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  • Novel Compact High-Pass Filter with Sharp Attenuation Slope Using Cross-Coupling in the Multi-Layer Structure

    Takenori YASUZUMI  Tomoki UWANO  Osamu HASHIMOTO  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E95-C No:2

    A planar high-pass filter (HPF) by using cross-couplings in multi-layer structure is proposed in this paper. The HPF consists of parallel plate and gap type capacitors and inductor lines on the bottom conductor. The one block of the HPF has a ladder T-section in the bridge T configuration. The one block HPF is, thus, coarsely designed in the manner of the proto-type HPF and the performance is optimized by circuit simulator. With the gap capacitor adjusted the proposed HPF illustrates the steep slope characteristics near the cut-off frequency by the attenuation pole. In order to improve the stopband performance, the cascaded two block HPF is examined. Its measured results show the good agreement with the simulated ones giving the second attenuation pole by an inductive cross-coupling.

  • Concurrent Transmission Based on Channel Quality in Ad Hoc Networks: A Game Theoretic Approach

    Chen CHEN  Xinbo GAO  Xiaoji LI  Qingqi PEI  


    E95-D No:2

    In this paper, a decentralized concurrent transmission strategy in shared channel in Ad Hoc networks is proposed based on game theory. Firstly, a static concurrent transmissions game is used to determine the candidates for transmitting by channel quality threshold and to maximize the overall throughput with consideration of channel quality variation. To achieve NES (Nash Equilibrium Solution), the selfish behaviors of node to attempt to improve the channel gain unilaterally are evaluated. Therefore, this game allows each node to be distributed and to decide whether to transmit concurrently with others or not depending on NES. Secondly, as there are always some nodes with lower channel gain than NES, which are defined as hunger nodes in this paper, a hunger suppression scheme is proposed by adjusting the price function with interferences reservation and forward relay, to fairly give hunger nodes transmission opportunities. Finally, inspired by stock trading, a dynamic concurrent transmission threshold determination scheme is implemented to make the static game practical. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme is feasible to increase concurrent transmission opportunities for active nodes, and at the same time, the number of hunger nodes is greatly reduced with the least increase of threshold by interferences reservation. Also, the good performance on network goodput of the proposed model can be seen from the results.

  • Call Admission Control on Single Node Networks under Output Rate-Controlled Generalized Processor Sharing (ORC-GPS) Scheduler

    Masaki HANADA  Hidenori NAKAZATO  Hitoshi WATANABE  


    E95-B No:2

    Multimedia applications such as music or video streaming, video teleconferencing and IP telephony are flourishing in packet-switched networks. Applications that generate such real-time data can have very diverse quality-of-service (QoS) requirements. In order to guarantee diverse QoS requirements, the combined use of a packet scheduling algorithm based on Generalized Processor Sharing (GPS) and leaky bucket traffic regulator is the most successful QoS mechanism. GPS can provide a minimum guaranteed service rate for each session and tight delay bounds for leaky bucket constrained sessions. However, the delay bounds for leaky bucket constrained sessions under GPS are unnecessarily large because each session is served according to its associated constant weight until the session buffer is empty. In order to solve this problem, a scheduling policy called Output Rate-Controlled Generalized Processor Sharing (ORC-GPS) was proposed in [17]. ORC-GPS is a rate-based scheduling like GPS, and controls the service rate in order to lower the delay bounds for leaky bucket constrained sessions. In this paper, we propose a call admission control (CAC) algorithm for ORC-GPS, for leaky-bucket constrained sessions with deterministic delay requirements. This CAC algorithm for ORC-GPS determines the optimal values of parameters of ORC-GPS from the deterministic delay requirements of the sessions. In numerical experiments, we compare the CAC algorithm for ORC-GPS with one for GPS in terms of schedulable region and computational complexity.

  • Falsification Attacks against WPA-TKIP in a Realistic Environment

    Yosuke TODO  Yuki OZAWA  Toshihiro OHIGASHI  Masakatu MORII  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E95-D No:2

    In this paper, we propose two new falsification attacks against Wi-Fi Protected Access Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (WPA-TKIP). A previous realistic attack succeeds only for a network that supports IEEE 802.11e QoS features by both an access point (AP) and a client, and it has an execution time of 12–15 min, in which it recovers a message integrity code (MIC) key from an ARP packet. Our first attack reduces the execution time for recovering a MIC key. It can recover the MIC key within 7–8 min. Our second attack expands its targets that can be attacked. This attack focuses on a new vulnerability of QoS packet processing, and this vulnerability can remove the condition that the AP supports IEEE 802.11e. In addition, we discovered another vulnerability by which our attack succeeds under the condition that the chipset of the client supports IEEE 802.11e even if the client disables this standard through the OS. We demonstrate that chipsets developed by several kinds of vendors have the same vulnerability.

