) by tracing back to the original motivations for deriving these two indexes. In addition, the GDOP is served as a sensor-target geometric uncertainty analysis tool whilst the CRB is served as a statistical performance evaluation tool based on the sensor observations originated from target. And CRB is the inverse matrix of Fisher information matrix (FIM). Based on the original derivations for a same positioning application, we interpret their difference in a mathematical view to show that.

  • Fast Reconstruction for Degraded Reads and Recovery Process in Primary Array Storage Systems

    Baegjae SUNG  Chanik PARK  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E100-D No:2

    RAID has been widely deployed in disk array storage systems to manage both performance and reliability simultaneously. RAID conducts two performance-critical operations during disk failures known as degraded reads/writes and recovery process. Before the recovery process is complete, reads and writes are degraded because data is reconstructed using data redundancy. The performance of degraded reads/writes is critical in order to meet stipulations in customer service level agreements (SLAs), and the recovery process affects the reliability of a storage system considerably. Both operations require fast data reconstruction. Among the erasure codes for fast reconstruction, Local Reconstruction Codes (LRC) are known to offer the best (or optimal) trade-off between storage overhead, fault tolerance, and the number of disks involved in reconstruction. Originally, LRC was designed for fast reconstruction in distributed cloud storage systems, in which network traffic is a major bottleneck during reconstruction. Thus, LRC focuses on reducing the number of disks involved in data reconstruction, which reduces network traffic. However, we observe that when LRC is applied to primary array storage systems, a major bottleneck in reconstruction results from uneven disk utilization. In other words, underutilized disks can no longer receive I/O requests as a result of the bottleneck of overloaded disks. Uneven disk utilization in LRC is due to its dedicated group partitioning policy to achieve the Maximally Recoverable property. In this paper, we present Distributed Reconstruction Codes (DRC) that support fast reconstruction in primary array storage systems. DRC is designed with group shuffling policy to solve the problem of uneven disk utilization. Experiments on real-world workloads show that DRC using global parity rotation (DRC-G) improves degraded performance by as much as 72% compared to RAID-6 and by as much as 35% compared to LRC under the same reliability. In addition, our study shows that DRC-G reduces the recovery process completion time by as much as 52% compared to LRC.

  • Learning State Recognition in Self-Paced E-Learning

    Siyang YU  Kazuaki KONDO  Yuichi NAKAMURA  Takayuki NAKAJIMA  Masatake DANTSUJI  

    PAPER-Educational Technology

    E100-D No:2

    Self-paced e-learning provides much more freedom in time and locale than traditional education as well as diversity of learning contents and learning media and tools. However, its limitations must not be ignored. Lack of information on learners' states is a serious issue that can lead to severe problems, such as low learning efficiency, motivation loss, and even dropping out of e-learning. We have designed a novel e-learning support system that can visually observe learners' non-verbal behaviors and estimate their learning states and that can be easily integrated into practical e-learning environments. Three pairs of internal states closely related to learning performance, concentration-distraction, difficulty-ease, and interest-boredom, were selected as targets of recognition. In addition, we investigated the practical problem of estimating the learning states of a new learner whose characteristics are not known in advance. Experimental results show the potential of our system.

  • Novel Cellular Active Array Antenna System at Base Station for Beyond 4G Open Access

    Masayuki NAKANO  


    E100-B No:2

    This paper introduces a base station antenna system as a future cellular technology. The base station antenna system is the key to achieving high-speed data transmission. It is particularly important to improve the frequency reuse factor as one of the roles of a base station. Furthermore, in order to solve the interference problem due to the same frequency being used by the macro cell and the small cell, the author focuses on beam and null control using an AAS (Active Antenna System) and elucidates their effects through area simulations and field tests. The results showed that AAS can improve the SINR (signal to interference-plus-noise ratio) of the small cell area inside macro cells. The paper shows that cell quality performance can be improved by incorporating the AAS into a cellular base station as its antenna system for beyond 4G radio access technology including the 5G cellular system.

  • Decentralized Similarity Control of Composite Nondeterministic Discrete Event Systems with Local Specifications

    Masanori HOSHINO  Shigemasa TAKAI  


    E100-A No:2

    We consider a decentralized similarity control problem for composite nondeterministic discrete event systems, where each subsystem has its own local specification and the entire specification is described as the synchronous composition of local specifications. We present necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a complete decentralized supervisor that solves a similarity control problem under the assumption that any locally uncontrollable event is not shared by other subsystems. We also show that the system controlled by the complete decentralized supervisor that consists of maximally permissive local supervisors is bisimilar to the one controlled by the maximally permissive monolithic supervisor under the same assumption.

