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[Keyword] OMP(3945hit)


  • Access Control for Security and Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing Environments

    Shigeki YAMADA  Eiji KAMIOKA  


    E88-B No:3

    Ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) demands new security and privacy enhancing technologies for the new information and communication environments where a huge number of computers interact with each other in a distributed and ad hoc manner to access various resources and services. This paper surveys emerging security and privacy enhancing technologies, focusing on access control in ubiquitous computing environments because this is the underlying core technology to enforce security and privacy policies. We classify access control technologies into three types associated with the three access control phases of prevention, avoidance, and detection, and provide an overview of ubiquitous computing-oriented technologies and solutions, ranging from security and privacy models and policies to the enforcement of policies and system implementation.

  • Mobile Applications in Ubiquitous Computing Environments

    Ichiro SATOH  


    E88-B No:3

    In a ubiquitous computing environment, people are surrounded by hundreds of mobile or embedded computers each of which may be used to support one or more user applications due to limitations in their individual computational capabilities. We need an approach to coordinating heterogeneous computers that acts as a virtual computer around a mobile and ubiquitous computing environment and supports various applications beyond the capabilities of single computers. This paper presents a framework for building and aggregating distributed applications from one or more mobile components that can be dynamically deployed at mobile or stationary computers during the execution of the application. Since the approach involves mobile-transparent communications between components and component relocation semantics, it enables a federation of components to adapt its structure and deployment on multiple computers whose computational resources, such as input and output devices, can satisfy the requirement of the components in a self-organized manner. This paper also describes a prototype implementation of the approach and its application.

  • Two Dimensional Combined Complementary Sequence and Its Application in Multi-Carrier CDMA

    Chao ZHANG  Xiaokang LIN  Mitsutoshi HATORI  


    E88-B No:2

    Multi-Carrier CDMA (MC-CDMA) has been considered as a combination of the techniques of Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex (OFDM). However, even until now, the efficient MC-CDMA scheme is still under study because of the inherent bugs in OFDM, such as the troubles caused by Multiple Access Interference (MAI) and Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR). In this paper, we present a novel two-dimensional spreading sequence named "Two Dimensional Combined Complementary Sequence" (TDC). If we take this kind of sequences as spreading codes, several prominent advantages can be achieved compared with traditional MC-CDMA. First, it can achieve MAI free in the multi-path transmission both in uplink and downlink. Second, it offers low PAPR value within 3 dB with a quite simple architecture. The last but not the least, the proposed MC-CDMA scheme turns out to be an efficient approach with high bandwidth efficiency, high spreading efficiency and flexible transmission rate enriched by a special shift-and-add modulation. Meanwhile, an algorithm that constructs TDC sequences is discussed in details. Based on above results, we can get the conclusion that the novel TDC sequences and corresponding MC-CDMA architecture have great potential for applications in next generation wireless mobile communications, which require high transmission rate in hostile and complicated channels.

  • Rail-to-Rail OTA Based on Signal Decomposition

    Nobukazu TAKAI  Shigetaka TAKAGI  Nobuo FUJII  


    E88-A No:2

    This paper proposes a rail-to-rail OTA. By adding a signal decomposing circuit at the input of given OTAs that have a limited input voltage range, a rail-to-rail OTA is obtained. Each decomposed input voltage signal is converted to a current signal by an OTA and each output current of OTAs is summed to obtain a linear output signal. Since the input signal is decomposed into small magnitude voltage signals, the OTAs used to the voltage-current conversion do not require a wide input-range and any OTA can be used to realize a rail-to-rail input voltage range OTA. HSPICE simulations are performed to verify the validity of the proposed method.

