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  • Process and Device Technologies for Subhalf-Micron LSI Memory

    Katsuhiro TSUKAMOTO  Hiroaki MORIMOTO  

    INVITED PAPER-General Technology

    E77-C No:8

    The progress of LSI technologies makes it possible to fabricate 256 MDRAM. However, it depends on the cost effectiveness of device fabrication that LSI memory can continue to be the technology driver or not. It is indispensable to make the device, process, and equipment as simple as possible for next generation LSI. For example, wavefront technologies in lithography, high energy ion implantation, and simple DRAM cell with SOI structure or high dielectric constant capacitor, are under development to satisfy both device performance improvement and process simplicity.

  • Data Retention Characteristics of Flash Memory Cells after Write and Erase Cycling

    Seiichi ARITOME  Riichiro SHIROTA  Koji SAKUI  Fujio MASUOKA  

    PAPER-Non-volatile Memory

    E77-C No:8

    The data retention characteristics of a Flash memory cell with a self-aligned double poly-Si stacked structure have been drastically improved by applying a bi-polarity write and erase technology which uses uniform Fowler-Nordheim tunneling over the whole channel area both during write and erase. It is clarified experimentally that the detrapping of electrons from the gate oxide to the substrate results in an extended retention time. A bi-polarity write and erase technology also guarantees a wide cell threshold voltage window even after 106 write/erase cycles. This technology results in a highly reliable EEPROM with an extended data retention time.

  • Weak Link Array Junctions in EuBa2Cu3O7-x Films for Microwave Detection

    Koji TSURU  Osamu MICHIKAMI  


    E77-C No:8

    High temperature superconductors are eminently suitable for use in high frequency devices because of their large energy gap. We fabricated weak link Josephson junctions connected in series. The junctions were constructed of EuBa2Cu3O7-x (EBCO) superconducting thin films on bicrystal MgO substrates. We measured their microwave broadband detection (video detection) characteristics. The responsivity (Sr) of the junctions depended on the bias current and their normal state resistance. The array junctions were effective in increasing normal state resistance. We obtained a maximum Sr of 22.6 [V/W].

  • High Tc Superconductor Joint with Low Loss and High Strength

    Naobumi SUZUKI  Osamu ISHII  Osamu MICHIKAMi  


    E77-C No:8

    This paper describes a new method for joining BiSrCaCuO superconductors (BSCCO) which realizes low microwave loss and high mechanical strength. This method consists of two processes. In the first the BSCCO surface is metallized with Ag and in the second a joint is formed by using thermally curable Ag paste. With this method, we obtained a joint with a loss of 0.3 dB around 1.1 GHz with the co-axial cavity techniques. Furthermore, the mechanical strength of the joint was greater than that of the BSCCO sample. From the results of DC resistance measurements and SEM observations, we attribute this good performance to the adhesion and continuity of the metallized Ag with the BSCCO surface.

  • Fabrication of All-Epitaxial High-Tc SIS Tunnel Structures

    Yasuo TAZOH  Junya KOBAYASHI  Masashi MUKAIDA  Shintaro MIYAZAWA  


    E77-C No:8

    Fabrication of all-epitaxial high-Tc SIS tunnel junctions requires an atomically flat superconducting thin film to be grown and a proper insulating material to be selected. First, we study the initial growth mode of YBCO thin films and show that reducing the growth rate results in a very smooth surface. Second, perovskite-related compound oxides, PrGaO3 and NdGaO3, which have a small lattice mismatch with YBCO and good wetability, are shown to be promising insulating materials for all-epitaxial SIS tunnel junctions. We believe that these concepts will be useful in the development of all-epitaxial high-Tc SIS tunnel junctions with good electrical properties.

