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  • A Decentralized XML Database Approach to Electronic Commerce

    Hiroshi ISHIKAWA  Manabu OHTA  

    PAPER-Electronic Commerce

    E84-D No:10

    Decentralized XML databases are often used in Electronic Commerce (EC) business models such as e-brokers on the Web. To flexibly model such applications, we need a modeling language for EC business processes. To this end, we have adopted a query language approach and have designed a query language, called XBML, for decentralized XML databases used in EC businesses. In this paper, we explain and validate the functionality of XBML by specifying e-broker business models and describe the implementation of the XBML server, focusing on the distributed query processing.

  • A Commitment-Based Approach for Business Process Interoperation

    Jie XING  Feng WAN  Sudhir Kumar RUSTOGI  Munindar P. SINGH  

    PAPER-Electronic Commerce

    E84-D No:10

    Successful e-commerce presupposes techniques by which autonomous trading entities can interoperate. Although progress has been made on data exchange and payment protocols, interoperation in the face of autonomy is still inadequately understood. Current techniques, designed for closed environments, support only the simplest interactions. We develop a multiagent approach for interoperation of business process in e-commerce. This approach consists of (1) a behavioral model to specify autonomous, heterogeneous agents representing different trading entities (businesses, consumers, brokers), (2) a metamodel that provides a language (based on XML) for specifying a variety of service agreements and accommodating exceptions and revisions, and (3) an execution architecture that supports persistent and dynamic (re)execution.

  • Electromagnetically Coupled Power Divider Using Parasitic Element

    Hajime IZUMI  Hiroyuki ARAI  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E84-C No:10

    This paper describes an electromagnetically coupled microstrip divider that provides high output port isolation and DC cutting. The device consists of a parasitic resonator placed above microstrip patch resonators, achieving tight coupling for both input and output ports. FDTD simulation and measurements reveal that the device has a high isolation between output ports. Equal and unequal 2-way and 3-way power dividers are presented in this paper.

  • A Hybrid ARQ Protocol with a Multi-Copy Retransmission Scheme for Real-Time ATM Services in Broadband Radio Access Networks

    Chang Wook AHN  Chung Gu KANG  Chul Hee KANG  Woo Shik KANG  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E84-B No:10

    In this paper, we propose a new type of hybrid ARQ protocol, in which a channel-adaptive variable rate channel coding scheme is combined with a multi-copy retransmission strategy so as to enhance the system performance under the delay constraint of real-time ATM services in broadband radio access networks. The main feature of a multi-copy retransmission strategy in this scheme is to improve the average throughput for a given Forward Error Correction (FEC) rate, subject to the prescribed cell loss requirement of the real-time wireless ATM services, while augmenting the reliability of channel state information required for a channel-adaptive FEC scheme. Our analysis shows that under a harsh fading channel, the proposed approach is useful for achieving the prescribed cell loss performance without significantly degrading the average throughput performance.

  • Hydrogen Degradation of InP HEMTs and GaAs PHEMTs

    Jesus A. del ALAMO  Roxann R. BLANCHARD  Samuel D. MERTENS  

    INVITED PAPER-Hetero-FETs & Their Integrated Circuits

    E84-C No:10

    We have carried out a systematic study of the impact of hydrogen exposure on InP HEMTs and GaAs PHEMTs with Ti/Pt/Au gates. Hydrogen poisoning is an important reliability concern in these devices. Our work has provided ample evidence supporting the formation of TiH inside the gate structure upon exposure of HEMTs to a hydrogen environment. The resulting volume expansion of the gate stresses the semiconductor heterostructure underneath and, through the piezoelectric effect, results in a shift of the threshold voltage of the device. This mechanism is largely reversible. Independently of this, we have found that H2 upsets the stoichiometry of the exposed InAlAs barrier in the recessed region right next to the gate. This irreversebly changes the extrinsic sheet carrier concentration in the channel and affects other figures of merit such as the breakdown voltage. This understanding should be instrumental in identifying device-level solutions to this problem.

  • Characterization of the Feedback Induced Noise in Semiconductor Laser under Superposition of High Frequency Current

    Minoru YAMADA  Shunsuke YAMAMURA  Takaharu OKAMOTO  

    PAPER-Lasers, Quantum Electronics

    E84-C No:10

    Characteristics of the optical feedback noise in semiconductor lasers under superposition of the HF (High Frequency) current were experimentally examined and theoretically analyzed. The feedback noise was mostly suppressed by superposition of HF current, but still remained when frequency of the HF current coincided with a rational number of the round trip time period for the optical feedback in experimental measurement. Theoretical analysis was also given to explain these characteristic based on the mode competition theory of the semiconductor laser.