  • Analysis and Improvement of a Secret Broadcast with Binding Encryption in Broadcasting Networks

    Mingwu ZHANG  Fagen LI  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E95-D No:2

    A secret broadcasting scheme deals with secure transmission of a message so that more than one privileged receiver can decrypt it. Jeong et al. proposed an efficient secret broadcast scheme using binding encryption to obtain the security properties of IND-CPA semantic security and decryption consistency. Thereafter, Wu et al. showed that the Jeong et al.'s scheme just achieves consistency in relatively weak condition and is also inefficient, and they constructed a more efficient scheme to improve the security. In this letter, we demonstrate that the Wu et al.'s scheme is also a weak decryption consistency and cannot achieve the decryption consistency if an adversary has the ability to tamper with the ciphertext. We also present an improved and more efficient secret broadcast scheme to remedy the weakness. The proposed scheme achieves decryption consistency and IND-CCA security, which can protect against stronger adversary's attacks and allows us to broadcast a digital message securely.

  • Heuristic Query Tree Protocol: Use of Known Tags for RFID Tag Anti-Collision

    Jongwoo SUNG  Daeyoung KIM  Taehong KIM  Jinhyuk CHOI  


    E95-B No:2

    Existing query tree protocols deal with RFID tags in a blind manner. They query tags in a fixed bit order based on the assumption that the tag ID numbers are uniformly distributed throughout the range of the entire ID space because readers have no prior knowledge of the tags. This paper attempts to distinguish RFID applications where readers are already aware of all tags used by the application. We propose a heuristic query tree (H-QT) protocol that uses heuristic to select effective bits from known tags for the best queries in a divide and conquer approach. The performance evaluation shows that the proposed protocol is superior to original query tree protocols because it significantly reduces the number of tag collisions and no tag response.

  • Enhancement of Light Emission from Silicon by Utilizing Photonic Nanostructures Open Access

    Satoshi IWAMOTO  Yasuhiko ARAKAWA  


    E95-C No:2

    Efficient silicon-based light sources are expected to be key devices for applications such as optical interconnection. Huge number of researches has been conducted for realizing silicon-based light sources. Most of them utilized silicon-related materials such as silicon nanostructures or germanium, not crystalline silicon, which has been considered as a poor light emitter because of its indirect electronic bandgap. Light emission properties of materials can be tailored not only by modifying the material properties directly, but also by controlling the electromagnetic environment surrounding the material. Photonic nanostructures are a powerful tool for creating the engineered environment. In this paper, we briefly review the mechanisms for improving the light emission properties of materials by photonic nanostructures and present our recent experimental results showing the enhancement of light emission from silicon by introducing photonic crystal structures.

  • Design of Area- and Power-Efficient Pipeline FFT Processors for 8x8 MIMO-OFDM Systems

    Shingo YOSHIZAWA  Yoshikazu MIYANAGA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E95-A No:2

    We present area- and power-efficient pipeline 128- and 128/64-point fast Fourier transform (FFT) processors for 8x8 multiple-input multiple-output orthogonal frequency multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) systems based on the specification framework of IEEE 802.11ac WLANs. Our new FFT processors use mixed-radix multipath delay commutator (MRMDC) architecture from the point of view of low complexity and high memory use. A conventional MRMDC architecture induces large circuits in delay commutators, which change the order of data sequences for the butterfly units. The proposed architecture replaces delay elements with new commutators that cooperate with other MIMO-OFDM processing blocks. These commutators are inserted in the front and rear of the input and output memory units. Our FFT processors exhibit a 50–51% reduction in logic gates and 70–72% reduction in power dissipation as compared with conventional ones.

  • Speech Prior Estimation for Generalized Minimum Mean-Square Error Short-Time Spectral Amplitude Estimator


    LETTER-Engineering Acoustics

    E95-A No:2

    In this paper, we introduce a generalized minimum mean-square error short-time spectral amplitude estimator with a new prior estimation of the speech probability density function based on moment-cumulant transformation. From the objective and subjective evaluation experiments, we show the improved noise reduction performance of the proposed method.

  • Global Mapping Analysis: Stochastic Gradient Algorithm in Multidimensional Scaling

    Yoshitatsu MATSUDA  Kazunori YAMAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E95-D No:2

    In order to implement multidimensional scaling (MDS) efficiently, we propose a new method named “global mapping analysis” (GMA), which applies stochastic approximation to minimizing MDS criteria. GMA can solve MDS more efficiently in both the linear case (classical MDS) and non-linear one (e.g., ALSCAL) if only the MDS criteria are polynomial. GMA separates the polynomial criteria into the local factors and the global ones. Because the global factors need to be calculated only once in each iteration, GMA is of linear order in the number of objects. Numerical experiments on artificial data verify the efficiency of GMA. It is also shown that GMA can find out various interesting structures from massive document collections.

