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  • Fault Tolerant Properties and a Fault-Checking Method of Fuzzy Control

    Hiroshi ITO  Takashi MATSUBARA  Takakazu KUROKAWA  Yoshiaki KOGA  

    PAPER-Fail-Safe/Fault Tolerant

    E76-D No:5

    Generally it is said that a fuzzy control system has fault tolerant properties, but it is not clearly studied. In this paper, first, the influence of faults in fuzzy control systems is examined. Errors given by fault simulation are not negligible. However, no fault detecting method is applied in the realized fuzzy control systems. Then a fault-checking method to detect faults is proposed in this paper.

  • Abrupt Variations of Attractors Caused by Argumental Discreteness in Non-Hermitian Associative Memories

    Akira HIROSE  

    LETTER-Neural Nets--Theory and Applications--

    E76-A No:5

    Abrupt variations of attractors caused by argumental discreteness in non-Hermitian complex-valued neural networks are reported. When we apply the complex-valued associative memories to dynamical processing, the weighting matrices are constructed as non-Hermitian in general so that they have motive force to the signal vectors. It is observed that competitions between argumental rotation force and noise-suppression ability of associative memories lead to trajectory distortions and abrupt variations of the attractors.

  • Comparison of Erasure-and-Error Threshold Decoding Schemes

    Takeshi HASHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E76-A No:5

    Erasure-and-error decoding is a general form of channel decoding and is a basis of important coding schemes, such as the concatenated coding scheme and coded ARQ. However, there do not exist enough discussions on the interrelationship between erasure-and-error decoding schemes. In this paper, threshold decoding schemes are discussed in a systematic manner and compared with Forney's optimal scheme. Some confusions in known results are pointed out and new results on threshold decoding are shown.

  • A Generalized Unsupervised Competitive Learning Scheme

    Ferdinand PEPER  Hideki NODA  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E76-A No:5

    In this article a Neural Network learning scheme is described, which is a generalization of VQ (Vector Quantization) and ART2a (a simplified version of Adaptive Resonance Theory 2). The basic differences between VQ and ART2a will be exhibited and it will be shown how these differences are covered by the generalized scheme. The generalized scheme enables a rich set of variations on VQ and ART2a. One such variation uses the expression ||I||2+||zj||2/||zj||sin(I,zj), as the distance measure between input vector I and weight vector zj. This variation tends to be more robust to noise than ART2a, as is shown by experiments we performed. These experiments use the same data-set as the ART2a experiments in Ref.(3).

  • A Link Study of a Low-Earth Orbit Satellite Communications System Using Optical Intersatellite Links

    Mitsuo NOHARA  Yoshinori ARIMOTO  Wataru CHUJO  Masayuki FUJISE  


    E76-B No:5

    Link conditions of a low-earth orbit (LEO) satellite communications system were evaluated, to provide the information necessary for designing a broadband LEO-SAT communications system. The study was made both for optical intersatellite and user/satellite links. For the optical intersatellite link (ISL), we examined several ISL configurations in a circular polar orbit, and found that when the satellites are in the same orbital plane, the link parameters are quite stable, that is, the link between adjacent satellites can be regarded as fixed and, therefore, suitable for broadband transmission via an optical link. However, the link conditions between adjacent orbits change very quickly and over a wide range. To overcome this and extend the network path between satellites in adjacent orbital planes, we proposed intermittent use of the link between satellites in co-rotating adjacent orbital planes at the low latitude region, i.e., only during the period of stable conditions. The optical intersatellite link budget also sets link parameters that are realistic, given present optoelectronic technologies. From quantitative evaluations of the user/satellite link, we believe that both the satellite altitude and minimum elevation angle are critical, both in defining the quality of the service of the LEO-SAT system and in their impact on the other transmission parameters. The link loss, the visible period and the required number of satellites vs. satellite altitude and elevation angle are also indicated. These are important considerations for future system design.

