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  • A 0.5-V, 0.05-to-3.2 GHz LC-Based Clock Generator for Substituting Ring Oscillators under Low-Voltage Condition

    Wei DENG  Kenichi OKADA  Akira MATSUZAWA  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E95-C No:7

    This paper investigates a clock frequency generator for ultra-low-voltage sub-picosecond-jitter clock generation in future 0.5-V LSI and power aware LSI. To address the potential possible solution for ultra-low-voltage applications, a 0.5 V clock frequency generator is proposed and implemented. Significant performances, in terms of sub 1-ps jitter, 50 MHz-to-6.4 GHz frequency tuning range with 2 bands and sub 1-mW PDC, demonstrated the viable replacement of ring oscillators in low-voltage and low-jitter clock generator.

  • A Generalized PWC Spiking Neuron Model and Its Neuron-Like Activities and Burst-Related Bifurcations

    Yutaro YAMASHITA  Hiroyuki TORIKAI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E95-A No:7

    A generalized version of a piece-wise constant (ab. PWC) spiking neuron model is presented. It is shown that the generalization enables the model to reproduce 20 activities in the Izhikevich model. Among the activities, we analyze tonic bursting. Using an analytical one-dimensional iterative map, it is shown that the model can reproduce a burst-related bifurcation scenario, which is qualitatively similar to that of the Izhikevich model. The bifurcation scenario can be observed in an actual hardware.

  • Analytical Solution for the Scattering by a Cylinder Perpendicular to the Narrow Walls inside a Rectangular Waveguide and Its Application to εr and μr Measurement

    Alfred KIK  Atsuhiro NISHIKATA  


    E95-C No:7

    In this paper, a new swept-frequency method for the measurement of the complex permittivity and permeability of materials is proposed. The method is based on the S-parameters measurement of a cylindrical material placed inside a rectangular waveguide, where the axis of the cylinder is perpendicular to the narrow waveguide walls. The usage of cylinders in measurement is beneficial because they are easy to fabricate and handle. A novel exact solution of the field scattered by the cylinder is developed. The solution is based on expanding the field in a sum of orthogonal modes in cylindrical coordinates. Excitation coefficients relating the cylindrical scattered field to the waveguide modes are derived, and are used to rigorously formulates the S-parameters. Measurement are performed in the S-band with two dielectric materials (PTFE, nylon), and in the X-band with one magnetic material (ferrite epoxy). The measurement results agree with those from the literature.

  • Introduction to Latest RF ATE with Low Test Cost Solutions Open Access

    Masayuki KIMISHIMA  


    E95-C No:7

    This paper describes latest RF Automated Test Equipment (RF ATE) technologies that include device under test (DUT) connections, a calibration method, and an RF test module mainly focusing on low cost of test (COT). Most important respect for low COT is how achieve a number of simultaneous measurements and short test time as well as a plain calibration. We realized these respects by a newly proposed calibration method and a drastically downsized RF test module with multiple resources and high throughput. The calibration method is very convenient for RF ATE. Major contribution for downsizing of the RF test module is RF circuit technology in form of RF functional system in package (RF-SIPs), resulting in very attractive test solutions.

  • An Enhanced Secure Authentication Scheme with Anonymity for Wireless Environments

    Woongryul JEON  Jeeyeon KIM  Junghyun NAM  Youngsook LEE  Dongho WON  

    LETTER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E95-B No:7

    As anonymity increasingly becomes a necessary and legitimate aim in many applications, a number of anonymous authentication schemes have been suggested over the years. Among the many schemes is Lee and Kwon's password-based authentication scheme for wireless environments. Compared with previous schemes, Lee and Kwon's scheme not only improves anonymity by employing random temporary IDs but also provides user-friendliness by allowing human-memorable passwords. In this letter, we point out that Lee and Kwon's scheme, despite its many merits, is vulnerable to off-line password guessing attacks and a forgery attack. In addition, we show how to eliminate these vulnerabilities.

