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  • C-V and I-V Characteristics of a MOSFET with Si-Implanted Gate-SiO2

    Takashi OHZONE  Takashi HORI  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E77-C No:6

    C-V and I-V characteristics of an n-MOSFET with Si-implanted gate-SiO2 of 50 nm are analyzed by using a test device with large equal channel width and length of 100 µm, and discussed for realizing a large hysteresis window of threshold voltage. Interface trap densities change logarithmically from 31010 to 11012cm2eV1 as the Si-dose at 25 keV increases from zero to 31016cm2. Threshold-voltage changes caused by 25 keV implantaions are as high as 0.2 V. Effective mobilities (subthreshold swings) change from 600 (0.10) to 100 cm2/Vs (0.26 V/decade) as the Si-dose increases from 0 to 31016 cm2 at 25 keV, and both parameters are related with the change of interface trap densities. There is a close relationship between the hysteresis windows of gate current and threshold voltage, and the largest threshold voltage window in a low gate voltage region is obtained for the MOSFET with Si-implantation at 25 keV/31016 cm2.

  • An Analysis of Dose in Tissue Irradiated by Near Field of a Circular Loop Antenna

    Haruhiro TERADA  Fumio KITAGAWA  Nobuo OKAMOTO  Soichi WATANABE  Masao TAKI  Masao SAITO  


    E77-B No:6

    This paper presents an analysis of the dose rate in tissue irradiated by an electromagnetic near field of a circular loop antenna. An analytical model comprised of a circular loop antenna located in the vicinity of the semi-infinite plane of a homogeneous biological medium was formulated. A quasi-static hypothesis was not introduced. The theoretical formulation was rigorously developed based on Maxwell equations which used an electric vector potential, cylindrical coordinates and a Hankel transform. The internal electric field E and the specific absorption rate (SAR) were adopted as indices for the dose in the tissue. This formulation was applied to the dosimetry of a high-frequency therapeutic device (HFTD) and experiment of irradiation to a frog web. The frequency of the applied electro-magnetic fields (EMF) was 9-10MHz. The distance between the antenna and tissue was 2.0-3.2mm. The dose of HFTD were 0.75V/m and 0.35mW/kg, respectively. The dose of experiment of the irradiation to a frog web were 0.42-2.08V/m and 0.11-2.69mW/kg, respectively. The SAR values obtained by this analysis were small enough to conclude that the effects were non-thermal. The calculated SARs of these experiments were compared with estimated SARs in experiments on calcium efflux change due to a weak modulated RF field. All were found to be of the same order of magnitude.

  • Dynamically Overlapped Partitioning Technique to Implement Waveform Relaxation Simulation of Bipolar Circuits

    Vijaya Gopal BANDI  Hideki ASAI  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Circuits and Systems

    E77-A No:6

    A new efficient waveform relaxation technique based on dynamically overlapped partitioning scheme is presented. This overlapped partitioning method enables the application of waveform relaxation technique to bipolar VLSI circuits. Instead of fixed overlapping, we select the depth of overlapping dynamically based on the sensitivity criteria. By minimizing the overlapped area, we could reduce the additional computational overhead which results from overlapping the partitions. This overlapped waveform relaxation method has better convergence properties due to smaller error introduced at each step compared with standard relaxation techniques. When overlapped partitioning is used in the case of digital circuits, the waveforms obtained after first iteration are nearly accurate. Therefore, by using these waveforms as initial guess waveforms for the second iterations we can reduce Newton-Raphson iterations at each time point.

  • Transmission Characteristics of CPW Bends for Various Curvatures

    Hiroyuki SAWASA  Hideki NAKANO  Kohji KOSHIJI  Eimei SHU  


    E77-C No:6

    Transmission characteristics of CPW bends having various curvatures and a fixed bend angle were measured. It was found that the transmission level shows dips at some particular frequencies, and that the dips are less pronounced as the radius of curvature becomes larger.

