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  • 40 Gbit/s Single-Channel Soliton Transmission Using Periodic Dispersion Compensation

    Itsuro MORITA  Masatoshi SUZUKI  Noboru EDAGAWA  Keiji TANAKA  Shu YAMAMOTO  


    E81-C No:8

    The effectiveness of periodic dispersion compensation on single-channel 40 Gbit/s soliton transmission system was experimentally investigated. This technique requires just the dispersion compensation fibers and wideband optical filters in the transmission line, which has no difficulty to be used in the practical system. By using polarization-division-multiplexing together with periodic dispersion compensation, single-channel 40 Gbit/s transmission over 4700 km was demonstrated. Single-polarization 40 Gbit/s transmission experiments, which are more suitable for system implementation and compatible with WDM were also conducted. We investigated the transmission characteristics and pulse dynamics in different dispersion maps and in the optimized dispersion map, single-channel, single-polarization 40 Gbit/s transmission over 6300 km was successfully demonstrated.

  • A Fuzzy Policing Mechanism for Multimedia Applications over ATM Networks: A Case Study

    Leonard BAROLLI  Akio KOYAMA  Shoichi YOKOYAMA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E81-D No:8

    The Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) technique has been accepted as a basis for the future B-ISDN networks. In ATM networks, all information is packetized and transferred in small packets of fixed length, called cells. The packetized information transfer, without flow control between the user and the network and the use of statistical multiplexing, results in a need of a policing mechanism to control the traffic parameters of each virtual connection in order to guarantee the required quality of service (QoS). Policing of the peak cell rate is generally not complex and can be achieved by using a cell spacer or other policing mechanisms (PMs). Monitoring of the mean cell rate is more difficult, but is intended to improve the link utilization when it has to handle bursty traffic sources. Conventional PMs, such as the Leaky Bucket Mechanism (LBM) and Window Mechanisms (WMs), are not well suited to the bursty nature of the sources supported by ATM networks, therefore intelligent PMs are needed. In this paper, we propose a Fuzzy Policing Mechanism (FPM) for multimedia applications over ATM networks. We consider the case of still picture source control. The performance evaluation via simulation shows that the FPM efficiently controls the mean cell rate of the still picture source. The proposed FPM shows a good response behavior against parameter variations and the selectivity characteristics approach very close to the ideal characteristic required for a PM. The FPM has a better characteristic compared with the LBM.

  • An Estimate of Irregular Sampling in Wavelet Subspace

    Wen CHEN  Shuichi ITOH  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:8

    The paper obtains an algorithm to estimate the irregular sampling in wavelet subspaces. Compared to our former work on the problem, the new estimate is relaxed for some wavelet subspaces.

  • Macroscopic Method of Quantization of Evanescent Electromagnetic Fields with Taken into Account of Medium Dispersion

    Masahiro AGU  Jingbo LI  

    PAPER-Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology

    E81-C No:8

    Macroscopic method for quantization of the evanescent fields brought about by total reflection is presented. Here, a semi-infinite space is assumed to be filled with a transparent dispersive dielectric with dielectric constant ε(ω) to the left of the plane z = 0, and be empty to the right of the plane. The wave is assumed to be incident from the left, and so the whole field is composed of the triplet of incident, reflected, and transmitted waves labeled by a continuous wave vector index. The transmitted wave in free space may be evanescent. The triplet is shown exactly without using slowly varying field approximation in dispersive medium to form orthogonal mode for different wave vectors, which provides the basis for the quantization of the triplet with taken into account of medium dispersion. The exact orthogonal relation reduces to the well known one if the dielectric is nondispersive, ε/ω = 0. By using the field expansion in terms of the orthogonal triplet modes, the total field energy is found to be the sum of the energies of independent harmonic oscillators. A discussion is also made on the wave momentum of evanescent field.

