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  • Pruning Ratio Optimization with Layer-Wise Pruning Method for Accelerating Convolutional Neural Networks

    Koji KAMMA  Sarimu INOUE  Toshikazu WADA  

    PAPER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E105-D No:1

    Pruning is an effective technique to reduce computational complexity of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) by removing redundant neurons (or weights). There are two types of pruning methods: holistic pruning and layer-wise pruning. The former selects the least important neuron from the entire model and prunes it. The latter conducts pruning layer by layer. Recently, it has turned out that some layer-wise methods are effective for reducing computational complexity of pruned models while preserving their accuracy. The difficulty of layer-wise pruning is how to adjust pruning ratio (the ratio of neurons to be pruned) in each layer. Because CNNs typically have lots of layers composed of lots of neurons, it is inefficient to tune pruning ratios by human hands. In this paper, we present Pruning Ratio Optimizer (PRO), a method that can be combined with layer-wise pruning methods for optimizing pruning ratios. The idea of PRO is to adjust pruning ratios based on how much pruning in each layer has an impact on the outputs in the final layer. In the experiments, we could verify the effectiveness of PRO.

  • Simulation-Based Understanding of “Charge-Sharing Phenomenon” Induced by Heavy-Ion Incident on a 65nm Bulk CMOS Memory Circuit

    Akifumi MARU  Akifumi MATSUDA  Satoshi KUBOYAMA  Mamoru YOSHIMOTO  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E105-C No:1

    In order to expect the single event occurrence on highly integrated CMOS memory circuit, quantitative evaluation of charge sharing between memory cells is needed. In this study, charge sharing area induced by heavy ion incident is quantitatively calculated by using device-simulation-based method. The validity of this method is experimentally confirmed using the charged heavy ion accelerator.

  • JPEG Image Steganalysis Using Weight Allocation from Block Evaluation

    Weiwei LUO  Wenpeng ZHOU  Jinglong FANG  Lingyan FAN  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E105-D No:1

    Recently, channel-aware steganography has been presented for high security. The corresponding selection-channel-aware (SCA) detecting algorithms have also been proposed for improving the detection performance. In this paper, we propose a novel detecting algorithm of JPEG steganography, where the embedding probability and block evaluation are integrated into the new probability. This probability can embody the change due to data embedding. We choose the same high-pass filters as maximum diversity cascade filter residual (MD-CFR) to obtain different image residuals and a weighted histogram method is used to extract detection features. Experimental results on detecting two typical steganographic methods show that the proposed method can improve the performance compared with the state-of-art methods.

  • Balanced, Unbalances, and One-Sided Distributed Teams - An Empirical View on Global Software Engineering Education

    Daniel Moritz MARUTSCHKE  Victor V. KRYSSANOV  Patricia BROCKMANN  


    E105-D No:1

    Global software engineering education faces unique challenges to reflect as close as possible real-world distributed team development in various forms. The complex nature of planning, collaborating, and upholding partnerships present administrative difficulties on top of budgetary constrains. These lead to limited opportunities for students to gain international experiences and for researchers to propagate educational and practical insights. This paper presents an empirical view on three different course structures conducted by the same research and educational team over a four-year time span. The courses were managed in Japan and Germany, facing cultural challenges, time-zone differences, language barriers, heterogeneous and homogeneous team structures, amongst others. Three semesters were carried out before and one during the Covid-19 pandemic. Implications for a recent focus on online education for software engineering education and future directions are discussed. As administrational and institutional differences typically do not guarantee the same number of students on all sides, distributed teams can be 1. balanced, where the number of students on one side is less than double the other, 2. unbalanced, where the number of students on one side is significantly larger than double the other, or 3. one-sided, where one side lacks students altogether. An approach for each of these three course structures is presented and discussed. Empirical analyses and reoccurring patterns in global software engineering education are reported. In the most recent three global software engineering classes, students were surveyed at the beginning and the end of the semester. The questionnaires ask students to rank how impactful they perceive factors related to global software development such as cultural aspects, team structure, language, and interaction. Results of the shift in mean perception are compared and discussed for each of the three team structures.