  • A Current-Mode Circuit of a Chaotic Neuron Model

    Nobuo KANOU  Yoshihiko HORIO  Kazuyuki AIHARA  Shogo NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E76-A No:4

    A model of a single neuron with chaotic dynamics is implemented with current-mode circuit design technique. The existence of chaotic dynamics in the circuit is demonstrated by simulation with SPICE3. The proposed circuit is suitable for implementing a chaotic neural network composed of such neuron models on a VLSI chip.

  • Current Status and Future Prospects of Fiber Optic Local Area Networks

    Mikio TAKAHARA  


    E76-B No:4

    Fiber-optic local area networks (LANs) with Fiber Distributed Digital Interface (FDDI) protocol have come into use as backbones connecting other small LANs. This paper describes the current status of LANs, reviews a number of issues that stand in the way of further development and look at the future of LANs. Demands for wide-area networks (WANs) connecting LANs and multimedia LANs including voice and image capability has been extremely strong, spurring progress in geographical expansion and throughput increase, now over 100Mbit/s. The logical choice of transmission medium for next-generation systems is single-mode optical fiber, not only for backbone LANs but also, eventually, for floor LANs.

  • Packet Speech Transmission on ATM Networks Using a Variable Rate Embedded ADPCM Coding Scheme

    Kazuhiro KONDO  Masashi OHNO  

    PAPER-Communication Systems and Transmission Equipment

    E76-B No:4

    Subjective quality tests have proven that embedded adaptive differential PCM (ADPCM), known to tolerate information loss through bit dropping, does not maintain sufficient speech quality when directly applied to asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) due to the fixed-length cell transmission scheme unique to ATM. We propose a coding and transmission scheme which enhances the performance by adjusting the embedded ADPCM coding rate according to input speech characteristics, thereby taking advantage of the ATM environment, where the transmission of variable rate sources is feasible. By varying the number of code bits of an embedded ADPCM coder from 6bits per sample, or 48kbps, for blocks of speech with a high prediction gain, to 2bits, or 16kbps, for silent blocks, a good compromise between coding bit rate and speech quality with gradual degradation due to information loss is achieved. The results of subjective evaluation tests showed the speech quality of the proposed scheme to be over 3.5 mean opinion score (MOS) on a scale of 1 to 5 at a cell loss rate of 10%. A prototype of the codec and the ATM cell assembly/disassembly functions were also fabricated using 3 conventional digital signal processors (DSPs) for real-time conversation tests.

  • Effect of Noise-Only-Paths on the Performance Improvement of Post-Demodulation Selection Diversity in DS/SS Mobile Radio

    Akihiro HIGASHI  Tadashi MATSUMOTO  Mohsen KAVEHRAD  

    PAPER-Radio Communication

    E76-B No:4

    The path diversity improvement inherent in direct sequence spread spectrum (DS/SS) signalling under multi-path propagation environments is investigated for mobile/personal radio communications systems that employ DPSK modulation. The bit error rate (BER) performance of post-demodulation selection diversity reception is theoretically analyzed in the presence of noise-only-paths in the time window for diversity combining. Results of laboratory experiments conducted to evaluate the BER performance are also presented. It is shown that the experimental results agree well with the theoretical BER.

  • A Capacitor over Bit-Line (COB) Stacked Capacitor Cell Using Local Interconnect Layer for 64 MbDRAMs

    Naoki KASAI  Masato SAKAO  Toshiyuki ISHIJIMA  Eiji IKAWA  Hirohito WATANABE  Toshio TAKESHIMA  Nobuhiro TANABE  Kazuo TERADA  Takamaro KIKKAWA  

    PAPER-Device Technology

    E76-C No:4

    A new capacitor over bit-line (COB) stacked capacitor memory cell was developed using a local interconnect poly-silicon layer to arrange a capacitor contact between bit-lines. This memory cell enables usable capacitor area to increase and capacitor contact hole depth to decrease. The hemispherical grain (HSG) silicon, whose effective surface area is twice that of ordinary poly-silicon, was utilized for the storage node to increase the storage capacitance without increasing the storage node height. The feasibility of achieving a 1.8 µm2 memory cell with 30 fF storage capacitance using a 7 nm-SiO2-equivalent dielectric film and a 0.5 µm-high HSG storage node has been verified for 64 MbDRAMs by a test memory device using a 0.4 µm CMOS process.

