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  • LSI Neural Chip of Pulse-Output Network with Programmable Synapse

    Shigeo SATO  Manabu YUMINE  Takayuki YAMA  Junichi MUROTA  Koji NAKAJIMA  Yasuji SAWADA  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E78-C No:1

    We have fabricated a microchip of a neural circuit with pulse representation. The neuron output is a voltage pulse train. The synapse is a constant current source whose output is proportional to the duty ratio of neuron output. Membrane potential is charged by collection of synaptic currents through a RC circuit, providing an analog operation similar to the biological neural system. We use a 4-bit SRAM as the memory for synaptic weights. The expected I/O characteristics of the neurons and the synapses were measured experimentally. We have also demonstrated the capability of network operation with the use of synaptic weights, for solving the A/D conversion problem.

  • On the Negation-Limited Circuit Complexity of Clique Functions

    Tetsuro NISHINO  Keisuke TANAKA  

    LETTER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E78-D No:1

    A negation-limited circuit is a combinational circuit which includes at most [log(n1)] NOT gates. We show a relationship between the size of negation-limited circuits computing clique functions and the number of NOT gates in the circuits.

  • Multi-Fisheye Distortion of the Network Map

    Tetsuo OKAZAKI  Hiromichi KAWANO  Yuji HATAKEYAMA  


    E78-B No:1

    This paper proposes a multi-fisheye distortion method which can show a large-scale telecommunication network in a single window on the display of a workstation or personal computer. This distortion method has three advantages over the conventional single-fisheye distortion method. First, the focus area is magnified smoothly by the fisheye distortion method, and the peripheral area coordinates are calculated linearly to avoid unnecessary distortion. Second, multiple focus areas are magnified smoothly by using an average of the coordinates calculated for the individual focuses. Third, the scale of unnecessary areas is reduced to provide sufficient space for magnification. The effectiveness of this method is demonstrated by applying to the display of large-scale networks. The effect of the resulting network map distortion on the user is tested by a subjective evaluation experiment.

  • DUALQUEST: Real-Time Bifocal Network Visualization System

    Hiroko FUJI  Shoichiro NAKAI  Hiroshi MATOBA  Hajime TAKANO  


    E78-B No:1

    Most current management systems employ graphic-user-interface displays to visualize the networks being managed. Some networks are so large that it is difficult to display all network elements in a single window alone, and therefore, the hierarchical multi-window style presentation is commonly used. This form of presentation has disadvantages, however, including the fact that window manipulations are complex. Our approach (bifocal network visualization) is able to display both the context and any detail of a network within a single window, and overcomes the disadvantages of hierarchical multi-window presentation. We implemented this bifocal network visualization on a workstation using a frame buffer memory called DUALQUEST that is able to generate images in real-time and is simple to operate. This paper describes bifocal network visualization and its implementation. Furthermore, we present an experiment to compare our interface with conventional hierarchical multi-window presentation.

  • Specification Description Supporting Method of Telecommunications Networks Management Using Information Model and Process Model

    Ryutaro MATSUMURA  Osamu MIYAGISHI  


    E78-B No:1

    Managed Objects (MOs) can be specified by the combination of a static information model and a dynamic process model. First, this paper presents a mapping of attributes from a process model diagram to an information model diagram. Then, it introduces a concept of topology into these two models and proposes a hypothesis about the relationship of topology in these two models. To explicitly explain the hypothesis, it can be stated that all attributes of incoming or outgoing data related to a process in a process model are mapped to an information model where these attributes are interconnected by an explicit relationship which corresponds to a specific meaning, such as physical containment or logical connection. From an intuitive perspective, it can be said that if two attributes have a close topological relationship in a process model, the mapped attributes also have a close topological relationship in an information model. This hypothesis provides clues for determining whether there is an error in an attribute either in the process model or in the information model. By examining the way attributes of incoming or outgoing data related to a process are mapped to an information model, we can detect whether there is an error with respect to the process. The error correction is performed with the assistance of probability analysis. The method of error detection and correction can be implemented in a computer aided tool. Then, error detection on the attribute level becomes automatic, and error correction on the attribute level becomes interactive through the computer aided tool. Finally, the validity of the hypothesis is confirmed by analyzing ITU-T Recommendation M.3100. The specification of the fabric object class defined in M.3 100 is transformed into these two models and the hypothesis is validated for the analysis of the mapping between these two models.

  • Progress in Telecommunications Services and Management

    Masayoshi EJIRI  Makoto YOSHIDA  


    E78-B No:1

    Telecommunications management is essentially an aggregation of a wide range of activities, including operations and management (O & M) of telecommunications services and customers as well as the network and network elements. During the period of rapid growth in telecommunications, the highest priority was to meet increasing market demand and to construct a telecommunications network infrastructure. Therefore, research and development in telecommunications management were subordinated to the evolution of telecommunications services and systems. Recently, customers have been demanding higher quality services, as a variety of new, advanced services have been introduced. This has led to the need to integrate telecommunications services and O & M services. This paper first reviews the history of the development of telecommunications O & M in parallel with the progress of telecommunications in Japan and clarifies specific features in each step of this progress. This analysis identifies urgent problems and their solutions. The results suggests that telecommunications O & M and O & M services should be considered as a key to making future services possible and to the value of those services in a multi-media telecommunications services environment. Based on these studies, the future direction of O & M is then shown, focusing on cooperative O & M involving the customer in the multi-media, multidomain telecommunications environment.

