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[Keyword] dielectric(228hit)


  • Resonance Characteristics of a Coupled Dielectric Resonator Which Consists of a Dielectric Disk Resonator and a Ring Resonator

    Qing HAN  Toshinori KOGAMI  Yoshiro TOMABECHI  Kazuhito MATSUMURA  

    PAPER-Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology

    E80-C No:2

    Resonance characteristics of a coupled dielectric resonator which consists of a Whispering Gallery mode dielectric disk resonator and a ring resonator located eccentrically are analyzed. New analytical results of resonance characteristic based on the distributed coupling phenomena between the disk and the ring are obtained. The resonance performances have also been verified experimentally on X band model. We have found that Free Spectral Range of the coupled resonator is several times larger than that of the single disk resonator and the single ring resonator, respectively. As a result, the eccentric coupled resonator discussed in this paper can be used as a frequency selective element in millimeter wave integrated circuits.

  • Passive Aligned Hybrid Integrated WDM Transceiver Module Using Planar Lightwave Circuit Platform

    Hiroaki OKANO  Hideo OTSUKI  Hisato UETSUKA  Tatsuo TERAOKA  Tsuneo SHIOTA  Satoshi AOKI  Shinji TSUJI  


    E80-C No:1

    To realize a low-cost WDM transceiver module based on a PLC-platform, simple, assembly techniques have been successfully developed. The formation of index marks with an accuracy of below 0.1 µm has made it possible to mount Opto-electronic devices on the silicon terrace of the PLC-platform by a passive alignment. A newly developed trench formation technique for inserting a 1.3/1.5 µm WDM dielectric filter enabled us not only to ensure a stable WDM function but also to prevent excess loss associated with the dielectric filter scheme. It is found that these two technologies are practically useful to achieve high-performance WDM transceiver module.

  • NRD Guide Digital Transceivers for Millimeter Wave LAN System

    Futoshi KUROKI  Tsukasa YONEYAMA  


    E79-B No:12

    Because 60 GHz frequency band has been allotted for the research and development purpose of millimeter wave systems in Japan, various circuit components and systems have been fabricated by using printed transmission lines. The NRD guide (nonradiative dielectric waveguide) is another candidate as a transmission medium for millimeter wave integrated circuit applications since its performance has been shown to be excellent in this frequency band. This paper is concerned with the development of a 60 GHz digital transceiver for millimeter wave LAN use based on NRD guide technologies. The trans-ceiver consists of frequency stabilized Gunn oscillator, circulator, PIN diode modulator, balanced mixer, directional coupler and transmitting and receiving pyramidal horn antennas. The notable advantages of the circuit components are the high reliability of the Gunn oscillator, the wide bandwidth of the circulator, and the high frequency operation of the PIN diode modulator beyond 100 Mbps. Interference between transmitted and received signals, which must be caused by coupling between transmitting and receiving antennas, is eliminated by simple techniques such as introducing filters in the base band and IF circuits. By using NRD guide digital transceivers, both-way data transmission between two computers can be achieved simultaneously and a 60 GHz wireless LAN system has been developed successfully.

  • Physical Optics Analysis of Dipole-Wave Scattering from a Finite Strip Array on a Grounded Dielectric Slab

    Shuguang CHEN  Yoshio SATO  Masayuki OODO  Makoto ANDO  


    E79-C No:10

    This paper verifies the accuracy of PO as applied to the scattering of dipole waves by a finite size reflector which is composed of strips on a grounded dielectric slab. By using the closed form expressions of reflected waves from the surface, PO calculation can be conducted straightforwardly. The calculated results are compared with the experimental ones for vertical and horizontal dipoles over a circular reflector.

  • Analysis of Microstrip Line with a Trapezoidal Dielectric Ridge in Multilayered Media by Partial-Boundary Element Method

    Keren LI  Kazuhiko ATSUKI  


    E79-C No:10

    In this paper, we present an analysis of microstrip line with a trapezoidal dielectric ridge in multilayered media. The method employed in this characterization is called partial-boundary element method (p-BEM) which provides an efficient technique to the analysis of the structures with multilayered media. To improve the convergence of the Green's function used in the analysis with the P-BEM, we employ a technique based on a combination of the Fourier series expansion and the method of images. Treatment on convergence for the boundary integrals is also described. After this treatment, it requires typically one tenth or one hundredth of Fourier terms to obtain the same accuracy compared with the original Green's function. Numerical results are presented for two microstrip lines that have a trapezoidal dielectric ridge placed on a one-layered substrate and a two-layered substrate. These numerical results demonstrate the effects on the characteristics of the microstrip line due to the existence of the dielectric ridge as well as the second layer between the ridge and the fundamental substrate.