  • Real-Time Counting People in Crowded Areas by Using Local Empirical Templates and Density Ratios

    Dao-Huu HUNG  Gee-Sern HSU  Sheng-Luen CHUNG  Hideo SAITO  


    E95-D No:7

    In this paper, a fast and automated method of counting pedestrians in crowded areas is proposed along with three contributions. We firstly propose Local Empirical Templates (LET), which are able to outline the foregrounds, typically made by single pedestrians in a scene. LET are extracted by clustering foregrounds of single pedestrians with similar features in silhouettes. This process is done automatically for unknown scenes. Secondly, comparing the size of group foreground made by a group of pedestrians to that of appropriate LET captured in the same image patch with the group foreground produces the density ratio. Because of the local scale normalization between sizes, the density ratio appears to have a bound closely related to the number of pedestrians who induce the group foreground. Finally, to extract the bounds of density ratios for groups of different number of pedestrians, we propose a 3D human models based simulation in which camera viewpoints and pedestrians' proximity are easily manipulated. We collect hundreds of typical occluded-people patterns with distinct degrees of human proximity and under a variety of camera viewpoints. Distributions of density ratios with respect to the number of pedestrians are built based on the computed density ratios of these patterns for extracting density ratio bounds. The simulation is performed in the offline learning phase to extract the bounds from the distributions, which are used to count pedestrians in online settings. We reveal that the bounds seem to be invariant to camera viewpoints and humans' proximity. The performance of our proposed method is evaluated with our collected videos and PETS 2009's datasets. For our collected videos with the resolution of 320 × 240, our method runs in real-time with good accuracy and frame rate of around 30 fps, and consumes a small amount of computing resources. For PETS 2009's datasets, our proposed method achieves competitive results with other methods tested on the same datasets [1],[2].

  • An Efficiency Optimization Scheme for the Two-Stage Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Network

    Ying-pei LIN  Chen HE  Ling-ge JIANG  Di HE  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E95-B No:7

    A sensing efficiency optimization scheme based on two-stage spectrum sensing that maximizes the achievable throughput of the secondary network and minimizes the average sensing time is proposed in this paper. A selection method for the threshold is proposed and proved to ensure optimal sensing performance. An effective iterative algorithm is presented to solve the constructed efficiency optimization problem.

  • SSM-HPC: Front View Gait Recognition Using Spherical Space Model with Human Point Clouds

    Jegoon RYU  Sei-ichiro KAMATA  Alireza AHRARY  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E95-D No:7

    In this paper, we propose a novel gait recognition framework - Spherical Space Model with Human Point Clouds (SSM-HPC) to recognize front view of human gait. A new gait representation - Marching in Place (MIP) gait is also introduced which preserves the spatiotemporal characteristics of individual gait manner. In comparison with the previous studies on gait recognition which usually use human silhouette images from image sequences, this research applies three dimensional (3D) point clouds data of human body obtained from stereo camera. The proposed framework exhibits gait recognition rates superior to those of other gait recognition methods.

  • An Enhanced Security Protocol for VANET-Based Entertainment Services

    Jung-Yoon KIM  Hyoung-Kee CHOI  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E95-B No:7

    Multimedia transactions between vehicles are expected to become a promising application in VANETs but security is a fundamental issue that must be resolved before such transactions can become practical and trusted. Existing certificate-based digital signature schemes are ineffective for ensuring the security of multimedia transactions in VANETs. This ineffectiveness exists because there is no guarantee that (1) vehicles can download the latest certificate revocation lists or that (2) vehicles can complete a multimedia transaction before leaving their communication range. These two problems result, respectively, from a lack of infrastructure and from the inconsistent connectivity inherent in VANETs. In this paper, we propose a digital signature approach that combines a certificateless signature scheme and short-lived public keys to alleviate these problems. We then propose a security protocol that uses the proposed signature approach for multimedia transactions between vehicles. The proposed protocol enables vehicles to trade in multimedia resources without an online trust authority. We provide an analytical approach to optimizing the security of the proposed protocol. The security and performance of our protocol are evaluated via simulation and theoretical analysis. Based on these evaluations, we contend that the proposed protocol is practical for multimedia transactions in VANETs in terms of security and performance.

  • Distribution of the Latest Content in Dynamic Content Updates over Delay Tolerant Networks

    Yong LI  Depeng JIN  Li SU  Lieguang ZENG  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E95-A No:7

    The applications of dynamic content updates for a group of users, for example weather reports and news broadcast, have been shown to benefit significantly from Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) communication mechanisms. In this paper, we study the performance of dynamic content updates over DTNs by focusing on the latest content distribution, which is an important factor of the system energy consumption and content update efficiency. By characterizing the content generating process and content sharing process, we obtain an explicit expression for the latest content distribution, and prove it theoretically. Moreover, through simulations based on two synthetical mobility models and a real-world scenario, we demonstrate the accuracy and correctness of the theoretically obtained result.