  • An Experimental Full-CMOS Multigigahertz PLL LSI Using 0.4-µm Gate Ultrathin-Film SIMOX Technology

    Yuichi KADO  Masao SUZUKI  Keiichi KOIKE  Yasuhisa OMURA  Katsutoshi IZUMI  

    PAPER-Device Technology

    E76-C No:4

    We designed and fabricated a prototype 0.4-µm-gate CMOS/SIMOX PLL LSI in order to verify the potential usefulness of ultrathin-film SIMOX technology for creating an extremely low-power LSI containing high-speed circuits operating at frequencies of at least 1 GHz and at low supply voltages. This PLL LSI contains both high-frequency components such a prescaler and low-frequency components such as a shift register, phase frequency comparator, and fixed divider. One application of the LSI could be for synthesizing communication band frequencies in the front-end of a battery-operated wireless handy terminal for personal communications. At a supply voltage of 2 V, this LSI operates at up to 2 GHz while dissipating only 8.4 mW. Even at only 1.2 V, 1 GHz-operation can be obtained with a power consumption of merely 1.4 mW. To explain this low-power feature, we extensively measured the electrical characteristics of individual CMOS/SIMOX basic circuits as well as transistors. Test results showed that the high performance of the LSI is mainly due to the advanced nature of the CMOS/SIMOX devices with low parasitic capacitances around source/drain regions and to the new circuit design techniques used in the dual-modulus prescalar.

  • Characterizing Film Quality and Electromigration Resistance of Giant-Grain Copper Interconnects

    Takahisa NITTA  Tadahiro OHMI  Tsukasa HOSHI  Toshiyuki TAKEWAKI  Tadashi SHIBATA  

    PAPER-Process Technology

    E76-C No:4

    The performance of copper interconnects formed by the low-kinetic-energy ion bombardment process has been investigated. The copper films formed on SiO2 by this technology under a sufficient amount of ion energy deposition exhibit perfect orientation conversion from Cu (111) to Cu (100) upon post-metallization thermal annealing. We have discovered such crystal orientation conversion is always accompanied by a giant-grain growth as large as 100 µm. The copper film resistivity decreases due to the decrease in the grain boundary scattering, when the giant-grain growth occurs in the film. The resistivity of giant-grain copper film at a room temperature is 1.76 µΩcm which is almost equal to the bulk resistivity of copper. Furthermore, a new-accelerated electromigration life-test method has been developed to evaluate copper interconnects having large electromigration resistance within a very short period of test time. The essence of the new method is the acceleration by a large-current-stress of more than 107 A/cm2 and to utilize the self heating of test interconnect for giving temperature stress. In order to avoid uncontrollable thermal runaway and resultant interconnect melting, we adopted a very efficient cooling system that immediately removes Joule heat and keeps the interconnect temperature constant. As a result, copper interconnects formed by the low-kinetic-energy ion bombardment process exhibit three orders of magnitude longer lifetime at 300 K than Al alloy interconnects.

  • An Automatic Adjustment Method of Backpropagation Learning Parameters, Using Fuzzy Inference

    Fumio UENO  Takahiro INOUE  Kenichi SUGITANI  Badur-ul-Haque BALOCH  Takayoshi YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E76-A No:4

    In this work, we introduce a fuzzy inference in conventional backpropagation learning algorithm, for networks of neuron like units. This procedure repeatedly adjusts the learning parameters and leads the system to converge at the earliest possible time. This technique is appropriate in a sense that optimum learning parameters are being applied in every learning cycle automatically, whereas the conventional backpropagation doesn't contain any well-defined rule regarding the proper determination of the value of learning parameters.

