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  • Intramedia Synchronization Control Based on Delay Estimation by Kalman Filtering

    Sirirat TREETASANATAVORN  Toshiyuki YOSHIDA  Yoshinori SAKAI  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E81-B No:5

    In this paper, we propose an idea for intramedia synchronization control using a method of end-to-end delay monitoring to estimate future delay in delay compensation protocol. The estimated value by Kalman filtering at the presentation site is used for feedback control to adjust the retrieval schedule at the source according to the network conditions. The proposed approach is applicable for the real time retrieving application where `tightness' of temporal synchronization is required. The retrieval schedule adjustment is achieved by two resynchronization mechanisms-retrieval offset adjustment and data unit skipping. The retrieval offset adjustment is performed along with a buffer level check in order to compensate for the change in delay jitter, while the data unit skipping control is performed to accelerate the recovery of unsynchronization period under severe conditions. Simulations are performed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. It is found that with a limited buffer size and tolerable latency in initial presentation, using a higher efficient delay estimator in our proposed resynchronization scheme, the synchronization performance can be improved particularly in the critically congested network condition. In the study, Kalman filtering is shown to perform better than the existing estimation methods using the previous measured jitter or the average value as an estimate.

  • An Approach for Cluster-Based Multicast Routing in Large-Scale Networks

    Yibo ZHANG  Weiping ZHAO  Shunji ABE  Shoichiro ASANO  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E81-B No:5

    This paper addresses the optimum routing problem of multipoint connection in large-scale networks. A number of algorithms for routing of multipoint connection have been studied so far, most of them, however, assume the availability of complete network information. Herein, we study the problem under the condition that only partial information is available to routing nodes and that routing decision is carried out in a distributed cooperative manner. We consider the network being partitioned into clusters and propose a cluster-based routing approach for multipoint connection. Some basic principles for network clustering are discussed first. Next, the original multipoint routing problem is defined and is divided into two types of subproblems. The global optimum multicast tree then can be obtained asymptotically by solving the subproblems one after another iteratively. We propose an algorithm and evaluate it with computer simulations. By measuring the running time of the algorithm and the optimality of resultant multicast tree, we show analysis on the convergent property with varying network cluster sizes, multicast group sizes and network sizes. The presented approach has two main characteristics, 1) it can yield asymptotical optimum solutions for the routing of multipoint connection, and 2) the routing decisions can be made in the environment where only partial information is available to routing nodes.

  • Efficient Linearizable Implementation of Shared FIFO Queues and General Objects on a Distributed System

    Michiko INOUE  Toshimitsu MASUZAWA  Nobuki TOKURA  


    E81-A No:5

    We consider linearizable implementations of shared FIFO queues and general deterministic objects on a distributed message-passing system which provides a real-time timer. The efficiency of an implementation is measured by the worst-case response time res_time(op) for each operation op of the implemented objects. We show the following results under the assumption that all message delays are in the range [d-u,d] for some constants d and u (0 u d). We first present an implementation of deterministic objects with res_time(opa)=u for any ack-type operation opa and res_time(opv)=2d for any val-type operation opv, where an ack-type operation is an operation which always returns a unique response and a val-type operation is an operation which is not ack-type. We also consider an implementation of FIFO queues, which have two kinds of operations, enq(v) and deq. We show that, for any implementation of FIFO queues, (1) res_time(enq(v)) u(n-1)/n holds for some v where n is the number of processes, and (2) res_time(deq) d+u/2 holds in the case of u (2/3)d.

  • Air-Pressure Model and Fast Algorithms for Zero-Wasted-Area Layout of General Floorplan

    Tomonori IZUMI  Atsushi TAKAHASHI  Yoji KAJITANI  


    E81-A No:5

    A floorplan is a partition of a rectangle into subrectangles, each of which is associated with a module. Zero-wasted-area layouts are known to exist when the height and width of modules are constrained only by the area, and several methods have been proposed for deriving such layouts. However, because these methods are global and indirect, they are inherently slow. We propose a new algorithm which simulates the air-pressure mechanics. It begins with a layout, which is not necessarily feasible, and iterates the movement of one wall at a time to the force-balancing position. The key issue is that it is guaranteed that every movement makes a current layout approach a zero-wasted-area layout by the measure of energy which is defined here. Experimental results on the example in several literatures and artificially made complex examples showed very fast convergence. The algorithm is evolved to methods which move all the walls simultaneously, resulting in a further speed enhancement.

