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  • Sentence-Embedding and Similarity via Hybrid Bidirectional-LSTM and CNN Utilizing Weighted-Pooling Attention

    Degen HUANG  Anil AHMED  Syed Yasser ARAFAT  Khawaja Iftekhar RASHID  Qasim ABBAS  Fuji REN  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E103-D No:10

    Neural networks have received considerable attention in sentence similarity measuring systems due to their efficiency in dealing with semantic composition. However, existing neural network methods are not sufficiently effective in capturing the most significant semantic information buried in an input. To address this problem, a novel weighted-pooling attention layer is proposed to retain the most remarkable attention vector. It has already been established that long short-term memory and a convolution neural network have a strong ability to accumulate enriched patterns of whole sentence semantic representation. First, a sentence representation is generated by employing a siamese structure based on bidirectional long short-term memory and a convolutional neural network. Subsequently, a weighted-pooling attention layer is applied to obtain an attention vector. Finally, the attention vector pair information is leveraged to calculate the score of sentence similarity. An amalgamation of both, bidirectional long short-term memory and a convolutional neural network has resulted in a model that enhances information extracting and learning capacity. Investigations show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches to datasets for two tasks, namely semantic relatedness and Microsoft research paraphrase identification. The new model improves the learning capability and also boosts the similarity accuracy as well.

  • Recent Advances in Practical Secure Multi-Party Computation Open Access

    Satsuya OHATA  

    INVITED PAPER-cryptography

    E103-A No:10

    Secure multi-party computation (MPC) allows a set of parties to compute a function jointly while keeping their inputs private. MPC has been actively studied, and there are many research results both in the theoretical and practical research fields. In this paper, we introduce the basic matters on MPC and show recent practical advances. We first explain the settings, security notions, and cryptographic building blocks of MPC. Then, we show and discuss current situations on higher-level secure protocols, privacy-preserving data analysis, and frameworks/compilers for implementing MPC applications with low-cost.

  • Experimental Evaluation of Intersymbol Interference in Non-Far Region Transmission using a Large Array Antenna in the Millimeter-Wave Band

    Tuchjuta RUCKKWAEN  Takashi TOMURA  Kiyomichi ARAKI  Jiro HIROKAWA  Makoto ANDO  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E103-B No:10

    Intersymbol interference (ISI) is a significant source of degradation in many digital communication systems including our proposed non-far region communication system using large array antennas in the millimeter-wave band in which the main cause of ISI can be attributed to the path delay differences among the elements of an array antenna. This paper proposes a quantitative method to evaluate the ISI estimated from the measured near-field distribution of the array antenna. The influence of the uniformity in the aperture field distribution in ISI is discussed and compared with an ideally uniform excitation. The reliability of the proposed method is verified through a comparison with another method based on direct measurements of the transmission between the actual antennas. Finally, the signal to noise plus interference is evaluated based on the estimated ISI results and ISI is shown to be the dominant cause of the degradation in the reception zone of the system.

  • Distributed Power Optimization for Cooperative Localization: A Hierarchical Game Approach

    Lu LU  Mingxing KE  Shiwei TIAN  Xiang TIAN  Tianwei LIU  Lang RUAN  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E103-B No:10

    To tackle the distributed power optimization problems in wireless sensor networks localization systems, we model the problem as a hierarchical game, i.e. a multi-leader multi-follower Stackelberg game. Existing researches focus on the power allocation of anchor nodes for ranging signals or the power management of agent nodes for cooperative localization, individually. However, the power optimizations for different nodes are indiscerptible due to the common objective of localization accuracy. So it is a new challenging task when the power allocation strategies are considered for anchor and agent nodes simultaneously. To cope with this problem, a hierarchical game is proposed where anchor nodes are modeled as leaders and agent nodes are modeled as followers. Then, we prove that games of leaders and followers are both potential games, which guarantees the Nash equilibrium (NE) of each game. Moreover, the existence of Stackelberg equilibrium (SE) is proved and achieved by the best response dynamics. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can have better localization accuracy compared with the decomposed algorithm and uniform strategy.

