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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • Hilbert Scan Based Bag-of-Features for Image Retrieval

    Pengyi HAO  Sei-ichiro KAMATA  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E94-D No:6

    Generally, two problems of bag-of-features in image retrieval are still considered unsolved: one is that spatial information about descriptors is not employed well, which affects the accuracy of retrieval; the other is that the trade-off between vocabulary size and good precision, which decides the storage and retrieval performance. In this paper, we propose a novel approach called Hilbert scan based bag-of-features (HS-BoF) for image retrieval. Firstly, Hilbert scan based tree representation (HSBT) is studied, which is built based on the local descriptors while spatial relationships are added into the nodes by a novel grouping rule, resulting of a tree structure for each image. Further, we give two ways of codebook production based on HSBT: multi-layer codebook and multi-size codebook. Owing to the properties of Hilbert scanning and the merits of our grouping method, sub-regions of the tree are not only flexible to the distribution of local patches but also have hierarchical relations. Extensive experiments on caltech-256, 13-scene and 1 million ImageNet images show that HS-BoF obtains higher accuracy with less memory usage.

  • A Fundamental Analysis of Single Event Effects on Clocked CVSL Circuits with Gated Feedback

    Hiroshi HATANO  

    BRIEF PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E94-C No:6

    Clocked cascade voltage switch logic (C2VSL) circuits with gated feedback were newly designed for synchronous systems. In order to investigate single event transient (SET) effects on the C2VSL circuits, SET effects on C2VSL EX-OR circuits were analyzed using SPICE. Simulation results have indicated that the C2VSL have increased tolerance to SET.

  • Real-Time Freight Train Driver Rescheduling during Disruption

    Keisuke SATO  Naoto FUKUMURA  


    E94-A No:6

    Railway operators adjust timetables, and accordingly reschedule rolling stock circulation and crew duties, when the train operations are disrupted by accidents or adverse weather conditions. This paper discusses the problem of rescheduling driver assignment to freight trains after timetable adjustment has been completed. We construct a network from the disrupted situation, and model the problem as an integer programming problem with set-covering constraints combined with set-partitioning constraints. The integer program is solved by column generation in which we reduce the column generation subproblem to a shortest path problem and such paths by utilizing data parallelism. Numerical experiments using a real timetable, driver scheduling plan and major disruption data in the highest-frequency freight train operation area in Japan reveal that our method provides a quality driver rescheduling solution within 25 seconds.

  • Numerical Analysis on MIMO Performance of the Modulated Scattering Antenna Array in Indoor Environment

    Lin WANG  Qiang CHEN  Qiaowei YUAN  Kunio SAWAYA  

    LETTER-Antennas and Propagation

    E94-B No:6

    The multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) performance of the modulated scattering antenna array (MSAA) is analyzed numerically for the first time in indoor environment based on an approach to hybridization of the Volterra series method and method of moments (MoM) in this letter. Mutual coupling effect between the Modulated scattering element (MSE) and the normal antenna element is also considered in this analysis. It is found that MIMO performance of the MSAA is improved with reducing the array spacing of the MSAA in 4 different indoor receiving areas. At the same time, the simulated results of the MSAA are compared with those of the dipole antenna array at the same condition.

  • SAEP: Secure, Accurate and Energy-Efficient Time Synchronization Protocol in WSNs

    Kyeong Tae KIM  


    E94-B No:6

    Existing time synchronization schemes in sensor networks were all developed to be energy-efficient, precise, and robust, but none of them were developed with security in mind. We have developed a secure, accurate and energy-efficient time synchronization protocol (SAEP). SAEP achieves accurate time synchronization service with significantly reducing the number of message exchanges. Also, it safeguards against Byzantine failure, in which nodes drop, modify, or delay time information in an attempt to disrupt the time synchronization service in multi-hop networks. SAEP takes a distributed approach where each sensor independently makes decisions based only on the information collected from multiple adjacent nodes, thus achieving a high level of resistance to various attacks while minimizing the energy cost. We investigate the misbehavior of a maliciously compromised node and analyze how SAEP can combat these attacks. In our experiment SAEP outperforms the existing time synchronization protocol in accuracy, energy consumption and it is even resilient to multiple capture attacks.

