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  • Precoder Optimization Using Data Correlation for Wireless Data Aggregation

    Ayano NAKAI-KASAI  Naoyuki HAYASHI  Tadashi WADAYAMA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E107-B No:3

    In this paper, we consider precoder design for wireless data aggregation in sensor networks. The precoder optimization problem can be formulated as minimization of mean squared error under transmit power and block diagonal constraints. We include statistical correlation of data into the optimization problem, which is appeared in typical applications but is ignored in conventional designing methods. We propose precoder optimization algorithms based on projected gradient descent with projection onto the constraint sets. The proposed method can achieve better performance than the conventional methods that do not incorporate data correlation, especially when data are highly correlated. We also extend the proposed approach to the context of over-the-air computation.

  • CMND: Consistent-Aware Multi-Server Network Design Model for Delay-Sensitive Applications


    PAPER-Network System

    E107-B No:3

    This paper proposes a network design model, considering data consistency for a delay-sensitive distributed processing system. The data consistency is determined by collating the own state and the states of slave servers. If the state is mismatched with other servers, the rollback process is initiated to modify the state to guarantee data consistency. In the proposed model, the selected servers and the master-slave server pairs are determined to minimize the end-to-end delay and the delay for data consistency. We formulate the proposed model as an integer linear programming problem. We evaluate the delay performance and computation time. We evaluate the proposed model in two network models with two, three, and four slave servers. The proposed model reduces the delay for data consistency by up to 31 percent compared to that of a typical model that collates the status of all servers at one master server. The computation time is a few seconds, which is an acceptable time for network design before service launch. These results indicate that the proposed model is effective for delay-sensitive applications.

  • A Data Augmentation Method for Fault Localization with Fault Propagation Context and VAE

    Zhuo ZHANG  Donghui LI  Lei XIA  Ya LI  Xiankai MENG  

    LETTER-Software Engineering

    E107-D No:2

    With the growing complexity and scale of software, detecting and repairing errant behaviors at an early stage are critical to reduce the cost of software development. In the practice of fault localization, a typical process usually includes three steps: execution of input domain test cases, construction of model domain test vectors and suspiciousness evaluation. The effectiveness of model domain test vectors is significant for locating the faulty code. However, test vectors with failing labels usually account for a small portion, which inevitably degrades the effectiveness of fault localization. In this paper, we propose a data augmentation method PVaug by using fault propagation context and variational autoencoder (VAE). Our empirical results on 14 programs illustrate that PVaug has promoted the effectiveness of fault localization.

  • A Novel Double-Tail Generative Adversarial Network for Fast Photo Animation

    Gang LIU  Xin CHEN  Zhixiang GAO  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E107-D No:1

    Photo animation is to transform photos of real-world scenes into anime style images, which is a challenging task in AIGC (AI Generated Content). Although previous methods have achieved promising results, they often introduce noticeable artifacts or distortions. In this paper, we propose a novel double-tail generative adversarial network (DTGAN) for fast photo animation. DTGAN is the third version of the AnimeGAN series. Therefore, DTGAN is also called AnimeGANv3. The generator of DTGAN has two output tails, a support tail for outputting coarse-grained anime style images and a main tail for refining coarse-grained anime style images. In DTGAN, we propose a novel learnable normalization technique, termed as linearly adaptive denormalization (LADE), to prevent artifacts in the generated images. In order to improve the visual quality of the generated anime style images, two novel loss functions suitable for photo animation are proposed: 1) the region smoothing loss function, which is used to weaken the texture details of the generated images to achieve anime effects with abstract details; 2) the fine-grained revision loss function, which is used to eliminate artifacts and noise in the generated anime style image while preserving clear edges. Furthermore, the generator of DTGAN is a lightweight generator framework with only 1.02 million parameters in the inference phase. The proposed DTGAN can be easily end-to-end trained with unpaired training data. Extensive experiments have been conducted to qualitatively and quantitatively demonstrate that our method can produce high-quality anime style images from real-world photos and perform better than the state-of-the-art models.

