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  • Implementation of Real-Time Body Motion Classification Using ZigBee Based Wearable BAN System

    Masahiro MITTA  Minseok KIM  Yuki ICHIKAWA  


    E103-B No:6

    This paper presents a real-time body motion classification system using the radio channel characteristics of a wearable body area network (BAN). We developed a custom wearable BAN radio channel measurement system by modifying an off-the-shelf ZigBee-based sensor network system, where the link quality indicator (LQI) values of the wireless links between the coordinator and four sensor nodes can be measured. After interpolating and standardizing the raw data samples in a pre-processing stage, the time-domain features are calculated, and the body motion is classified by a decision-tree based random forest machine learning algorithm which is most suitable for real-time processing. The features were carefully chosen to exclude those that exhibit the same tendency based on the mean and variance of the features to avoid overfitting. The measurements demonstrated successful real-time body motion classification and revealed the potential for practical use in various daily-life applications.

  • Multiple Human Tracking Using an Omnidirectional Camera with Local Rectification and World Coordinates Representation

    Hitoshi NISHIMURA  Naoya MAKIBUCHI  Kazuyuki TASAKA  Yasutomo KAWANISHI  Hiroshi MURASE  


    E103-D No:6

    Multiple human tracking is widely used in various fields such as marketing and surveillance. The typical approach associates human detection results between consecutive frames using the features and bounding boxes (position+size) of detected humans. Some methods use an omnidirectional camera to cover a wider area, but ID switch often occurs in association with detections due to following two factors: i) The feature is adversely affected because the bounding box includes many background regions when a human is captured from an oblique angle. ii) The position and size change dramatically between consecutive frames because the distance metric is non-uniform in an omnidirectional image. In this paper, we propose a novel method that accurately tracks humans with an association metric for omnidirectional images. The proposed method has two key points: i) For feature extraction, we introduce local rectification, which reduces the effect of background regions in the bounding box. ii) For distance calculation, we describe the positions in a world coordinate system where the distance metric is uniform. In the experiments, we confirmed that the Multiple Object Tracking Accuracy (MOTA) improved 3.3 in the LargeRoom dataset and improved 2.3 in the SmallRoom dataset.

  • Improving the Accuracy of Spectrum-Based Fault Localization Using Multiple Rules

    Rongcun WANG  Shujuan JIANG  Kun ZHANG  Qiao YU  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E103-D No:6

    Software fault localization, as one of the essential activities in program debugging, aids to software developers to identify the locations of faults in a program, thus reducing the cost of program debugging. Spectrum-based fault localization (SBFL), as one of the representative localization techniques, has been intensively studied. The localization technique calculates the probability of each program entity that is faulty by a certain suspiciousness formula. The accuracy of SBFL is not always as satisfactory as expected because it neglects the contextual information of statement executions. Therefore, we proposed 5 rules, i.e., random, the maximum coverage, the minimum coverage, the maximum distance, and the minimum distance, to improve the accuracy of SBFL for further. The 5 rules can effectively use the contextual information of statement executions. Moreover, they can be implemented on the traditional SBFL techniques using suspiciousness formulas with little effort. We empirically evaluated the impacts of the rules on 17 suspiciousness formulas. The results show that all 5 rules can significantly improve the ranking of faulty statements. Particularly, for the faults difficult to locate, the improvement is more remarkable. Generally, the rules can effectively reduce the number of statements examined by an average of more than 19%. Compared with other rules, the minimum coverage rule generates better results. This indicates that the application of the test case having the minimum coverage capability for fault localization is more effective.

  • Hand-Dorsa Vein Recognition Based on Selective Deep Convolutional Feature

    Zaiyu PAN  Jun WANG  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E103-D No:6

    A pre-trained deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) is adopted as a feature extractor to extract the feature representation of vein images for hand-dorsa vein recognition. In specific, a novel selective deep convolutional feature is proposed to obtain more representative and discriminative feature representation. Extensive experiments on the lab-made database obtain the state-of-the-art recognition result, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed model.

