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  • Lightweight Computation of Overlaid Traffic Flows by Shortest Origin-Destination Trips

    Hiroyuki GOTO  Yohei KAKIMOTO  Yoichi SHIMAKAWA  

    LETTER-General Fundamentals and Boundaries

    E102-A No:1

    Given a network G(V,E), a lightweight method to calculate overlaid origin-destination (O-D) traffic flows on all edges is developed. Each O-D trip shall select the shortest path. While simple implementations for single-source/all-destination and all-pair trips need O(L·n) and O(L·n2) in worst-case time complexity, respectively, our technique is executed with O(m+n) and O(m+n2), where n=|V|, m=|E|, and L represents the maximum arc length. This improvement is achieved by reusing outcomes of priority queue-based algorithms. Using a GIS dataset of a road network in Tokyo, Japan, the effectiveness of our technique is confirmed.

  • Introduction to Electromagnetic Information Security Open Access

    Yu-ichi HAYASHI  Naofumi HOMMA  

    INVITED SURVEY PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E102-B No:1

    With the rising importance of information security, the necessity of implementing better security measures in the physical layer as well as the upper layers is becoming increasing apparent. Given the development of more accurate and less expensive measurement devices, high-performance computers, and larger storage devices, the threat of advanced attacks at the physical level has expanded from the military and governmental spheres to commercial products. In this paper, we review the issue of information security degradation through electromagnetic (EM)-based compromising of security measures in the physical layer (i.e., EM information security). Owing to the invisibility of EM radiation, such attacks can be serious threats. We first introduce the mechanism of information leakage through EM radiation and interference and then present possible countermeasures. Finally, we explain the latest research and standardization trends related to EM information security.

  • Traffic Engineering and Traffic Monitoring in the Case of Incomplete Information

    Kodai SATAKE  Tatsuya OTOSHI  Yuichi OHSITA  Masayuki MURATA  


    E102-B No:1

    Traffic engineering refers to techniques to accommodate traffic efficiently by dynamically configuring traffic routes so as to adjust to changes in traffic. If traffic changes frequently and drastically, the interval of route reconfiguration should be short. However, with shorter intervals, obtaining traffic information is problematic. To calculate a suitable route, accurate traffic information of the whole network must be gathered. This is difficult in short intervals, owing to the overhead incurred to monitor and collect traffic information. In this paper, we propose a framework for traffic engineering in cases where only partial traffic information can be obtained in each time slot. The proposed framework is inspired by the human brain, and uses conditional probability to make decisions. In this framework, a controller is deployed to (1) obtain a limited amount of traffic information, (2) estimate and predict the probability distribution of the traffic, (3) configure routes considering the probability distribution of future predicted traffic, and (4) select traffic that should be monitored during the next period considering the system performance yielded by route reconfiguration. We evaluate our framework with a simulation. The results demonstrate that our framework improves the efficiency of traffic accommodation even when only partial traffic information is monitored during each time slot.

  • Perpendicular-Corporate Feed in a Four-Layer Circularly-Polarized Parallel-Plate Slot Array

    Hisanori IRIE  Takashi TOMURA  Jiro HIROKAWA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E102-B No:1

    This paper presents a design for the perpendicular-corporate feed in a four-layer circularly-polarized parallel-plate slot array antenna. We place a dielectric layer with adequate permittivity in the region between the coupling-aperture and the radiating-slot layers to remove x-shaped cavity walls completely in the radiating part of a conventional planar corporate-feed waveguide slot array antenna. To address fabrication constraints, the dielectric layer consists of PTFE and air. It excites a strong standing wave in the region and so provides 2×2-element subarrays with uniform excitation. None of the slot layers are in electrical contact due to air gaps between the slot layers. The four-layer structure with apertures for circular polarization contributes to wideband design for axial ratios because of the eigenmodes in the desired band. We realize an 11.9% bandwidth for axial ratios of less than 3.0dB as confirmed by measurements in the 60GHz band. At the design frequency, the measured realized gain is 32.7dBi with an antenna efficiency of 75.5%.

  • On the Separating Redundancy of the Duals of First-Order Generalized Reed-Muller Codes

    Haiyang LIU  Yan LI  Lianrong MA  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E102-A No:1

    The separating redundancy is an important property in the analysis of the error-and-erasure decoding of a linear block code. In this work, we investigate the separating redundancy of the duals of first-order generalized Reed-Muller (GRM) codes, a class of nonbinary linear block codes that have nice algebraic properties. The dual of a first-order GRM code can be specified by two positive integers m and q and denoted by R(m,q), where q is the power of a prime number and q≠2. We determine the first separating redundancy value of R(m,q) for any m and q. We also determine the second separating redundancy values of R(m,q) for any q and m=1 and 2. For m≥3, we set up a binary integer linear programming problem, the optimum of which gives a lower bound on the second separating redundancy of R(m,q).