  • On the Asymptotic Behaviors of the Recurrence Time with Fidelity Criterion for Discrete Memoryless Sources and Memoryless Gaussian Sources

    Hiroki KOGA  Suguru ARIMOTO  

    LETTER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E81-A No:5

    The asymptotic behavior of the recurrence time with fidelity criterion is discussed. Let X= be a source and Y= a database. For a Δ>0 and an integer l>0 define (Y,X,Δ) as the minimum integer N satisfying dl(,) Δ subject to a fidelity criterion dl. In this paper the following two i. i. d. cases are considered: (A) Xi P and Yi Q, where P and Q are probability distributions on a finite alphabet, and (B) Xi N(0,1) and Yi N(0,1). In case (A) it is proved that (1/l)log2(Y,X,Δ) almost surely converges to a certain constant determined by P, Q and Δ as l. The Kac's lemma plays an important role in the proof on the convergence. In case (B) it is shown that there is a quantity related to (1/l)log2 (Y,X,Δ) that converges to the rate-distortion bound in almost sure sense.

  • Real-Time Traffic Characterization for Quality-of-Service Control in ATM Networks

    Brian L. MARK  Gopalakrishnan RAMAMURTHY  


    E81-B No:5

    One of the important challenges in the design of ATM networks is how to provide quality-of-service (QoS) while maintaining high network resource utilization. In this paper, we discuss the role of real-time traffic characterization in QoS control for ATM networks and review several approaches to the problem of resource allocation. We then describe a particular framework for QoS control in which real-time measurements of a connection stream are used to determine appropriate parameters for usage parameter control (UPC). Connection admission control (CAC) is based on the characterization of the aggregate stream in terms of the individual stream UPC descriptors, together with real-time measurements.

  • ATM ABR Traffic Control with a Generic Weight-Based Bandwidth Sharing Policy: Theory and a Simple Implementation

    Yiwei Thomas HOU  Henry H. -Y. TZENG  Shivendra S. PANWAR  Vijay P. KUMAR  

    PAPER-ATM Traffic Control

    E81-B No:5

    The classical max-min policy has been suggested by the ATM Forum to support the available bit rate (ABR) service class. However, there are several drawbacks in adopting the max-min rate allocation policy. In particular, the max-min policy is not able to support the minimum cell rate (MCR) requirement and the peak cell rate (PCR) constraint for each ABR connection. Furthermore, the max-min policy does not offer flexible options for network providers wishing to establish a usage-based pricing criterion. In this paper, we present a generic weight-based rate allocation policy, which generalizes the classical max-min policy by supporting the MCR/PCR for each connection. Our rate allocation policy offers a flexible usage-based pricing strategy to network providers. A centralized algorithm is presented to compute network-wide bandwidth allocation to achieve this policy. Furthermore, a simple switch algorithm using ABR flow control protocol is developed with the aim of achieving our rate allocation policy in a distributed networking environment. The effectiveness of our distributed algorithm in a local area environment is substantiated by simulation results based on the benchmark network configurations suggested by the ATM Forum.

  • Index Reduction of Overlapping Strongly Sequential Systems

    Takashi NAGAYA  Masahiko SAKAI  Yoshihito TOYAMA  

    PAPER-Sofware System

    E81-D No:5

    Huet and Levy showed that index reduction is a normalizing strategy for every orthogonal strongly sequential term rewriting system. Toyama extended this result to root balanced joinable strongly sequential systems. In this paper, we present a class including all root balanced joinable strongly sequential systems and show that index reduction is normalizing for this class. We also propose a class of left-linear (possibly overlapping) NV-sequential systems having a normalizing strategy.

  • Straight-Line Experiment and Numerical Simulation for RZ-Signal Long-Distance Transmission with Periodic Dispersion Compensation

    Akira NAKA  Toshiya MATSUDA  Shigeru SAITO  

    PAPER-Optical Communication

    E81-B No:4

    RZ signal transmission in an anomalous region with periodic dispersion compensation is examined by a straight-line experiment in terms of the compensation ratio, the signal power, and the pulse width. The optimum condition enables single-channel 20-Gbit/s RZ signal and two-WDM-channel 20-Gbit/s signals (40-Gbit/s in total) to be transmitted over 5,520 km and 2,160 km, respectively. Numerical simulations with the assistance of a basic theory enables analysis of the experimental results. It is shown that the balance between the waveform distortion and the remaining Gordon-Haus jitter determines the optimum conditions to achieve the longest transmission distance. Excess dispersion compensation results in waveform distortion, while insufficient compensation causes a greater amount of remaining jitter. Moreover, spectrum deformation during propagation is experimentally and numerically clarified to have a large effect on the transmission performance, especially for WDM transmission.

