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  • Multi-Distance Function Trilateration over k-NN Fingerprinting for Indoor Positioning and Its Evaluation


    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E103-D No:5

    This manuscript discusses a new indoor positioning method and proposes a multi-distance function trilateration over k-NN fingerprinting method using radio signals. Generally, the strength of radio signals, referred to received signal strength indicator or RSSI, decreases as they travel in space. Our method employs a list of fingerprints comprised of RSSIs to absorb interference between radio signals, which happens around the transmitters and it also employs multiple distance functions for conversion from distance between fingerprints to the physical distance in order to absorb the interference that happens around the receiver then it performs trilateration between the top three closest fingerprints to locate the receiver's current position. An experiment in positioning performance is conducted in our laboratory and the result shows that our method is viable for a position-level indoor positioning method and it could improve positioning performance by 12.7% of positioning error to 0.406 in meter in comparison with traditional methods.

  • Enhanced Secure Transmission for Indoor Visible Light Communications

    Sheng-Hong LIN  Jin-Yuan WANG  Ying XU  Jianxin DAI  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E103-D No:5

    This letter investigates the secure transmission improvement scheme for indoor visible light communications (VLC) by using the protected zone. Firstly, the system model is established. For the input signal, the non-negativity and the dimmable average optical intensity constraint are considered. Based on the system model, the secrecy capacity for VLC without considering the protected zone is obtained. After that, the protected zone is determined, and the construction of the protected zone is also provided. Finally, the secrecy capacity for VLC with the protected zone is derived. Numerical results show that the secure performance of VLC improves dramatically by employing the protected zone.

  • Loss-Driven Channel Pruning of Convolutional Neural Networks

    Xin LONG  Xiangrong ZENG  Chen CHEN  Huaxin XIAO  Maojun ZHANG  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E103-D No:5

    The increase in computation cost and storage of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) severely hinders their applications on limited-resources devices in recent years. As a result, there is impending necessity to accelerate the networks by certain methods. In this paper, we propose a loss-driven method to prune redundant channels of CNNs. It identifies unimportant channels by using Taylor expansion technique regarding to scaling and shifting factors, and prunes those channels by fixed percentile threshold. By doing so, we obtain a compact network with less parameters and FLOPs consumption. In experimental section, we evaluate the proposed method in CIFAR datasets with several popular networks, including VGG-19, DenseNet-40 and ResNet-164, and experimental results demonstrate the proposed method is able to prune over 70% channels and parameters with no performance loss. Moreover, iterative pruning could be used to obtain more compact network.

  • Estimating Knowledge Category Coverage by Courses Based on Centrality in Taxonomy

    Yiling DAI  Masatoshi YOSHIKAWA  Yasuhito ASANO  


    E103-D No:5

    The proliferation of Massive Open Online Courses has made it a challenge for the user to select a proper course. We assume a situation in which the user has targeted on the knowledge defined by some knowledge categories. Then, knowing how much of the knowledge in the category is covered by the courses will be helpful in the course selection. In this study, we define a concept of knowledge category coverage and aim to estimate it in a semi-automatic manner. We first model the knowledge category and the course as a set of concepts, and then utilize a taxonomy and the idea of centrality to differentiate the importance of concepts. Finally, we obtain the coverage value by calculating how much of the concepts required in a knowledge category is also taught in a course. Compared with treating the concepts uniformly important, we found that our proposed method can effectively generate closer coverage values to the ground truth assigned by domain experts.

  • Iterative Cross-Lingual Entity Alignment Based on TransC

    Shize KANG  Lixin JI  Zhenglian LI  Xindi HAO  Yuehang DING  


    E103-D No:5

    The goal of cross-lingual entity alignment is to match entities from knowledge graph of different languages that represent the same object in the real world. Knowledge graphs of different languages can share the same ontology which we guess may be useful for entity alignment. To verify this idea, we propose a novel embedding model based on TransC. This model first adopts TransC and parameter sharing model to map all the entities and relations in knowledge graphs to a shared low-dimensional semantic space based on a set of aligned entities. Then, the model iteratively uses reinitialization and soft alignment strategy to perform entity alignment. The experimental results show that, compared with the benchmark algorithms, the proposed model can effectively fuse ontology information and achieve relatively better results.