  • Time-Reversal MUSIC Imaging with Time-Domain Gating Technique

    Heedong CHOI  Yasutaka OGAWA  Toshihiko NISHIMURA  Takeo OHGANE  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E95-B No:7

    A time-reversal (TR) approach with multiple signal classification (MUSIC) provides super-resolution for detection and localization using multistatic data collected from an array antenna system. The theory of TR-MUSIC assumes that the number of antenna elements is greater than that of scatterers (targets). Furthermore, it requires many sets of frequency-domain data (snapshots) in seriously noisy environments. Unfortunately, these conditions are not practical for real environments due to the restriction of a reasonable antenna structure as well as limited measurement time. We propose an approach that treats both noise reduction and relaxation of the transceiver restriction by using a time-domain gating technique accompanied with the Fourier transform before applying the TR-MUSIC imaging algorithm. Instead of utilizing the conventional multistatic data matrix (MDM), we employ a modified MDM obtained from the gating technique. The resulting imaging functions yield more reliable images with only a few snapshots regardless of the limitation of the antenna arrays.

  • A Multipath Cubic TCP Congestion Control with Multipath Fast Recovery over High Bandwidth-Delay Product Networks

    Tuan Anh LE  Rim HAW  Choong Seon HONG  Sungwon LEE  


    E95-B No:7

    Cubic TCP, one of transport protocols designed for high bandwidth-delay product (BDP) networks, has successfully been deployed in the Internet. Multi-homed computers with multiple interfaces to access the Internet via high speed links will become more popular. In this work, we introduce an extended version of Cubic TCP for multiple paths, called MPCubic. The extension process is approached from an analysis model of Cubic by using coordinated congestion control between paths. MPCubic can spread its traffic across paths in load-balancing manner, while preserving fair sharing with regular TCP, Cubic, and MPTCP at common bottlenecks. Moreover, to improve resilience to link failure, we propose a multipath fast recovery algorithm. The algorithm can significantly reduce the recovery time of data rate after restoration of failed links. These techniques can be useful for resilient high-bandwidth applications (for example, tele-health conference) in disaster-affected areas. Our simulation results show that MPCubic can achieve stability, throughput improvement, fairness, load-balancing, and quick data rate recovery from link failure under a variety of network conditions.

  • Memory Size Reduction Technique of SDF IFFT Architecture for OFDM-Based Applications

    In-Gul JANG  Kyung-Ju CHO  Yong-Eun KIM  Jin-Gyun CHUNG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E95-B No:6

    In this paper, to reduce the memory size requirements of IFFT for OFDM-based applications, we propose a new IFFT design technique based on a combined integer mapping of three IFFT input signals: modulated data, pilot and null signals. The proposed method focuses on reducing the size of memory cells in the first two stages of the single-path delay feedback (SDF) IFFT architectures since the first two stages require 75% of the total memory cells. By simulations of 2048-point IFFT design for cognitive radio systems, it is shown that the proposed IFFT design method achieves more than 13% reduction in gate count and 11% reduction in power consumption compared with conventional IFFT design.

  • Estimation of Sea Wave Heights by Two-Frequency Cross-Correlation Function of Reflected Signals of a Spaceborne Radar Altimeter with Nadir Synthesis of Antenna Aperture

    Min-Ho KA  Aleksandr I. BASKAKOV  Vladimir A. TEREKHOV  


    E95-B No:6

    In the work we introduce novel approach to remote sensing from space for the estimation of sea wave heights with a spaceborne high precision two-frequency radar altimeter with nadir synthesis antenna aperture. Experiments show considerable reduction of the decorrelation factor of the correlation coefficient and so significant enhancement of the sensitivity of the altimeter for the estimation for the sea wave status.

  • Efficient LUT-Based Truncated Multiplier and Its Application in RGB to YCbCr Color Space Conversion

    Van-Phuc HOANG  Cong-Kha PHAM  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E95-A No:6

    High performance, low area multipliers are highly desired for modern and future DSP systems due to the increasing demand of high speed DSP applications. In this paper, we present an efficient architecture for an LUT-based truncated multiplier and its application in RGB to YCbCr color space conversion which can be used for digital TV, image and video processing systems. By employing an improved split LUT-based architecture and LUT optimization method, the proposed multiplier can reduce the value of area-delay product by up to 52% compared with other constant multiplier methods. The FPGA implementation of a color space conversion application employing the proposed multiplier also results in significant reduction of area-delay product of up to 48%.