  • A Class of Neural Networks Based on Approximate Identity for Analog IC's Hardware Implementation

    Massimo CONTI  Simone ORCIONI  Claudio TURCHETTI  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E77-A No:6

    Artificial Neural Networks (ANN's) that are able to learn exhibit many interesting features making them suitable to be applied in several fields such as pattern recognition, computer vision and so forth. Learning a given input-output mapping can be regarded as a problem of approximating a multivariate function. In this paper we will report a theoretical framework for approximation, based on the well known sequences of functions named approximate identities. In particular, it is proven that such sequences are able to approximate a generally continuous function to any degree of accuracy. On the basis of these theoretical results, it is shown that the proposed approximation scheme maps into a class of networks which can efficiently be implemented with analog MOS VLSI or BJT integrated circuits. To prove the validity of the proposed approach a series of results is reported.

  • Finite State Translation Systems and Parallel Multiple Context-Free Grammars

    Yuichi KAJI  Hiroyuki SEKI  Tadao KASAMI  

    PAPER-Automata, Languages and Theory of Computing

    E77-D No:6

    Finite state translation systems (fsts') are a widely studied computational model in the area of tree automata theory. In this paper, the string generating capacities of fsts' and their subclasses are studied. First, it is shown that the class of string languages generated by deterministic fsts' equals to that of parallel multiple context-free grammars, which are an extension of context-free grammars. As a corollary, it can be concluded that the recognition problem for a deterministic fsts is solvable in O(ne1)-time, where n is the length of an input word and e is a constant called the degree of the deterministic fsts'. In contrast to the latter fact, it is also shown that nondeterministic monadic fsts' with state-bound 2 can generate an NP-complete language.

  • Relaxation-Based Algorithms for Bipolar Circuit Analysis

    Masaki ISHIDA  Koichi HAYASHI  Masakatsu NISHIGAKI  Hideki ASAI  

    PAPER-Modeling and Simulation

    E77-A No:6

    This paper describes the relaxation-based algorithms with the dynamic partitioning technique for bipolar circuit analysis. In this technique, a circuit is partitioned dynamically based on the consideration of the operating region of specified bipolar devices. This technique has been used already in the waveform relaxation method. In this paper, the dynamic circuit partitioning technique is implemented in the Iterated Timing Analysis (ITA). First, the dynamic partitioning method and its validity are described. Next, the present ITA is applied to the transient simulation of several digital bipolar circuits and compared with the waveform relaxation method.

  • Outside-In Conditional Narrowing

    Tetsuo IDA  Satoshi OKUI  

    PAPER-Automata, Languages and Theory of Computing

    E77-D No:6

    We present outside-in conditional narrowing for orthogonal conditional term rewriting systems, and show the completeness of leftmost-outside-in conditional narrowing with respect to normalizable solutions. We consider orthogonal conditional term rewriting systems whose conditions consist of strict equality only. Completeness results are obtained for systems both with and without extra variables. The result bears practical significance since orthogonal conditional term rewriting systems can be viewed as a computation model for functional-logic programming languages and leftmost-outside-in conditional narrowing is the computing mechanism for the model.

  • Computational Complexity of Manipulating Binary Decision Diagrams

    Yasuhiko TAKENAGA  Shuzo YAJIMA  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E77-D No:6

    An Ordered Binary Decision Diagram (BDD) is a graph representation of a Boolean function. According to its good properties, BDD's are widely used in various applications. In this paper, we investigate the computational complexity of basic operations on BDD's. We consider two important operations: reduction of a BDD and binary Boolean operations based on BDD's. This paper shows that both the reduction of a BDD and the binary Boolean operations based on BDD's are NC1-reducible to REACHABILITY. That is, both of the problems belong to NC2. In order to extend the results to the BDD's with output inverters, we also considered the transformations between BDD's and BDD's with output inverters. We show that both of the transformations are also NC1-reducible to REACHBILITY.

  • Resolution Conversion Method with High Image Quality Preservation

    Saprangsit MRUETUSATORN  Hirotsugu KINOSHITA  Yoshinori SAKAI  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E77-D No:6

    This paper discusses a new image resolution conversion method which converts not only spatial resolution but also amplitude resolution. This method involves considering impulse responses of image devices and human visual characteristics, and can preserve high image quality. This paper considers a system that digitizes the multilevel input image with high spatial resolution and low amplitude resolution using an image scanner, and outputs the image with low spatial resolution and high amplitude resolution on a CRT display. The algorithm thus reduces the number of pixels while increasing the number of brightness levels. Since a CRT display is chosen as the output device, the distribution of each spot in the display, which is modeled as a Gaussian function, is taken as the impulse response. The output image is then expressed as the summation of various amplitudes of the impulse response. Furthermore, human visual perception, which bears a nonlinear relationship to the spatial frequency component, is simplified and modeled with a cascade combination of low-pass and high-pass filters. The output amplitude is determined so that the error between the output image and the input image, after passing through the visual perception filter, is minimized. According to the results of a simulation, it is shown that image quality can be largely preserved by the proposed method, while significant image information is lost by conventional methods.