  • Finite-Size Correction of Expectation-Propagation Detection Open Access

    Yuki OBA  Keigo TAKEUCHI  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E105-A No:1

    Expectation propagation (EP) is a powerful algorithm for signal recovery in compressed sensing. This letter proposes correction of a variance message before denoising to improve the performance of EP in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime for finite-sized systems. The variance massage is replaced by an observation-dependent consistent estimator of the mean-square error in estimation before denoising. Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) is considered to verify the effectiveness of the proposed correction. Numerical simulations show that the proposed variance correction improves the high SNR performance of EP for massive MIMO with a few hundred transmit and receive antennas.

  • Parameter Estimation of Markovian Arrivals with Utilization Data

    Chen LI  Junjun ZHENG  Hiroyuki OKAMURA  Tadashi DOHI  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E105-B No:1

    Utilization data (a kind of incomplete data) is defined as the fraction of a fixed period in which the system is busy. In computer systems, utilization data is very common and easily observable, such as CPU utilization. Unlike inter-arrival times and waiting times, it is more significant to consider the parameter estimation of transaction-based systems with utilization data. In our previous work [7], a novel parameter estimation method using utilization data for an Mt/M/1/K queueing system was presented to estimate the parameters of a non-homogeneous Poisson process (NHPP). Since NHPP is classified as a simple counting process, it may not fit actual arrival streams very well. As a generalization of NHPP, Markovian arrival process (MAP) takes account of the dependency between consecutive arrivals and is often used to model complex, bursty, and correlated traffic streams. In this paper, we concentrate on the parameter estimation of an MAP/M/1/K queueing system using utilization data. In particular, the parameters are estimated by using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) method. Numerical experiments on real utilization data validate the proposed approach and evaluate the effective traffic intensity of the arrival stream of MAP/M/1/K queueing system. Besides, three kinds of utilization datasets are created from a simulation to assess the effects of observed time intervals on both estimation accuracy and computational cost. The numerical results show that MAP-based approach outperforms the exiting method in terms of both the estimation accuracy and computational cost.

  • Multi-Source Domain Generalization Using Domain Attributes for Recurrent Neural Network Language Models

    Naohiro TAWARA  Atsunori OGAWA  Tomoharu IWATA  Hiroto ASHIKAWA  Tetsunori KOBAYASHI  Tetsuji OGAWA  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E105-D No:1

    Most conventional multi-source domain adaptation techniques for recurrent neural network language models (RNNLMs) are domain-centric. In these approaches, each domain is considered independently and this makes it difficult to apply the models to completely unseen target domains that are unobservable during training. Instead, our study exploits domain attributes, which represent common knowledge among such different domains as dialects, types of wordings, styles, and topics, to achieve domain generalization that can robustly represent unseen target domains by combining the domain attributes. To achieve attribute-based domain generalization system in language modeling, we introduce domain attribute-based experts to a multi-stream RNNLM called recurrent adaptive mixture model (RADMM) instead of domain-based experts. In the proposed system, a long short-term memory is independently trained on each domain attribute as an expert model. Then by integrating the outputs from all the experts in response to the context-dependent weight of the domain attributes of the current input, we predict the subsequent words in the unseen target domain and exploit the specific knowledge of each domain attribute. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed domain attributes-centric language model, we experimentally compared the proposed model with conventional domain-centric language model by using texts taken from multiple domains including different writing styles, topics, dialects, and types of wordings. The experimental results demonstrated that lower perplexity can be achieved using domain attributes.

