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[Keyword] FA(3430hit)


  • Hard-Limited Karhunen-Loeve Transform for Face Recognition

    Chih-Chien Thomas CHEN  Chin-Ta CHEN  Ming-Hong JIANG  


    E87-A No:7

    A face recognition system based on the hard-limited eigenfunctions derived from the Karhunen-Loeve transform is proposed. The key of this approach is to change the inner product of the face image and the selected eigenvectors from floating point arithmetic to integer arithmetic. A database with 1000 facial images corresponding to 100 subjects is collected for system evaluation. It is demonstrated that 92% correct classification rate and 6-fold computational time saving can be achieved by the use of the first 150 hard-limited features.

  • A Simulated Fast Hexagonal Fourier Transform

    Innchyn HER  Chin-Chung HUANG  Rong-Da HSIEH  


    E87-A No:7

    Many applications of digital image processing require the evaluation of fast Fourier transforms. Therefore, for the more conventional rectangular grid image systems, FFT algorithms have been largely developed so far. For users of hexagonal grid image systems, unfortunately, life is less easier since they generally have to write the hexagonal FFT codes by themselves. This complexity tends to hinder the development and use of the hexagonal imaging system. In this short paper, we propose, without a mathematical proof, a method to simulate hexagonal FFTs based on the relations between the two grid systems. And this is done with only the use of regular rectangular FFT schemes. By this method, a hexagonally sampled image can be easily transformed via the many FFT programs available in the market.

  • MPICH-GF: Transparent Checkpointing and Rollback-Recovery for Grid-Enabled MPI Processes

    Namyoon WOO  Hyungsoo JUNG  Heon Young YEOM  Taesoon PARK  Hyungwoo PARK  

    PAPER-Distributed, Grid and P2P Computing

    E87-D No:7

    Fault-tolerance is an essential feature of the distributed systems where the possibility of a failure increases with the growth of the system. In spite of extensive researches over two decades, fault-tolerance systems have not succeeded in practical use. It is due to the high overhead and the unhandiness of the previous fault-tolerance systems. In this paper, we propose MPICH-GF, a user-transparent checkpointing system for grid-enabled MPICH. Our objectives are to fill the gap between the theory and the practice of fault-tolerance systems, and to provide a checkpointing-recovery system for grids. To build a fault-tolerant MPICH version, we have designed task migration, dynamic process management, and atomic message transfer. MPICH-GF requires no modification of application source codes, and it affects the MPICH communication characteristics as less as possible. The features of MPICH-GF are that it supports the direct message transfer mode and that all of the implementation has been done at the lower layer, that is, the abstract device level. We have evaluated MPICH-GF using NPB applications on Globus middleware.

  • Ultrafast All Optical Switching Using Pulse Trapping by Ultrashort Soliton Pulse

    Norihiko NISHIZAWA  Toshio GOTO  


    E87-C No:7

    Ultrafast all optical switching using pulse trapping by 100 fs ultrashort soliton pulse across zero dispersion wavelength is investigated. The characteristics of pulse trapping are analyzed both experimentally and numerically. Using the pulse trapping, 1 THz ultrafast all optical switching is demonstrated experimentally. Arbitral one pulse is picked off from pulse train. Pulse trapping for CW signal is also demonstrated and ultrashort pulse is generated by pulse trapping. From these investigation, it is shown that ultrafast all optical switching up to 2 THz can be demonstrated using pulse trapping.

  • Reduced-State Sequence Estimation for Coded Modulation in CPSC on Frequency-Selective Fading Channels

    Jeong-Woo JWA  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E87-B No:7

    Reduced-state sequence estimation (RSSE) for trellis-coded modulation (TCM) in cyclic prefixed single carrier (CPSC) with minimum mean-square error-linear equalization (MMSE-LE) on frequency-selective Rayleigh fading channels is proposed. The Viterbi algorithm (VA) is used to search for the best path through the reduced-state trellis combined equalization and TCM decoding. Computer simulations confirm the symbol error probability of the proposed scheme.