  • Optimization of Queries with ADT Functions

    Xiaodong ZHANG  Nobuo OHBO  


    E77-D No:6

    ADTs (Abstract Data Types) have been known as a promising feature for extending the database applications to CAD/CAM and other engineering areas. This extension has brought a new dimension to query optimization. Conventional query optimization methods, which considers only joins as the dominant cost factor, are based on the belief that the executions of selections and projections basically take no time. However, in databases that support ADTs, this may not be true since the execution of a selection involving ADT functions may be very time-cosuming. Thus selections with ADT functions should not be considered as inexpensive operations in queries, and the conventional optimization heuristics should be enhanced to correspond to the appearance of the queries of this kind. In this paper, we show the possibility that semijoins can be used as an effective means to reduce the number of evaluations of an ADT function and consequently optimize queries containing expensive ADT selections. We suggest the enhancement of an conventional optimization heuristics by adding a semijoins pre-stage which is an additional component corresponding to expensive ADT selections. By this way, the applicable range of the conventional heuristics are extended to hold the ability of handling queries with ADT functions. Several optimization algorithms are given and some simulation results show the effectiveness of our methods.

  • Segmentation Based on Accumulative Observation of Apparent Motion in Long Image Sequences

    Hsiao-Jing CHEN  Yoshiaki SHIRAI  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E77-D No:6

    A method is presented to perform image segmentation by accumulatively observing apparent motion in a long image sequence of a dynamic scene. In each image in the sequence, locations are grouped into small patches of approximately uniform optical flow. To reduce the noise in computed flow vectors, a local image motion vector of each patch is computed by averaging flow vectors in the corresponding patches in several images. A segment contains patches belonging to the same 3-D plane in the scene. Initial segments are obtained in the image, and then an attempt to merge or split segments is iterated to update the segments. In order to remove inherent ambiguities in motion-based segmentation, temporal coherence between the local image motion of a patch and the apprent motion of every plane is investigated over long time. In each image, a patch is grouped into the segment of the plane whose apparent motion is temporally most coherent with the local image motion of the patch. When apparent motions of two planes are temporally incoherent, segments of the planes are retained as individual ones.

  • Three-Dimensionally Fully Space Constructible Functions

    Makoto SAKAMOTO  Katsushi INOUE  Itsuo TAKANAMI  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E77-D No:6

    There have been several interesting investigations on the space functions constructed by one-dimensional or two-dimensional Turing machines. On the other hand, as far as we know, there is no investigation about the space functions constructed by three-dimensional Turing machines. In this paper, we investigate about space constructibility by three-dimensional deterministic Turing machines with cubic inputs, and show that the functions log*n and log(k)n, k1, are fully space constructible by these machines.

  • Optimal Filtering Algorithm Using Covariance Information in Linear Continuous Distributed Parameter Systems

    Seiichi NAKAMORI  

    PAPER-Control and Computing

    E77-A No:6

    This paper presents an optimal filtering algorithm using the covariance information in linear continuous distributed parameter systems. It is assumed that the signal is observed with additive white Gaussian noise. The autocovariance function of the signal, the variance of white Gaussian noise, the observed value and the observation matrix are used in the filtering algorithm. Then, the current filter has an advantage that it can be applied to the case where a partial differential equation, which generates the signal process, is unknown.

  • Performance of Parallel Combinatory SS Communication Systems in Rayleigh Fading Channel

    Shigenobu SASAKI  Hisakazu KIKUCHI   Jinkang ZHU  Gen MARUBAYASHI  


    E77-A No:6

    The performance of parallel combinatory spread spectrum (PC/SS) communication systems in the frequency-nonselective, slowly Rayleigh fading channel is studied. Performance is evaluated by symbol error rate using numerical computation. To overcome the performance degradation caused by fading, we also studied the effects of selection diversity and Reed-Solomon coding applied to the PC/SS system. As a result, a remarkable improvement in error rate performance is achieved with Reed-Solomon coding and diversity technique. The coding rate for the maximum coding gain is almost a half of that in the additive white gaussian noise channel.