  • Pay the Piper: DDoS Mitigation Technique to Deter Financially-Motivated Attackers Open Access

    Takayuki SASAKI  Carlos HERNANDEZ GAÑÁN  Katsunari YOSHIOKA  Michel VAN EETEN  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  


    E103-B No:4

    Distributed Denial of Service attacks against the application layer (L7 DDoS) are among the most difficult attacks to defend against because they mimic normal user behavior. Some mitigation techniques against L7 DDoS, e.g., IP blacklisting and load balancing using a content delivery network, have been proposed; unfortunately, these are symptomatic treatments rather than fundamental solutions. In this paper, we propose a novel technique to disincentivize attackers from launching a DDoS attack by increasing attack costs. Assuming financially motivated attackers seeking to gain profit via DDoS attacks, their primary goal is to maximize revenue. On the basis of this assumption, we also propose a mitigation solution that requires mining cryptocurrencies to access servers. To perform a DDoS attack, attackers must mine cryptocurrency as a proof-of-work (PoW), and the victims then obtain a solution to the PoW. Thus, relative to attackers, the attack cost increases, and, in terms of victims, the economic damage is compensated by the value of the mined coins. On the basis of this model, we evaluate attacker strategies in a game theory manner and demonstrate that the proposed solution provides only negative economic benefits to attackers. Moreover, we implement a prototype to evaluate performance, and we show that this prototype demonstrates practical performance.

  • Switched Pinning Control for Merging and Splitting Maneuvers of Vehicle Platoons Open Access

    Takuma WAKASA  Yoshiki NAGATANI  Kenji SAWADA  Seiichi SHIN  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E103-A No:4

    This paper considers a velocity control problem for merging and splitting maneuvers of vehicle platoons. In this paper, an external device sends velocity commands to some vehicles in the platoon, and the others adjust their velocities autonomously. The former is pinning control, and the latter is consensus control in multi-agent control. We propose a switched pinning control algorithm. Our algorithm consists of three sub-methods. The first is an optimal switching method of pinning agents based on an MLD (Mixed Logical Dynamical) system model and MPC (Model Predictive Control). The second is a representation method for dynamical platoon formation with merging and splitting maneuver. The platoon formation follows the positional relation between vehicles or the formation demand from the external device. The third is a switching reduction method by setting a cost function that penalizes the switching of the pinning agents in the steady-state. Our proposed algorithm enables us to improve the consensus speed. Moreover, our algorithm can regroup the platoons to the arbitrary platoons and control the velocities of the multiple vehicle platoons to each target value.

  • Model Checking of Real-Time Properties for Embedded Assembly Program Using Real-Time Temporal Logic RTCTL and Its Application to Real Microcontroller Software

    Yajun WU  Satoshi YAMANE  

    PAPER-Software System

    E103-D No:4

    For embedded systems, verifying both real-time properties and logical validity are important. The embedded system is not only required to the accurate operation but also required to strictly real-time properties. To verify real-time properties is a key problem in model checking. In order to verify real-time properties of assembly program, we develop the simulator to propose the model checking method for verifying assembly programs. Simultaneously, we propose a timed Kripke structure and implement the simulator of the robot's processor to be verified. We propose the timed Kripke structure including the execution time which extends Kripke structure. For the input assembly program, the simulator generates timed Kripke structure by dynamic program analysis. Also, we implement model checker after generating timed Kripke structure in order to verify whether timed Kripke structure satisfies RTCTL formulas. Finally, to evaluate a proposed method, we conduct experiments with the implementation of the verification system. To solve the real problem, we have experimented with real microcontroller software.

  • The Role of Accent and Grouping Structures in Estimating Musical Meter

    Han-Ying LIN  Chien-Chieh HUANG  Wen-Whei CHANG  Jen-Tzung CHIEN  

    PAPER-Engineering Acoustics

    E103-A No:4

    This study presents a new method to exploit both accent and grouping structures of music in meter estimation. The system starts by extracting autocorrelation-based features that characterize accent periodicities. Based on the local boundary detection model, we construct grouping features that serve as additional cues for inferring meter. After the feature extraction, a multi-layer cascaded classifier based on neural network is incorporated to derive the most likely meter of input melody. Experiments on 7351 folk melodies in MIDI files indicate that the proposed system achieves an accuracy of 95.76% for classification into nine categories of meters.

  • Analytical Expression of Capon Spectrum for Two Uncorrelated Signals Using the Inner Product of Mode Vectors Open Access


    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E103-B No:4

    An analytic expression of the Capon spectrum is derived for two uncorrelated incident signals. On the basis of this theoretical formulation, we discuss the effect of a factor arising from the inner product of mode vectors with respect to the incident angles, which compromises the resolution. We show numerical examples to demonstrate the effect that the inner product of mode vectors has on the shape of the Capon spectrum.

  • Enhanced HDR Image Reproduction Using Gamma-Adaptation-Based Tone Compression and Detail-Preserved Blending

    Taeyoung JUNG  Hyuk-Ju KWON  Joonku HAHN  Sung-Hak LEE  


    E103-A No:4

    We propose image synthesizing using luminance adapted range compression and detail-preserved blending. Range compression is performed using the correlated visual gamma then image blending is performed by local adaptive mixing and selecting method. Simulations prove that the proposed method reproduces natural images without any increase in noise or color desaturation.

