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  • Packing Sequential Stretches in the MDFM

    Paulo LORENZO  Munehiro GOTO  Arthur J. CATTO  

    PAPER-Computer Hardware and Design

    E78-D No:4

    The Manchester Dataflow Machine (MDFM) works with tasks of size equal to one single instruction. This fine granularity aims at exploring all parallelism at the instruction level. However, this project decision increases the instruction communication cost, which ends up to jam the interconnection network and reduces the system performance. One way to skirt this problem is to adopt variable size tasks instead of working with such small task size. In this paper, in order to study whether or not the usage of such variable size tasks in the MDFM architecture contributes to the improvement of the performance, some simulations by toy programs take place. In the simulation, variable size tasks are realized by packing the sequential instruction stretches into one task. To manage this packing, the Sequential Block (SB) technique is developed. The simulation of those packed and unpacked programs give an outline of advantages and disadvantages of working with variable size tasks, and how the SB technique should be implemented in the system.

  • Adapt Dynamic Evolution in a Reflective Object-Oriented Computer Language

    Issam A. HAMID  Mohammed ERRADI  Gregor v. BOCHMANN  Setsuo OHSUGA  

    PAPER-Software Theory

    E78-D No:4

    This paper describes the design of the reflective concurrent object-oriented specification language RMondel. RMondel is designed for the specification and modeling of distributed systems. It allows the development of executable specifications which may be modified dynamically. Reflection in RMondel is supported by two fundamental features that are: Structural Reflection (SR) and Behavioral Reflection (BR). Reflection is the capability to monitor and modify dynamically the structure and the behavior of the system. We show how the features of the language are enhanced using specific meta-operations and meta-objects, to allow for the dynamic modification of types (classes) and instances using the same language. RMondel specification can be modified by adding or modifying types and instances to get a new adapted specification. Consistency is checked dynamically at the type level as well as at the specification level. At the type level, structural and behavioral constrations are defined to preserve the conformance of types. At the specification level, a transaction mechanism and a locking protocol are defined to ensure the consistency of the whole specification.

  • Low-Power Technology for GaAs Front-End ICs

    Tadayoshi NAKATSUKA  Junji ITOH  Kazuaki TAKAHASHI  Hiroyuki SAKAI  Makoto TAKEMOTO  Shinji YAMAMOTO  Kazuhisa FUJIMOTO  Morikazu SAGAWA  Osamu ISHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Analog Circuits

    E78-C No:4

    Low-power technology for front-end GaAs ICs and hybrid IC (HIC) for a mobile communication equipment will be presented. For low-power operation of GaAs front-end ICs, new techniques of the intermediate tuned circuits, the single-ended mixer, dualgate MESFETs, and the asymmetric self-aligned LDD process were investigated. The designed down-converter IC showed conversion gain of 21 dB, noise figure of 3.5 dB, 3rd-order intercept point in output level (IP3out) of 4.0 dBm, image-rejection ratio of 20 dB at 880 MHz, operating at 3.0 V of supply voltage and 5.0 mA of dissipation current. The down-converter IC was also designed for 1.9 GHz to obtain conversion gain of 20 dB, noise figure of 4.0 dB, IP3out of 4.0 dBm, image-rejection ratio of 20 dB at 3.0 V, 5.0 mA. The up-converter IC was designed for 1.9 GHz using the same topology of circuit and showed conversion gain of 15 dB, IP3out of 7.5 dBm, and 1 dB compression level of -8 dBm with -20 dBm of LO input power, operating at 3.0 V, 8.0 mA. Another approach to the low-power operation was carried out by HIC using the GaAs down-converter IC chip. The HIC was designed for 880 MHz to show conversion gain of 27 dB, noise figure of 3.3 dB, IP3out of 3.0 dBm, image-rejection ratio of 12 dB, at 2.7 V, 4.5 mA. The HIC measures only 8.0 mm6.0 mm1.2 mm.