  • A Post-Layout Optimization by Combining Buffer Insertion and Transistor Sizing

    Sungkun LEE  Juho KIM  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E84-A No:10

    This paper presents methods of combining buffer insertion and transistor sizing into a single post-layout optimization. The proposed method considers the tradeoff between upsizing transistors and inserting buffers then chooses the solution with the lowest possible power and area cost. The proposed method is efficient and tunable in that optimality can be traded for compute time.

  • Simultaneous Evaluation of Microscopic Defects and Macroscopic 3-D Shape of Planer Object Derived from Specular Reflection Image Sequence

    Hidetoshi MIIKE  Sosuke TSUKAMOTO  Keishi NISHIHARA  Takashi KURODA  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E84-D No:10

    This paper proposes a precise method of realizing simultaneous measurement of microscopic defects and the macroscopic three-dimensional shapes of planar objects having specular reflection surfaces. The direction vector field of surface tilt is evaluated directly by the introduction of a moving slit-light technique based on computer graphic animation. A reflected image created by the moving slit-light is captured by a video camera, and the image sequence of the slit-light deformation is analyzed. The obtained direction vector field of the surface tilt recovers the surface shape by means of integration. Two sample objects, a concave mirror and a plane plastic injection molding, are tested to measure the performance of the proposed method. Surface anomalies such as surface dent and warpage are detected quantitatively at a high resolution (about 0.2 [µm]) and a high accuracy (about 95%) in a wide area (about 15 [cm]) of the test object.

  • Surface Passivation Process for GaN-Based Electronic Devices Utilizing ECR-CVD SiNx Film

    Tamotsu HASHIZUME  Ryuusuke NAKASAKI  Shin-ya OOTOMO  Susumu OYAMA  Hideki HASEGAWA  

    PAPER-Novel Electron Devices

    E84-C No:10

    Surface passivation process of GaN utilizing electron-cyclotron-resonance (ECR) excited plasma has been characterized and optimized for realization of stable operation in GaN-based high-power/high-frequancy electronic devices. From XPS analysis, the NH4OH treatment as well as the ECR-N2 and ECR-H2 plasma treatments were found to be effective in removing natural oxide and contaminants from the GaN surface. The SiNx/GaN structure prepared by the ECR excited plasma chemical vapor deposition (ECR-CVD) process showed better C-V behavior compared to the SiO2/GaN structure. Surface treatment process using the ECR plasma improved interface properties and achieved the Dit value of 21011 cm-2 eV-1 or less. An estimate of the valence band offset by XPS showed that the present SiNx/n-GaN structure has a type-I band lineup, suitable for the surface passivation of GaN-based devices. No pronounced stress remained at the SiNx/GaN interface, which was confirmed by Raman spectroscopy.

  • Development of the Autonomous Decentralized Train Control System

    Masayuki MATSUMOTO  Akiyoshi HOSOKAWA  Satoru KITAMURA  Dai WATANABE  Atsushi KAWABATA  

    PAPER-Railway System

    E84-D No:10

    This paper introduces a new digital ATC (Automatic Train Control device) system. In the current ATC, the central ATC logic device calculates permissive speed of each blocking section and controls speed of all trains. On the other hand, in the new digital ATC, the central logic controller calculates each position to which a train can move safely, and sends the information on positions to all trains. On each train, the on-board equipment calculates an appropriate braking pattern with the information, and controls velocity of the train. That is, in the new system, the device on each train autonomously calculates permissive speed of that train. These special features realize ideal speed control of each train making full use of its performance for acceleration and deceleration, which in turns allows high-density train operations.

  • Relaxation of Coefficient Sensitiveness to Performance for Neural Networks Using Neuron Filter through Total Coloring Problems


    LETTER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E84-A No:9

    In this paper we show that the neuron filter is effective for relaxing the coefficient sensitiveness of the Hopfield neural network for combinatorial optimization problems. Since the parameters in motion equation have a significant influence on the performance of the neural network, many studies have been carried out to support determining the value of the parameters. However, not a few researchers have determined the value of the parameters experimentally yet. We show that the use of the neuron filter is effective for the parameter tuning, particularly for determining their values experimentally through simulations.

