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[Keyword] SI(16314hit)


  • 60-GHz-Band Switched-Beam Eight-Sector Antenna with SP8T Switch for 180 Azimuth Scan

    Amane MIURA  Masataka OHIRA  Shoichi KITAZAWA  Masazumi UEBA  

    PAPER-Devices/Circuits for Communications

    E93-B No:3

    This paper proposes a new switched-beam eight-sector antenna for multi-gigabit wireless LAN in the 60-GHz band. Our antenna system introduces access-point (AP) and user-terminal (UT) antennas having the same secθ pattern in the elevation plane so that the received signal power at the receiver is kept constant, independent of the position of the UT. For this system, an eight-sector antenna, a single-pole eight-throw (SP8T) switch, and a beam control unit are integrated as the switched-beam eight-sector antenna. The specifications of the antenna are wide bandwidth ( ≥3 GHz), high-gain ( ≥13 dBi at θ =66), and wide coverage area in both azimuth (0 ≤ φ ≤ 180) and elevation planes (0 ≤ θ ≤ 66). The antenna beam is steered within the specified response time (which is short) by the Media Access Control (MAC). In our antenna, both high gain for a wide elevation angle and wide bandwidth are obtained by using the proposed closely spaced waveguide slot array antenna, which is used as each sector of the eight-sector antenna. The SP8T switch with the beam control unit enables 180 beam scan in the azimuth plane. In a component evaluation, the eight-sector antenna achieves a 10-dB return loss bandwidth of 8 GHz with more than 40-dB port-to-port isolation. Radiation characteristics of the eight-sector antenna indicate that it covers 82% of the entire coverage area at the center frequency and that the coverage rate in the operating frequency band is from 78% to 88%. The performance of the SP8T switch and the beam control unit is verified by measuring the insertion loss at all eight ports and the switching response time. In the antenna system evaluation, measurement by using two prototype antennas as the AP and the UT antennas in the usage condition indicates that the measured received signal power meets the specified constant power for the specified wide elevation angle range, independent of the position of the UT. These experimental results verify the effectiveness of our proposed antenna for multi-gigabit WLAN.

  • Compressing Packets Adaptively Inside Networks

    Masayoshi SHIMAMURA  Hiroyuki KOGA  Takeshi IKENAGA  Masato TSURU  


    E93-B No:3

    Introducing adaptive online data compression at network-internal nodes is considered for alleviating traffic congestion on the network. In this paper, we assume that advanced relay nodes, which possess both a relay function (network resource) and a processing function (computational and storage resources), are placed inside the network, and we propose an adaptive online lossless packet compression scheme utilized at these nodes. This scheme selectively compresses a packet according to its waiting time in the queue during congestion. Through preliminary investigation using actual traffic datasets, we investigate the compression ratio and processing time of packet-by-packet compression in actual network environments. Then, by means of computer simulations, we show that the proposed scheme reduces the packet delay time and discard rate and investigate factors necessary in achieving efficient packet relay.

  • A Covariance-Tying Technique for HMM-Based Speech Synthesis

    Keiichiro OURA  Heiga ZEN  Yoshihiko NANKAKU  Akinobu LEE  Keiichi TOKUDA  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E93-D No:3

    A technique for reducing the footprints of HMM-based speech synthesis systems by tying all covariance matrices of state distributions is described. HMM-based speech synthesis systems usually leave smaller footprints than unit-selection synthesis systems because they store statistics rather than speech waveforms. However, further reduction is essential to put them on embedded devices, which have limited memory. In accordance with the empirical knowledge that covariance matrices have a smaller impact on the quality of synthesized speech than mean vectors, we propose a technique for clustering mean vectors while tying all covariance matrices. Subjective listening test results showed that the proposed technique can shrink the footprints of an HMM-based speech synthesis system while retaining the quality of the synthesized speech.

