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[Keyword] REST(332hit)


  • Video Reflection Removal by Modified EDVR and 3D Convolution Open Access

    Sota MORIYAMA  Koichi ICHIGE  Yuichi HORI  Masayuki TACHI  


    E107-A No:8

    In this paper, we propose a method for video reflection removal using a video restoration framework with enhanced deformable networks (EDVR). We examine the effect of each module in EDVR on video reflection removal and modify the models using 3D convolutions. The performance of each modified model is evaluated in terms of the RMSE between the structural similarity (SSIM) and the smoothed SSIM representing temporal consistency.

  • A Personalised Session-Based Recommender System with Sequential Updating Based on Aggregation of Item Embeddings Open Access

    Yuma NAGI  Kazushi OKAMOTO  


    E107-D No:5

    The study proposes a personalised session-based recommender system that embeds items by using Word2Vec and sequentially updates the session and user embeddings with the hierarchicalization and aggregation of item embeddings. To process a recommendation request, the system constructs a real-time user embedding that considers users’ general preferences and sequential behaviour to handle short-term changes in user preferences with a low computational cost. The system performance was experimentally evaluated in terms of the accuracy, diversity, and novelty of the ranking of recommended items and the training and prediction times of the system for three different datasets. The results of these evaluations were then compared with those of the five baseline systems. According to the evaluation experiment, the proposed system achieved a relatively high recommendation accuracy compared with baseline systems and the diversity and novelty scores of the proposed system did not fall below 90% for any dataset. Furthermore, the training times of the Word2Vec-based systems, including the proposed system, were shorter than those of FPMC and GRU4Rec. The evaluation results suggest that the proposed recommender system succeeds in keeping the computational cost for training low while maintaining high-level recommendation accuracy, diversity, and novelty.

  • A Practical Model Driven Approach for Designing Security Aware RESTful Web APIs Using SOFL

    Busalire Onesmus EMEKA  Soichiro HIDAKA  Shaoying LIU  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E106-D No:5

    RESTful web APIs have become ubiquitous with most modern web applications embracing the micro-service architecture. A RESTful API provides data over the network using HTTP probably interacting with databases and other services and must preserve its security properties. However, REST is not a protocol but rather a set of guidelines on how to design resources accessed over HTTP endpoints. There are guidelines on how related resources should be structured with hierarchical URIs as well as how the different HTTP verbs should be used to represent well-defined actions on those resources. Whereas security has always been critical in the design of RESTful APIs, there are few or no clear model driven engineering techniques utilizing a secure-by-design approach that interweaves both the functional and security requirements. We therefore propose an approach to specifying APIs functional and security requirements with the practical Structured-Object-oriented Formal Language (SOFL). Our proposed approach provides a generic methodology for designing security aware APIs by utilizing concepts of domain models, domain primitives, Ecore metamodel and SOFL. We also describe a case study to evaluate the effectiveness of our approach and discuss important issues in relation to the practical applicability of our method.

  • Fish Detecting Using YOLOv4 and CVAE in Aquaculture Ponds with a Non-Uniform Strong Reflection Background

    Meng ZHAO  Junfeng WU  Hong YU  Haiqing LI  Jingwen XU  Siqi CHENG  Lishuai GU  Juan MENG  

    PAPER-Smart Agriculture

    E106-D No:5

    Accurate fish detection is of great significance in aquaculture. However, the non-uniform strong reflection in aquaculture ponds will affect the precision of fish detection. This paper combines YOLOv4 and CVAE to accurately detect fishes in the image with non-uniform strong reflection, in which the reflection in the image is removed at first and then the reflection-removed image is provided for fish detecting. Firstly, the improved YOLOv4 is applied to detect and mask the strong reflective region, to locate and label the reflective region for the subsequent reflection removal. Then, CVAE is combined with the improved YOLOv4 for inferring the priori distribution of the Reflection region and restoring the Reflection region by the distribution so that the reflection can be removed. For further improving the quality of the reflection-removed images, the adversarial learning is appended to CVAE. Finally, YOLOV4 is used to detect fishes in the high quality image. In addition, a new image dataset of pond cultured takifugu rubripes is constructed,, which includes 1000 images with fishes annotated manually, also a synthetic dataset including 2000 images with strong reflection is created and merged with the generated dataset for training and verifying the robustness of the proposed method. Comprehensive experiments are performed to compare the proposed method with the state-of-the-art fish detecting methods without reflection removal on the generated dataset. The results show that the fish detecting precision and recall of the proposed method are improved by 2.7% and 2.4% respectively.

