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  • Experimental Study of Non-specular Wave Scattering from Building Surface Roughness for the Mobile Propagation Modeling

    Hary BUDIARTO  Kenshi HORIHATA  Katsuyuki HANEDA  Jun-ichi TAKADA  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E87-B No:4

    In the urban area, buildings are the main scatterer which dominate the mobile propagation characteristics. However, reflection, diffraction, and scattering on the building surfaces in the radio environment induce undesirable multipath propagation. Multipath prediction with respect to a building surface has been conventionally based on an assumption that reflection from the surface has a substantial specular direction. However non-specular scattering from the building surface can affect the channel characteristics as well as specular scattering. This paper presents multipath characteristics of non-specular wave scattering from building surface roughness based on the experimental results. Superresolution method was applied as an approach to handle the signal parameters (DoA, ToA) of the individual incoming waves reflected from building surface roughness. The results show that the multipaths can be detected at many scatterers, such as ground, window's glass, window's frames and bricks surface, as well as directly from the transmitter. Most of the scattered waves are arriving closely from specular directions. The measured reflection coefficients were well bounded by reflection coefficients of the theoretically smooth and random rough surface. The Fresnel reflection coefficient formula, considering the finite thickness of the building surface and Gaussian scattering correction, give better prediction for glass and bricks reflection coefficient measurement.

  • Impact of Arrival Angle Spread of Each Cluster of Irresolvable Paths on Adaptive Antenna Array and Antenna Diversity in DS-CDMA Mobile Radio

    Yusuke SUZUKI  Eisuke KUDOH  Fumiyuki ADACHI  

    LETTER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E87-B No:4

    Adaptive antenna array is a promising technique to increase the link capacity in mobile radio communications systems by suppressing multiple access interference (MAI). In the mobile radio, the received signal consists of discrete paths, each being a cluster of many irresolvable paths arriving from different directions. For large arrival angle spread of each cluster of irresolvable paths, antenna array cannot form a beam pattern that sufficiently suppresses MAI even in the presence of single interference signal and hence, the transmission performance may degrade. In this situation, the use of antenna diversity may be a better solution. It is an interesting question as to which can achieve a better performance, antenna diversity reception or adaptive antenna array. In this letter, we study the impact of the arrival angle spread on the DS-CDMA transmission performances achievable with adaptive antenna array and antenna diversity reception. It is pointed out that the arrival angle spread is an important parameter to determine the performances of adaptive antenna array and antenna diversity.

  • A Design for Testability Technique for Low Power Delay Fault Testing

    James Chien-Mo LI  


    E87-C No:4

    This paper presents a Quiet-Noisy scan technique for low power delay fault testing. The novel scan cell design provides both the quiet and noisy scan modes. The toggling of scan cell outputs is suppressed in the quiet scan mode so the power is saved. Two-pattern tests are applied in the noisy scan mode so the delay fault testing is possible. The experimental data shows that the Quiet-Noisy scan technique effectively reduces the test power to 56% of that of the regular scan. The transition fault coverage is improved by 19.7% compared to an existing toggle suppression low power technique. The presented technique requires very minimal changes in the existing MUX-scan Design For Testability (DFT) methodology and needs virtually no computation. The penalties are area overhead, speed degradation, and one extra control in test mode.

  • Extending Interrupted Feature Point Tracking for 3-D Affine Reconstruction

    Yasuyuki SUGAYA  Kenichi KANATANI  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E87-D No:4

    Feature point tracking over a video sequence fails when the points go out of the field of view or behind other objects. In this paper, we extend such interrupted tracking by imposing the constraint that under the affine camera model all feature trajectories should be in an affine space. Our method consists of iterations for optimally extending the trajectories and for optimally estimating the affine space, coupled with an outlier removal process. Using real video images, we demonstrate that our method can restore a sufficient number of trajectories for detailed 3-D reconstruction.

  • An Efficient Centralized Algorithm Ensuring Consistent Recovery in Causal Message Logging with Independent Checkpointing

    JinHo AHN  SungGi MIN  

    LETTER-Dependable Computing

    E87-D No:4

    Because it has desirable features such as no cascading rollback, fast output commit and asynchronous logging, causal message logging needs a consistent recovery algorithm to tolerate concurrent failures. For this purpose, Elnozahy proposed a centralized recovery algorithm to have two practical benefits, i.e. reducing the number of stable storage accesses and imposing no restriction on the execution of live processes during recovery. However, the algorithm with independent checkpointing may force the system to be in an inconsistent state when processes fail concurrently. In this paper, we identify these inconsistent cases and then present a recovery algorithm to have the two benefits and ensure the system consistency when integrated with any kind of checkpointing protocol. Also, our algorithm requires no additional message compared with Elnozahy's algorithm.

  • The Fault-Tolerant Early Bird Problem

    Bjorn FAY  Martin KUTRIB  


    E87-D No:3

    The capabilities of reliable computations in one-dimensional cellular automata are investigated by means of the Early Bird Problem. The problem is typical for situations in massively parallel systems where a global behavior must be achieved by only local interactions between the single elements. The cells that cause the misoperations are assumed to behave as follows. They run a self-diagnosis before the actual computation once. The result is stored locally such that the working state of a cell becomes visible to its neighbors. A non-working (defective) cell cannot modify information but is able to transmit it unchanged with unit speed. We present an O(n log (n) log (n))-time fault-tolerant solution of the Early Bird Problem.

