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[Keyword] SC(4570hit)


  • A 2.3-7 GHz CMOS High Gain LNA Using CS-CS Cascode with Coupling C

    Hangue PARK  Sungho LEE  Jaejun LEE  Sangwook NAM  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E92-C No:8

    A fully integrated CMOS wideband Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) operating over 2.3-7 GHz is designed and fabricated using a 0.18 µm CMOS process. The proposed structure is a common source-common source (CS-CS) cascode amplifier with a coupling capacitor. It realizes both low voltage drop at load resistor (Rload) and high gain over 2.3-7 GHz with simultaneous noise and input matching and low power consumption. This paper presents the proposed design technique of a wideband LNA, and verifies its performance by simulation and measurement. This wideband LNA achieves an average gain (S21) of 16.5 (dB), an input return loss (S11) less than -8 dB, a noise figure (NF) of 3.4-6.7 dB, and a third order input interception point (IIP3) of -7.5-3 dBm at 2.3-7 GHz with power consumption of 10.8 mW under 1.8 V VDD.

  • An Accurate Scene Segmentation Method Based on Graph Analysis Using Object Matching and Audio Feature

    Makoto YAMAMOTO  Miki HASEYAMA  


    E92-A No:8

    A method for accurate scene segmentation using two kinds of directed graph obtained by object matching and audio features is proposed. Generally, in audiovisual materials, such as broadcast programs and movies, there are repeated appearances of similar shots that include frames of the same background, object or place, and such shots are included in a single scene. Many scene segmentation methods based on this idea have been proposed; however, since they use color information as visual features, they cannot provide accurate scene segmentation results if the color features change in different shots for which frames include the same object due to camera operations such as zooming and panning. In order to solve this problem, scene segmentation by the proposed method is realized by using two novel approaches. In the first approach, object matching is performed between two frames that are each included in different shots. By using these matching results, repeated appearances of shots for which frames include the same object can be successfully found and represented as a directed graph. The proposed method also generates another directed graph that represents the repeated appearances of shots with similar audio features in the second approach. By combined use of these two directed graphs, degradation of scene segmentation accuracy, which results from using only one kind of graph, can be avoided in the proposed method and thereby accurate scene segmentation can be realized. Experimental results performed by applying the proposed method to actual broadcast programs are shown to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Response of a Chaotic Spiking Neuron to Various Periodic Inputs and Its Potential Applications

    Hiroyuki TORIKAI  Toru NISHIGAMI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E92-A No:8

    In this paper a chaotic spiking neuron is presented and its response characteristics to various periodic inputs are analyzed. A return map which can analytically describe the dynamics of the neuron is derived. Using the map, it is theoretically shown that a set of neurons can encode various periodic inputs into a set of spike-trains in such a way that a spike density of a summation of the spike-trains can approximate the waveform of the input. Based on the theoretical results, some potential applications of the presented neuron are also discussed. Using a prototype circuit, typical encoding functions of the neuron are confirmed by experimental measurements.

  • Multiple Blind Beamforming Based on LSCMA

    Yan GUO  Ning LI  Myoung-Seob LIM  Jin-Long WANG  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E92-B No:8

    Blind beamforming plays an important role in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) Systems, radar, cognitive radio, and system identification. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for multiple blind beamforming algorithm based on the least square constant modulus algorithm (LSCMA). The new method consists of the following three parts: (a) beamforming of one signal with LSCMA. (b) direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation of the remaining signals by rooting the weight vector polynomial. (c) beamforming of the remaining signals with linear constraints minimum variance (LCMV) method. After the convergence of LSCMA, one signal is captured and the arrival angles of the remaining signals can be obtained by rooting the weight vector polynomial. Therefore, beamforming can be quickly established for the remaining signals using LCMV method. Simultaneously the DOA of the signals can also be obtained. Simulation results show the performance of the presented method.

  • Rectangular TE30 to TE10 Mode Converter

    Yoshihiro KOKUBO  

    BRIEF PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E92-C No:8

    A new type of mode converter that converts TE30 to TE10 mode is proposed. As an example of the ease of fabrication, holes can be drilled at the top of a metallic waveguide and dielectric rods inserted. This converter is useful for application as a power divider or power combiner.

