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  • Connectivity Problems on Area Graphs for Locally Striking Disasters--Direct NA-Connection--

    Hiro ITO  

    PAPER-Graphs and Networks

    E78-A No:3

    Connectivity (of node-to-node) is generally used to examine the robustness of graphs. When telecommunication network switches are integrated into logical switching areas, we should examine node-to-area connectivity rather than node-to-node connectivity. In a previous paper, we proposed node-to-area (NA) connectivity using area (subset of nodes) graph. In this paper, we consider a further constraint: "there is a path that does not include other nodes in the source node area." We call this property, directly NA-connected. Application of this constraint makes telecommunications networks robust against locally striking disasters. The problem of finding the maximum number of edge deletions that still preserves the direct NA-connection is shown to be NP-hard. It was shown in our previous paper that an NA-connected spanning tree is easily found; this paper shows that the problem of finding a directly NA-connected spanning tree is also NP-hard. We propose an O(|E||X|) approximation algorithm that finds a directly NA-connected spanning subgraph with an edge nummber not exceeding 2|V|3 for any NA-connected area graph that satisfies a described simple condition. (|V|,|E|,and |X| are the numbers of nodes, edges, and areas, respectively.)

  • A Synergetic Neural Network

    Masahiro NAKAGAWA  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E78-A No:3

    In this study we shall put forward a synergetic neural network and investigate the association dynamics. The present neuron model is substantially based on a top down formulation of the dynamic rule of an analog neural network in contrast to the conventional framework. It is proved that a complete association can be assured up to the same number of the embedded patterns as the number of neurons. In practice an association process is carried out for practical images with 256 gray scale levels and 256256 size. In addition, a searching process of the embedded patterns is also realised by means of controlling attraction parameters. Finally a stochastic model for the dynamic process is also proposed as an intermediate model between the association and the searching of the embedded patterns. Finally a stochastic property of the present model is characterized by fractal dimension of the excitation level of a neuron.

  • New Communication Systems via Chaotic Synchronizations and Modulations

    Makoto ITOH  Hiroyuki MURAKAMI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E78-A No:3

    In this paper, we demonstrate how Yamakawa's chaotic chips and Chua's circuits can be used to implement a secure communication system. Furthermore, their performance for the secure communication is discussed.

  • A New Robust Block Adaptive Filter for Colored Signal Input

    Shigenori KINJO  Hiroshi OCHI  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E78-A No:3

    In this report, we propose a robust block adaptive digital filter (BADF) which can improve the accuracy of the estimated weights by averaging the adaptive weight vectors. We show that the improvement of the estimated weights is independent of the input signal correlation.

  • A New Concept of Differential-Difference Amplifier and Its Application Examples for Mixed Analog/Digital VLSI Systems

    Zdzislaw CZARNUL  Tetsuya IIDA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E78-A No:3

    This paper discusses a CMOS differential-difference amplifier circuit suitable for low voltage operation. A new multiple weighted input transconductor circuit structure is suggested to be use in DDA implementation. The proposed DDA can be employed in several analog/digital systems to improve their parameters. Selected examples of the proposed transconductor/DDA applications are also discussed.

  • An Efficient Scheduling Algorithm for Pipelined Instruction Set Processor and Its Application to ASIP Hardware/Software Codesign

    Nguyen Ngoc BINH  Masaharu IMAI  Akichika SHIOMI  Nobuyuki HIKICHI  Yoshimichi HONMA  Jun SATO  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E78-A No:3

    In this paper we describe the formal conditions to detect and resolve all kinds of pipeline data hazards and propose a scheduling algorithm for pipelined instruction set processor synthesis. The algorithm deals with multi cycle operations and tries to minimize the pipeline execution cycles under a given hardware configuration with/without hardware interlock. The main feature that makes the proposed algorithm different from existing ones is the algorithm is for estimating the performance in HW/SW partitioning, with capability of handling a module library of different FUs and dealing with multi cycle operations to be implemented in software. Experimental results of application to ASIP HW/SW codesign show that the proposed algorithm is effective and considerable pipeline execution cycle reduction rates can be achieved. The time complexity of the scheduing algorithm is of O(n2) in the worst case, where n is the number of instructions in a given basic block.