  • Source and Radiation Field Solution for Dielectric Scatteres-E Wave-

    Shiro ITO  Shinobu TOKUMARU  


    E79-C No:10

    For the expansion of using the integral equation methods on wave-field analysis, a new method called "Source and Radiation Field Solution" is suggested. This solution uses a couple of integral equations. One of them is the traditional integral expression giving the scattered field from the wave source, another is newly proposed one which expresses the wave source from both of the source and the scattered field, by using the conjugate Green function expression. Therefore this method can derive both of the source and the scattered field at the same time by coupled two equations. For showing the effect of this method, we analyze scattering problems for dielectrics in this paper.

  • Polarization Effects on the Effective Dielectric Constant of a Medium containing Randomly Distributed Dielectric Cylinders

    Yukihisa NANBU  Mitsuo TATEIBA  


    E79-C No:10

    A piece of information on the polarization effects on the effective dielectric constant εeff of a medium whose dielectric circular cylinders are randomly distributed is obtained by analyzing εeff for both E-wave and H-wave incidences. Our numerical analysis shows clearly the difference of εeff between E-wave and H-wave incidences and also shows the difference of εeff between our method and the Foldy's approximation.

  • Planar Type Dielectric Resonator Filter at Millimeter-Wave Frequency

    Youhei ISHIKAWA  Toshiro HIRATSUKA  Sadao YAMASHITA  Kenichi IIO  

    PAPER-Passive Devices

    E79-C No:5

    A TE010 mode dielectric resonator is proposed to be used in a millimeter-wave filter. The resonator was fabricated using the photolithographic technique, and high unloaded Q of 1610 was obtained at 60 GHz. A planar circuit type millimeter-wave filter, using TE010 mode dielectric resonators, was fabricated using NRD guides as input and output circuits. The measured filter characteristics agreed with calculated values well. The filter can be applicable to future millimeter-wave mobile communications systems.

  • Numerical Analysis of Dielectric Rod Waveguide with Corrugation of Nonintegral-Ratio Period Waves

    Hiroshi KUBO  Kimihisa FUKUSHIMA  Ikuo AWAI  


    E78-C No:10

    The dielectric rod waveguides with corrugation consisting of nonintegral-ratio period waves are investigated numerically. The leakage characteristics of HE11-type wave in the waveguide is analyzed by applying Yasuura's method. The complex propagation constants and the far field patterns are presented. The radiation pattern of a fabricated waveguide with corrugation agrees well with the calculated value. The dependence of radiation characteristics on the corrugation form is discussed. It is shown that the leakage directions and the intensity of leaky waves are controlled independently one another. The radiation pattern can be synthesized by choosing the geometric parameters of the corrugation properly.

  • The Vector Nature of Electromagnetic Field: To What Results It Leads in the Theory of Dielectric Waveguides?



    E78-C No:10

    Considered is the theory of several dielectric waveguide phenomena for which the vector nature of the electromagnetic field is essential. These phenomena are the following rotation of the plane of polarization in chiral and twisted waveguides, Bragg's reflection in a twisted waveguide in a narrow frequency band, and excitation of a waveguide at a near-cutoff frequency.

  • Diffraction Characteristics of a Finite Metal-Strip Grating Integrated with a Planar Dielectric Waveguide

    Victor I. KALINICHEV  


    E78-C No:10

    The radiation and scattering characteristics of a metal-strip grating of finite extent printed on the surface of a dielectric waveguide are analyzed within a two-dimensional model. The diffraction properties are obtained from a solution to the problem of surface mode scattering by a finite number of metal strips, taking into account their mutual couplings. The analysis is based on the electromotive force technique which does not require a grating to be periodic. Obtained results concern the antenna applications of radiating gratings excited by the dominant TE or TM surface mode of the wavegude. The proposed approach can be applied not only to the design of radiators but also filters based on periodic strip gratings.

  • Surface Potential Method in the Wave Scattering from Localized Inhomogeneities of a Planar Dielectric Waveguide

    Alexander G. YAROVOY  


    E78-C No:10

    In the paper a problem of wave scattering from a local penetrable inhomogeneity inside a planar dielectric waveguide is studied. The surface potentials method is applied for the problem and the set of systems of BIE is obtained and analyzed from the view-point of their numerical solution. The effective numerical algorithm based on the Nyström method is proposed. The equations for a scattering diagram and mode conversion coefficients are derived.