  • Radiation from Bent Transmission Lines

    Sungkyu LEE  Masashi HAYAKAWA  Naomitu ISHIBASHI  


    E84-B No:9

    This paper deals with the radiation phenomenon from bent transmission lines numerically and experimentally. At first, the radiation loss for different types of bent transmission lines has been estimated by using the method of moments (MoM), in order to suggest the most optimal design for a bent line in terms of a radiation loss. So, the simplest line with a right-angle bend is recommended. Then, the radiation patterns from such a right-angle bent transmission line have been numerically calculated, which may indicate that the radiation is originated mainly at the bend, but other parts are also found to contribute to the overall pattern with many extra lobes. All of the numerical results were confirmed by the corresponding experiment.

  • Noise Generation System Using DCT

    Ki-Cheol TAE  Dae-Ik KIM   Jin-Gyun CHUNG  

    LETTER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment

    E84-B No:9

    A flexible noise generation algorithm using DCT is proposed. The proposed method outperforms the conventional methods when a noise model requires complicated PSD (Power Spectral Density) specifications. Also, it is shown that the proposed system can be used for the test of VDSL (Very high-speed Digital Subscriber Line).

  • Line Integral Representation for Diffracted Fields in Physical Optics Approximation Based on Field Equivalence Principle and Maggi-Rubinowicz Transformation

    Ken-ichi SAKINA  Makoto ANDO  

    PAPER-EM Theory

    E84-B No:9

    This paper first gives the exact surface integral representation for PO diffracted electromagnetic fields from bounded flat plate through the deformations of the original surface by using field equivalence principle. This exact representation with the surface integral can be approximately reduced to novel line integral along the boundary of the plate by the use of Maggi-Rubinowicz transformation, which keeps a high accuracy even in near zone. Numerical results for the scattering of the electric dipole wave from the square planar plate are presented for demonstrating the accuracy.

  • Computer Experiments on a Three-Wave Coupling in Association with Microwave Power Transmission in Space Plasma

    Hideyuki USUI  Hiroshi MATSUMOTO  Roger GENDRIN  Takeo NISHIKAWA  

    PAPER-EM Theory

    E84-B No:9

    We studied a three-wave coupling process occurring in microwave power transmission (MPT) experiment in the ionospheric plasma by performing computer experiments with one-dimensional electromagnetic PIC (Particle-In-Cell) model. In order to examine the spatial variation of the coupling process, we continuously emitted intense electromagnetic wave from an antenna located at a simulation boundary. In the three-wave coupling, a low-frequency electrostatic wave is excited as the consequence of a nonlinear interaction between the forward propagating pump wave and backscattered one. In the computer experiments, low-frequency electrostatic bursts are discontinuously observed in space. The discontinuity of the electrostatic bursts is accounted for by the local electron heating due to the bursts and associated modification of the wave dispersion relation. In a case where the pump wave propagates along the geomagnetic field Bext, several bursts of Langmuir waves are observed. Since the first burst consumes a part of the pump wave energy, the pump wave is weakened and cannot trigger the three-wave coupling beyond the region where the burst occurs. Since the dispersion relation of the Langmuir wave is variable due to the local electron heating by the burst, the coupling condition eventually becomes unsatisfied and the first interaction becomes weak. Another burst of Langmuir waves is observed at a different region beyond the location of the first burst. In the case of perpendicular propagation, the upper hybrid wave, one of the mode branches of the electron cyclotron harmonic waves, is excited. Since the dispersion relation of the upper hybrid wave is less sensitive to the electron temperature, the coupling condition is not easily violated by the temperature increase. As a result, the three-wave coupling periodically takes place in time and eventually the transmission ratio of the microwaves becomes approximately 20% while almost no attenuation of the pump waves is observed after the first electrostatic burst in the parallel case.