  • Process Scheduler and Compiler for SDL-Based Protocol Implementation Tool

    Toru HASEGAWA  Takashi TAKIZUKA  Shingo NOMURA  

    PAPER-Communication Software

    E78-B No:3

    It has become more important to reduce the protocol implementation costs as the functions of protocols have become more abundant. The protocol implementation tools which automatically generate a protocol program from a specification described by an FDT (Formal Description Technique) are very promising. Selecting SDL as a target FDT, we have developed an SDL-based protocol implementation tool which consists of a process scheduler and a compiler. Since the efficient SDL process execution is a key to generating the high-speed program, the scheduler is introduced. It provides the mechanism which executes SDL processes concurrently as light-weight-processes. It optimizes so that as few context switches take places as possible. The compiler converts as many kinds of SDL functions whose behaviors can be determined at compile time into programming language statements as possible. These elaborations are so successful that the tool can generate an efficient program. The OSI Transport protocol class 0 program generated by the compiler can process more than 500 packets per second on a 6MIPS workstation.

  • A Worst-Case Optimization Approach with Circuit Performance Model Scheme

    Masayuki TAKAHASHI  Jin-Qin LU  Kimihiro OGAWA  Takehiko ADACHI  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E78-A No:3

    In this paper, we describe a worst-case design optimization approach for statistical design of integrated circuits with a circuit performance model scheme. After formulating worst-case optimization to an unconstrained multi-objective function minimization problem, a new objective function is proposed to find an optimal point. Then, based on an interpolation model scheme of approximating circuit performance, realistic worst-case analysis can be easily done by Monte Carlo based method without increasing much the computational load. The effectiveness of the presented approach is demonstrated by a standard test function and a practical circuit design example.

  • An On-Line Scheduler for ASIC Manufacturing Line Management

    Tadao TAKEDA  Satoshi TAZAWA  Kou WADA  Eisuke ARAI  


    E78-C No:3

    An on-line scheduler for ASIC manufacturing line management has been developed. The parameters in the schedule models and the dynamic priority curve in the schedule algorithm were adjusted to obtain schedules well-suited to practical ASIC line management and control. The scheduler is connected to the user interface control module of our ASIC CIM system. In order to facilitate on-line scheduling, we clarify the performance requirements of the computer used for the scheduler with respect to the line scale. Using a current EWS, the scheduler can easily make a one-day schedule for a small-scale line with an annual throughput of less than 1,000 lots within 10 minutes. To cope with larger-scale lines, the multiple scheduling method allows schedules to be produced quickly and efficiently. Therefore, the scheduler can respond flexibly to changes in production plan and line resources and the control delivery date of each lot.

  • A Proposal for a Co-design Method in Control Systems Using Combination of Models

    Hisao KOIZUMI  Katsuhiko SEO  Fumio SUZUKI  Yoshisuke OHTSURU  Hiroto YASUURA  

    PAPER-System Design

    E78-D No:3

    In this paper we propose a co-design method for control systems using combination of models. By co-design," we mean a cooperative design method in which the behavior of the entire system is simulated as a single model while parameters of the system are being optimized. Our co-design method enables the various subsystems in the system, which have been designed independently as tasks assigned to different designers in the traditional design method, to be designed simultaneously in a unified cooperative way from the system-wide perspective of a system designer. Our proposed method combines models of controlling and controlled subsystems into a single model for the behavior of the entire control system. After the optimum control conditions are determined through simulation of the combined models, based on the corresponding algorithms and parameters, ASIC design proceeds quickly with accurate verification using iterative replacements of the behavior model by the electronic circuit model. To evaluate the proposed method, we implemented a design environment. We then applied our method to the design of ASICs in three test cases (in a control system and in audio-visual systems) to investigate its effectiveness. This paper introduces the concepts of the proposed co-design method, the design environment and the experimental results, and points out the new issues for system design.

