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  • A Robust Algorithm for Deadline Constrained Scheduling in IaaS Cloud Environment

    Bilkisu Larai MUHAMMAD-BELLO  Masayoshi ARITSUGI  

    PAPER-Cloud Computing

    E101-D No:12

    The Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Clouds are emerging as a promising platform for the execution of resource demanding and computation intensive workflow applications. Scheduling the execution of scientific applications expressed as workflows on IaaS Clouds involves many uncertainties due to the variable and unpredictable performance of Cloud resources. These uncertainties are modeled by probability distribution functions in past researches or totally ignored in some cases. In this paper, we propose a novel robust deadline constrained workflow scheduling algorithm which handles the uncertainties in scheduling workflows in the IaaS Cloud environment. Our proposal is a static scheduling algorithm aimed at addressing the uncertainties related to: the estimation of task execution times; and, the delay in provisioning computational Cloud resources. The workflow scheduling problem was considered as a cost-optimized, deadline-constrained optimization problem. Our uncertainty handling strategy was based on the consideration of knowledge of the interval of uncertainty, which we used to modeling the execution times rather than using a known probability distribution function or precise estimations which are known to be very sensitive to variations. Experimental evaluations using CloudSim with synthetic workflows of various sizes show that our proposal is robust to fluctuations in estimates of task runtimes and is able to produce high quality schedules that have deadline guarantees with minimal penalty cost trade-off depending on the length of the interval of uncertainty. Scheduling solutions for varying degrees of uncertainty resisted against deadline violations at runtime as against the static IC-PCP algorithm which could not guarantee deadline constraints in the face of uncertainty.

  • Visualization of Inter-Module Dataflow through Global Variables for Source Code Review

    Naoto ISHIDA  Takashi ISHIO  Yuta NAKAMURA  Shinji KAWAGUCHI  Tetsuya KANDA  Katsuro INOUE  

    LETTER-Software System

    E101-D No:12

    Defects in spacecraft software may result in loss of life and serious economic damage. To avoid such consequences, the software development process incorporates code review activity. A code review conducted by a third-party organization independently of a software development team can effectively identify defects in software. However, such review activity is difficult for third-party reviewers, because they need to understand the entire structure of the code within a limited time and without prior knowledge. In this study, we propose a tool to visualize inter-module dataflow for source code of spacecraft software systems. To evaluate the method, an autonomous rover control program was reviewed using this visualization. While the tool does not decreases the time required for a code review, the reviewers considered the visualization to be effective for reviewing code.

  • A Multilevel Indexing Method for Approximate Geospatial Aggregation Analysis

    Luo CHEN  Ye WU  Wei XIONG  Ning JING  

    LETTER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E101-D No:12

    In terms of spatial online aggregation, traditional stand-alone serial methods gradually become limited. Although parallel computing is widely studied nowadays, there scarcely has research conducted on the index-based parallel online aggregation methods, specifically for spatial data. In this letter, a parallel multilevel indexing method is proposed to accelerate spatial online aggregation analyses, which contains two steps. In the first step, a parallel aR tree index is built to accelerate aggregate query locally. In the second step, a multilevel sampling data pyramid structure is built based on the parallel aR tree index, which contribute to the concurrent returned query results with certain confidence degree. Experimental and analytical results verify that the methods are capable of handling billion-scale data.

  • Event De-Noising Convolutional Neural Network for Detecting Malicious URL Sequences from Proxy Logs

    Toshiki SHIBAHARA  Kohei YAMANISHI  Yuta TAKATA  Daiki CHIBA  Taiga HOKAGUCHI  Mitsuaki AKIYAMA  Takeshi YAGI  Yuichi OHSITA  Masayuki MURATA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E101-A No:12

    The number of infected hosts on enterprise networks has been increased by drive-by download attacks. In these attacks, users of compromised popular websites are redirected toward websites that exploit vulnerabilities of a browser and its plugins. To prevent damage, detection of infected hosts on the basis of proxy logs rather than blacklist-based filtering has started to be researched. This is because blacklists have become difficult to create due to the short lifetime of malicious domains and concealment of exploit code. To detect accesses to malicious websites from proxy logs, we propose a system for detecting malicious URL sequences on the basis of three key ideas: focusing on sequences of URLs that include artifacts of malicious redirections, designing new features related to software other than browsers, and generating new training data with data augmentation. To find an effective approach for classifying URL sequences, we compared three approaches: an individual-based approach, a convolutional neural network (CNN), and our new event de-noising CNN (EDCNN). Our EDCNN reduces the negative effects of benign URLs redirected from compromised websites included in malicious URL sequences. Evaluation results show that only our EDCNN with proposed features and data augmentation achieved a practical classification performance: a true positive rate of 99.1%, and a false positive rate of 3.4%.

