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  • An Overflow/Underflow-Free Fixed-Point Bit-Width Optimization Method for OS-ELM Digital Circuit Open Access

    Mineto TSUKADA  Hiroki MATSUTANI  


    E105-A No:3

    Currently there has been increasing demand for real-time training on resource-limited IoT devices such as smart sensors, which realizes standalone online adaptation for streaming data without data transfers to remote servers. OS-ELM (Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine) has been one of promising neural-network-based online algorithms for on-chip learning because it can perform online training at low computational cost and is easy to implement as a digital circuit. Existing OS-ELM digital circuits employ fixed-point data format and the bit-widths are often manually tuned, however, this may cause overflow or underflow which can lead to unexpected behavior of the circuit. For on-chip learning systems, an overflow/underflow-free design has a great impact since online training is continuously performed and the intervals of intermediate variables will dynamically change as time goes by. In this paper, we propose an overflow/underflow-free bit-width optimization method for fixed-point digital circuits of OS-ELM. Experimental results show that our method realizes overflow/underflow-free OS-ELM digital circuits with 1.0x - 1.5x more area cost compared to the baseline simulation method where overflow or underflow can happen.

  • Comparison of a Probabilistic Returning Scheme for Preemptive and Non-Preemptive Schemes in Cognitive Radio Networks with Two Classes of Secondary Users

    Yuan ZHAO  Wuyi YUE  Yutaka TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E105-B No:3

    In this paper, we consider the transmission needs of communication networks for two classes of secondary users (SUs), named SU1 and SU2 (lowest priority) in cognitive radio networks (CRNs). In such CRNs, primary users (PUs) have preemptive priority over both SU1's users (SU1s) and SU2's users (SU2s). We propose a preemptive scheme (referred to as the P Scheme) and a non-preemptive scheme (referred to as the Non-P Scheme) when considering the interactions between SU1s and SU2s. Focusing on the transmission interruptions to SU2 packets, we present a probabilistic returning scheme with a returning probability to realize feedback control for SU2 packets. We present a Markov chain model to develop some formulas for SU1 and SU2 packets, and compare the influences of the P Scheme and the Non-P Scheme in the proposed probabilistic returning scheme. Numerical analyses compare the impact of the returning probability on the P Scheme and the Non-P Scheme. Furthermore, we optimize the returning probability and compare the optimal numerical results yielded by the P Scheme and the Non-P Scheme.

  • Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Graph Signature for Connectivity and Isolation Using Bilinear-Map Accumulator


    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E105-A No:3

    To prove the graph relations such as the connectivity and isolation for a certified graph, a system of a graph signature and proofs has been proposed. In this system, an issuer generates a signature certifying the topology of an undirected graph, and issues the signature to a prover. The prover can prove the knowledge of the signature and the graph in the zero-knowledge, i.e., the signature and the signed graph are hidden. In addition, the prover can prove relations on the certified graph such as the connectivity and isolation between two vertexes. In the previous system, using integer commitments on RSA modulus, the graph relations are proved. However, the RSA modulus needs a longer size for each element. Furthermore, the proof size and verification cost depend on the total numbers of vertexes and edges. In this paper, we propose a graph signature and proof system, where these are computed on bilinear groups without the RSA modulus. Moreover, using a bilinear map accumulator, the prover can prove the connectivity and isolation on a graph, where the proof size and verification cost become independent from the total numbers of vertexes and edges.

  • Cyclic Shift Problems on Graphs

    Kwon Kham SAI  Giovanni VIGLIETTA  Ryuhei UEHARA  


    E105-D No:3

    We study a new reconfiguration problem inspired by classic mechanical puzzles: a colored token is placed on each vertex of a given graph; we are also given a set of distinguished cycles on the graph. We are tasked with rearranging the tokens from a given initial configuration to a final one by using cyclic shift operations along the distinguished cycles. We call this a cyclic shift puzzle. We first investigate a large class of graphs, which generalizes several classic cyclic shift puzzles, and we give a characterization of which final configurations can be reached from a given initial configuration. Our proofs are constructive, and yield efficient methods for shifting tokens to reach the desired configurations. On the other hand, when the goal is to find a shortest sequence of shifting operations, we show that the problem is NP-hard, even for puzzles with tokens of only two different colors.