  • DOA-Based Weighted Spatial Filter Design for Sum and Difference Composite Co-Array

    Sho IWAZAKI  Shogo NAKAMURA  Koichi ICHIGE  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E103-B No:10

    This paper presents a weighted spatial filter (WSF) design method based on direction of arrival (DOA) estimates for a novel array configuration called a sum and difference composite co-array. A sum and difference composite co-array is basically a combination of sum and difference co-arrays. Our configuration can realize higher degrees of freedom (DOF) with the sum co-array part at a calculation cost lower than those of the other sparse arrays. To further enhance the robustness of our proposed sum and difference composite co-array we design an optimal beam pattern by WSF based on the information of estimated DOAs. Performance of the proposed system and the DOA estimation accuracy of close-impinging waves are evaluated through computer simulations.

  • Design of N-path Notch Filter Circuits for Hum Noise Suppression in Biomedical Signal Acquisition

    Khilda AFIFAH  Nicodimus RETDIAN  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E103-C No:10

    Hum noise such as power line interference is one of the critical problems in the biomedical signal acquisition. Various techniques have been proposed to suppress power line interference. However, some of the techniques require more components and power consumption. The notch depth in the conventional N-path notch filter circuits needs a higher number of paths and switches off-resistance. It makes the conventional N-path notch filter less of efficiency to suppress hum noise. This work proposed the new N-path notch filter to hum noise suppression in biomedical signal acquisition. The new N-path notch filter achieved notch depth above 40dB with sampling frequency 50Hz and 60Hz. Although the proposed circuits use less number of path and switches off-resistance. The proposed circuit has been verified using artificial ECG signal contaminated by hum noise at frequency 50Hz and 60Hz. The output of N-path notch filter achieved a noise-free signal even if the sampling frequency changes.

  • Design of a 45 Gb/s, 98 fJ/bit, 0.02 mm2 Transimpedance Amplifier with Peaking-Dedicated Inductor in 65-nm CMOS

    Akira TSUCHIYA  Akitaka HIRATSUKA  Kenji TANAKA  Hiroyuki FUKUYAMA  Naoki MIURA  Hideyuki NOSAKA  Hidetoshi ONODERA  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E103-C No:10

    This paper presents a design of CMOS transimpedance amplifier (TIA) and peaking inductor for high speed, low power and small area. To realize high density integration of optical I/O, area reduction is an important figure as well as bandwidth, power and so on. To determine design parameters of multi-stage inverter-type TIA (INV-TIA) with peaking inductors, we derive a simplified model of the bandwidth and the energy per bit. Multi-layered on-chip inductors are designed for area-effective inductive peaking. A 5-stage INV-TIA with 3 peaking inductors is fabricated in a 65-nm CMOS. By using multi-layered inductors, 0.02 mm2 area is achieved. Measurement results show 45 Gb/s operation with 49 dBΩ transimpedance gain and 4.4 mW power consumption. The TIA achieves 98 fJ/bit energy efficiency.

  • Weight Compression MAC Accelerator for Effective Inference of Deep Learning Open Access

    Asuka MAKI  Daisuke MIYASHITA  Shinichi SASAKI  Kengo NAKATA  Fumihiko TACHIBANA  Tomoya SUZUKI  Jun DEGUCHI  Ryuichi FUJIMOTO  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E103-C No:10

    Many studies of deep neural networks have reported inference accelerators for improved energy efficiency. We propose methods for further improving energy efficiency while maintaining recognition accuracy, which were developed by the co-design of a filter-by-filter quantization scheme with variable bit precision and a hardware architecture that fully supports it. Filter-wise quantization reduces the average bit precision of weights, so execution times and energy consumption for inference are reduced in proportion to the total number of computations multiplied by the average bit precision of weights. The hardware utilization is also improved by a bit-parallel architecture suitable for granularly quantized bit precision of weights. We implement the proposed architecture on an FPGA and demonstrate that the execution cycles are reduced to 1/5.3 for ResNet-50 on ImageNet in comparison with a conventional method, while maintaining recognition accuracy.

