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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • Metric-Combining Multiuser Detection Using Replica Cancellation with RTS and Enhanced CTS for High-Reliable and Low-Latency Wireless Communications

    Hideya SO  Kazuhiko FUKAWA  Hayato SOYA  Yuyuan CHANG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E104-B No:11

    In unlicensed spectrum, wireless communications employing carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) suffer from longer transmission delay time as the number of user terminals (UTs) increases, because packet collisions are more likely to occur. To cope with this problem, this paper proposes a new multiuser detection (MUD) scheme that uses both request-to-send (RTS) and enhanced clear-to-send (eCTS) for high-reliable and low-latency wireless communications. As in conventional MUD scheme, the metric-combining MUD (MC-MUD) calculates log likelihood functions called metrics and accumulates the metrics for the maximum likelihood detection (MLD). To avoid increasing the number of states for MLD, MC-MUD forces the relevant UTs to retransmit their packets until all the collided packets are correctly detected, which requires a kind of central control and reduces the system throughput. To overcome these drawbacks, the proposed scheme, which is referred to as cancelling MC-MUD (CMC-MUD), deletes replicas of some of the collided packets from the received signals, once the packets are correctly detected during the retransmission. This cancellation enables new UTs to transmit their packets and then performs MLD without increasing the number of states, which improves the system throughput without increasing the complexity. In addition, the proposed scheme adopts RTS and eCTS. One UT that suffers from packet collision transmits RTS before the retransmission. Then, the corresponding access point (AP) transmits eCTS including addresses of the other UTs, which have experienced the same packet collision. To reproduce the same packet collision, these other UTs transmit their packets once they receive the eCTS. Computer simulations under one AP conditions evaluate an average carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) range in which the proposed scheme is effective, and clarify that the transmission delay time of the proposed scheme is shorter than that of the conventional schemes. In two APs environments that can cause the hidden terminal problem, it is demonstrated that the proposed scheme achieves shorter transmission delay times than the conventional scheme with RTS and conventional CTS.

  • Faster SET Operation in Phase Change Memory with Initialization Open Access

    Yuchan WANG  Suzhen YUAN  Wenxia ZHANG  Yuhan WANG  

    PAPER-Electronic Materials

    E104-C No:11

    In conclusion, an initialization method has been introduced and studied to improve the SET speed in PCM. Before experiment verification, a two-dimensional finite analysis is used, and the results illustrate the proposed method is feasible to improve SET speed. Next, the R-I performances of the discrete PCM device and the resistance distributions of a 64 M bits PCM test chip with and without the initialization have been studied and analyzed, which confirms that the writing speed has been greatly improved. At the same time, the resistance distribution for the repeated initialization operations suggest that a large number of PCM cells have been successfully changed to be in an intermediate state, which is thought that only a shorter current pulse can make the cells SET successfully in this case. Compared the transmission electron microscope (TEM) images before and after initialization, it is found that there are some small grains appeared after initialization, which indicates that the nucleation process of GST has been carried out, and only needs to provide energy for grain growth later.

  • Deadlock-Free Symbolic Smith Controllers Based on Prediction for Nondeterministic Systems Open Access

    Masashi MIZOGUCHI  Toshimitsu USHIO  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E104-A No:11

    The Smith method has been used to control physical plants with dead time components, where plant states after the dead time is elapsed are predicted and a control input is determined based on the predicted states. We extend the method to the symbolic control and design a symbolic Smith controller to deal with a nondeterministic embedded system. Due to the nondeterministic transitions, the proposed controller computes all reachable plant states after the dead time is elapsed and determines a control input that is suitable for all of them in terms of a given control specification. The essence of the Smith method is that the effects of the dead time are suppressed by the prediction, however, which is not always guaranteed for nondeterministic systems because there may exist no control input that is suitable for all predicted states. Thus, in this paper, we discuss the existence of a deadlock-free symbolic Smith controller. If it exists, it is guaranteed that the effects of the dead time can be suppressed and that the controller can always issue the control input for any reachable state of the plant. If it does not exist, it is proved that the deviation from the control specification is essentially inevitable.

