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[Keyword] SPE(2504hit)


  • Speech-Act Classification Using a Convolutional Neural Network Based on POS Tag and Dependency-Relation Bigram Embedding

    Donghyun YOO  Youngjoong KO  Jungyun SEO  

    LETTER-Natural Language Processing

    E100-D No:12

    In this paper, we propose a deep learning based model for classifying speech-acts using a convolutional neural network (CNN). The model uses some bigram features including parts-of-speech (POS) tags and dependency-relation bigrams, which represent syntactic structural information in utterances. Previous classification approaches using CNN have commonly exploited word embeddings using morpheme unigrams. However, the proposed model first extracts two different bigram features that well reflect the syntactic structure of utterances and then represents them as a vector representation using a word embedding technique. As a result, the proposed model using bigram embeddings achieves an accuracy of 89.05%. Furthermore, the accuracy of this model is relatively 2.8% higher than that of competitive models in previous studies.

  • A PLL Compiler from Specification to GDSII

    Toru NAKURA  Tetsuya IIZUKA  Kunihiro ASADA  


    E100-A No:12

    This paper demonstrates a PLL compiler that generates the final GDSII data from a specification of input and output frequencies with PVT corner conditions. A Pulse Width Controlled PLLs (PWPLL) is composed of digital blocks, and thus suitable for being designed using a standard cell library and being layed out with a commercially available place-and-route (P&R) tool. A PWPLL has 8 design parameters. Our PLL compiler decides the 8 parameters and confirms the PLL operation with the following functions: 1) calculates rough parameter values based on an analytical model, 2) generates SPICE and gate-level verilog netlists with given parameter values, 3) runs SPICE simulations and analyzes the waveform, to examine the oscillation frequency or the voltage of specified nodes at a given time, 4) changes the parameter values to an appropriate direction depending on the waveform analyses to obtain the optimized parameter values, 5) generates scripts that can be used in commercial design tools and invokes the tools with the gate-level verilog netlist to get the final LVS/DRC-verified GDSII data from a P&R and a verification tools, and finally 6) generates the necessary characteristic summary sheets from the post-layout SPICE simulations extracted from the GDSII. Our compiler was applied to an 0.18µm standard CMOS technology to design a PLL with 600MHz output, 600/16MHz input frequency, and confirms the PLL operation with 1.2mW power and 85µm×85µm layout area.

  • Low Cost Wearable Sensor for Human Emotion Recognition Using Skin Conductance Response

    Khairun Nisa' MINHAD  Jonathan Shi Khai OOI  Sawal Hamid MD ALI  Mamun IBNE REAZ  Siti Anom AHMAD  

    PAPER-Biological Engineering

    E100-D No:12

    Malaysia is one of the countries with the highest car crash fatality rates in Asia. The high implementation cost of in-vehicle driver behavior warning system and autonomous driving remains a significant challenge. Motivated by the large number of simple yet effective inventions that benefitted many developing countries, this study presents the findings of emotion recognition based on skin conductance response using a low-cost wearable sensor. Emotions were evoked by presenting the proposed display stimulus and driving stimulator. Meaningful power spectral density was extracted from the filtered signal. Experimental protocols and frameworks were established to reduce the complexity of the emotion elicitation process. The proof of concept in this work demonstrated the high accuracy of two-class and multiclass emotion classification results. Significant differences of features were identified using statistical analysis. This work is one of the most easy-to-use protocols and frameworks, but has high potential to be used as biomarker in intelligent automobile, which helps prevent accidents and saves lives through its simplicity.