  • A Monolithic GaAs Linear Power Amplifier Operating with a Single Low 2.7-V Supply for 1.9-GHz Digital Mobile Communication Applications

    Masami NAGAOKA  Tomotoshi INOUE  Katsue KAWAKYU  Shuichi OBAYASHI  Hiroyuki KAYANO  Eiji TAKAGI  Yoshikazu TANABE  Misao YOSHIMURA  Kenji ISHIDA  Yoshiaki KITAURA  Naotaka UCHITOMI  

    PAPER-Analog Circuits

    E78-C No:4

    A monolithic linear power amplifier IC operating with a single low 2.7-V supply has been developed for 1.9-GHz digital mobile communication systems, such as the Japanese personal handy phone system (PHS). Refractory WNx/W self-aligned gate GaAs power MESFETs have been successfully developed for L-band power amplification, and this power amplifier operates with high efficiency and low distortion at a low voltage of 2.7 V, without any additional negative voltage supply, by virtue of small drain knee voltage, high transconductance and sufficient breakdown voltage of the power MESFET. An output power of 23.0 dBm and a high power-added efficiency of 30.8% were attained for 1.9-GHz π/4-shifted QPSK (quadrature phase shift keying) modulated input when adjacent channel leakage power level was less than -60 dBc at 600 kHz apart from 1.9 GHz.

  • A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Checking the Inclusion for Strict Deterministic Restricted One-Counter Automata

    Ken HIGUCHI  Etsuji TOMITA  Mitsuo WAKATSUKI  

    PAPER-Automata, Languages and Theory of Computing

    E78-D No:4

    A deterministic pushdown automaton (dpda) having just one stack symbol is called a deterministic restricted one-counter automaton (droca). When it accepts by empty stack, it is called strict. A deterministic one-counter automaton (doca) is a dpda having only one stack symbol, with the exception of a bottom-of-stack marker. The class of languages accepted by strict droca's is a subclass of the class of languages accepted by doca's. Valiant has proved the decidability of the equivalence problem for doca's and the undecidability of the inclusion problem for doca's. Hence the decidablity of the equivalence problem for strict droca's is obvious. In this paper, we present a new direct branching algorithm for checking the inclusion for a pair of languages accepted by strict droca's. Then we show that the worst-case time complexity of our algorithm is polynomial with respect to these automata.

  • Kernel Hidden Unit Analysis--Network Size Reduction by Entropy Minimization--

    Ryotaro KAMIMURA  Shohachiro NAKANISHI  

    PAPER-Bio-Cybernetics and Neurocomputing

    E78-D No:4

    In this paper, we propose a method, called Kernel Hidden Unit Analysis, to reduce the network size. The kernel hidden unit analysis in composed of two principal components: T-component and S-component. The T-component transforms original networks into the networks which can easily be simplified. The S-component is used to select kernel units in the networks and construct kernel networks with kernel units. For the T-component, an entropy function is used, which is defined with respect to the state of the hidden units. In a process of entropy minimization, multiple strongly inhibitory connections are to be generated, which tend to turn off as many units as possible. Thus, some major hidden units can easily be extracted. Concerning the S-component, we use the relevance and the variance of input-hidden connections and detect the kernel hidden units for constructing the kernel network. Applying the kernel hidden unit analysis to the symmetry problem and autoencoders, we perfectly succeeded in obtaining kernel networks with small entropy, that is, small number of hidden units.

  • The Optimal Routing Algorithm in Hierarchical Cubic Network and Its Properties

    San-Kyun YUN  Kyu Ho PARK  

    PAPER-Computer Networks

    E78-D No:4

    A Hierarchical Cubic Network (HCN) is a hierarchical hypercube network proposed by Ghose. The HCN is topologically superior to many other similar networks, in particular, the hypercube. It has a considerably lower diameter than a comparable hypercube and is realized using almost half the number of links per node as a comparable hypercube. In this paper, we propose the shortest routing algorithm in HCN(n, n) and show that the diameter of HCN(n, n) with 22n nodes is n(n1)/31 which is about 2/3 of that of a comparable hypercube. We also propose the optimal routing algorithm in HCN(m, n) where mn and obtain that its diameter is n(m1)/31. Typical parallel algorithms run in HCN(m, n) with the same time complexity as a hypercube and the hypercube topology can be emulated with O(1) time complexity in it.