  • Log-Likelihood Ratio Calculation Using 3-Bit Soft-Decision for Error Correction in Visible Light Communication Systems

    Dinh-Dung LE  Duc-Phuc NGUYEN  Thi-Hong TRAN  Yasuhiko NAKASHIMA  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E101-A No:12

    Forward Error Correction (FEC) schemes have played an important role in intensity-modulation direct-detection (IM/DD) Visible Light Communication (VLC) systems. While hard-decision FEC schemes are inferior to soft-decision FEC codes in terms of decoding performance, they are widely used in these VLC systems because receivers are only capable of recognizing logical values 0 and 1. In this letter, we propose a method to calculate the log-likelihood ratios (LLR) values which are used as input of soft-decision FEC decoders. Simulation results show that Polar decoder using proposed method performs better than that of using the hard-decision technique.

  • View Priority Based Threads Allocation and Binary Search Oriented Reweight for GPU Accelerated Real-Time 3D Ball Tracking

    Yilin HOU  Ziwei DENG  Xina CHENG  Takeshi IKENAGA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E101-D No:12

    In real-time 3D ball tracking of sports analysis in computer vision technology, complex algorithms which assure the accuracy could be time-consuming. Particle filter based algorithm has a large potential to accelerate since the algorithm between particles has the chance to be paralleled in heterogeneous CPU-GPU platform. Still, with the target multi-view 3D ball tracking algorithm, challenges exist: 1) serial flowchart for each step in the algorithm; 2) repeated processing for multiple views' processing; 3) the low degree of parallelism in reweight and resampling steps for sequential processing. On the CPU-GPU platform, this paper proposes the double stream system flow, the view priority based threads allocation, and the binary search oriented reweight. Double stream system flow assigns tasks which there is no data dependency exists into different streams for each frame processing to achieve parallelism in system structure level. View priority based threads allocation manipulates threads in multi-view observation task. Threads number is view number multiplied by particles number, and with view priority assigning, which could help both memory accessing and computing achieving parallelism. Binary search oriented reweight reduces the time complexity by avoiding to generate cumulative distribution function and uses an unordered array to implement a binary search. The experiment is based on videos which record the final game of an official volleyball match (2014 Inter-High School Games of Men's Volleyball held in Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium in Aug. 2014) and the test sequences are taken by multiple-view system which is made of 4 cameras locating at the four corners of the court. The success rate achieves 99.23% which is the same as target algorithm while the time consumption has been accelerated from 75.1ms/frame in CPU environment to 3.05ms/frame in the proposed system which is 24.62 times speed up, also, it achieves 2.33 times speedup compared with basic GPU implemented work.

  • A Unified Approach to Error Exponents for Multiterminal Source Coding Systems

    Shigeaki KUZUOKA  

    PAPER-Shannon theory

    E101-A No:12

    Two kinds of problems - multiterminal hypothesis testing and one-to-many lossy source coding - are investigated in a unified way. It is demonstrated that a simple key idea, which is developed by Iriyama for one-to-one source coding systems, can be applied to multiterminal source coding systems. In particular, general bounds on the error exponents for multiterminal hypothesis testing and one-to-many lossy source coding are given.

  • Design and Experiment of Via-Less and Small-Radiation Waveguide to Microstrip Line Transitions for Millimeter Wave Radar Modules

    Takashi MARUYAMA  Shigeo UDAGAWA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E101-B No:12