  • Packer Identification Method for Multi-Layer Executables Using Entropy Analysis with k-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm

    Ryoto OMACHI  Yasuyuki MURAKAMI  


    E106-A No:3

    The damage cost caused by malware has been increasing in the world. Usually, malwares are packed so that it is not detected. It is a hard task even for professional malware analysts to identify the packers especially when the malwares are multi-layer packed. In this letter, we propose a method to identify the packers for multi-layer packed malwares by using k-nearest neighbor algorithm with entropy-analysis for the malwares.

  • An Efficient Method to Decompose and Map MPMCT Gates That Accounts for Qubit Placement

    Atsushi MATSUO  Wakaki HATTORI  Shigeru YAMASHITA  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E106-A No:2

    Mixed-Polarity Multiple-Control Toffoli (MPMCT) gates are generally used to implement large control logic functions for quantum computation. A logic circuit consisting of MPMCT gates needs to be mapped to a quantum computing device that invariably has a physical limitation, which means we need to (1) decompose the MPMCT gates into one- or two-qubit gates, and then (2) insert SWAP gates so that all the gates can be performed on Nearest Neighbor Architectures (NNAs). Up to date, the above two processes have only been studied independently. In this work, we investigate that the total number of gates in a circuit can be decreased if the above two processes are considered simultaneously as a single step. We developed a method that inserts SWAP gates while decomposing MPMCT gates unlike most of the existing methods. Also, we consider the effect on the latter part of a circuit carefully by considering the qubit placement when decomposing an MPMCT gate. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

  • New Restricted Isometry Condition Using Null Space Constant for Compressed Sensing

    Haiyang ZOU  Wengang ZHAO  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E105-A No:12

    It has been widely recognized that in compressed sensing, many restricted isometry property (RIP) conditions can be easily obtained by using the null space property (NSP) with its null space constant (NSC) 0<θ≤1 to construct a contradicted method for sparse signal recovery. However, the traditional NSP with θ=1 will lead to conservative RIP conditions. In this paper, we extend the NSP with 0<θ<1 to a scale NSP, which uses a factor τ to scale down all vectors belonged to the Null space of a sensing matrix. Following the popular proof procedure and using the scale NSP, we establish more relaxed RIP conditions with the scale factor τ, which guarantee the bounded approximation recovery of all sparse signals in the bounded noisy through the constrained l1 minimization. An application verifies the advantages of the scale factor in the number of measurements.

  • Non-Orthogonal Physical Layer (NOPHY) Design towards 5G Evolution and 6G

    Xiaolin HOU  Wenjia LIU  Juan LIU  Xin WANG  Lan CHEN  Yoshihisa KISHIYAMA  Takahiro ASAI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E105-B No:11

    5G has achieved large-scale commercialization across the world and the global 6G research and development is accelerating. To support more new use cases, 6G mobile communication systems should satisfy extreme performance requirements far beyond 5G. The physical layer key technologies are the basis of the evolution of mobile communication systems of each generation, among which three key technologies, i.e., duplex, waveform and multiple access, are the iconic characteristics of mobile communication systems of each generation. In this paper, we systematically review the development history and trend of the three key technologies and define the Non-Orthogonal Physical Layer (NOPHY) concept for 6G, including Non-Orthogonal Duplex (NOD), Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) and Non-Orthogonal Waveform (NOW). Firstly, we analyze the necessity and feasibility of NOPHY from the perspective of capacity gain and implementation complexity. Then we discuss the recent progress of NOD, NOMA and NOW, and highlight several candidate technologies and their potential performance gain. Finally, combined with the new trend of 6G, we put forward a unified physical layer design based on NOPHY that well balances performance against flexibility, and point out the possible direction for the research and development of 6G physical layer key technologies.