  • Adaptive Spectrum Sensing/Transmission Scheduling for Cognitive Radio

    Luxi LU  Wei JIANG  Haige XIANG  Wu LUO  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E95-B No:2

    In this letter, we propose an adaptive sensing/transmission scheduling policy in which the secondary user senses the spectrum when its channel condition is poor for transmission. The adaptive sensing/transmission scheduling is modeled as a Markov process and a near-optimal algorithm is proposed to determine the sensing/transmission policy. Simulation results verify our analysis and demonstrate the superiority of the proposed algorithm.

  • Low Complexity Compensation of Frequency Dependent I/Q Imbalance and Carrier Frequency Offset for Direct Conversion Receivers

    Leonardo LANANTE, Jr.  Masayuki KUROSAKI  Hiroshi OCHI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E95-B No:2

    Conventional algorithms for the joint estimation of carrier frequency offset (CFO) and I/Q imbalance no longer work when the I/Q imbalance depends on the frequency. In order to correct the imbalance across many frequencies, the compensator needed is a filter as opposed to a simple gain and phase compensator. Although, algorithms for estimating the optimal coefficients of this filter exist, their complexity is too high for hardware implementation. In this paper we present a new low complexity algorithm for joint estimation of CFO and frequency dependent I/Q imbalance. For the first part, we derive the estimation scheme using the linear least squares algorithm and examine its floating point performance compared to conventional algorithms. We show that the proposed algorithm can completely eliminate BER floor caused by CFO and I/Q imbalance at a lesser complexity compared to conventional algorithms. For the second part, we examine the hardware complexity in fixed point hardware and latency of the proposed algorithm. Based on BER performance, the circuit needs a wordlength of at least 16 bits in order to properly estimate CFO and I/Q imbalance. In this configuration, the circuit is able to achieve a maximum speed of 115.9 MHz in a Virtex 5 FPGA.

  • Theoretical Analysis of Amounts of Musical Noise and Speech Distortion in Structure-Generalized Parametric Blind Spatial Subtraction Array

    Ryoichi MIYAZAKI  Hiroshi SARUWATARI  Kiyohiro SHIKANO  

    LETTER-Engineering Acoustics

    E95-A No:2

    We propose a structure-generalized blind spatial subtraction array (BSSA), and the theoretical analysis of the amounts of musical noise and speech distortion. The structure of BSSA should be selected according to the application, i.e., a channelwise BSSA is recommended for listening but a conventional BSSA is suitable for speech recognition.

  • A Design Method of a Regular Expression Matching Circuit Based on Decomposed Automaton

    Hiroki NAKAHARA  Tsutomu SASAO  Munehiro MATSUURA  

    PAPER-Design Methodology

    E95-D No:2

    This paper shows a design method for a regular expression matching circuit based on a decomposed automaton. To implement a regular expression matching circuit, first, we convert a regular expression into a non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA). Then, to reduce the number of states, we convert the NFA into a merged-states non-deterministic finite automaton with unbounded string transition (MNFAU) using a greedy algorithm. Next, to realize it by a feasible amount of hardware, we decompose the MNFAU into a deterministic finite automaton (DFA) and an NFA. The DFA part is implemented by an off-chip memory and a simple sequencer, while the NFA part is implemented by a cascade of logic cells. Also, in this paper, we show that the MNFAU based implementation has lower area complexity than the DFA and the NFA based ones. Experiments using regular expressions form SNORT shows that, as for the embedded memory size per a character, the MNFAU is 17.17-148.70 times smaller than DFA methods. Also, as for the number of LCs (Logic Cells) per a character, the MNFAU is 1.56-5.12 times smaller than NFA methods. This paper describes detail of the MEMOCODE2010 HW/SW co-design contest for which we won the first place award.

  • Athermal Wavelength Filters toward Optical Interconnection to LSIs

    Yuki ATSUMI  Manabu ODA  Joonhyun KANG  Nobuhiko NISHIYAMA  Shigehisa ARAI  


    E95-C No:2

    Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) produced by large-scale integration (LSI) on Si platforms have been intensively researched. Since thermal diffusion from the LSI logic layer is a serious obstacle to realizing a Si-based optical integrated circuit, we have proposed and realized athermal wavelength filters using Si slot waveguides embedded with benzocyclobutene (BCB). First, the athermal conditions were theoretically investigated by controlling the waveguide and gap width of the slot waveguides. In order to introduce the calculated waveguide structures to wavelength filters, the propagation losses and bending losses of the Si slot waveguides were evaluated. The propagation losses were measured to be 5.6 and 5.3 dB/cm for slot waveguide widths of 500 and 700 nm, respectively. Finally, athermal wavelength filters, a ring resonator, and a Mach-Zhender interferometer (MZI) with a slot waveguide width of 700 nm were designed and fabricated. Further, a temperature coefficient of -0.9 pm/K for the operating wavelength was achieved with the athermal MZI.