  • Dynamic and Decentralized Storage Load Balancing with Analogy to Thermal Diffusion for P2P File Sharing

    Masato UCHIDA  Kei OHNISHI  Kento ICHIKAWA  Masato TSURU  Yuji OIE  


    E93-B No:3

    In this paper we propose a file replication scheme inspired by a thermal diffusion phenomenon for storage load balancing in unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing networks. The proposed scheme is designed such that the storage utilization ratios of peers will be uniform, in the same way that the temperature in a field becomes uniform in a thermal diffusion phenomenon. The proposed scheme creates replicas of files in peers probabilistically, where the probability is controlled by using parameters that can be used to find the trade-off between storage load balancing and search performance in unstructured P2P file sharing networks. First, we show through theoretical analysis that the statistical behavior of the storage load balancing controlled by the proposed scheme has an analogy with the thermal diffusion phenomenon. We then show through simulation that the proposed scheme not only has superior performance with respect to balancing the storage load among peers (the primary objective of the present proposal) but also allows the performance trade-off to be widely found. Finally, we qualitatively discuss a guideline for setting the parameter values in order to widely find the performance trade-off from the simulation results.

  • Efficient Window Processing over Disordered Data Streams

    Hyeon-Gyu KIM  Woo-Lam KANG  Myoung-Ho KIM  


    E93-D No:3

    Bursty and out-of-order tuple arrivals complicate the process of determining contents and boundaries of sliding windows. To process windows over such streams efficiently, we need to address two issues regarding fast tuple insertion and disorder control. In this paper, we focus on these issues to process sliding windows efficiently over disordered data streams.

  • Design Guidelines for New Generation Network Architecture

    Hiroaki HARAI  Kenji FUJIKAWA  Ved P. KAFLE  Takaya MIYAZAWA  Masayuki MURATA  Masaaki OHNISHI  Masataka OHTA  Takeshi UMEZAWA  


    E93-B No:3

    Limitations are found in the recent Internet because a lot of functions and protocols are patched to the original suite of layered protocols without considering global optimization. This reveals that end-to-end argument in the original Internet was neither sufficient for the current societal network and nor for a sustainable network of the future. In this position paper, we present design guidelines for a future network, which we call the New Generation Network, which provides the inclusion of diverse human requirements, reliable connection between the real-world and virtual network space, and promotion of social potentiality for human emergence. The guidelines consist of the crystal synthesis, the reality connection, and the sustainable & evolutional guidelines.

  • Least-Squares Conditional Density Estimation

    Masashi SUGIYAMA  Ichiro TAKEUCHI  Taiji SUZUKI  Takafumi KANAMORI  Hirotaka HACHIYA  Daisuke OKANOHARA  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E93-D No:3

    Estimating the conditional mean of an input-output relation is the goal of regression. However, regression analysis is not sufficiently informative if the conditional distribution has multi-modality, is highly asymmetric, or contains heteroscedastic noise. In such scenarios, estimating the conditional distribution itself would be more useful. In this paper, we propose a novel method of conditional density estimation that is suitable for multi-dimensional continuous variables. The basic idea of the proposed method is to express the conditional density in terms of the density ratio and the ratio is directly estimated without going through density estimation. Experiments using benchmark and robot transition datasets illustrate the usefulness of the proposed approach.

  • Fast Intra Mode Decision Using DCT Coefficient Distribution in H.264/AVC

    Sung-Wook HONG  Yung-Lyul LEE  


    E93-A No:3

    The rate-distortion optimization (RDO) method in the H.264/AVC encoder is an informative technology that improves the coding efficiency, but increases the computational complexity. In this letter, a fast Intra mode decision algorithm using DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) coefficients distribution is proposed to reduce the H.264 encoder complexity. The proposed method reduces the encoder complexity on average 63.44%, while the coding efficiency is slightly decreased compared with the H.264/AVC encoder.

  • Memristor Model for SPICE

    Xuliang ZHANG  Zhangcai HUANG  Juebang YU  


    E93-C No:3

    Memristor is drawing more and more attraction nowadays after HP Laboratory announced its invention. Since then many researchers are taking efforts to find its applications in various areas of the information technology. Among the important applications, one of the interesting issues is the research on memristor circuits. To put forward such research, there is an urgent demand to establish a memristor SPICE model, such that people could conduct SPICE simulation to obtain the performance of the memristor circuits under their investigation. This paper reports our efforts to meet the urgent demand. Based on the memristor device fabrication technology parameters, as well as the theoretical description on memristor, we first propose memristor SPICE models, then verify the effectiveness of the proposed models by applying it to some memristor circuits. Simulation results are satisfactory.

