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  • Secondary Ripple Suppression Strategy for a Single-Phase PWM Rectifier Based on Constant Frequency Current Predictive Control

    Hailan ZHOU  Longyun KANG  Xinwei DUAN  Ming ZHAO  


    E105-C No:11

    In the conventional single-phase PWM rectifier, the sinusoidal fluctuating current and voltage on the grid side will generate power ripple with a doubled grid frequency which leads to a secondary ripple in the DC output voltage, and the switching frequency of the conventional model predictive control strategy is not fixed. In order to solve the above two problems, a control strategy for suppressing the secondary ripple based on the three-vector fixed-frequency model predictive current control is proposed. Taking the capacitive energy storage type single-phase PWM rectifier as the research object, the principle of its active filtering is analyzed and a model predictive control strategy is proposed. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed strategy can significantly reduce the secondary ripple of the DC output voltage, reduce the harmonic content of the input current, and achieve a constant switching frequency.

  • A COM Based High Speed Serial Link Optimization Using Machine Learning Open Access

    Yan WANG  Qingsheng HU  


    E105-C No:11

    This paper presents a channel operating margin (COM) based high-speed serial link optimization using machine learning (ML). COM that is proposed for evaluating serial link is calculated at first and during the calculation several important equalization parameters corresponding to the best configuration are extracted which can be used for the ML modeling of serial link. Then a deep neural network containing hidden layers are investigated to model a whole serial link equalization including transmitter feed forward equalizer (FFE), receiver continuous time linear equalizer (CTLE) and decision feedback equalizer (DFE). By training, validating and testing a lot of samples that meet the COM specification of 400GAUI-8 C2C, an effective ML model is generated and the maximum relative error is only 0.1 compared with computation results. At last 3 link configurations are discussed from the view of tradeoff between the link performance and cost, illustrating that our COM based ML modeling method can be applied to advanced serial link design for NRZ, PAM4 or even other higher level pulse amplitude modulation signal.

  • Evaluation and Extraction of Equivalent Circuit Parameters for GSG-Type Bonding Wires Using Electromagnetic Simulator Open Access

    Takuichi HIRANO  


    E105-C No:11

    In this paper, the author performed an electromagnetic field simulation of a typical bonding wire structure that connects a chip and a package, and evaluated the signal transmission characteristics (S-parameters). In addition, the inductance per unit length was extracted by comparing with the equivalent circuit of the distributed constant line. It turns out that the distributed constant line model is not sufficient because there are frequencies where chip-package resonance occurs. Below the resonance frequency, the conventional low-frequency approximation model was effective, and it was found that the inductance was about 1nH/mm.

  • Analysis of Instantaneous Acoustic Fields Using Fast Inverse Laplace Transform Open Access

    Seiya KISHIMOTO  Naoya ISHIKAWA  Shinichiro OHNUKI  


    E105-C No:11

    In this study, a computational method is proposed for acoustic field analysis tasks that require lengthy observation times. The acoustic fields at a given observation time are obtained using a fast inverse Laplace transform with a finite-difference complex-frequency-domain. The transient acoustic field can be evaluated at arbitrary sampling intervals by obtaining the instantaneous acoustic field at the desired observation time using the proposed method.

  • Aggregate Signature Schemes with Traceability of Devices Dynamically Generating Invalid Signatures

    Ryu ISHII  Kyosuke YAMASHITA  Yusuke SAKAI  Tadanori TERUYA  Takahiro MATSUDA  Goichiro HANAOKA  Kanta MATSUURA  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  


    E105-D No:11

    Aggregate signature schemes enable us to aggregate multiple signatures into a single short signature. One of its typical applications is sensor networks, where a large number of users and devices measure their environments, create signatures to ensure the integrity of the measurements, and transmit their signed data. However, if an invalid signature is mixed into aggregation, the aggregate signature becomes invalid, thus if an aggregate signature is invalid, it is necessary to identify the invalid signature. Furthermore, we need to deal with a situation where an invalid sensor generates invalid signatures probabilistically. In this paper, we introduce a model of aggregate signature schemes with interactive tracing functionality that captures such a situation, and define its functional and security requirements and propose aggregate signature schemes that can identify all rogue sensors. More concretely, based on the idea of Dynamic Traitor Tracing, we can trace rogue sensors dynamically and incrementally, and eventually identify all rogue sensors of generating invalid signatures even if the rogue sensors adaptively collude. In addition, the efficiency of our proposed method is also sufficiently practical.

