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  • F-band Frequency Multipliers with Fundamental and Harmonic Rejection for Improved Conversion Gain and Output Power

    Ibrahim ABDO  Korkut Kaan TOKGOZ  Atsushi SHIRANE  Kenichi OKADA  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E105-C No:3

    This paper introduces several design techniques to improve the performance of CMOS frequency multipliers that operate at the sub-THz band without increasing the complexity and the power consumption of the circuit. The proposed techniques are applied to a device nonlinearity-based frequency tripler and to a push-push frequency doubler. By utilizing the fundamental and second harmonic feedback cancellation, the tripler achieves -2.9dBm output power with a simple single-ended circuit architecture reducing the required area and power consumption. The tripler operates at frequencies from 103GHz to 130GHz. The introduced modified push-push doubler provides 2.3dB conversion gain including the balun losses and it has good tolerance against balun mismatches. The output frequency of the doubler is from 118GHz to 124GHz. Both circuits were designed and fabricated using CMOS 65nm technology.

  • Gender Recognition Using a Gaze-Guided Self-Attention Mechanism Robust Against Background Bias in Training Samples

    Masashi NISHIYAMA  Michiko INOUE  Yoshio IWAI  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E105-D No:2

    We propose an attention mechanism in deep learning networks for gender recognition using the gaze distribution of human observers when they judge the gender of people in pedestrian images. Prevalent attention mechanisms spatially compute the correlation among values of all cells in an input feature map to calculate attention weights. If a large bias in the background of pedestrian images (e.g., test samples and training samples containing different backgrounds) is present, the attention weights learned using the prevalent attention mechanisms are affected by the bias, which in turn reduces the accuracy of gender recognition. To avoid this problem, we incorporate an attention mechanism called gaze-guided self-attention (GSA) that is inspired by human visual attention. Our method assigns spatially suitable attention weights to each input feature map using the gaze distribution of human observers. In particular, GSA yields promising results even when using training samples with the background bias. The results of experiments on publicly available datasets confirm that our GSA, using the gaze distribution, is more accurate in gender recognition than currently available attention-based methods in the case of background bias between training and test samples.

  • Low-Hit-Zone Frequency-Hopping Sequence Sets with Wide-Gap and Optimal Hamming Correlation Properties

    Limengnan ZHOU  Qian KONG  Hongyu HAN  Xing LIU  Hanzhou WU  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E105-A No:2

    Frequency-hopping sequence (FHS) sets with low-hit-zone (LZH) can be well applied in quasi-synchronous (QS) frequency-hopping multiple-access (FHMA) systems to reduce the mutual interference among different users. On the other hand, LHZ-FHS sets with wide-gap (WG) property can effectively resist the broadband blocking interference, the single frequency narrowband interference, the multipath fading and the tracking interference. In this letter, a new family of WG-LHZ-FHS sets is constructed. Besides, these new WG-LHZ-FHS sets possess optimal average periodic Hamming correlation (APHC) properties.

  • Status Update for Accurate Remote Estimation: Centralized and Decentralized Schemes Open Access

    Jingzhou SUN  Yuxuan SUN  Sheng ZHOU  Zhisheng NIU  


    E105-B No:2

    In this work, we consider a remote estimation system where a remote controller estimates the status of heterogeneous sensing devices with the information delivered over wireless channels. Status of heterogeneous devices changes at different speeds. With limited wireless resources, estimating as accurately as possible requires careful design of status update schemes. Status update schemes can be divided into two classes: centralized and decentralized. In centralized schemes, a central scheduler coordinates devices to avoid potential collisions. However, in decentralized schemes where each device updates on its own, update decisions can be made by using the current status which is unavailable in centralized schemes. The relation between these two schemes under the heterogeneous devices case is unclear, and thus we study these two schemes in terms of the mean square error (MSE) of the estimation. For centralized schemes, since the scheduler does not have the current status of each device, we study policies where the scheduling decisions are based on age of information (AoI), which measures the staleness of the status information held in the controller. The optimal scheduling policy is provided, along with the corresponding MSE. For decentralized schemes, we consider deviation-based policies with which only devices with estimation deviations larger than prescribed thresholds may update, and the others stay idle. We derive an approximation of the minimum MSE under the deviation-based policies and show that it is e/3 of the minimum MSE under the AoI-based policies. Simulation results further show that the actual minimum MSEs of these two policies are even closer than that shown by the approximation, which indicates that the cost of collision in the deviation-based policy cancels out the gain from exploiting status deviations.