  • A Scheduling Algorithm for Minimizing Exclusive Window Durations in Time-Triggered Controller Area Network

    Minsoo RYU  


    E92-B No:8

    Time-Triggered Controller Area Network is widely accepted as a viable solution for real-time communication systems such as in-vehicle communications. However, although TTCAN has been designed to support both periodic and sporadic real-time messages, previous studies mostly focused on providing deterministic real-time guarantees for periodic messages while barely addressing the performance issue of sporadic messages. In this paper, we present an O(n2) scheduling algorithm that can minimize the maximum duration of exclusive windows occupied by periodic messages, thereby minimizing the worst-case scheduling delays experienced by sporadic messages.

  • Improving Performance of SC-UWB Systems with the Optimum SRAKE Based RAKE-DFE Receiver

    Zhenyu XIAO  Li SU  Depeng JIN  Lieguang ZENG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E92-B No:8

    Single-carrier ultra-wideband (SC-UWB) is weak due to the problem of serious inter-symbol interference (ISI), which is generated in dense multipath with a long root-mean-square (RMS) delay spread. The selective RAKE (SRAKE) based RAKE-decision feedback equalizer (RAKE-DFE) receiver is usually employed to combat ISI in practical SC-UWB systems. Considering the system complexity, however, the number of RAKE fingers is usually small. In this case, conventional RAKE-DFE receivers can hardly collect enough energy to achieve a good performance. In this paper, the optimum SRAKE based RAKE-DFE receiver was proposed as a solution. Theoretical analysis and simulations are presented. Results and conclusions show that the proposed SRAKE scheme is optimum to collect energy of multipath. Moreover, the proposed RAKE-DFE receiver outperforms conventional RAKE-DFE receiver by about 1 dB, but the complexity for them both is almost the same.

  • Grouped Scan Slice Repetition Method for Reducing Test Data Volume and Test Application Time

    Yongjoon KIM  Myung-Hoon YANG  Jaeseok PARK  Eunsei PARK  Sungho KANG  

    LETTER-VLSI Systems

    E92-D No:7

    This paper presents a grouped scan slice encoding technique using scan slice repetition to simultaneously reduce test data volume and test application time. Using this method, many scan slices that would be incompatible with the conventional selective scan slice method can be encoded as compatible scan slices. Experiments were performed with ISCAS'89 and ITC'99 benchmark circuits, and results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Recent Advances in Ultra-High-Speed Waveguide Photodiodes for Optical Communication Systems Open Access

    Kikuo MAKITA  Kazuhiro SHIBA  Takeshi NAKATA  Emiko MIZUKI  Sawaki WATANABE  


    E92-C No:7

    This paper describes the recent advances in semiconductor photodiodes for use in ultra-high-speed optical systems. We developed two types of waveguide photodiodes (WG-PD) -- an evanescently coupled waveguide photodiode (EC-WG-PD) and a separated-absorption-and-multiplication waveguide avalanche photodiode (WG-APD). The EC-WG-PD is very robust under high optical input operation because of its distribution of photo current density along the light propagation. The EC-WG-PD simultaneously exhibited a high external quantum efficiency of 70% for both 1310 and 1550 nm, and a wide bandwidth of more than 40 GHz. The WG-APD, on the other hand, has a wide bandwidth of 36.5 GHz and a gain-bandwidth product of 170 GHz as a result of its small waveguide mesa structure and a thin multiplication layer. Record high receiver sensitivity of -19.6 dBm at 40 Gbps was achieved. Additionally, a monolithically integrated dual EC-WG-PD for differential phase shift-keying (DPSK) systems was developed. Each PD has equivalent characteristics with 3-dB-down bandwidth of more than 40 GHz and external quantum efficiency of 70% at 1550 nm.

  • Effective Scheduling Algorithms for I/O Blocking with a Multi-Frame Task Model

    Shan DING  Hiroyuki TOMIYAMA  Hiroaki TAKADA  

    PAPER-System Programs

    E92-D No:7

    A task that suspends itself to wait for an I/O completion or to wait for an event from another node in distributed environments is called an I/O blocking task. Conventional hard real-time scheduling theories use framework of rate monotonic analysis (RMA) to schedule such I/O blocking tasks. However, most of them are pessimistic. In this paper, we propose effective algorithms that can schedule a task set which has I/O blocking tasks under dynamic priority assignment. We present a new critical instant theorem for the multi-frame task set under dynamic priority assignment. The schedulability is analyzed under the new critical instant theorem. For the schedulability analysis, this paper presents saturation summation which is used to calculate the maximum interference function (MIF). With saturation summation, the schedulability of a task set having I/O blocking tasks can be analyzed more accurately. We propose an algorithm which is called Frame Laxity Monotonic Scheduling (FLMS). A genetic algorithm (GA) is also applied. From our experiments, we can conclude that FLMS can significantly reduce the calculation time, and GA can improve task schedulability ratio more than is possible with FLMS.