  • End-to-End Multilingual Speech Recognition System with Language Supervision Training

    Danyang LIU  Ji XU  Pengyuan ZHANG  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E103-D No:6

    End-to-end (E2E) multilingual automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems aim to recognize multilingual speeches in a unified framework. In the current E2E multilingual ASR framework, the output prediction for a specific language lacks constraints on the output scope of modeling units. In this paper, a language supervision training strategy is proposed with language masks to constrain the neural network output distribution. To simulate the multilingual ASR scenario with unknown language identity information, a language identification (LID) classifier is applied to estimate the language masks. On four Babel corpora, the proposed E2E multilingual ASR system achieved an average absolute word error rate (WER) reduction of 2.6% compared with the multilingual baseline system.

  • Transmission-Quality-Aware Online Network Design and Provisioning Enabled by Optical Performance Monitoring

    Keisuke KAYANO  Yojiro MORI  Hiroshi HASEGAWA  Ken-ichi SATO  Shoichiro ODA  Setsuo YOSHIDA  Takeshi HOSHIDA  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E103-B No:6

    The spectral efficiency of photonic networks can be enhanced by the use of higher modulation orders and narrower channel bandwidth. Unfortunately, these solutions are precluded by the margins required to offset uncertainties in system performance. Furthermore, as recently highlighted, the disaggregation of optical transport systems increases the required margin. We propose here highly spectrally efficient networks, whose margins are minimized by transmission-quality-aware adaptive modulation-order/channel-bandwidth assignment enabled by optical performance monitoring (OPM). Their effectiveness is confirmed by experiments on 400-Gbps dual-polarization quadrature phase shift keying (DP-QPSK) and 16-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (DP-16QAM) signals with the application of recently developed Q-factor-based OPM. Four-subcarrier 32-Gbaud DP-QPSK signals within 150/162.5/175GHz and two-subcarrier 32-Gbaud DP-16QAM signals within 75/87.5/100GHz are experimentally analyzed. Numerical network simulations in conjunction with the experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can drastically improve network spectral efficiency.

  • In-Situ N2-Plasma Nitridation for High-k HfN Gate Insulator Formed by Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma Sputtering

    Shun-ichiro OHMI  Shin ISHIMATSU  Yuske HORIUCHI  Sohya KUDOH  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E103-C No:6

    We have investigated the in-situ N2-plasma nitridation for high-k HfN gate insulator formed by electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma sputtering to improve the electrical characteristics. It was found that the increase of nitridation gas pressure for the deposited HfN1.1 gate insulator, such as 98 mPa, decreased both the hysteresis width in C-V characteristics and leakage current. Furthermore, the 2-step nitiridation process with the nitridation gas pressure of 26 mPa followed by the nitridation at 98 mPa realized the decrease of equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) to 0.9 nm with decreasing the hysteresis width and leakage current. The fabricated metal-insulator-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MISFET) with 2-step nitridation showed a steep subthreshold swing of 87 mV/dec.

  • Temporally Forward Nonlinear Scale Space for High Frame Rate and Ultra-Low Delay A-KAZE Matching System

    Songlin DU  Yuan LI  Takeshi IKENAGA  


    E103-D No:6

    High frame rate and ultra-low delay are the most essential requirements for building excellent human-machine-interaction systems. As a state-of-the-art local keypoint detection and feature extraction algorithm, A-KAZE shows high accuracy and robustness. Nonlinear scale space is one of the most important modules in A-KAZE, but it not only has at least one frame delay and but also is not hardware friendly. This paper proposes a hardware oriented nonlinear scale space for high frame rate and ultra-low delay A-KAZE matching system. In the proposed matching system, one part of nonlinear scale space is temporally forward and calculated in the previous frame (proposal #1), so that the processing delay is reduced to be less than 1 ms. To improve the matching accuracy affected by proposal #1, pre-adjustment of nonlinear scale (proposal #2) is proposed. Previous two frames are used to do motion estimation to predict the motion vector between previous frame and current frame. For further improvement of matching accuracy, pixel-level pre-adjustment (proposal #3) is proposed. The pre-adjustment changes from block-level to pixel-level, each pixel is assigned an unique motion vector. Experimental results prove that the proposed matching system shows average matching accuracy higher than 95% which is 5.88% higher than the existing high frame rate and ultra-low delay matching system. As for hardware performance, the proposed matching system processes VGA videos (640×480 pixels/frame) at the speed of 784 frame/second (fps) with a delay of 0.978 ms/frame.