  • Novel Metaheuristic: Spy Algorithm

    Dhidhi PAMBUDI  Masaki KAWAMURA  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E105-D No:2

    We proposed a population-based metaheuristic called the spy algorithm for solving optimization problems and evaluated its performance. The design of our spy algorithm ensures the benefit of exploration and exploitation as well as cooperative and non-cooperative searches in each iteration. We compared the spy algorithm with genetic algorithm, improved harmony search, and particle swarm optimization on a set of non-convex functions that focus on accuracy, the ability of detecting many global optimum points, and computation time. From statistical analysis results, the spy algorithm outperformed the other algorithms. The spy algorithm had the best accuracy and detected more global optimum points within less computation time, indicating that our spy algorithm is more robust and faster then these other algorithms.

  • Precise Measurements and their Analysis of GAWBS-Induced Depolarization Noise in Multi-Core Fiber for Digital Coherent Transmission

    Masato YOSHIDA  Kozo SATO  Toshihiko HIROOKA  Keisuke KASAI  Masataka NAKAZAWA  


    E105-B No:2

    We present detailed measurements and analysis of the guided acoustic wave Brillouin scattering (GAWBS)-induced depolarization noise in a multi-core fiber (MCF) used for a digital coherent optical transmission. We first describe the GAWBS-induced depolarization noise in an uncoupled four-core fiber (4CF) with a 125μm cladding and compare the depolarization noise spectrum with that of a standard single-mode fiber (SSMF). We found that off-center cores in the 4CF are dominantly affected by higher-order TRn,m modes rather than the TR2,m mode unlike in the center core, and the total power of the depolarization noise in the 4CF was almost the same as that in the SSMF. We also report measurement results for the GAWBS-induced depolarization noise in an uncoupled 19-core fiber with a 240μm cladding. The results indicate that the amounts of depolarization noise generated in the cores are almost identical. Finally, we evaluate the influence of GAWBS-induced polarization crosstalk (XT) on a coherent QAM transmission. We found that the XT limits the achievable multiplicity of the QAM signal to 64 in a transoceanic transmission with an MCF.

  • SimpleZSL: Extremely Simple and Fast Zero-Shot Learning with Nearest Neighbor Classifiers

    Masayuki HIROMOTO  Hisanao AKIMA  Teruo ISHIHARA  Takuji YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E105-D No:2

    Zero-shot learning (ZSL) aims to classify images of unseen classes by learning relationship between visual and semantic features. Existing works have been improving recognition accuracy from various approaches, but they employ computationally intensive algorithms that require iterative optimization. In this work, we revisit the primary approach of the pattern recognition, ı.e., nearest neighbor classifiers, to solve the ZSL task by an extremely simple and fast way, called SimpleZSL. Our algorithm consists of the following three simple techniques: (1) just averaging feature vectors to obtain visual prototypes of seen classes, (2) calculating a pseudo-inverse matrix via singular value decomposition to generate visual features of unseen classes, and (3) inferring unseen classes by a nearest neighbor classifier in which cosine similarity is used to measure distance between feature vectors. Through the experiments on common datasets, the proposed method achieves good recognition accuracy with drastically small computational costs. The execution time of the proposed method on a single CPU is more than 100 times faster than those of the GPU implementations of the existing methods with comparable accuracies.

