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  • A Satisfiability Algorithm for Synchronous Boolean Circuits

    Hiroki MORIZUMI  


    E104-D No:3

    The circuit satisfiability problem has been intensively studied since Ryan Williams showed a connection between the problem and lower bounds for circuit complexity. In this letter, we present a #SAT algorithm for synchronous Boolean circuits of n inputs and s gates in time $2^{nleft(1 - rac{1}{2^{O(s/n)}} ight)}$ if s=o(n log n).

  • Compact Model of Magnetic Tunnel Junctions for SPICE Simulation Based on Switching Probability

    Haoyan LIU  Takashi OHSAWA  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E104-C No:3

    We propose a compact magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) model for circuit simulation by de-facto standard SPICE in this paper. It is implemented by Verilog-A language which makes it easy to simulate MTJs with other standard devices. Based on the switching probability, we smoothly connect the adiabatic precessional model and the thermal activation model by using an interpolation technique based on the cubic spline method. We can predict the switching time after a current is applied. Meanwhile, we use appropriate physical models to describe other MTJ characteristics. Simulation results validate that the model is consistent with experimental data and effective for MTJ/CMOS hybrid circuit simulation.

  • Temperature-Robust 0.48-V FD-SOI Intermittent Startup Circuit with 300-nA Quiescent Current for Batteryless Wireless Sensor Capable of 1-μA Energy Harvesting Sources

    Minoru SUDO  Fumiyasu UTSUNOMIYA  Ami TANAKA  Takakuni DOUSEKI  


    E104-A No:2

    A temperature-variation-tolerant intermittent startup circuit (ISC) that suppresses quiescent current to 300nA at 0.48V was developed. The ISC is a key circuit for a batteryless wireless sensor that can detect a 1μA generation current of energy harvesting sources from the intervals of wireless signals. The ISC consists of an ultralow-voltage detector composed of a depletion-type MOSFET and low-Vth MOSFETs, a Dickson-type gate-boosted charge pump circuit, and a power-switch control circuit. The detector consists of a voltage reference comparator and a feedback-controlled latch circuit for a hysteresis function. The voltage reference comparator, which has a common source stage with a folded constant-current-source load composed of a depletion-type nMOSFET, makes it possible to reduce the temperature dependency of the detection voltage, while suppressing the quiescent current to 300nA at 0.48V. The ISC fabricated with fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator (FD-SOI) CMOS technology also suppresses the variation of the quiescent current. To verify the effectiveness of the circuit, the ISC was fabricated in a 0.8-μm triple-Vth FD-SOI CMOS process. An experiment on the fabricated system, the ISC boosts the input voltage of 0.48V to 2.4V while suppressing the quiescent current to less than 300nA at 0.48V. The measured temperature coefficient of the detection voltage was ±50ppm/°C. The fluctuation of the quiescent current was 250nA ± 90nA in the temperature range from 0°C to 40°C. An intermittent energy harvesting sensor with the ISC was also fabricated. The sensor could detect a generation current of 1μA at EH sources within an accuracy of ±15% in the temperature range from 0°C to 40°C. It was also successfully applied to a self-powered wireless plant-monitoring sensor system.

  • Mobility Innovation “Another CASE” Open Access

    Koji OGURI  Haruki KAWANAKA  Shintaro ONO  


    E104-A No:2

    The environment surrounding automotive technology is undergoing a major transformation. In particular, as technological innovation advances in new areas called “CASE” such as Connected, Autonomous/Automated, Shared, and Electric, various research activities are underway. However, this is an approach from the standpoint of the automobile centered, and when considering the development of a new automobile society, it is necessary to consider from the standpoint of “human centered,” who are users, too. Therefore, this paper proposes the possibility of technological innovation in the area of “Another CASE” such as Comfortable, Accessible, Safety, and Enjoy/Exciting, and introduces the contents of some interesting researches.

