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  • Analytical Nonlinear Adiabatic Theory of the Autophase Microwave Tube


    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E95-C No:3

    We present an analytical nonlinear adiabatic theory of the microwave electron device that we call the Autophase Microwave Tube (AMT). In contrast to the well-known Traveling Wave Tube (TWT), the AMT exploits a highly efficient non-synchronous beam-wave interaction for the amplification (or generation) of the HF electromagnetic waves, and, differently from klystron and such hybrid devices as twystron, it employs a continuous beam-wave interaction. Because of these distinctive features, the AMT presents a special class of microwave electron devices, which feature very high electronic efficiency (which tends to 100%) and large bandwidth. Here, we develop the theory that allows one to find the profiles of static longitudinal electric or magnetic field (or both) over the device length, which yield negligible de-bunching together with highly efficient amplification (generation) of the HF electromagnetic wave. The analysis of electron motion in the bunch is performed by means of Lyapunov stability theory. The numerical example illustrates the possibility of achieving the electronic efficiency of AMT as high as 92%. We compare different autophase regimes in the AMT and show that the profiling of the longitudinal static magnetic focusing field in the helix AMT with the non-azimuthally symmetric wave has many advantages with respect to other regimes.

  • Distributed Channel Selection in CRAHNs with Heterogeneous Spectrum Opportunities: A Local Congestion Game Approach

    Yuhua XU  Qihui WU  Jinlong WANG  Neng MIN  Alagan ANPALAGAN  


    E95-B No:3

    This letter investigates the problem of distributed channel selection in cognitive radio ad hoc networks (CRAHNs) with heterogeneous spectrum opportunities. Firstly, we formulate this problem as a local congestion game, which is proved to be an exact potential game. Then, we propose a spatial best response dynamic (SBRD) to rapidly achieve Nash equilibrium via local information exchange. Moreover, the potential function of the game reflects the network collision level and can be used to achieve higher throughput.

  • Time Score: A New Feature for Link Prediction in Social Networks

    Lankeshwara MUNASINGHE  Ryutaro ICHISE  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E95-D No:3

    Link prediction in social networks, such as friendship networks and coauthorship networks, has recently attracted a great deal of attention. There have been numerous attempts to address the problem of link prediction through diverse approaches. In the present paper, we focus on the temporal behavior of the link strength, particularly the relationship between the time stamps of interactions or links and the temporal behavior of link strength and how link strength affects future link evolution. Most previous studies have not sufficiently discussed either the impact of time stamps of the interactions or time stamps of the links on link evolution. The gap between the current time and the time stamps of the interactions or links is also important to link evolution. In the present paper, we introduce a new time-aware feature, referred to as time score, that captures the important aspects of time stamps of interactions and the temporality of the link strengths. We also analyze the effectiveness of time score with different parameter settings for different network data sets. The results of the analysis revealed that the time score was sensitive to different networks and different time measures. We applied time score to two social network data sets, namely, Facebook friendship network data set and a coauthorship network data set. The results revealed a significant improvement in predicting future links.

  • Equality Based Flow-Admission Control by Using Mixed Loss and Delay System

    Sumiko MIYATA  Katsunori YAMAOKA  

    PAPER-Network System

    E95-B No:3

    We have proposed a novel call admission control (CAC) for maximizing total user satisfaction in a heterogeneous traffic network and showed the effectiveness of our CAC by using an optimal threshold from numerical analysis [1]. In our previous CAC, when a new broadband flow arrives and the total accommodated bandwidth is more than or equal to the threshold, the arriving new broadband flow is rejected. In actual networks, however, users may agree to wait for a certain period until the broadband flow, such as video, begins to play. In this paper, when total accommodated bandwidth is more than or equal to the threshold, arriving broadband flows wait instead of being rejected. As a result, we can greatly improve total user satisfaction.