  • On the Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff of the Half-Duplex DDF MIMO Relay Protocol

    Eunchul YOON  Sun-Yong KIM  Suhan CHOI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E95-B No:2

    The analytical derivation of the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT) for a half-duplex dynamic decode and forward (DDF) MIMO relay protocol has been regarded as an open problem. Recently, however, a minimization problem setting has been found, the solution of which corresponds to the DMT function for a half-duplex DDF MIMO relay protocol. In this paper, the DMT functions for three special half-duplex DDF MIMO relay protocols using two antennas at two of three nodes, source, relay, and destination nodes, and a single antenna at the other node are derived first. Then, the DMT function for a special half-duplex DDF MIMO relay protocol using two antennas at every node is derived. These DDF MIMO relay protocols are compared with one another and with some NAF MIMO relay protocols by simulation.

  • Adaptive Cooperation Switching for Multicell Downlink Using Statistical CSI

    Jun ZHANG  Shi JIN  Xiqi GAO  Kai-Kit WONG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E95-B No:2

    This letter proposes an adaptive scheme that switches between cooperative and non-cooperative transmission for multicell downlink systems in Kronecker spatially correlated channels, which exploits statistical channel state information (CSI). Based on the received signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) and a cooperation metric, we propose a simple base station (BS) association method and then derive low-SNR capacity approximations for both cooperative and non-cooperative systems. Using the results, we provide a low-complexity efficient cooperation switching method to enhance the system capacity. Results show that the proposed method is more efficient than the conventional method to search the switching point.

  • A Simple Cooperative Relaying with Alamouti Coded Transmission

    Tomoya YAMAOKA  Yoshitaka HARA  Noriyuki FUKUI  Hiroshi KUBO  Takaya YAMAZATO  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E95-B No:2

    Cooperative diversity using space-time codes offers effective space diversity with low complexity, but the scheme needs the space-time coding process in the relay nodes. We propose a simple cooperative relay scheme that uses space-time coding. In the scheme, the source node transmits the Alamouti coded signal sequences and the sink node receives the signal sequence via the two coordinated relay nodes. At the relay nodes, the operation procedure is just permutation and forwarding of the signal sequence. In the proposed scheme, none of the relay nodes need quadrature detection and space-time coding and the simple relay process offers effective space diversity. Moreover, simulations show the effectiveness of the proposed relay process by some simulations.

  • Joint Sensing and Power Allocation in Multiple-Channel Cognitive Radio Networks

    Huogen YU  Wanbin TANG  Shaoqian LI  

    LETTER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E95-B No:2

    This letter considers a multiple-channel cognitive radio network (CRN) which can simultaneously sense multiple narrowband channels at a time. Taking the maximization of the CRN's overall throughput as the design objective, the optimization problem of jointly designing sensing time, sensing thresholds and transmission power allocation is formulated under the total power constraint of the CRN and the average interference constraint of the primary network. An iterative algorithm is proposed to obtain the locally optimal values for these parameters. Finally, numerical results show that significant overall throughput gain is achieved through the joint design.

  • 50-Gb/s NRZ and RZ Modulator Driver ICs Based on Functional Distributed Circuits

    Yasuyuki SUZUKI  Masayuki MAMADA  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E95-C No:2

    We have developed two modulator driver ICs that are based on the functional distributed circuit (FDC) topology for over 40-Gb/s optical transmission systems using InP HBT technology. The FDC topology enables both a wide bandwidth amplifier and high-speed digital functions. The none-return-to-zero (NRZ) driver IC, which is integrated with a D-type flip-flop, exhibits 2.6-Vp-p (differential output: 5.2 Vp-p) output-voltage swings with a high signal quality at 43 and 50 Gb/s. The return-to-zero (RZ) driver IC, which is integrated with a NRZ to RZ converter, produces 2.4-Vp-p (differential output: 4.8 Vp-p) output-voltage swings and excellent eye openings at 43 and 50 Gb/s. Furthermore, we conducted electro-optical modulation experiments using the developed modulator driver ICs and a dual drive LiNbO3 Mach-Zehnder modulator. We were able to obtain NRZ and RZ clear optical eye openings with low jitters and sufficient extinction ratios of more than 12 dB, at 43 and 50 Gb/s. These results indicate that the FDC has the potential to achieve a large output voltage and create high-speed functional ICs for over-40-Gb/s transmission systems.
