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  • Wide-Area and Long-Term Agricultural Sensing System Utilizing UAV and Wireless Technologies

    Hiroshi YAMAMOTO  Shota NISHIURA  Yoshihiro HIGASHIURA  


    E106-D No:5

    In order to improve crop production and efficiency of farming operations, an IoT (Internet of Things) system for remote monitoring has been attracting a lot of attention. The existing studies have proposed agricultural sensing systems such that environmental information is collected from many sensor nodes installed in farmland through wireless communications (e.g., Wi-Fi, ZigBee). Especially, Low-Power Wide-Area (LPWA) is a focus as a candidate for wireless communication that enables the support of vast farmland for a long time. However, it is difficult to achieve long distance communication even when using the LPWA because a clear line of sight is difficult to keep due to many obstacles such as crops and agricultural machinery in the farmland. In addition, a sensor node cannot run permanently on batteries because the battery capacity is not infinite. On the other hand, an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) that can move freely and stably in the sky has been leveraged for agricultural sensor network systems. By utilizing a UAV as the gateway of the sensor network, the gateway can move to the appropriate location to ensure a clear line of sight from the sensor nodes. In addition, the coverage area of the sensor network can be expanded as the UAV travels over a wide area even when short-range and ultra-low-power wireless communication (e.g., Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)) is adopted. Furthermore, various wireless technologies (e.g., wireless power transfer, wireless positioning) that have the possibility to improve the coverage area and the lifetime of the sensor network have become available. Therefore, in this study, we propose and develop two kinds of new agricultural sensing systems utilizing a UAV and various wireless technologies. The objective of the proposed system is to provide the solution for achieving the wide-area and long-term sensing for the vast farmland. Depending on which problem is in a priority, the proposed system chooses one of two designs. The first design of the system attempts to achieve the wide-area sensing, and so it is based on the LPWA for wireless communication. In the system, to efficiently collect the environmental information, the UAV autonomously travels to search for the locations to maintain the good communication properties of the LPWA to the sensor nodes dispersed over a wide area of farmland. In addition, the second design attempts to achieve the long-term sensing, so it is based on BLE, a typical short-range and ultra-low-power wireless communication technology. In this design, the UAV autonomously flies to the location of sensor nodes and supplies power to them using a wireless power transfer technology for achieving a battery-less sensor node. Through experimental evaluations using a prototype system, it is confirmed that the combination of the UAV and various wireless technologies has the possibility to achieve a wide-area and long-term sensing system for monitoring vast farmland.

  • Parallelization on a Minimal Substring Search Algorithm for Regular Expressions

    Yosuke OBE  Hiroaki YAMAMOTO  Hiroshi FUJIWARA  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E106-D No:5

    Let us consider a regular expression r of length m and a text string T of length n over an alphabet Σ. Then, the RE minimal substring search problem is to find all minimal substrings of T matching r. Yamamoto proposed O(mn) time and O(m) space algorithm using a Thompson automaton. In this paper, we improve Yamamoto's algorithm by introducing parallelism. The proposed algorithm runs in O(mn) time in the worst case and in O(mn/p) time in the best case, where p denotes the number of processors. Besides, we show a parameter related to the parallel time of the proposed algorithm. We evaluate the algorithm experimentally.

  • A Practical Model Driven Approach for Designing Security Aware RESTful Web APIs Using SOFL

    Busalire Onesmus EMEKA  Soichiro HIDAKA  Shaoying LIU  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E106-D No:5

    RESTful web APIs have become ubiquitous with most modern web applications embracing the micro-service architecture. A RESTful API provides data over the network using HTTP probably interacting with databases and other services and must preserve its security properties. However, REST is not a protocol but rather a set of guidelines on how to design resources accessed over HTTP endpoints. There are guidelines on how related resources should be structured with hierarchical URIs as well as how the different HTTP verbs should be used to represent well-defined actions on those resources. Whereas security has always been critical in the design of RESTful APIs, there are few or no clear model driven engineering techniques utilizing a secure-by-design approach that interweaves both the functional and security requirements. We therefore propose an approach to specifying APIs functional and security requirements with the practical Structured-Object-oriented Formal Language (SOFL). Our proposed approach provides a generic methodology for designing security aware APIs by utilizing concepts of domain models, domain primitives, Ecore metamodel and SOFL. We also describe a case study to evaluate the effectiveness of our approach and discuss important issues in relation to the practical applicability of our method.