  • Growth and Tunneling Properties of (Bi, Pb)2Sr2CaCu2Oy Single Crystals

    Akinobu IRIE  Masayuki SAKAKIBARA  Gin-ichiro OYA  


    E77-C No:8

    We have systematically grown and characterized (Bi, Pb)2Sr2CaCu2Oy (BPSCCO) single crystals, and investigated the tunneling properties and the intrinsic Josephson effects of the single crystals as a function of the nominal composition of Pb, x. It was observed that Pb atoms (ions) were monotonically substituted for Bi atoms (ions) in the (Bi, Pb)-O layers of the crystals with increasing x in a region of 0x0.5, while the modulation structure was maintained in a range of 0x0.3, but disappeared in x0.3, accompanying the decrease of c-lattice parameter and Tc. Moreover, it was found that the energy gaps Δ of BPSCCO depend hardly on x for x0.5, which are about 24 meV, so that the Pb-induced electronic change in the (Bi, Pb)-O layer do not perturb the electronic states in this superconducting system. And it was confirmed that the currentvoltage characteristics of the BPSCCO single crystals had multiple resistive branches corresponding to a series array of several hundreds Josephson junctions, and showed Shapiro steps and zero-crossing steps with the voltage separation of the order of mV resulting from the phase locking of about a hundred Josephson junctions among them under microwave irradiation. The estimated number of junctions gave the concept that the intrinsic Josephson junctions consist of the superconducting block layers and the insulating layers in the BPSCCO single crystals.

  • Low Frequency Noise in Superconducting Nanoconstriction Devices

    Michal HATLE  Kazuaki KOJIMA  Katsuyoshi HAMASAKI  


    E77-C No:8

    The magnitude of low frequency noise is studied in a Nb-(nanoconstrictions)-NbN system with adjustable current-voltage characteristics. We find that the magnitude of low frequency noise decreases sharply with increasing the subgap conductivity of the device. We suggest a qualitative explanation of this observation in terms of gradual build up of the nanoconstriction region by field assisted growth. The decrease of low frequency noise is related to the "cleanliness" of the system as measured by the amount of Andreev reflection-related conductivity. The scaling of the magnitude of low frequency noise with device resistance is also discussed.

  • Interfacial Study of Nb Josephson Junctions with Overlayer Structure

    Shin'ichi MOROHASHI  


    E77-C No:8

    We compare interfaces of Nb/AlOx-Al/Nb and Nb/ZrOx-Zr/Nb junctions using secondary ion mass spectroscopy and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy. We have clarified that an interface of the Nb/AlOx-Al/Nb junction is drastically different from that of the Nb/ZrOxZr/Nb junction. An adsorbed water vapor layer plays an important role in suppressing grain boundary diffusion between Nb and Al at the interface of the Nb/AlOxAl/Nb junction. In depositing Nb and Al at low power and cooling the substrate, it is important to control the formation of the adsorbed water vapor layer for fabricating Nb/AlOx-Al/Nb junctions exhibiting excellent current-voltage characteristics.

  • Deep Submicron Field Isolation with Buried Insulator between Polysilicon Electrodes (BIPS)

    Masahiro SHIMIZU  Masahide INUISHI  Katsuhiro TSUKAMOTO  Hideaki ARIMA  Hirokazu MIYOSHI  

    PAPER-General Technology

    E77-C No:8

    A novel isolation structure which has a buried insulator between polysilicon electrodes (BIPS) has been developed. The BIPS isolation employs the refilling CVD-oxides in openings between polysilicon electrodes by photoresist etchback process. Device characteristics and parasitic effects of BIPS isolation have been compared with that of LOCOS isolation. Using BIPS isolation, we can almost suppress the narrow-channel effects and achieve the deep submicron isolation. No degradation on the subthreshold decay of devices with BIPS isolation can be obtained. The use of BIPS isolation technology yields a DRAM cell of small area. The successful fabrication of deep submicron devices with BIPS isolation clearly demonstrates that this technology has superior ability to overcome the LOCOS isolation.

  • On Pisarenko and Constrained Yule-Walker Estimators of Tone Frequency

    Yegui XIAO  Yoshiaki TADOKORO  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E77-A No:8

    In this paper, the Pisarenko and the Constrained Yule-Walker (CYW) estimators of a tone frequency are first newly derived from the viewpoint of using directly the autocorrelation coefficients. Then, simulation of these two estimators is carried out in some detail. The simulation results show that compared with the Pisarenko estimator the CYW estimator, which has not been adequately studied, works poorly for low and moderate Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) values. However, in case of high SNR value, it yields very small bias and comparable estimation variance, and thus produces more accurate tone frequency estimates.