  • New Generalized Sidelobe Canceller with Denoising Auto-Encoder for Improved Speech Enhancement

    Minkyu SHIN  Seongkyu MUN  David K. HAN  Hanseok KO  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E100-A No:12

    In this paper, a multichannel speech enhancement system which adopts a denoising auto-encoder as part of the beamformer is proposed. The proposed structure of the generalized sidelobe canceller generates enhanced multi-channel signals, instead of merely one channel, to which the following denoising auto-encoder can be applied. Because the beamformer exploits spatial information and compensates for differences in the transfer functions of each channel, the proposed system is expected to resolve the difficulty of modelling relative transfer functions consisting of complex numbers which are hard to model with a denoising auto-encoder. As a result, the modelling capability of the denoising auto-encoder can concentrate on removing the artefacts caused by the beamformer. Unlike conventional beamformers, which combine these artefacts into one channel, they remain separated for each channel in the proposed method. As a result, the denoising auto-encoder can remove the artefacts by referring to other channels. Experimental results prove that the proposed structure is effective for the six-channel data in CHiME, as indicated by improvements in terms of speech enhancement and word error rate in automatic speech recognition.

  • Search for High-Rate Punctured Convolutional Codes through Transformed Identical Codes

    Sen MORIYA  Kana KIKUCHI  Hiroshi SASANO  

    PAPER-Coding Theory and Techniques

    E100-A No:12

    In this study, we consider techniques to search for high-rate punctured convolutional code (PCC) encoders by rearranging row vectors of identical-encoder generator matrices. One well-known method to obtain a good PCC encoder is to perform an exhaustive search of all candidates. However, this approach is time-intensive. An exhaustive search with a rate RG=1/2 original encoder requires a relatively short time, whereas that with an RG=1/3 or lower original encoder takes significantly longer. The encoders with lower-rate original encoders are expected to create better PCC encoders. Thus, this paper proposes a method that uses exhaustive search results with rate RG=1/2 original encoders, and rearranges row vectors of identical-encoder generator matrices to create PCCs with a lower rate original code. Further, we provide PCC encoders obtained by searches that utilize our method.

  • An Efficient Weighted Bit-Flipping Algorithm for Decoding LDPC Codes Based on Log-Likelihood Ratio of Bit Error Probability

    Tso-Cho CHEN  Erl-Huei LU  Chia-Jung LI  Kuo-Tsang HUANG  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E100-B No:12

    In this paper, a weighted multiple bit flipping (WMBF) algorithman for decoding low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes is proposed first. Then the improved WMBF algorithm which we call the efficient weighted bit-flipping (EWBF) algorithm is developed. The EWBF algorithm can dynamically choose either multiple bit-flipping or single bit-flipping in each iteration according to the log-likelihood ratio of the error probability of the received bits. Thus, it can efficiently increase the convergence speed of decoding and prevent the decoding process from falling into loop traps. Compared with the parallel weighted bit-flipping (PWBF) algorithm, the EWBF algorithm can achieve significantly lower computational complexity without performance degradation when the Euclidean geometry (EG)-LDPC codes are decoded. Furthermore, the flipping criterion does not require any parameter adjustment.

  • Energy-Performance Modeling of Speculative Checkpointing for Exascale Systems

    Muhammad ALFIAN AMRIZAL  Atsuya UNO  Yukinori SATO  Hiroyuki TAKIZAWA  Hiroaki KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-High performance computing

    E100-D No:12

    Coordinated checkpointing is a widely-used checkpoint/restart protocol for fault-tolerance in large-scale HPC systems. However, this protocol will involve massive amounts of I/O concentration, resulting in considerably high checkpoint overhead and high energy consumption. This paper focuses on speculative checkpointing, a CPR mechanism that allows for temporal distribution of checkpointings to avoid I/O concentration. We propose execution time and energy models for speculative checkpointing, and investigate energy-performance characteristics when speculative checkpointing is adopted in exascale systems. Using these models, we study the benefit of speculative checkpointing over coordinated checkpointing under various realistic scenarios for exascale HPC systems. We show that, compared to coordinated checkpointing, speculative checkpointing can achieve up to a 11% energy reduction at the cost of a relatively-small increase in the execution time. In addition, a significant energy-performance trade-off is expected when the system scale exceeds 1.2 million nodes.