  • Leakage-Resilient and Proactive Authenticated Key Exchange (LRP-AKE), Reconsidered

    SeongHan SHIN  


    E104-D No:11

    In [31], Shin et al. proposed a Leakage-Resilient and Proactive Authenticated Key Exchange (LRP-AKE) protocol for credential services which provides not only a higher level of security against leakage of stored secrets but also secrecy of private key with respect to the involving server. In this paper, we discuss a problem in the security proof of the LRP-AKE protocol, and then propose a modified LRP-AKE protocol that has a simple and effective measure to the problem. Also, we formally prove its AKE security and mutual authentication for the entire modified LRP-AKE protocol. In addition, we describe several extensions of the (modified) LRP-AKE protocol including 1) synchronization issue between the client and server's stored secrets; 2) randomized ID for the provision of client's privacy; and 3) a solution to preventing server compromise-impersonation attacks. Finally, we evaluate the performance overhead of the LRP-AKE protocol and show its test vectors. From the performance evaluation, we can confirm that the LRP-AKE protocol has almost the same efficiency as the (plain) Diffie-Hellman protocol that does not provide authentication at all.

  • Asymptotic Stabilization of a Chain of Integrators by an Event-Triggered Gain-Scaling Controller

    Sang-Young OH  Ho-Lim CHOI  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E104-A No:10

    We consider an asymptotic stabilization problem for a chain of integrators by using an event-triggered controller. The times required between event-triggered executions and controller updates are uncertain, time-varying, and not necessarily small. We show that the considered system can be asymptotically stabilized by an event-triggered gain-scaling controller. Also, we show that the interexecution times are lower bounded and their lower bounds can be manipulated by a gain-scaling factor. Some future extensions are also discussed. An example is given for illustration.

  • Single Image Dehazing Algorithm Based on Modified Dark Channel Prior

    Hao ZHOU  Zhuangzhuang ZHANG  Yun LIU  Meiyan XUAN  Weiwei JIANG  Hailing XIONG  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E104-D No:10

    Single image dehazing algorithm based on Dark Channel Prior (DCP) is widely known. More and more image dehazing algorithms based on DCP have been proposed. However, we found that it is more effective to use DCP in the RAW images before the ISP pipeline. In addition, for the problem of DCP failure in the sky area, we propose an algorithm to segment the sky region and compensate the transmission. Extensive experimental results on both subjective and objective evaluation demonstrate that the performance of the modified DCP (MDCP) has been greatly improved, and it is competitive with the state-of-the-art methods.

  • Desirable ITS Communication for Safety: Evaluation by the TsRm Evaluation Method for Overengineering Prevention, and Discussion About Sensor and Communication Fusion

    Ikkei HASEBE  Takaaki HASEGAWA  

    PAPER-Intelligent Transport System

    E104-A No:10

    In this paper, for the purpose of clarifying the desired ITS information and communication systems considering both safety and social feasibility to prevention overengineering, using a microscopic traffic flow simulator, we discuss the required information acquisition rate of three types of safety driving support systems, that is, the sensor type and the communication type, the sensor and communication fusion type. Performances are evaluated from the viewpoint of preventing overengineering performance using the “TsRm evaluation method” that considers a vehicle approaching within the range of R meters within T seconds as the vehicle with a high possibility of collision, and that evaluates only those vehicles. The results show that regarding the communication radius and the sensing range, overengineering performance may be estimated when all vehicles in the evaluation area are used for evaluations without considering each vehicle's location, velocity and acceleration as in conventional evaluations. In addition, it is clarified that the sensor and communication fusion type system is advantageous by effectively complementing the defects of the sensor type systems and the communication type systems.

  • Research & Development of the Advanced Dynamic Spectrum Sharing System between Different Radio Services Open Access

    Hiroyuki SHINBO  Kousuke YAMAZAKI  Yoji KISHI  


    E104-B No:10

    To achieve highly efficient spectrum usage, dynamic sharing of scarce spectrum resources has recently become the subject of intense discussion. The technologies of dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS) have already been adopted or are scheduled to be adopted in a number of countries, and Japan is no exception. The authors and organizations collaborating in the research and development project being undertaken in Japan have studied a novel DSS system positioned between the fifth-generation mobile communication system (5G system) and different incumbent radio systems. Our DSS system has three characteristics. (1) It detects dynamically unused sharable spectrums (USSs) of incumbent radio systems for the space axis by using novel propagation models and estimation of the transmitting location with radio sensor information. (2) It manages USSs for the time axis by interference calculation with propagation parameters, fair assignment and future usage of USSs. (3) It utilizes USSs for the spectrum axis by using methods that decrease interference for lower separation distances. In this paper, we present an overview and the technologies of our DSS system and its applications in Japan.