  • Challenge to the New Infrastructure and Users' Embarrassment in Network Management Field

    Keiichiro SATO  


    E78-B No:1

    The availability of new technologies in the computer and network industry has allowed us to benefit from a wider choice when building new information systems. This paper presents Japan Airlines' challenge to develop a new information network and management infrastructure based on the new technology. Compared with the existing main-frame environment, the new infrastructure will give us a more comfortable and economic network computing environment. Once we think about network management, there are so many issues to be solved. All existing network elements have their own management consoles with different interfaces and commands. Net managers are swimming in the pool of system consoles looking for the one that exactly tells them what is going on at the user site. The industry standard SNMP offers us a much better environment. However, there is still a long way to go before reaching a world where net managers find a single management console with a single object to manage that is composed of all network elements.

  • Detection of the K-Complex Using a New Method of Recognizing Waveform Based on the Discrete Wavelet Transform

    Zhengwei TANG  Naohiro ISHII  

    PAPER-Bio-Cybernetics and Neurocomputing

    E78-D No:1

    In this paper a method of recognizing waveform based on the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) presented by us is applied to detecting the K-complex in human's EEG which is a slow wave overridden by fast rhythms (called as spindle). The features of K-complex are extracted in terms of three parameters: the local maxima of the wavelet transform modulus, average slope and the number of DWT coefficients in a wave. The 4th order B-spline wavelet is selected as the wavelet basis. Two channels at different resolutions are used to detect slow wave and sleep spindle contained in the K-complex. According to the principle of the minimum distance classification the classifiers are designed in order to decide the thresholds of recognition criteria. The EEG signal containing K-complexes elicited by sound stimuli is used as pattern to train the classifiers. Compared with traditional method of waveform recognition in time domain, this method has the advantage of automatically classifying duration ranks of various waves with different frequencies. Hence, it specially is suitable to recognition of signals which are the superimposition of waves with different frequencies. The experimental results of detection of K-complexes indicate that the method is effective.

  • On the Proper-Path-Decomposition of Trees

    Atsushi TAKAHASHI  Shuichi UENO  Yoji KAJITANI  

    LETTER-Graphs, Networks and Matroids

    E78-A No:1

    We introduce the interval set of a graph G which is a representation of the proper-path-decomposition of G, and show a linear time algorithm to construct an optimal interval set for any tree T. It is shown that a proper-path-decomposition of T with optimal width can be obtained from an optimal interval set of T in O(n log n) time.

  • 10-Gb/s Repeaterless Transmission Using Standard Single-Mode Fiber with Pre-Chirping and Dispersion Compensation Techniques

    George ISHIKAWA  Motoyoshi SEKIYA  Hiroshi ONAKA  Terumi CHIKAMA  Hiroshi NISHIMOTO  


    E78-C No:1

    This paper proposes that a combination of pre-chirping and dispersion compensation is effective in suppressing the waveform distortion due to the self-phase modulation and the group-velocity dispersion in 10 Gb/s repeaterless transmission using 1.3-µm zero-dispersion single-mode fibers (SMF) operating at a wavelength of 1.55µm. The following results were obtained through simulation. 1) Setting the α-parameter of a LiNbO3 optical modulator negative (α1.0) gives a large tolerance of the launched power Pin. 2) For 90-km SMF transmission, the maximum Pin is obtained when the dispersion compensation ratio β is from 50% to 70%. 3) For the allowable β as a function of the transmission distance when a dispersion compensator is located in the receiver (post-compensation scheme), the lower limit of β is determined by the constant residual dispersion value, which agrees well with the dispersion tolerance without dispersion compensation. Our 90-km SMF transmission experiments using a LiNbO3 optical modulator and a dispersion compensating fiber (DCF) confirmed the simulation results regarding the optimum value of β and the large tolerance of the fiber launched power. Based on the above investigations, we achieved a 10-Gb/s repeaterless 140-km SMF transmission with α1.0 and post-compensation.

  • Some New Type Regression Analysis Methods for Acoustic Environmental System Based on the Introduction of Multiplicative Noise

    Mitsuo OHTA  Akira IKUTA  


    E78-A No:1

    In this study, after focussing on an energy (or intensity) scaled variable of acoustic systems, first, a new regression analysis method is theoretically proposed by introducing a multiplicative noise model suitable to the positively scaled stocastic system. Then, the effectiveness of the proposed method is confirmed experimentally by applying it to the actual acoustic data.