  • On Ternary Cellular Arrays Designed from Ternary Decision Diagrams

    Naotake KAMIURA  Hidetoshi SATOH  Yutaka HATA  Kazuhara YAMATO  

    PAPER-Computer Hardware and Design

    E78-D No:4

    In this paper, we propose a method to design ternary cellular arrays by using Ternary Decision Diagrams (TDD's). Our cellular array has a rectangular structure composed of ternary switch cells. The ternary functions represented by TDD's are realized by mapping the TDD's to the arrays directly. That is, both the nodes and the edges in the TDD are realized by some sets of the cells. Since TDD's can represent easily multiple-output functions without large memory requirements, our arrays are wuitable for the realization of multiple-output functions. To evaluate our method, we apply our method to some benchmark circuits, and compare our arrays with the ternary PLA's. The experimental results show that our arrays have the advantage for their sizes, especially in the realization of symmetric functions. The results also clarify that the size of our arrays depends on the size of TDD's.

  • Enhanced Two-Level Optical Resonance in Spherical Microcavities

    Kazuya HAYATA  Tsutomu KOSHIDA  Masanori KOSHIBA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E78-C No:4

    A self-induced-transparent (SIT) system that takes advantage of morphology dependent resonances (MDR's) in a Mie-sized microsphere doped with a resonant material is proposed. The present system is doubly resonant: one has microscopic origin (the two-level system), while the other has macroscopic origin (the MDR). In this geometry, owing to the feedback action of MDR's, the pulse area can be much expanded, and thus the electric-field amplitude of the incident pulse can be reduced substantially compared with the conventional one-way SIT propagation. Theoretical results that incorporate dephasing due to structural imperfections are shown.

  • Decentralized Voting Protocols and their Communication Structures

    Amane NAKAJIMA  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E78-D No:4

    Voting is a general way of achieving mutual exclusion and synchronization in distributed systems with replicated data. In centralized voting protocols, a requesting node, which works as a central controller, exchanges messages in order to collect votes from other nodes. This paper proposes decentralized voting protocols, in which all nodes execute the same protocol and reach the same result in a decentralized and autonomous way. When a decentalized voting protocol is implemented by using one-round message exchange, it requires n(n1) messages, where n is the number of nodes. The number of messages can be reduced by using multiple-round message exchange. The paper describes the computation in each node in the form of the finite state automaton, and gives communication structures for it. It is shown that kn(n1/k1) messages are enough when messages are exchanged in k rounds.

  • An Automatic Selection Method of Key Search Algorithms

    Masami SHISHIBORI  Junichi AOE  Ki-Hong PARK  Hisatoshi MOCHIZUKI  

    PAPER-Software Systems

    E78-D No:4

    The selection of an appropriate key search algorithm for a specific application field is an important issue in application systems development. This is because data retrieval is the most time-consuming part of many application programs. An automatic selection method for key search algorithms is presented in this paper. The methodology has been implemented in a system called KESE2 (KEy-SEarch ALgorithm SElection). Key search algorithms are selected according to the user's requirements through interaction with KESE2 which bases its inferences on an evaluation table. This evaluation table contains values rating the performance of each key search algorithm for the different searching properties, or characteristics. The selection algorithm presented is based on step by step reduction of unsuitable key search algorithms and searching properties. The paper also proposes assistance facilities that consist of both a support function and a program synthesis function. Experimental results show that the appropriate key search algorithms are effectively selected, and that the necessary number of questions asked, to select the appropriate algorithm, is reduced to less than half of the total number of possible questions. The support function is useful for the user during the selection process and the program synthesis function fully translates a selected key search algorithm into high level language in an average of less than 1 hour.

  • A Modified Information Criterion for Automatic Model and Parameter Selection in Neural Network Learning

    Sumio WATANABE  

    PAPER-Bio-Cybernetics and Neurocomputing

    E78-D No:4

    This paper proposes a practical training algorithm for artificial neural networks, by which both the optimally pruned model and the optimally trained parameter for the minimum prediction error can be found simultaneously. In the proposed algorithm, the conventional information criterion is modified into a differentiable function of weight parameters, and then it is minimized while being controlled back to the conventional form. Since this method has several theoretical problems, its effectiveness is examined by computer simulations and by an application to practical ultrasonic image reconstruction.