  • System Design for Traveling Maintenance in Wide-Area Telecommunication Networks

    Kouji HIRATA  Hiroshi YAMAMOTO  Shohei KAMAMURA  Toshiyuki OKA  Yoshihiko UEMATSU  Hideki MAEDA  Miki YAMAMOTO  


    E103-B No:4

    This paper proposes a traveling maintenance method based on the resource pool concept, as a new network maintenance model. For failure recovery, the proposed method utilizes permissible time that is ensured by shared resource pools. In the proposed method, even if a failure occurs in a communication facility, maintenance staff wait for occurrence of successive failures in other communication facilities during the permissible time instead of immediately tackling the failure. Then, the maintenance staff successively visit the communication facilities that have faulty devices and collectively repair them. Therefore, the proposed method can reduce the amount of time that the maintenance staff take for fault recovery. Furthermore, this paper provides a system design that optimizes the proposed traveling maintenance according to system requirements determined by the design philosophy of telecommunication networks. Through simulation experiments, we show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • GUNGEN-Heartbeat: A Support System for High Quality Idea Generation Using Heartbeat Variance

    Jun MUNEMORI  Kohei KOMORI  Junko ITOU  


    E103-D No:4

    We propose an idea generation support system known as the “GUNGEN-Heartbeat” that uses heartbeat variations for creating high quality ideas during brainstorming. This system shows “An indication of a check list” or “An indication to promote deep breathing” at time beyond a value with variance of heart rates. We also carried out comparison experiments to evaluate the usefulness of the system.

  • Data Hiding in Computer-Generated Stained Glass Images and Its Applications to Information Protection

    Shi-Chei HUNG  Da-Chun WU  Wen-Hsiang TSAI  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E103-D No:4

    The two issues of art image creation and data hiding are integrated into one and solved by a single approach in this study. An automatic method for generating a new type of computer art, called stained glass image, which imitates the stained-glass window picture, is proposed. The method is based on the use of a tree structure for region growing to construct the art image. Also proposed is a data hiding method which utilizes a general feature of the tree structure, namely, number of tree nodes, to encode the data to be embedded. The method can be modified for uses in three information protection applications, namely, covert communication, watermarking, and image authentication. Besides the artistic stego-image content which may distract the hacker's attention to the hidden data, data security is also considered by randomizing both the input data and the seed locations for region growing, yielding a stego-image which is robust against the hacker's attacks. Good experimental results proving the feasibility of the proposed methods are also included.

  • Modeling Upper Layer Reaction to QoS Degradation as a Congestion Avoidance Mechanism Open Access

    Shigeaki HARADA  Keisuke ISHIBASHI  Ryoichi KAWAHARA  


    E103-B No:4

    On the Internet, end hosts and network nodes interdependently work to smoothly transfer traffic. Observed traffic dynamics are the result of those interactions among those entities. To manage Internet traffic to provide satisfactory quality services, such dynamics need to be well understood to predict traffic patterns. In particular, some nodes have a function that sends back-pressure signals to backward nodes to reduce their sending rate and mitigate congestion. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) congestion control in end-hosts also mitigates traffic deviation to eliminate temporary congestion by reducing the TCP sending rate. How these congestion controls mitigate congestion has been extensively investigated. However, these controls only throttle their sending rate but do not reduce traffic volume. Such congestion control fails if congestion is persistent, e.g., for hours, because unsent traffic demand will infinitely accumulate. However, on the actual Internet, even with persistent congestion, such accumulation does not seem to occur. During congestion, users and/or applications tend to reduce their traffic demand in reaction to quality of service (QoS) degradation to avoid negative service experience. We previously estimated that 2% packet loss results in 23% traffic reduction because of this upper-layer reaction [1]. We view this reduction as an upper-layer congestion-avoidance mechanism and construct a closed-loop model of this mechanism, which we call the Upper-Layer Closed-Loop (ULCL) model. We also show that by using ULCL, we can predict the degree of QoS degradation and traffic reduction as an equilibrium of the feedback loop. We applied our model to traffic and packet-loss ratio time series data gathered in an actual network and demonstrate that it effectively estimates actual traffic and packet-loss ratio.

  • Linear Constellation Precoded OFDM with Index Modulation Based Orthogonal Cooperative System

    Qingbo WANG  Gaoqi DOU  Ran DENG  Jun GAO  


    E103-B No:4

    The current orthogonal cooperative system (OCS) achieves diversity through the use of relays and the consumption of an additional time slot (TS). To guarantee the orthogonality of the received signal and avoid the mutual interference at the destination, the source has to be mute in the second TS. Consequently, the spectral efficiency (SE) is halved. In this paper, linear constellation precoded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with index modulation (LCP-OFDM-IM) based OCS is proposed, where the source activates the complementary subcarriers to convey the symbols over two TSs. Hence the source can consecutively transmit information to the destination without the mutual interference. Compared with the current OFDM based OCS, the LCP-OFDM-IM based OCS can achieve a higher SE, since the subcarrier activation patterns (SAPs) can be exploited to convey additional information. Furthermore, the optimal precoder, in the sense of maximizing the minimum Euclidean distance of the symbols conveyed on each subcarrier over two TSs, is provided. Simulation results show the superiority of the LCP-OFDM-IM based OCS over the current OFDM based OCS.