  • Fast Inversion Method for Electromagnetic Imaging of Cylindrical Dielectric Objects with Optimal Regularization Parameter

    Mitsuru TANAKA  Kuniomi OGATA  

    PAPER-EM Theory

    E84-B No:9

    This paper presents a fast inversion method for electromagnetic imaging of cylindrical dielectric objects with the optimal regularization parameter used in the Levenberg-Marquardt method. A novel procedure for choosing the optimal regularization parameter is proposed. The method of moments with pulse-basis functions and point matching is applied to discretize the equations for the scattered electric field and the total electric field inside the object. Then the inverse scattering problem is reduced to solving the matrix equation for the unknown expansion coefficients of a contrast function, which is represented as a function of the relative permittivity of the object. The matrix equation may be solved in the least-squares sense with the Levenberg-Marquardt method. Thus the contrast function can be reconstructed by the minimization of a functional, which is expressed as the sum of a standard error term on the scattered electric field and an additional regularization term. While a regularization parameter is usually chosen according to the generalized cross-validation (GCV) method, the optimal one is now determined by minimizing the absolute value of the radius of curvature of the GCV function. This scheme is quite different from the GCV method. Numerical results are presented for a circular cylinder and a stratified circular cylinder consisting of two concentric homogeneous layers. The convergence behaviors of the proposed method and the GCV method are compared with each other. It is confirmed from the numerical results that the proposed method provides successful reconstructions with the property of much faster convergence than the conventional GCV method.

  • Validation of Equivalent Received Bandwidth to Characterize Received Signal Level Distribution through Experiment and Simulation

    Hiroaki NAKABAYASHI  Jiang YAN  Hironari MASUI  Masanori ISHII  Kozo SAKAWA  Hiroyuki SHIMIZU  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  Shigeru KOZONO  


    E84-B No:9

    To generalize characteristics of a received signal level distribution from narrow- to wide-bands in a mobile radio channel, a new propagation parameter called equivalent received bandwidth (2ΔfΔLmax) has been proposed. The distributions are discussed mainly with computer simulation results. The simulation results shows the level distribution depends on 2ΔfΔLmax and power ratio a of direct to indirect waves, and the value of 2ΔfΔLmax classifies the radio channel as narrow- or wide-bands transmission. To confirm these simulated results, a field test was performed with a 3.35 GHz radio wave. This paper describes that the field test demonstrated the simulation results. It is concluded that the equation representing received signal level in the computer simulation is valid. And the fading depth depends directly on 2ΔfΔLmax, and the 2ΔfΔLmax is effective for generalizing the received signal level distribution. Furthermore, a method for calculating the power ratio was found to be better for a peak level model.

  • A Channel Assignment Strategy without Handoff Failure for Low Earth-Orbit Satellite Communication Systems

    Chia-Sheng TSAI  Szu-Lin SU  

    PAPER-Satellite and Space Communications

    E84-B No:9

    This work presents a novel channel assignment scheme for low earth-orbit (LEO) satellite-based mobile communication systems, in which any newly generated call will first be assigned an optimum channel and will no longer be reassigned even when it crosses the boundary of the cell. Thus, the compact reuse distance can be maintained and no handoff failure will occur owing to channel unavailability. Furthermore, a high quality service which guarantees successful handoff processes can be provided. The performance of the proposed strategy is analyzed and compared with the performances of the fixed channel assignment (FCA) scheme and dynamic channel assignment schemes.

  • Separating Virtual and Real Objects Using Independent Component Analysis

    HERMANTO  Allan Kardec BARROS  Tsuyoshi YAMAMURA  Noboru OHNISHI  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E84-D No:9

    We often see reflection phenomenon in our life. For example, through window glass, we can see real objects, but reflection causes virtual objects to appear in front of the glass. Thus, it is sometimes difficult to recognize the real objects. Some works have been proposed to separate these real and virtual objects using an optical property called polarization. However, they have a restriction on one assumption: the angle of incidence. In this paper, we overcome this difficulty using independent component analysis (ICA). We show the efficiency of the proposed method, by experimental results.

  • 2-D Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Using a Linear Interpolation Technique for Circular Array

    Takashi AKIYAMA  Tateo YAMAOKA  Nozomu HAMADA  


    E84-B No:9

    The MUSIC (Multiple Signal Classification) technique with the circular array can estimate both elevational and azimuthal direction-of-arrival (DOA). This conventional method can not distinguish coherent signals, therefore, it can not estimate proper DOA in the presence of coherent signals. On the other hand, limited as to uniformly spaced linear arrays, the spatial smoothing technique is shown to be effective approach in decorrelating coherent signals. This scheme can not be applied directly to the nonlinear arrays. To overcome the coherent signal nonseparation problem in the nonlinear arrays, the approach using a linear interpolation technique has been proposed. However, this approach provides DOA estimates in one dimensional. In our proposed method, we use not only a linear interpolation technique for the circular array but also the symmetry of the circular array. The computer simulation is performed to demonstrate the usefulness of our method. As its result shows, the method can perform well even in the presence of coherent signals.