  • A Spectrum Sharing Method Based on Users' Behavior and Providers' Profit

    Kazuhiko KINOSHITA  Yukika MARUYAMA  Keita KAWANO  Takashi WATANABE  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E100-B No:10

    In recent years, spectrum sharing has received much attention as a technique for more efficient spectrum use. In the case in which all providers are cooperative, spectrum sensing can easily be realized and can improve user throughput (on average). If that is not the case, providers are not cooperative, i.e., spectrum trading, spectrum bands are rented to promote spectrum sharing. To ensure more profit, however, non-cooperative providers must correctly estimate the fluctuation of the number of connected users to be able to determine the offered channel price. In this paper, we propose a spectrum sharing method to achieve both higher throughput and provider profit via appropriate pricing using a disaggregate behavioral model. Finally, we confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method using simulation experiments.

  • A 100-MHz 51.2-Gb/s Packet Lookup Engine with Automatic Table Update Function

    Kousuke IMAMURA  Ryota HONDA  Yoshifumi KAWAMURA  Naoki MIURA  Masami URANO  Satoshi SHIGEMATSU  Tetsuya MATSUMURA  Yoshio MATSUDA  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E100-A No:10

    The development of an extremely efficient packet inspection algorithm for lookup engines is important in order to realize high throughput and to lower energy dissipation. In this paper, we propose a new lookup engine based on a combination of a mismatch detection circuit and a linked-list hash table. The engine has an automatic rule registration and deletion function; the results are that it is only necessary to input rules, and the various tables included in the circuits, such as the Mismatch Table, Index Table, and Rule Table, will be automatically configured using the embedded hardware. This function utilizes a match/mismatch assessment for normal packet inspection operations. An experimental chip was fabricated using 40-nm 8-metal CMOS process technology. The chip operates at a frequency of 100MHz under a power supply voltage of VDD =1.1V. A throughput of 100Mpacket/s (=51.2Gb/s) is obtained at an operating frequency of 100MHz, which is three times greater than the throughput of 33Mpacket/s obtained with a conventional lookup engine without a mismatch detection circuit. The measured energy dissipation was a 1.58pJ/b·Search.

  • Effect of Magnetic Blow-Out and Air Flow on Break Arcs Occurring between Silver Electrical Contacts with Copper Runners

    Haruki MIYAGAWA  Junya SEKIKAWA  


    E100-C No:9

    Arc runners are fixed on silver electrical contacts. Break arcs are generated between the contacts in a 450VDC circuit. Break arcs are magnetically blown-out and air is blown to the break arcs. The air flow was not used to our previous reports with runners. Circuit current when contacts are closed is 10A. Flow rate of air Q is changed from 1 to 10L/min. Supply voltage E is changed from 200V to 450V. The following results are shown. Arc duration D tends to decrease with increasing flow rate Q. The number of reignitions N increases with increasing supply voltage E for each flow rate Q. The number of reignitions is the least when the flow rate Q is 2L/min.

  • Analysis of Rotational Motion of Break Arcs Rotated by Radial Magnetic Field in a 48VDC Resistive Circuit



    E100-C No:9

    Break arcs are rotated with a radial magnetic field formed by a permanent magnet embedded in a fixed contact. The break arcs are generated in a 48VDC resistive circuit. The circuit current is 10A when the contacts are closed. The polarity of the fixed contact in which the magnet is embedded is changed. The rotational radius and the difference of position between the cathode and anode spots are investigated. The following results are obtained. The cathode spot is moved more easily than the anode spot by the radial magnetic field. The rotational radius of the break arcs is affected by the Lorentz force that is caused by the circumferential component of the arc current and the axial component of the magnetic field. The circumferential component of the arc current is caused by the difference of the positions of the rotating cathode and anode spots.

  • Optical Transmission Systems Toward Longer Reach and Larger Capacity Open Access

    Kazuo HAGIMOTO  

    INVITED PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E100-B No:9

    This paper reviews long optical reach and large capacity transmission which has become possible because of the application of wide-band and low-noise optical fiber amplifiers and digital coherent signal processing. The device structure and mechanism together with their significance are discussed.