  • Ultrafast Time-Serial to Space-Parallel Converter Using Organic Dye Films

    Makoto FURUKI  Izumi IWASA  Satoshi TATSUURA  Yasuhiro SATO  Minquan TIAN  Takashi MATSUBARA  Hiroyuki MITSU  Makoto NARUSE  Fumito KUBOTA  


    E87-C No:7

    Using ultrafast nonlinear-optical response of organic dye films, a train of picosecond optical pulses can be converted into a space pattern of a mm scale. As applications of this technique we demonstrate a single-shot multichannel optical switching for 1 Tbit/s pulse trains, and a timing jitter suppression of pulse trains using a control system with femtoseconds time resolution.

  • Document Genre Classification for User Interface of Web Search Engine

    Kong-Joo LEE  

    LETTER-Natural Language Processing

    E87-D No:7

    In this letter we suggest sets of features to classify genres of web documents. Web documents are different from textual documents in that they contain URL and HTML tags within the pages. We introduce the features specific to web documents, which are extracted from URL and HTML tags. Experimental results enable us to evaluate their characteristics and performances. On the basis of the experimental results, we implement a user interface of a web search engine that presents documents grouped by genres.

  • Joint Use of Frequency-Domain Equalization and Transmit/Receive Antenna Diversity for Single-Carrier Transmissions

    Kazuaki TAKEDA  Takeshi ITAGAKI  Fumiyuki ADACHI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E87-B No:7

    The joint use of frequency-domain equalization and antenna diversity is presented for single-carrier (SC) transmission in a frequency-selective fading channel. Frequency-domain equalization techniques using minimum mean square error (MMSE), orthogonal restoration combining (ORC) and maximum ratio combining (MRC), those used in multi-carrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA), are considered. As antenna diversity techniques, receive diversity and delay transmit diversity (DTD) are considered. Bit error rate (BER) performance achievable with the joint use of frequency-domain equalization and antenna diversity is evaluated by computer simulation.

  • Approximation Error Analysis for Coherent EGC Receiver under Nakagami-m Fading Channels

    Youngsun KIM  Kiseon KIM  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E87-B No:6

    The generalized fading amplitude can be expressed using the Nakagami-m distribution. The probability density function (PDF) for the sum of m-distributions is needed to evaluate performance of diversity combining technique such as equal gain combining (EGC) receiver. The approximated PDF for the sum of m-distributions gives simpler performance expression and reduces the computational complexity in evaluating EGC performance. We investigate the normalized approximation error of EGC performance. From the observed result, even for m > 2, the approximated BER is not accurate. For example, the normalized error is about 32% for m = 2 with 3 identical and independently distributed (IID) fading branches and 10 dB SNR.

  • A Spoken Dialogue Interface for TV Operations Based on Data Collected by Using WOZ Method

    Jun GOTO  Kazuteru KOMINE  Masaru MIYAZAKI  Yeun-Bae KIM  Noriyoshi URATANI  


    E87-D No:6

    The development of multi-channel digital broadcasting has generated a demand not only for new services but also for smart and highly functional capabilities in all broadcast-related devices. This is especially true of TV receivers on the viewer's side. With the aim of achieving a friendly interface that anybody can use with ease, we built a prototype spoken dialogue interface for TV operation based on data collected by using Wizard of Oz method. At the current stage of our research, we are using this system to investigate the usefulness and problem areas of an interactive voice interface for TV operation.

  • A Clock and Data Recovery PLL for Variable Bit Rate NRZ Data Using Adaptive Phase Frequency Detector

    Gijun IDEI  Hiroaki KUNIEDA  


    E87-C No:6

    An adaptive 4-state phase-frequency detector (PFD) for clock and data recovery (CDR) PLL of non return to zero (NRZ) data is presented. The PLL achieves false-lock free operation with rapid frequency-capture and wide bit-rate-capture range. The variable bit rate operation is achieved by adaptive delay control of data delay. Circuitry and overall architecture are described in detail. A z-Domain analysis is also presented.

