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  • The Effects of Micro Surface-Morphology on Bidirectional Reflection Distribution Function (BRDF) of Commercially Pure Titanium Sheets

    Mitsuo ISHII  


    E84-C No:12

    Bidirectional reflection distribution functions (BRDFs) of commercially pure titanium sheets with three different kinds of surface morphology were measured. Those experimental BRDFs were analyzed by using Phong's reflection model. Topographic measurements of the specimens' surfaces were performed with using a stylus-method. An explicit microfacet model based on topographic data was proposed. With using the explicit microfacet model and geometrical optics the calculated BRDFs were obtained and then compared with the experimental BRDFs. Both of them were in a good agreement. Through this comparison physical meanings of Phong's reflection model were discussed. We concluded that with using the explicit microfacet model it will be possible to calculate the BRDF of the materials' surface in arbitrary illumination conditions and that this modeling will be useful to develop new aesthetic surface appearance in material industries, computer graphics, architectural design and surface science.

  • Opto-Electronic Integrated Information System

    Jun TANIDA  Keiichiro KAGAWA  Kenji YAMADA  


    E84-C No:12

    As a new category of the optical application system integrated with electronics, the opto-electronic information system (OEIS) is presented. Combination of the different characteristic technologies, optics and electronics, is expected to be useful for development of an effective and high-performance information systems. The properties of the optical technologies such as parallelism, high-speed, and large information capacity can be utilized for information processing. Even if some of the functions are emulated by the electronics, the optics give more effective solutions. To implement the OEIS, various optoelectronic devices and fabrication technologies are available including vertical cavity surface emitting lasers and spatial light modulators. There are two forms of system construction for the OEIS: an application of optics to an electronic-based system and the reversed form. As examples of the OEIS, the parallel matching architecture (PMA) and the thin observation module by bound optics (TOMBO) are presented. The PMA is an architecture of parallel computing system specified for global processing. This architecture shows a typical strategy to utilize the optical interconnection capability with flexibility of the electronic technology. The TOMBO presents possibility of morphological conversion using combination of the optical and electronic technologies. A compound-eye imaging system and post digital processing enable us to realize a very thin image capturing system. The issues related on development of the OEIS are proper usage of optics, effective fusion of the optical and electronic technologies, methodologies for system construction, fabrication supporting tools, and development of attractive demonstrators other than communication and interconnection fields.

  • Biologically-Inspired Autonomous Adaptability in a Communication Endsystem: An Approach Using an Artificial Immune Network

    Junichi SUZUKI  Yoshikazu YAMAMOTO  


    E84-D No:12

    This paper describes the adaptability of communication software through a biologically-inspired policy coordination. Many research efforts have developed adaptable systems that allow various users or applications to meet their specific requirements by configuring different design and optimization policies. Navigating through many policies manually, however, is tedious and error-prone. Developers face the significant manual and ad-hoc work of engineering an system. In contrast, we propose to provide autonomous adaptability in communication endsystem with OpenWebServer/iNexus, which is both a web server and an object-oriented framework to tailer various web services and applications. The OpenWebServer's modular architecture allows to abstract and maintain a wide range of aspects in a HTTP server, and reconfigure the system by adding, deleting, changing, or replacing their policies. iNexus is a tool for automated policy-based management of OpenWebServer. Its design is inspired by the natural immune system, particularly immune network, a truly autonomous decentralized system. iNexus inspects the current system condition of OpenWebServer periodically, measures the delivered quality of service, and selects suitable set of policies to reconfigure the system dynamically by relaxing constraints between them. The policy coordination process is performed through decentralized interactions among policies without a single point of control, as the natural immune system does. This paper discusses communication software can evolve continuously in the piecemeal way with biological concepts and mechanisms, adapting itself to ever-changing environment.