  • HMT: A Hybrid Mesh Tree Algorithm in Forming Bluetooth Networks

    Chih-Min YU  


    E94-D No:6

    In this letter, a new scatternet formation algorithm called hybrid mesh tree for Bluetooth ad hoc networks was proposed. The hybrid mesh tree constructs a mesh-shaped topology in one dense area that is extended by tree-shaped topology to the other areas. First, the hybrid mesh tree uses a designated root to construct a tree-shaped subnet, and then propagates a constant k in its downstream direction to determine new roots. Each new root then asks its upstream master to start a return connection procedure to convert the first tree-shaped subnet into a mesh-shaped subnet. At the same time, each new root repeats the same procedure as the designated root to build its own tree-shaped subnet until the whole scatternet is formed. Simulation results showed that the hybrid mesh tree achieved better network performance than Bluetree and generated an efficient scatternet configuration for various sizes of Bluetooth scatternets.

  • TSC-IRNN: Time- and Space-Constraint In-Route Nearest Neighbor Query Processing Algorithms in Spatial Network Databases

    Yong-Ki KIM  Jae-Woo CHANG  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E94-D No:6

    Although a large number of query processing algorithms in spatial network database (SNDB) have been studied, there exists little research on route-based queries. Since moving objects move only in spatial networks, route-based queries, like in-route nearest neighbor (IRNN), are essential for Location-based Service (LBS) and Telematics applications. However, the existing IRNN query processing algorithm has a problem in that it does not consider time and space constraints. Therefore, we, in this paper, propose IRNN query processing algorithms which take both time and space constraints into consideration. Finally, we show the effectiveness of our IRNN query processing algorithms considering time and space constraints by comparing them with the existing IRNN algorithm.

  • Distribution-Controlled X-Identification for Effective Reduction of Launch-Induced IR-Drop in At-Speed Scan Testing

    Kohei MIYASE  Kenji NODA  Hideaki ITO  Kazumi HATAYAMA  Takashi AIKYO  Yuta YAMATO  Hiroshi FURUKAWA  Xiaoqing WEN  Seiji KAJIHARA  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E94-D No:6

    Test data modification based on test relaxation and X-filling is the preferred approach for reducing excessive IR-drop in at-speed scan testing to avoid test-induced yield loss. However, none of the existing test relaxation methods can control the distribution of identified don't care bits (X-bits), thus adversely affecting the effectiveness of IR-drop reduction. In this paper, we propose a novel test relaxation method, called Distribution-Controlled X-Identification (DC-XID), which controls the distribution of X-bits identified in a set of fully-specified test vectors for the purpose of effectively reducing IR-drop. Experiments on large industrial circuits demonstrate the effectiveness and practicality of the proposed method in reducing IR-drop, without lowering fault coverage, increasing test data volume and circuit size.

  • Adaptive Selective Retransmission Algorithm for Video Communications in Congested Networks

    Bin SONG  Hao QIN  Xuelu PENG  Yanhui QIN  

    LETTER-Multimedia Systems for Communications

    E94-B No:6

    An adaptive selective retransmission algorithm for video communications based on packet importance value is proposed. The algorithm can adaptively select the retransmission threshold in realtime and efficiently manage the retransmission process in heavy loaded networks while guaranteeing acceptable video quality at the receiver.

  • Location Recognition in RFID Bookshelves

    Sozo INOUE  Yasunobu NOHARA  Masaki TAKEMORI  Kozo SAKURAGAWA  


    E94-D No:6

    We consider RFID bookshelves, which detect the location of books using RFID. An RFID bookshelf has the antennas of RFID readers in the boards, and detects the location of an RFID tag attached to a book. However, the accuracy is not good with the experience of the existing system, and sometimes reads the tag of the next or even further area. In this paper, we propose a method to improve the location detection using naive Bayes classifer, and show the experimental result. We obtained 78.6% of F-measure for total 12658 instances, and show the advantage against the straightforward approach of calculating the center of gravity of the read readers. More importantly, we show the performance is less dependent of a change of layouts and a difference of books by leave-1-layout/book-out cross validation. This is favorable for the feasibility in library operation.