  • MFMIS Structure for Nonvolatile Ferroelectric Memory Using PZT Thin Film

    Toshiyuki KAWASAKI  Yoshikazu AKIYAMA  Shunsuke FUJITA  Shiro SATOH  


    E81-C No:4

    The metal/ferroelectric material/metal/oxide insulating material/Si substrates (MFMIS) structure was realized by using Pb(Zr0. 4Ti0. 6)O3 (PZT) thin film. PZT(330 nm thick) thin film was sandwiched between the upper electrode of Ti/Pt-Rh (about 380 nm thick and 123 microns in diameter) and the lower electrode of Pt-Rh/Ti (about 380 nm thick and 378 microns in diameter). The MFM structures mentioned above were prepared on metal oxide semiconductor (MOS structures). Pt-Rh and Ti lower electrodes were directly deposited on a poly-Si MOS electrode with sputtering, and PZT layer was prepared using the sol-gel method. In order to maximize induced charge density in the MOS gate, diameters of the upper and the lower electrodes were adjusted, and the MFM area-to-MOS area ratio was optimized. By using the area ratio of 0. 11 a memory window of 2. 4 V was obtained.

  • Hetero-Epitaxial PbZr0. 48Ti0. 52O3 Capacitors with Oxide Electrodes

    Mitsuo SUGA  Masahiko HIRATANI  Choichiro OKAZAKI  Masanari KOGUCHI  Hiroshi KAKIBAYASHI  


    E81-C No:4

    Two types of hetero-epitaxial PbZr0. 48Ti0. 52O3 (PZT) capacitors were fabricated by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). One has an Au/PZT/SrRuO3(SRO)/SrTiO3(STO) structure with remanent polarization (Pr) of 32. 1 µC/cm2. The other has an Au/PZT/La-doped STO (La: STO) structure with Pr of 9. 6 to 13. 5 µC/cm2. X-ray diffraction patterns show that only the (00l) planes of the PZT and SRO are parallel to the substrate surface for the PZT/SRO/STO structure, however, a (111) plane of the PZT is observed, in addition to the (00l) planes, for the PZT/La: STO structure. High resolution-transmission electron microscope (HR-TEM) images show that the PZT/SRO interface is clean and coherent. However, spherical shape contrast with radius about 5 nm is observed at the PZT/La: STO interface. Diffusion of La and/or the contaminated surface of the La: STO substrate is thought to cause the differences in the PZT orientations and the interfaces, affecting the electrical characteristics of the capacitors.

  • Properties of Ferroelectric Memory with Ir System Materials as Electrodes

    Naoki IZUMI  Yoshikazu FUJIMORI  Takashi NAKAMURA  Akira KAMISAWA  


    E81-C No:4

    Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3 (PZT) thin films were prepared on various electrodes. When Ir system materials were used as electrodes, fatigue properties of PZT thin films were improved. Moreover, in the case of the PZT thin film on an Ir/IrO2 electrode, not only fatigue but imprint properties were clearly improved. We could find these improvements were caused by good barrier effect of IrO2 from secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) analysis. By applying these Ir system electrodes, we fabricated stacked capacitors on polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) plugs. In spite of high temperature thermal processing, we found poly-Si plugs were ohmically connected with the bottom electrodes of the capacitors from hysteresis measurements and I-V characteristics, and could greatly expect them for practical use.

  • Crystallization Process of Sr0. 7Bi2. 3Ta2O9 Thin Films with Different Crystal Orientation Prepared by Chemical Liquid Deposition Using Alkoxide Precursor

    Ichiro KOIWA  Takao KANEHARA  Juro MITA  Tetsuya OSAKA  Sachiko ONO  Akira SAKAKIBARA  Tomonori SEKI  


