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  • Highly Efficient Mobile Visual Search Algorithm

    Chuang ZHU  Xiao Feng HUANG  Guo Qing XIANG  Hui Hui DONG  Jia Wen SONG  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E101-D No:12

    In this paper, we propose a highly efficient mobile visual search algorithm. For descriptor extraction process, we propose a low complexity feature detection which utilizes the detected local key points of the coarse octaves to guide the scale space construction and feature detection in the fine octave. The Gaussian and Laplacian operations are skipped for the unimportant area, and thus the computing time is saved. Besides, feature selection is placed before orientation computing to further reduce the complexity of feature detection by pre-discarding some unimportant local points. For the image retrieval process, we design a high-performance reranking method, which merges both the global descriptor matching score and the local descriptor similarity score (LDSS). In the calculating of LDSS, the tf-idf weighted histogram matching is performed to integrate the statistical information of the database. The results show that the proposed highly efficient approach achieves comparable performance with the state-of-the-art for mobile visual search, while the descriptor extraction complexity is largely reduced.

  • Local Feature Reliability Measure Consistent with Match Conditions for Mobile Visual Search

    Kohei MATSUZAKI  Kazuyuki TASAKA  Hiromasa YANAGIHARA  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E101-D No:12

    We propose a feature design method for a mobile visual search based on binary features and a bag-of-visual words framework. In mobile visual search, detection error and quantization error are unavoidable due to viewpoint changes and cause performance degradation. Typical approaches to visual search extract features from a single view of reference images, though such features are insufficient to manage detection and quantization errors. In this paper, we extract features from multiview synthetic images. These features are selected according to our novel reliability measure which enables robust recognition against various viewpoint changes. We regard feature selection as a maximum coverage problem. That is, we find a finite set of features maximizing an objective function under certain constraints. As this problem is NP-hard and thus computationally infeasible, we explore approximate solutions based on a greedy algorithm. For this purpose, we propose novel constraint functions which are designed to be consistent with the match conditions in the visual search method. Experiments show that the proposed method improves retrieval accuracy by 12.7 percentage points without increasing the database size or changing the search procedure. In other words, the proposed method enables more accurate search without adversely affecting the database size, computational cost, and memory requirement.

  • New Context-Adaptive Arithmetic Coding Scheme for Lossless Bit Rate Reduction of Parametric Stereo in Enhanced aacPlus

    Hee-Suk PANG  Jun-seok LIM  Hyun-Young JIN  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E101-D No:12

    We propose a new context-adaptive arithmetic coding (CAAC) scheme for lossless bit rate reduction of parametric stereo (PS) in enhanced aacPlus. Based on the probability analysis of stereo parameters indexes in PS, we propose a stereo band-dependent CAAC scheme for PS. We also propose a new coding structure of the scheme which is simple but effective. The proposed scheme has normal and memory-reduced versions, which are superior to the original and conventional schemes and guarantees significant bit rate reduction of PS. The proposed scheme can be an alternative to the original PS coding scheme at low bit rate, where coding efficiency is very important.

  • Two Constructions of Semi-Bent Functions with Perfect Three-Level Additive Autocorrelation

    Deng TANG  Shaojing FU  Yang YANG  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E101-A No:12

    Semi-bent functions have very high nonlinearity and hence they have many applications in symmetric-key cryptography, binary sequence design for communications, and combinatorics. In this paper, we focus on studying the additive autocorrelation of semi-bent functions. We provide a lower bound on the maximum additive autocorrelation absolute value of semi-bent functions with three-level additive autocorrelation. Semi-bent functions with three-level additive autocorrelation achieving this bound with equality are said to have perfect three-level additive autocorrelation. We present two classes of balanced semi-bent functions with optimal algebraic degree and perfect three-level additive autocorrelation.