  • New Design Methodology and New Differential Logic Circuits for the Implementation of Ternary Logic Systems in CMOS VLSI without Process Modification

    Hong-Yi HUANG  Chung-Yu WU  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E77-C No:6

    A new design methodology is proposed and analyzed for the design of ternary logic systems. In the new ternary logic systems, no conversions among radices are required and only the two-state ternary literals associated with the ternary signals are transmitted in the whole system. With the new design methodology, the ternary systems can be realized by the dynamic CMOS logic circuits which are simple and fully compatible with those of the conventional binary logic circuits in process, power supply, and logic levels. A new dynamic differential logic called the CMOS Redundant Differential Logic (CRDL) is also developed to increase the logic flexibility and the circuit performance. Using the new design methodology and the CRDL circuits, the multiplier with redundant binary addition tree is designed in both non-pipelined and pipelined systems. The experimental chip has been fabricated and measured, which successfully verifies the correctness of the logic functions and the speed performance of the designed circuits.

  • Frequency Characteristics of Energy Deposition in Human Model Exposed to Near Field of an Electric or a Magnetic Dipole

    Soichi WATANABE  Masao TAKI  Yoshitsugu KAMIMURA  


    E77-B No:6

    The frequency characteristics of whole-body averaged specific absorption rates (SARs) in a human model exposed to a near field of an electric dipole or a magnetic dipole are calculated, using a finite-difference time-domain method. The dependences of the characteristics on the orientation of the dipole and on the distance from the source to the model are investigated. It is shown that the resonant peak of the SAR that appears in the E-polarized far-field exposure is observed only when the source is E-polarized and is located at 80cm, while the peak vanishes or is not noted when the source is located at 40cm and 20cm nor when it is H-polarized. The relationships between the whole-body averaged SARs and the incident electromagnetic field strengths are also investigated. It is suggested that the spatially-averaged value of the dominating component between the electric field and the magnetic field over the space where a human body would occupy provides a relevant measure to estimate the whole-body averaged SAR of a body in the vicinity of a small radiation source.

  • A Motion/Shape Estimation of Multiple Objects Using an Advanced Contour Matching Technique

    Junghyun HWANG  Yoshiteru OOI  Shinji OZAWA  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E77-D No:6

    An approach to estimate the information of moving objects is described in terms of their kinetic and static properties such as 2D velocity, acceleration, position, and the size of each object for the features of motion snd shape. To obtain the information of motion/shape of multiple objects, an advanced contour matching scheme is developed, which includes the synthesis of edge images and the analysis of object shape with a high matching confidence as well as a low computation cost. The scheme is composed of three algorithms: a motion estimation by an iterative triple cross-correlation, an image synthesis by shifting and masking the object, and a shape analysis for determining the object size. Implementing fuzzy membership functions to the object shape, the scheme gets improved in accuracy of capturing motion and shape of multiple moving objects. Experimental result shows that the proposed method is valid for several walking men in real scene.

  • Frequency Re-using Pattern for Forward Link of Orthogonal CDMA Cellular Systems

    Mitsuyoshi SUZUKI  Hideichi SASAOKA  

    LETTER-Radio Communication

    E77-B No:6

    This paper studies the effect of frequency re-using patterns on the channel capacity in the forward link of orthogonal code division multiple access (CDMA) cellular systems. The received carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) determined by computer simulation shows that re-using the same frequency channel on every third sector (3-sector layout) provides superior channel capacity than does every-sector re-use (1-sector layout).

  • Communication Systems via Chaotic Modulations

    Makoto ITOH  Hiroyuki MURAKAMI  Leon O. CHUA  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Circuits and Systems

    E77-A No:6

    New communication systems via chaotic modulations are experimentally, demonstrated. They contain the wellknown chaotic circuits as its basic elements--Chua's circuits and canonial Chua's circuits. The following advantage is found in our laboratory experiments: (a) Transmitted signals have broad spectra. (b) Secure communications are possible in the sense that the better parameter matching is required in order to recover the signal. (c) The circuit structure of our communication system is most simple at this stage. (d) The communication systems are easily built at a small outlay.