  • Temporal Constraints and Block Weighting Judgement Based High Frame Rate and Ultra-Low Delay Mismatch Removal System

    Songlin DU  Zhe WANG  Takeshi IKENAGA  


    E103-D No:6

    High frame rate and ultra-low delay matching system plays an increasingly important role in human-machine interactions, because it guarantees high-quality experiences for users. Existing image matching algorithms always generate mismatches which heavily weaken the performance the human-machine-interactive systems. Although many mismatch removal algorithms have been proposed, few of them achieve real-time speed with high frame rate and low delay, because of complicated arithmetic operations and iterations. This paper proposes a temporal constraints and block weighting judgement based high frame rate and ultra-low delay mismatch removal system. The proposed method is based on two temporal constraints (proposal #1 and proposal #2) to firstly find some true matches, and uses these true matches to generate block weighting (proposal #3). Proposal #1 finds out some correct matches through checking a triangle route formed by three adjacent frames. Proposal #2 further reduces mismatch risk by adding one more time of matching with opposite matching direction. Finally, proposal #3 distinguishes the unverified matches to be correct or incorrect through weighting of each block. Software experiments show that the proposed mismatch removal system achieves state-of-the-art accuracy in mismatch removal. Hardware experiments indicate that the designed image processing core successfully achieves real-time processing of 784fps VGA (640×480 pixels/frame) video on field programmable gate array (FPGA), with a delay of 0.858 ms/frame.

  • Extended Inter-Device Digital Rights Sharing and Transfer Based on Device-Owner Equality Verification Using Homomorphic Encryption

    Yoshihiko OMORI  Takao YAMASHITA  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E103-D No:6

    In this paper, we propose homomorphic encryption based device owner equality verification (HE-DOEV), a new method to verify whether the owners of two devices are the same. The proposed method is expected to be used for credential sharing among devices owned by the same user. Credential sharing is essential to improve the usability of devices with hardware-assisted trusted environments, such as a secure element (SE) and a trusted execution environment (TEE), for securely storing credentials such as private keys. In the HE-DOEV method, we assume that the owner of every device is associated with a public key infrastructure (PKI) certificate issued by an identity provider (IdP), where a PKI certificate is used to authenticate the owner of a device. In the HE-DOEV method, device owner equality is collaboratively verified by user devices and IdPs that issue PKI certificates to them. The HE-DOEV method verifies device owner equality under the condition where multiple IdPs can issue PKI certificates to user devices. In addition, it can verify the equality of device owners without disclosing to others any privacy-related information such as personally identifiable information and long-lived identifiers managed by an entity. The disclosure of privacy-related information is eliminated by using homomorphic encryption. We evaluated the processing performance of a server needed for an IdP in the HE-DOEV method. The evaluation showed that the HE-DOEV method can provide a DOEV service for 100 million users by using a small-scale system in terms of the number of servers.

  • A Calibration Method for Linear Arrays in the Presence of Gain-Phase Errors

    Zheng DAI  Weimin SU  Hong GU  

    LETTER-Analog Signal Processing

    E103-A No:6

    An offline sensor gain-phase errors calibration method for a linear array using a source in unknown location is proposed. The proposed method is realized through three steps. First, based on the observed covariance matrix, we construct a function related to direction, and it is proved that when the function takes the minimum value, the corresponding value should be the direction of the calibration source. Second, the direction of calibration source is estimated by locating the valley from the constructed function. Third, the gain-phase errors are obtained based on the estimated direction. The proposed method offers a number of advantages. First, the accurate direction measurement of the calibration source is not required. Second, only one calibration source needs to be arranged. Third, it does not require an iterative procedure or a two-dimensional (2D) spectral search. Fourth, the method is applicable to linear arrays, not only to uniform linear arrays (ULAs). Numerical simulations are presented to verify the efficacy of the proposed method.

  • Heartbeat Interval Error Compensation Method for Low Sampling Rates Photoplethysmography Sensors