  • A Novel Approach to Sampling the Coiled Tubing Surface with an Application for Monte Carlo Direct Lighting

    Chung-Ming WANG  Peng-Cheng WANG  

    PAPER-Computer Graphics

    E87-D No:6

    Sampling is important for many applications in research areas such as graphics, vision, and image processing. In this paper, we present a novel stratified sampling algorithm (SSA) for the coiled tubing surface with a given probability density function. The algorithm is developed from the inverse function of the integration for the areas of the coiled tubing surface. We exploit a Hierarchical Allocation Strategy (HAS) to preserve sample stratification when generating any desirable sample numbers. This permits us to reduce variances when applying our algorithm to Monte Carlo Direct Lighting for realistic image generation. We accelerate the sampling process using a segmentation technique in the integration domain. Our algorithm thus runs 324 orders of magnitude faster when using faster SSA algorithm where the order of the magnitude is proportional to the sample numbers. Finally, we employ a parabolic interpolation technique to decrease the average errors occurred for using the segmentation technique. This permits us to produce nearly constant average errors, independent of the sample numbers. The proposed algorithm is novel, efficient in computing and feasible for realistic image generation using Monte Carlo method.

  • Design Optimization Methodology for On-Chip Spiral Inductors

    Kenichi OKADA  Hiroaki HOSHINO  Hidetoshi ONODERA  


    E87-C No:6

    This paper presents a methodology for optimizing the layout of on-chip spiral inductors using structural parameters and design frequency in a response surface method. The proposed method uses scattering parameters (S-parameter) to express inductor characteristics, and hence is independent of spiral geometries and equivalent circuit models. The procedure of inductor optimization is described, and a design example is presented.

  • Virtual View Generation from a Frontal Face Image Using Invertible Meshwarp Algorithm

    The Hung PHAN  Byung Hwan JUN  


    E87-A No:6

    In this paper, we propose a new technique to generate virtual views of three-dimensional (3D) models. The technique is implemented into our facial pose transformation system, which takes only one frontal image and transforms it into virtual views. In our system, to overcome the complex of 3D geometric model, Image Based Rendering based algorithm and mesh-based methods are applied. We also introduce our new Invertible Meshwarp Algorithm, which is developed based on Two-pass Meshwarp Algorithm. Firstly, in the system, for any given person, we take a frontal face image to compose a frontal mesh for it. The standard mesh set of a specific person is created for several face sides; front, half left, half right, left and right side. The other meshes are then automatically generated based on the standard mesh set and the frontal mesh. Continually, we use Invertible Meshwarp Algorithm, which improvably solves the overlap or inversion of neighbor vertices of those created meshes. This step will finalize the generation of different views or the virtual looks of the frontal face image. We then evaluate our transformation system performance by comparing the normalized distance between several feature points in the real and transformed face images. The system is built based on C/C++ language and our result shows that the average error in the feature location is about 7% of the distance from the center of both eyes to the center of a mouth between the actual and transformed face images.

  • A Dual Band Planar Inverted-F Antenna with Non-uniform Meander-Line Shaped Slot

    I-Fong CHEN  

    LETTER-Antenna and Propagation

    E87-B No:6

    This letter describes a dual band planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) with non-uniform meander-line shaped slot suitable for the mobile environment scenario, which operates at the GSM 900 MHz and GSM 1800 MHz (DCS) bands. This antenna structure overcomes the lack of height of the mobile phone. In a practical mobile handset, the bandwidths of the antenna for return loss -8.5 dB are 240 MHz at 900 MHz and 250 MHz at 1800 MHz. Good impedance bandwidth performance for the dual-band is observed. The advantage of the design suggested in this letter is its simplicity of manufacturing and low cost.