  • A Satisfiability Algorithm for Deterministic Width-2 Branching Programs Open Access

    Tomu MAKITA  Atsuki NAGAO  Tatsuki OKADA  Kazuhisa SETO  Junichi TERUYAMA  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E105-A No:9

    A branching program is a well-studied model of computation and a representation for Boolean functions. It is a directed acyclic graph with a unique root node, some accepting nodes, and some rejecting nodes. Except for the accepting and rejecting nodes, each node has a label with a variable and each outgoing edge of the node has a label with a 0/1 assignment of the variable. The satisfiability problem for branching programs is, given a branching program with n variables and m nodes, to determine if there exists some assignment that activates a consistent path from the root to an accepting node. The width of a branching program is the maximum number of nodes at any level. The satisfiability problem for width-2 branching programs is known to be NP-complete. In this paper, we present a satisfiability algorithm for width-2 branching programs with n variables and cn nodes, and show that its running time is poly(n)·2(1-µ(c))n, where µ(c)=1/2O(c log c). Our algorithm consists of two phases. First, we transform a given width-2 branching program to a set of some structured formulas that consist of AND and Exclusive-OR gates. Then, we check the satisfiability of these formulas by a greedy restriction method depending on the frequency of the occurrence of variables.

  • Changes in Calling Parties' Behavior Caused by Settings for Indirect Control of Call Duration under Disaster Congestion Open Access

    Daisuke SATOH  Takemi MOCHIDA  

    PAPER-General Fundamentals and Boundaries

    E105-A No:9

    The road space rationing (RSR) method regulates a period in which a user group can make telephone calls in order to decrease the call attempt rate and induce calling parties to shorten their calls during disaster congestion. This paper investigates what settings of this indirect control induce more self-restraint and how the settings change calling parties' behavior using experimental psychology. Our experiments revealed that the length of the regulated period differently affected calling parties' behavior (call duration and call attempt rate) and indicated that the 60-min RSR method (i.e., 10 six-min periods) is the most effective setting against disaster congestion.

  • Joint User Association and Spectrum Allocation in Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Networks

    Wenjing QIU  Aijun LIU  Chen HAN  Aihong LU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E105-B No:9

    This paper investigates the joint problem of user association and spectrum allocation in satellite-terrestrial integrated networks (STINs), where a low earth orbit (LEO) satellite access network cooperating with terrestrial networks constitutes a heterogeneous network, which is beneficial in terms of both providing seamless coverage as well as improving the backhaul capacity for the dense network scenario. However, the orbital movement of satellites results in the dynamic change of accessible satellites and the backhaul capacities. Moreover, spectrum sharing may be faced with severe co-channel interferences (CCIs) caused by overlapping coverage of multiple access points (APs). This paper aims to maximize the total sum rate considering the influences of the dynamic feature of STIN, backhaul capacity limitation and interference management. The optimization problem is then decomposed into two subproblems: resource allocation for terrestrial communications and satellite communications, which are both solved by matching algorithms. Finally, simulation results show the effectiveness of our proposed scheme in terms of STIN's sum rate and spectrum efficiency.

  • Hardware-Trojan Detection Based on the Structural Features of Trojan Circuits Using Random Forests

    Tatsuki KURIHARA  Nozomu TOGAWA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E105-A No:7

    Recently, with the spread of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, embedded hardware devices have been used in a variety of everyday electrical items. Due to the increased demand for embedded hardware devices, some of the IC design and manufacturing steps have been outsourced to third-party vendors. Since malicious third-party vendors may insert malicious circuits, called hardware Trojans, into their products, developing an effective hardware-Trojan detection method is strongly required. In this paper, we propose 25 hardware-Trojan features focusing on the structure of trigger circuits for machine-learning-based hardware-Trojan detection. Combining the proposed features into 11 existing hardware-Trojan features, we totally utilize 36 hardware-Trojan features for classification. Then we classify the nets in an unknown netlist into a set of normal nets and Trojan nets based on a random-forest classifier. The experimental results demonstrate that the average true positive rate (TPR) becomes 64.2% and the average true negative rate (TNR) becomes 100.0%. They improve the average TPR by 14.8 points while keeping the average TNR compared to existing state-of-the-art methods. In particular, the proposed method successfully finds out Trojan nets in several benchmark circuits, which are not found by the existing method.