  • Segmentation of Sputum Color Image for Lung Cancer Diagnosis Based on Neural Networks

    Rachid SAMMOUDA  Noboru NIKI  Hiromu NISHITANI  Emi KYOKAGE  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E81-D No:8

    In our current work, we attempt to make an automatic diagnostic system of lung cancer based on the analysis of the sputum color images. In order to form general diagnostic rules, we have collected a database with thousands of sputum color images from normal and abnormal subjects. As a first step, in this paper, we present a segmentation method of sputum color images prepared by the Papanicalaou standard staining method. The segmentation is performed based on an energy function minimization using an unsupervised Hopfield neural network (HNN). This HNN have been used for the segmentation of magnetic resonance images (MRI). The results have been acceptable, however the method have some limitations due to the stuck of the network in an early local minimum because the energy landscape in general has more than one local minimum due to the nonconvex nature of the energy surface. To overcome this problem, we have suggested in our previous work some contributions. Similarly to the MRI images, the color images can be considered as multidimensional data as each pixel is represented by its three components in the RGB image planes. To the input of HNN we have applied the RGB components of several sputum images. However, the extreme variations in the gray-levels of the images and the relative contrast among nuclei due to unavoidable staining variations among individual cells, the cytoplasm folds and the debris cells, make the segmentation less accurate and impossible its automatization as the number of regions is difficult to be estimated in advance. On the other hand, the most important objective in processing cell clusters is the detection and accurate segmentation of the nuclei, because most quantitative procedures are based on measurements of nuclear features. For this reason, based on our collected database of sputum color images, we found an algorithm for NonSputum cell masking. Once these masked images are determined, they are given, with some of the RGB components of the raw image, to the input of HNN to make a crisp segmentation by assigning each pixel to label such as Background, Cytoplasm, and Nucleus. The proposed technique has yielded correct segmentation of complex scene of sputum prepared by ordinary manual staining method in most of the tested images selected from our database containing thousands of sputum color images.

  • On a Code-Excited Nonlinear Predictive Speech Coding (CENLP) by Means of Recurrent Neural Networks

    Ni MA  Tetsuo NISHI  Gang WEI  


    E81-A No:8

    To improve speech coding quality, in particular, the long-term dependency prediction characteristics, we propose a new nonlinear predictor, i. e. , a fully connected recurrent neural network (FCRNN) where the hidden units have feedbacks not only from themselves but also from the output unit. The comparison of the capabilities of the FCRNN with conventional predictors shows that the former has less prediction error than the latter. We apply this FCRNN instead of the previously proposed recurrent neural networks in the code-excited predictive speech coding system (i. e. , CELP) and shows that our system (FCRNN) requires less bit rate/frame and improves the performance for speech coding.

  • Advanced Intelligent Network and the Internet Combination Service and Its Customization

    Osamu MIZUNO  Joji URATA  Yoshiko SUEDA  Yoshihiro NIITSU  

    PAPER-Internetworking Architectures

    E81-B No:8

    The Advanced Intelligent Network (Advanced IN) is now commercialized and the Internet is becoming popular all over the world. If these two networks were connected, the potential would exist for new services. This paper surveys and analyzes the possibility of improving both the Internet and Advanced IN with an Advanced IN-the Internet connection. Service customization, which allows customers to define their own service specifications, is one of the most important service applications for the Advanced IN. However, some issues must be resolved before that service can be offered. This paper proposes a solution in which Internet technologies are applied to the IN. We review the system architecture of Service Logic Program (SLP) definition and execution in NTT's IN for service customization. Version management and cost for delivery are the major issue for service customization with the SLP(C) creation tool. We suggest an Internet version of the SLP(C) creation tool to solve these problems. Results of the prototype shows that connecting the IN and the Internet for service customization will benefit both customers and telecommunication operators.