  • The Panpositionable Pancyclicity of Locally Twisted Cubes

    Hon-Chan CHEN  

    PAPER-Graph Algorithms

    E101-D No:12

    In a multiprocessor system, processors are connected based on various types of network topologies. A network topology is usually represented by a graph. Let G be a graph and u, v be any two distinct vertices of G. We say that G is pancyclic if G has a cycle C of every length l(C) satisfying 3≤l(C)≤|V(G)|, where |V(G)| denotes the total number of vertices in G. Moreover, G is panpositionably pancyclic from r if for any integer m satisfying $r leq m leq rac{|V(G)|}{2}$, G has a cycle C containing u and v such that dC(u,v)=m and 2m≤l(C)≤|V(G)|, where dC(u,v) denotes the distance of u and v in C. In this paper, we investigate the panpositionable pancyclicity problem with respect to the n-dimensional locally twisted cube LTQn, which is a popular topology derived from the hypercube. Let D(LTQn) denote the diameter of LTQn. We show that for n≥4 and for any integer m satisfying $D(LTQ_n) + 2 leq m leq rac{|V(LTQ_n)|}{2}$, there exists a cycle C of LTQn such that dC(u,v)=m, where (i) 2m+1≤l(C)≤|V(LTQn)| if m=D(LTQn)+2 and n is odd, and (ii) 2m≤l(C)≤|V(LTQn)| otherwise. This improves on the recent result that u and v can be positioned with a given distance on C only under the condition that l(C)=|V(LTQn)|. In parallel and distributed computing, if cycles of different lengths can be embedded, we can adjust the number of simulated processors and increase the flexibility of demand. This paper demonstrates that in LTQn, the cycle embedding containing any two distinct vertices with a feasible distance is extremely flexible.

  • A Genetic Approach for Accelerating Communication Performance by Node Mapping

    Takashi YOKOTA  Kanemitsu OOTSU  Takeshi OHKAWA  


    E101-D No:12

    This paper intends to reduce duration times in typical collective communications. We introduce logical addressing system apart from the physical one and, by rearranging the logical node addresses properly, we intend to reduce communication overheads so that ideal communication is performed. One of the key issues is rearrangement of the logical addressing system. We introduce genetic algorithm (GA) as meta-heuristic solution as well as the random search strategy. Our GA-based method achieves at most 2.50 times speedup in three-traffic-pattern cases.

  • Parallel Precomputation with Input Value Prediction for Model Predictive Control Systems

    Satoshi KAWAKAMI  Takatsugu ONO  Toshiyuki OHTSUKA  Koji INOUE  

    PAPER-Real-time Systems

    E101-D No:12

    We propose a parallel precomputation method for real-time model predictive control. The key idea is to use predicted input values produced by model predictive control to solve an optimal control problem in advance. It is well known that control systems are not suitable for multi- or many-core processors because feedback-loop control systems are inherently based on sequential operations. However, since the proposed method does not rely on conventional thread-/data-level parallelism, it can be easily applied to such control systems without changing the algorithm in applications. A practical evaluation using three real-world model predictive control system simulation programs demonstrates drastic performance improvement without degrading control quality offered by the proposed method.

  • Performance of MMSE Interference Rejection Followed by Joint MLD for DAN

    Hirokazu MIYAGI  Yukitoshi SANADA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E101-B No:12

    This paper applies minimum mean square error (MMSE) interference rejection followed by joint maximum likelihood detection (MLD) to a receiver in a distributed antenna network (DAN). DAN receivers capture not only the desired signals, but also the interference signals from nearby uncoordinated antennas. For the overloaded signal situation, non-linear detection schemes such as joint MLD can be applied to the received signals. However, the amount of metric calculations in joint MLD increases exponentially with the number of signal streams. Therefore, MMSE interference rejection followed by MLD detection is proposed. The proposed scheme reduces the complexity by a factor of 1/2M(NT-1) where NT is the number of interference signals with 2MQAM modulation. The effect of residual interference after the MMSE interference rejection is evaluated. Numerical results obtained through computer simulation and experiment show that the performance of the proposed scheme is about 4.0dB worse at a bit error rate (BER) of 10-3 than that of the joint MLD while its complexity is four times lower for QPSK signal streams. The BER performance degradation can be suppressed to about 2.5dB by adjusting the value of the coefficient in the MMSE matrix.

  • Selectively Iterative Detection Scheme Based on the Residual Power in MIMO-OFDM

    Jong-Kwang KIM  Seung-Jin CHOI  Young-Hwan YOU  Hyoung-Kyu SONG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E101-B No:12

    Multiple input multiple output with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) is used in various parts of wireless communication systems. Because the MIMO-OFDM system simultaneously transmits parallel data streams and each receive antenna receives all data streams at one time, the detection ability of the receiver is very important. Among the detection schemes suitable for OFDM, maximum likelihood (ML) detection has optimal performance, but its complexity is so high that it is infeasible. Linear detection schemes such as zero-forcing (ZF) and minimum mean square error (MMSE) have low complexity, but also low performance. Among non-linear detection schemes, the near-ML detection which is the sphere detection (SD) or the QR decomposition with M algorithm (QRD-M) also has optimal performance but the complexity of SD and QRD-M detection is also too high. Other non-linear detection schemes like successive interference cancellation (SIC) detection have low complexity. However, the performance of SIC detection is lower than other non-linear detection schemes. In this paper, selectively iterative detection is proposed for MIMO-OFDM system; it offers low complexity and good performance.