  • ZigZag Antenna Configuration for MmWave V2V with Relay in Typical Road Scenarios: Design, Analysis and Experiment

    Yue YIN  Haoze CHEN  Zongdian LI  Tao YU  Kei SAKAGUCHI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E104-B No:10

    Communication systems operating in the millimeter-wave (mmWave) band have the potential to realize ultra-high throughput and ultra-low latency vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications in 5G and beyond wireless networks. Moreover, because of the weak penetration nature of mmWave, one mmWave channel can be reused in all V2V links, which improves the spectrum efficiency. Although the outstanding performance of the mmWave above has been widely acknowledged, there are still some shortcomings. One of the unavoidable defects is multipath interference. Even though the direct interference link cannot penetrate vehicle bodies, other interference degrades the throughput of the mmWave V2V communication. In this paper, we focus on the multipath interference caused by signal reflections from roads and surroundings, where the interference strength varies in road scenarios. Firstly, we analyze the multipath channel models of mmWave V2V with relay in three typical road scenarios (single straight roads, horizontal curves, and slopes). Their interference differences are clarified. Based on the analysis, a novel method of ZigZag antenna configuration is proposed to guarantee the required data rate. Secondly, the performance of the proposed method is evaluated by simulation. It proves that the ZigZag antenna configuration with an optimal antenna height can significantly suppress the destructive interference, and ensure a throughput over 1Gbps comparing to the conventional antenna configuration at 60GHz band. Furthermore, the effectiveness of ZigZag antenna configuration is demonstrated on a single straight road by outdoor experiments.

  • Triplet Attention Network for Video-Based Person Re-Identification

    Rui SUN  Qili LIANG  Zi YANG  Zhenghui ZHAO  Xudong ZHANG  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E104-D No:10

    Video-based person re-identification (re-ID) aims at retrieving person across non-overlapping camera and has achieved promising results owing to deep convolutional neural network. Due to the dynamic properties of the video, the problems of background clutters and occlusion are more serious than image-based person Re-ID. In this letter, we present a novel triple attention network (TriANet) that simultaneously utilizes temporal, spatial, and channel context information by employing the self-attention mechanism to get robust and discriminative feature. Specifically, the network has two parts, where the first part introduces a residual attention subnetwork, which contains channel attention module to capture cross-dimension dependencies by using rotation and transformation and spatial attention module to focus on pedestrian feature. In the second part, a time attention module is designed to judge the quality score of each pedestrian, and to reduce the weight of the incomplete pedestrian image to alleviate the occlusion problem. We evaluate our proposed architecture on three datasets, iLIDS-VID, PRID2011 and MARS. Extensive comparative experimental results show that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art results.

  • Code-Switching ASR and TTS Using Semisupervised Learning with Machine Speech Chain

    Sahoko NAKAYAMA  Andros TJANDRA  Sakriani SAKTI  Satoshi NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E104-D No:10

    The phenomenon where a speaker mixes two or more languages within the same conversation is called code-switching (CS). Handling CS is challenging for automatic speech recognition (ASR) and text-to-speech (TTS) because it requires coping with multilingual input. Although CS text or speech may be found in social media, the datasets of CS speech and corresponding CS transcriptions are hard to obtain even though they are required for supervised training. This work adopts a deep learning-based machine speech chain to train CS ASR and CS TTS with each other with semisupervised learning. After supervised learning with monolingual data, the machine speech chain is then carried out with unsupervised learning of either the CS text or speech. The results show that the machine speech chain trains ASR and TTS together and improves performance without requiring the pair of CS speech and corresponding CS text. We also integrate language embedding and language identification into the CS machine speech chain in order to handle CS better by giving language information. We demonstrate that our proposed approach can improve the performance on both a single CS language pair and multiple CS language pairs, including the unknown CS excluded from training data.

  • Formal Modeling and Verification of Concurrent FSMs: Case Study on Event-Based Cooperative Transport Robots

    Yoshinao ISOBE  Nobuhiko MIYAMOTO  Noriaki ANDO  Yutaka OIWA  


    E104-D No:10

    In this paper, we demonstrate that a formal approach is effective for improving reliability of cooperative robot designs, where the control logics are expressed in concurrent FSMs (Finite State Machines), especially in accordance with the standard FSM4RTC (FSM for Robotic Technology Components), by a case study of cooperative transport robots. In the case study, FSMs are modeled in the formal specification language CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes) and checked by the model-checking tool FDR, where we show techniques for modeling and verification of cooperative robots implemented with the help of the RTM (Robotic Technology Middleware).