  • Media Synchronization in Heterogeneous Networks: Stored Media Case

    Shuji TASAKA  Yutaka ISHIBASHI  

    PAPER-Media Synchronization and Video Coding

    E81-B No:8

    This paper studies a set of lip synchronization mechanisms for heterogeneous network environments. The set consists of four schemes, types 0 through 3, which are classified into the single-stream approach and the multi-stream approach. Types 0 and 1 belong to the single-stream approach, which interleaves voice and video to form a single transport stream for transmission. On the other hand, types 2 and 3, both of which are the multi-stream approach, set up separate transport streams for the individual media streams. Types 0 and 2 do not exert synchronization control at the destination, while types 1 and 3 do. We first discuss the features of each type in terms of networks intended for use, required synchronization quality of each medium, physical locations of media sources and implementation complexity. Then, a synchronization algorithm, which is referred to as the virtual-time rendering (VTR) algorithm, is specified for stored media; MPEG video and voice are considered in this paper. We implemented the four types on an ATM LAN and on an interconnected ATM-wireless LAN under the TCP protocol. The mean square error of synchronization, total pause time, throughput and total output time were measured in each of the two networks. We compare the measured performance among the four types to find out which one is the most suitable for a given condition of the underlying communication network and traffic.

  • Gain Equalizer in Long-Haul WDM Transmission System

    Takao NAITO  Naomasa SHIMOJOH  Takafumi TERAHARA  Terumi CHIKAMA  Masuo SUYAMA  


    E81-C No:8

    To expand signal wavelength bandwidth in long-haul, large-capacity WDM transmission systems, we investigated gain-equalizers (GEQs) for Erbium doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs). We applied GEQs using Mach-Zehnder type filters with two different free-spectral-ranges (FSRs) to accurately compensate for the EDFAs gain-wavelength characteristics. The 1st GEQ with a longer FSR was the main GEQ to compensate for the overall gain-wavelength characteristics, and the 2nd GEQ with a shorter FSR was the secondary GEQ to compensate for the resultant gain undulation after the 1st GEQ. The 2nd GEQ had low maximum loss and long period of equalization-spacing compared to the 1st GEQ. We designed that the FSR for the 1st GEQ was twice the signal wavelength bandwidth, and the FSR for the 2nd GEQ was two thirds of the signal wavelength bandwidth. To compensate for the asymmetry in the EDFAs gain-wavelength characteristics, we designed that the 2nd GEQ minimum-loss wavelength was shorter than the 1st GEQ maximum-loss wavelength. Using a circulating loop with a 21-EDFA chain, we confirmed the signal wavelength bandwidth expanded by the above GEQs. We also investigated the trade-off relationship between the signal wavelength bandwidth and the optical signal-to-noise ratio, as the parameter of the number of the 1st GEQ inserted in the EDFAs chain. The achieved signal wavelength bandwidth after 10,000-km transmission was 12 nm. We successfully transmitted 170 Gbit/s (325. 332 Gbit/s) WDM signals over 9,879 km employing high alumina codoped EDFAs and Mach-Zehnder type filters with long FSRs.

  • Selection Strategies for Small Targets and the Smallest Maximum Target Size on Pen-Based Systems

    Xiangshi REN  Shinji MORIYA  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E81-D No:8

    An experiment is reported comparing six pen input strategies for selecting a small target using five diffenent sized targets (1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 dot diameter circles respectively, 0. 36 mm per dot). The results showed that the best strategy, in terms of error rate, selection time and subjective preferences, was the "land-on2" strategy where the target is selected when the pen-tip touches the target for the first time after landing on the screen surface. Moreover, "the smallest maximum size" was determined to be 5 dots (1. 8 mm). This was the largest size among the targets which had a significant main effect on error rate in the six strategies. These results are important for both researchers and designers of pen-based systems.

  • 6. 144Mbit/s Burst Modem with an Adaptive Equalizer for TDMA Mobile Radio Communications

    Satoshi DENNO  Yushi SHIRATO  


    E81-B No:7

    This paper describes methods used in the design of a high speed burst modem applied for mobile communication systems. The modem has burst mode operations including burst mode AGC (automatic gain control), burst mode BTR (bit timing recovery), adaptive equalization, and diversity based on a selection algorithm to achieve a higher performance in multipath fading channels. Moreover, the performance of the burst modem, which is developed using analog signal processing devices, DSPs (digital signal processors), and FPGAs (field programmable gate arrays), is analyzed experimentally. Results show that the modem can suppress irreducible BER values below 1. 0e-6 and attains a 2 dB implicit diversity gain over multipath fading channels modeled by a two-ray impulse response system with independent Rayleigh fading.