  • Fault Diagnosis for RAMs Using Walsh Spectrum

    Atsumu ISENO  Yukihiro IGUCHI  Tsutomu SASAO  

    PAPER-Memory Testing

    E87-D No:3

    In this paper, we show a method to locate a single stuck-at fault of a random access memory (RAM). From the fail-bitmaps of the RAM, we obtain their Walsh spectrum. For a single stuck-at fault, we show that the fault can be identified and located by using only the 0-th and 1-st coefficients of the spectrum. We also show a circuit to compute these coefficients. The computation time is O(2n), where n is the number of bits in the address of the RAM. The computation time is much shorter than one that uses a logic minimization method.

  • A Simple Design of Time-Efficient Firing Squad Synchronization Algorithms with Fault-Tolerance

    Hiroshi UMEO  


    E87-D No:3

    In this paper we study a classical firing squad synchronization problem on a model of fault-tolerant cellular automata that have possibly some defective cells. Several fault-tolerant time-efficient synchronization algorithms are developed based on a simple freezing-thawing technique. It is shown that, under some constraints on the distribution of defective cells, any cellular array of length n with p defective cell segments can be synchronized in 2n - 2 + p steps.

  • High Index-Contrast 2D Photonic Band-Edge Laser

    Soon-Hong KWON  Yong-Hee LEE  


    E87-C No:3

    Free-standing 2D slab photonic band-edge lasers based on square lattice and triangular lattice are realized by optical pumping at room-temperature. Both in-plane-emission and surface-emission photonic band-edge lasers are observed and compared. Analyses on optical loss mechanisms for finite-size photonic band-edge lasers are also discussed.

  • Low Optical Loss Connection for Photonic Crystal Slab Waveguides

    Akiko GOMYO  Jun USHIDA  Masayuki SHIRANE  Masatoshi TOKUSHIMA  Hirohito YAMADA  


    E87-C No:3

    Low-loss optical coupling structures between photonic crystal waveguides and channel waveguides were investigated. It was emphasized that impedance matching of guided modes of those waveguides, as well as field-profile matching, was essential to achieving the low-loss optical coupling. We developed an impedance matching theory for Bloch waves, and applied it to designing the low-loss optical coupling structures. It was demonstrated that the optical coupling loss between a photonic crystal waveguide and a Si-channel waveguide was reduced to as low as 0.7 dB by introducing an interface structure for impedance matching between the two waveguides.

  • A Fast Codebook Design Algorithm for ECVQ Based on Angular Constraint and Hyperplane Decision Rule

    Ahmed SWILEM  Kousuke IMAMURA  Hideo HASHIMOTO  


    E87-A No:3

    In this paper, we propose two fast codebook generation algorithms for entropy-constrained vector quantization. The first algorithm uses the angular constraint to reduce the search area and to accelerate the search process in the codebook design. It employs the projection angles of the vectors to a reference line. The second algorithm has feature of using a suitable hyperplane to partition the codebook and image data. These algorithms allow significant acceleration in codebook design process. Experimental results are presented on image block data. These results show that our new algorithms perform better than the previously known methods.

  • Fast Data Transfer Method in Mobile IP Based Backbone Networks

    Takeshi KUBO  Hidetoshi YOKOTA  Akira IDOUE  Toru HASEGAWA  

    PAPER-Mobile Networking

    E87-B No:3

    In the gauge of IMT-2000, Mobile IP based location management is standardized. The cellular network of IMT-2000 holds many users and covers a large area. In large-scale Mobile IP networks, such as IMT-2000, a foreign agent may manage many mobile nodes by the visitor list and its forwarding performance degrades owing to the list search overload. In this paper, we propose a fast data transfer method in Mobile IP networks by reducing the load of the search processes on the foreign agent using cooperation between mobility agents. In our experiments, we measured the packet forwarding performance and the packet forwarding process time. The results indicate the possibility of the performance degradation owing to the part of the registered mobile nodes in the visitor list. We verify that the foreign agent using our method can forward all the received packets on Fast Ethernet LAN when one million entries are recorded in the visitor list.

  • Pinpoint Two-Photon Writing and Multi-Beam Interferential Patterning of Three-Dimensional Polymer Photonic Crystals

    Satoshi KAWATA  Satoru SHOJI  Hong-Bo SUN  


    E87-C No:3

    Lasers have been established as a unique nanoprocessing tool due to its intrinsic three-dimensional (3D) fabrication capability and the excellent compatibility to various functional materials. Here we report two methods that have been proved particularly promising for tailoring 3D photonic crystals (PhCs): pinpoint writing via two-photon photopolymerization and multibeam interferential patterning. In the two-photon fabrication, a finely quantified pixel writing scheme and a method of pre-compensation to the shrinkage induced by polymerization enable high-reproducibility and high-fidelity prototyping; well-defined diamond-lattice PhCs prove the arbitrary 3D processing capability of the two-photon technology. In the interference patterning method, we proposed and utilized a two-step exposure approach, which not only increases the number of achievable lattice types, but also expands the freedom in tuning lattice constant.