  • An Incentivization Mechanism with Validator Voting Profile in Proof-of-Stake-Based Blockchain Open Access

    Takeaki MATSUNAGA  Yuanyu ZHANG  Masahiro SASABE  Shoji KASAHARA  


    E105-B No:2

    The Proof of Stake (PoS) protocol is one of the consensus algorithms for blockchain, in which the integrity of a new block is validated according to voting by nodes called validators. However, due to validator-oriented voting, voting results are likely to be false when the number of validators with wrong votes increases. In the PoS protocol, validators are motivated to vote correctly by reward and penalty mechanisms. With such mechanisms, validators who contribute to correct consensuses are rewarded, while those who vote incorrectly are penalized. In this paper, we consider an incentivization mechanism based on the voting profile of a validator, which is estimated from the voting history of the validator. In this mechanism, the stake collected due to the penalties are redistributed to validators who vote correctly, improving the incentive of validators to contribute to the system. We evaluate the performance of the proposed mechanism by computer simulations, investigating the impacts of system parameters on the estimation accuracy of the validator profile and the amount of validator's stake. Numerical results show that the proposed mechanism can estimate the voting profile of a validator accurately even when the voting profile dynamically changes. It is also shown that the proposed mechanism gives more reward to validators who vote correctly with high voting profile.

  • Consistency Regularization on Clean Samples for Learning with Noisy Labels

    Yuichiro NOMURA  Takio KURITA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E105-D No:2

    In the recent years, deep learning has achieved significant results in various areas of machine learning. Deep learning requires a huge amount of data to train a model, and data collection techniques such as web crawling have been developed. However, there is a risk that these data collection techniques may generate incorrect labels. If a deep learning model for image classification is trained on a dataset with noisy labels, the generalization performance significantly decreases. This problem is called Learning with Noisy Labels (LNL). One of the recent researches on LNL, called DivideMix [1], has successfully divided the dataset into samples with clean labels and ones with noisy labels by modeling loss distribution of all training samples with a two-component Mixture Gaussian model (GMM). Then it treats the divided dataset as labeled and unlabeled samples and trains the classification model in a semi-supervised manner. Since the selected samples have lower loss values and are easy to classify, training models are in a risk of overfitting to the simple pattern during training. To train the classification model without overfitting to the simple patterns, we propose to introduce consistency regularization on the selected samples by GMM. The consistency regularization perturbs input images and encourages model to outputs the same value to the perturbed images and the original images. The classification model simultaneously receives the samples selected as clean and their perturbed ones, and it achieves higher generalization performance with less overfitting to the selected samples. We evaluated our method with synthetically generated noisy labels on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 and obtained results that are comparable or better than the state-of-the-art method.

  • Centralized Control Method of Multi-Radio and Terminal Connection for 802.11 Wireless LAN Mixed Environment

    Toshiro NAKAHIRA  Koichi ISHIHARA  Motoharu SASAKI  Hirantha ABEYSEKERA  Tomoki MURAKAMI  Takatsune MORIYAMA  Yasushi TAKATORI  


    E105-B No:2

    In this paper, we propose a novel centralized control method to handle multi-radio and terminal connections in an 802.11ax wireless LAN (802.11ax) mixed environment. The proposed control method can improve the throughput by applying 802.11ax Spatial Reuse in an environment hosting different terminal standards and mixed terminal communication quality. We evaluate the proposed control method by computer simulations assuming environments with mixed terminal standards, mixed communication quality, and both.

  • Estimating the Birefringence and Absorption Losses of Hydrogen-bonded Liquid Crystals with Alkoxy Chains at 2.5 THz Open Access

    Ryota ITO  Hayato SEKIYA  Michinori HONMA  Toshiaki NOSE  


    E105-C No:2

    Liquid crystal (LC) device has high tunability with low power consumption and it is important not only in visible region but also in terahertz region. In this study, birefringence and absorption losses of hydrogen-bonded LC was estimated at 2.5 THz. Our results indicate that introduction of alkoxy chain to hydrogen-bonded LC is effective to increase birefringence in terahertz region. These results indicate that hydrogen-bonded LCs are a strong candidate for future terahertz devices because of their excellent properties in the terahertz region.

  • A Reinforcement Learning Method for Optical Thin-Film Design Open Access

    Anqing JIANG  Osamu YOSHIE  


    E105-C No:2

    Machine learning, especially deep learning, is dramatically changing the methods associated with optical thin-film inverse design. The vast majority of this research has focused on the parameter optimization (layer thickness, and structure size) of optical thin-films. A challenging problem that arises is an automated material search. In this work, we propose a new end-to-end algorithm for optical thin-film inverse design. This method combines the ability of unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning and includes a genetic algorithm to design an optical thin-film without any human intervention. Furthermore, with several concrete examples, we have shown how one can use this technique to optimize the spectra of a multi-layer solar absorber device.