  • Tactile Touch Display Using Segmented-Electrode Array with Tactile Strength Stabilization Open Access

    Hiroshi HAGA  Takuya ASAI  Shin TAKEUCHI  Harue SASAKI  Hirotsugu YAMAMOTO  Koji SHIGEMURA  

    INVITED PAPER-Electronic Displays

    E104-C No:2

    We developed an 8.4-inch electrostatic-tactile touch display using a segmented-electrode array (30×20) as both tactile pixels and touch sensors. Each pixel can be excited independently so that the electrostatic-tactile touch display allows presenting real localized tactile textures in any shape. A driving scheme in which the tactile strength is independent of the grounding state of the human body by employing two-phased actuation was also proposed and demonstrated. Furthermore, tactile crosstalk was investigated to find it was due to the voltage fluctuation in the human body and it was diminished by applying the aforementioned driving scheme.

  • Some Results on Incorrigible Sets of Binary Linear Codes

    Hedong HOU  Haiyang LIU  Lianrong MA  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E104-A No:2

    In this letter, we consider the incorrigible sets of binary linear codes. First, we show that the incorrigible set enumerator of a binary linear code is tantamount to the Tutte polynomial of the vector matroid induced by the parity-check matrix of the code. A direct consequence is that determining the incorrigible set enumerator of binary linear codes is #P-hard. Then for a cycle code, we express its incorrigible set enumerator via the Tutte polynomial of the graph describing the code. Furthermore, we provide the explicit formula of incorrigible set enumerators of cycle codes constructed from complete graphs.

  • Prosodic Features Control by Symbols as Input of Sequence-to-Sequence Acoustic Modeling for Neural TTS

    Kiyoshi KURIHARA  Nobumasa SEIYAMA  Tadashi KUMANO  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E104-D No:2

    This paper describes a method to control prosodic features using phonetic and prosodic symbols as input of attention-based sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) acoustic modeling (AM) for neural text-to-speech (TTS). The method involves inserting a sequence of prosodic symbols between phonetic symbols that are then used to reproduce prosodic acoustic features, i.e. accents, pauses, accent breaks, and sentence endings, in several seq2seq AM methods. The proposed phonetic and prosodic labels have simple descriptions and a low production cost. By contrast, the labels of conventional statistical parametric speech synthesis methods are complicated, and the cost of time alignments such as aligning the boundaries of phonemes is high. The proposed method does not need the boundary positions of phonemes. We propose an automatic conversion method for conventional labels and show how to automatically reproduce pitch accents and phonemes. The results of objective and subjective evaluations show the effectiveness of our method.

  • Depth Range Control in Visually Equivalent Light Field 3D Open Access

    Munekazu DATE  Shinya SHIMIZU  Hideaki KIMATA  Dan MIKAMI  Yoshinori KUSACHI  

    INVITED PAPER-Electronic Displays

    E104-C No:2

    3D video contents depend on the shooting condition, which is camera positioning. Depth range control in the post-processing stage is not easy, but essential as the video from arbitrary camera positions must be generated. If light field information can be obtained, video from any viewpoint can be generated exactly and post-processing is possible. However, a light field has a huge amount of data, and capturing a light field is not easy. To compress data quantity, we proposed the visually equivalent light field (VELF), which uses the characteristics of human vision. Though a number of cameras are needed, VELF can be captured by a camera array. Since camera interpolation is made using linear blending, calculation is so simple that we can construct a ray distribution field of VELF by optical interpolation in the VELF3D display. It produces high image quality due to its high pixel usage efficiency. In this paper, we summarize the relationship between the characteristics of human vision, VELF and VELF3D display. We then propose a method to control the depth range for the observed image on the VELF3D display and discuss the effectiveness and limitations of displaying the processed image on the VELF3D display. Our method can be applied to other 3D displays. Since the calculation is just weighted averaging, it is suitable for real-time applications.

  • Design and Implementation of a Software Tester for Benchmarking Stateless NAT64 Gateways Open Access

    Gábor LENCSE  


    E104-B No:2

    The Benchmarking Working Group of IETF has defined a benchmarking methodology for IPv6 transition technologies including stateless NAT64 (also called SIIT) in RFC 8219. The aim of our effort is to design and implement a test program for SIIT gateways, which complies with RFC 8219, and thus to create the world's first standard free software SIIT benchmarking tool. In this paper, we overview the requirements for the tester on the basis of RFC 8219, and make scope decisions: throughput, frame loss rate, latency and packet delay variation (PDV) tests are implemented. We fully disclose our design considerations and the most important implementation decisions. Our tester, siitperf, is written in C++ and it uses the Intel Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK). We also document its functional tests and its initial performance estimation. Our tester is distributed as free software under GPLv3 license for the benefit of the research, benchmarking and networking communities.