  • Extracting Translation Equivalents from Bilingual Comparable Corpora

    Hiroyuki KAJI  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E88-D No:2

    An improved method for extracting translation equivalents from bilingual comparable corpora according to contextual similarity was developed. This method has two main features. First, a seed bilingual lexicon--which is used to bridge contexts in different languages--is adapted to the corpora from which translation equivalents are to be extracted. Second, the contextual similarity is evaluated by using a combination of similarity measures defined in opposite directions. An experiment using Wall Street Journal and Nihon Keizai Shimbun corpora, together with the EDR bilingual dictionary, demonstrated the effectiveness of the method; it produced lists of candidate translation equivalents with an accuracy of around 30% for frequently occurring unknown words. The method thus proved to be useful for improving the coverage of a bilingual lexicon.

  • Adapting a Bilingual Dictionary to Domains

    Hiroyuki KAJI  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E88-D No:2

    Two methods using comparable corpora to select translation equivalents appropriate to a domain were devised and evaluated. The first method ranks translation equivalents of a target word according to similarity of their contexts to that of the target word. The second method ranks translation equivalents according to the ratio of associated words that suggest them. An experiment using the EDR bilingual dictionary together with Wall Street Journal and Nihon Keizai Shimbun corpora showed that the method using the ratio of associated words outperforms the method based on contextual similarity. Namely, in a quantitative evaluation using pseudo words, the maximum F-measure of the former method was 86%, while that of the latter method was 82%. The key feature of the method using the ratio of associated words is that it outputs selected translation equivalents together with representative associated words, enabling the translation equivalents to be validated.

  • Unsupervised Word-Sense Disambiguation Using Bilingual Comparable Corpora

    Hiroyuki KAJI  Yasutsugu MORIMOTO  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E88-D No:2

    An unsupervised method for word-sense disambiguation using bilingual comparable corpora was developed. First, it extracts word associations, i.e., statistically significant pairs of associated words, from the corpus of each language. Then, it aligns word associations by consulting a bilingual dictionary and calculates correlation between senses of a target polysemous word and its associated words, which can be regarded as clues for identifying the sense of the target word. To overcome the problem of disparity of topical coverage between corpora of the two languages as well as the problem of ambiguity in word-association alignment, an algorithm for iteratively calculating a sense-vs.-clue correlation matrix for each target word was devised. Word-sense disambiguation for each instance of the target word is done by selecting the sense that maximizes the score, i.e., a weighted sum of the correlations between each sense and clues appearing in the context of the instance. An experiment using Wall Street Journal and Nihon Keizai Shimbun corpora together with the EDR bilingual dictionary showed that the new method has promising performance; namely, the F-measure of its sense selection was 74.6% compared to a baseline of 62.8%. The developed method will possibly be extended into a fully unsupervised method that features automatic division and definition of word senses.

  • Analysis and Design of a Current-Mode PWM Buck Converter Adopting the Output-Voltage Independent Second-Order Slope Compensation Scheme

    Hiroki SAKURAI  Yasuhiro SUGIMOTO  


    E88-A No:2

    In this paper, we propose the use of second-order slope compensation for a current-mode PWM buck converter. First, the current feedback loop in a current-mode PWM buck converter using a conventional slope compensation is analyzed by the small-signal transfer function. It becomes clear that the stability and frequency bandwidth of the current feedback loop is affected by the external input voltage and the output voltage of the converter. Next, the loop with second-order slope compensation is analyzed, and the result shows that the loop becomes unconditionally stable with the adoption of second-order slope compensation with appropriate parameter values and a current sensing circuit whose current is sensed across an impedance that is inversely proportional to the input voltage. In order to verify our theory, we designed whole circuits of a current-mode PWM buck converter including the new inductor current sensing circuit and the second-order voltage generator circuit using device parameters from the 0.6 µm CMOS process. The circuit simulation results under the conditions of 4 MHz switching frequency, 3.6 V input voltage and 2.4 V output voltage are presented.

  • Progressive Spectral Rendering Using Wavelet Decomposition

    Jin-Ren CHERN  Chung-Ming WANG  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E88-D No:2

    We propose a novel approach based on wavelet decomposition for progressive full spectral rendering. In the fourth progressive stage, our method renders an image that is 95% similar to the final non-progressive approach but requires less than 70% of the execution time. The quality of the rendered image is visually plausible that is indistinguishable from that of the non-progressive method. Our approach is graceful, efficient, progressive, and flexible for full spectral rendering.