  • A Novel Cooperative-Aided Transmission in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks

    Tran Trung DUY  Beongku AN  Hyung-Yun KONG  


    E93-B No:3

    Cooperative transmission protocols attract a great deal of attention in recent years as an efficient way to increase the capacity of multi-hop wireless networks in fading environments. In this paper, we propose and analyze a cooperative transmission method, called Cooperative-Aided Skipping multi-Hop protocol (CASH), for multi-hop wireless networks with Rayleigh fading environments. For performance evaluation, we compare and verify the results of the theoretical analysis with the results of simulations.

  • Distributed Video Coding with Multiple Side Information Sets

    Jung Ah PARK  Doug Young SUH  Gwang-Hoon PARK  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E93-D No:3

    This letter proposes a method to retrieve the original image X out of multiple sets of SI (Side Information) in distributed video coding (DVC). Using Turbo decoding methods, the most reliable segments from the decoded Yi's were selected for the composition of Y∞, whose conditional entropy H(X| Y∞) became much lower than any individual conditional entropy H(X| Yi). This proposal has improved the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) by 1.1 to 1.8 dB, compared to the conventional single SI-based approach.

  • Weighted Acquisition of UWB Signals Based on Energy Detection

    Tingting ZHANG  Qinyu ZHANG  Naitong ZHANG  Hongguang XU  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E93-B No:3

    Due to the low complexity and cost characteristics of ultra-wideband (UWB) systems, a weighted acquisition algorithm based on energy detection is proposed in this paper. This method is divided into two steps to acquire the direct path (DP) component. Firstly, weighted energy detection is applied to determine which energy block the DP lies in by generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT). A sub-optimal weighted vector is obtained, by which the closed form of detection performance is proposed. In the second step, the precise position of DP within the detected energy block is obtained by the statistical characteristics of the channel energy distributions. Key parameters that affect acquisition performance are studied by analytical and numerical methods. Simulations and experiments are carried out for performance and complexity comparison with traditional ones. The results show that weighted acquisition achieves better performance under relative low complexity conditions.

  • Optimal Decision-Making of Countermeasures by Estimating Their Expected Utilities

    So Ryoung PARK  Sanguk NOH  

    PAPER-Distributed Cooperation and Agents

    E93-D No:3

    This paper investigates the autonomous decision-making process of the selection of alternative countermeasures against threats in electronic warfare settings. We introduce a threat model, which represents a specific threat pattern, and a methodology that decides the best countermeasure against real-time threats using the decision theory. To determine the optimal countermeasure, we model the probabilities of the effects of countermeasures, if executed, and combine the probabilities with their utilities. This methodology based upon the inductive threat model calculates the expected utilities of countermeasures which are applicable given a situation, and provide an intelligent command and control agent with the best countermeasure to threats. We present empirical results that demonstrate the agent's capabilities of choosing countermeasures to threats in simulated electronic warfare settings.

  • A Time-Slicing Ring Oscillator for Capturing Time-Dependent Delay Degradation and Power Supply Voltage Fluctuation

    Takumi UEZONO  Kazuya MASU  Takashi SATO  


    E93-C No:3

    A time-slicing ring oscillator (TSRO) which captures time-dependent delay degradation due to periodic transient voltage drop on a power supply network is proposed. An impact of the supply voltage fluctuations, including voltage drop and overshoot, on logic circuit delay is evaluated as a change of oscillation frequency. The TSRO is designed using standard logic cells so that it can be placed almost anywhere in a digital circuit wherein supply voltage fluctuation is concerned. We also propose a new procedure for reconstructing supply voltage waveform. The procedure enables us to accurately monitor time-dependent, effective supply voltages. The -1 dB bandwidth of the TSRO is simulated to be 15.7 GHz, and measured time resolution is 131 ps. Measurement results of a test chip using 90-nm standard CMOS process successfully proved the feasibility of both delay degradation and effective supply voltage fluctuation measurements. Measurement of spatial voltage drop fluctuation is achieved.