  • Packet Processing Architecture with Off-Chip Last Level Cache Using Interleaved 3D-Stacked DRAM Open Access

    Tomohiro KORIKAWA  Akio KAWABATA  Fujun HE  Eiji OKI  

    PAPER-Network System

    E104-B No:2

    The performance of packet processing applications is dependent on the memory access speed of network systems. Table lookup requires fast memory access and is one of the most common processes in various packet processing applications, which can be a dominant performance bottleneck. Therefore, in Network Function Virtualization (NFV)-aware environments, on-chip fast cache memories of a CPU of general-purpose hardware become critical to achieve high performance packet processing speeds of over tens of Gbps. Also, multiple types of applications and complex applications are executed in the same system simultaneously in carrier network systems, which require adequate cache memory capacities as well. In this paper, we propose a packet processing architecture that utilizes interleaved 3 Dimensional (3D)-stacked Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) devices as off-chip Last Level Cache (LLC) in addition to several levels of dedicated cache memories of each CPU core. Entries of a lookup table are distributed in every bank and vault to utilize both bank interleaving and vault-level memory parallelism. Frequently accessed entries in 3D-stacked DRAM are also cached in on-chip dedicated cache memories of each CPU core. The evaluation results show that the proposed architecture reduces the memory access latency by 57%, and increases the throughput by 100% while reducing the blocking probability but about 10% compared to the architecture with shared on-chip LLC. These results indicate that 3D-stacked DRAM can be practical as off-chip LLC in parallel packet processing systems.

  • A Tighter Correlation Lower Bound for Quasi-Complementary Sequence Sets with Low Correlation Zone

    Bing LIU  Zhengchun ZHOU  Udaya PARAMPALLI  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E104-A No:2

    Inspired by an idea due to Levenshtein, we apply the low correlation zone constraint in the analysis of the weighted mean square aperiodic correlation. Then we derive a lower bound on the measure for quasi-complementary sequence sets with low correlation zone (LCZ-QCSS). We discuss the conditions of tightness for the proposed bound. It turns out that the proposed bound is tighter than Liu-Guan-Ng-Chen bound for LCZ-QCSS. We also derive a lower bound for QCSS, which improves the Liu-Guan-Mow bound in general.

  • Sequence-Based Schemes for Broadcast and Unicast under Frequency Division Duplex

    Fang LIU  Kenneth W. SHUM  Yijin ZHANG  Wing Shing WONG  

    INVITED PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E104-A No:2

    We consider all-to-all broadcast and unicast among nodes in a multi-channel single-hop ad hoc network, with no time synchronization. Motivated by the hard delay requirement for ultra-reliable and low-latency communication (URLLC) in 5G wireless networks, we aim at designing medium access control (MAC) schemes to guarantee successful node-to-node transmission within a bounded delay. To provide a hard guarantee on the transmission delay, deterministic sequence schemes are preferred to probabilistic schemes such as carrier sense multiple access (CSMA). Therefore, we mainly consider sequence schemes, with the goal to design schedule sequence set to guarantee successful broadcast/unicast within a common sequence period. This period should be as short as possible since it determines an upper bound on the transmission delay. In previous works, we have considered sequence design under time division duplex (TDD). In this paper, we focus on another common duplex mode, frequency division duplex (FDD). For the FDD case, we present a lower bound on period of feasible sequence sets, and propose a sequence construction method by which the sequence period can achieve the same order as the lower bound, for both broadcast and unicast models. We also compare the sequence length for FDD with that for TDD.