  • Transmission Characteristics Control of 120 GHz-Band Bandstop Filter by Coupling Alignment-Free Lattice Pattern



    E104-C No:10

    In this paper, we present the transmission characteristics control of a 125 GHz-band split-ring resonator (SRR) bandstop filter by coupling an alignment-free lattice pattern. We demonstrate that the transmission characteristics of the SRR filter can be controlled by coupling the lattice pattern; however, the required accuracy of alignment between the SRR filter and lattice pattern was below 200 µm. Therefore, we designed an alignment-free lattice pattern whose unit cell size is different from that of the SRR unit cell. S21 of the SRR bandstop filter changes from -38.7 to -4.0 dB at 125 GHz by arranging the alignment-free lattice pattern in close proximity to the SRR stopband filter without alignment. A 10 Gbit/s data transmission can be achieved over a 125 GHz-band wireless link by setting the alignment-free lattice pattern substrate just above the SRR bandstop filter.

  • High-Density Implementation Techniques for Long-Range Radar Using Horn and Lens Antennas Open Access

    Akira KITAYAMA  Akira KURIYAMA  Hideyuki NAGAISHI  Hiroshi KURODA  


    E104-C No:10

    Long-range radars (LRRs) for higher level autonomous driving (AD) will require more antennas than simple driving assistance. The point at issue here is 50-60% of the LRR module area is used for antennas. To miniaturize LRR modules, we use horn and lens antenna with highly efficient gain. In this paper, we propose two high-density implementation techniques for radio-frequency (RF) front-end using horn and lens antennas. In the first technique, the gap between antennas was eliminated by taking advantage of the high isolation performance of horn and lens antennas. In the second technique, the RF front-end including micro-strip-lines, monolithic microwave integrated circuits, and peripheral parts is placed in the valley area of each horn. We fabricated a prototype LRR operating at 77 GHz with only one printed circuit board (PCB). To detect vehicles horizontally and vertically, this LRR has a minimum antenna configuration of one Tx antenna and four Rx antennas placed in 2×2 array, and 30 mm thickness. Evaluation results revealed that vehicles could be detected up to 320 m away and that the horizontal and vertical angle error was less than +/- 0.2 degrees, which is equivalent to the vehicle width over 280 m. Thus, horn and lens antennas implemented using the proposed techniques are very suitable for higher level AD LRRs.

  • Global Optimization Algorithm for Cloud Service Composition

    Hongwei YANG  Fucheng XUE  Dan LIU  Li LI  Jiahui FENG  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E104-D No:10

    Service composition optimization is a classic NP-hard problem. How to quickly select high-quality services that meet user needs from a large number of candidate services is a hot topic in cloud service composition research. An efficient second-order beetle swarm optimization is proposed with a global search ability to solve the problem of cloud service composition optimization in this study. First, the beetle antennae search algorithm is introduced into the modified particle swarm optimization algorithm, initialize the population bying using a chaotic sequence, and the modified nonlinear dynamic trigonometric learning factors are adopted to control the expanding capacity of particles and global convergence capability. Second, modified secondary oscillation factors are incorporated, increasing the search precision of the algorithm and global searching ability. An adaptive step adjustment is utilized to improve the stability of the algorithm. Experimental results founded on a real data set indicated that the proposed global optimization algorithm can solve web service composition optimization problems in a cloud environment. It exhibits excellent global searching ability, has comparatively fast convergence speed, favorable stability, and requires less time cost.

  • An Enhanced HDPC-EVA Decoder Based on ADMM

    Yujin ZHENG  Yan LIN  Zhuo ZHANG  Qinglin ZHANG  Qiaoqiao XIA  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E104-A No:10

    Linear programming (LP) decoding based on the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) has proved to be effective for low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. However, for high-density parity-check (HDPC) codes, the ADMM-LP decoder encounters two problems, namely a high-density check matrix in HDPC codes and a great number of pseudocodewords in HDPC codes' fundamental polytope. The former problem makes the check polytope projection extremely complex, and the latter one leads to poor frame error rates (FER) performance. To address these issues, we introduce the even vertex algorithm (EVA) into the ADMM-LP decoding algorithm for HDPC codes, named as HDPC-EVA. HDPC-EVA can reduce the complexity of the projection process and improve the FER performance. We further enhance the proposed decoder by the automorphism groups of codes, creating diversity in the parity-check matrix. The simulation results show that the proposed decoder is capable of cutting down the average decoding time for each iteration by 30%-60%, as well as achieving near maximum likelihood (ML) performance on some BCH codes.