  • A Note on Inadequacy of the Model for Learning from Queries

    Ryuichi NAKANISHI  Hiroyuki SEKI  Tadao KASAMI  

    PAPER-Automata, Languages and Theory of Computing

    E77-D No:8

    Learning correctly from queries" is a formal learning model proposed by Angluin. In this model, for a class Γ of language representations, a learner asks queries to a teacher of an unknown language Lq which can be represented by some GqΓ, and eventually outputs a language representation GΓ which represents Lq and halts. An algorithm (leaner) A is said to learn a class of languages represented by Γ in the weak definition if the time complexity of A is some polynomial of n and m, where n is the minimum size of the lagunage representations in Γ which represent Lq, and m is the maximum length of the counterexamples returned in an execution. On the other band, A is said to learn represented by Γ in the strong definition if at any point τ of the execution, the time consumed up to τ is some polynomial of n and m, where n is the same as above, and m is the maximum length of the counterexamples returned up to τ. In this paper, adequacy of the model is examined, and it is shown that both in the weak and strong definitions, there exist learners which extract a long counterexample, and identify Lq by using equivalence queries exhaustively. For example, there exists a learner which learns the class CFL of context-free languages represented by the class CFG of context-free grammars in the weak definition using only equivalence queries. Next, two restrictions concerning with learnability criteria are introduced. Proper termination condition is that when a teacher replies with yes" to an equivalence query, then the learner must halt immediately. The other condition, called LBC-condition, is that in the weak/strong definition, the time complexity must be some polynomial of n and log m. In this paper, it is shown that under these conditions, there still exist learners which execute exhaustive search. For instance, there exists a learner which learns CFL represented by CFG in the weak definition using membership queries and equivalence queries under the proper termination condition, and there also exists a learner that learns CFL represented by CFG in the strong definition using subset queries and superset queries under LBC-condition. These results suggest that the weak definition is not an adequate learning model even if the proper termination condition is assumed. Also, the model becomes inadequate in the strong definition if some combination of queries, such as subset queries and superset queries, is used instead of equivalence queries. Many classes of languages become learnable by our extracting long counterexample" technique. However, it is still open whether or not CFL represented by CFG is learnable in the strong definition from membership queries and equivalence queries, although the answer is known to be negative if at least one of (1) quadratic residues modulo a composite, (2) inverting RSA encryption, or (3) factoring Blum integers, is intractable.

  • Highly Reliable Flash Memories Fabricated by in-situ Multiple Rapid Thermal Processing

    Takahisa HAYASHI  Yoshiyuki KAWAZU  Akira UCHIYAMA  Hisashi FUKUDA  

    PAPER-Non-volatile Memory

    E77-C No:8

    We propose, for the first time, highly reliable flash-type EEPROM cell fabrication using in-situ multiple rapid thermal processing (RTP) technology. In this study, rapid thermal oxynitridation tunnel oxide (RTONO) film formations followed by in-situ arsenic (As)-doped floating-gate polysilicon growth by rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition (RTCVD) technologies are fully utilized. The results show that after 5104 program/erase (P/E) endurance cycles, the conventional cell shows 65% narrowing of the threshold voltage (Vt) window, whereas the RTONO cell indicates narrowing of less than 20%. A large number of nitrogen atoms (1020 atoms/cm3) are confirmed by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), pile up at the SiO2/Si interface and distribute into bulk SiO2. It is considered that in the RTONO film stable Si-N bonds are formed which minimize electron trap generation as well as the neutral defect density, resulting in lower Vt shifts in P/E stress. In addition, the RTONO film reduces the number of hydrogen atoms because of final N2O oxynitridation. The SIMS data shows that by the in-situ RTCVD process As atoms (91020 atoms/cm3) are incorporated uniformly into 1000--thick film. Moreover, the RTCVD polysilicon film indicates an extremely flat surface. The time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) characteristics of interpoly oxide-nitride-oxide (ONO) film exhibited no defect-related breakdown and 5 times longer breakdown time as compared to phosphorus-doped polysilicon film. Therefore, the flash-EEPROM cell fabricated has good charge storing capability.