  • Software Defined Modem for Cognitive Radio with Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor

    Ren SAKATA  Daisuke TAKEDA  Noritaka DEGUCHI  Tatsuma HIRANO  Takashi YOSHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E95-B No:3

    Software Defined Radio (SDR) techniques are expected to be among the key technologies of heterogeneous cognitive radio networks for realizing efficient and convenient wireless communications by providing multiple radio services to users and decreasing development costs. In this paper, in order to evaluate the feasibility of SDR modems, we study the amount of computing throughput of a recent wireless system and determine a suitable modem architecture. Firstly, the functions for which SDR techniques provide significant benefits are clarified. Secondly, the computing throughputs are measured under the assumption that a dynamically reconfigurable processor, FlexSwordTM, is employed. Finally, based on a consideration of timing charts, we propose the architecture of an SDR-based modem with FlexSword. The possibility of implementing several wireless systems is also considered.

  • Enumerating All Rooted Trees Including k Leaves

    Masanobu ISHIKAWA  Katsuhisa YAMANAKA  Yota OTACHI  Shin-ichi NAKANO  


    E95-D No:3

    This paper presents an efficient algorithm to generate all (unordered) rooted trees with exactly n vertices including exactly k leaves. There are known results on efficient enumerations of some classes of graphs embedded on a plane, for instance, biconnected and triconnected triangulations [3],[6], and floorplans [4]. On the other hand, it is difficult to enumerate a class of graphs without a fixed embedding. The paper is on enumeration of rooted trees without a fixed embedding. We already proposed an algorithm to generate all “ordered” trees with n vertices including k leaves [11], while the algorithm cannot seem to efficiently generate all (unordered) rooted trees with n vertices including k leaves. We design a simple tree structure among such trees, then by traversing the tree structure we generate all such trees in constant time per tree in the worst case. By repeatedly applying the algorithm for each k=1,2, ...,n-1, we can also generate all rooted trees with exactly n vertices.

  • Authentication Binding between SSL/TLS and HTTP

    Takamichi SAITO  Kiyomi SEKIGUCHI  Ryosuke HATSUGAI  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E95-D No:3

    While the Secure Socket Layer or Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) is assumed to provide secure communications over the Internet, many web applications utilize basic or digest authentication of Hyper Text Transport Protocol (HTTP) over SSL/TLS. Namely, in the scheme, there are two different authentication schemes in a session. Since they are separated by a layer, these are not convenient for a web application. Moreover, the scheme may also cause problems in establishing secure communication. Then we provide a scheme of authentication binding between SSL/TLS and HTTP without modifying SSL/TLS protocols and its implementation, and we show the effectiveness of our proposed scheme.

  • Microstrip Hairpin Bandpass Filter Using Modified Minkowski Fractal-Shape for Suppression of Second Harmonic


    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E95-C No:3

    In this paper, a novel microstrip hairpin-line bandpass filter which employs a modified Minkowski fractal shape is proposed. Although conventional hairpin-line filters are popular for RF front ends, they suffer from undesired spurious responses located at the second harmonic, which causes asymmetry in the upper skirt band. By proper design, the second harmonic of fractal filters can be significantly suppressed through the use of fractal shape. To validate this novel geometry, the proposed filters are fabricated and measured. Simulated results are in good agreement with measured results.

  • Estimation of Nb Junction Temperature Raised Due to Thermal Heat from Bias Resistor

    Keisuke KUROIWA  Masaki KADOWAKI  Masataka MORIYA  Hiroshi SHIMADA  Yoshinao MIZUGAKI  


    E95-C No:3

    Superconducting integrated circuits should be operated at low temperature below a half of their critical temperatures. Thermal heat from a bias resistor could rise the temperature in Josephson junctions, and would reduce their critical currents. In this study, we estimate the temperature in a Josephson junction heated by a bias resistor at the bath temperature of 4.2 K, and introduce a parameter β that connects the thermal heat from a bias resistor and the temperature elevation of a Josephson junction. By using β, the temperature in the Josephson junction can be estimated as functions of the current through the resistor.