  • Kernel-Based Regressors Equivalent to Stochastic Affine Estimators

    Akira TANAKA  Masanari NAKAMURA  Hideyuki IMAI  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E105-D No:1

    The solution of the ordinary kernel ridge regression, based on the squared loss function and the squared norm-based regularizer, can be easily interpreted as a stochastic linear estimator by considering the autocorrelation prior for an unknown true function. As is well known, a stochastic affine estimator is one of the simplest extensions of the stochastic linear estimator. However, its corresponding kernel regression problem is not revealed so far. In this paper, we give a formulation of the kernel regression problem, whose solution is reduced to a stochastic affine estimator, and also give interpretations of the formulation.

  • A New Method Based on Copula Theory for Evaluating Detection Performance of Distributed-Processing Multistatic Radar System

    Van Hung PHAM  Tuan Hung NGUYEN  Duc Minh NGUYEN  Hisashi MORISHITA  


    E105-B No:1

    In this paper, we propose a new method based on copula theory to evaluate the detection performance of a distributed-processing multistatic radar system (DPMRS). By applying the Gaussian copula to model the dependence of local decisions in a DPMRS as well as data fusion rules of AND, OR, and K/N, the performance of a DPMRS for detecting Swerling fluctuating targets can be easily evaluated even under non-Gaussian clutter with a nonuniform dependence matrix. The reliability and flexibility of this method are validated by applying the proposed method to a previous problem by other authors, and our other investigation results indicate its high potential for evaluating DPMRS performance in various cases involving different models of target and clutter.

  • Feature Description with Feature Point Registration Error Using Local and Global Point Cloud Encoders

    Kenshiro TAMATA  Tomohiro MASHITA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E105-D No:1

    A typical approach to reconstructing a 3D environment model is scanning the environment with a depth sensor and fitting the accumulated point cloud to 3D models. In this kind of scenario, a general 3D environment reconstruction application assumes temporally continuous scanning. However in some practical uses, this assumption is unacceptable. Thus, a point cloud matching method for stitching several non-continuous 3D scans is required. Point cloud matching often includes errors in the feature point detection because a point cloud is basically a sparse sampling of the real environment, and it may include quantization errors that cannot be ignored. Moreover, depth sensors tend to have errors due to the reflective properties of the observed surface. We therefore make the assumption that feature point pairs between two point clouds will include errors. In this work, we propose a feature description method robust to the feature point registration error described above. To achieve this goal, we designed a deep learning based feature description model that consists of a local feature description around the feature points and a global feature description of the entire point cloud. To obtain a feature description robust to feature point registration error, we input feature point pairs with errors and train the models with metric learning. Experimental results show that our feature description model can correctly estimate whether the feature point pair is close enough to be considered a match or not even when the feature point registration errors are large, and our model can estimate with higher accuracy in comparison to methods such as FPFH or 3DMatch. In addition, we conducted experiments for combinations of input point clouds, including local or global point clouds, both types of point cloud, and encoders.

  • A Simple but Efficient Ranking-Based Differential Evolution

    Jiayi LI  Lin YANG  Junyan YI  Haichuan YANG  Yuki TODO  Shangce GAO  

    LETTER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E105-D No:1

    Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm is simple and effective. Since DE has been proposed, it has been widely used to solve various complex optimization problems. To further exploit the advantages of DE, we propose a new variant of DE, termed as ranking-based differential evolution (RDE), by performing ranking on the population. Progressively better individuals in the population are used for mutation operation, thus improving the algorithm's exploitation and exploration capability. Experimental results on a number of benchmark optimization functions show that RDE significantly outperforms the original DE and performs competitively in comparison with other two state-of-the-art DE variants.

  • Searching and Learning Discriminative Regions for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval and Classification

    Kangbo SUN  Jie ZHU  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E105-D No:1

    Local discriminative regions play important roles in fine-grained image analysis tasks. How to locate local discriminative regions with only category label and learn discriminative representation from these regions have been hot spots. In our work, we propose Searching Discriminative Regions (SDR) and Learning Discriminative Regions (LDR) method to search and learn local discriminative regions in images. The SDR method adopts attention mechanism to iteratively search for high-response regions in images, and uses this as a clue to locate local discriminative regions. Moreover, the LDR method is proposed to learn compact within category and sparse between categories representation from the raw image and local images. Experimental results show that our proposed approach achieves excellent performance in both fine-grained image retrieval and classification tasks, which demonstrates its effectiveness.