  • An Effective Search Method for Neural Network Based Face Detection Using Particle Swarm Optimization

    Masanori SUGISAKA  Xinjian FAN  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E88-D No:2

    This paper presents a novel method to speed up neural network (NN) based face detection systems. NN-based face detection can be viewed as a classification and search problem. The proposed method formulates the face search problem as an integer nonlinear optimization problem (INLP) and expands the basic particle swarm optimization (PSO) to handle it. PSO works with a population of particles, each representing a subwindow in an input image. The subwindows are evaluated by how well they match a NN based face filter. A face is indicated when the filter response of the best particle is above a given threshold. Experiments on a set of 42 test images show the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Moreover, the effect of PSO parameter settings on the search performance was investigated.

  • Dynamic Range Compression Characteristics Using an Interpolating Polynomial for Digital Audio Systems

    Shugang WEI  Kensuke SHIMIZU  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E88-A No:2

    An audio signal level compressor is presented, which is based on the approximation algorithm using an interpolating polynomial. To implement a compression characteristic in a digital audio system, a power calculation with fractional numbers is required and it is difficult to be performed directly in digital circuits. We introduce a polynomial expression to approximate the power operation, then the gain calculation is easily performed with a number of additions, multiplications and a division. Newton's interpolation formula is used to calculate the compression characteristics in a very short time and the obtained compression characteristics are very close to the ideal ones.

  • A Typical Profile of the k-Error Linear Complexity for Balanced Binary Sequences with Period 2n

    Takayasu KAIDA  


    E88-A No:1

    We discuss a typical profile of the k-error linear complexity for balanced binary exponent periodic sequences and the number of periodic distinct sequences by their profiles. A numerical example with period 16 is also shown.

  • On the Degree of Multivariate Polynomials over Fields of Characteristic 2

    Marcel CRASMARU  

    PAPER-Computation and Computational Models

    E88-D No:1

    We show that a problem of deciding whether a formula for a multivariate polynomial of n variables over a finite field of characteristic 2 has degree n when reduced modulo a certain Boolean ideal belongs to P. When the formula is allowed to have succinct representations as sums of monomials, the problem becomes P-complete.

  • Compact Routing with Stretch Factor of Less Than Three

    Kazuo IWAMA  Akinori KAWACHI  


    E88-D No:1

    Cowen gave a universal compact routing algorithm with a stretch factor of three and table-size of O(n2/3log4/3n) based on a simple and practical model. (The table-size is later improved to O(n1/2log3/2n).) This paper considers, using the same model, how the necessary table-size differs if the stretch factor must be less than three. It is shown that: (i) There is a routing algorithm with a stretch factor of two whose table-size is (n -+ 2)log n. (ii) There is a network for which any routing algorithm that follows the model and with a stretch factor of less than three needs a table-size of (n - 2)log n in at least one node. Thus, we can only reduce roughly an additive log n (i.e., table-entries) from the trivial table-size of n log n which obviously enables shortest-path routing. Furthermore it turns out that we can reduce only an additive log n (i.e., only one table-entry) from the trivial n log n if we have to achieve a stretch factor of less than two. Thus the algorithm (i) is (roughly) tight both in its stretch factor and in its table-size.

  • An Efficient Scaling-Simulation Algorithm of Reconfigurable Meshes by Meshes with Statically Partitioned Buses

    Susumu MATSUMAE  


    E88-D No:1

    This paper presents an efficient scaling-simulation algorithm that simulates operations of the reconfigurable mesh (RM) of size n n using the mesh with multiple partitioned buses (MMPB) of size m m (m < n). The RM and the MMPB are the two-dimensional mesh-connected computers equipped with broadcasting buses. The broadcasting buses of the RM can be used to dynamically obtain various interconnection patterns among the processors during the execution of programs, while those of the MMPB are placed only to every row and column and are statically partitioned in advance by a fixed length. We show that the RM of size n n can be simulated in steps by the MMPB of size m m (m < n), where L is the number of broadcasting buses in each row/column of the simulating MMPB. Although the time-complexity of our algorithm is less efficient than that of the fastest RM scaling-simulation algorithm, the simulating model of our algorithm is the MMPB model where the bus-reconfiguration is not allowed.