  • A Method for Detecting Timing of Photodiode Saturation without In-Pixel TDC for High-Dynamic-Range CMOS Image Sensor

    Yuji INAGAKI  Yasuyuki MATSUYA  


    E104-C No:10

    A method for detecting the timing of photodiode (PD) saturation without using an in-pixel time-to-digital converter (TDC) is proposed. Detecting PD saturation time is an approach to extend the dynamic range of a CMOS image sensor (CIS) without multiple exposures. In addition to accumulated charges in a PD, PD saturation time can be used as a signal related to light intensity. However, in previously reported CISs with detecting PD saturation time, an in-pixel TDC is used to detect and store PD saturation time. That makes the resolution of a CIS lower because an in-pixel TDC requires a large area. As for the proposed pixel circuit, PD saturation time is detected and stored as a voltage in a capacitor. The voltage is read and converted to a digital code by a column ADC after an exposure. As a result, an in-pixel TDC is not required. A signal-processing and calibration method for combining two signals, which are saturation time and accumulated charges, linearly are also proposed. Circuit simulations confirmed that the proposed method extends the dynamic range by 36 dB and its total dynamic range to 95 dB. Effectiveness of the calibration was also confirmed through circuit simulations.

  • Unsupervised Building Damage Identification Using Post-Event Optical Imagery and Variational Autoencoder

    Daming LIN  Jie WANG  Yundong LI  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E104-D No:10

    Rapid building damage identification plays a vital role in rescue operations when disasters strike, especially when rescue resources are limited. In the past years, supervised machine learning has made considerable progress in building damage identification. However, the usage of supervised machine learning remains challenging due to the following facts: 1) the massive samples from the current damage imagery are difficult to be labeled and thus cannot satisfy the training requirement of deep learning, and 2) the similarity between partially damaged and undamaged buildings is high, hindering accurate classification. Leveraging the abundant samples of auxiliary domains, domain adaptation aims to transfer a classifier trained by historical damage imagery to the current task. However, traditional domain adaptation approaches do not fully consider the category-specific information during feature adaptation, which might cause negative transfer. To address this issue, we propose a novel domain adaptation framework that individually aligns each category of the target domain to that of the source domain. Our method combines the variational autoencoder (VAE) and the Gaussian mixture model (GMM). First, the GMM is established to characterize the distribution of the source domain. Then, the VAE is constructed to extract the feature of the target domain. Finally, the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence is minimized to force the feature of the target domain to observe the GMM of the source domain. Two damage detection tasks using post-earthquake and post-hurricane imageries are utilized to verify the effectiveness of our method. Experiments show that the proposed method obtains improvements of 4.4% and 9.5%, respectively, compared with the conventional method.

  • FL-GAN: Feature Learning Generative Adversarial Network for High-Quality Face Sketch Synthesis

    Lin CAO  Kaixuan LI  Kangning DU  Yanan GUO  Peiran SONG  Tao WANG  Chong FU  


    E104-A No:10

    Face sketch synthesis refers to transform facial photos into sketches. Recent research on face sketch synthesis has achieved great success due to the development of Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). However, these generative methods prone to neglect detailed information and thus lose some individual specific features, such as glasses and headdresses. In this paper, we propose a novel method called Feature Learning Generative Adversarial Network (FL-GAN) to synthesize detail-preserving high-quality sketches. Precisely, the proposed FL-GAN consists of one Feature Learning (FL) module and one Adversarial Learning (AL) module. The FL module aims to learn the detailed information of the image in a latent space, and guide the AL module to synthesize detail-preserving sketch. The AL Module aims to learn the structure and texture of sketch and improve the quality of synthetic sketch by adversarial learning strategy. Quantitative and qualitative comparisons with seven state-of-the-art methods such as the LLE, the MRF, the MWF, the RSLCR, the RL, the FCN and the GAN on four facial sketch datasets demonstrate the superiority of this method.

  • Sketch Face Recognition via Cascaded Transformation Generation Network

    Lin CAO  Xibao HUO  Yanan GUO  Kangning DU  


    E104-A No:10

    Sketch face recognition refers to matching photos with sketches, which has effectively been used in various applications ranging from law enforcement agencies to digital entertainment. However, due to the large modality gap between photos and sketches, sketch face recognition remains a challenging task at present. To reduce the domain gap between the sketches and photos, this paper proposes a cascaded transformation generation network for cross-modality image generation and sketch face recognition simultaneously. The proposed cascaded transformation generation network is composed of a generation module, a cascaded feature transformation module, and a classifier module. The generation module aims to generate a high quality cross-modality image, the cascaded feature transformation module extracts high-level semantic features for generation and recognition simultaneously, the classifier module is used to complete sketch face recognition. The proposed transformation generation network is trained in an end-to-end manner, it strengthens the recognition accuracy by the generated images. The recognition performance is verified on the UoM-SGFSv2, e-PRIP, and CUFSF datasets; experimental results show that the proposed method is better than other state-of-the-art methods.