  • High-Precision Mobile Robot Localization Using the Integration of RAR and AKF

    Chen WANG  Hong TAN  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E106-D No:5

    The high-precision indoor positioning technology has gradually become one of the research hotspots in indoor mobile robots. Relax and Recover (RAR) is an indoor positioning algorithm using distance observations. The algorithm restores the robot's trajectory through curve fitting and does not require time synchronization of observations. The positioning can be successful with few observations. However, the algorithm has the disadvantages of poor resistance to gross errors and cannot be used for real-time positioning. In this paper, while retaining the advantages of the original algorithm, the RAR algorithm is improved with the adaptive Kalman filter (AKF) based on the innovation sequence to improve the anti-gross error performance of the original algorithm. The improved algorithm can be used for real-time navigation and positioning. The experimental validation found that the improved algorithm has a significant improvement in accuracy when compared to the original RAR. When comparing to the extended Kalman filter (EKF), the accuracy is also increased by 12.5%, which can be used for high-precision positioning of indoor mobile robots.

  • Chinese Named Entity Recognition Method Based on Dictionary Semantic Knowledge Enhancement

    Tianbin WANG  Ruiyang HUANG  Nan HU  Huansha WANG  Guanghan CHU  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E106-D No:5

    Chinese Named Entity Recognition is the fundamental technology in the field of the Chinese Natural Language Process. It is extensively adopted into information extraction, intelligent question answering, and knowledge graph. Nevertheless, due to the diversity and complexity of Chinese, most Chinese NER methods fail to sufficiently capture the character granularity semantics, which affects the performance of the Chinese NER. In this work, we propose DSKE-Chinese NER: Chinese Named Entity Recognition based on Dictionary Semantic Knowledge Enhancement. We novelly integrate the semantic information of character granularity into the vector space of characters and acquire the vector representation containing semantic information by the attention mechanism. In addition, we verify the appropriate number of semantic layers through the comparative experiment. Experiments on public Chinese datasets such as Weibo, Resume and MSRA show that the model outperforms character-based LSTM baselines.

  • Subjective Difficulty Estimation of Educational Comics Using Gaze Features

    Kenya SAKAMOTO  Shizuka SHIRAI  Noriko TAKEMURA  Jason ORLOSKY  Hiroyuki NAGATAKI  Mayumi UEDA  Yuki URANISHI  Haruo TAKEMURA  

    PAPER-Educational Technology

    E106-D No:5

    This study explores significant eye-gaze features that can be used to estimate subjective difficulty while reading educational comics. Educational comics have grown rapidly as a promising way to teach difficult topics using illustrations and texts. However, comics include a variety of information on one page, so automatically detecting learners' states such as subjective difficulty is difficult with approaches such as system log-based detection, which is common in the Learning Analytics field. In order to solve this problem, this study focused on 28 eye-gaze features, including the proposal of three new features called “Variance in Gaze Convergence,” “Movement between Panels,” and “Movement between Tiles” to estimate two degrees of subjective difficulty. We then ran an experiment in a simulated environment using Virtual Reality (VR) to accurately collect gaze information. We extracted features in two unit levels, page- and panel-units, and evaluated the accuracy with each pattern in user-dependent and user-independent settings, respectively. Our proposed features achieved an average F1 classification-score of 0.721 and 0.742 in user-dependent and user-independent models at panel unit levels, respectively, trained by a Support Vector Machine (SVM).

  • New Training Method for Non-Dominant Hand Pitching Motion Based on Reversal Trajectory of Dominant Hand Pitching Motion Using AR and Vibration

    Masato SOGA  Taiki MORI  

    PAPER-Educational Technology

    E106-D No:5

    In this paper, we propose a new method for non-dominant limb training. The method is that a learner aims at a motion which is generated by reversing his/her own motion of dominant limb, when he/she tries to train himself/herself for non-dominant limb training. In addition, we designed and developed interface for the new method which can select feedback types. One is an interface using AR and sound, and the other is an interface using AR and vibration. We found that vibration feedback was effective for non-dominant hand training of pitching motion, while sound feedback was not so effective as vibration.