    E81-C No:4

    The crystallization process of Sr0. 7Bi2. 3Ta2O9 (SBT) ferroelectric thin films with different crystal orientations formed by chemical liquid deposition using an alkoxide precursor was investigated. One film showed strong c-axis orientation (a-type film), while another shows scarcely any c-axis orientation (b-type film). We report that the crystallization process was the same even when crystal orientation differed. Thin films first change from amorphous to fluorite fine grains; the fluorite grains then change to bismuth layer-structure grains. The different orientation of the SBT films is not caused by different crystallization process. Both SBT films with different crystal orientations consist of fine fluorite grains after 650 heat-treatment. Their leakage current density characteristics differ, however. The leakage current density of the a-type film was independent of the electric field, and showed a low value of 10-8 A/cm2. The leakage current density of the b-type film, however, was dependent on the electric field, and increased continuously with the increasing electric field. After 700 heat-treatment, both films consist of large grains with bismuth layer-structure and fine fluorite grains. The matrix of both films contains large grains with bismuth layer-structure that determines the leakage current density characteristics. Since the fluorite grain size after a 700 heat-treatment is the same as that after 650 heat-treatment, nucleation is predominant at the structural phase boundary from amorphous to fluorite. The bismuth layer-structure grains are large and single-crystal grains after both a 700 and 800 heat-treatment. Increased grain size predominates at the structural phase boundary from fluorite to bismuth layer-structure grains. Clearly, ferroelectric SBT films with bismuth layer-structure are crystallized in two steps, each having a different predominant crystal growth mechanism.

  • A New Structure of Frequency Domain Adaptive Filter with Composite Algorithm

    Isao NAKANISHI  Yoshihisa HAMAHASHI  Yoshio ITOH  Yutaka FUKUI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:4

    In this paper, we propose a new structure of the frequency domain adaptive filter (FDAF). The proposed structure is based on the modified DFT pair which consists of the FIR filters, so that un-delayed output signal can be obtained with stable convergence and without accumulated error which are problems for the conventional FDAFs. The convergence performance of the proposed FDAF is examined through the computer simulations in the adaptive line enhancer (ALE) comparing with the conventional FDAF and the DCT domain adaptive filter. Furthermore, in order to improve the error performance of the FDAF, we propose a composite algorithm which consists of the normalized step size algorithm for fast convergence and the variable step size one for small estimation error. The advantage of the proposed algorithm is also confirmed through simulations in the ALE. Finally, we propose a reduction method of the computational complexity of the proposed FDAF. The proposed method is to utilize a part of the FFT flow-graph, so that the computational complexity is reduced to O(N log N).

  • A Simple Parallel Algorithm for the Ziv-Lempel Encoding

    Ken-ichi IWATA  Masakatu MORII  Tomohiko UYEMATSU  Eiji OKAMOTO  

    LETTER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E81-A No:4

    Many Ziv-Lempel algorithms have a similar property, that is, slow encoding and fast decoding. This paper proposes a simple improved Ziv-Lempel algorithm to encode a large amount of data quickly as well as compactly by using multiple-processor system.

  • Formation of Reliable Pb(Ti, Zr)O3 Thin-Film Capacitors for Read/Write Endurance of Ferroelectric Non-volatile Memories

    Katsuhiro AOKI  Yukio FUKUDA  Ken NUMATA  Akitoshi NISHIMURA  


    E81-C No:4

    Recently, reliable Pb (Ti, Zr) O3 (PZT) thin-film capacitors with robust switching endurance were fabricated successfully by incorporating oxidizable metal and oxide electrodes. However, the reasons for the drastic improvement in the switching endurance property was not clear. Degradation of polarizations by switching is called "polarization fatigue. " This paper describes the mechanisms of polarization fatigue, and discusses ways for improving of that property from the standpoints of microstructure, and of interactions between the PZT and the electrode materials of the capacitors. It is clearly identified that the causes of the fatigue are the unexpected formation of a surface transition layer of PZT, which is strongly dependent on the crystallization process, and a decrease in the interfacial capacitances due to the accumulation of oxygen vacancies between the PZT and non-oxidizable metal electrodes with high work functions such as Pt. Oxidizable metal and oxide electrodes suppress by oxidation-reduction reactions the accumulation of oxygen vacancies. Fatigue-free PZT thin-film capacitors can be formed if oxidizable metal or conductive oxide electrodes are incorporated in columnar-grain-structured PZT thin-film. In sharp contrast, fatigue and retention properties of PZT thin-film capacitors with Ir electrodes were degraded by modification of the PZT with 1 atm%-Nb and 1 atm%-La even though its grain structures were columnar.