  • Fully Dynamic Data Management in Cloud Storage Systems with Secure Proof of Retrievability

    Nam-Su JHO  Daesung MOON  Taek-Young YOUN  


    E105-D No:11

    For reliable storage services, we need a way not only to monitor the state of stored data but also to recover the original data when some data loss is discovered. To solve the problem, a novel technique called HAIL has been proposed. Unfortunately, HAIL cannot support dynamic data which is changed according to users' modification queries. There are many applications where dynamic data are used. So, we need a way to support dynamic data in cloud services to use cloud storage system for various applications. In this paper, we propose a new technique that can support the use of dynamic data in cloud storage systems. For dynamic data update, we design a new data chunk generation strategy which guarantee efficient data insertion, deletion, and modification. Our technique requires O(1) operations for each data update when existing techniques require O(n) operations where n is the size of data.

  • Priority Evasion Attack: An Adversarial Example That Considers the Priority of Attack on Each Classifier

    Hyun KWON  Changhyun CHO  Jun LEE  


    E105-D No:11

    Deep neural networks (DNNs) provide excellent services in machine learning tasks such as image recognition, speech recognition, pattern recognition, and intrusion detection. However, an adversarial example created by adding a little noise to the original data can result in misclassification by the DNN and the human eye cannot tell the difference from the original data. For example, if an attacker creates a modified right-turn traffic sign that is incorrectly categorized by a DNN, an autonomous vehicle with the DNN will incorrectly classify the modified right-turn traffic sign as a U-Turn sign, while a human will correctly classify that changed sign as right turn sign. Such an adversarial example is a serious threat to a DNN. Recently, an adversarial example with multiple targets was introduced that causes misclassification by multiple models within each target class using a single modified image. However, it has the weakness that as the number of target models increases, the overall attack success rate decreases. Therefore, if there are multiple models that the attacker wishes to attack, the attacker must control the attack success rate for each model by considering the attack priority for each model. In this paper, we propose a priority adversarial example that considers the attack priority for each model in cases targeting multiple models. The proposed method controls the attack success rate for each model by adjusting the weight of the attack function in the generation process while maintaining minimal distortion. We used MNIST and CIFAR10 as data sets and Tensorflow as machine learning library. Experimental results show that the proposed method can control the attack success rate for each model by considering each model's attack priority while maintaining minimal distortion (average 3.95 and 2.45 with MNIST for targeted and untargeted attacks, respectively, and average 51.95 and 44.45 with CIFAR10 for targeted and untargeted attacks, respectively).

  • Efficient Protection Mechanism for CPU Cache Flush Instruction Based Attacks

    Shuhei ENOMOTO  Hiroki KUZUNO  Hiroshi YAMADA  


    E105-D No:11

    CPU flush instruction-based cache side-channel attacks (cache instruction attacks) target a wide range of machines. For instance, Meltdown / Spectre combined with FLUSH+RELOAD gain read access to arbitrary data in operating system kernel and user processes, which work on cloud virtual machines, laptops, desktops, and mobile devices. Additionally, fault injection attacks use a CPU cache. For instance, Rowhammer, is a cache instruction attack that attempts to obtain write access to arbitrary data in physical memory, and affects machines that have DDR3. To protect against existing cache instruction attacks, various existing mechanisms have been proposed to modify hardware and software aspects; however, when latest cache instruction attacks are disclosed, these mechanisms cannot prevent these. Moreover, additional countermeasure requires long time for the designing and developing process. This paper proposes a novel mechanism termed FlushBlocker to protect against all types of cache instruction attacks and mitigate against cache instruction attacks employ latest side-channel vulnerability until the releasing of additional countermeasures. FlushBlocker employs an approach that restricts the issuing of cache flush instructions and the attacks that lead to failure by limiting control of the CPU cache. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this study, FlushBlocker was implemented in the latest Linux kernel, and its security and performance were evaluated. Results show that FlushBlocker successfully prevents existing cache instruction attacks (e.g., Meltdown, Spectre, and Rowhammer), the performance overhead was zero, and it was transparent in real-world applications.