  • Effects of the Loop Birefringence on Fiber Loop Polarizers Using a Fused Taper Coupler

    Katsumi MORISHITA  


    E78-C No:3

    The optical characteristics of the fiber loop polarizer are investigated considering the birefringence in the fiber loop. The experimental and the theoretical spectrum transmissions agree well with each other. The extinction ratio and the insertion loss of the fiber polarizers have been improved for practical use.

  • A Scalable and Flexible CIM System with Precise and Quick Scheduler for ASIC

    Kou WADA  Tsuneo OKUBO  Satoshi TAZAWA  Tetsuma SAKURAI  Eisuke ARAI  


    E78-C No:3

    A scalable and flexible ASIC CIM system distributed on UNIX workstations, ORCHARD , has been developed. It is designed from three viewpoints: (1) cost and TAT reduction in system construction, (2) flexibility in data management for quality control, and (3) precise and quick scheduling and effective lot tracking to control TAT for each lot. The concept of a "virtual machine" is introduced to connect equipment having various protocols to a host system. The virtual machine is automatically generated at an average automatic generation ratio of as high as 89%, which leads to a reduction in cost and TAT in system construction. Data for quality control is managed by changing flexibly the "data processing recipe." This recipe defines screen format, data collected from equipment, and data transfered from various databases. Precise scheduling of lots with various levels of priority is achieved by introducing a priority evaluation function, thereby reducing scheduling time to 1/20 that for manual scheduling.

  • Signature Pairs for Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum Multiple Access Communication Systems

    Guu-Chang YANG  

    LETTER-Radio Communication

    E78-B No:3

    A key element in the CDMA transmission is DS spreading. Spreading in a DS/SSMA system are provided in two categories-synchronization and data. For synchronization sequences, good auto-correlation and cross-correlation properties are required in order to guarantee fast acquistion with a minimum false alarm probability. On the other hand, the auto-correlation property may not be so important in data spreading since synchronization is obtained by synchronization spreading. In this paper we provide a set of synchronization sequences and a set of data sequences--each a set of binary N-tuples--that have the necessary correlation constraints.

  • New Carrier Frequency Assignments for Minimizing Intermodulation Products in Two-Level SCPC Systems

    Sang M. LEE  Sung Chan KO  Hyung Jin CHOI  

    PAPER-Satellite Communication

    E78-B No:3

    In this paper, we propose an efficient method (called DIRIC algorithm) to allocate carrier frequencies so as to minimize intermodulation products in two-level SCPC systems in which Hub station and many Remote stations communicate each other through satellite transponder. We also present a very efficient method to evaluate intermodulation products with substantially reduced CPU time in two-level SCPC systems. We compare and analyze the performance of several frequency allocation methods to extend DELINS-INSDEL algorithm (which is proposed by Okinaka) to two-level SCPC systems. When the proposed algorithm is applied to systems with modulated carrier, it is verified that this algorithm has the same efficiency as the unmodulated carrier. It is also shown heuristically that certain initial assignment algorithms perform better than random assignment.

  • Traffic Design and Administration for Distributed Adaptive Channel Assignment Method in Microcellular Systems

    Arata KOIKE  Hideaki YOSHINO  

    PAPER-Radio Communication

    E78-B No:3

    In improving channel utilization in microcellular systems, adaptive channel allocation using distributed control has been reported to be effective. We describe an analytical approximation algorithm for channel dimensioning of distributed adaptive channel allocation. We compare our analytical results with simulation results and show the characteristics of permissible load as a function of the number of base station channels based on our method. Finally we illustrate traffic design and administration based on our algorithm.