  • An Efficient Algorithm for Sliding Window-Based Weighted Frequent Pattern Mining over Data Streams

    Chowdhury Farhan AHMED  Syed Khairuzzaman TANBEER  Byeong-Soo JEONG  Young-Koo LEE  


    E92-D No:7

    Traditional frequent pattern mining algorithms do not consider different semantic significances (weights) of the items. By considering different weights of the items, weighted frequent pattern (WFP) mining becomes an important research issue in data mining and knowledge discovery area. However, the existing state-of-the-art WFP mining algorithms consider all the data from the very beginning of a database to discover the resultant weighted frequent patterns. Therefore, their approaches may not be suitable for the large-scale data environment such as data streams where the volume of data is huge and unbounded. Moreover, they cannot extract the recent change of knowledge in a data stream adaptively by considering the old information which may not be interesting in the current time period. Another major limitation of the existing algorithms is to scan a database multiple times for finding the resultant weighted frequent patterns. In this paper, we propose a novel large-scale algorithm WFPMDS (Weighted Frequent Pattern Mining over Data Streams) for sliding window-based WFP mining over data streams. By using a single scan of data stream, the WFPMDS algorithm can discover important knowledge from the recent data elements. Extensive performance analyses show that our proposed algorithm is very efficient for sliding window-based WFP mining over data streams.

  • More Efficient Threshold Signature Scheme in Gap Diffie-Hellman Group

    DaeHun NYANG  Akihiro YAMAMURA  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E92-A No:7

    By modifying the private key and the public key setting in Boneh-Lynn-Shacham's short signature shcheme, a variation of BLS' short signature scheme is proposed. Based on this variation, we present a very efficient threshold signature scheme where the number of pairing computation for the signaure share verification reduces to half.

  • Random Checkpoint Models with N Tandem Tasks

    Toshio NAKAGAWA  Kenichiro NARUSE  Sayori MAEJI  


    E92-A No:7

    We have a job with N tandem tasks each of which is executed successively until it is completed. A double modular system of error detection for the processing of each task is adopted. Either type of checkpoints such as compare-checkpoint or compare-and-store-checkpoint can be placed at the end of tasks. Three schemes for the above process of a job are considered and the mean execution time of each scheme is obtained. Three schemes are compared and the best scheme is determined numerically. As an example, a job with 4 tasks is given and 6 types of schemes are compared numerically. Finally, we consider a majority decision system as an error masking system and compute the mean execution time for three schemes.

  • Software Reliability Modeling Based on Capture-Recapture Sampling

    Hiroyuki OKAMURA  Tadashi DOHI  


    E92-A No:7

    This paper proposes a dynamic capture-recapture (DCR) model to estimate not only the total number of software faults but also quantitative software reliability from observed data. Compared to conventional static capture-recapture (SCR) model and usual software reliability models (SRMs) in the past literature, the DCR model can handle dynamic behavior of software fault-detection processes and can evaluate quantitative software reliability based on capture-recapture sampling of software fault data. This is regarded as a unified modeling framework of SCR and SRM with the Bayesian estimation. Simulation experiments under some plausible testing scenarios show that our models are superior to SCR and SRMs in terms of estimation accuracy.

  • A Secure Multicast Framework in Large and High-Mobility Network Groups

    Jung-San LEE  Chin-Chen CHANG  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E92-B No:7

    With the widespread use of Internet applications such as Teleconference, Pay-TV, Collaborate tasks, and Message services, how to construct and distribute the group session key to all group members securely is becoming and more important. Instead of adopting the point-to-point packet delivery, these emerging applications are based upon the mechanism of multicast communication, which allows the group member to communicate with multi-party efficiently. There are two main issues in the mechanism of multicast communication: Key Distribution and Scalability. The first issue is how to distribute the group session key to all group members securely. The second one is how to maintain the high performance in large network groups. Group members in conventional multicast systems have to keep numerous secret keys in databases, which makes it very inconvenient for them. Furthermore, in case that a member joins or leaves the communication group, many involved participants have to change their own secret keys to preserve the forward secrecy and the backward secrecy. We consequently propose a novel version for providing secure multicast communication in large network groups. Our proposed framework not only preserves the forward secrecy and the backward secrecy but also possesses better performance than existing alternatives. Specifically, simulation results demonstrate that our scheme is suitable for high-mobility environments.