  • Design and Implementation of Pedestrian Dead Reckoning System on a Mobile Phone

    Daisuke KAMISAKA  Shigeki MURAMATSU  Takeshi IWAMOTO  Hiroyuki YOKOYAMA  


    E94-D No:6

    Pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR) based on human gait locomotion is a promising solution for indoor location services, which independently determine the relative position of the user using multiple sensors. Most existing PDR methods assume that all sensors are mounted in a fixed position on the user's body while walking. However, it is inconvenient for a user to mount his/her mobile phone or additional sensor modules in a specific position on his/her body such as the torso. In this paper, we propose a new PDR method and a prototype system suitable for indoor navigation systems on a mobile phone. Our method determines the user's relative position even if the sensors' orientation relative to the user is not given and changes from moment to moment. Therefore, the user does not have to mount the mobile phone containing sensors on the body and can carry it in a natural way while walking, e.g., while swinging the arms. Detailed algorithms, implementation and experimental evaluation results are presented.

  • Network Design Methods for Minimizing Number of Links Added to a Network to Alleviate Performance Degradation Following a Link Failure

    Nozomu KATAYAMA  Takeshi FUJIMURA  Hiroyoshi MIWA  Noriaki KAMIYAMA  Haruhisa HASEGAWA  Hideaki YOSHINO  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E94-B No:6

    When a link or node fails in a network, the affected flows are automatically rerouted. This increases the hop counts of the flows, which can drastically degrade network performance. Keeping the hop lengths as stable as possible, i.e., minimizing the difference in hop length between the original flow and the rerouted flow is important for network reliability. Therefore, network service providers need a method for designing networks that stabilizes the flow hop length and maintains connectivity during a link or node failure with limited investment cost. First, we formulate the network design problem used for determining the set of links to be added that satisfies the required constraints on flow hop length stability, connectivity, and node degree. Next, we prove that this problem is NP-complete and present two approximation algorithms for the optimization problem so as to minimize the number of links added. Evaluation of the performance of these algorithms by using 39 backbone networks of commercial ISPs and networks generated by two well-known models showed that the proposed algorithms provide effective solutions in sufficiently short computation time.

  • UWB-IR Wireless Accurate Location System for Sensor Network



    E94-B No:5

    An original asynchronous Ultra Wideband -- Impulse Radio (UWB-IR) wireless location system for sensor network is developed and evaluated through experiments. The system enables wireless nodes to be located and communicated with simultaneously at low power and low cost. The proposed system does not need system synchronization. Each access point of the proposed location system measures the time difference between two signals' received timing: one is from target node, and the other is from an access point, the position of which is already known. Then the position of the target nodes is calculated by a pseudo Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) method. We first introduce the system configuration and asynchronous TDOA method adopted in this system. Next, we estimate the received-signal-timing measurement accuracy of UWB-IR signal and evaluate it in experiments using prototype UWB-IR transceivers. Then we estimate the location accuracy by the horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP) metric and show the field trial results of using the prototype UWB-IR location system.

  • Effects on Productivity and Safety of Map and Augmented Reality Navigation Paradigms

    Kyong-Ho KIM  Kwang-Yun WOHN  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E94-D No:5

    Navigation systems providing route-guidance and traffic information are one of the most widely used driver-support systems these days. Most navigation systems are based on the map paradigm which plots the driving route in an abstracted version of a two-dimensional electronic map. Recently, a new navigation paradigm was introduced that is based on the augmented reality (AR) paradigm which displays the driving route by superimposing virtual objects on the real scene. These two paradigms have their own innate characteristics from the point of human cognition, and so complement each other rather than compete with each other. Regardless of the paradigm, the role of any navigation system is to support the driver in achieving his driving goals. The objective of this work is to investigate how these map and AR navigation paradigms impact the achievement of the driving goals: productivity and safety. We performed comparative experiments using a driving simulator and computers with 38 subjects. For the effects on productivity, driver's performance on three levels (control level, tactical level, and strategic level) of driving tasks was measured for each map and AR navigation condition. For the effects on safety, driver's situation awareness of safety-related events on the road was measured. To find how these navigation paradigms impose visual cognitive workload on driver, we tracked driver's eye movements. As a special factor of driving performance, route decision making at the complex decision points such as junction, overpass, and underpass was investigated additionally. Participant's subjective workload was assessed using the Driving Activity Load Index (DALI). Results indicated that there was little difference between the two navigation paradigms on driving performance. AR navigation attracted driver's visual attention more frequently than map navigation and then reduces awareness of and proper action for the safety-related events. AR navigation was faster and better to support route decision making at the complex decision points. According to the subjective workload assessment, AR navigation was visually and temporally more demanding.