  • Finding Line Segments with Tabu Search

    Concettina GUERRA  Valerio PASCUCCI  


    E84-D No:12

    The problem of detecting straight lines arises frequently in image processing and computer vision. Here we consider the problem of extracting lines from range images and more generally from sets of three-dimensional (3D) points. The problem is stated as follows. Given a set Γ of points in 3D space and a non-negative constant , determine the line that is at a distance at most ε from the maximal number of points of . The extraction of multiple lines is achieved iteratively by performing this best line detection and removing at each iteration the points that are close to the line found. We consider two approaches to solve the problem. The first is a simple approach that selects the best line among a randomly chosen subset of lines each defined by a pair of edge points. The second approach, based on tabu search, explores a larger set of candidate lines thus obtaining a better fit of the lines to the points. We present experimental results on different types of three-dimensional data (i) range images of polyhedral objects (ii) secondary structures (helices and strands) of large molecules.

  • High Resolution Long Array Thermal Ink Jet Printhead with On-Chip LSI Heater Plate and Micromachined Si Channel Plate

    Michiaki MURATA  Masaki KATAOKA  Regan NAYVE  Atsushi FUKUGAWA  Yoshihisa UEDA  Tohru MIHARA  Masahiko FUJII  Toshimichi IWAMORI  


    E84-C No:12

    This paper presents a high resolution long array thermal ink jet (TIJ) printhead which has been developed and demonstrated to operate successfully by combining two functional Si wafers, a bubble generating heater plate fabricated using LSI process and a channel plate fabricated using Si bulk micromachining technology. The heater plate consists of logic LSIs, high voltage MOS transistor, polycrystalline Si (Poly Si) heating resistor and polyimide protective layer. The polymide layer is patterned by O2 plasma reactive ion etching (RIE) and is applicable to high resolution heater array. The Si channel plate consists of an ink chamber and an ink inlet formed by KOH etching, and a nozzle formed by inductively coupled plasma RIE (ICP RIE). The nozzle formed by RIE has squeezed structures which contribute to high energy efficiency of drop ejector and therefore successful ejection of small ink drop. These two wafers are directly bonded by using a novel electrostatic bonding of full-cured polyimide to Si. The adhesive-less bonding provided an ideal shaped small nozzle orifice. And also, the bonding method enabled to use an on-chip LSI wafer because of the contamination free material and the suitable processing conditions (low temperature). The bonded wafer is diced to form printhead chip. No delamination or displacement of the chip was observed even though the chip was subjected to thermal stress during assembly process. This is because of no difference in thermal expansion coefficient between both chips (Si and Si). And therefore it is suitable for long chip concept. With the above technologies, we have fabricated a 1.3" long printhead with 1024 nozzles having a 800 dots per inch (dpi) resolution, a 2.7 pl. ink drop volume, 14 m/sec. ink drop velocity and 18 kHz jetting frequency. And we have confirmed high speed printing and high quality printing.

  • On the Convergence and Parameter Relation of Discrete-Time Continuous-State Hopfield Networks with Self-Interaction Neurons

    Gang FENG  Christos DOULIGERIS  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E84-A No:12

    In this paper, a discrete-time convergence theorem for continuous-state Hopfield networks with self-interaction neurons is proposed. This theorem differs from the previous work by Wang in that the original updating rule is maintained while the network is still guaranteed to monotonically decrease to a stable state. The relationship between the parameters in a typical class of energy functions is also investigated, and consequently a "guided trial-and-error" technique is proposed to determine the parameter values. The third problem discussed in this paper is the post-processing of outputs, which turns out to be rather important even though it never attracts enough attention. The effectiveness of all the theorems and post-processing methods proposed in this paper is demonstrated by a large number of computer simulations on the assignment problem and the N-queen problem of different sizes.