  • The Huffman Tree Problem with Upper-Bounded Linear Functions

    Hiroshi FUJIWARA  Yuichi SHIRAI  Hiroaki YAMAMOTO  


    E105-D No:3

    The construction of a Huffman code can be understood as the problem of finding a full binary tree such that each leaf is associated with a linear function of the depth of the leaf and the sum of the function values is minimized. Fujiwara and Jacobs extended this to a general function and proved the extended problem to be NP-hard. The authors also showed the case where the functions associated with leaves are each non-decreasing and convex is solvable in polynomial time. However, the complexity of the case of non-decreasing non-convex functions remains unknown. In this paper we try to reveal the complexity by considering non-decreasing non-convex functions each of which takes the smaller value of either a linear function or a constant. As a result, we provide a polynomial-time algorithm for two subclasses of such functions.

  • An Improvement of the Biased-PPSZ Algorithm for the 3SAT Problem

    Tong QIN  Osamu WATANABE  


    E105-D No:3

    Hansen, Kaplan, Zamir and Zwick (STOC 2019) introduced a systematic way to use “bias” for predicting an assignment to a Boolean variable in the process of PPSZ and showed that their biased PPSZ algorithm achieves a relatively large success probability improvement of PPSZ for Unique 3SAT. We propose an additional way to use “bias” and show by numerical analysis that the improvement gets increased further.

  • Weakly Byzantine Gathering with a Strong Team

    Jion HIROSE  Junya NAKAMURA  Fukuhito OOSHITA  Michiko INOUE  


    E105-D No:3

    We study the gathering problem requiring a team of mobile agents to gather at a single node in arbitrary networks. The team consists of k agents with unique identifiers (IDs), and f of them are weakly Byzantine agents, which behave arbitrarily except falsifying their identifiers. The agents move in synchronous rounds and cannot leave any information on nodes. If the number of nodes n is given to agents, the existing fastest algorithm tolerates any number of weakly Byzantine agents and achieves gathering with simultaneous termination in O(n4·|Λgood|·X(n)) rounds, where |Λgood| is the length of the maximum ID of non-Byzantine agents and X(n) is the number of rounds required to explore any network composed of n nodes. In this paper, we ask the question of whether we can reduce the time complexity if we have a strong team, i.e., a team with a few Byzantine agents, because not so many agents are subject to faults in practice. We give a positive answer to this question by proposing two algorithms in the case where at least 4f2+9f+4 agents exist. Both the algorithms assume that the upper bound N of n is given to agents. The first algorithm achieves gathering with non-simultaneous termination in O((f+|&Lambdagood|)·X(N)) rounds. The second algorithm achieves gathering with simultaneous termination in O((f+|&Lambdaall|)·X(N)) rounds, where |&Lambdaall| is the length of the maximum ID of all agents. The second algorithm significantly reduces the time complexity compared to the existing one if n is given to agents and |&Lambdaall|=O(|&Lambdagood|) holds.

  • Fast Neighborhood Rendezvous

    Ryota EGUCHI  Naoki KITAMURA  Taisuke IZUMI  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E105-D No:3