  • Elliptic Curve Method Using Complex Multiplication Method Open Access

    Yusuke AIKAWA  Koji NUIDA  Masaaki SHIRASE  


    E102-A No:1

    In 2017, Shirase proposed a variant of Elliptic Curve Method combined with Complex Multiplication method for generating certain special kinds of elliptic curves. His algorithm can efficiently factorize a given composite integer when it has a prime factor p of the form 4p=1+Dv2 for some integer v, where -D is an auxiliary input integer called a discriminant. However, there is a disadvantage that the previous method works only for restricted cases where the class polynomial associated to -D has degree at most two. In this paper, we propose a generalization of the previous algorithm to the cases of class polynomials having arbitrary degrees, which enlarges the class of composite integers factorizable by our algorithm. We also extend the algorithm to more various cases where we have 4p=t2+Dv2 and p+1-t is a smooth integer.

  • Low-Hit-Zone Frequency-Hopping Sequence Sets with Optimal Periodic Partial Hamming Correlation Properties

    Limengnan ZHOU  Hongyu HAN  Xing LIU  

    LETTER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E102-A No:1

    Frequency-hopping sequence (FHS) sets with low-hit-zone (LHZ) have Hamming correlations maintained at a low level as long as the relative time delay between different sequences are limited in a zone around the origin, and thus can be well applied in quasi-synchronous (QS) frequency-hopping multiple-access (FHMA) systems to reduce the mutual interference between different users. Moreover, the periodic partial Hamming correlation (PPHC) properties of employed LHZ-FHS sets usually act as evaluation criterions for the performances of QS-FHMA systems in practice. In this letter, a new class of LHZ-FHS sets is constructed via interleaving techniques. Furthermore, these new LHZ-FHS sets also possess optimal PPHC properties and parameters not included in the related literature.

  • Accelerating Large-Scale Interconnection Network Simulation by Cellular Automata Concept

    Takashi YOKOTA  Kanemitsu OOTSU  Takeshi OHKAWA  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E102-D No:1

    State-of-the-art parallel systems employ a huge number of computing nodes that are connected by an interconnection network. An interconnection network (ICN) plays an important role in a parallel system, since it is responsible to communication capability. In general, an ICN shows non-linear phenomena in its communication performance, most of them are caused by congestion. Thus, designing a large-scale parallel system requires sufficient discussions through repetitive simulation runs. This causes another problem in simulating large-scale systems within a reasonable cost. This paper shows a promising solution by introducing the cellular automata concept, which is originated in our prior work. Assuming 2D-torus topologies for simplification of discussion, this paper discusses fundamental design of router functions in terms of cellular automata, data structure of packets, alternative modeling of a router function, and miscellaneous optimization. The proposed models have a good affinity to GPGPU technology and, as representative speed-up results, the GPU-based simulator accelerates simulation upto about 1264 times from sequential execution on a single CPU. Furthermore, since the proposed models are applicable in the shared memory model, multithread implementation of the proposed methods achieve about 162 times speed-ups at the maximum.

  • Passive Optical Metro Network Based on NG-PON2 System to Support Cloud Edges

    Kyota HATTORI  Masahiro NAKAGAWA  Masaru KATAYAMA  Jun-ichi KANI  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E102-B No:1

    The traffic of the future metro network will dynamically change not only in volume but also in destination to support the application of virtualization technology to network edge equipment such as cloud edges to achieve cost-effectiveness. Therefore, the future metro network will have to accommodate traffic cost-effectively, even though both the traffic volume and the traffic destination will change dynamically. To handle to this trend, in this paper, we propose a future metro network architecture based on Next-Generation Passive Optical Network Stage 2 systems that offers cost-effectiveness while supporting virtual machine migration of cloud edges. The basic idea of the proposed method is sharing a burst-mode receiver between the continuous-mode transmitters and burst-mode transmitters. In this paper, we show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method with experiments on prototype systems, and simulations for the preliminary evaluation of network capital expenditure.

  • Convergence Comparison on the IDR(s)-Based IPNMs for Electromagnetic Multiple Scattering Simulations

    Norimasa NAKASHIMA  Seiji FUJINO  


    E102-C No:1

    This paper presents various Iterative Progressive Numerical Methods (IPNMs) for the computation of electromagnetic (EM) wave scattering from many objects. We previously modified the original IPNM from the standpoint of the classical and the IDR-based linear iterative solvers. We demonstrate the performance of the IDR(s)-based IPNMs through some numerical examples of EM wave scattering from regularly placed 27 perfectly electric conducting spheres.