  • Design and Construction of an Advisory Dialogue Database

    Tadahiko KUMAMOTO  Akira ITO  Tsuyoshi EBINA  


    E78-D No:4

    We are aming to develop a computer-based consultant system which helps novice computer users to achieve their task goals on computers through natural language dialogues. Our target is spoken Japanese. To develop effective methods for processing spoken Japanese, it is essential to analyze real dialogues and to find the characteristics of spoken Japanese. In this paper, we discuss the design problems associated with constructing a spoken dialogue database from the viewpoint of advisory dialogue collection, describe XMH (X-window-based electronic mail handling program) usage experiments made to collect advisory dialogues between novice XMH users and an expert consultant, and show the dialogue database we constructed from these dialogues. The main features of our database are as follows: (1) Our target dialogues were advisory ones. (2) The advisory dialogues were all related to the use of XMH that has a visual interface operated by a keyboard and a mouse. (3) The primary objective of the users was not to engage in dialogues but to achieve specific task goals using XMH. (4) Not only what the users said but also XMH operations performed by the users are included as dialogue elements. This kind of dialogue database is a very effective source for developing new methods for processing spoken language in multimodal consultant systems, and we have therefore made it available to the public. Based on our analysis of the database, we have already developed several effective methods such as a method for recognizing user's communicative intention from a transcript of spoken Japanese, and a method for controlling dialogues between a novice XMH user and the computer-based consultant system which we are developing. Also, we have proposed several response generation rules as the response strategy for the consultant system. We have developed an experimental consultant system by implementing the above methods and strategy.

  • Overview of Low-Power ULSI Circuit Techniques

    Tadahiro KURODA  Takayasu SAKURAI  


    E78-C No:4

    This paper surveys low-power circuit techniques for CMOS ULSIs. For many years a power supply voltage of 5 V was employed. During this period power dissipation of CMOS ICs as a whole increased four-fold every three years. It is predicted that by the year 2000 the power dissipation of high-end ICs will exceed the practical limits of ceramic packages, even if the supply voltage can be feasibly reduced. CMOS ULSIs now face a power dissipation crisis. A new philosophy of circuit design is required. The power dissipation can be minimized by reducing: 1) supply voltage, 2) load capacitance, or 3) switching activity. Reducing the supply voltage brings a quadratic improvement in power dissipation. This simple solution, however, comes at a cost in processing speed. We investigate the proposed methods of compensating for the increased delay at low voltage. Reducing the load capacitance is the principal area of interest because it contributes to the improvement of both power dissipation and circuit speed. Pass-transistor logic is attracting attention as it requires fewer transistors and exhibits less stray capacitance than conventional CMOS static cicuits. Variations in its circuit topology as well as a logic synthesis method are presented and studied. A great deal of research effort has been directed towards studying every portion of LSI circuits. The research achievements are categorized in this paper by parameters associated with the source of CMOS power dissipation and power use in a chip.

  • Overload Control for the Intelligent Network and Its Analysis by Simulation

    Ryoichi KAWAHARA  Takuya ASAKA  Shuichi SUMITA  


    E78-B No:4

    This paper reports an overload control method for the Intelligent Network (IN). The IN, which is being investigated as a future communication network, facilitates both rapid introduction of new services and easy modification of existing services. In the IN, the call processing functions and data needed to achieve IN services are distributed over several nodes. Therefore, traffic demand for the various services may cause varying patterns of node overloads. It is therefore important to develop effective overload control methods and to evaluate their characteristics. We propose an overload control method and evaluate its characteristics in comparison with other methods under various overload traffic patterns with a network simulator that models all nodes and their relationships in the IN. In particular, we focus on three aspects of overload control: how can high throughput be maintained, how can an overloaded node be stabilized, and how can fair access be guaranteed.