  • Error-Correction Learning of Three Layer Neural Networks Based on Linear-Homogeneous Expressions

    Ryuzo TAKIYAMA  Kimitoshi FUKUDOME  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E76-A No:4

    The three layer neural network (TLNN) is treated, where the nonlinearity of a neuron is of signum. First we propose an expression of the discriminant function of the TLNN, which is called a linear-homogeneous expression. This expression allows the differentiation in spite of the signum property of the neuron. Subsequently a learning algorithm is proposed based on the linear-homogeneous form. The algorithm is an error-correction procedure, which gives a mathematical foundation to heuristic error-correction learnings described in various literatures.

  • A Text-Independent Off-Line Writer Identification Method for Japanese and Korean Sentences

    Mitsu YOSHIMURA  Isao YOSHIMURA  Hyun Bin KIM  


    E76-D No:4

    This paper proposes an off-line text-independent writer identification method applicable to Japanese and Korean sentences. It is assumed that the writer of a writing in question exists in a certain group of people and that reference writings written by each person in the group can be used for identification. In the proposed method, relative frequencies of some model patterns are counted on the binary pattern of each writing and are used as the feature to measure the distance between two writings. Based on a modified Mahalanobis' distance for this feature, the person whose reference writing is nearest to the writing in question is judged as the writer. The effectiveness of the proposed method is examined through an experiment using Japanese and Korean writings. Error rates in the experiment were different depending on conditions such as volume of reference writings, dimension of adopted features, and number of people to be identified. In some cases, error rates as low as 0% were observed. Error rates tend to be lower in Korean writings probably because Hangul is composed of a smaller number of letters compared to Kanji and Hiragana in Japanese writing.

  • Minimum Covering Run Expression of Document Images Based on Matching of Bipartite Graph

    Supoj CHINVEERAPHAN  Ken'ichi DOUNIWA  Makoto SATO  


    E76-D No:4

    An efficient technique for expressing document image is required as part of a unified approach to document image processing. This paper presents a new method, Minimum Covering Run (MCR), for expressing binary images. The name being adapted from horizontal or vertical run representation. The proposed technique uses some horizontal and vertical runs together to represent binary images in which the total number of representative runs is minimized. Considering the characteristic of above run types precisely, it is shown that horizontal and vertical runs of any binary image could be thought of as partite sets of a bipartite graph. Consequently, the MCR expression that corresponds to the construction of one of the most interesting problems in graphs; i.e., maximum matching, is analogously found by using an algorithm which solves this problem in a corresponding graph. The most efficient algorithm takes at most O(n5/2) computations for solving the problem where n is the sum of cardinalities of both partite sets. However, some patterns in images like tables or line drowings, generally, have a large number of runs representing them which results in a long processing time. Therefore, we provide the Rectangular Segment Analysis (RSA) as a pre-processing to define runs representing such patterns beforehand. We also show that horizontal and vertical covering parts of the proposed expression are able to represent stroke components of characters in document images. As an implementation, an efficient algorithm including arrangement for run data structure of the MCR expression is presented. The experimental results show the possibility of stroke extraction of characters in document images. As an application, some patterns such as tables can be extracted from document images.

  • A Characterization of Languages in Constant Round Perfect Zero-Knowledge Interactive Proofs

    Kouichi SAKURAI  


    E76-A No:4

    In this paper, we consider a class of the languages that have (constant round) perfect zero-knowledge interactive proofs without assuming any complexity assumptions. Especially, we investigate the interactive protocol with the restricted prover who runs in probabilistic polynomial time and knows the complete factorization as a trapdoor information of the integer associated with the input. We give a condition of the existence of constant round perfect zero-knowledge interactive proofs without assuming any complexity assumptions. The bit commitment based on the quadratic residuosity has an important role in our protocol and the simulation is based on the technique developed by Bellare, Micali, and Ostrovsky in Ref. (9), so call double running process. However, the proof of perfect zero-knowledgeness needs a more powerful simulation technique. Our simulation extracts more knowledge, the complete factorization of the integer associated with the input, from a (cheating) verifier than Bellare-Micali-Ostrovsky's simulation does. Furthermore, our main result implies that Blum integer has a five move perfect zero-knowledge interactive proof without assuming any complexity assumptions. (All previous known zero-knowledge protocols for Blum integer required either unproven cryptographic assumptions or unbounded number of rounds of message exchange.)