  • A Capacitor-Error-Free SC Voltage Inverter with Zero Sensitivity to Element-Value Variations

    Sin Eam TAN  Takahiro INOUE  Fumio UENO  

    LETTER-Switched Capacitor Circuits

    E77-A No:8

    A capacitor-error-free SC voltage inverter with zero sensitivity to element-value variations is proposed. By virtue of the capacitor-error-free property, this SC voltage inverter is free from the capacitor mismatch. The performance of this SC voltage inverter has been confirmed from both the simulation and experiment.

  • A Resistor Coupled Josephson Polarity-Convertible Driver

    Shuichi NAGASAWA  Shuichi TAHARA  Hideaki NUMATA  Yoshihito HASHIMOTO  Sanae TSUCHIDA  


    E77-C No:8

    A polarity-convertible driver is necessary as a basic component of several Josephson random access memories. This driver must be able to inject a current having positive or negative polarity into a load transmission line such as a word or bit line of the RAM. In this paper, we propose a resistor coupled Josephson polarity-convertible driver which is highly sensitive to input signals and has a wide operating margin. The driver consists of several Josephson junctions and several resistors. The input signal is directly injected to the driver through the resistors. The circuit design is discussed on the operating principle of the driver. The driver is fabricated by 1.5 µm Nb technology with Nb/AlOx/Nb Josephson junctions, two layer Nb wirings, an Nb ground plane, Mo resistors, and SiO2 insulators. The Nb/AlOx/Nb Josephson junctions are fabricated using technology refined for sub-micron size junctions. The insulators between wirings are formed using bias sputtering technique to obtain good step coverage. The driver circuit size is 53 µm34 µm. Measurements are carried out at 10 kHz to quasistatically test the polarity-convertible function and the operating margin of the driver. Proper polarity-convertible operation is confirmed for a large operating bias margin of 70% at a fairly small input current of 0.3 mA.

  • Analysis of an Open-Ended Waveguide as a Probe for Near Field Antenna Measurements by Using TLM Method

    Yoshiyuki FUJINO  Cheuk-yu Edward TONG  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E77-B No:8

    To increase the accuracy of a near field antenna measurement system, it is necessary to know radiation characteristics of a probe to detect near field data. Open ended waveguide used as a near field probe in our system was analyzed using Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) method which is a time domain electromagnetic solver. Validity of this analysis has been confirmed by comparison with experimental data and existing theoretical approximation. Frequency dependence of a complex reflection coefficient at the waveguide aperture has been derived and is shown to agree with measured values. The radiation pattern of the open ended waveguide with mounting structure is also calculated. Ripples on both the amplitude and phase patterns are correctly predicted by our simulation. This method can be applied to accurately model the effect of probe antennas to enhance the accuracy of near field antenna range.

  • A New Recursive Method for the Mean Waiting Time in a Polling Network with Gated General Order Service

    Chung-Ju CHANG  Lain-Chyr HWANG  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E77-B No:8

    A new recursive method for obtaining the mean waiting time in a polling system with general service order and gated service discipline is proposed. The analytical approach used to obtain the mean waiting time is via an imbedded Markov chain and a new recursive method is used to obtain the moments of pseudocycle time which are parameters in the formula for the mean waiting time. This method is computationally tractable, so the analytical results can cover a wide range of applications. Simulations are also conducted to verify the validity of the analysis.