  • Tunable and Polarization-Insensitive Arrayed-Waveguide Grating Multiplexer Fabricated from Fluorinated Polyimides

    Junya KOBAYASHI  Yasuyuki INOUE  Tohru MATSUURA  Tohru MARUNO  


    E81-C No:7

    We fabricated a tunable and polarization-insensitive arrayed-waveguide grating (AWG) 1616 multiplexer that operates around the wavelength of 1. 55 µm using fluorinated polyimides. The wavelength channel spacing was 0. 8 nm, and the 3-dB passband width was 0. 26 nm. The insertion loss at each channel was from 8 to 12 dB, and the crosstalk was less than -28 dB. The transmission pass wavelength was tuned over a wide range of 6 nm by heating from 24 to 64. The slope of the temperature dependence of the pass wavelength was -0. 15 nm/, which is ten times that of a silica-based multiplexer. Polarization-insensitivity was achieved by fabricating a film AWG multiplexer, which was formed by removing the silicon substrate and annealing at 350. The polarization-dependent wavelength shift was smaller than the spectrum analyzers wavelength resolution of 0. 1 nm.

  • Characteristics of Polytetrafluoroethylene Thin Films Prepared by Ionization-Assisted Deposition

    Hiroaki USUI  Hiroshi KOSHIKAWA  Kuniaki TANAKA  


    E81-C No:7

    Thin films of PTFE (mean molecular weight of source material 8500) were deposited by ionization-assisted deposition (IAD) method at different ion acceleration voltages Va on substrates kept at room temperature. The molecular chains in the film were found to be oriented in parallel with the substrate, and the film has preferential crystal orientation to (100) plane. Although the ion acceleration did not give significant influence on the film orientation and chemical structure, IAD was effective to improve the surface smoothness. The Cu decoration test revealed that the pinhole density in the film is reduced and the insulating capability is improved by depositing the film at Va = 500 V. The result of dielectric loss measurement for Al/PTFE/Al capacitors was in consistency. However, excessive ion acceleration deteriorated the insulating property, probably due to the dielectric breakdown that occurred in the course of deposition.

  • On Acceleration of Test Points Selection for Scan-Based BIST

    Michinobu NAKAO  Kazumi HATAYAMA  Isao HIGASHI  

    PAPER-Built-in Self-Test

    E81-D No:7

    This paper presents an acceleration of test points selection for circuits designed by a full-scan based BIST scheme. In order to accelerate the test points selection based on cost minimization, and reflecting random pattern testability, we introduce three techniques, the simultaneous selection of plural test points, the simplified selection of test points by the cost reduction factor, and the reduction of the number of test point candidates. We implement a program based on the proposed techniques and evaluate its efficiency experimentally using large scale circuits (26 k-420 k gates).

  • Logic Optimization: Redundancy Addition and Removal Using Implication Relations

    Hideyuki ICHIHARA  Kozo KINOSHITA  

    PAPER-Logic Simulation and Logic Optimization

    E81-D No:7

    The logic optimization based on redundancy addition and removal is one of methods which can deal with large-scale logic circuits. In this logic optimization a few redundant elements are added to a logic circuit, and then many other redundant elements which are generated by the redundancy addition are identified and removed. In this paper an optimization method based on redundancy addition and removal using implication relations is proposed. The advantage of the proposed method is to identify removable redundant elements with short time, because the proposed method directly identifies redundant elements using implication relations from two illegal signal assignments which are produced by redundancy addition. The experimental results compared this method with another method show that this method is faster than the another method without declining the optimization ability.

  • A New Autofocus Using Image Processing Techniques in Critical Dimension Measurement SEM

    Fumio KOMATSU  Hiroshi MOTOKI  Motosuke MIYOSHI  

    PAPER-Beam Testing/Diagnosis

    E81-D No:7

    We have developed a new autofocus method using image processing techniques. This method consists of two steps. The first step is the preset of an objective lens condition with the aid of the feedback of Z-sensor. Next, a hole pattern to be measured is detected using the pattern recognition. In the second step, the E-beam is shifted to the center of a hole pattern and scanned across the axis of a pattern. The exciting current of the objective lens is changed at constant intervals, where the center position of the range is the preset value of the Z-sensor. The best focus condition is determined based on the signal profile obtained by the autofocus scan. The measurement repeatability (3σ) can be achieved within 3. 9 nm. The percentage of success of 98. 7% can be realized in the present autofocus method.