  • Learning Local Similarity with Spatial Interrelations on Content-Based Image Retrieval

    Longjiao ZHAO  Yu WANG  Jien KATO  Yoshiharu ISHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E106-D No:5

    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have recently demonstrated outstanding performance in image retrieval tasks. Local convolutional features extracted by CNNs, in particular, show exceptional capability in discrimination. Recent research in this field has concentrated on pooling methods that incorporate local features into global features and assess the global similarity of two images. However, the pooling methods sacrifice the image's local region information and spatial relationships, which are precisely known as the keys to the robustness against occlusion and viewpoint changes. In this paper, instead of pooling methods, we propose an alternative method based on local similarity, determined by directly using local convolutional features. Specifically, we first define three forms of local similarity tensors (LSTs), which take into account information about local regions as well as spatial relationships between them. We then construct a similarity CNN model (SCNN) based on LSTs to assess the similarity between the query and gallery images. The ideal configuration of our method is sought through thorough experiments from three perspectives: local region size, local region content, and spatial relationships between local regions. The experimental results on a modified open dataset (where query images are limited to occluded ones) confirm that the proposed method outperforms the pooling methods because of robustness enhancement. Furthermore, testing on three public retrieval datasets shows that combining LSTs with conventional pooling methods achieves the best results.

  • Blockchain-Based Pension System Ensuring Security, Provenance and Efficiency

    Minhaz KAMAL  Chowdhury Mohammad ABDULLAH  Fairuz SHAIARA  Abu Raihan Mostofa KAMAL  Md Mehedi HASAN  Jik-Soo KIM  Md Azam HOSSAIN  

    LETTER-Office Information Systems, e-Business Modeling

    E106-D No:5

    The literature presents a digitized pension system based on a consortium blockchain, with the aim of overcoming existing pension system challenges such as multiparty collaboration, manual intervention, high turnaround time, cost transparency, auditability, etc. In addition, the adoption of hyperledger fabric and the introduction of smart contracts aim to transform multi-organizational workflow into a synchronized, automated, modular, and error-free procedure.

  • Modality-Fused Graph Network for Cross-Modal Retrieval

    Fei WU  Shuaishuai LI  Guangchuan PENG  Yongheng MA  Xiao-Yuan JING  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E106-D No:5

    Cross-modal hashing technology has attracted much attention for its favorable retrieval performance and low storage cost. However, for existing cross-modal hashing methods, the heterogeneity of data across modalities is still a challenge and how to fully explore and utilize the intra-modality features has not been well studied. In this paper, we propose a novel cross-modal hashing approach called Modality-fused Graph Network (MFGN). The network architecture consists of a text channel and an image channel that are used to learn modality-specific features, and a modality fusion channel that uses the graph network to learn the modality-shared representations to reduce the heterogeneity across modalities. In addition, an integration module is introduced for the image and text channels to fully explore intra-modality features. Experiments on two widely used datasets show that our approach achieves better results than the state-of-the-art cross-modal hashing methods.

  • Speech Emotion Recognition Using Multihead Attention in Both Time and Feature Dimensions

    Yue XIE  Ruiyu LIANG  Zhenlin LIANG  Xiaoyan ZHAO  Wenhao ZENG  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E106-D No:5

    To enhance the emotion feature and improve the performance of speech emotion recognition, an attention mechanism is employed to recognize the important information in both time and feature dimensions. In the time dimension, multi-heads attention is modified with the last state of the long short-term memory (LSTM)'s output to match the time accumulation characteristic of LSTM. In the feature dimension, scaled dot-product attention is replaced with additive attention that refers to the method of the state update of LSTM to construct multi-heads attention. This means that a nonlinear change replaces the linear mapping in classical multi-heads attention. Experiments on IEMOCAP datasets demonstrate that the attention mechanism could enhance emotional information and improve the performance of speech emotion recognition.

  • New Binary Sequences Derived from Euler Quotients Modulo pq and Their Generalizations

    Jiang MA  Jun ZHANG  Yanguo JIA  Xiumin SHEN  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E106-A No:4

    Pseudorandom sequences with large linear complexity can resist the linear attack. The trace representation plays an important role in analysis and design of pseudorandom sequences. In this letter, we present the construction of a family of new binary sequences derived from Euler quotients modulo pq, where pq is a product of two primes and p divides q-1. Firstly, the linear complexity of the sequences are investigated. It is proved that the sequences have larger linear complexity and can resist the attack of Berlekamp-Massey algorithm. Then, we give the trace representation of the proposed sequences by determining the corresponding defining pair. Moreover, we generalize the result to the Euler quotients modulo pmqn with m≤n. Results indicate that the generalized sequences still have high linear complexity. We also give the trace representation of the generalized sequences by determining the corresponding defining pair. The result will be helpful for the implementation and the pseudorandom properties analysis of the sequences.