  • Real-Time Sparse Visual Tracking Using Circulant Reverse Lasso Model

    Chenggang GUO  Dongyi CHEN  Zhiqi HUANG  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E102-D No:1

    Sparse representation has been successfully applied to visual tracking. Recent progresses in sparse tracking are mainly made within the particle filter framework. However, most sparse trackers need to extract complex feature representations for each particle in the limited sample space, leading to expensive computation cost and yielding inferior tracking performance. To deal with the above issues, we propose a novel sparse tracking method based on the circulant reverse lasso model. Benefiting from the properties of circulant matrices, densely sampled target candidates are implicitly generated by cyclically shifting the base feature descriptors, and then embedded into a reverse sparse reconstruction model as a dictionary to encode a robust appearance template. The alternating direction method of multipliers is employed for solving the reverse sparse model and the optimization process can be efficiently solved in the frequency domain, which enables the proposed tracker to run in real-time. The calculated sparse coefficient map represents the similarity scores between the template and circular shifted samples. Thus the target location can be directly predicted according to the coordinates of the peak coefficient. A scale-aware template updating strategy is combined with the correlation filter template learning to take into account both appearance deformations and scale variations. Both quantitative and qualitative evaluations on two challenging tracking benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed algorithm performs favorably against several state-of-the-art sparse representation based tracking methods.

  • Metal 3D-Printed T-Junction Ortho-Mode-Transducer with an Offset Stepped Post

    Hidenori YUKAWA  Yu USHIJIMA  Motomi ABE  Takeshi OSHIMA  Naofumi YONEDA  Moriyasu MIYAZAKI  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E102-C No:1

    We propose a T-junction OMT consisting of an offset stepped post. The offset stepped post contributes to the matching of two rectangular ports at the short circuit, situated at the opposite side walls. The structure without conventional ridges is simple and makes it possible to achieve robust performance. We fabricated a proposed T-junction OMT in a single piece of an aluminum alloy, using a commercial metal 3D-printer. The simple and compact structure with robust performance is proposed to overcome the disadvantages of a 3D-printer, such as fabrication tolerance and surface roughness. The measured results demonstrated a return loss of 22dB and an insertion loss of 0.3dB, with a bandwidth of 8% in the K-band.

  • New Distinguisher on Reduced-Round Keccak Sponge Function

    Senyang HUANG  Xiaoyun WANG  Guangwu XU  Meiqin WANG  Jingyuan ZHAO  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E102-A No:1

    The security analysis of Keccak, the winner of SHA-3, has attracted considerable interest. Recently, some attention has been paid to distinguishing Keccak sponge function from random permutation. In EUROCRYPT'17, Huang et al. proposed conditional cube tester to recover the key of Keccak-MAC and Keyak and to construct practical distinguishing attacks on Keccak sponge function up to 7 rounds. In this paper, we improve the conditional cube tester model by refining the formulation of cube variables. By classifying cube variables into three different types and working the candidates of these types of cube variable carefully, we are able to establish a new theoretical distinguisher on 8-round Keccak sponge function. Our result is more efficient and greatly improves the existing results. Finally we remark that our distinguishing attack on the the reduced-round Keccak will not threat the security margin of the Keccak sponge function.

  • Filter-and-Forward-Based Full-Duplex Relaying in Frequency-Selective Channels

    Shogo KOYANAGI  Teruyuki MIYAJIMA  


    E102-A No:1

    In this paper, we consider full-duplex (FD) relay networks with filter-and-forward (FF)-based multiple relays (FD-FF), where relay filters jointly mitigate self-interference (SI), inter-relay interference (IRI), and inter-symbol interference. We consider the filter design problem based on signal-to-noise-plus-interference ratio maximization subject to a total relay transmit power constraint. To make the problem tractable, we propose two methods: one that imposes an additional constraint whereby the filter responses to SI and IRI are nulled, and the other that makes i.i.d. assumptions on the relay transmit signals. Simulation results show that the proposed FD-FF scheme outperforms a conventional FF scheme in half-duplex mode. We also consider the filter design when only second-order statistics of channel path gains are available.

  • Phase-Difference Compensation and Nonuniform Pulse Transmission for Accurate Real-Time Moving Object Tracking

    Koichi ICHIGE  Nobuya ARAKAWA  Ryo SAITO  Osamu SHIBATA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E102-A No:1

    This paper presents a radio-based real-time moving object tracking method based on Kalman filtering using a phase-difference compensation technique and a non-uniform pulse transmission scheme. Conventional Kalman-based tracking methods often require time, amplitude, phase information and their derivatives for each receiver antenna; however, their location estimation accuracy does not become good even with many transmitting pulses. The presented method employs relative phase-difference information and a non-uniform pulse generation scheme, which can greatly reduce the number of transmitting pulses while preserving the tracking accuracy. Its performance is evaluated in comparison with that of conventional methods.