  • Feedback Signal Processing that Improves Accuracy of Velocity and Direction of Arrival Estimation for Automotive Radar

    Saki SUSA TANAKA  Akira KITAYAMA  Yukinori AKAMINE  Hiroshi KURODA  

    BRIEF PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E103-C No:10

    For automotive millimeter radar, a method using a multi-input multi-output (MIMO) array antenna is essential for high angle resolution with module miniaturization. MIMO enables us to extend an antenna array with virtual antennas, and a large antenna array aperture enables high resolution angle estimation. Time division multiplex (TDM) MIMO, which is a method to generate virtual array antennas, makes it easy to design radar system integrated circuits. However, this method leads to two issues in signal processing; the phase error reduces the accuracy of angle estimation of a moving target, and the maximum detectable velocity decreases in inverse proportion to the number of Tx antennas. We analytically derived this phase error and proposed a method to correct the error. Because the phase error of TDM-MIMO is proportional to the target velocity, accurate estimation of the target velocity is an important issue for phase error correction. However, the decrease of the maximum detectable velocity in TDM-MIMO reduces the accuracy of both velocity estimation and angle estimation. To solve these issues, we propose new signal processing for range-velocity estimation for TDM-MIMO radar. By using the feedback result of the estimated direction of arrival (DoA), we can avoid decreasing the maximum detectable velocity. We explain our method with our simulation results.

  • Algorithm-Hardware Co-Design of Real-Time Edge Detection for Deep-Space Autonomous Optical Navigation

    Hao XIAO  Yanming FAN  Fen GE  Zhang ZHANG  Xin CHENG  


    E103-D No:10

    Optical navigation (OPNAV) is the use of the on-board imaging data to provide a direct measurement of the image coordinates of the target as navigation information. Among the optical observables in deep-space, the edge of the celestial body is an important feature that can be utilized for locating the planet centroid. However, traditional edge detection algorithms like Canny algorithm cannot be applied directly for OPNAV due to the noise edges caused by surface markings. Moreover, due to the constrained computation and energy capacity on-board, light-weight image-processing algorithms with less computational complexity are desirable for real-time processing. Thus, to fast and accurately extract the edge of the celestial body from high-resolution satellite imageries, this paper presents an algorithm-hardware co-design of real-time edge detection for OPNAV. First, a light-weight edge detection algorithm is proposed to efficiently detect the edge of the celestial body while suppressing the noise edges caused by surface markings. Then, we further present an FPGA implementation of the proposed algorithm with an optimized real-time performance and resource efficiency. Experimental results show that, compared with the traditional edge detection algorithms, our proposed one enables more accurate celestial body edge detection, while simplifying the hardware implementation.

  • An MMT-Based Hierarchical Transmission Module for 4K/120fps Temporally Scalable Video

    Yasuhiro MOCHIDA  Takayuki NAKACHI  Takahiro YAMAGUCHI  


    E103-D No:10

    High frame rate (HFR) video is attracting strong interest since it is considered as a next step toward providing Ultra-High Definition video service. For instance, the Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) standard, the latest broadcasting standard in Japan, defines a 120 fps broadcasting format. The standard stipulates temporally scalable coding and hierarchical transmission by MPEG Media Transport (MMT), in which the base layer and the enhancement layer are transmitted over different paths for flexible distribution. We have developed the first ever MMT transmitter/receiver module for 4K/120fps temporally scalable video. The module is equipped with a newly proposed encapsulation method of temporally scalable bitstreams with correct boundaries. It is also designed to be tolerant to severe network constraints, including packet loss, arrival timing offset, and delay jitter. We conducted a hierarchical transmission experiment for 4K/120fps temporally scalable video. The experiment demonstrated that the MMT module was successfully fabricated and capable of dealing with severe network constraints. Consequently, the module has excellent potential as a means to support HFR video distribution in various network situations.