  • A Coded Aperture as a Key for Information Hiding Designed by Physics-in-the-Loop Optimization

    Tomoki MINAMATA  Hiroki HAMASAKI  Hiroshi KAWASAKI  Hajime NAGAHARA  Satoshi ONO  


    E107-D No:1

    This paper proposes a novel application of coded apertures (CAs) for visual information hiding. CA is one of the representative computational photography techniques, in which a patterned mask is attached to a camera as an alternative to a conventional circular aperture. With image processing in the post-processing phase, various functions such as omnifocal image capturing and depth estimation can be performed. In general, a watermark embedded as high-frequency components is difficult to extract if captured outside the focal length, and defocus blur occurs. Installation of a CA into the camera is a simple solution to mitigate the difficulty, and several attempts are conducted to make a better design for stable extraction. On the contrary, our motivation is to design a specific CA as well as an information hiding scheme; the secret information can only be decoded if an image with hidden information is captured with the key aperture at a certain distance outside the focus range. The proposed technique designs the key aperture patterns and information hiding scheme through evolutionary multi-objective optimization so as to minimize the decryption error of a hidden image when using the key aperture while minimizing the accuracy when using other apertures. During the optimization process, solution candidates, i.e., key aperture patterns and information hiding schemes, are evaluated on actual devices to account for disturbances that cannot be considered in optical simulations. Experimental results have shown that decoding can be performed with the designed key aperture and similar ones, that decrypted image quality deteriorates as the similarity between the key and the aperture used for decryption decreases, and that the proposed information hiding technique works on actual devices.

  • Introduction to Compressed Sensing with Python Open Access

    Masaaki NAGAHARA  

    INVITED PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E107-B No:1

    Compressed sensing is a rapidly growing research field in signal and image processing, machine learning, statistics, and systems control. In this survey paper, we provide a review of the theoretical foundations of compressed sensing and present state-of-the-art algorithms for solving the corresponding optimization problems. Additionally, we discuss several practical applications of compressed sensing, such as group testing, sparse system identification, and sparse feedback gain design, and demonstrate their effectiveness through Python programs. This survey paper aims to contribute to the advancement of compressed sensing research and its practical applications in various scientific disciplines.

  • Resource-Efficient and Availability-Aware Service Chaining and VNF Placement with VNF Diversity and Redundancy

    Takanori HARA  Masahiro SASABE  Kento SUGIHARA  Shoji KASAHARA  


    E107-B No:1

    To establish a network service in network functions virtualization (NFV) networks, the orchestrator addresses the challenge of service chaining and virtual network function placement (SC-VNFP) by mapping virtual network functions (VNFs) and virtual links onto physical nodes and links. Unlike traditional networks, network operators in NFV networks must contend with both hardware and software failures in order to ensure resilient network services, as NFV networks consist of physical nodes and software-based VNFs. To guarantee network service quality in NFV networks, the existing work has proposed an approach for the SC-VNFP problem that considers VNF diversity and redundancy. VNF diversity splits a single VNF into multiple lightweight replica instances that possess the same functionality as the original VNF, which are then executed in a distributed manner. VNF redundancy, on the other hand, deploys backup instances with standby mode on physical nodes to prepare for potential VNF failures. However, the existing approach does not adequately consider the tradeoff between resource efficiency and service availability in the context of VNF diversity and redundancy. In this paper, we formulate the SC-VNFP problem with VNF diversity and redundancy as a two-step integer linear program (ILP) that adjusts the balance between service availability and resource efficiency. Through numerical experiments, we demonstrate the fundamental characteristics of the proposed ILP, including the tradeoff between resource efficiency and service availability.

  • Ising-Machine-Based Solver for Constrained Graph Coloring Problems

    Soma KAWAKAMI  Yosuke MUKASA  Siya BAO  Dema BA  Junya ARAI  Satoshi YAGI  Junji TERAMOTO  Nozomu TOGAWA  


    E107-A No:1

    Ising machines can find optimum or quasi-optimum solutions of combinatorial optimization problems efficiently and effectively. The graph coloring problem, which is one of the difficult combinatorial optimization problems, is to assign a color to each vertex of a graph such that no two vertices connected by an edge have the same color. Although methods to map the graph coloring problem onto the Ising model or quadratic unconstrained binary optimization (QUBO) model are proposed, none of them considers minimizing the number of colors. In addition, there is no Ising-machine-based method considering additional constraints in order to apply to practical problems. In this paper, we propose a mapping method of the graph coloring problem including minimizing the number of colors and additional constraints to the QUBO model. As well as the constraint terms for the graph coloring problem, we firstly propose an objective function term that can minimize the number of colors so that the number of used spins cannot increase exponentially. Secondly, we propose two additional constraint terms: One is that specific vertices have to be colored with specified colors; The other is that specific colors cannot be used more than the number of times given in advance. We theoretically prove that, if the energy of the proposed QUBO mapping is minimized, all the constraints are satisfied and the objective function is minimized. The result of the experiment using an Ising machine showed that the proposed method reduces the number of used colors by up to 75.1% on average compared to the existing baseline method when additional constraints are not considered. Considering the additional constraints, the proposed method can effectively find feasible solutions satisfying all the constraints.