  • How to Watermark Cryptographic Functions by Bilinear Maps



    E102-A No:1

    We introduce a notion of watermarking for cryptographic functions and propose a concrete scheme for watermarking cryptographic functions. Informally speaking, a digital watermarking scheme for cryptographic functions embeds information, called a mark, into functions such as one-way functions and decryption functions of public-key encryption. There are two basic requirements for watermarking schemes. A mark-embedded function must be functionally equivalent to the original function. It must be difficult for adversaries to remove the embedded mark without damaging the original functionality. In spite of its importance and usefulness, there have only been a few theoretical works on watermarking for functions (or programs). Furthermore, we do not have rigorous definitions of watermarking for cryptographic functions and concrete constructions. To solve the problem above, we introduce a notion of watermarking for cryptographic functions and define its security. Furthermore, we present a lossy trapdoor function (LTF) based on the decisional bilinear Diffie-Hellman problem problem and a watermarking scheme for the LTF. Our watermarking scheme is secure under the symmetric external Diffie-Hellman assumption in the standard model. We use techniques of dual system encryption and dual pairing vector spaces (DPVS) to construct our watermarking scheme. This is a new application of DPVS.

  • No-Dictionary Searchable Symmetric Encryption Open Access

    Wakaha OGATA  Kaoru KUROSAWA  


    E102-A No:1

    In the model of no-dictionary searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) schemes, the client does not need to keep the list of keywords W. In this paper, we first show a generic method to transform any passively secure SSE scheme to a no-dictionary SSE scheme such that the client can verify search results even if w ∉ W. In particular, it takes only O(1) time for the server to prove that w ∉ W. We next present a no-dictionary SSE scheme such that the client can hide even the search pattern from the server.

  • Fast Montgomery-Like Square Root Computation for All Trinomials

    Yin LI  Yu ZHANG  Xiaoli GUO  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E102-A No:1

    We introduce a new type of Montgomery-like square root formulae in GF(2m) defined by an arbitrary irreducible trinomial, which is more efficient compared with classic square root operation. By choosing proper Montgomery factors for different kind of trinomials, the space and time complexities of such square root computations match or outperform the best results. A practical application of the Montgomery-like square root in inversion computation is also presented.

  • A Semantic Management Method of Simulation Models in GNSS Distributed Simulation Environment

    Guo-chao FAN  Chun-sheng HU  Xue-en ZHENG  Cheng-dong XU  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E102-D No:1

    In GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Distributed Simulation Environment (GDSE), the simulation task could be designed with the sharing models on the Internet. However, too much information and relation of model need to be managed in GDSE. Especially if there is a large quantity of sharing models, the model retrieval would be an extremely complex project. For meeting management demand of GDSE and improving the model retrieval efficiency, the characteristics of service simulation model are analysed firstly. A semantic management method of simulation model is proposed, and a model management architecture is designed. Compared with traditional retrieval way, it takes less retrieval time and has a higher accuracy result. The simulation results show that retrieval in the semantic management module has a good ability on understanding user needs, and helps user obtain appropriate model rapidly. It improves the efficiency of simulation tasks design.

  • Automated Detection of Children at Risk of Chinese Handwriting Difficulties Using Handwriting Process Information: An Exploratory Study

    Zhiming WU  Tao LIN  Ming LI  

    PAPER-Educational Technology

    E102-D No:1

    Handwriting difficulties (HWDs) in children have adverse effects on their confidence and academic progress. Detecting HWDs is the first crucial step toward clinical or teaching intervention for children with HWDs. To date, how to automatically detect HWDs is still a challenge, although digitizing tablets have provided an opportunity to automatically collect handwriting process information. Especially, to our best knowledge, there is no exploration into the potential of combining machine learning algorithms and the handwriting process information to automatically detect Chinese HWDs in children. To bridge the gap, we first conducted an experiment to collect sample data and then compared the performance of five commonly used classification algorithms (Decision tree, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Artificial Neural Network, Naïve Bayesian and k-Nearest Neighbor) in detecting HWDs. The results showed that: (1) only a small proportion (13%) of children had Chinese HWDs and each classification model on the imbalanced dataset (39 children at risk of HWDs versus 261 typical children) produced the results that were better than random guesses, indicating the possibility of using classification algorithms to detect Chinese HWDs; (2) the SVM model had the best performance in detecting Chinese HWDs among the five classification models; and (3) the performance of the SVM model, especially its sensitivity, could be significantly improved by employing the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique to handle the class-imbalanced data. This study gains new insights into which handwriting features are predictive of Chinese HWDs in children and proposes a method that can help the clinical and educational professionals to automatically detect children at risk of Chinese HWDs.