  • Limiting the Length of BET for Tunnel-Based IP Fast Handover

    HeeYoung JUNG  SeokJoo KOH  JaeHong MIN  DaeYoung KIM  


    E87-A No:6

    Next generation wired/wireless networks will be based on IP technology. In the IP based networks, it is crucially required to support seamless mobility especially for proving real-time services in the mobile environment. The conventional Mobile IP protocols cannot satisfy such seamless mobility requirements for real-time services. Therefore various extensions of Mobile IP are being proposed. In this paper, we propose a new handover scheme to enhance the existing tunnel-based fast handover method, which is a typical Mobile IP extension to support seamless mobility. It is shown that the proposed method reduces the traffic overhead in the networks. It is expected that the proposed method will be particularly useful in the IP-based networks in which there are a number of users simultaneously using the long-lived real-time services, or in the condition that the traffic overhead is considered as a critical performance measure.

  • "Man-Computer Symbiosis" Revisited: Achieving Natural Communication and Collaboration with Computers

    Neal LESH  Joe MARKS  Charles RICH  Candace L. SIDNER  


    E87-D No:6

    In 1960, the famous computer pioneer J.C.R. Licklider described a vision for human-computer interaction that he called "man-computer symbiosis. " Licklider predicted the development of computer software that would allow people "to think in interaction with a computer in the same way that you think with a colleague whose competence supplements your own. " More than 40 years later, one rarely encounters any computer application that comes close to capturing Licklider's notion of human-like communication and collaboration. We echo Licklider by arguing that true symbiotic interaction requires at least the following three elements: a complementary and effective division of labor between human and machine; an explicit representation in the computer of the user's abilities, intentions, and beliefs; and the utilization of nonverbal communication modalities. We illustrate this argument with various research prototypes currently under development at Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (USA).

  • Online SNR and Fading Parameter Estimation for Parallel Combinatorial SS Systems in Nakagami Fading Channels

    Kazuyuki UENAGA  Shigenobu SASAKI  Ken-ichi TAKIZAWA  Jie ZHOU  Shogo MURAMATSU  Hisakazu KIKUCHI  


    E87-A No:6

    This letter discusses the performance of online SNR estimation including fading parameter estimation for parallel combinatorial SS (PC/SS) systems. The PC/SS systems are partial-code-parallel multicode SS systems, which have high-rate data transmission capability. Nakagami-m distribution is assumed as fading channel model to cover a wide range of fading conditions. The SNR and fading parameter estimation considered in this letter is based on only a statistical ratio of correlator outputs at the receiver. Numerical results show that SNR estimation performance with fading parameter estimation is close to the one in the case of perfect fading parameter information, if the number of transmitting PN codes is less than a half of assigned PN codes.

  • A Novel Feature Selection for Fuzzy Neural Networks for Personalized Facial Expression Recognition

    Dae-Jin KIM  Zeungnam BIEN  


    E87-A No:6

    This paper proposes a novel feature selection method for the fuzzy neural networks and presents an application example for 'personalized' facial expression recognition. The proposed method is shown to result in a superior performance than many existing approaches.

  • A Haptic Interface for Two-Handed 6DOF Manipulation-SPIDAR-G&G System

    Jun MURAYAMA  Yanlin LUO  Katsuhito AKAHANE  Shoichi HASEGAWA  Makoto SATO  


    E87-D No:6

    In this paper, we propose a new haptic interface for two-handed manipulation. The system, named the SPIDAR-G&G system, consists of a pair of string-based 6DOF haptic devices called SPIDAR-G for both hands. By grasping the grip of each SPIDAR-G in each of the user's hands, the user can manipulate one virtual object with their right hand and the other one with their left hand cooperatively, while the user senses interaction force. We evaluated the system by measuring the completion time of a 3D pointing task, and demonstrated enhanced interactivity with virtual objects.