  • Active Networks Architecture for VoIP Gateway Using Declarative Language

    Tomoya MORINAGA  Go OGOSE  Tadashi OHTA  

    PAPER-Mobile Service and Technologies

    E84-B No:12

    This paper proposes an Active Networks architecture for VoIP gateway. In the proposed architecture, instead of procedural language, declarative language is used to describe the up-loaded program. This allows for a reduction in size of the up-loaded program, and increases the flexibility for describing the up-loaded program. VoIP gateway can then provide highly flexible services. An experimental system was implemented for feasibility studies. Specification of the declarative language used for describing the up-loaded program, basic functionalities of an interpreter for the language, and execution control program which executes components programs stored the node beforehand were confirmed.

  • Conditions for Measuring Nonlinear Refractive Index n2 by SPM Based cw Dual-Frequency Method

    Kazuhide NAKAJIMA  Takuya OMAE  Masaharu OHASHI  

    LETTER-Optical Fiber

    E84-B No:12

    In this letter, we describe the conditions for measuring the nonlinear refractive index n2 when using the self-phase modulation-based cw dual-frequency method. We clarify the appropriate measurement conditions for dispersion-shifted and conventional single-mode fibers both numerically and experimentally. We also show experimentally that the evaluated n2 values for conventional single-mode fiber depend on the signal wavelength separation.

  • Public Information Server for Tracing Intruders in the Internet

    Midori ASAKA  Takefumi ONABUTA  Shigeki GOTO  

    PAPER-Internet Technologies

    E84-B No:12

    The number of computer break-ins from the outside of an organization has increased with the rapid growth of the Internet. Since many intruders from the outside of an organization employ stepping stones, it is difficult to trace back where the real origin of the attack is. Some research projects have proposed tracing methods for DoS attacks and detecting method of stepping stones. It is still difficult to locate the origin of an attack that uses stepping stones. We have developed IDA (Intrusion Detection Agent system), which has an intrusion tracing mechanism in a LAN environment. In this paper, we improve the tracing mechanism so that it can trace back stepping stones attack in the Internet. In our method, the information about tracing stepping stone is collected from hosts in a LAN effectively, and the information is made available at the public information server. A pursuer of stepping stone attack can trace back the intrusion based on the information available at the public information server on an intrusion route.

  • Object Extraction from a Moving Background Using Velocity Estimation and Optimal Filter in the MixeD

    Shengli WU  Hideyuki SHINMURA  Nozomu HAMADA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E84-A No:12

    This paper addresses the problem to extract moving object from the moving background in the mixed domain (MixeD), which makes it possible to carry the filtering in one dimension. Since the velocities of moving object and background are necessary for moving object extraction, we first estimate the velocities based on the appropriate spatial frequency point selection method in the MixeD. Then an optimal filter used for 1-D signal filtering is designed. By filtering 1-D signals over all spatial frequencies, signals with certain velocity vector are extracted, while the extracted image is obtained by applying the 2-D IDFT to the filtered signals. The simulation results show that the method can extract moving object based both on the correctly estimated velocity and the proposed optimal 1-D filter.

  • Context-Aware Construction of Ubiquitous Services

    Tomoko ITAO  Tetsuya NAKAMURA  Masato MATSUO  Tomonori AOYAMA  

    PAPER-Mobile Service and Technologies

    E84-B No:12

    DANSE (Dynamically Adaptive Networking Service Environment) is a new architecture for adaptive network service systems. In this paper, a framework for context-aware service construction based on DANSE architecture is presented. In DANSE, any hardware, software, information, and services that are available on a network are treated as network resources. DANSE coordinates the construction of an end user's service based on the user's requests and situation or context (i.e., user's location, schedule, co-workers, etc.). To provide users with satisfactory services, it monitors user context continuously and searches for network resources that are convenient for a target user. Moreover, it detects changes in user context and invokes service construction if needed. If the desired service is not available, alternative services are automatically constructed. With those capabilities, DANSE enables ubiquitous provision of services any time, anywhere.