  • A QR Decomposition Algorithm with Partial Greedy Permutation for Zero-Forcing Block Diagonalization

    Shigenori KINJO  Takayuki GAMOH  Masaaki YAMANAKA  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E106-A No:4

    A new zero-forcing block diagonalization (ZF-BD) scheme that enables both a more simplified ZF-BD and further increase in sum rate of MU-MIMO channels is proposed in this paper. The proposed scheme provides the improvement in BER performance for equivalent SU-MIMO channels. The proposed scheme consists of two components. First, a permuted channel matrix (PCM), which is given by moving the submatrix related to a target user to the bottom of a downlink MIMO channel matrix, is newly defined to obtain a precoding matrix for ZF-BD. Executing QR decomposition alone for a given PCM provides null space for the target user. Second, a partial MSQRD (PMSQRD) algorithm, which adopts MSQRD only for a target user to provide improvement in bit rate and BER performance for the user, is proposed. Some numerical simulations are performed, and the results show improvement in sum rate performance of the total system. In addition, appropriate bit allocation improves the bit error rate (BER) performance in each equivalent SU-MIMO channel. A successive interference cancellation is applied to achieve further improvement in BER performance of user terminals.

  • Metropolitan Area Network Model Design Using Regional Railways Information for Beyond 5G Research Open Access

    Takuji TACHIBANA  Yusuke HIROTA  Keijiro SUZUKI  Takehiro TSURITANI  Hiroshi HASEGAWA  


    E106-B No:4

    To accelerate research on Beyond 5G (B5G) technologies in Japan, we propose an algorithm that designs mesh-type metropolitan area network (MAN) models based on a priori Japanese regional railway information, because ground-truth communication network information is unavailable. Instead, we use the information of regional railways, which is expected to express the necessary geometric structure of our metropolitan cities while remaining strongly correlated with their population densities and demographic variations. We provide an additional compression algorithm for use in reducing a small-scale network model from the original MAN model designed using the proposed algorithm. Two Tokyo MAN models are created, and we provide day and night variants for each while highlighting the number of passengers alighting/boarding at each station and the respective population densities. The validity of the proposed algorithm is verified through comparisons with the Japan Photonic Network model and another model designed using the communication network information, which is not ground-truth. Comparison results show that our proposed algorithm is effective for designing MAN models and that our result provides a valid Tokyo MAN model.

  • Multitarget 2-D DOA Estimation Using Wideband LFMCW Signal and Triangle Array Composed of Three Receiver Antennas

    Wentao ZHANG  Chen MIAO  Wen WU  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E106-B No:4

    Direction of arrival (DOA) estimation has been a primary focus of research for many years. Research on DOA estimation continues to be immensely popular in the fields of the internet of things, radar, and smart driving. In this paper, a simple new two-dimensional DOA framework is proposed in which a triangular array is used to receive wideband linear frequency modulated continuous wave signals. The mixed echo signals from various targets are separated into a series of single-tone signals. The unwrapping algorithm is applied to the phase difference function of the single-tone signals. By using the least-squares method to fit the unwrapped phase difference function, the DOA information of each target is obtained. Theoretical analysis and simulation demonstrate that the framework has the following advantages. Unlike traditional phase goniometry, the framework can resolve the trade-off between antenna spacing and goniometric accuracy. The number of detected targets is not limited by the number of antennas. Moreover, the framework can obtain highly accurate DOA estimation results.

  • A Beam Search Method with Adaptive Beam Width Control Based on Area Size for Initial Access

    Takuto ARAI  Daisei UCHIDA  Tatsuhiko IWAKUNI  Shuki WAI  Naoki KITA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E106-B No:4

    High gain antennas with narrow-beamforming are required to compensate for the high propagation loss expected in high frequency bands such as the millimeter wave and sub-terahertz wave bands, which are promising for achieving extremely high speeds and capacity. However using narrow-beamforming for initial access (IA) beam search in all directions incurs an excessive overhead. Using wide-beamforming can reduce the overhead for IA but it also shrinks the coverage area due to the lower beamforming gain. Here, it is assumed that there are some situations in which the required coverage distance differs depending on the direction from the antenna. For example, the distance to an floor for a ceiling-mounted antenna varies depending on the direction, and the distance to the obstruction becomes the required coverage distance for an antenna installation design that assumes line-of-sight. In this paper, we propose a novel IA beam search scheme with adaptive beam width control based on the distance to shield obstacles in each direction. Simulations and experiments show that the proposed method reduces the overhead by 20%-50% without shrinking the coverage area in shield environments compared to exhaustive beam search with narrow-beamforming.