  • Establishment of EMC Research in Japan and its Future Prospects Open Access

    Osamu FUJIWARA  

    INVITED SURVEY PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E100-B No:9

    Systematic research on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in Japan started in 1977 by the establishment of a technical committee on “environmental electromagnetic engineering” named EMCJ, which was founded both in the Institute of Electronics and Communication Engineers or the present IEICE (Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers) and in the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan or the IEEJ. The research activities have been continued as the basic field of interdisciplinary study to harmonize even in the electromagnetic (EM) environment where radio waves provide intolerable EM disturbances to electronic equipment and to that environment itself. The subjects and their outcomes which the EMCJ has dealt with during about 40 years from the EMCJ establishment include the evaluation of EM environment, EMC of electric and electronic equipment, and EMC of biological effects involving bioelectromagnetics and so on. In this paper, the establishment history and structure of the EMCJ are reviewed along with the change in activities, and topics of the technical reports presented at EMCJ meetings from 2006 to 2016 are surveyed. In addition, internationalization and its related campaign are presented in conjunction with the EMCJ research activities, and the status quo of the EMCJ under the IEICE is also discussed along with the prospects.

  • A Vibration Control Method of an Electrolarynx Based on Statistical F0 Pattern Prediction

    Kou TANAKA  Tomoki TODA  Satoshi NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology

    E100-D No:9

    This paper presents a novel speaking aid system to help laryngectomees produce more naturally sounding electrolaryngeal (EL) speech. An electrolarynx is an external device to generate excitation signals, instead of vibration of the vocal folds. Although the conventional EL speech is quite intelligible, its naturalness suffers from the unnatural fundamental frequency (F0) patterns of the mechanically generated excitation signals. To improve the naturalness of EL speech, we have proposed EL speech enhancement methods using statistical F0 pattern prediction. In these methods, the original EL speech recorded by a microphone is presented from a loudspeaker after performing the speech enhancement. These methods are effective for some situation, such as telecommunication, but it is not suitable for face-to-face conversation because not only the enhanced EL speech but also the original EL speech is presented to listeners. In this paper, to develop an EL speech enhancement also effective for face-to-face conversation, we propose a method for directly controlling F0 patterns of the excitation signals to be generated from the electrolarynx using the statistical F0 prediction. To get an "actual feel” of the proposed system, we also implement a prototype system. By using the prototype system, we find latency issues caused by a real-time processing. To address these latency issues, we furthermore propose segmental continuous F0 pattern modeling and forthcoming F0 pattern modeling. With evaluations through simulation, we demonstrate that our proposed system is capable of effectively addressing the issues of latency and those of electrolarynx in term of the naturalness.

  • Parameterized L1-Minimization Algorithm for Off-the-Gird Spectral Compressive Sensing

    Wei ZHANG  Feng YU  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E100-A No:9

    Spectral compressive sensing is a novel approach that enables extraction of spectral information from a spectral-sparse signal, exclusively from its compressed measurements. Thus, the approach has received considerable attention from various fields. However, standard compressive sensing algorithms always require a sparse signal to be on the grid, whose spacing is the standard resolution limit. Thus, these algorithms severely degenerate while handling spectral compressive sensing, owing to the off-the-grid issue. Some off-the-grid algorithms were recently proposed to solve this problem, but they are either inaccurate or computationally expensive. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm named parameterized ℓ1-minimization (PL1), which can efficiently solves the off-the-grid spectral estimation problem with relatively low computational complexity.

  • Spectral Distribution of Wigner Matrices in Finite Dimensions and Its Application to LPI Performance Evaluation of Radar Waveforms

    Jun CHEN  Fei WANG  Jianjiang ZHOU  Chenguang SHI  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E100-A No:9

    Recent research on the assessment of low probability of interception (LPI) radar waveforms is mainly based on limiting spectral properties of Wigner matrices. As the dimension of actual operating data is constrained by the sampling frequency, it is very urgent and necessary to research the finite theory of Wigner matrices. This paper derives a closed-form expression of the spectral cumulative distribution function (CDF) for Wigner matrices of finite sizes. The expression does not involve any derivatives and integrals, and therefore can be easily computed. Then we apply it to quantifying the LPI performance of radar waveforms, and the Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD) is also used in the process of quantification. Simulation results show that the proposed LPI metric which considers the finite sample size and signal-to-noise ratio is more effective and practical.