  • An O(N log N) Fair Multicast Packet Switch with Low Memory Requirements

    Rajgopal KANNAN  Sibabrata RAY  


    E84-B No:12

    We propose an efficient, low cost, multicast ATM switch which is fair to all inputs. The switch consists of a novel copy network which creates unicast packets in a fair manner, followed by a network that routes packets to their correct Address Translation Tables (ATT's) and ultimately a unicast routing network which ensures sequencing. The copy and routing networks are based on deflection routing. We show that our switch requires O(log N) stages and can be designed for any arbitrarily low level of packet loss. The theoretical results are backed up by simulations. Switching elements in both the copying and routing networks have O(1) bit complexity, making the overall bit level hardware complexity of the network O(N log N). The latency of the switch is proportional to the number of stages O(log N). Unlike other existing copy networks, our copy network drops packets in a fair manner and hence can provide quality of service (QoS) support. The switch is output queued and allows the delivery of multiple packets to the same destination during a time slot.

  • Towards Sea Surface Pollution Detection from Visible Band Images

    Inna STAINVAS  David LOWE  


    E84-C No:12

    This paper presents a novel approach to water pollution detection from remotely sensed low-platform mounted visible band camera images. We examine the feasibility of unsupervised segmentation for slick (oily spills on the water surface) region labelling. Adaptive and non adaptive filtering is combined with density modeling of the obtained textural features. A particular effort is concentrated on the textural feature extraction from raw intensity images using filter banks and adaptive feature extraction from the obtained output coefficients. Segmentation in the extracted feature space is achieved using Gaussian mixture models (GMM).

  • Airport Monitoring System: Robust Airplane Extraction against Variable Environmental Conditions

    Takahiro AOKI  Osafumi NAKAYAMA  Morito SHIOHARA  Shigeru SASAKI  Yoshishige MURAKAMI  


    E84-D No:12

    We have developed an airport monitoring system that traces the movement of airplanes in the parking areas of airports. For this system, we have developed an image processing method, a two-stage normalized background subtraction method that can detect moving objects and determine the sizes of those objects under illumination changes, which are inevitable for outdoor monitoring systems. The two-stage method consists of local and global normalized subtraction. With this method, airplanes can be detected in a stable manner under illumination changes, which means that the brightness in each pixel is not constant due to changes in atmospheric phenomena, such as the shadows of clouds. And false detection problems due to the presence of boarding bridges are solved by utilizing differences in motion between an airplane and the boarding bridge, such as the direction of movement. We have evaluated this method using 140 hours of video images that contain scenes with a variety of conditions, such as the presence of cloud shadows, the turning on and off of lights, night, rainfall and so on. As a result, we have confirmed a 95% level of accuracy of airplane detection. This system is now in operation at Kansai International Airport and is performing most satisfactorily.

  • Image Reconstruction of a Buried Conductor by the Genetic Algorithm

    Chien-Ching CHIU  Ching-Lieh LI  Wei CHAN  


    E84-C No:12

    In this paper, genetic algorithms is employed to determine the shape of a conducting cylinder buried in a half-space. Assume that a conducting cylinder of unknown shape is buried in one half-space and scatters the field incident from another half-space where the scattered filed is measured. Based on the boundary condition and the measured scattered field, a set of nonlinear integral equations is derived and the imaging problem is reformulated into an optimization problem. The genetic algorithm is then employed to find out the nearly global extreme solution of the object function such that the shape of the conducting scatterer can be suitably reconstructed. In our study, even when the initial guess is far away from the exact one, the genetic algorithm can avoid the local extremes and converge to a reasonably good solution. In such cases, the gradient-based methods often get stuck in local extremes. Numerical results are presented and good reconstruction is obtained both with and without the additive Gaussian noise.