    We propose waveguide to microstrip line transitions for automotive millimeter wave radar modules. The transitions perpendicularly connect one waveguide and one or two microstrip lines. The configuration is simple because it consists of a waveguide and a dielectric substrate with copper foils. Additionally the transitions do not need via holes on the substrate. It leads to lower costs and improved reliability. We have already proposed a via-less transition by using multi-stage impedance transformers. The impedance transformers are used for suppressing undesirable radiation from the transition as well as impedance matching. In this paper, we propose a new transition with the microstrip lines on the long axis of the waveguide while most transitions place the microstrip lines on the minor axis (electric field direction) of the waveguide. Though our transition uses bend structures of microstrip lines, which basically cause radiation, our optimized configuration can keep small radiation. We also design a transition with a single microstrip line. The proposed transition with 2 microstrip lines can be modified to the 1 microstrip line version with minimum radiation loss. Electromagnetic simulations confirm the small radiation levels expected. Additionally we fabricate the transitions with back to back structure and determine the transmission and radiation performance. We also fabricates the transition for a patch array antenna. We confirm that the undesirable radiation from the proposed transition is small and the radiation pattern of the array antenna is not worsen by the transition.

  • Hidden Singer: Distinguishing Imitation Singers Based on Training with Only the Original Song

    Hosung PARK  Seungsoo NAM  Eun Man CHOI  Daeseon CHOI  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E101-D No:12

    Hidden Singer is a television program in Korea. In the show, the original singer and four imitating singers sing a song in hiding behind a screen. The audience and TV viewers attempt to guess who the original singer is by listening to the singing voices. Usually, there are few correct answers from the audience, because the imitators are well trained and highly skilled. We propose a computerized system for distinguishing the original singer from the imitating singers. During the training phase, the system learns only the original singer's song because it is the one the audience has heard before. During the testing phase, the songs of five candidates are provided to the system and the system then determines the original singer. The system uses a 1-class authentication method, in which only a subject model is made. The subject model is used for measuring similarities between the candidate songs. In this problem, unlike other existing studies that require artist identification, we cannot utilize multi-class classifiers and supervised learning because songs of the imitators and the labels are not provided during the training phase. Therefore, we evaluate the performances of several 1-class learning algorithms to choose which one is more efficient in distinguishing an original singer from among highly skilled imitators. The experiment results show that the proposed system using the autoencoder performs better (63.33%) than other 1-class learning algorithms: Gaussian mixture model (GMM) (50%) and one class support vector machines (OCSVM) (26.67%). We also conduct a human contest to compare the performance of the proposed system with human perception. The accuracy of the proposed system is found to be better (63.33%) than the average accuracy of human perception (33.48%).

  • Distributed Video Decoding on Hadoop

    Illo YOON  Saehanseul YI  Chanyoung OH  Hyeonjin JUNG  Youngmin YI  

    PAPER-Cluster Computing

    E101-D No:12

    Video analytics is usually time-consuming as it not only requires video decoding as a first step but also usually applies complex computer vision and machine learning algorithms to the decoded frame. To achieve high efficiency in video analytics with ever increasing frame size, many researches have been conducted for distributed video processing using Hadoop. However, most approaches focused on processing multiple video files on multiple nodes. Such approaches require a number of video files to achieve any speedup, and could easily result in load imbalance when the size of video files is reasonably long since a video file itself is processed sequentially. In contrast, we propose a distributed video decoding method with an extended FFmpeg and VideoRecordReader, by which a single large video file can be processed in parallel across multiple nodes in Hadoop. The experimental results show that a case study of face detection and SURF system achieve 40.6 times and 29.1 times of speedups respectively on a four-node cluster with 12 mappers in each node, showing good scalability.

  • Phase Locking Value Calculator Based on Hardware-Oriented Mathematical Expression

    Tomoki SUGIURA  Jaehoon YU  Yoshinori TAKEUCHI  


    E101-A No:12

    A phase locking value (PLV) in electrocorticography is an essential indicator for analysis of cognitive activities and detection of severe diseases such as seizure of epilepsy. The PLV computation requires a simultaneous pursuit of high-throughput and low-cost implementation in hardware acceleration. The PLV computation consists of bandpass filtering, Hilbert transform, and mean phase coherence (MPC) calculation. The MPC calculation includes trigonometric functions and divisions, and these calculations require a lot of computational amounts. This paper proposes an MPC calculation method that removes high-cost operations from the original MPC with mathematically identical derivations while the conventional methods sacrifice either computational accuracy or throughput. This paper also proposes a hardware implementation of MPC calculator whose latency is 21 cycles and pipeline interval is five cycles. Compared with the conventional implementation with the same standard cell library, the proposed implementation marks 2.8 times better hardware implementation efficiency that is defined as throughput per gate counts.