  • Low-Complexity Digital Channelizer Design for Software Defined Radio

    Jinguang HAO  Gang WANG  Honggang WANG  Lili WANG  Xuefeng LIU  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E107-A No:1

    In software defined radio systems, a channelizer plays an important role in extracting the desired signals from a wideband signal. Compared to the conventional methods, the proposed scheme provides a solution to design a digital channelizer extracting the multiple subband signals at different center frequencies with low complexity. To do this, this paper formulates the problem as an optimization problem, which minimizes the required multiplications number subject to the constraints of the ripple in the passbands and the stopbands for single channel and combined multiple channels. In addition, a solution to solve the optimization problem is also presented and the corresponding structure is demonstrated. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme requires smaller number of the multiplications than other conventional methods. Moreover, unlike other methods, this structure can process signals with different bandwidths at different center frequencies simultaneously only by changing the status of the corresponding multiplexers without hardware reimplementation.

  • Recent Progress in Optical Network Design and Control towards Human-Centered Smart Society Open Access

    Takashi MIYAMURA  Akira MISAWA  


    E107-B No:1

    In this paper, we investigate the evolution of an optical network architecture and discuss the future direction of research on optical network design and control. We review existing research on optical network design and control and present some open challenges. One of the important open challenges lies in multilayer resource optimization including IT and optical network resources. We propose an adaptive joint optimization method of IT resources and optical spectrum under time-varying traffic demand in optical networks while avoiding an increase in operation cost. We formulate the problem as mixed integer linear programming and then quantitatively evaluate the trade-off relationship between the optimality of reconfiguration and operation cost. We demonstrate that we can achieve sufficient network performance through the adaptive joint optimization while suppressing an increase in operation cost.

  • D2EcoSys: Decentralized Digital Twin EcoSystem Empower Co-Creation City-Level Digital Twins Open Access

    Kenji KANAI  Hidehiro KANEMITSU  Taku YAMAZAKI  Shintaro MORI  Aram MINE  Sumiko MIYATA  Hironobu IMAMURA  Hidenori NAKAZATO  


    E107-B No:1

    A city-level digital twin is a critical enabling technology to construct a smart city that helps improve citizens' living conditions and quality of life. Currently, research and development regarding the digital replica city are pursued worldwide. However, many research projects only focus on creating the 3D city model. A mechanism to involve key players, such as data providers, service providers, and application developers, is essential for constructing the digital replica city and producing various city applications. Based on this motivation, the authors of this paper are pursuing a research project, namely Decentralized Digital Twin EcoSystem (D2EcoSys), to create an ecosystem to advance (and self-grow) the digital replica city regarding time and space directions, city services, and values. This paper introduces an overview of the D2EcoSys project: vision, problem statement, and approach. In addition, the paper discusses the recent research results regarding networking technologies and demonstrates an early testbed built in the Kashiwa-no-ha smart city.

  • Mechanisms to Address Different Privacy Requirements for Users and Locations

    Ryota HIRAISHI  Masatoshi YOSHIKAWA  Yang CAO  Sumio FUJITA  Hidehito GOMI  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E106-D No:12

    The significance of individuals' location information has been increasing recently, and the utilization of such data has become indispensable for businesses and society. The possible uses of location information include personalized services (maps, restaurant searches and weather forecast services) and business decisions (deciding where to open a store). However, considering that the data could be exploited, users should add random noise using their terminals before providing location data to collectors. In numerous instances, the level of privacy protection a user requires depends on their location. Therefore, in our framework, we assume that users can specify different privacy protection requirements for each location utilizing the adversarial error (AE), and the system computes a mechanism to satisfy these requirements. To guarantee some utility for data analysis, the maximum error in outputting the location should also be output. In most privacy frameworks, the mechanism for adding random noise is public; however, in this problem setting, the privacy protection requirements and the mechanism must be confidential because this information includes sensitive information. We propose two mechanisms to address privacy personalization. The first mechanism is the individual exponential mechanism, which uses the exponential mechanism in the differential privacy framework. However, in the individual exponential mechanism, the maximum error for each output can be used to narrow down candidates of the actual location by observing outputs from the same location multiple times. The second mechanism improves on this deficiency and is called the donut mechanism, which uniformly outputs a random location near the location where the distance from the user's actual location is at the user-specified AE distance. Considering the potential attacks against the idea of donut mechanism that utilize the maximum error, we extended the mechanism to counter these attacks. We compare these two mechanisms by experiments using maps constructed from artificial and real world data.