  • Optimal Rejuvenation Policies for Non-Markovian Availability Models with Aperiodic Checkpointing

    Junjun ZHENG  Hiroyuki OKAMURA  Tadashi DOHI  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E103-D No:10

    In this paper, we present non-Markovian availability models for capturing the dynamics of system behavior of an operational software system that undergoes aperiodic time-based software rejuvenation and checkpointing. Two availability models with rejuvenation are considered taking account of the procedure after the completion of rollback recovery operation. We further proceed to investigate whether there exists the optimal rejuvenation schedule that maximizes the steady-state system availability, which is derived by means of the phase expansion technique, since the resulting models are not the trivial stochastic models such as semi-Markov process and Markov regenerative process, so that it is hard to solve them by using the common approaches like Laplace-Stieltjes transform and embedded Markov chain techniques. The numerical experiments are conducted to determine the optimal rejuvenation trigger timing maximizing the steady-state system availability for each availability model, and to compare both two models.

  • Local Riesz Pyramid for Faster Phase-Based Video Magnification

    Shoichiro TAKEDA  Megumi ISOGAI  Shinya SHIMIZU  Hideaki KIMATA  


    E103-D No:10

    Phase-based video magnification methods can magnify and reveal subtle motion changes invisible to the naked eye. In these methods, each image frame in a video is decomposed into an image pyramid, and subtle motion changes are then detected as local phase changes with arbitrary orientations at each pixel and each pyramid level. One problem with this process is a long computational time to calculate the local phase changes, which makes high-speed processing of video magnification difficult. Recently, a decomposition technique called the Riesz pyramid has been proposed that detects only local phase changes in the dominant orientation. This technique can remove the arbitrariness of orientations and lower the over-completeness, thus achieving high-speed processing. However, as the resolution of input video increases, a large amount of data must be processed, requiring a long computational time. In this paper, we focus on the correlation of local phase changes between adjacent pyramid levels and present a novel decomposition technique called the local Riesz pyramid that enables faster phase-based video magnification by automatically processing the minimum number of sufficient local image areas at several pyramid levels. Through this minimum pyramid processing, our proposed phase-based video magnification method using the local Riesz pyramid achieves good magnification results within a short computational time.

  • Horn and Lens Antenna with Low Height and Low Antenna Coupling for Compact Automotive 77-GHz Long-Range Radar

    Akira KURIYAMA  Hideyuki NAGAISHI  Hiroshi KURODA  Akira KITAYAMA  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E103-C No:10

    Smaller antenna structures for long-range radar transmitters and receivers operating in the 77-GHz band for automotive application have been achieved by using antennas with a horn, lens, and microstrip antenna. The transmitter (Tx) antenna height was reduced while keeping the antenna gain high and the antenna substrate small by developing an antenna structure composed of two differential horn and lens antennas in which the diameter and focus distance of the lenses were half those in the previous design. The microstrip antennas are directly connected to the differential outputs of a monolithic microwave integrated circuit. A Tx antenna fabricated using commercially available materials was 14mm high and had an output-aperture of 18×44mm. It achieved an antenna gain of 23.5dBi. The antenna substrate must be at least 96mm2. The antenna had a flat beam with half-power elevation and azimuth beamwidths of 4.5° and 21°, respectively. A receiver (Rx) antenna array composed of four sets of horn and lens antennas with an output-aperture of 9×22mm and a two-by-two array configuration was fabricated for application in a newly proposed small front-end module with azimuth direction of arrival (DOA) estimation. The Rx antenna array had an antenna coupling of less than -31dB in the 77-GHz band, which is small enough for DOA estimation by frequency-modulated continuous wave radar receivers even though the four antennas are arranged without any separation between their output-apertures.