  • Feasibility Study for Computer-Aided Diagnosis System with Navigation Function of Clear Region for Real-Time Endoscopic Video Image on Customizable Embedded DSP Cores

    Masayuki ODAGAWA  Tetsushi KOIDE  Toru TAMAKI  Shigeto YOSHIDA  Hiroshi MIENO  Shinji TANAKA  

    LETTER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E105-A No:1

    This paper presents examination result of possibility for automatic unclear region detection in the CAD system for colorectal tumor with real time endoscopic video image. We confirmed that it is possible to realize the CAD system with navigation function of clear region which consists of unclear region detection by YOLO2 and classification by AlexNet and SVMs on customizable embedded DSP cores. Moreover, we confirmed the real time CAD system can be constructed by a low power ASIC using customizable embedded DSP cores.

  • Design and Performance of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes for Noisy Channels with Synchronization Errors

    Ryo SHIBATA  Hiroyuki YASHIMA  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E105-A No:1

    In this letter, we study low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes for noisy channels with insertion and deletion (ID) errors. We first propose a design method of irregular LDPC codes for such channels, which can be used to simultaneously obtain degree distributions for different noise levels. We then show the asymptotic/finite-length decoding performances of designed codes and compare them with the symmetric information rates of cascaded ID-noisy channels. Moreover, we examine the relationship between decoding performance and a code structure of irregular LDPC codes.

  • A Robust Canonical Polyadic Tensor Decomposition via Structured Low-Rank Matrix Approximation

    Riku AKEMA  Masao YAMAGISHI  Isao YAMADA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E105-A No:1

    The Canonical Polyadic Decomposition (CPD) is the tensor analog of the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) for a matrix and has many data science applications including signal processing and machine learning. For the CPD, the Alternating Least Squares (ALS) algorithm has been used extensively. Although the ALS algorithm is simple, it is sensitive to a noise of a data tensor in the applications. In this paper, we propose a novel strategy to realize the noise suppression for the CPD. The proposed strategy is decomposed into two steps: (Step 1) denoising the given tensor and (Step 2) solving the exact CPD of the denoised tensor. Step 1 can be realized by solving a structured low-rank approximation with the Douglas-Rachford splitting algorithm and then Step 2 can be realized by solving the simultaneous diagonalization of a matrix tuple constructed by the denoised tensor with the DODO method. Numerical experiments show that the proposed algorithm works well even in typical cases where the ALS algorithm suffers from the so-called bottleneck/swamp effect.

  • A Spectral Analyzer Based on Dual Coprime DFT Filter Banks and Sub-Decimation

    Xueyan ZHANG  Libin QU  Zhangkai LUO  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E105-B No:1

    Coprime (pair of) DFT filter banks (coprime DFTFB), which process signals like a spectral analyzer in time domain, divides the power spectrum equally into MN bands by employing two DFT filter banks (DFTFBs) of size only M and N respectively, where M and N are coprime integers. With coprime DFTFB, frequencies in wide sense stationary (WSS) signals can be effectively estimated with a much lower sampling rates than the Nyquist rates. However, the imperfection of practical FIR filter and the correlation based detection mode give rise to two kinds of spurious peaks in power spectrum estimation, that greatly limit the application of coprime DFTFB. Through detailed analysis of the spurious peaks, this paper proposes a modified spectral analyzer based on dual coprime DFTFBs and sub-decimation, which not only depresses the spurious peaks, but also improves the frequency estimation accuracy. The mathematical principle proof of the proposed spectral analyzer is also provided. In discussion of simultaneous signals detection, an O-extended MN-band coprime DFTFB (OExt M-N coprime DFTFB) structure is naturally deduced, where M, N, and O are coprime with each other. The original MN-band coprime DFTFB (M-N coprime DFTFB) can be seen a special case of the OExt M-N coprime DFTFB with extending factor O equals ‘1’. In the numerical simulation section, BPSK signals with random carrier frequencies are employed to test the proposed spectral analyzer. The results of detection probability versus SNR curves through 1000 Monte Carlo experiments verify the effectiveness of the proposed spectrum analyzer.