  • Controllability Analysis of Aggregate Demand Response System in Multiple Price-Change Situation

    Kazuhiro SATO  Shun-ichi AZUMA  


    E100-A No:2

    The paper studies controllability of an aggregate demand response system, i.e., the amount of the change of the total electric consumption in response to the change of the electric price, for real-time pricing (RTP). In order to quantify the controllability, this paper defines the controllability index as the lowest occurrence probability of the total electric consumption when the best possible the electric price is chosen. Then the paper formulates the problem which finds the consumer group maximizing the controllability index. The controllability problem becomes hard to solve as the number of consumers increases. To give a solution of the controllability problem, the article approximates the controllability index by the generalized central limit theorem. Using the approximated controllability index, the controllability problem can be reduced to a problem for solving nonlinear equations. Since the number of variables of the equations is independent of the number of consumers, an approximate solution of the controllability problem is obtained by numerically solving the equations.

  • Trip-Based Integer Linear Programming Model for Static Multi-Car Elevator Operation Problems

    Tsutomu INAMOTO  Yoshinobu HIGAMI  Shin-ya KOBAYASHI  


    E100-A No:2

    In this paper, the authors propose an integer linear programming (ILP) model for static multi-car elevator operation problems. Here, “static” means that all information which make the behavior of the elevator system indeterministic is known before scheduling. The proposed model is based on the trip-based ILP model for static single-car elevator operation problems. A trip of an elevator is a one-directional movement of that elevator, which is labaled upward or downward. In the trip-based ILP model, an elevator trajectory is scheduled according to decision variables which determine allocations of trips to users of an elevator system. That model has such an advantage that the difficulty in solving ILP formulations resulted by that model does not depend on the length of the planning horizon nor the height of the considered building, thus is effective when elevator trajectories are simple. Moreover, that model has many variables relevant to elevators' positions. The proposed model is resulted by adding 3 constraints which are basically based on those variables and make it possible to prevent elevators in a same shaft from interfering. The first constraint simply imposes the first and last floors of an upper trip to be above those of its lower trip. The second constraint imagines the crossing point between upper and lower trips and imposes it ahead of or behind the lower trip according to their directions. The last constraint estimates future positions of elevators and imposes the upper trip to be above floors of passengers on the lower trip. The basic validity of the proposed model is displayed by solving 90 problem instances and examining elevator trajectories generated from them, then comparing objective function values of elevator trajectories on a multi-car elevator system with those on single-car elevator systems.

  • Novel Anti-Jamming Algorithm for GNSS Receivers Using Wavelet-Packet-Transform-Based Adaptive Predictors

    Ying-Ren CHIEN  Po-Yu CHEN  Shih-Hau FANG  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E100-A No:2

    Powerful jammers are able to disable consumer-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers under normal operating conditions. Conventional anti-jamming techniques based on the time-domain are unable to effectively suppress wide-band interference, such as chirp-like jammer. This paper proposes a novel anti-jamming architecture, combining wavelet packet signal analysis with adaptive filtering theory to mitigate chirp interference. Exploiting the excellent time-frequency resolution of wavelet technologies makes it possible to generate a reference chirp signal, which is basically a “de-noised” jamming signal. The reference jamming signal then is fed into an adaptive predictor to function as a refined jamming signal such that it predicts a replica of the jammer from the received signal. The refined chirp signal is then subtracted from the received signal to realize the aim of anti-jamming. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in combating chirp interference in Galileo receivers. We achieved jamming-to-signal power ratio (JSR) of 50dB with an acquisition probability exceeding 90%, which is superior to many anti-jamming techniques based on the time-domain, such as conventional adaptive notch filters. The proposed method was also implemented in an software-defined GPS receiver for further validation.

  • Design a Folded Mixer with High Conversion Gain for 2-11GHz WiMAX System

    Zhi-Ming LIN  Po-Yu KUO  Zhong-Cheng SU  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E100-C No:2

    The mixer is a crucial circuit block in a WiMax system receiver. The performance of a mixer depends on three specifications: conversion gain, linearity and noise figure. Many mixers have been recently proposed for UWB and wideband systems; however, they either cannot achieve the high conversion gain required for a WiMAX system or they are prone to high power consumption. In this paper, a folded mixer with a high conversion gain is designed for a 2-11GHz WiMAX system and it can achieve a 20MHz IF output signal. From the simulation results, the proposed folded mixer achieves a conversion gain of 18.9 to 21.5dB for the full bandwidth. With a 0.2 to 4.4dBm IIP3, the NF is 13.5 to 17.6dB. The folded mixer is designed using TSMC 0.18µm CMOS technology. The core power consumption of the mixer is 11.8mW.