  • Optimal Power Allocation of Cognitive Radio with Incomplete Channel State Information

    Luxi LU  Wei JIANG  Haige XIANG  Wu LUO  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:5

    We propose optimal power allocation schemes for a secondary cognitive user sharing spectrum with a primary user under different interference power constraints in Rayleigh fading channels. Specifically, we consider a practical scenario in which the secondary user has a fixed transmission rate and the instantaneous channel state of the interference channel is not available to the secondary user. Simulation results verify the feasibility of the proposed schemes and evaluate the effective transmission rate loss due to the incomplete channel state information.

  • Design of High-Performance CMOS Level Converters Considering PVT Variations

    Jinn-Shyan WANG  Yu-Juey CHANG  Chingwei YEH  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E94-C No:5

    CMOS SoCs can reduce power consumption while maintaining performance by adopting voltage scaling (VS) technologies. The operating speed of the level converter (LC) strongly affects the effectiveness of VS technologies. However, PVT variations can cause serious problems to the LC, because the state-of-the-art LC designs do not give enough attention to this issue. In this work, we proposed to analyze the impact of PVT variations on the performance of the LC using a previously developed heuristic sizing methodology. Based on the evaluation results from different operating corners with different offset voltages and temperatures, we proposed a variation-tolerant LC that achieves both high performance and low energy with a high tolerability for PVT variations.

  • On Spherical Linear Interpolation for MIMO-OFDM Beamforming Systems

    Joontae KIM  Dong-Jo PARK  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:5

    We analyze linear channel estimation for MIMO-OFDM systems and propose a spherical linear interpolator in closed-form for the beamforming codewords. We also suggest a hybrid interpolator using a simplified version of the derived interpolator. Simulation results show that the proposed schemes are efficient and competitive with respect to the feedback overhead and have low complexity.

  • Iterative Minimum Mean Square Error Interference Alignment Scheme for the MIMO X Channel

    Hui SHEN  Bin LIN  Yi LUO  Feng LIU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:5

    In this paper, we propose a new interference alignment (IA) scheme that jointly designs the linear transmitter and receiver for the 2-user MIMO X channel system, using minimum total mean square error criterion, subject to each transmitter power constraint. We show that transmitters and receivers under such criteria could be realized through a joint iterative algorithm. Considering the imperfection of channel state information (CSI), we also extend the minimum mean square error interference alignment schemes for the MIMO X channel with CSI estimation error. A robust iterative algorithm which is insensitve to CSI estimation error is proposed. Simulation results are also provided to demonstrate the proposed algorithm.

  • Statistical Analysis of Quantization Noise in an End-to-End OFDM Link

    Maduranga LIYANAGE  Iwao SASASE  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:5

    Quantization is an important operation in digital communications systems. It not only introduces quantization noise but also changes the statistical properties of the quantized signal. Furthermore, quantization noise cannot be always considered as an additive source of Gaussian noise as it depends on the input signal probability density function. In orthogonal-frequency-division-multiplexing transmission the signal undergoes different operations which change its statistical properties. In this paper we analyze the statistical transformations of the signal from the transmitter to the receiver and determine how these effect the quantization. The discussed process considers the transceiver parameters and the channel properties to model the quantization noise. Simulation results show that the model agrees well with the simulated transmissions. The effect of system and channel properties on the quantization noise and its effect on bit-error-rate are shown. This enables the design of a quantizer with an optimal resolution for the required performance metrics.

  • On Nonuniform Traffic Pattern of Modified Hierarchical 3D-Torus Network

    M.M. Hafizur RAHMAN  Yukinori SATO  Yasushi INOGUCHI  

    LETTER-Computer System

    E94-D No:5

    A Modified Hierarchical 3D-Torus (MH3DT) network is a 3D-torus network consisting of multiple basic modules, in which each basic module itself is a 3D-torus network. Inter-node communication performance has been evaluated using dimension-order routing and 2 virtual channels (VCs) under uniform traffic patterns but not under non-uniform traffic patterns. In this paper, we evaluate the inter-node communication performance of MH3DT under five non-uniform traffic patterns and compare it with other networks. We found that under non-uniform traffic patterns, the MH3DT yields high throughput and low latency, providing better inter-node communication performance compared to H3DT, TESH, mesh, and torus networks. Also, we found that non-uniform traffic patterns have higher throughput than uniform traffic in the MH3DT network.