  • Machine-Learning Approach for Solving Inverse Problems in Magnetic-Field-Based Positioning Open Access

    Ai-ichiro SASAKI  Ken FUKUSHIMA  

    PAPER-General Fundamentals and Boundaries

    E105-A No:6

    Magnetic fields are often utilized for position sensing of mobile devices. In typical sensing systems, multiple sensors are used to detect magnetic fields generated by target devices. To determine the positions of the devices, magnetic-field data detected by the sensors must be converted to device-position data. The data conversion is not trivial because it is a nonlinear inverse problem. In this study, we propose a machine-learning approach suitable for data conversion required in the magnetic-field-based position sensing of target devices. In our approach, two different sets of training data are used. One of the training datasets is composed of raw data of magnetic fields to be detected by sensors. The other set is composed of logarithmically represented data of the fields. We can obtain two different predictor functions by learning with these training datasets. Results show that the prediction accuracy of the target position improves when the two different predictor functions are used. Based on our simulation, the error of the target position estimated with the predictor functions is within 10cm in a 2m × 2m × 2m cubic space for 87% of all the cases of the target device states. The computational time required for predicting the positions of the target device is 4ms. As the prediction method is accurate and rapid, it can be utilized for the real-time tracking of moving objects and people.

  • A Deep Neural Network for Coarse-to-Fine Image Dehazing with Interleaved Residual Connections and Semi-Supervised Training

    Haoyu XU  Yuenan LI  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E105-D No:5

    In this letter, we propose a deep neural network and semi-supervised learning based dehazing algorithm. The dehazing network uses a pyramidal architecture to recover the haze-free scene from a single hazy image in a coarse-to-fine order. To faithfully restore the objects with different scales, we incorporate cascaded multi-scale convolutional blocks into each level of the pyramid. Feature fusion and transfer in the network are achieved using the paths constructed by interleaved residual connections. For better generalization to the complicated haze in real-world environments, we also devise a discriminator that enables semi-supervised adversarial training. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed work outperforms comparative ones with higher quantitative metrics and more visually pleasant outputs. It can also enhance the robustness of object detection under haze.

  • SimpleZSL: Extremely Simple and Fast Zero-Shot Learning with Nearest Neighbor Classifiers

    Masayuki HIROMOTO  Hisanao AKIMA  Teruo ISHIHARA  Takuji YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E105-D No:2

    Zero-shot learning (ZSL) aims to classify images of unseen classes by learning relationship between visual and semantic features. Existing works have been improving recognition accuracy from various approaches, but they employ computationally intensive algorithms that require iterative optimization. In this work, we revisit the primary approach of the pattern recognition, ı.e., nearest neighbor classifiers, to solve the ZSL task by an extremely simple and fast way, called SimpleZSL. Our algorithm consists of the following three simple techniques: (1) just averaging feature vectors to obtain visual prototypes of seen classes, (2) calculating a pseudo-inverse matrix via singular value decomposition to generate visual features of unseen classes, and (3) inferring unseen classes by a nearest neighbor classifier in which cosine similarity is used to measure distance between feature vectors. Through the experiments on common datasets, the proposed method achieves good recognition accuracy with drastically small computational costs. The execution time of the proposed method on a single CPU is more than 100 times faster than those of the GPU implementations of the existing methods with comparable accuracies.

  • Study in CSI Correction Localization Algorithm with DenseNet Open Access

    Junna SHANG  Ziyang YAO  

    PAPER-Navigation, Guidance and Control Systems

    E105-B No:1

    With the arrival of 5G and the popularity of smart devices, indoor localization technical feasibility has been verified, and its market demands is huge. The channel state information (CSI) extracted from Wi-Fi is physical layer information which is more fine-grained than the received signal strength indication (RSSI). This paper proposes a CSI correction localization algorithm using DenseNet, which is termed CorFi. This method first uses isolation forest to eliminate abnormal CSI, and then constructs a CSI amplitude fingerprint containing time, frequency and antenna pair information. In an offline stage, the densely connected convolutional networks (DenseNet) are trained to establish correspondence between CSI and spatial position, and generalized extended interpolation is applied to construct the interpolated fingerprint database. In an online stage, DenseNet is used for position estimation, and the interpolated fingerprint database and K-nearest neighbor (KNN) are combined to correct the position of the prediction results with low maximum probability. In an indoor corridor environment, the average localization error is 0.536m.