  • Miniaturized Stepped Impedance Resonators with a Double Coaxial Structure and Their Application to Bandpass Filters

    Morikazu SAGAWA  Michiaki MATSUO  Mitsuo MAKIMOTO  Kazuhiro EGUCHI  


    E78-C No:8

    This paper describes newly developed miniaturized stepped impedance resonators with a double coaxial structure (DC-SIR's) and their application to bandpass filters. The new DC-SIR's using dielectric material are devised for more compact and lower frequency bandpass filters. Fundamental characteristics such as resonance properties and unloaded-Q make it clear that DC-SIR's have attractive features that miniaturization can be achieved without Q-factor degradation. Trial 400 MHz bandpass filters incorporating DC-SIR's are also made. Experimental results of bandpass filters proved that DC-SIR's are applicable to lower frequency band radio equipment and able to contribute to the expansion of applicable frequency ranges of dielectric coaxial resonators.

  • Characterization of Single and Coupled Microstrip Lines Covered with Protective Dielectric Film

    Kazuhiko ATSUKI  Keren LI  Shoichiro YAMAGUCHI  


    E78-C No:8

    In this paper, we presented an analysis of single and coupled microstrip lines covered with protective dielectric film which is usually used in the microwave integrated circuits. The method employed in the characterization is called partial-boundary element method (p-BEM). The p-BEM provides an efficient means to the analysis of the structures with multilayered media or covered with protective dielectric film. The numerical results show that by changing the thickness of the protective dielectric films such as SiO2, Si and Polyimide covered on these lines on a GaAs substrate, the coupled microstrip lines vary within 10% on the characteristic impedance and within 25% on the effective dielectric constant for the odd mode of coupled microstrip line, respectively, in comparison with the structures without the protective dielectric film. In contrast, the single microstrip lines vary within 4% on the characteristic impedance and within 8% on the effective dielectric constant, respectively. The protective dielectric film affects the odd mode of the coupled lines more strongly than the even mode and the characteristics of the single microstrip lines.

  • Influence of Films' Thickness and Air Gaps in Surface Impedance Measurements of High Temperature Super-conductors Using the Dielectric Resonator Technique

    Janina CEREMUGA  Jerzy KRUPKA  Richard GEYER  Józef MODELSKI  


    E78-C No:8

    The dielectric resonator technique is commonly used for microwave surface resistance measurements of High Temperature superconducting (HTS) films. Thickness of super-conductors and its impact on measurement results has not been taken into consideration so far. A theoretical mode-matched solution analysis of a TE011 10 GHz sapphire resonator was performed. The results of this analysis demonstrate that the thickness of the films under test can significantly affect the resonant frequencies (fres) and quality factor Q of the resonant system, particularly when the thickness is less than three times the penetration depth (λ) of the films at the operating temperature. In such cases the microwave properties of the substrate affect fres and Q. For HTS films' thickness relatively small as compared to λ, measured quality factors and resonant frequency may also be affected by substrate thickness and the conductivity of the backing plates of the system. The presence of air gaps between the sapphire and the HTS films does not significantly influence surface resistance measurements. However they can markedly affect the surface reactance from which the penetration depth is calculated.

  • Dielectric Measurements in the 60-GHz Band Using a High-Q Gaussian Beam Open Resonator

    Philippe COQUET  Toshiaki MATSUI  Masahiko KIYOKAWA  


    E78-C No:8

    A full confocal Gaussian beam open resonator system that determines the dielectric properties of low-loss materials in the 60-GHz band is developed. To achieve high Q values a quasi-optical coupling method is used to feed the resonator. It is connected to a computer-controlled HP 8510C vector network analyzer for automatic measurement. The frequency variation method is used and the data are processed using the open resonator scalar theory. Results from 96% and 99.5% alumina samples with thicknesses ranging from 0.38 mm to 1 mm, are presented in the V band, with loss tangent values of the order of 100 µ radians. This system should be able to measure substrates as thin as less than 0.1 mm to 0.3 mm, which are the thicknesses of substrates in practical use.