  • A Lightweight Automatic Modulation Recognition Algorithm Based on Deep Learning

    Dong YI  Di WU  Tao HU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E106-B No:4

    Automatic modulation recognition (AMR) plays a critical role in modern communication systems. Owing to the recent advancements of deep learning (DL) techniques, the application of DL has been widely studied in AMR, and a large number of DL-AMR algorithms with high recognition rates have been developed. Most DL-AMR algorithm models have high recognition accuracy but have numerous parameters and are huge, complex models, which make them hard to deploy on resource-constrained platforms, such as satellite platforms. Some lightweight and low-complexity DL-AMR algorithm models also struggle to meet the accuracy requirements. Based on this, this paper proposes a lightweight and high-recognition-rate DL-AMR algorithm model called Lightweight Densely Connected Convolutional Network (DenseNet) Long Short-Term Memory network (LDLSTM). The model cascade of DenseNet and LSTM can achieve the same recognition accuracy as other advanced DL-AMR algorithms, but the parameter volume is only 1/12 that of these algorithms. Thus, it is advantageous to deploy LDLSTM in resource-constrained systems.

  • High-Quality Secure Wireless Transmission Scheme Using Polar Codes and Radio-Wave Encrypted Modulation Open Access

    Keisuke ASANO  Mamoru OKUMURA  Takumi ABE  Eiji OKAMOTO  Tetsuya YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E106-B No:4

    In recent years, physical layer security (PLS), which is based on information theory and whose strength does not depend on the eavesdropper's computing capability, has attracted much attention. We have proposed a chaos modulation method as one PLS method that offers channel coding gain. One alternative is based on polar codes. They are robust error-correcting codes, have a nested structure in the encoder, and the application of this mechanism to PLS encryption (PLS-polar) has been actively studied. However, most conventional studies assume the application of conventional linear modulation such as BPSK, do not use encryption modulation, and the channel coding gain in the modulation is not achieved. In this paper, we propose a PLS-polar method that can realize high-quality transmission and encryption of a modulated signal by applying chaos modulation to a polar-coding system. Numerical results show that the proposed method improves the performance compared to the conventional PLS-polar method by 0.7dB at a block error rate of 10-5. In addition, we show that the proposed method is superior to conventional chaos modulation concatenated with low-density parity-check codes, indicating that the polar code is more suitable for chaos modulation. Finally, it is demonstrated that the proposed method is secure in terms of information theoretical and computational security.

  • Handover Experiment of 60-GHz-Band Wireless LAN in over 200-km/h High-Speed Mobility Environment

    Tatsuhiko IWAKUNI  Daisei UCHIDA  Takuto ARAI  Shuki WAI  Naoki KITA  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E106-B No:4

    High-frequency wireless communication is drawing attention because of its potential to actualize huge transmission capacity in the next generation wireless system. The use of high-frequency bands requires dense deployment of access points to compensate for significant distance attenuation and diffraction loss. Dense deployment of access points in a mobility environment triggers an increase in the frequency of handover because the number of candidate access points increases. Therefore, simple handover schemes are needed. High-frequency wireless systems enable station position to be determined using their wideband and highly directional communication signals. Thus, simple handover based on position information estimated using the communication signal is possible. Interruptions caused by handover are also a huge barrier to actualizing stable high-frequency wireless communications. This paper proposes a seamless handover scheme using multiple radio units. This paper evaluates the combination of simple handover and the proposed scheme based on experiments using a formula racing car representing the fastest high-speed mobility environment. Experimental results show that seamless handover and high-speed wireless transmission over 200Mbps are achieved over a 400-m area even at station velocities of greater than 200km/h.

  • An Interpretation Method on Amplitude Intensities for Response Waveforms of Backward Transient Scattered Field Components by a 2-D Coated Metal Cylinder

    Keiji GOTO  Toru KAWANO  


    E106-C No:4

    In this paper, we propose an interpretation method on amplitude intensities for response waveforms of backward transient scattered field components for both E- and H-polarizations by a 2-D coated metal cylinder. A time-domain (TD) asymptotic solution, which is referred to as a TD Fourier transform method (TD-FTM), is derived by applying the FTM to a backward transient scattered field expressed by an integral form. The TD-FTM is represented by a combination of a direct geometric optical ray (DGO) and a reflected GO (RGO) series. We use the TD-FTM to derive amplitude intensity ratios (AIRs) between adjacent backward transient scattered field components. By comparing the numerical values of the AIRs with those of the influence factors that compose the AIRs, major factor(s) can be identified, thereby allowing detailed interpretation method on the amplitude intensities for the response waveforms of backward transient scattered field components. The accuracy and practicality of the TD-FTM are evaluated by comparing it with three reference solutions. The effectiveness of an interpretation method on the amplitude intensities for response waveforms of backward transient scattered field components is revealed by identifying major factor(s) affecting the amplitude intensities.