  • Function Design for Minimum Multiple-Control Toffoli Circuits of Reversible Adder/Subtractor Blocks and Arithmetic Logic Units

    Md Belayet ALI  Takashi HIRAYAMA  Katsuhisa YAMANAKA  Yasuaki NISHITANI  


    E101-A No:12

    In this paper, we propose a design of reversible adder/subtractor blocks and arithmetic logic units (ALUs). The main concept of our approach is different from that of the existing related studies; we emphasize the function design. Our approach of investigating the reversible functions includes (a) the embedding of irreversible functions into incompletely-specified reversible functions, (b) the operation assignment, and (c) the permutation of function outputs. We give some extensions of these techniques for further improvements in the design of reversible functions. The resulting reversible circuits are smaller than that of the existing design in terms of the number of multiple-control Toffoli gates. To evaluate the quantum cost of the obtained circuits, we convert the circuits to reduced quantum circuits for experiments. The results also show the superiority of our realization of adder/subtractor blocks and ALUs in quantum cost.

  • Construction of Locally Repairable Codes with Multiple Localities Based on Encoding Polynomial

    Tomoya HAMADA  Hideki YAGI  

    PAPER-Coding theory and techniques

    E101-A No:12

    Locally repairable codes, which can repair erased symbols from other symbols, have attracted a good deal of attention in recent years because its local repair property is effective on distributed storage systems. (ru, δu)u∈[s]-locally repairable codes with multiple localities, which are an extension of ordinary locally repairable codes, can repair δu-1 erased symbols simultaneously from a set consisting of at most ru symbols. An upper bound on the minimum distance of these codes and a construction method of optimal codes, attaining this bound with equality, were given by Chen, Hao, and Xia. In this paper, we discuss the parameter restrictions of the existing construction, and we propose explicit constructions of optimal codes with multiple localities with relaxed restrictions based on the encoding polynomial introduced by Tamo and Barg. The proposed construction can design a code whose minimum distance is unrealizable by the existing construction.

  • Order Adjustment Approach Using Cayley Graphs for the Order/Degree Problem

    Teruaki KITASUKA  Takayuki MATSUZAKI  Masahiro IIDA  

    PAPER-Graph Algorithms

    E101-D No:12

    The order/degree problem consists of finding the smallest diameter graph for a given order and degree. Such a graph is beneficial for designing low-latency networks with high performance for massively parallel computers. The average shortest path length (ASPL) of a graph has an influence on latency. In this paper, we propose a novel order adjustment approach. In the proposed approach, we search for Cayley graphs of the given degree that are close to the given order. We then adjust the order of the best Cayley graph to meet the given order. For some order and degree pairs, we explain how to derive the smallest known graphs from the Graph Golf 2016 and 2017 competitions.

  • Frequency Resource Management Based on Model Predictive Control for Satellite Communications System

    Yuma ABE  Hiroyuki TSUJI  Amane MIURA  Shuichi ADACHI  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E101-A No:12

    We propose an approach to allocate bandwidth for a satellite communications (SATCOM) system that includes the recent high-throughput satellite (HTS) with frequency flexibility. To efficiently operate the system, we manage the limited bandwidth resources available for SATCOM by employing a control method that allows the allocated bandwidths to exceed the communication demand of user terminals per HTS beam. To this end, we consider bandwidth allocation for SATCOM as an optimal control problem. Then, assuming that the model of communication requests is available, we propose an optimal control method by combining model predictive control and sparse optimization. The resulting control method enables the efficient use of the limited bandwidth and reduces the bandwidth loss and number of control actions for the HTS compared to a setup with conventional frequency allocation and no frequency flexibility. Furthermore, the proposed method allows to allocate bandwidth depending on various control objectives and beam priorities by tuning the corresponding weighting matrices. These findings were verified through numerical simulations by using a simple time variation model of the communication requests and predicted aircraft communication demand obtained from the analysis of actual flight tracking data.

  • Bit Labeling and Code Searches for BICM-ID Using 16-DAPSK

    Chun-Lin LIN  Tzu-Hsiang LIN  Ruey-Yi WEI  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E101-B No:12

    Bit-interleaved coded modulation with iterative decoding (BICM-ID) is suitable for correlated Rayleigh fading channels. Additionally, BICM-ID using differential encoding can avoid the pilot overhead. In this paper, we consider BICM-ID using 16-DAPSK (differential amplitude and phase-shift keying). We first derive the probability of receiving signals conditioned on the transmission of input bits for general differential encoding; then we propose two new 16-DAPSK bit labeling methods. In addition, convolutional codes for the new bit labeling are developed. Both the minimum distance and the simulation results show that the proposed labeling has better error performance than that of the original differential encoding, and the searched new codes can further improve the error performance.