  • Overlay Transmission System on Wireless LAN with RTS/CTS Exchange Taking into Account Timing Synchronization

    Kilsoo JEONG  Kazuto YANO  Satoshi TSUKAMOTO  Makoto TAROMARU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E93-B No:3

    This paper proposes a new overlay transmission system for wireless LAN with RTS/CTS exchange. Conventional timing synchronization schemes may fail in the presence of inter-system interference, because they have not been designed for overlay transmission. In the proposed system, a transmitter estimates the transmission timing of the next wireless LAN DATA frame, and then sends its DATA frame at almost the same time as the estimated transmission timing to easily establish timing synchronization at the receiver. Moreover, we employ a tapped delay line adaptive array antenna at both transmitter and receiver to effectively suppress interference due to overlay transmission in a rich multipath propagation environment. The frame error rate performances of the proposed system and the IEEE 802.11a wireless LAN are evaluated through computer simulations that assume an exponentially decaying 8-path non-line-of-sight fading channel and include a timing synchronization process. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed system can achieve overlay transmission while avoiding interference in a rich multipath propagation environment.

  • Robust Object Tracking via Combining Observation Models

    Fan JIANG  Guijin WANG  Chang LIU  Xinggang LIN  Weiguo WU  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E93-D No:3

    Various observation models have been introduced into the object tracking community, and combining them has become a promising direction. This paper proposes a novel approach for estimating the confidences of different observation models, and then effectively combining them in the particle filter framework. In our approach, spatial Likelihood distribution is represented by three simple but efficient parameters, reflecting the overall similarity, distribution sharpness and degree of multi peak. The balance of these three aspects leads to good estimation of confidences, which helps maintain the advantages of each observation model and further increases robustness to partial occlusion. Experiments on challenging video sequences demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

  • Distributed Channel Assignment Scheme Supporting Various Traffic Loads in Microcellular Systems

    Seung-young PARK  Hyun-hee LEE  Kyung-goo JUNG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E93-B No:3

    In this letter, we propose a distributed channel assignment where each basestation selects a set of channels shared by multiple users through time domain scheduling for best effort services. The proposed scheme distributedly assigns the channels considering a cochannel interference from neighboring basestations and its own traffic load condition. The computer simulation demonstrates that the proposed scheme appropriately assigns the channels to the basestations taking into account these requirements.

  • Capacity and Outage Rate of OFDMA Cellular System with Fractional Frequency Reuse

    Hiromasa FUJII  Hitoshi YOSHINO  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E93-B No:3

    Employing fractional frequency reuse (FFR) in OFDMA cellular systems is very attractive since it offers large capacity and single cell frequency reuse. However, its performance in practical environments, e.g. scheduling and arbitrary cell configurations, has not been well revealed. This paper analyzes the theoretical capacity and outage rate of an OFDMA cellular system employing FFR. Numerical examples show that FFR achieves higher capacity than the non-FFR equivalent when the outage rate is low.

  • Performance Evaluation of Peer-to-Peer Progressive Download in Broadband Access Networks

    Megumi SHIBUYA  Tomohiko OGISHI  Shu YAMAMOTO  


    E93-B No:3

    P2P (Peer-to-Peer) file sharing architectures have scalable and cost-effective features. Hence, the application of P2P architectures to media streaming is attractive and expected to be an alternative to the current video streaming using IP multicast or content delivery systems because the current systems require expensive network infrastructures and large scale centralized cache storage systems. In this paper, we investigate the P2P progressive download enabling Internet video streaming services. We demonstrated the capability of the P2P progressive download in both laboratory test network as well as in the Internet. Through the experiments, we clarified the contribution of the FTTH links to the P2P progressive download in the heterogeneous access networks consisting of FTTH and ADSL links. We analyzed the cause of some download performance degradation occurred in the experiment and discussed about the effective methods to provide the video streaming service using P2P progressive download in the current heterogeneous networks.

  • Generating Stable and Sparse Reluctance/Inductance Matrix under Insufficient Discretization

    Yuichi TANJI  Takayuki WATANABE  


    E93-C No:3

    This paper presents generating stable and sparse reluctance/inductance matrix from the inductance matrix which is extracted under insufficient discretization. To generate the sparse reluctance matrix with guaranteed stability, the original matrix has to be (strictly) diagonally dominant M matrix. Hence, the repeated inductance extractions with a smaller grid size are necessary in order to obtain the well-defined matrix. Alternatively, this paper provides some ideas for generating the sparse reluctance matrix, even if the extracted reluctance matrix is not diagonally dominant M matrix. These ease the extraction tasks greatly. Furthermore, the sparse inductance matrix is also generated by using double inverse methods. Since reluctance components are not still supported in SPICE-like simulators, generating the sparse inductance matrix is more useful than the sparse reluctance one.