  • Replicated Study of Effectiveness Evaluation of Cutting-Edge Software Engineering

    Yukasa MURAKAMI  Masateru TSUNODA  


    E105-D No:1

    Although many software engineering studies have been conducted, it is not clear whether they meet the needs of software development practitioners. Some studies evaluated the effectiveness of software engineering research by practitioners, to clarify the research satisfies the needs of the practitioners. We performed replicated study of them, recruiting practitioners who mainly belong to SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) to the survey. We asked 16 practitioners to evaluate cutting-edge software engineering studies presented in ICSE 2016. In the survey, we set the viewpoint of the evaluation as the effectiveness for the respondent's own work. As a result, the ratio of positive answers (i.e., the answers were greater than 2 on a 5-point scale) was 33.3%, and the ratio was lower than past studies. The result was not affected by the number of employees in the respondent's company, but would be affected by the viewpoint of the evaluation.

  • Construction of Ternary Bent Functions by FFT-Like Permutation Algorithms

    Radomir S. STANKOVIĆ  Milena STANKOVIĆ  Claudio MORAGA  Jaakko T. ASTOLA  

    PAPER-Logic Design

    E104-D No:8

    Binary bent functions have a strictly specified number of non-zero values. In the same way, ternary bent functions satisfy certain requirements on the elements of their value vectors. These requirements can be used to specify six classes of ternary bent functions. Classes are mutually related by encoding of function values. Given a basic ternary bent function, other functions in the same class can be constructed by permutation matrices having a block structure similar to that of the factor matrices appearing in the Good-Thomas decomposition of Cooley-Tukey Fast Fourier transform and related algorithms.

  • Individuality-Preserving Silhouette Extraction for Gait Recognition and Its Speedup

    Masakazu IWAMURA  Shunsuke MORI  Koichiro NAKAMURA  Takuya TANOUE  Yuzuko UTSUMI  Yasushi MAKIHARA  Daigo MURAMATSU  Koichi KISE  Yasushi YAGI  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E104-D No:7

    Most gait recognition approaches rely on silhouette-based representations due to high recognition accuracy and computational efficiency. A fundamental problem for those approaches is how to extract individuality-preserved silhouettes from real scenes accurately. Foreground colors may be similar to background colors, and the background is cluttered. Therefore, we propose a method of individuality-preserving silhouette extraction for gait recognition using standard gait models (SGMs) composed of clean silhouette sequences of various training subjects as shape priors. The SGMs are smoothly introduced into a well-established graph-cut segmentation framework. Experiments showed that the proposed method achieved better silhouette extraction accuracy by more than 2.3% than representative methods and better identification rate of gait recognition (improved by more than 11.0% at rank 20). Besides, to reduce the computation cost, we introduced approximation in the calculation of dynamic programming. As a result, without reducing the segmentation accuracy, we reduced 85.0% of the computational cost.

  • Real-Time Experiment and Numerical Analysis of Highly-Survivable Adaptive Restoration for High-Capacity Optical Signal Transmission Open Access

    Hiroki KAWAHARA  Kohei SAITO  Masahiro NAKAGAWA  Takashi KUBO  Takeshi SEKI  Takeshi KAWASAKI  Hideki MAEDA  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E104-B No:4

    An optical-layer adaptive restoration scheme is validated by a real-time experiment and numerical analyses. In this paper, it is assumed that this scheme can adaptively optimize the bitrate (up to 600Gb/s) and an optical reach with 100Gb/s granularity to maintain high-capacity optical signal transmission. The practicality of 600-Gb/s/carrier optical signal transmission over 101.6-km field-installed fiber is confirmed prior to the adaptive restoration experiment. After modifying the field setup, a real-time experiment on network recovery is demonstrated with bitrate adaptation for 600-Gb/s to 400-Gb/s signals. The results indicate that this scheme can restore failed connections with recovery times comparable to those of conventional restoration scheme; thus 99.9999% system availability can be easily attained even under double-link failures. Numerical analysis clarifies that adaptive restoration can recover >80% of double-link failures on several realistic topologies and improvement amount against conventional scheme is semi-statistically characterized by restoration path length.