  • On Traffic Flow Evaluation for a Multimodal Transport Society

    Go ISHII  Takaaki HASEGAWA  Daichi CHONO  


    E104-A No:2

    In this paper, we build a microscopic simulator of traffic flow in a three-modal transport society for pedestrians/slow vehicles/vehicles (P/SV/V) to evaluate a post P/V society. The simulator assumes that the SV includes bicycles and micro electric vehicles, whose speed is strictly and mechanically limited up to 30 km/h. In addition, this simulator adopts an SV overtaking model. Modal shifts caused by modal diversity requires new valuation indexes. The simulator has a significant feature of a traveler-based traffic demand simulation not a vehicle-based traffic demand simulation as well as new evaluation indexes. New assessment taking this situation into account is conducted and the results explain new aspects of traffic flow in a three-mode transport society.

  • Modeling and Supervisory Control of Blockchain Forks

    Kosuke TODA  Naomi KUZE  Toshimitsu USHIO  


    E104-A No:2

    Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology for recording transactions. When two or more miners create different versions of the blocks at almost the same time, blockchain forks occur. We model the mining process with forks by a discrete event system and design a supervisor controlling these forks.

  • A Congestion-Aware Adaptive Streaming over ICN Combined with Explicit Congestion Notification for QoE Improvement

    Rei NAKAGAWA  Satoshi OHZAHATA  Ryo YAMAMOTO  Toshihiko KATO  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E104-D No:2

    Recently, adaptive streaming over information centric network (ICN) has attracted attention. In adaptive streaming over ICN, the bitrate adaptation of the client often overestimates a bitrate for available bandwidth due to congestion because the client implicitly estimates congestion status from the content download procedures of ICN. As a result, streaming overestimated bitrate results in QoE degradation of clients such as cause of a stall time and frequent variation of the bitrate. In this paper, we propose a congestion-aware adaptive streaming over ICN combined with the explicit congestion notification (CAAS with ECN) to avoid QoE degradation. CAAS with ECN encourages explicit feedback of congestion detected in the router on the communication path, and introduces the upper band of the selectable bitrate (bitrate-cap) based on explicit feedback from the router to the bitrate adaptation of the clients. We evaluate the effectiveness of CAAS with ECN for client's QoE degradation due to congestion and behavior on the QoS metrics based on throughput. The simulation experiments show that the bitrate adjustment for all the clients improves QoE degradation and QoE fairness due to effective congestion avoidance.

  • An Extended Scheme for Shape Matching with Local Descriptors

    Kazunori IWATA  Hiroki YAMAMOTO  Kazushi MIMURA  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E104-D No:2

    Shape matching with local descriptors is an underlying scheme in shape analysis. We can visually confirm the matching results and also assess them for shape classification. Generally, shape matching is implemented by determining the correspondence between shapes that are represented by their respective sets of sampled points. Some matching methods have already been proposed; the main difference between them lies in their choice of matching cost function. This function measures the dissimilarity between the local distribution of sampled points around a focusing point of one shape and the local distribution of sampled points around a referring point of another shape. A local descriptor is used to describe the distribution of sampled points around the point of the shape. In this paper, we propose an extended scheme for shape matching that can compensate for errors in existing local descriptors. It is convenient for local descriptors to adopt our scheme because it does not require the local descriptors to be modified. The main idea of our scheme is to consider the correspondence of neighboring sampled points to a focusing point when determining the correspondence of the focusing point. This is useful because it increases the chance of finding a suitable correspondence. However, considering the correspondence of neighboring points causes a problem regarding computational feasibility, because there is a substantial increase in the number of possible correspondences that need to be considered in shape matching. We solve this problem using a branch-and-bound algorithm, for efficient approximation. Using several shape datasets, we demonstrate that our scheme yields a more suitable matching than the conventional scheme that does not consider the correspondence of neighboring sampled points, even though our scheme requires only a small increase in execution time.