  • Layout-Aware Fast Bridge/Open Test Generation by 2-Step Pattern Reordering

    Masayuki ARAI  Shingo INUYAMA  Kazuhiko IWASAKI  


    E101-A No:12

    As semiconductor device manufacturing technology evolves toward higher integration and reduced feature size, the gap between the defect level estimated at the design stage and that reported for fabricated devices has become wider, making it more difficult to control total manufacturing cost including test cost and cost for field failure. To estimate fault coverage more precisely considering occurrence probabilities of faults, we have proposed weighted fault coverage estimation based on critical area corresponding to each fault. Previously different fault models were handled separately; thus, pattern compression efficiency and runtime were not optimized. In this study, we propose a fast test pattern generation scheme that considers weighted bridge and open fault coverage in an integrated manner. The proposed scheme applies two-step test pattern generation, wherein test patterns generated at second step that target only bridge faults are reordered with a search window of fixed size, achieving O(n) computational complexity. Experimental results indicate that with 10% of the initial target fault size and a fixed, small window size, the proposed scheme achieves approximately 100 times runtime reduction when compared to simple greedy-based reordering, in exchange for about 5% pattern count increment.

  • Low Latency 256-bit $mathbb{F}_p$ ECDSA Signature Generation Crypto Processor

    Shotaro SUGIYAMA  Hiromitsu AWANO  Makoto IKEDA  


    E101-A No:12

    A 256-bit $mathbb{F}_p$ ECDSA crypto processor featuring low latency, low energy consumption and capability of changing the Elliptic curve parameters is designed and fabricated in SOTB 65nm CMOS process. We have demonstrated the lowest ever reported signature generation time of 31.3 μs at 238MHz clock frequency. Energy consumption is 3.28 μJ/signature-generation, which is same as the lowest reported till date. We have also derived addition formulae on Elliptic curve useful for reduce the number of registers and operation cycles.

  • Hardware Trojan Detection and Classification Based on Logic Testing Utilizing Steady State Learning

    Masaru OYA  Masao YANAGISAWA  Nozomu TOGAWA  


    E101-A No:12

    Modern digital integrated circuits (ICs) are often designed and fabricated by third parties and tools, which can make IC design/fabrication vulnerable to malicious modifications. The malicious circuits are generally referred to as hardware Trojans (HTs) and they are considered to be a serious security concern. In this paper, we propose a logic-testing based HT detection and classification method utilizing steady state learning. We first observe that HTs are hidden while applying random test patterns in a short time but most of them can be activated in a very long-term random circuit operation. Hence it is very natural that we learn steady signal-transition states of every suspicious Trojan net in a netlist by performing short-term random simulation. After that, we simulate or emulate the netlist in a very long time by giving random test patterns and obtain a set of signal-transition states. By discovering correlation between them, our method detects HTs and finds out its behavior. HTs sometimes do not affect primary outputs but just leak information over side channels. Our method can be successfully applied to those types of HTs. Experimental results demonstrate that our method can successfully identify all the real Trojan nets to be Trojan nets and all the normal nets to be normal nets, while other existing logic-testing HT detection methods cannot detect some of them. Moreover, our method can successfully detect HTs even if they are not really activated during long-term random simulation. Our method also correctly guesses the HT behavior utilizing signal transition learning.

  • Empirical Bayes Estimation for L1 Regularization: A Detailed Analysis in the One-Parameter Lasso Model

    Tsukasa YOSHIDA  Kazuho WATANABE  

    PAPER-Machine learning

    E101-A No:12

    Lasso regression based on the L1 regularization is one of the most popular sparse estimation methods. It is often required to set appropriately in advance the regularization parameter that determines the degree of regularization. Although the empirical Bayes approach provides an effective method to estimate the regularization parameter, its solution has yet to be fully investigated in the lasso regression model. In this study, we analyze the empirical Bayes estimator of the one-parameter model of lasso regression and show its uniqueness and its properties. Furthermore, we compare this estimator with that of the variational approximation, and its accuracy is evaluated.