  • A High Capacitive Coupling Ratio (HiCR) Cell for Single 3 Volt Power Supply Flash Memories

    Kohji KANAMORI  Yosiaki S. HISAMUNE  Taishi KUBOTA  Yoshiyuki SUZUKI  Masaru TSUKIJI  Eiji HASEGAWA  Akihiko ISHITANI  Takeshi OKAZAWA  

    PAPER-Non-volatile Memory

    E77-C No:8

    A contact-less cell with high capacitive-coupling ratio (HiCR) of 0.8, which is programmed and erased by Fowler-Nordheim (F-N) tunneling, has been developed for single 3 V power-supply 64 Mbit and future flash memories. A 1.50 µm2 cell area is obtained by using 0.4 µm technology. The HiCR cell structure is realized by 1) self-aligned definition of small tunneling regions underneath the floating-gate side wall and 2) an advanced rapid thermal process for 7.5 nm-thick tunnel-oxynitride. The internal-voltages used for PROGRAM and ERASE are8 V and 12 V, respectively. The use of low positive internal-voltages results in reducing total process step numbers compared with reported memory cells. The HiCR cell also realizes low power and fast random access with a single 3 V power-supply.

  • On Specifying Protocols Based on LOTOS and Temporal Logic

    Toshihiko ANDO  Yasushi KATO  Kaoru TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Signaling System and Communication Protocol

    E77-B No:8

    We propose a method which can construct LOTOS specifications of communication systems from temporal properties described in Extended branching time temporal logic (EBTL) in this paper. Description of LOTOS, one of Formal Description Techniques, is based on behaviors of systems so that LOTOS permits strict expression. However, it is difficult to express temporal properties explicitly. On the other hand, Temporal logic is based on properties of systems. Thus temporal logic permits direct expression of temporal properties which can be understood intuitively. Accordingly, temporal logic is more useful than FDTs on the first step of systems specification. This method is effective in this point of view. Specifications obtained using this method can have a structured style. When temporal properties are regarded as constraints about temporal order among actions of systems, those specification can have a constraint oriented style. This method is based on sequential composition of Labelled Transition Systems (LTSs) which are semantics of LOTOS. EBTL is also defined on LTSs. In general, many LTSs satisfy the same temporal property. To obtain such the minimal LTS, the standard form of LTSs corresponding to EBTL operators are defined. Those standard LTSs are mainly tailored to the field of communication protocol. We also show conditions that original temporal properties are preserved in case of sequential composition of standard LTSs. In addition, applying this method to the Abracadabra Protocol, we show that this method can construct specifications of concrete protocols effectively.


    Tsuyoshi TAKEBE  


    E77-A No:8
  • 3-D Object Recognition Using Hopfield-Style Neural Networks

    Tsuyoshi KAWAGUCHI  Tatsuya SETOGUCHI  

    PAPER-Bio-Cybernetics and Neurocomputing

    E77-D No:8

    In this paper we propose a new algorithm for recognizing 3-D objects from 2-D images. The algorithm takes the multiple view approach in which each 3-D object is modeled by a collection of 2-D projections from various viewing angles where each 2-D projection is called an object model. To select the candidates for the object model that has the best match with the input image, the proposed algorithm computes the surface matching score between the input image and each object model by using Hopfield nets. In addition, the algorithm gives the final matching error between the input image and each candidate model by the error of the pose-transform matrix proposed by Hong et al. and selects an object model with the smallest matching error as the best matched model. The proposed algorithm can be viewed as a combination of the algorithm of Lin et al. and the algorithm of Hong et al. However, the proposed algorithm is not a simple combination of these algorithms. While the algorithm of Lin et al. computes the surface matching score and the vertex matching score berween the input image and each object model to select the candidates for the best matched model, the proposed algorithm computes only the surface matching score. In addition, to enhance the accuracy of the surface matching score, the proposed algorithm uses two Hopfield nets. The first Hopfield net, which is the same as that used in the algorithm of Lin et al., performs a coarse matching between surfaces of an input image and surfaces of an object model. The second Hopfield net, which is the one newly proposed in this paper, establishes the surface correspondences using the compatibility measures between adjacent surface-pairs of the input image and the object model. the results of the experiments showed that the surface matching score obtained by the Hopfield net proposed in this paper is much more useful for the selectoin of the candidates for the best matched model than both the sruface matching score obtained by the first Hopfield net of Lin et al. and the vertex matching score obtained by the second Hopfield net of Lin et al. and, as the result, the object recognition algorithm of this paper can perform much more reliable object recognition than that obtained by simply combining the algorithm of Lin et al. and the algorithm of Hong et al.