  • An Implementation of the Hilbert Scanning Algorithm and Its Application to Data Compression

    Seiichiro KAMATA  Richard O. EASON  Eiji KAWAGUCHI  


    E76-D No:4

    The Hilbert curve is one of the simplest curves which pass through all points in a space. Many researchers have worked on this curve from the engineering point of view, such as for an expression of two-dimensional patterns, for data compression in an image or in color space, for pseudo color image displays, etc. A computation algorithm of this curve is usually based on a look-up table instead of a recursive algorithm. In such algorithm, a large memory is required for the path look-up table, and the memory size becomes proportional to the image size. In this paper, we present an implementation of a fast sequential algorithm that requires little memory for two and three dimensional Hilbert curves. Our method is based on some rules of quad-tree traversal in two dimensional space, and octtree traversal in three dimensional space. The two dimensional Hilbert curve is similar to the scanning of a DF (Depth First) expression, which is a quad-tree expression of an image. The important feature is that it scans continuously from one quadrant, which is obtained by quad tree splitting, to the next adjacent one in two dimensional space. From this point, if we consider run-lengths of black and white pixels during the scan, the run-lengths of the Hilbert scan tend to be longer than those of the raster scan and the DF expression scanning. We discuss the application to data compression using binary images and three dimensional data.

  • A Kalman Filtering with a Gaze-Holding Algorithm for Intentionally Controlling a Displayed Object by the Line-of-Gaze

    Hidetomo SAKAINO  Akira TOMONO  Fumio KISHINO  

    PAPER-Control and Computing

    E76-A No:3

    In a display system with a line-of-gaze (LOG) controller, it is difficult to make the directions and motions of a LOG-controlled object coincide as closely as possible in the display with the user's intended LOG-directions and motions. This is because LOG behavior is not only smooth, but also saccadic due to the problem of involuntary eye movement. This article introduces a flexible on-line LOG-control scheme to realize nearly perfect LOG operation. Using a mesh-wise cursor pattern, the first visual experiment elucidates subjectively that a Kalman Filter (KF) for smoothing and predicting is effective in filtering out macro-saccadic changes of the LOG and in predicting sudden changes of the saccade while movement is in progress. It must be assumed that the LOG trajectory can be described by a linear position-velocity-acceleration approximation of Sklansky Model (SM). Furthermore, the second experiment uses a four-point pattern and simulations to scrutinize the two physical properties of velocity and direction-changes of the LOG in order to quantitatively and efficiently resolve "moving" and "gazing". In order to greatly reduce the number of LOG-small-position changes while gazing, the proposed Gaze-Holding algorithm (GH) with a gaze-potential function is combined with the KF. This algorithm allows the occurrence frequency of the micro-saccade to be reduced from approximately 25 Hz to 1 or 2 Hz. This great reduction in the frequency of the LOG-controlled object moves is necessary to achieve the user's desired LOG-response while gazing. Almost perfect LOG control is accomplished by the on-line SM+KF+GH scheme while either gazing or moving. A menu-selection task was conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed on-line LOG-control method.

  • Multiple-Valued Memory Using Floating Gate Devices

    Takeshi SHIMA  Stephanie RINNERT  


    E76-C No:3

    This paper discusses multiple-valued memory circuit using floating gate devices. It is an object of the paper to provide a new and improved analog memory device, which permits the memory of an amount of charges that accurately corresponds to analog information to be stored.