  • Information Floating for Sensor Networking to Provide Available Routes in Disaster Situations Open Access

    Naoyuki KARASAWA  Kazuyuki MIYAKITA  Yuto INAGAWA  Kodai KOBAYASHI  Hiroshi TAMURA  Keisuke NAKANO  


    E103-B No:4

    Information floating (IF) permits mobile nodes to transmit information to other nodes by direct wireless communication only in transmittable areas (TAs), thus avoiding unneeded and inefficient information distribution to irrelevant areas, which is a problem with the so-called epidemic communication used in delay tolerant networks. In this paper, we propose applying IF to sensor networking to find and share available routes in disaster situations. In this proposal, IF gathers and shares information without any assistance from gateways, which is normally required for conventional wireless sensor networks. A performance evaluation based on computer simulation results is presented. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the proposed method is effective by highlighting its advantageous properties and directly comparing it with a method based on epidemic communication. Our findings suggest that the proposed method is a promising step toward more effective countermeasures against restricted access in disaster zones.

  • Enhanced Universal Filtered-DFTs-OFDM for Long-Delay Multipath Environment Open Access

    Yuji MIZUTANI  Hiroto KURIKI  Yosuke KODAMA  Keiichi MIZUTANI  Takeshi MATSUMURA  Hiroshi HARADA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E103-B No:4

    The conventional universal filtered-DFT-spread-OFDM (UF-DFTs-OFDM) can drastically improve the out-of-band emission (OOBE) caused by the discontinuity between symbols in the conventional cyclic prefix-based DFTs-OFDM (CP-DFTs-OFDM). However, the UF-DFTs-OFDM degrades the communication quality in a long-delay multipath fading environment due to the frequency-domain ripple derived from the long transition time of the low pass filter (LPF) corresponding to the guard interval (GI). In this paper, we propose an enhanced UF-DFTs-OFDM (eUF-DFTs-OFDM) that achieves significantly low OOBE and high communication quality even in a long-delay multipath fading environment. The eUF-DFTs-OFDM applies an LPF with quite short length in combination with the zero padding (ZP) or the CP process. Then, the characteristics of the OOBE, peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), and block error rate (BLER) are evaluated by computer simulation with the LTE uplink parameters. The result confirms that the eUF-DFTs-OFDM can improve the OOBE by 22.5dB at the channel-edge compared to the CP-DFTs-OFDM, and also improve the ES/N0 to achieve BLER =10-3 by about 2.5dB for QPSK and 16QAM compared to the UF-DFTs-OFDM. For 64QAM, the proposed eUF-DFTs-ODFDM can eliminate the error floor of the UF-DFTs-OFDM. These results indicate that the proposed eUF-DFTs-OFDM can significantly reduce the OOBE while maintaining the same level of communication quality as the CP-DFTs-OFDM even in long-delay multipath environment.

  • Improvement in the Effectiveness of Cutting Skill Practice for Paper-Cutting Creations Based on the Steering Law

    Takafumi HIGASHI  Hideaki KANAI  


    E103-D No:4

    To improve the cutting skills of learners, we developed a method for improving the skill involved in creating paper cuttings based on a steering task in the field of human-computer interaction. TaWe made patterns using the white and black boundaries that make up a picture. The index of difficulty (ID) is a numerical value based on the width and distance of the steering law. First, we evaluated novice and expert pattern-cutters, and measured their moving time (MT), error rate, and compliance with the steering law, confirming that the MT and error rate are affected by pattern width and distance. Moreover, we quantified the skills of novices and experts using ID and MT based models. We then observed changes in the cutting skills of novices who practiced with various widths and evaluated the impact of the difficulty level on skill improvement. Patterns considered to be moderately difficult for novices led to a significant improvement in skills.

  • A Deep Neural Network-Based Approach to Finding Similar Code Segments

    Dong Kwan KIM  

    LETTER-Software Engineering

    E103-D No:4

    This paper presents a Siamese architecture model with two identical Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to identify code clones; two code fragments are represented as Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs), CNN-based subnetworks extract feature vectors from the ASTs of pairwise code fragments, and the output layer produces how similar or dissimilar they are. Experimental results demonstrate that CNN-based feature extraction is effective in detecting code clones at source code or bytecode levels.