  • A 1.5-V 250-MHz to 3.0-V 622-MHz Operation CMOS Phase-Locked Loop with Precharge Type Phase-Frequency Detector

    Harufusa KONDOH  Hiromi NOTANI  Tsutomu YOSHIMURA  Hiroshi SHIBATA  Yoshio MATSUDA  

    PAPER-Digital Circuits

    E78-C No:4

    A new approach which implements a simple, high-speed phase detector with precharge logic will be presented. The minimum detectable phase difference is 40 psec, which is less than a half of conventional detectors. A current mode ring oscillator with a complementary-input bias generator has also been developed to enhance the dynamic range of the VCO under a low supply voltage. A fully CMOS PLL was designed using 0.5-µm technology. By virtue of this simple, fast detector, the wide operation range of 250 MHz at 1.5 V to 622 MHz at 3.0 V was achieved by simulation.

  • A New Emitter-Follower Circuit for High-Speed and Low-Power ECL

    Nagisa SASAKI  Hisayasu SATO  Kimio UEDA  Koichiro MASHIKO  Hiroshi SHIBATA  

    PAPER-Digital Circuits

    E78-C No:4

    We propose a directly controlled emitter-follower circuit with a feedback type level stabilizer for low-voltage, low-power and high-speed bipolar ECL circuits. The emitter-follower circuit employs a current source structure that compensates speed and power for various supply voltage and temperature. The feedback controlled circuit with a small current source stabilizes 'High' level. At a power consumption of 1 mW/gate, the new circuit is 45% faster under the loaded condition (FO1, CL0.5 pF) and has 47% better load driving capability than conventional ECL gates.

  • QOS Controls and Service Models in the Internet

    Takeshi NISHIDA  Kunihiro TANIGUCHI  


    E78-B No:4

    Over the last decade, the Internet has been extremely successful by distinguishing between overlaying applications and underlying networking technologies. This approach allows rapid and independent improvement in both networking and application technologies. The internetworking layer that divides applications and the network enables the Internet to function as a general and evolving infrastructures for data communications. The current Internet architecture offers only best-effort data delivery. However, recent emerging computer and networking technologies, demand the Internet guaranteed performance. In particular, audio and video applications have more rigid delay requirement than those applications which the current Internet supports. To offer guaranteed services in addition to best-effort services, both a new service model and a new architecture are necessary in the Internet architecture. The paper surveys researches and experiments conducted in the Internet community to accommodate a wide variety of qualities of services.

  • Modified MCR Expression of Binary Document Images

    Supoj CHINVEERAPHAN  Abdel Malek B.C. ZIDOURI  Makoto SATO  

    LETTER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E78-D No:4

    As a first step to develop a system to analyze or recognize patterns contained in mages, it is important to provide a good base representation that can facilitate efficiently the interpretation of such patterns. Since structural features of basic patterns in document images such as characters or tables are horizontal and vertical stroke components, we propose a new expression of document image based on the MCR expression that can express well such features of text and tabular components of an image.

  • A realization of an arbitrary BPC Permutation in Hypercube Connected Computer Networks

    Hiroshi MASUYARA  Yuichiro MORITA  Etsuko MASUYAMA  

    PAPER-Computer Networks

    E78-D No:4

    A multiple instruction stream-multiple data stream (MIMD) computer is a parallel computer consisting of a large number of identical processing elements. The essential feature that distinguishes one MIMD computer family from another is the interconnection network. In this paper, we are concerned with a representative type of interconnection networks: the hypercube connected network. A family of regular graphs is presented as a possible candidate for the implementation of a distributed system and for fault-tolerant architectures. The symmetry of graphs makes it possible to determine message routing by using a simple distributed algorithm. A candidate having the same property is the hypercube connected network. Arbitrary data permutations are generally accomplished by sorting. For certain classes of permutations, however, this is, for many frequently used permutations in parallel processing such as bit reversal, bit shuffle, bit complement, matrix transpose, butterfly permutations used in FFT algorithms, and segment shuffles, there exist algorithms that are more efficient than the best sorting algorithm. One such class is the bit permute complement (BPC) class of permutations. In this paper, we, first, develop an algorithm to realize an arbitrary BPC permutation in hypercube connected networks. The developed algorithm in hypercube connected networks requires only 1 token memory register in each node. We next evaluate the ability to realize BPC permutations in these networks of an arbitrary size by estimating the number of required routing steps.