  • Traffic Contract Parameters and CAC Guaranteeing Cell-Loss Ratio in ATM Networks

    Masaki AIDA  Hiroshi SAITO  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E78-B No:3

    Connection Admission Control (CAC) is a key part of traffic control and still leaves several challenging problems peculiar to ATM networks. One of these problems is how to assign sufficient bandwidth for any cell arrival process that satisfies the source traffic descriptor values specified by negotiation between the network and a user at the connection setup. Because the source traffic descriptor cannot describe the actual source traffic characteristics completely, it has already been studied extensively that how to estimate sufficient bandwidth under the assumption that the actual traffic parameter values in the source traffic descriptor are equal to the negotiated values. This paper extends the studies in the literature to how to estimate sufficient bandwidth only assuming that the actual values satisfy the negotiated values, that is the actual values is less than or equal to the negotiated values. We show the sufficient condition for negotiated source traffic descriptors ensuring that the cell-loss ratio calculated from the negotiated values is always the upper-bound of the actual cell-loss ratio. Using this condition, we propose a CAC that can guarantee cell-loss ratio objective so far as a user satisfies the source traffic descriptor values.

  • Dynamic Method for Evaluating the Upgrading of Access Networks

    Yukihiro FUJIMOTO  Hisao OIKAWA  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E78-B No:3

    Telecommunication services are expected to be upgraded from POTS to B-ISDN services in the future. This means that the conventional metallic access networks should be upgraded to optical fiber access networks because of providing high bit-rate services. Therefore, it is very important to clarify upgrade strategies in access networks. This paper proposes a dynamic evaluation method that can support decision-making on the upgrade strategy from the viewpoint of economy. This method can determine the most promising future access network and upgrade timing. Moreover, viability of various upgrade strategies can be evaluated by this method.

  • Nonlocal Impact Ionization Model and Its Application to Substrate Current Simulation of n-MOSFET's

    Ken-ichiro SONODA  Mitsuru YAMAJI  Kenji TANIGUCHI  Chihiro HAMAGUCHI  Tatsuya KUNIKIYO  


    E78-C No:3

    We propose a nonlocal impact ionization model applicable for the drain region where electric field increases exponentially. It is expressed as a function of an electric field and a characteristic length which is determined by a thickness of gate oxide and a source/drain junction depth. An analytical substrate current model for n-MOSFET is also derived from the new nonlocal impact ionization model. The model well explains the reason why the theoretical characteristic length differs from empirical expressions used in a pseudo two-dimensional model for MOSFET's. The nonlocal impact ionization model implemented in a device simulator demonstrates that the new model can predict substrate current correctly in the framework of drift-diffusion model.

  • A Flexible and Low-Cost ASIC Line Management Technology Taking Operator's Skill-Level as a Scheduling-Factor into Consideration

    Tetsuma SAKURAI  Satoshi TAZAWA  Eisuke ARAI  


    E78-C No:3

    A flexible and low-cost menagement technology is desired for fabrication line of both ASICs and cutting edge LSIs. To meet such desire, a management technology named "super operator shifts" has been proposed. After taking operator's skill level into consideration, an ASIC line manager can stretch line working time by use of the super operator shifts. It results that he can successfully get 3-shifts turn around time for severe-delivery-date lots with a payment equal to about 2-shifts line-cost.

  • Enhancement of Band-Edge Gain in Radial Line Slot Antennas Using the Power Divider--A Wide-Band Radial Line Slot Antenna--

    Tetsuya YAMAMOTO  Masaharu TAKAHASHI  Makoto ANDO  Naohisa GOTO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E78-B No:3

    A Radial Line Slot Antenna (RLSA) is a planar antenna for DBS reception. It is a kind of slotted waveguide arrays. The conductor loss is so small that high efficiency is expected irrespective of the aperture diameter. On the other hand, since a RLSA utilizes the traveling waves, the frequency bandwidth is limited by the long line effect, particularly for a larger antenna. A new Wide-Band RLSA (WB-RLSA) is proposed which halves the waveguide length and widens the frequency bandwidth. This paper presents the design and experimental results of a model antenna. A gain of 33.7dBi is measured at the edge of 800MHz bandwidth and its high potential is demonstrated.