  • Experimental Demonstration of a Hard-Type Oscillator Using a Resonant Tunneling Diode and Its Comparison with a Soft-Type Oscillator

    Koichi MAEZAWA  Tatsuo ITO  Masayuki MORI  

    BRIEF PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E104-C No:12

    A hard-type oscillator is defined as an oscillator having stable fixed points within a stable limit cycle. For resonant tunneling diode (RTD) oscillators, using hard-type configuration has a significant advantage that it can suppress spurious oscillations in a bias line. We have fabricated hard-type oscillators using an InGaAs-based RTD, and demonstrated a proper operation. Furthermore, the oscillating properties have been compared with a soft-type oscillator having a same parameters. It has been demonstrated that the same level of the phase noise can be obtained with a much smaller power consumption of approximately 1/20.

  • Analysis on Asymptotic Optimality of Round-Robin Scheduling for Minimizing Age of Information with HARQ Open Access

    Zhiyuan JIANG  Yijie HUANG  Shunqing ZHANG  Shugong XU  


    E104-B No:12

    In a heterogeneous unreliable multiaccess network, wherein terminals share a common wireless channel with distinct error probabilities, existing works have shown that a persistent round-robin (RR-P) scheduling policy can be arbitrarily worse than the optimum in terms of Age of Information (AoI) under standard Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ). In this paper, practical Hybrid ARQ (HARQ) schemes which are widely-used in today's wireless networks are considered. We show that RR-P is very close to optimum with asymptotically many terminals in this case, by explicitly deriving tight, closed-form AoI gaps between optimum and achievable AoI by RR-P. In particular, it is rigorously proved that for RR-P, under HARQ models concerning fading channels (resp. finite-blocklength regime), the relative AoI gap compared with the optimum is within a constant of 6.4% (resp. 6.2% with error exponential decay rate of 0.5). In addition, RR-P enjoys the distinctive advantage of implementation simplicity with channel-unaware and easy-to-decentralize operations, making it favorable in practice. A further investigation considering constraint imposed on the number of retransmissions is presented. The performance gap is indicated through numerical simulations.

  • Fragmentation-Minimized Periodic Network-Bandwidth Expansion Employing Aligned Channel Slot Allocation in Flexible Grid Optical Networks

    Hiroshi HASEGAWA  Takuma YASUDA  Yojiro MORI  Ken-ichi SATO  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E104-B No:12

    We propose an efficient network upgrade and expansion method that can make the most of the next generation channel resources to accommodate further increases in traffic. Semi-flexible grid configuration and two cost metrics are introduced to establish a regularity in frequency assignment and minimize disturbance in the upgrade process; both reduce the fragmentation in frequency assignment and the number of fibers necessary. Various investigations of different configurations elucidate that the number of fibers necessary is reduced about 10-15% for any combination of upgrade scenario, channel frequency bandwidth, and topology adopted.

  • Representation Learning of Tongue Dynamics for a Silent Speech Interface

    Hongcui WANG  Pierre ROUSSEL  Bruce DENBY  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E104-D No:12