  • Harmonic Generation of Externally Applied Signal in a Biased Photoconductive Terahertz-Wave Emitter

    Kengo MURASAWA  Koki SATO  Takehiko HIDAKA  


    E95-C No:3

    A generation effect of higher harmonics for an externally applied signal in a photoconductive (PC) terahertz (THz)-wave emitter has been found. This effect is applicable to accurately measuring for frequencies of THz waves. This paper describes reasons why higher harmonics are generated in a PC device. The dependence of the photoconductance on the applied voltage in the PC device consists of a flat range and a negative slant range, and one sharply bending point is then formed at the boundary between the flat and slant ranges. When the PC device is irradiated by two laser beams with slightly different optical frequencies, the photoconductance is strongly modulated at the optical beat frequency in the THz region by photomixing the two laser beams. As a result, three bending points are formed in the average photoconductance (introduced as the average of the temporal photoconductance varying at the THz frequency). The slants comprised of the three bending points are different from each other. When the variation range of the applied voltage driven by the signal input on the biased voltage covers the voltage of one of the bending points, the photoconductance (or the average photoconductance in optical beating) varies along the different two slopes, the resultant temporal photocurrent is largely distorted, and then the harmonics of the signal input are generated in the photocurrent. The following features are clarified: (1) the harmonics of the signal input are generated by appropriately adjusting the bias voltage and the amplitude of the signal input, regardless of the presence/absence of optical beating; (2) the efficiency of the harmonic generation is about 10-4 -10-5; and (3) the harmonics over 35th order with almost flat amplitudes (-3.8 dB/octave) are generated.

  • Estimation of Transit Time in Terahertz Oscillating Resonant Tunneling Diodes with Graded Emitter and Thin Barriers

    Atsushi TERANISHI  Safumi SUZUKI  Kaoru SHIZUNO  Masahiro ASADA  Hiroki SUGIYAMA  Haruki YOKOYAMA  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E95-C No:3

    We estimated the transit time of GaInAs/AlAs double-barrier resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) oscillating at 0.6–1 THz. The RTDs have graded emitter structures and thin barriers, and are integrated with planar slot antennas for the oscillation. The transit time across the collector depletion region was estimated from measured results of the dependence of oscillation frequency on RTD mesa area. The estimated transit time was slightly reduced with the introduction of the graded emitter, probably due to reduction of the electron transition between Γ and L bands resulted from the low electric field in the collector depletion region.

  • Antenna Selection SFN Precoding Scheme for Downlink Cooperative MIMO Systems

    Ming DING  Jun ZOU  Zeng YANG  Hanwen LUO  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E95-B No:2

    In this letter, we propose an antenna selection single frequency network precoding (AS-SFNP) scheme for downlink cooperative multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, which efficiently improves system capacity with low feedback overhead and low complexity.

  • Detecting Partial and Near Duplication in the Blogosphere

    Yeo-Chan YOON  Myung-Gil JANG  Hyun-Ki KIM  So-Young PARK  

    LETTER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E95-D No:2

    In this paper, we propose a duplicate document detection model recognizing both partial duplicates and near duplicates. The proposed model can detect partial duplicates as well as exact duplicates by splitting a large document into many small sentence fingerprints. Furthermore, the proposed model can detect even near duplicates, the result of trivial revisions, by filtering the common words and reordering the word sequence.

  • A New Analytical Model for the CQ Switch Performance Analysis under the Bursty Traffic


    LETTER-Network System

    E95-B No:2

    In this letter we propose a new analytical iterative method for calculating the throughput and average cell latency of the crosspoint queued switch with random scheduling algorithm under the bursty traffic model. This method is verified by comparing it with simulation results, which shows a very good match. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first analytical method for performance analysis of such a switch under the bursty traffic model.

  • Configuration Context Reduction for Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture

    Shouyi YIN  Chongyong YIN  Leibo LIU  Min ZHU  Shaojun WEI  

    PAPER-Design Methodology

    E95-D No:2

    Coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture (CGRA) combines the performance of application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) and the flexibility of general-purpose processors (GPPs), which is a promising solution for embedded systems. With the increasing complexity of reconfigurable resources (processing elements, routing cells, I/O blocks, etc.), the reconfiguration cost is becoming the performance bottleneck. The major reconfiguration cost comes from the frequent memory-read/write operations for transferring the configuration context from main memory to context buffer. To improve the overall performance, it is critical to reduce the amount of configuration context. In this paper, we propose a configuration context reduction method for CGRA. The proposed method exploits the structure correlation of computation tasks that are mapped onto CGRA and reduce the redundancies in configuration context. Experimental results show that the proposed method can averagely reduce the configuration context size up to 71% and speed up the execution up to 68%. The proposed method does not depend on any architectural feature and can be applied to CGRA with an arbitrary architecture.