  • Extending Distributed-Based Transversal Filter Method to Spectral Amplitude Encoded CDMA


    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E101-C No:12

    In this paper, the analog code modulation characteristics of distributed-based transversal filters (DTFs) suitable for use in spectrally encoded CDMA systems are presented. The DTF is verified as an appropriate method to use in high-speed CDMA systems as opposed to previously proposed methods, which are intended for Direct Sequence (DS) CDMA systems. The large degree of freedom of DTF design permits controlling the filter pulse response to generate well specified temporal phase-coded signals. A decoder structure that performs bipolar detection of user subbands giving rise to a Spectral-Amplitude Encoded CDMA system is considered. Practical implementations require truncating the spreading signals by a time window of duration equal to the span time of the tapped delay line. Filter functions are chosen to demodulate the matched channel and achieve improved user interference rejection avoiding the need for transversal filters featuring a large number of taps. As a proof-of-concept of the electronic SAE scheme, practical circuit designs are developed at low speeds (3-dB point at 1 GHz) demonstrating the viability of the proposal.

  • Spatially Coupled Low-Density Parity-Check Codes on Two-Dimensional Array Erasure Channel

    Gou HOSOYA  Hiroyuki YASHIMA  

    PAPER-Coding theory and techniques

    E101-A No:12

    In this study, spatially coupled low-density parity-check (SC-LDPC) codes on the two-dimensional array erasure (2DAE) channel are devised, including a method for generating new SC-LDPC codes with a restriction on the check node constraint. A density evolution analysis confirms the improvement in the threshold of the proposed two-dimensional SC-LDPC code ensembles over the one-dimensional SC-LDPC code ensembles. We show that the BP threshold of the proposed codes can approach the corresponding maximum a posteriori (MAP) threshold of the original residual graph on the 2DAE channel. Moreover, we show that the rates of the residual graph of the two-dimensional LDPC block code ensemble are smaller than those of the one-dimensional LDPC block code ensemble. In other words, a high performance can be obtained by choosing the two-dimensional SC-LDPC codes.

  • Joint Iterative Decoding of Spatially Coupled Low-Density Parity-Check Codes for Position Errors in Racetrack Memories Open Access

    Ryo SHIBATA  Gou HOSOYA  Hiroyuki YASHIMA  

    PAPER-Coding theory and techniques

    E101-A No:12

    Racetrack memory (RM) has attracted much attention. In RM, insertion and deletion (ID) errors occur as a result of an unstable reading process and are called position errors. In this paper, we first define a probabilistic channel model of ID errors in RM with multiple read-heads (RHs). Then, we propose a joint iterative decoding algorithm for spatially coupled low-density parity-check (SC-LDPC) codes over such a channel. We investigate the asymptotic behaviors of SC-LDPC codes under the proposed decoding algorithm using density evolution (DE). With DE, we reveal the relationship between the number of RHs and achievable information rates, along with the iterative decoding thresholds. The results show that increasing the number of RHs provides higher decoding performances, although the proposed decoding algorithm requires each codeword bit to be read only once regardless of the number of RHs. Moreover, we show the performance improvement produced by adjusting the order of the SC-LDPC codeword bits in RM.

  • Probabilistic Fault Diagnosis and its Analysis in Multicomputer Systems

    Manabu KOBAYASHI  Toshiyasu MATSUSHIMA  Shigeichi HIRASAWA  

    PAPER-Coding theory and techniques

    E101-A No:12

    F.P. Preparata et al. have proposed a fault diagnosis model to find all faulty units in the multicomputer system by using outcomes which each unit tests some other units. In this paper, for probabilistic diagnosis models, we show an efficient diagnosis algorithm to obtain a posteriori probability that each of units is faulty given the test outcomes. Furthermore, we propose a method to analyze the diagnostic error probability of this algorithm.

  • Joint Channel Coding and Intrinsic Randomness

    Tomohiko UYEMATSU  Tetsunao MATSUTA  

    PAPER-Shannon theory

    E101-A No:12

    This paper considers a joint channel coding and random number generation from the channel output. Specifically, we want to transmit a message to a receiver reliably and at the same time the receiver extracts pure random bits independent of the channel input. We call this problem as the joint channel coding and intrinsic randomness problem. For general channels, we clarify the trade-off between the coding rate and the random bit rate extracted from the channel output by using the achievable rate region, where both the probability of decoding error and the approximation error of random bits asymptotically vanish. We also reveal the achievable rate regions for stationary memoryless channels, additive channels, symmetric channels, and mixed channels.