  • Speech Enhancement with Impact Noise Activity Detection Based on the Kurtosis of an Instantaneous Power Spectrum

    Naoto SASAOKA  Naoya HAMAHASHI  Yoshio ITOH  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E100-A No:9

    In a speech enhancement system for impact noise, it is important for any impact noise activity to be detected. However, because impact noise occurs suddenly, it is not always easy to detect. We propose a method for impact noise activity detection based on the kurtosis of an instantaneous power spectrum. The continuous duration of a generalized impact noise is shorter than that of speech, and the power of such impact noise varies dramatically. Consequently, the distribution of the instantaneous power spectrum of impact noise is different from that of speech. The proposed detection takes advantage of kurtosis, which depends on the sharpness and skirt of the distribution. Simulation results show that the proposed noise activity detection improves the performance of the speech enhancement system.

  • Computationally Efficient Reflectance Estimation for Hyperspectral Images

    Takaaki OKABE  Masahiro OKUDA  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E100-D No:9

    The Retinex theory assumes that large intensity changes correspond to reflectance edges, while smoothly-varying regions are due to shading. Some algorithms based on the theory adopt simple thresholding schemes and achieve adequate results for reflectance estimation. In this paper, we present a practical reflectance estimation technique for hyperspectral images. Our method is realized simply by thresholding singular values of a matrix calculated from scaled pixel values. In the method, we estimate the reflectance image by measuring spectral similarity between two adjacent pixels. We demonstrate that our thresholding scheme effectively estimates the reflectance and outperforms the Retinex-based thresholding. In particular, our methods can precisely distinguish edges caused by reflectance change and shadows.

  • Smart Spectrum for Future Wireless World Open Access

    Takeo FUJII  Kenta UMEBAYASHI  

    INVITED PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E100-B No:9

    As the role of wireless communication is becoming more important for realizing a future connected society for not only humans but also things, spectrum scarcity is becoming severe, because of the huge numbers of mobile terminals and many types of applications in use. In order to realize sustainable wireless connection under limited spectrum resources in a future wireless world, a new dynamic spectrum management scheme should be developed that considers the surrounding radio environment and user preferences. In this paper, we discuss a new spectrum utilization framework for a future wireless world called the “smart spectrum.” There are four main issues related to realizing the smart spectrum. First, in order to recognize the spectrum environment accurately, spectrum measurement is an important technology. Second, spectrum modeling for estimating the spectrum usage and the spectrum environment by using measurement results is required for designing wireless parameters for dynamic spectrum use in a shared spectrum environment. Third, in order to effectively gather the measurement results and provide the spectrum information to users, a measurement-based spectrum database can be used. Finally, smart spectrum management that operates in combination with a spectrum database is required for realizing efficient and organized dynamic spectrum utilization. In this paper, we discuss the concept of the smart spectrum, fundamental research studies of the smart spectrum, and the direction of development of the smart spectrum for targeting the future wireless world.

  • Variable-Length Coding with Cost Allowing Non-Vanishing Error Probability

    Hideki YAGI  Ryo NOMURA  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E100-A No:8

    We consider fixed-to-variable length coding with a regular cost function by allowing the error probability up to any constantε. We first derive finite-length upper and lower bounds on the average codeword cost, which are used to derive general formulas of two kinds of minimum achievable rates. For a fixed-to-variable length code, we call the set of source sequences that can be decoded without error the dominant set of source sequences. For any two regular cost functions, it is revealed that the dominant set of source sequences for a code attaining the minimum achievable rate under a cost function is also the dominant set for a code attaining the minimum achievable rate under the other cost function. We also give general formulas of the second-order minimum achievable rates.