    A Silent Speech Interface (SSI) is a sensor-based, Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled system in which articulation is performed without the use of the vocal chords, resulting in a voice interface that conserves the ambient audio environment, protects private data, and also functions in noisy environments. Though portable SSIs based on ultrasound imaging of the tongue have obtained Word Error Rates rivaling that of acoustic speech recognition, SSIs remain relegated to the laboratory due to stability issues. Indeed, reliable extraction of acoustic features from ultrasound tongue images in real-life situations has proven elusive. Recently, Representation Learning has shown considerable success in learning underlying structure in noisy, high-dimensional raw data. In its unsupervised form, Representation Learning is able to reveal structure in unlabeled data, thus greatly simplifying the data preparation task. In the present article, a 3D Convolutional Neural Network architecture is applied to unlabeled ultrasound images, and is shown to reliably predict future tongue configurations. By comparing the 3DCNN to a simple previous-frame predictor, it is possible to recognize tongue trajectories comprising transitions between regions of stability that correlate with formant trajectories in a spectrogram of the signal. Prospects for using the underlying structural representation to provide features for subsequent speech processing tasks are presented.

  • A Case for Low-Latency Communication Layer for Distributed Operating Systems

    Sang-Hoon KIM  

    LETTER-Software System

    E104-D No:12

    There have been increasing demands for distributed operating systems to better utilize scattered resources over multiple nodes. This paper enlightens the challenges and requirements for the communication layers for distributed operating systems, and makes a case for a versatile, high-performance communication layer over InfiniBand network.

  • LTL Model Checking for Register Pushdown Systems

    Ryoma SENDA  Yoshiaki TAKATA  Hiroyuki SEKI  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E104-D No:12

    A pushdown system (PDS) is known as an abstract model of recursive programs. For PDS, model checking methods have been studied and applied to various software verification such as interprocedural data flow analysis and malware detection. However, PDS cannot manipulate data values from an infinite domain. A register PDS (RPDS) is an extension of PDS by adding registers to deal with data values in a restricted way. This paper proposes algorithms for LTL model checking problems for RPDS with simple and regular valuations, which are labelings of atomic propositions to configurations with reasonable restriction. First, we introduce RPDS and related models, and then define the LTL model checking problems for RPDS. Second, we give algorithms for solving these problems and also show that the problems are EXPTIME-complete. As practical examples, we show solutions of a malware detection and an XML schema checking in the proposed framework.

  • Backward-Compatible Forward Error Correction of Burst Errors and Erasures for 10BASE-T1S Open Access

    Gergely HUSZAK  Hiroyoshi MORITA  George ZIMMERMAN  


    E104-B No:12

    IEEE P802.3cg established a new pair of Ethernet physical layer devices (PHY), one of which, the short-reach 10BASE-T1S, uses 4B/5B mapping over Differential Manchester Encoding to maintain a data rate of 10 Mb/s at MAC/PLS interface, while providing in-band signaling between transmitter and receivers. However, 10BASE-T1S does not have any error correcting capability built into it. As a response to emerging building, industrial, and transportation requirements, this paper outlines research that leads to the possibility of establishing low-complexity, backward-compatible Forward Error Correction with per-frame configurable guaranteed burst error and erasure correcting capabilities over any 10BASE-T1S Ethernet network segment. The proposed technique combines a specialized, systematic Reed-Solomon code and a novel, three-tier, technique to avoid the appearance of certain inadmissible codeword symbols at the output of the encoder. In this way, the proposed technique enables error and erasure correction, while maintaining backwards compatibility with the current version of the standard.

  • Formalization and Analysis of Ceph Using Process Algebra

    Ran LI  Huibiao ZHU  Jiaqi YIN  

    PAPER-Software System

    E104-D No:12

    Ceph is an object-based parallel distributed file system that provides excellent performance, reliability, and scalability. Additionally, Ceph provides its Cephx authentication system to authenticate users, so that it can identify users and realize authentication. In this paper, we first model the basic architecture of Ceph using process algebra CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes). With the help of the model checker PAT (Process Analysis Toolkit), we feed the constructed model to PAT and then verify several related properties, including Deadlock Freedom, Data Reachability, Data Write Integrity, Data Consistency and Authentication. The verification results show that the original model cannot cater to the Authentication property. Therefore, we formalize a new model of Ceph where Cephx is adopted. In the light of the new verification results, it can be found that Cephx satisfies all these properties.