    Kento WATANABE  Shintaro IZUMI  Yuji YANO  Hiroshi KAWAGUCHI  Masahiko YOSHIMOTO  


    E103-B No:6

    This study presents a method for improving the heartbeat interval accuracy of photoplethysmographic (PPG) sensors at ultra-low sampling rates. Although sampling rate reduction can extend battery life, it increases the sampling error and degrades the accuracy of the extracted heartbeat interval. To overcome these drawbacks, a sampling-error compensation method is proposed in this study. The sampling error is reduced by using linear interpolation and autocorrelation based on the waveform similarity of heartbeats in PPG. Furthermore, this study introduces two-line approximation and first derivative PPG (FDPPG) to improve the waveform similarity at ultra-low sampling rates. The proposed method was evaluated using measured PPG and reference electrocardiogram (ECG) of seven subjects. The results reveal that the mean absolute error (MAE) of 4.11ms was achieved for the heartbeat intervals at a sampling rate of 10Hz, compared with 1-kHz ECG sampling. The heartbeat interval error was also evaluated based on a heart rate variability (HRV) analysis. Furthermore, the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of the low-frequency/high-frequency (LF/HF) components obtained from the 10-Hz PPG is shown to decrease from 38.3% to 3.3%. This error is small enough for practical HRV analysis.

  • Facilitating Use of Assurance Cases in Industries by Workshops with an Agent-Based Method

    Yutaka MATSUNO  Toshinori TAKAI  Shuichiro YAMAMOTO  


    E103-D No:6

    Assurance cases are documents for arguing that systems satisfy required properties such as safety and security in the given environment based on sufficient evidence. As systems become complex and networked, the importance of assurance cases has become significant. However, we observe that creating assurance cases has some essential difficulties, and unfortunately it seems that assurance cases have not been widely used in industries. For this problem, we have been developing assurance cases creation methods and opening workshops based on the creation methods. This paper presents an assurance cases creation method called “D-Case Steps” which is based on d* framework[1], an agent-based assurance case method, and reports the results of workshops. The results indicate that our workshops have been improved and our activities on assurance cases facilitates use of them in Japan. This paper is an extended version of [2]. We add detailed background and related works, workshops results and evaluation, and lessons learned from our a decade experiences.

  • Rapid Revolution Speed Control of the Brushless DC Motor for Automotive LIDAR Applications

    Hironobu AKITA  Tsunenobu KIMOTO  

    PAPER-Storage Technology

    E103-C No:6

    A laser imaging detection and ranging (LIDAR) is one of the key sensors for autonomous driving. In order to improve its performance of the measurable distance, especially toward the front-side direction of the vehicle, this paper presents rapid revolution speed control of a brushless DC (BLDC) motor with a cyclostationary command signal. This enables the increase of the signal integration time for the designated direction, and thus improves the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), while maintaining the averaged revolution speed. We propose the use of pre-emphasis circuits to accelerate and decelerate the revolution speed of the motor rapidly, by modifying the command signal so as to enhance the transition of the speed. The adaptive signal processing can adjust coefficients of the pre-emphasis filter automatically, so that it can compensate for the decayed response of the motor and its controller. Experiments with a 20-W BLDC motor prove that the proposed technique can achieve the actual revolution speed output to track the designated speed profile ranging from 600 to 1400 revolutions per minute (rpm) during one turn.

  • Privacy-Aware Best-Balanced Multilingual Communication

    Mondheera PITUXCOOSUVARN  Takao NAKAGUCHI  Donghui LIN  Toru ISHIDA  


    E103-D No:6

    In machine translation (MT) mediated human-to-human communication, it is not an easy task to select the languages and translation services to be used as the users have various language backgrounds and skills. Our previous work introduced the best-balanced machine translation mechanism (BBMT) to automatically select the languages and translation services so as to equalize the language barriers of participants and to guarantee their equal opportunities in joining conversations. To assign proper languages to be used, however, the mechanism needs information of the participants' language skills, typically participants' language test scores. Since it is important to keep test score confidential, as well as other sensitive information, this paper introduces agents, which exchange encrypted information, and secure computation to ensure that agents can select the languages and translation services without destroying privacy. Our contribution is to introduce a multi-agent system with secure computation that can protect the privacy of users in multilingual communication. To our best knowledge, it is the first attempt to introduce multi-agent systems and secure computing to this area. The key idea is to model interactions among agents who deal with user's sensitive data, and to distribute calculation tasks to three different types of agents, together with data encryption, so no agent is able to access or recover participants' score.