  • MP-BERT4REC: Recommending Multiple Positive Citations for Academic Manuscripts via Content-Dependent BERT and Multi-Positive Triplet

    Yang ZHANG  Qiang MA  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E105-D No:11

    Considering the rapidly increasing number of academic papers, searching for and citing appropriate references has become a nontrivial task during manuscript composition. Recommending a handful of candidate papers to a working draft could ease the burden of the authors. Conventional approaches to citation recommendation generally consider recommending one ground-truth citation from an input manuscript for a query context. However, it is common for a given context to be supported by two or more co-citation pairs. Here, we propose a novel scientific paper modelling for citation recommendations, namely Multi-Positive BERT Model for Citation Recommendation (MP-BERT4REC), complied with a series of Multi-Positive Triplet objectives to recommend multiple positive citations for a query context. The proposed approach has the following advantages: First, the proposed multi-positive objectives are effective in recommending multiple positive candidates. Second, we adopt noise distributions on the basis of historical co-citation frequencies; thus, MP-BERT4REC is not only effective in recommending high-frequency co-citation pairs, but it also significantly improves the performance of retrieving low-frequency ones. Third, the proposed dynamic context sampling strategy captures macroscopic citing intents from a manuscript and empowers the citation embeddings to be content-dependent, which allows the algorithm to further improve performance. Single and multiple positive recommendation experiments confirmed that MP-BERT4REC delivers significant improvements over current methods. It also effectively retrieves the full list of co-citations and historically low-frequency pairs better than prior works.

  • A Construction of Codebooks Asymptotically Meeting the Levenshtein Bound

    Zhangti YAN  Zhi GU  Wei GUO  Jianpeng WANG  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E105-A No:11

    Codebooks with small maximal cross-correlation amplitudes have important applications in code division multiple access (CDMA) communication, coding theory and compressed sensing. In this letter, we design a new codebook based on a construction of Ramanujan graphs over finite abelian groups. We prove that the new codebook with length K=q+1 and size N=q2+2q+2 is asymptotically optimal with nearly achieving the Levenshtein bound when n=3, where q is a prime power. The parameters of the new codebook are new.

  • Performance and Security Evaluation of Table-Based Access Control Applied to IoT Data Distribution Method Open Access

    Masaki YOSHII  Ryohei BANNO  Osamu MIZUNO  


    E105-B No:11

    New services can use fog nodes to distribute Internet of Things (IoT) data. To distribute IoT data, we apply the publish/subscribe messaging model to a fog computing system. A service provider assigns a unique identifier, called a Tag ID, to a player who owes data. A Tag ID matches multiple IDs and resolves the naming rule for data acquisition. However, when users configure their fog node and distribute IoT data to multiple players, the distributed data may contain private information. We propose a table-based access control list (ACL) to manage data transmission permissions to address this issue. It is possible to avoid unnecessary transmission of private data by using a table-based ACL. Furthermore, because there are fewer data transmissions, table-based ACL reduces traffic. Consequently, the overall system's average processing delay time can be reduced. The proposed method's performance was confirmed by simulation results. Table-based ACL, particularly, could reduce processing delay time by approximately 25% under certain conditions. We also concentrated on system security. The proposed method was used, and a qualitative evaluation was performed to demonstrate that security is guaranteed.

  • Convergence of the Hybrid Implicit-Explicit Single-Field FDTD Method Based on the Wave Equation of Electric Field

    Kazuhiro FUJITA  


    E105-C No:11

    The hybrid implicit-explicit single-field finite-difference time-domain (HIE-SF-FDTD) method based on the wave equation of electric field is reformulated in a concise matrix-vector form. The global approximation error of the scheme is discussed theoretically. The second-order convergence of the HIE-SF-FDTD is numerically verified.

  • Practical Order-Revealing Encryption with Short Ciphertext

    Taek Young YOUN  Bo Sun KWAK  Seungkwang LEE  Hyun Sook RHEE  


    E105-D No:11

    To support secure database management, a number of value-added encryption schemes have been studied including order-revealing encryption (ORE) schemes. One of outstanding features of ORE schemes is the efficiency of range queries in an encrypted form. Compared to existing encryption methods, ORE leads to an increase in the length of ciphertexts. To improve the efficiency of ORE schemes in terms of the length of ciphertext, a new ORE scheme with shorter ciphertext has been proposed by Kim. In this paper, we revisit Kim's ORE scheme and show that the length of ciphertexts is not as short as analyzed in their paper. We also introduce a simple modification reducing the memory requirement than existing ORE schemes.