  • A Key Distribution Protocol for Mobile Communication Systems

    Choonsik PARK  Kaoru KUROSAWA  Shigeo TSUJII  


    E78-A No:1

    Mobile communication networks need public key cryptosystems that offer both low computation cost and user authentication. Tatebayashi et al. showed a key distribution protocol for such networks at Crypto'89 based on low exponent RSA. This paper shows that their protocol is not secure. We also present two types of secure and efficient key distribution protocols.


    Kiyoshi TAKAHASHI  Osamu MIKAMI  


    E78-C No:1

    Yoshiaki SHIRAI  Kenichiro ISHII  


    E78-D No:1
  • A New Class of Non-interactive ID-Based Key Sharing Schemes and Its Performances

    Ryuichi SAKAI  Masao KASAHARA  


    E78-A No:1

    In this paper, we propose a new class of ID-based non-interactive key sharing scheme with a trusted center which generate a common key on the basis of a linear combination of the center secrets. We also discuss the security of the proposed schemes, and show that the proposed schemes prevent the conventional collusion attack, by adding another random integers unique to each user, on the secret vector that is assigned to the user. Furthermore, we present a new type of a statistical collusion attack which is more suitable for the proposed schemes. We also present the lower bound of the threshold of the statistical collusion attack on the proposed schemes. The proposed schemes can be easily implemented compared with other schemes as they require only computing of the inner product of two vectors over finite ring (including finite field) and an Euclidean quotient, for generating the common key. Our proposed schemes can be regarded as modified versions of the Blom's original scheme. However our proposed schemes are secure against our new type of the attack, as well as the collusion attack based on the solving of the linear equations, although Blom's scheme is insecure against both of these collusion attacks.

  • Intelligent Trouble Management System Based on Operation Scenario and Fault Simulation

    Kisaku FUJIMOTO  Masakazu BABA  Nobuaki SHIMIZU  Masahiko MATSUSHITA  


    E78-B No:1

    Trouble management is a key function in solving the problems and maintaining the high communications capability of a network when communication service network users encounter problems in the quality of services [1]. This paper proposes technologies and architecture for an intelligent management system to achieve advanced service/network trouble management. The system generates operation scenarios to find a cause to solve a reported trouble, executes them, and modifies them according to operation circumstance changes. In the scenario execution process, fault propagation simulation is used to isolate a fault in necessary cases. The evaluation of the system applied to the ISDN services shows that the proposed system can achieve high-speed, precise trouble management by the integrated cooperative work of a human (operator) and a machine (operation system).

  • The Effect of Internal Parasitic Capacitances in Series-Connected MOS Structure

    Sang Heon LEE  Song Bai PARK  Kyu Ho PARK  

    LETTER-VLSI Design Technology

    E78-A No:1

    A simple method is presented to calculate the parasitic capacitance effect in the propagation delay of series-connected MOS (SCM) structures. This method divides SCM circuits into two parts and accurately calculates the contribution of each part to the difference from the delay without parasitic capacitances.

  • Network Management System Using Distributed Computing

    Tamiya OCHIAI  


    E78-B No:1

    This paper proposes a suitable distributed computing model as the basis for building a network management system. Author has been studying a distributed reactive model, called Meta for this purpose at Cornell University. Effectiveness using Meta is to provide high level program interface for developing network management system, and programmers can achieve network management system with coding small amount of programs. It also realizes easy additions and modifications for network management application programs. To confirm the effectiveness of the proposal, the author has utilized Meta to implement an experimental network management system. The experimental system provides high level interfaces for monitoring and controlling network components. It also supports reliable communication over distributed nodes. Preliminary evaluation of the system shows that critical network management applications are provided within an appropriate response time for all applications provided by SNMP, with small development cost and easy system modification.

  • Applying TMN to a Highly Reliable Distributed Switching Node

    Kiyoshi UEDA  Hisayoshi INAMORI  Hiroshi SUNAGA  Keiichi KOYANAGI  


    E78-B No:1

    A highly reliable, operated efficiently, and scalable switching node is required for multivendor system management networks. This paper presents techniques for applying the Telecommunications Management Network (TMN) concept to a distributed switching node. First, we select the TMN protocol structures so as to minimize the command response time. To ensure efficient operation and flexible design of the operation, administration and maintenance (OA & M) software, we propose a command-message handling function for mapping managed objects (MOs) to the OA & M software. We have designed MO classes for switching-system-specific devices with a redundant configuration that ensures highly reliable system operation. The feasibility of these techniques have been confirmed on a prototype system.

  • Finding All Solutions of Piecewise-Linear Resistive Circuits Containing Sophisticated Transistor Models

    Kiyotaka YAMAMURA  Nobuo SEKIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Self-Validation

    E78-A No:1

    An efficient algorithm is presented for finding all solutions of piecewise-linear resistive circuits containing sophisticated transistor models such as the Gummel-Poon model or the Shichman-Hodges model. When a circuit contains these nonseparable models, the hybrid equation describing the circuit takes a special structure termed pairwise-separability (or tuplewise-separability). This structure is effectively exploited in the new algorithm. A numerical example is given, and it is shown that all solutions are computed very rapidly.