  • Evaluation of Electromagnetic Noise Emitted from Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Lamps and Compatibility with Wireless Medical Telemetry Service

    Kai ISHIDA  Ifong WU  Kaoru GOTOH  Yasushi MATSUMOTO  


    E103-B No:6

    Wireless medical telemetry service (WMTS) is an important wireless communication system in healthcare facilities. Recently, the potential for electromagnetic interference by noise emitted by switching regulators installed in light-emitting diode (LED) lamps has been a serious problem. In this study, we evaluated the characteristics of the electromagnetic noise emitted from LED lamps and its effect on WMTS. Switching regulators generally emit wide band impulsive noise whose bandwidth reaches 400MHz in some instances owing to the switching operation, but this impulsive nature is difficult to identify in the reception of WMTS because the bandwidth of WMTS is much narrower than that of electromagnetic noise. Gaussian approximation (GA) can be adopted for band-limited electromagnetic noise whose characteristics have no repetitive variation. On the other hand, GA with the impulsive correction factor (ICF) can be adopted for band-limited electromagnetic noise that has repetitive variation. We investigate the minimum receiver sensitivity of WMTS for it to be affected by electromagnetic noise emitted from LED lamps. The required carrier-to-noise power ratio (CNR) of Gaussian noise and electromagnetic noise for which GA can be adopted was approximately 15dB, but the electromagnetic noise for which GA with the ICF can be adopted was 3 to 4dB worse. Moreover, the spatial distribution of electromagnetic noise surrounding an LED lamp installation was measured. Finally, we roughly estimated the offset distance between the receiving antenna of WMTS and LED lamps when a WMTS signal of a certain level was added in a clinical setting using our experimental result for the required CNR.

  • A New Construction of (m+k,m)-Functions with Low Differential Uniformity Open Access

    Tailin NIU  Xi CHEN  Longjiang QU  Chao LI  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E103-A No:6

    (m+k,m)-functions with good cryptographic properties when 1≤k

  • Bee Colony Algorithm Optimization Based on Link Cost for Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Satellite Optical Networks Open Access

    Yeqi LIU  Qi ZHANG  Xiangjun XIN  Qinghua TIAN  Ying TAO  Naijin LIU  Kai LV  


    E103-B No:6

    Rapid development of modern communications has initiated essential requirements for providing efficient algorithms that can solve the routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) problem in satellite optical networks. In this paper, the bee colony algorithm optimization based on link cost for RWA (BCO-LCRWA) is tailored for satellite networks composed of intersatellite laser links. In BCO-LCRWA, a cost model of intersatellite laser links is established based on metrics of network transmission performance namely delay and wavelengths utilization, with constraints of Doppler wavelength drift, transmission delay, wavelength consistency and continuity. Specifically, the fitness function of bee colony exploited in the proposed algorithm takes wavelength resources utilization and communication hops into account to implement effective utilization of wavelengths, to avoid unnecessary over-detouring and ensure bit error rate (BER) performance of the system. The simulation results corroborate the improved performance of the proposed algorithm compared with the existing alternatives.

  • Adversarial Metric Learning with Naive Similarity Discriminator

    Yi-ze LE  Yong FENG  Da-jiang LIU  Bao-hua QIANG  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E103-D No:6

    Metric learning aims to generate similarity-preserved low dimensional feature vectors from input images. Most existing supervised deep metric learning methods usually define a carefully-designed loss function to make a constraint on relative position between samples in projected lower dimensional space. In this paper, we propose a novel architecture called Naive Similarity Discriminator (NSD) to learn the distribution of easy samples and predict their probability of being similar. Our purpose lies on encouraging generator network to generate vectors in fitting positions whose similarity can be distinguished by our discriminator. Adequate comparison experiments was performed to demonstrate the ability of our proposed model on retrieval and clustering tasks, with precision within specific radius, normalized mutual information and F1 score as evaluation metrics.

  • Partial Label Metric Learning Based on Statistical Inference

    Tian XIE  Hongchang CHEN  Tuosiyu MING  Jianpeng ZHANG  Chao GAO  Shaomei LI  Yuehang DING  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E103-D No:6

    In partial label data, the ground-truth label of a training example is concealed in a set of candidate labels associated with the instance. As the ground-truth label is inaccessible, it is difficult to train the classifier via the label information. Consequently, manifold structure information is adopted, which is under the assumption that neighbor/similar instances in the feature space have similar labels in the label space. However, the real-world data may not fully satisfy this assumption. In this paper, a partial label metric learning method based on likelihood-ratio test is proposed to make partial label data satisfy the manifold assumption. Moreover, the proposed method needs no objective function and treats the data pairs asymmetrically. The experimental results on several real-world PLL datasets indicate that the proposed method outperforms the existing partial label metric learning methods in terms of classification accuracy and disambiguation accuracy while costs less time.