  • Identity Access Management via ECC Stateless Derived Key Based Hierarchical Blockchain for the Industrial Internet of Things

    Gyeongjin RA  Su-hyun KIM  Imyeong LEE  


    E105-D No:11

    Recently, the adoption of the industrial Internet of things (IIoT) has optimized many industrial sectors and promoted industry “smartization.” Smart factories and smart industries connect the real and virtual worlds through cyber-physical systems (CPS). However, these linkages will increase the cyber security danger surface to new levels, putting millions of dollars' worth of assets at risk if communications in big network systems like IIoT settings are left unsecured. To solve these problems, the fundamental method is security, such as authentication and confidentiality, and it should require the encryption key. However, it is challenging the security performance with the limited performance of the sensor. Blockchain-based identity management is emerging for lightweight, integrity and persistence. However, the key generation and management issues of blockchain face the same security performance issues. First, through blockchain smart contracts and hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallets, hierarchical key derivation efficiently distributes and manages keys by line and group in the IIoT environment. Second, the pairing verification value based on an elliptic curve single point called Root Signature performs efficient public key certificate registration and verification and improves the key storage space. Third, the identity log recorded through the blockchain is the global transparency of the key lifecycle, providing system reliability from various security attacks. Keyless Signature Infrastructure (KSI) is adopted to perform efficiently via hash-based scheme (hash calendar, hash tree etc.). We analyze our framework compared to hash-based state commitment methods. Accordingly, our method achieves a calculation efficiency of O(nlog N) and a storage space saving of 60% compared to the existing schemes.

  • Penalized and Decentralized Contextual Bandit Learning for WLAN Channel Allocation with Contention-Driven Feature Extraction

    Kota YAMASHITA  Shotaro KAMIYA  Koji YAMAMOTO  Yusuke KODA  Takayuki NISHIO  Masahiro MORIKURA  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E105-B No:10

    In this study, a contextual multi-armed bandit (CMAB)-based decentralized channel exploration framework disentangling a channel utility function (i.e., reward) with respect to contending neighboring access points (APs) is proposed. The proposed framework enables APs to evaluate observed rewards compositionally for contending APs, allowing both robustness against reward fluctuation due to neighboring APs' varying channels and assessment of even unexplored channels. To realize this framework, we propose contention-driven feature extraction (CDFE), which extracts the adjacency relation among APs under contention and forms the basis for expressing reward functions in disentangled form, that is, a linear combination of parameters associated with neighboring APs under contention). This allows the CMAB to be leveraged with a joint linear upper confidence bound (JLinUCB) exploration and to delve into the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Moreover, we address the problem of non-convergence — the channel exploration cycle — by proposing a penalized JLinUCB (P-JLinUCB) based on the key idea of introducing a discount parameter to the reward for exploiting a different channel before and after the learning round. Numerical evaluations confirm that the proposed method allows APs to assess the channel quality robustly against reward fluctuations by CDFE and achieves better convergence properties by P-JLinUCB.

  • A Multi-Modal Fusion Network Guided by Feature Co-Occurrence for Urban Region Function Recognition

    Nenghuan ZHANG  Yongbin WANG  Xiaoguang WANG  Peng YU  

    PAPER-Multimedia Pattern Processing

    E105-D No:10

    Recently, multi-modal fusion methods based on remote sensing data and social sensing data have been widely used in the field of urban region function recognition. However, due to the high complexity of noise problem, most of the existing methods are not robust enough when applied in real-world scenes, which seriously affect their application value in urban planning and management. In addition, how to extract valuable periodic feature from social sensing data still needs to be further study. To this end, we propose a multi-modal fusion network guided by feature co-occurrence for urban region function recognition, which leverages the co-occurrence relationship between multi-modal features to identify abnormal noise feature, so as to guide the fusion network to suppress noise feature and focus on clean feature. Furthermore, we employ a graph convolutional network that incorporates node weighting layer and interactive update layer to effectively extract valuable periodic feature from social sensing data. Lastly, experimental results on public available datasets indicate that our proposed method yeilds promising improvements of both accuracy and robustness over several state-of-the-art methods.