  • Effective Anomaly Detection in Smart Home by Analyzing Sensor Correlations

    Giang-Truong NGUYEN  Van-Quyet NGUYEN  Van-Hau NGUYEN  Kyungbaek KIM  

    LETTER-Dependable Computing

    E104-D No:2

    In a smart home environment, sensors generate events whenever activities of residents are captured. However, due to some factors, abnormal events could be generated, which are technically reasonable but contradict to real-world activities. To detect abnormal events, a number of methods has been introduced, e.g., clustering-based or snapshot-based approaches. However, they have limitations to deal with complicated anomalies which occur with large number of events and blended within normal sensor readings. In this paper, we propose a novel method of detecting sensor anomalies under smart home environment by considering spatial correlation and dependable correlation between sensors. Initially, we pre-calculate these correlations of every pair of two sensors to discover their relations. Then, from periodic sensor readings, if it has any unmatched relations to the pre-computed ones, an anomaly is detected on the correlated sensor. Through extensive evaluations with real datasets, we show that the proposed method outperforms previous approaches with 20% improvement on detection rate and reasonably low false positive rate.

  • Proposal of Novel Temperature-Independent Zero-Zero-Birefringence Polymer with High Heat-Resistance Open Access

    Kohei WATANABE  Yuma KOBAYASHI  Yasuhiro KOIKE  

    INVITED PAPER-Electronic Materials

    E104-C No:2

    Temperature-independent zero-zero-birefringence polymer (TIZZBP), which exhibits very small birefringence over the wide temperature range, is required to realize real-color images for displays, particularly vehicle-mounted displays. Previously, a TIZZBP was synthesized, but they did not put into practical use because of their too complex composition and low mechanical strength. In this paper, we propose a practical TIZZBP that has high heat resistance, high transparency and sufficient mechanical strength, using a simple binary copolymerization system. Our proposed novel polymer exhibits very low photoelastic birefringence and very low orientational birefringence. Both types of birefringence of this TIZZBP satisfy the negligible levels for displays, which are defined as follows: the absolute values of photoelastic coefficient and intrinsic birefringence are less than 1 ×10-12 Pa-1 and 1 ×10-3, respectively. In addition, temperature dependency of orientational birefringence was very low. Orientational birefringence satisfies the negligible level all over the temperature range from around -40°C to 85°C. This temperature range is important because it is the operational temperature range for vehicle-mounted display. Furthermore, our proposed novel TIZZBP showed high heat resistance, high transparency and sufficient mechanical strength. The glass transition temperature was 194°C. The total light transmittance and the haze value is more than 91% and less than 1%, respectively. The tensile strength of non-oriented films was 35 ~ 50 MPa. These results suggest our proposed novel TIZZBP has high practicality in addition to very low birefringence. Therefore, this TIZZBP film will be very useful for various displays including vehicle-mounted displays and flexible displays.

  • Neural Network-Based Model-Free Learning Approach for Approximate Optimal Control of Nonlinear Systems

    Zhenhui XU  Tielong SHEN  Daizhan CHENG  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E104-A No:2

    This paper studies the infinite time horizon optimal control problem for continuous-time nonlinear systems. A completely model-free approximate optimal control design method is proposed, which only makes use of the real-time measured data from trajectories instead of a dynamical model of the system. This approach is based on the actor-critic structure, where the weights of the critic neural network and the actor neural network are updated sequentially by the method of weighted residuals. It should be noted that an external input is introduced to replace the input-to-state dynamics to improve the control policy. Moreover, strict proof of convergence to the optimal solution along with the stability of the closed-loop system is given. Finally, a numerical example is given to show the efficiency of the method.

  • Performance Evaluation Using Plural Smartphones in Bluetooth Low Energy Positioning System

    Kosuke OMURA  Tetsuya MANABE  


    E104-A No:2

    In this paper, we clarify the importance of performance evaluation using a plurality of smartphones in a positioning system based on radio waves. Specifically, in a positioning system using bluetooth low energy, the positioning performance of two types of positioning algorithms is performed using a plurality of smartphones. As a result, we confirmed that the fingerprint algorithm does not always provide sufficient positioning performance. It depends on the model of the smartphone used. On the other hand, the hybrid algorithm that the authors have already proposed is robust in the difference of the received signal characteristics of the smartphone. Consequently, we spotlighted that the use of multiple devices is essential for providing high-quality location-based services in real environments in the performance evaluation of radio wave-based positioning systems using smartphones.