    In the rendezvous problem, two computing entities (called agents) located at different vertices in a graph have to meet at the same vertex. In this paper, we consider the synchronous neighborhood rendezvous problem, where the agents are initially located at two adjacent vertices. While this problem can be trivially solved in O(Δ) rounds (Δ is the maximum degree of the graph), it is highly challenging to reveal whether that problem can be solved in o(Δ) rounds, even assuming the rich computational capability of agents. The only known result is that the time complexity of O($O(sqrt{n})$) rounds is achievable if the graph is complete and agents are probabilistic, asymmetric, and can use whiteboards placed at vertices. Our main contribution is to clarify the situation (with respect to computational models and graph classes) admitting such a sublinear-time rendezvous algorithm. More precisely, we present two algorithms achieving fast rendezvous additionally assuming bounded minimum degree, unique vertex identifier, accessibility to neighborhood IDs, and randomization. The first algorithm runs within $ ilde{O}(sqrt{nDelta/delta} + n/delta)$ rounds for graphs of the minimum degree larger than $sqrt{n}$, where n is the number of vertices in the graph, and δ is the minimum degree of the graph. The second algorithm assumes that the largest vertex ID is O(n), and achieves $ ilde{O}left( rac{n}{sqrt{delta}} ight)$-round time complexity without using whiteboards. These algorithms attain o(Δ)-round complexity in the case of $delta = {omega}(sqrt{n} log n)$ and δ=ω(n2/3log4/3n) respectively. We also prove that four unconventional assumptions of our algorithm, bounded minimum degree, accessibility to neighborhood IDs, initial distance one, and randomization are all inherently necessary for attaining fast rendezvous. That is, one can obtain the Ω(n)-round lower bound if either one of them is removed.

  • Balanced Whiteman Generalized Cyclotomic Sequences with Maximal 2-adic Complexity

    Chun-e ZHAO  Yuhua SUN  Tongjiang YAN  Xubo ZHAO  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E105-A No:3

    Binary sequences with high linear complexity and high 2-adic complexity have important applications in communication and cryptography. In this paper, the 2-adic complexity of a class of balanced Whiteman generalized cyclotomic sequences which have high linear complexity is considered. Through calculating the determinant of the circulant matrix constructed by one of these sequences, the result shows that the 2-adic complexity of this class of sequences is large enough to resist the attack of the rational approximation algorithm (RAA) for feedback with carry shift registers (FCSRs).

  • On Hermitian LCD Generalized Gabidulin Codes

    Xubo ZHAO  Xiaoping LI  Runzhi YANG  Qingqing ZHANG  Jinpeng LIU  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E105-A No:3

    In this paper, we study Hermitian linear complementary dual (abbreviated Hermitian LCD) rank metric codes. A class of Hermitian LCD generalized Gabidulin codes are constructed by qm-self-dual bases of Fq2m over Fq2. Moreover, the exact number of qm-self-dual bases of Fq2m over Fq2 is derived. As a consequence, an upper bound and a lower bound of the number of the constructed Hermitian LCD generalized Gabidulin codes are determined.

  • Finite Automata with Colored Accepting States and Their Unmixedness Problems

    Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI  Akira ITO  


    E105-D No:3

    Some textbooks of formal languages and automata theory implicitly state the structural equality of the binary n-dimensional de Bruijn graph and the state diagram of minimum state deterministic finite automaton which accepts regular language (0+1)*1(0+1)n-1. By introducing special finite automata whose accepting states are refined with two or more colors, we extend this fact to both k-ary versions. That is, we prove that k-ary n-dimensional de Brujin graph and the state diagram for minimum state deterministic colored finite automaton which accepts the (k-1)-tuple of the regular languages (0+1+…+k-1)*1(0+1+…+k-1)n-1,...,and(0+1+…+k-1)*(k-1)(0+1+…+k-1)n-1 are isomorphic for arbitrary k more than or equal to 2. We also investigate the properties of colored finite automata themselves and give computational complexity results on three decision problems concerning color unmixedness of nondeterminisitic ones.

  • An Equivalent Expression for the Wyner-Ziv Source Coding Problem Open Access

    Tetsunao MATSUTA  Tomohiko UYEMATSU  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E105-A No:3

    We consider the coding problem for lossy source coding with side information at the decoder, which is known as the Wyner-Ziv source coding problem. The goal of the coding problem is to find the minimum rate such that the probability of exceeding a given distortion threshold is less than the desired level. We give an equivalent expression of the minimum rate by using the chromatic number and notions of covering of a set. This allows us to analyze the coding problem in terms of graph coloring and covering.