  • 4-Cycle-Start-Up Reference-Clock-Less Digital CDR Utilizing TDC-Based Initial Frequency Error Detection with Frequency Tracking Loop Open Access

    Tetsuya IIZUKA  Meikan CHIN  Toru NAKURA  Kunihiro ASADA  


    E105-C No:10

    This paper proposes a reference-clock-less quick-start-up CDR that resumes from a stand-by state only with a 4-bit preamble utilizing a phase generator with an embedded Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC). The phase generator detects 1-UI time interval by using its internal TDC and works as a self-tunable digitally-controlled delay line. Once the phase generator coarsely tunes the recovered clock period, then the residual time difference is finely tuned by a fine Digital-to-Time Converter (DTC). Since the tuning resolution of the fine DTC is matched by design with the time resolution of the TDC that is used as a phase detector, the fine tuning completes instantaneously. After the initial coarse and fine delay tuning, the feedback loop for frequency tracking is activated in order to improve Consecutive Identical Digits (CID) tolerance of the CDR. By applying the frequency tracking architecture, the proposed CDR achieves more than 100bits of CID tolerance. A prototype implemented in a 65nm bulk CMOS process operates at a 0.9-2.15Gbps continuous rate. It consumes 5.1-8.4mA in its active state and 42μA leakage current in its stand-by state from a 1.0V supply.

  • Evaluating the Stability of Deep Image Quality Assessment with Respect to Image Scaling

    Koki TSUBOTA  Hiroaki AKUTSU  Kiyoharu AIZAWA  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E105-D No:10

    Image quality assessment (IQA) is a fundamental metric for image processing tasks (e.g., compression). With full-reference IQAs, traditional IQAs, such as PSNR and SSIM, have been used. Recently, IQAs based on deep neural networks (deep IQAs), such as LPIPS and DISTS, have also been used. It is known that image scaling is inconsistent among deep IQAs, as some perform down-scaling as pre-processing, whereas others instead use the original image size. In this paper, we show that the image scale is an influential factor that affects deep IQA performance. We comprehensively evaluate four deep IQAs on the same five datasets, and the experimental results show that image scale significantly influences IQA performance. We found that the most appropriate image scale is often neither the default nor the original size, and the choice differs depending on the methods and datasets used. We visualized the stability and found that PieAPP is the most stable among the four deep IQAs.

  • A Characterization on Necessary Conditions of Realizability for Reactive System Specifications

    Takashi TOMITA  Shigeki HAGIHARA  Masaya SHIMAKAWA  Naoki YONEZAKI  


    E105-D No:10

    This paper focuses on verification for reactive system specifications. A reactive system is an open system that continuously interacts with an uncontrollable external environment, and it must often be highly safe and reliable. However, realizability checking for a given specification is very costly, so we need effective methods to detect and analyze defects in unrealizable specifications to refine them efficiently. We introduce a systematic characterization on necessary conditions of realizability. This characterization is based on quantifications for inputs and outputs in early and late behaviors and reveals four essential aspects of realizability: exhaustivity, strategizability, preservability and stability. Additionally, the characterization derives new necessary conditions, which enable us to classify unrealizable specifications systematically and hierarchically.

  • Spy in Your Eye: Spycam Attack via Open-Sided Mobile VR Device

    Jiyeon LEE  Kilho LEE  

    LETTER-Human-computer Interaction

    E105-D No:10

    Privacy violations via spy cameras are becoming increasingly serious. With the recent advent of various smart home IoT devices, such as smart TVs and robot vacuum cleaners, spycam attacks that steal users' information are being carried out in more unpredictable ways. In this paper, we introduce a new spycam attack on a mobile WebVR environment. It is performed by a web attacker who maliciously accesses the back-facing cameras of victims' mobile devices while they are browsing the attacker's WebVR site. This has the power to allow the attacker to capture victims' surroundings even at the desired field of view through sophisticated content placement in VR scenes, resulting in serious privacy breaches for mobile VR users. In this letter, we introduce a new threat facing mobile VR and show that it practically works with major browsers in a stealthy manner.