  • Analog Circuit Test Using Transfer Function Coefficient Estimates

    Zhen GUO  Jacob SAVIR  


    E87-D No:3

    Coefficient-based test (CBT) is introduced for detecting parametric faults in analog circuits. The method uses pseudo Monte-Carlo simulation and system identification tools to determine whether a given circuit under test (CUT) is faulty.

  • Planar Photonic Crystal Nanolasers (I): Porous Cavity Lasers

    Marko LONAR  Tomoyuki YOSHIE  Koichi OKAMOTO  Yueming QIU  Jelena VUKOVI  Axel SCHERER  


    E87-C No:3

    We have designed, fabricated and characterized efficient optical resonators and low-threshold lasers based on planar photonic crystal concept. Lasers with InGaAsP quantum well active material emitting at 1550 nm were optically pumped, and room temperature lasing was observed at threshold powers below 220 µW. Porous high quality factor cavity that we have developed confines light in the air region and therefore our lasers are ideally suited for investigation of interaction between light and matter on a nanoscale level. We have demonstrated the operation of photonic crystal lasers in different ambient organic solutions, and we have showed that planar photonic crystal lasers can be used to perform spectroscopic tests on femtoliter volumes of analyte.

  • Layout-Based Detection Technique of Line Pairs with Bridging Fault Using IDDQ

    Masaru SANADA  

    PAPER-Fault Detection

    E87-D No:3

    Abnormal IDDQ (Quiescent power supply current) is the signal to indicate the existence of physical damage which includes the between circuit lines. Using this signal, a CAD-based line pairs with bridging fault (LBFs) detection technique has been developed to enhance the manufacturing yield of advanced logic LSI with scaled-down structure and multi-metal layers. The proposed technique progressively narrows the doubtful LBFs down by logic information and layout structure. This technique, quickly handled, is applied to draw down the distribution chart of bridging fault portion on wafer, the feature of which chart is fed back to manufacturing process and layout design.

  • A Fast Search Method for Vector Quantization Using Enhanced Sum Pyramid Data Structure

    Zhibin PAN  Koji KOTANI  Tadahiro OHMI  


    E87-A No:3

    Conventional vector quantization (VQ) encoding method by full search (FS) is very heavy computationally but it can reach the best PSNR. In order to speed up the encoding process, many fast search methods have been developed. Base on the concept of multi-resolutions, the FS equivalent fast search methods using mean-type pyramid data structure have been proposed already in. In this Letter, an enhanced sum pyramid data structure is suggested to improve search efficiency further, which benefits from (1) exact computing in integer form, (2) one more 2-dimensional new resolution and (3) an optimal pair selecting way for constructing the new resolution. Experimental results show that a lot of codewords can be rejected efficiently by using this added new resolution that features lower dimensions and earlier difference check order.

  • Generation of Test Sequences with Low Power Dissipation for Sequential Circuits

    Yoshinobu HIGAMI  Shin-ya KOBAYASHI  Yuzo TAKAMATSU  

    PAPER-Test Generation and Compaction

    E87-D No:3

    When LSIs that are designed and manufactured for low power dissipation are tested, test vectors that make the power dissipation low should be applied. If test vectors that cause high power dissipation are applied, incorrect test results are obtained or circuits under test are permanently damaged. In this paper, we propose a method to generate test sequences with low power dissipation for sequential circuits. We assume test sequences generated by an ATPG tool are given, and modify them while keeping the original stuck-at fault coverages. The test sequence is modified by inverting the values of primary inputs of every test vector one by one. In order to keep the original fault coverage, fault simulation is conducted whenever one value of primary inputs is inverted. We introduce heuristics that perform fault simulation for a subset of faults during the modification of test vectors. This helps reduce the power dissipation of the modified test sequence. If the fault coverage by the modified test sequence is lower than that by the original test sequence, we generate a new short test sequence and add it to the modified test sequence.

  • An Optimal Material Distribution System Based on Nested Genetic Algorithm

    Chih-Chin LAI  Shing-Hwang DOONG  


    E87-D No:3

    The number and location of the inventory centers play an important role in the material distribution process since residents and inventory centers may be in dispersed regions. In this paper, we view the problem of finding the better locations for the inventory centers as an optimization problem, and propose a nested genetic algorithm (NGA) approach to design an optimal material distribution system. We demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach by numerical experiments.

  • Efficient Algorithms for Running Type-I and Type-III Discrete Sine Transforms

    Vitaly KOBER  


    E87-A No:3

    Fast algorithms for computing the running type-I discrete sine transform (DST-I) and type-III discrete sine transform (DST-III) are proposed. The algorithms are based on a recursive relationship between three subsequent local discrete sine spectra. The computational complexity of the algorithms is compared with that of fast DST-I and DST-III algorithms. Fast inverse algorithms for signal processing in the running discrete sine transform domains are also proposed.