  • Improved Resistance Against the Reductive Ambient Annealing of Ferroelectric Pb(Zr, Ti)O3 Thin Film Capacitors with IrO2 Top Electrode



    E81-C No:4

    Degradation of ferroelectricity in PZT (Pb(Zr0. 52, Ti0. 48)O3) thin-film capacitors caused by heat treatment in a reductive ambience is investigated. We have found that the degradation of ferroelectricity depends upon the metal used for the top electrode of the PZT capacitor. The increased degradation in the case of a PZT capacitor with Pt electrodes can be explained by a catalytic reaction on the Pt surface. With the use of an IrO2 non-catalytic top electrode, we have made the ferroelectricity of an IrO2/PZT/Pt capacitor retained even after the H2 annealing at 400, or above.

  • Synchronization of Electric Fireflies by Using Square Wave Generators

    Takuji KOUSAKA  Hiroshi KAWAKAMI  Tetsushi UETA  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E81-A No:4

    In this article, we propose a square wave generator whose switching threshold values are switched by external inputs. This circuit is designed to simulate the synchronized luminescence of coupled fireflies. We investigate the behavior of the solutions in two coupled oscillators. The dynamics are demonstrated by a linear autonomous equation piecewisely, therefore, a one-dimensional return map is derived. We also prove the existence of stable in-phase synchronization in the coupled oscillator by using the return map, and we show the existence of regions of periodic solutions within a parameter space. Some theoretical results are confirmed by laboratory measurements.

  • Effect of Zr/Ti Ratio on the Reliability Characteristics Behavior of Sol-Gel Derived PZT Films on Pt/IrO2 Electrode

    Katsuyoshi MATSUURA  Kazuaki TAKAI  Tetsuro TAMURA  Hiroshi ASHIDA  Seigen OTANI  


    E81-C No:4

    It is well known that PZT material properties are strongly dependent on the Zr/Ti ratio. The reliability characteristics, such as the retention and imprint properties, of PZT thin film correlate with the reliability of FRAM(R). PZT films with various Zr/Ti ratios, 60/40, 52/48, 45/55, 40/60 and 30/70 were prepared on Pt/IrO2 and Pt/Ti electrodes by a sol-gel process. With lower Zr/Ti ratio, the grain size becomes smaller and the film was highly oriented to (111) crystallographic plane. But, pyrochlore phase in the PZT films on Pt/IrO2 electrode was detected by SEM and XRD. Hysteresis and pulse responses were measured on the capacitors. With lower Zr/Ti ratio, Pr and Vc become larger. It was found that the preferential (111) orientation played an important role in determining Pr. Voltage shifts which are related to imprint are dependent on the Zr/Ti compositional ratio. Increasing the Ti concentration causes the voltage shift to increase due to more oxygen vacancies. But, this tendency was not in accordance with the results of Qos which were measured by capacitor test simulation of imprint properties for FRAM operation, because the results of Qos did not change monotonically with Ti concentration. However, the capacitor for 45/55 film grown on Pt/IrO2 had good imprint property, similar to the capacitor for sputtered PLZT. In addition, H2 degradation of PZT capacitor with Pt/IrO2 was studied. It was found that H2 annealing degraded the PZT capacitors even at temperatures as low as 150. Thus, imprint and H2 degradation are serious problems for PZT capacitors and these will be a key issue in the reliability of FRAM.

  • Threshold-Based Intra-Video Synchronization for Multimedia Communications

    Shih T. LIANG  Po L. TIEN  Maria C. YUANG  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E81-B No:4

    Multimedia communications often require intramedia synchronization for video data to prevent potential playout discontinuity while still retaining satisfactory playout throughput. In this paper, we propose a novel intra-video synchronization mechanism, called the Video Smoother, particularly suitable for low-end multimedia applications, such as video conferencing. Generally, the Video Smoother dynamically adopts various playout rates according to the number of frames in the playout buffer in an attempt to compensate for the delay jitter introduced from networks. In essence, if the number of frames in the buffer exceeds a given threshold (TH), the Smoother employs a maximum playout rate. Otherwise, the Smoother employs linearly or exponentially reduced rates to eliminate playout pauses resulting from the emptiness of the playout buffer. To determine optimal THs achieving a minimum of playout discontinuity and a maximum of playout throughput under various bursty traffic, we propose an analytic model assuming incoming traffic following an Interrupted Bernoulli arrival Process (IBP). As a result, optimal THs can be analytically determined resulting in superior playout quality under various arrivals and loads of networks. Finally, we display simulation results which demonstrate that, compared to the playout without intra-video synchronization (instant playout), the Video Smoother achieves superior smooth playout and compatible throughput.