  • A Dual Mode Dielectric Waveguide Resonator and Its Application to Bandpass Filters

    Ikuo AWAI  Takeharu YAMASHITA  


    E78-C No:8

    The fundamental TE10 mode in a rectangular waveguide of a square cross section is degenerate with TE01 mode. A quarter wavelength resonator made of a dielectric square waveguide is, therefore, applied for a small-sized bandpass filter, just like dual mode filters for base stations in the mobile communication. In this paper, the methods to couple the two modes are first studied, including cutting a corner of the resonator and adding some metal electrodes on its end face. Both methods help to flow the rf current of the odd mode at the corner, resulting in decrease of the series inductance and thus increase of the resonant frequency. The coupling constant, that is proportional to the difference of the odd and even-mode's resonant frequency, can be controlled by the perturbations mentioned above. The coupling to the external circuit is adjusted by an electrode fabricated also on the end face. It is connected to a microstrip line and capacitively couples to the resonant modes. The coupling strength increases with the dimension of the electrode. The adjustment of the resonant frequency is carried out by the similar electrode on the end face and connected to the center of the side of the square cross section. The frequency decreases with the length of the electrode. The unloaded Q is measured to be of around 500 for 5510 mm resonator of εr=93. The optimum aspect ratio for the resonator is found in terms of the Q value. The simplest bandpass filter, i.e., a two-stage bandpass filter is designed and fabricated using 5510 mm resonator. It is mounted in a square hole made in a printed circuit board and excited by a microstrip line. The frequency characteristics are in good agreement with the expected values.

  • Thickness Dependence of Furnace N2O-Oxynitridation Effects on Breakdown of Thermal Oxides

    Toshimasa MATSUOKA  Shigenari TAGUCHI  Kenji TANIGUCHI  Chihiro HAMAGUCHI  Seizo KAKIMOTO  Junkou TAKAGI  


    E78-C No:3

    Thickness dependence of breakdown properties in control and N2O-Oxynitrided oxides was investigated. Nitrogen atoms piled up at the Si/SiO2 interface increase charge-to-breakdown (QBD) under substrate injection conditions for oxide thickness below 10 nm, while no meaningful improvement is observed above 10 nm. This thickness dependence is explained by the fact that N2O-oxynitridation reduces oxide defects near the Si/SiO2 interface. N2O-oxynitridation of the oxides reduces the number of neutral electron traps due to the chemical reaction of oxide defect with nitrogen atoms. Electron trapping of N2O-oxynitrided oxides is significantly suppressed; the reduction of electron trapping events into neutral electron traps increases QBD under substrate injection. On the other hand, under gate injection, N2O-oxynitrided oxides show low rate of hole trapping during the initial stress period. However, in heavily injected condition, electron trapping is not suppressed, resulting in little improvement of QBD. In addition, the control and N2O-oxynitrided oxides show quite similar dependence of QBD on stress current density, which is related primarily to the carrier transport phenomena (tunneling, traveling, impact ionization and hole injection).

  • Blazing Effects of Dielectric Grating with Periodically Modulated Two Layers

    Tsuneki YAMASAKI  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E78-C No:3

    The blazing effects of dielectric grating consisting of two adjacent sinusoidally modulated layers which lead to the asymmetric profiles on a substrate are analyzed by using improved Fourier series expansion method. This method can be applied to the wide range of grating structure and gave high accurate results by comparing with those obtained by previous method. In this paper, the efficient blazing effects can be achieved by varying normalized distance (w/p) and the normalized thickness (d1/D), where D is kept fixed. The results are greater than those of trapezoidal profiles and triangular profiles. The influences of the second order of modulation index on the radiation efficiencies and normalized leakage factor are also discussed.

  • Numerical Analysis of an Optical X Coupler with a Nonlinear Dielectric Region

    Hirohisa YOKOTA  Koichi KIMURA  Sadao KURAZONO  


    E78-C No:1

    For an application to the optical signal processing devices, we propose the optical X coupler which consists of two bending waveguides and a nonlinear dielectric region. To analyze this structure accurately we utilized the iterative finite difference beam propagation method (iterative FD-BPM). In this paper the formulation of the iterative FD-BPM for one wave and two waves cases are presented, respectively. We investigate following two cases. First, we consider the case that the light is launched into one of the input ports. We calculate the evolutions of the field amplitude and the transmission characteristics for the input power. Second, we consider the case that the signal light with the constant power is launched into one of the input ports and that the control light with the wavelength different from that of the signal light is launched into another input port. We calculate the evolutions of the field amplitude and the transmission characteristics of the signal light for the power of control light. As a result of the analysis, we show that all-optical switching operation is possible in the proposed structure.