  • Boosting CPA to CCA2 for Leakage-Resilient Attribute-Based Encryption by Using New QA-NIZK Open Access

    Toi TOMITA  Wakaha OGATA  Kaoru KUROSAWA  


    E105-A No:3

    In this paper, we construct the first efficient leakage-resilient CCA2 (LR-CCA2)-secure attribute-based encryption (ABE) schemes. We also construct the first efficient LR-CCA2-secure identity-based encryption (IBE) scheme with optimal leakage rate. To obtain our results, we develop a new quasi-adaptive non-interactive zero-knowledge (QA-NIZK) argument for the ciphertext consistency of the LR-CPA-secure schemes. Our ABE schemes are obtained by boosting the LR-CPA-security of some existing schemes to the LR-CCA2-security by using our QA-NIZK arguments. The schemes are almost as efficient as the underlying LR-CPA-secure schemes.

  • Complexity of Critter Crunch

    Tianfeng FENG  Leonie RYVKIN  Jérôme URHAUSEN  Giovanni VIGLIETTA  


    E105-D No:3

    We study the computational complexity of the puzzle game Critter Crunch, where the player has to rearrange Critters on a board in order to eliminate them all. Smaller Critters can be fed to larger Critters, and Critters will explode if they eat too much. Critters come in several different types, sizes, and colors. We prove the NP-hardness of levels that contain Blocker Critters, as well as levels where the player must clear the board in a given number of moves (i.e., “puzzle mode”). We also characterize the complexity of the game, as a function of the number of columns on the board, in two settings: (i) the setting where Critters may have several different colors, but only two possible sizes, and (ii) the setting where Critters come in all three sizes, but with no color variations. In both settings, the game is NP-hard for levels with exactly two columns, and solvable in linear time for levels with only one column or more than two columns.

  • A Localization Method Based on Partial Correlation Analysis for Dynamic Wireless Network Open Access

    Yuki HORIGUCHI  Yusuke ITO  Aohan LI  Mikio HASEGAWA  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E105-A No:3

    Recent localization methods for wireless networks cannot be applied to dynamic networks with unknown topology. To solve this problem, we propose a localization method based on partial correlation analysis in this paper. We evaluate our proposed localization method in terms of accuracy, which shows that our proposed method can achieve high accuracy localization for dynamic networks with unknown topology.

  • A Compact and High-Resolution CMOS Switch-Type Phase Shifter Achieving 0.4-dB RMS Gain Error for 5G n260 Band

    Jian PANG  Xueting LUO  Zheng LI  Atsushi SHIRANE  Kenichi OKADA  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E105-C No:3

    This paper introduces a high-resolution and compact CMOS switch-type phase shifter (STPS) for the 5th generation mobile network (5G) n260 band. In this work, totally four coarse phase shifting stages and a high-resolution tuning stage are included. The coarse stages based on the bridged-T topology is capable of providing 202.5° phase coverage with a 22.5° tuning step. To further improve the phase shifting resolution, a compact fine-tuning stage covering 23° is also integrated with the coarse stages. Sub-degree phase shifting resolution is realized for supporting the fine beam-steering and high-accuracy phase calibration in the 5G new radio. Simplified phase control algorithm and suppressed insertion loss can also be maintained by the proposed fine-tuning stage. In the measurement, the achieved RMS gain errors at 39 GHz are 0.1 dB and 0.4 dB for the coarse stages and fine stage, respectively. The achieved RMS phase errors at 39 GHz are 3.1° for the coarse stages and 0.1° for the fine stage. Within 37 GHz to 40 GHz, the measured return loss within all phase-tuning states is always better than -14 dB. The proposed phase shifter consumes a core area of only 0.12mm2 with 65-nm CMOS process, which is area-efficient.

  • Latent Space Virtual Adversarial Training for Supervised and Semi-Supervised Learning

    Genki OSADA  Budrul AHSAN  Revoti PRASAD BORA  Takashi NISHIDE  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E105-D No:3

    Virtual Adversarial Training (VAT) has shown impressive results among recently developed regularization methods called consistency regularization. VAT utilizes adversarial samples, generated by injecting perturbation in the input space, for training and thereby enhances the generalization ability of a classifier. However, such adversarial samples can be generated only within a very small area around the input data point, which limits the adversarial effectiveness of such samples. To address this problem we propose LVAT (Latent space VAT), which injects perturbation in the latent space instead of the input space. LVAT can generate adversarial samples flexibly, resulting in more adverse effect and thus more effective regularization. The latent space is built by a generative model, and in this paper we examine two different type of models: variational auto-encoder and normalizing flow, specifically Glow. We evaluated the performance of our method in both supervised and semi-supervised learning scenarios for an image classification task using SVHN and CIFAR-10 datasets. In our evaluation, we found that our method outperforms VAT and other state-of-the-art methods.