  • Secure Enrollment Token Delivery Mechanism for Zero Trust Networks Using Blockchain Open Access

    Javier Jose DIAZ RIVERA  Waleed AKBAR  Talha AHMED KHAN  Afaq MUHAMMAD  Wang-Cheol SONG  


    E106-B No:12

    Zero Trust Networking (ZTN) is a security model where no default trust is given to entities in a network infrastructure. The first bastion of security for achieving ZTN is strong identity verification. Several standard methods for assuring a robust identity exist (E.g., OAuth2.0, OpenID Connect). These standards employ JSON Web Tokens (JWT) during the authentication process. However, the use of JWT for One Time Token (OTT) enrollment has a latent security issue. A third party can intercept a JWT, and the payload information can be exposed, revealing the details of the enrollment server. Furthermore, an intercepted JWT could be used for enrollment by an impersonator as long as the JWT remains active. Our proposed mechanism aims to secure the ownership of the OTT by including the JWT as encrypted metadata into a Non-Fungible Token (NFT). The mechanism uses the blockchain Public Key of the intended owner for encrypting the JWT. The blockchain assures the JWT ownership by mapping it to the intended owner's blockchain public address. Our proposed mechanism is applied to an emerging Zero Trust framework (OpenZiti) alongside a permissioned Ethereum blockchain using Hyperledger Besu. The Zero Trust Framework provides enrollment functionality. At the same time, our proposed mechanism based on blockchain and NFT assures the secure distribution of OTTs that is used for the enrollment of identities.

  • Antennas Measurement for Millimeter Wave 5G Wireless Applications Using Radio Over Fiber Technologies Open Access

    Satoru KUROKAWA  Michitaka AMEYA  Yui OTAGAKI  Hiroshi MURATA  Masatoshi ONIZAWA  Masahiro SATO  Masanobu HIROSE  


    E106-B No:12

    We have developed an all-optical fiber link antenna measurement system for a millimeter wave 5th generation mobile communication frequency band around 28 GHz. Our developed system consists of an optical fiber link an electrical signal transmission system, an antenna-coupled-electrode electric-field (EO) sensor system for 28GHz-band as an electrical signal receiving system, and a 6-axis vertically articulated robot with an arm length of 1m. Our developed optical fiber link electrical signal transmission system can transmit the electrical signal of more than 40GHz with more than -30dBm output level. Our developed EO sensor can receive the electrical signal from 27GHz to 30GHz. In addition, we have estimated a far field antenna factor of the EO sensor system for the 28GHz-band using an amplitude center modified antenna factor estimation equation. The estimated far field antenna factor of the sensor system is 83.2dB/m at 28GHz.

  • Data Gathering Method with High Accuracy of Environment Recognition Using Mathematical Optimization in Packet-Level Index Modulation

    Ryuji MIYAMOTO  Osamu TAKYU  Hiroshi FUJIWARA  Koichi ADACHI  Mai OHTA  Takeo FUJII  


    E106-B No:12

    With the rapid developments in the Internet of Things (IoT), low power wide area networks (LPWAN) framework, which is a low-power, long-distance communication method, is attracting attention. However, in LPWAN, the access time is limited by Duty Cycle (DC) to avoid mutual interference. Packet-level index modulation (PLIM) is a modulation scheme that uses a combination of the transmission time and frequency channel of a packet as an index, enabling throughput expansion even under DC constraints. The indexes used in PLIM are transmitted according to the mapping. However, when many sensors access the same index, packet collisions occur owing to selecting the same index. Therefore, we propose a mapping design for PLIM using mathematical optimization. The mapping was designed and modeled as a quadratic integer programming problem. The results of the computer simulation evaluations were used to realize the design of PLIM, which achieved excellent sensor information aggregation in terms of environmental monitoring accuracy.

  • Heuristic-Based Service Chain Construction with Security-Level Management

    Daisuke AMAYA  Takuji TACHIBANA  


    E106-B No:12

    Network function virtualization (NFV) technology significantly changes the traditional communication network environments by providing network functions as virtual network functions (VNFs) on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) servers. Moreover, for using VNFs in a pre-determined sequence to provide each network service, service chaining is essential. A VNF can provide multiple service chains with the corresponding network function, reducing the number of VNFs. However, VNFs might be the source or the target of a cyberattack. If the node where the VNF is installed is attacked, the VNF would also be easily attacked because of its security vulnerabilities. Contrarily, a malicious VNF may attack the node where it is installed, and other VNFs installed on the node may also be attacked. Few studies have been done on the security of VNFs and nodes for service chaining. This study proposes a service chain construction with security-level management. The security-level management concept is introduced to built many service chains. Moreover, the cost optimization problem for service chaining is formulated and the heuristic algorithm is proposed. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method under certain network topologies using numerical examples.