  • An Energy Harvesting Modified MAC Protocol for Power-Line Communication Systems Using RF Energy Transfer: Design and Analysis

    Sheng HAO  Huyin ZHANG  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E103-B No:10

    Radio frequency energy transfer (RET) technology has been introduced as a promising energy harvesting (EH) method to supply power in both wireless communication (WLC) and power-line communication (PLC) systems. However, current RET modified MAC (medium access control) protocols have been proposed only for WLC systems. Due to the difference in the MAC standard between WLC and PLC systems, these protocols are not suitable for PLC systems. Therefore, how to utilize RET technology to modify the MAC protocol of PLC systems (i.e., IEEE 1901), which can use the radio frequency signal to provide the transmission power and the PLC medium to finish the data transmission, i.e., realizing the ‘cooperative communication’ remains a challenge. To resolve this problem, we propose a RET modified MAC protocol for PLC systems (RET-PLC MAC). Firstly, we improve the standard PLC frame sequence by adding consultation and confirmation frames, so that the station can obtain suitable harvested energy, once it occupied the PLC medium, and the PLC system can be operated in an on-demand and self-sustainable manner. On this basis, we present the working principle of RET-PLC MAC. Then, we establish an analytical model to allow mathematical verification of RET-PLC MAC. A 2-dimension discrete Markov chain model is employed to derive the numerical analysis results of RET-PLC MAC. The impacts of buffer size, traffic rate, deferral counter process of 1901, heterogeneous environment and quality of information (QoI) are comprehensively considered in the modeling process. Moreover, we deduce the optimal results of system throughput and expected QoI. Through extensive simulations, we show the performance of RET-PLC MAC under different system parameters, and verify the corresponding analytical model. Our work provides insights into realizing cooperative communication at PLC's MAC layer.

  • Complexity of the Maximum k-Path Vertex Cover Problem

    Eiji MIYANO  Toshiki SAITOH  Ryuhei UEHARA  Tsuyoshi YAGITA  Tom C. van der ZANDEN  

    PAPER-complexity theory

    E103-A No:10

    This paper introduces the maximization version of the k-path vertex cover problem, called the MAXIMUM K-PATH VERTEX COVER problem (MaxPkVC for short): A path consisting of k vertices, i.e., a path of length k-1 is called a k-path. If a k-path Pk includes a vertex v in a vertex set S, then we say that v or S covers Pk. Given a graph G=(V, E) and an integer s, the goal of MaxPkVC is to find a vertex subset S⊆V of at most s vertices such that the number of k-paths covered by S is maximized. The problem MaxPkVC is generally NP-hard. In this paper we consider the tractability/intractability of MaxPkVC on subclasses of graphs. We prove that MaxP3VC remains NP-hard even for split graphs. Furthermore, if the input graph is restricted to graphs with constant bounded treewidth, then MaxP3VC can be solved in polynomial time.

  • Recent Progress on Design Method of Microwave Power Amplifier and Applications for Microwave Heating Open Access

    Toshio ISHIZAKI  Takayuki MATSUMURO  

    INVITED PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E103-C No:10

    Recently, GaN devices are often adopted in microwave power amplifiers to improve the performances. And many new design methods of microwave power amplifier were proposed. As a result, a high-efficiency and super compact microwave signal source has become easily available. It opens up the way for new microwave heating systems. In this paper, the recent progress on design methods of microwave power amplifier and the applications for microwave heating are described. In the first, a device model of GaN transistor is explained. An equivalent thermal model is introduced into the electrical non-linear equivalent device model. In the second, an active load-pull (ALP) measurement system to design a high-efficiency power amplifier is explained. The principle of the conventional closed-loop ALP system is explained. To avoid the risk of oscillation for the closed-loop ALP system, novel ALP systems are proposed. In the third, a microwave heating system is explained. The heating system monitors the reflection wave. Then, the frequency of the signal source and the phase difference between antennas are controlled to minimize the reflection wave. Absorption efficiency of more than 90% was obtained by the control of frequency and phase. In the last part, applications for a medical instrument is described.