  • Long-Range Asynchronous On-Chip Link Based on Multiple-Valued Single-Track Signaling

    Naoya ONIZAWA  Atsushi MATSUMOTO  Takahiro HANYU  

    PAPER-Circuit Theory

    E95-A No:6

    We have developed a long-range asynchronous on-chip data-transmission link based on multiple-valued single-track signaling for a highly reliable asynchronous Network-on-Chip. In the proposed signaling, 1-bit data with control information is represented by using a one-digit multi-level signal, so serial data can be transmitted asynchronously using only a single wire. The small number of wires alleviates the routing complexity of wiring long-range interconnects. The use of current-mode signaling makes it possible to transmit data at high speed without buffers or repeaters over a long interconnect wire because of the low-voltage swing of signaling, and it leads to low-latency data transmission. We achieve a latency of 0.45 ns, a throughput of 1.25 Gbps, and energy dissipation of 0.58 pJ/bit with a 10-mm interconnect wire under a 0.13 µm CMOS technology. This represents an 85% decrease in latency, a 150% increase in throughput, and a 90% decrease in energy dissipation compared to a conventional serial asynchronous data-transmission link.

  • An Adaptive Multi-Range-Sensing Method for 3D Localization of Passive RFID Tags

    Tomotaka WADA  Toshihiro HORI  Manato FUJIMOTO  Kouichi MUTSUURA  Hiromi OKADA  

    PAPER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E95-A No:6

    The RFID tag system has received a lot of attention for ubiquitous computing. An RFID tag is attached to an object. With the unique ID of the RFID tag, a user identifies the object provided with the RFID tag and derives appropriate information about the object. One important application in the RFID technology is localizing RFID tags, which can be very useful in acquiring the position information concerning the RFID tags. It can be applied to navigation systems and positional detection systems for mobile robots. This paper proposes a new adaptive multi-range-sensing method for 3D localization of passive RFID tags by using a probabilistic approach. In this method, a mobile object (human, robot, etc.) with an RFID reader estimates the positions of RFID tags with multiple communication ranges dynamically. The effectiveness of the proposed method was demonstrated in experiments.

  • Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulators: Tutorial Overview, Design Guide, and State-of-the-Art Survey Open Access

    Shiro DOSHO  


    E95-C No:6

    This paper presents a tutorial overview of Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulators (CTDSM); their operating principles to understand what is important intuitively and architectures to achieve higher conversion efficiency and to operate low supply voltage, design methods against loop stability problem, tuning methods of the bandwidth and so on. A survey of cutting-edge CMOS implementations is described.

  • 100–1000 MHz Programmable Continuous-Time Filter with Auto-Tuning Schemes and Digital Calibration Sequences for HDD Read Channels

    Takahide TERADA  Koji NASU  Taizo YAMAWAKI  Masaru KOKUBO  


    E95-C No:6

    A 4th-order programmable continuous-time filter (CTF) for hard-disk-drive (HDD) read channels was developed with 65-nm CMOS process technology. The CTF cutoff frequency and boost are programmable by switching units of the operational trans-conductance amplifier (OTA) banks and the capacitor banks. The switches are operated by lifted local-supply voltage to reduce on-resistance of the transistors. The CTF characteristics were robust against process technology variations and supply voltage and temperature ranges due to the introduction of a digitally assisted compensation scheme with analog auto-tuning circuits and digital calibration sequences. The digital calibration sequences, which fit into the operation sequence of the HDD read channel, compensate for the tuning circuits of the process technology variations, and the tuning circuits compensate for the CTF characteristics over the supply voltage and temperature ranges. As a result, the CTF had a programmability of 100–1000-MHz cutoff frequency and 0–12-dB boost.

  • Symbol-Spaced Turbo Frequency Domain Equalization for Precoded Continuous Phase Modulation

    Qing YAN  Qiang LI  Sheng LUO  Shaoqian LI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E95-B No:6

    In this paper, a low-complexity symbol-spaced turbo frequency domain equalization (FDE) algorithm based on Laurent decomposition is proposed for precoded binary continuous phase modulation (CPM) with modulation index h=1/2. At the transmitter, a precoder is utilized to eliminate the inherent memory of the CPM signal. At the receiver, a matched filter based on Laurent decomposition is utilized to make the detection symbol-spaced. As a result, the symbol-spaced iteration can be taken between the equalizer and the decoder directly without a CPM demodulator, and we derive a symbol-spaced soft interference cancellation frequency domain equalization (SSIC-FDE) algorithm for binary CPM with h=1/2. A new data block structure for FDE of partial response CPM is also presented. The computational complexity analysis and simulations show that this approach provides a complexity reduction and an impressive performance improvement over previously proposed turbo FDE algorithm for binary CPM with h=1/2 in multi-path fading channels.