  • Analysis and Design of Class-Φ22 Wireless Power Transfer System

    Weisen LUO  Xiuqin WEI  Hiroo SEKIYA  

    PAPER-Energy in Electronics Communications

    E106-B No:12

    This paper presents an analysis-based design method for designing the class-Φ22 wireless power transfer (WPT) system, taking its subsystems as a whole into account. By using the proposed design method, it is possible to derive accurate design values which can make sure the class-E Zero-Voltage-Switching/Zero-Derivative-Switching (ZVS/ZDS) to obtain without applying any tuning processes. Additionally, it is possible to take the effects of the switch on resistance, diode forward voltage drop, and equivalent series resistances (ESRs) of all passive elements on the system operations into account. Furthermore, design curves for a wide range of parameters are developed and organized as basic data for various applications. The validities of the proposed design procedure and derived design curves are confirmed by LTspice simulation and circuit experiment. In the experimental measurements, the class-Φ22 WPT system achieves 78.8% power-transmission efficiency at 6.78MHz operating frequency and 7.96W output power. Additionally, the results obtained from the LTspice simulation and laboratory experiment show quantitative agreements with the analytical predictions, which indicates the accuracy and validity of the proposed analytical method and design curves given in this paper.

  • Machine Learning-Based Compensation Methods for Weight Matrices of SVD-MIMO Open Access

    Kiminobu MAKINO  Takayuki NAKAGAWA  Naohiko IAI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E106-B No:12

    This paper proposes and evaluates machine learning (ML)-based compensation methods for the transmit (Tx) weight matrices of actual singular value decomposition (SVD)-multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) transmissions. These methods train ML models and compensate the Tx weight matrices by using a large amount of training data created from statistical distributions. Moreover, this paper proposes simplified channel metrics based on the channel quality of actual SVD-MIMO transmissions to evaluate compensation performance. The optimal parameters are determined from many ML parameters by using the metrics, and the metrics for this determination are evaluated. Finally, a comprehensive computer simulation shows that the optimal parameters improve performance by up to 7.0dB compared with the conventional method.

  • Single UAV-Based Wave Source Localization in NLOS Environments Open Access

    Shinichi MURATA  Takahiro MATSUDA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E106-B No:12

    To localize an unknown wave source in non-line-of-sight environments, a wave source localization scheme using multiple unmanned-aerial-vehicles (UAVs) is proposed. In this scheme, each UAV estimates the direction-of-arrivals (DoAs) of received signals and the wave source is localized from the estimated DoAs by means of maximum likelihood estimation. In this study, by extending the concept of this scheme, we propose a novel wave source localization scheme using a single UAV. In the proposed scheme, the UAV moves on the path comprising multiple measurement points and the wave source is sequentially localized from DoA distributions estimated at these measurement points. At each measurement point, with a moving path planning algorithm, the UAV determines the next measurement point from the estimated DoA distributions and measurement points that the UAV has already visited. We consider two moving path planning algorithms, and validate the proposed scheme through simulation experiments.

  • A Fully-Parallel Annealing Algorithm with Autonomous Pinning Effect Control for Various Combinatorial Optimization Problems

    Daiki OKONOGI  Satoru JIMBO  Kota ANDO  Thiem Van CHU  Jaehoon YU  Masato MOTOMURA  Kazushi KAWAMURA  


    E106-D No:12

    Annealing computation has recently attracted attention as it can efficiently solve combinatorial optimization problems using an Ising spin-glass model. Stochastic cellular automata annealing (SCA) is a promising algorithm that can realize fast spin-update by utilizing its parallel computing capability. However, in SCA, pinning effect control to suppress the spin-flip probability is essential, making escaping from local minima more difficult than serial spin-update algorithms, depending on the problem. This paper proposes a novel approach called APC-SCA (Autonomous Pinning effect Control SCA), where the pinning effect can be controlled autonomously by focusing on individual spin-flip. The evaluation results using max-cut, N-queen, and traveling salesman problems demonstrate that APC-SCA can obtain better solutions than the original SCA that uses pinning effect control pre-optimized by a grid search. Especially in solving traveling salesman problems, we confirm that the tour distance obtained by APC-SCA is up to 56.3% closer to the best-known compared to the conventional approach.