  • Analysis of Jitter in CMOS Ring Oscillators due to Power Supply Noise

    Xiaoying DENG  Xin CHEN  Jun YANG  Jianhui WU  

    LETTER-Electronic Circuits

    E92-C No:7

    In this letter a new analytical method is presented for estimating the timing jitter of CMOS ring oscillators due to power supply noise. Predictive jitter equation is presented, and the proposed method is utilized to study the jitter induced by power supply noise in an inverter-based ring oscillator, which is designed and simulated in SMIC 0.13-µm standard CMOS process. A comparison between the results obtained by the proposed method and those obtained by HSPICE simulation proves the accuracy of the predictive equation. Most of the errors between the theoretic calculation and simulation results are less than 3 ps.

  • Moving Object Completion on the Compressed Domain

    Jiang YIWEI  Xu DE  Liu NA  Lang CONGYAN  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E92-D No:7

    Moving object completion is a process of completing moving object's missing information based on local structures. Over the past few years, a number of computable algorithms of video completion have been developed, however most of these algorithms are based on the pixel domain. Little theoretical and computational work in video completion is based on the compressed domain. In this paper, a moving object completion method on the compressed domain is proposed. It is composed of three steps: motion field transferring, thin plate spline interpolation and combination. Missing space-time blocks will be completed by placing new motion vectors on them so that the resulting video sequence will have as much global visual coherence with the video portions outside the hole. The experimental results are presented to demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed algorithm.

  • Adaptive Scanline Filling Algorithm for OpenVG 2D Vector Graphics Accelerator

    Daewoong KIM  Kilhyung CHA  Soo-Ik CHAE  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E92-D No:7

    We propose an optimized scanline filling algorithm for OpenVG two-dimensional vector graphics. For each scanline of a path, it adaptively selects a left or right scanning direction that minimizes the number of pixels visited during scanning. According to the experimental results, the proposed algorithm reduces the number of pixels visited by 6 to 37% relative to that with a constant scanning direction for all the scanlines.

  • Mobile Handsets as Sensing Nodes in an Auto-Configured Hierarchical Cognitive Radio Network Scheme for Immediate Post-Disaster Communications

    Sonia MAJID  Kazi AHMED  


    E92-B No:7

    A critical problem after a natural/manmade disaster is to provide immediate post-disaster communication links between the disaster victims and some overlay networks. This paper proposes a novel scheme that uses the surviving Mobile handSets (MS) as sensing nodes to form an auto-configured Hierarchical Cognitive Radio Network (H-CRN). The implementation of this H-CRN is explained through detailed problem scenario statement and step-by-step implementation of automatic identification of emergency situation by the MS nodes. An overview of the cross-layer framework used by the MS nodes is also presented. This novel scheme is tested through some hypothesis along with probability calculations for successful identification of emergency situation, formation of ad hoc group and Emergency Beacon Message (EBM) transmission.

  • A New Signature-Based Indexing Scheme for Efficient Trajectory Retrieval in Spatial Networks

    Jae-Woo CHANG  Jung-Ho UM  


    E92-D No:6

    Even though it is very important to retrieve similar trajectories with a given query trajectory, there has been a little research on trajectory retrieval in spatial networks, like road networks. In this paper, we propose an efficient indexing scheme for retrieving moving object trajectories in spatial networks. For this, we design a signature-based indexing scheme for efficiently dealing with the trajectories of current moving objects as well as for maintaining those of past moving objects. In addition, we provide an insertion algorithm for storing the segment information of a moving object trajectory as well as a retrieval algorithm to find a set of moving objects whose trajectories match the segments of a query trajectory. Finally, we show that our signature-based indexing scheme achieves at least twice better performance on trajectory retrieval than the leading trajectory indexing schemes, such as TB-tree, FNR-tree, and MON-tree.