  • Quantum Sampling for Balanced Allocations

    Kazuo IWAMA  Akinori KAWACHI  Shigeru YAMASHITA  


    E88-D No:1

    It is known that the original Grover Search (GS) can be modified to use a general value for the phase θ of the diffusion transform. Then, if the number of answers is relatively large, this modified GS can find one of the answers with probability one in a single iteration. However, such a quick and error-free GS can only be possible if we can initially adjust the value of θ correctly against the number of answers, and this seems very hard in usual occasions. A natural question now arises: Can we enjoy a merit even if GS is used without such an adjustment? In this paper, we give a positive answer using the balls-and-bins game in which the random sampling of bins is replaced by the quantum sampling, i.e., a single round of modified GS. It is shown that by using the quantum sampling: (i) The maximum load can be improved quadratically for the static model of the game and this improvement is optimal. (ii) That is also improved to O(1) for the continuous model if we have a certain knowledge about the total number of balls in the bins after the system becomes stable.

  • Object-Based Multimedia Scheduling Based on Bipartite Graphs

    Huey-Min SUN  Chia-Mei CHEN  LihChyun SHU  

    PAPER-Multimedia Systems for Communications" Multimedia Systems for Communications

    E88-B No:1

    In this study, we propose an object-based multimedia model for specifying the QoS (quality of service) requirements, such as the maximum data-dropping rate or the maximum data-delay rate. We also present a resource allocation model, called the net-profit model, in which the satisfaction of user's QoS requirements is measured by the benefit earned by the system. Based on the net-profit model, the system is rewarded if it can allocate enough resources to a multimedia delivery request and fulfill the QoS requirements specified by the user. At the same time, the system is penalized if it cannot allocate enough resources to a multimedia delivery request. We first investigate the problem of how to allocate resources efficiently, so that the QoS satisfaction is maximized. However, the net-profit may be distributed unevenly among the multimedia delivery requests. Thus, the second problem discusses how to allocate the resource efficiently so that the net-profit difference is minimized between any two multimedia requests. A dynamic programming based algorithm is proposed to find such an optimal solution with the minimum net-profit differences.

  • A Low-Complexity Step-by-Step Decoding Algorithm for Binary BCH Codes

    Ching-Lung CHR  Szu-Lin SU  Shao-Wei WU  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E88-A No:1

    A low-complexity step-by-step decoding algorithm for t-error-correcting binary Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes is proposed. Using logical analysis, we obtained a simple rule which can directly determine whether a bit in the received word is correct. The computational complexity of this decoder is less than the conventional step-by-step decoding algorithm, since it reduces at least half of the matrix computations and the most complex element in the conventional step-by-step decoder is the "matrix-computing" element.

  • On the Linear Complexity of Generalized Cyclotomic Sequences of Order Four Over Zpq

    Enjian BAI  Xiaotong FU  Guozhen XIAO  

    LETTER-Information Security

    E88-A No:1

    In this letter we first introduce a new generalized cyclotomic sequence of order four with respect to pq, then we calculate the linear complexity and minimal polynomial of this sequence. Our results show that the new binary sequence is quite good from the linear complexity viewpoint.

  • Balanced Quatrefoil Decomposition of Complete Multigraphs

    Kazuhiko USHIO  Hideaki FUJIMOTO  


    E88-D No:1

    We show that the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a balanced quatrefoil decomposition of the complete multigraph λKn is n 9 and λ(n - 1) 0 (mod 24). Decomposition algorithms are also given.