  • Device-Free Localization via Sparse Coding with a Generalized Thresholding Algorithm

    Qin CHENG  Linghua ZHANG  Bo XUE  Feng SHU  Yang YU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E105-B No:1

    As an emerging technology, device-free localization (DFL) using wireless sensor networks to detect targets not carrying any electronic devices, has spawned extensive applications, such as security safeguards and smart homes or hospitals. Previous studies formulate DFL as a classification problem, but there are still some challenges in terms of accuracy and robustness. In this paper, we exploit a generalized thresholding algorithm with parameter p as a penalty function to solve inverse problems with sparsity constraints for DFL. The function applies less bias to the large coefficients and penalizes small coefficients by reducing the value of p. By taking the distinctive capability of the p thresholding function to measure sparsity, the proposed approach can achieve accurate and robust localization performance in challenging environments. Extensive experiments show that the algorithm outperforms current alternatives.

  • Monitoring Trails Computation within Allowable Expected Period Specified for Transport Networks

    Nagao OGINO  Takeshi KITAHARA  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E105-B No:1

    Active network monitoring based on Boolean network tomography is a promising technique to localize link failures instantly in transport networks. However, the required set of monitoring trails must be recomputed after each link failure has occurred to handle succeeding link failures. Existing heuristic methods cannot compute the required monitoring trails in a sufficiently short time when multiple-link failures must be localized in the whole of large-scale managed networks. This paper proposes an approach for computing the required monitoring trails within an allowable expected period specified beforehand. A random walk-based analysis estimates the number of monitoring trails to be computed in the proposed approach. The estimated number of monitoring trails are computed by a lightweight method that only guarantees partial localization within restricted areas. The lightweight method is repeatedly executed until a successful set of monitoring trails achieving unambiguous localization in the entire managed networks can be obtained. This paper demonstrates that the proposed approach can compute a small number of monitoring trails for localizing all independent dual-link failures in managed networks made up of thousands of links within a given expected short period.

  • Pruning Ratio Optimization with Layer-Wise Pruning Method for Accelerating Convolutional Neural Networks

    Koji KAMMA  Sarimu INOUE  Toshikazu WADA  

    PAPER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E105-D No:1

    Pruning is an effective technique to reduce computational complexity of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) by removing redundant neurons (or weights). There are two types of pruning methods: holistic pruning and layer-wise pruning. The former selects the least important neuron from the entire model and prunes it. The latter conducts pruning layer by layer. Recently, it has turned out that some layer-wise methods are effective for reducing computational complexity of pruned models while preserving their accuracy. The difficulty of layer-wise pruning is how to adjust pruning ratio (the ratio of neurons to be pruned) in each layer. Because CNNs typically have lots of layers composed of lots of neurons, it is inefficient to tune pruning ratios by human hands. In this paper, we present Pruning Ratio Optimizer (PRO), a method that can be combined with layer-wise pruning methods for optimizing pruning ratios. The idea of PRO is to adjust pruning ratios based on how much pruning in each layer has an impact on the outputs in the final layer. In the experiments, we could verify the effectiveness of PRO.

  • SRAM: A Septum-Type Polarizer Design Method Based on Superposed Even- and Odd-Mode Excitation Analysis

    Tomoki KANEKO  Hirobumi SAITO  Akira HIROSE  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E105-C No:1

    This paper proposes an analytical method to design septum-type polarizers by assuming a polarizer as a series of four septum elements with a short ridge-waveguide approximation. We determine parameters of respective elements in such a manner that, at the center frequency, the reflection coefficient of the first element is equal to that of the second one, the reflection of the third one equals to that of the forth, and the electrical lengths of the first, second and third elements are 90 deg. We name this method the Short Ridge-waveguide Approximation Method (SRAM). We fabricated an X-band polarizer, which achieves a cross polarization discrimination (XPD) value of 40.7-64.1 dB over 8.0-8.4 GHz, without any numerical optimization.