  • Real-Time Detection of Global Cyberthreat Based on Darknet by Estimating Anomalous Synchronization Using Graphical Lasso

    Chansu HAN  Jumpei SHIMAMURA  Takeshi TAKAHASHI  Daisuke INOUE  Jun'ichi TAKEUCHI  Koji NAKAO  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E103-D No:10

    With the rapid evolution and increase of cyberthreats in recent years, it is necessary to detect and understand it promptly and precisely to reduce the impact of cyberthreats. A darknet, which is an unused IP address space, has a high signal-to-noise ratio, so it is easier to understand the global tendency of malicious traffic in cyberspace than other observation networks. In this paper, we aim to capture global cyberthreats in real time. Since multiple hosts infected with similar malware tend to perform similar behavior, we propose a system that estimates a degree of synchronizations from the patterns of packet transmission time among the source hosts observed in unit time of the darknet and detects anomalies in real time. In our evaluation, we perform our proof-of-concept implementation of the proposed engine to demonstrate its feasibility and effectiveness, and we detect cyberthreats with an accuracy of 97.14%. This work is the first practical trial that detects cyberthreats from in-the-wild darknet traffic regardless of new types and variants in real time, and it quantitatively evaluates the result.

  • Construction of an Efficient Divided/Distributed Neural Network Model Using Edge Computing

    Ryuta SHINGAI  Yuria HIRAGA  Hisakazu FUKUOKA  Takamasa MITANI  Takashi NAKADA  Yasuhiko NAKASHIMA  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E103-D No:10

    Modern deep learning has significantly improved performance and has been used in a wide variety of applications. Since the amount of computation required for the inference process of the neural network is large, it is processed not by the data acquisition location like a surveillance camera but by the server with abundant computing power installed in the data center. Edge computing is getting considerable attention to solve this problem. However, edge computing can provide limited computation resources. Therefore, we assumed a divided/distributed neural network model using both the edge device and the server. By processing part of the convolution layer on edge, the amount of communication becomes smaller than that of the sensor data. In this paper, we have evaluated AlexNet and the other eight models on the distributed environment and estimated FPS values with Wi-Fi, 3G, and 5G communication. To reduce communication costs, we also introduced the compression process before communication. This compression may degrade the object recognition accuracy. As necessary conditions, we set FPS to 30 or faster and object recognition accuracy to 69.7% or higher. This value is determined based on that of an approximation model that binarizes the activation of Neural Network. We constructed performance and energy models to find the optimal configuration that consumes minimum energy while satisfying the necessary conditions. Through the comprehensive evaluation, we found that the optimal configurations of all nine models. For small models, such as AlexNet, processing entire models in the edge was the best. On the other hand, for huge models, such as VGG16, processing entire models in the server was the best. For medium-size models, the distributed models were good candidates. We confirmed that our model found the most energy efficient configuration while satisfying FPS and accuracy requirements, and the distributed models successfully reduced the energy consumption up to 48.6%, and 6.6% on average. We also found that HEVC compression is important before transferring the input data or the feature data between the distributed inference processes.

  • Secure OMP Computation Maintaining Sparse Representations and Its Application to EtC Systems

    Takayuki NAKACHI  Hitoshi KIYA  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E103-D No:9

    In this paper, we propose a secure computation of sparse coding and its application to Encryption-then-Compression (EtC) systems. The proposed scheme introduces secure sparse coding that allows computation of an Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) algorithm in an encrypted domain. We prove theoretically that the proposed method estimates exactly the same sparse representations that the OMP algorithm for non-encrypted computation does. This means that there is no degradation of the sparse representation performance. Furthermore, the proposed method can control the sparsity without decoding the encrypted signals. Next, we propose an EtC system based on the secure sparse coding. The proposed secure EtC system can protect the private information of the original image contents while performing image compression. It provides the same rate-distortion performance as that of sparse coding without encryption, as demonstrated on both synthetic data and natural images.