  • Improved Topographic Correction for Satellite Imagery

    Feng CHEN  Ken-ichiro MURAMOTO  Mamoro KUBO  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E84-D No:12

    An improved algorithm is developed for correcting the topographic impact on satellite imagery. First, we analyze the topography induced distortion on satellite image. It is shown that the variation of aspect can cause the obvious different distortions in the remotely sensed image, and also effect the image illumination significantly. Because the illumination is the basis for topographic correction algorithms, we consider its variation in different sun-facing aspects in calculation a correction parameter and take it as a key element in the modified correction algorithm. Then, we apply the modified correction method on the actual Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite image. The topographic correction was done in different image data with different season and different solar angle. The corrected results show the effectiveness and accuracy using this approach.

  • Interconnection of Stacked Layers by Bumpless Wiring in Wafer-Level Three-Dimensional Device

    Akinobu SATOH  


    E84-C No:12

    This paper describes the wafer-level, three-dimensional packaging for MEMS in which sensors, actuators, electronic circuits and other functions are combined together in one integrated block. Si wafers with built-in MEMS functions were integrated with no change in thickness to ensure mechanical strength and improve heat dissipation. In the entire process of three-dimensional integration, Si wafers were processed at temperatures below 400C to prevent degradation of their built-in functions. A description is made of the low-temperature oxidation technology developed by us, which makes through-holes of high density and high aspect ratio in Si wafers with built-in functions by the Optical Excitation Electropolishing Method (OEEM) and forms an oxide film on the hole walls simply by replacing electrolyte. Next, a description is presented of the bumpless interconnection method which fills through-holes of stacked layers with metal by the molten metal suction method and of the electrocapillary effect as a countermeasure to prevent the filler metal from dropping out of holes under its own weight.

  • A Linear Metric Reconstruction by Complex Eigen-Decomposition

    Yongduek SEO  Ki-Sang HONG  


    E84-D No:12

    This paper proposes a linear algorithm for metric reconstruction from projective reconstruction. Metric reconstruction problem is equivalent to estimating the projective transformation matrix that converts projective reconstruction to Euclidean reconstruction. We build a quadratic form from dual absolute conic projection equation with respect to the elements of the transformation matrix. The matrix of quadratic form of rank 2 is then eigen-decomposed to produce a linear estimate. The algorithm is applied to three different sets of real data and the results show a feasibility of the algorithm. Additionally, our comparison of results of the linear algorithm to results of bundle adjustment, applied to sets of synthetic image data having Gaussian image noise, shows reasonable error ranges.

  • Reconstruction of Architectural Scenes from Uncalibrated Photos and Maps

    Ignazio INFANTINO  Roberto CIPOLLA  Antonio CHELLA  


    E84-D No:12

    We consider the problem of reconstructing architectural scenes from multiple photographs taken from arbitrary viewpoints. The original contribution is the use of a map as a source of geometric constraints to obtain in a fast and simple way a detailed model of a scene. We suppose that images are uncalibrated and have at least one planar structure as a faade for exploiting the planar homography induced between world plane and image to calculate a first estimation of the projection matrix. Estimations are improved by using correspondences between images and map. We show how these simple constraints can be used to calibrate the cameras and recover the projection matrices for each viewpoint. Finally, triangulation is used to recover 3D models of the scene and to visualise new viewpoints. Our approach needs minimal a priori information about the camera being used. A working system has been designed and implemented to allow the user to interactively build a model from uncalibrated images from arbitrary viewpoints and a simple map.

  • A New Methodology for Optimal Placement of Decoupling Capacitors on Printed Circuit Board

    Atsushi KAMO  Takayuki WATANABE  Hideki ASAI  

    LETTER-Circuit Theory

    E84-A No:12

    This report describes a new methodology for the optimal placement of decoupling capacitors on the printed circuit board (PCB). This method searches the optimal position of decoupling capacitor so that the impedance characteristics at the power supply is minimized in the specified frequency range. In this method, the PCB is modeled by the PEEC method to handle the 3-dimensional structures and Krylov-subspace technique is applied to obtain efficiently the impedance characteristics in the frequency domain.