  • Stereo Matching Using Local Plane Fitting in Confidence-Based Support Window

    Chenbo SHI  Guijin WANG  Xiaokang PEI  Bei HE  Xinggang LIN  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E95-D No:2

    This paper addresses stereo matching under scenarios of smooth region and obviously slant plane. We explore the flexible handling of color disparity, spatial relation and the reliability of matching pixels in support windows. Building upon these key ingredients, a robust stereo matching algorithm using local plane fitting by Confidence-based Support Window (CSW) is presented. For each CSW, only these pixels with high confidence are employed to estimate optimal disparity plane. Considering that RANSAC has shown to be robust in suppressing the disturbance resulting from outliers, we employ it to solve local plane fitting problem. Compared with the state of the art local methods in the computer vision community, our approach achieves the better performance and time efficiency on the Middlebury benchmark.

  • Built-In Microplanar Lens for Light Coupling to Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Waveguide

    Naoki IKEDA  Yu TANAKA  Hitoshi KAWASHIMA  Yoshimasa SUGIMOTO  Toshifumi HASAMA  Kiyoshi ASAKAWA  Hiroshi ISHIKAWA  


    E95-C No:2

    We propose a built-in planar lens for coupling light to a waveguide on a 2-D photonic crystal (PhC) membrane. A 2-D PhC waveguide with the built-in lens has been fabricated with AlGaAs. Improvement in coupling performance is discussed in comparison to waveguides with straight ends as cleaved.

  • Design of a New Low-Pass Filter in the Hairpin Structure with a Chip-Capacitor

    Takenori YASUZUMI  Masayoshi KAMADA  Tomoki UWANO  Osamu HASHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E95-C No:2

    A compact and wide stopband low-pass filter (LPF) which consists of a hairpin structural resonator, a chip-capacitor, and inductor lines is proposed in this paper. With the capacitor loaded, the hairpin structure realized three transmission zeros in the stopband. The LPF with one hairpin unit was designed using the conventional prototype design procedure in the passband. To further improve the stopband characteristics, the LPF with three hairpin units was studied and designed with the same manner as in a one unit LPF. The finally designed three-hairpin LPF showed mostly 60 dB rejection characteristics in the conjunction with defected ground condition for avoiding the spurious response at the stopband. The measurement results agreed well with simulated ones.

  • Global Mapping Analysis: Stochastic Gradient Algorithm in Multidimensional Scaling

    Yoshitatsu MATSUDA  Kazunori YAMAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E95-D No:2

    In order to implement multidimensional scaling (MDS) efficiently, we propose a new method named “global mapping analysis” (GMA), which applies stochastic approximation to minimizing MDS criteria. GMA can solve MDS more efficiently in both the linear case (classical MDS) and non-linear one (e.g., ALSCAL) if only the MDS criteria are polynomial. GMA separates the polynomial criteria into the local factors and the global ones. Because the global factors need to be calculated only once in each iteration, GMA is of linear order in the number of objects. Numerical experiments on artificial data verify the efficiency of GMA. It is also shown that GMA can find out various interesting structures from massive document collections.

  • Design of Area- and Power-Efficient Pipeline FFT Processors for 8x8 MIMO-OFDM Systems

    Shingo YOSHIZAWA  Yoshikazu MIYANAGA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E95-A No:2

    We present area- and power-efficient pipeline 128- and 128/64-point fast Fourier transform (FFT) processors for 8x8 multiple-input multiple-output orthogonal frequency multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) systems based on the specification framework of IEEE 802.11ac WLANs. Our new FFT processors use mixed-radix multipath delay commutator (MRMDC) architecture from the point of view of low complexity and high memory use. A conventional MRMDC architecture induces large circuits in delay commutators, which change the order of data sequences for the butterfly units. The proposed architecture replaces delay elements with new commutators that cooperate with other MIMO-OFDM processing blocks. These commutators are inserted in the front and rear of the input and output memory units. Our FFT processors exhibit a 50–51% reduction in logic gates and 70–72% reduction in power dissipation as compared with conventional ones.