  • Adaptive Binarization for Vehicle State Images Based on Contrast Preserving Decolorization and Major Cluster Estimation

    Ye TIAN  Mei HAN  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E105-D No:3

    A new adaptive binarization method is proposed for the vehicle state images obtained from the intelligent operation and maintenance system of rail transit. The method can check the corresponding vehicle status information in the intelligent operation and maintenance system of rail transit more quickly and effectively, track and monitor the vehicle operation status in real time, and improve the emergency response ability of the system. The advantages of the proposed method mainly include two points. For decolorization, we use the method of contrast preserving decolorization[1] obtain the appropriate ratio of R, G, and B for the grayscale of the RGB image which can retain the color information of the vehicle state images background to the maximum, and maintain the contrast between the foreground and the background. In terms of threshold selection, the mean value and standard deviation of gray value corresponding to multi-color background of vehicle state images are obtained by using major cluster estimation[2], and the adaptive threshold is determined by the 2 sigma principle for binarization, which can extract text, identifier and other target information effectively. The experimental results show that, regarding the vehicle state images with rich background color information, this method is better than the traditional binarization methods, such as the global threshold Otsu algorithm[3] and the local threshold Sauvola algorithm[4],[5] based on threshold, Mean-Shift algorithm[6], K-Means algorithm[7] and Fuzzy C Means[8] algorithm based on statistical learning. As an image preprocessing scheme for intelligent rail transit data verification, the method can improve the accuracy of text and identifier recognition effectively by verifying the optical character recognition through a data set containing images of different vehicle statuses.

  • Design of a Linear Layer for a Block Cipher Based on Type-2 Generalized Feistel Network with 32 Branches

    Kosei SAKAMOTO  Kazuhiko MINEMATSU  Nao SHIBATA  Maki SHIGERI  Hiroyasu KUBO  Takanori ISOBE  


    E105-A No:3

    In spite of the research for a linear layer of Type-2 Generalized Feistel Network (Type-2 GFN) over more than 10 years, finding a good 32-branch permutation for Type-2 GFN is still a very hard task due to a huge search space. In terms of the diffusion property, Suzaki and Minematsu investigated the required number of rounds to achieve the full diffusion when the branch number is up to 16. After that, Derbez et al. presented a class of 32-branch permutations that achieves the 9-round full diffusion and they prove that this is optimal. However, this class is not suitable to be used in Type-2 GFN because it requires a large number of rounds to ensure a sufficient number of active S-boxes. In this paper, we present how to find a good class of 32-branch permutations for Type-2 GFN. To achieve this goal, we convert Type-2 GFN into a LBlock-like structure, and then we evaluate the diffusion property and the resistance against major attacks, such as differential, linear, impossible differential and integral attacks by an MILP. As a result, we present a good class of 32-branch permutations that achieves the 10-round full diffusion, ensures differentially/linearly active S-boxes of 66 at 19 round, and has the 18/20-round impossible differential/integral distinguisher, respectively. The 32-branch permutation used in WARP was chosen among this class.

  • Register Minimization and its Application in Schedule Exploration for Area Minimization for Double Modular Redundancy LSI Design

    Yuya KITAZAWA  Kazuhito ITO  


    E105-A No:3

    Double modular redundancy (DMR) is to execute an operation twice and detect a soft error by comparing the duplicated operation results. The soft error is corrected by re-executing necessary operations. The re-execution requires error-free input data and registers are needed to store such necessary error-free data. In this paper, a method to minimize the required number of registers is proposed where an appropriate subgraph partitioning of operation nodes are searched. In addition, using the proposed register minimization method, a minimization of the area of functional units and registers required to implement the DMR design is proposed.