  • Third Order Longitudinal Mode Piezoelectric Ceramic Transformer for High-Voltage Power Inverter

    Takeshi INOUE  Mitsuru YAMAMOTO  Shingo KAWASHIMA  Seiji HIROSE  

    PAPER-Ultrasonic Electronics

    E81-C No:7

    Low-profile, miniaturized and highly efficient power inverters are required to light up backlights, which include cold cathode fluorescent lamps (CCFLs), in color liquid crystal displays (LCDs), replacing conventional power inverters with electromagnetic transformers. The object of this study is to actualize a power inverter to which a novel multilayered piezoelectric ceramic transformer operating in the third order longitudinal mode is applied. The piezoelectric transformer has a symmetrical structure in the lengthwise direction and its generating part operates in a piezoelectric stiffened mode in order to increase both energy conversion efficiency and power density. This transformer has great advantages. Namely, all the electronic terminals in this transformer can be connected at the vibration nodes of the transformer, which contributes to the guarantee of stable transformer performances at high power operation, and this transformer is superior in impedance matching against the backlight load at steady state, because the output impedance of this transformer is much lower than that of conventional Rosen type transformers. Then a power inverter with the transformer was fabricated. In this power inverter, a separately excited oscillation circuit was adopted to drive the transformer with high efficiency, and the transformer drive frequency was controlled by detecting the backlight current in order to adjust the backlight luminance properly. As a result, the fabricated power inverter exhibited more than 90% overall efficiency and 4. 5-W output power, which is enough power to light up a 9. 4 inch color LCD, including the stray capacitance loss resulting from CCFL mounting. The luminance value on a light transmission plate of the backlight was more than 2000 cd/m2.

  • Media Synchronization Control Based on Buffer Occupancy for Stored Media Transmission in PHS

    Masami KATO  Noriyoshi USUI  Shuji TASAKA  


    E81-A No:7

    This paper proposes a scheme for synchronization of stored video and audio streams in PHS. A video stream of H. 263 is transmitted over a PHS channel with ARQ control, while an audio stream of 32 kbit/s ADPCM is sent on another channel without any control. In order to preserve the temporal constraints within the video stream as well as the relationship between the video and audio streams, we adopt a new control scheme which modifies the target output time according to the amount of video data in the receive-buffer. Through simulation we assess the characteristics of this scheme in both random and burst error environments and confirm the effectiveness of the scheme.

  • A Fast Frequency Switching Synthesizer with a Digitally Controlled Delay Generator

    Hideyuki NOSAKA  Tadao NAKAGAWA  Akihiro YAMAGISHI  


    E81-A No:7

    We have developed a new type of phase interpolation DDS with a digitally controlled delay generator. The new DDS is similar to a sine output DDS in that it produces low spurious signals, but it does not require a sine look-up table. Periodic jitter in the MSB of the DDS accumulator is reduced with the digitally controlled delay generator. Experimental results confirm successful frequency synthesizer operation in which the spurious signal level is successfully reduced to less than that the MSB of the accumulator.

  • A Novel Variable-Rate Classified Vector Quantizer Design Algorithm for Image Coding

    Wen-Jyi HWANG  Yue-Shen TU  Yeong-Cherng LU  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:7

    This paper presents a novel classified vector quantizer (CVQ) design algorithm which can control the rate and storage size for applications of image coding. In the algorithm, the classification of image blocks is based on the edge orientation of each block in the wavelet domain. The algorithm allocates the rate and storage size available to each class of the CVQ optimally so that the average distortion is minimized. To reduce the arithmetic complexity of the CVQ, we employ a partial distance codeword search algorithm in the wavelet domain. Simulation results show that the CVQ enjoys low average distortion, low encoding complexity, high visual perception quality, and is well-suited for very low bit rate image coding.