  • Cycle Embedding in Generalized Recursive Circulant Graphs

    Shyue-Ming TANG  Yue-Li WANG  Chien-Yi LI  Jou-Ming CHANG  

    PAPER-Graph Algorithms

    E101-D No:12

    Generalized recursive circulant graphs (GRCGs for short) are a generalization of recursive circulant graphs and provide a new type of topology for interconnection networks. A graph of n vertices is said to be s-pancyclic for some $3leqslant sleqslant n$ if it contains cycles of every length t for $sleqslant tleqslant n$. The pancyclicity of recursive circulant graphs was investigated by Araki and Shibata (Inf. Process. Lett. vol.81, no.4, pp.187-190, 2002). In this paper, we are concerned with the s-pancyclicity of GRCGs.

  • More General QAM Complementary Sequences

    Fanxin ZENG  Xiping HE  Guojun LI  Guixin XUAN  Zhenyu ZHANG  Yanni PENG  Sheng LU  Li YAN  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E101-A No:12

    This paper improves the family size of quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) complementary sequences with binary inputs. By employing new mathematical description: B-type-2 of 4q-QAM constellation (integer q ≥ 2), a new construction yielding 4q-QAM complementary sequences (CSs) with length 2m (integer m ≥ 2) is developed. The resultant sequences include the known QAM CSs with binary inputs as special cases, and the family sizes of new sequences are approximately 22·2q-4q-1(22·2q-3-1) times as many as the known. Also, both new sequences and the known have the same the peak envelope power (PEP) upper bounds, when they are used in an orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing communication system.

  • Axis-Symmetric Twisted-Vertical Alignment-Mode Using Mortar-Shaped Structure for High-Contrast Reflective LCDs with Fast Response

    Yutaro KUGE  Yosei SHIBATA  Takahiro ISHINABE  Hideo FUJIKAKE  


    E101-C No:11

    We have proposed a mortar-shaped structure to improve response time and alignment uniformity of twisted vertically aligned (TVA) mode liquid crystal displays (LCDs) for high-contrast reflective color LCDs. From the results of the simulation, we clarified that response time, alignment uniformity and viewing angle range of TVA-mode LCDs were improved by controlling the liquid crystal alignment axis-symmetrically in each pixel.

  • A Low-Complexity and Fast Convergence Message Passing Receiver Based on Partial Codeword Transmission for SCMA Systems

    Xuewan ZHANG  Wenping GE  Xiong WU  Wenli DAI  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E101-B No:11

    Sparse code multiple access (SCMA) based on the message passing algorithm (MPA) for multiuser detection is a competitive non-orthogonal multiple access technique for fifth-generation wireless communication networks Among the existing multiuser detection schemes for uplink (UP) SCMA systems, the serial MPA (S-MPA) scheme, where messages are updated sequentially, generally converges faster than the conventional MPA (C-MPA) scheme, where all messages are updated in a parallel manner. In this paper, the optimization of message scheduling in the S-MPA scheme is proposed. Firstly, some statistical results for the probability density function (PDF) of the received signal are obtained at various signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) by using the Monte Carlo method. Then, based on the non-orthogonal property of SCMA, the data mapping relationship between resource nodes and user nodes is comprehensively analyzed. A partial codeword transmission of S-MPA (PCTS-MPA) with threshold decision scheme of PDF is proposed and verified. Simulations show that the proposed PCTS-MPA not only reduces the complexity of MPA without changing the bit error ratio (BER), but also has a faster convergence than S-MPA, especially at high SNR values.

  • Decomposed Vector Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Efficient Hardware Implementation

    Koichi MITSUNARI  Yoshinori TAKEUCHI  Masaharu IMAI  Jaehoon YU  


    E101-A No:11

    A significant portion of computational resources of embedded systems for visual detection is dedicated to feature extraction, and this severely affects the detection accuracy and processing performance of the system. To solve this problem, we propose a feature descriptor based on histograms of oriented gradients (HOG) consisting of simple linear algebra that can extract equivalent information to the conventional HOG feature descriptor at a low computational cost. In an evaluation, a leading-edge detection algorithm with this decomposed vector HOG (DV-HOG) achieved equivalent or better detection accuracy compared with conventional HOG feature descriptors. A hardware implementation of DV-HOG occupies approximately 14.2 times smaller cell area than that of a conventional HOG implementation.

  • Optimal Design of Adaptive Intra Predictors Based on Sparsity Constraint

    Yukihiro BANDOH  Yuichi SAYAMA  Seishi TAKAMURA  Atsushi SHIMIZU  


    E101-A No:11

    It is essential to improve intra prediction performance to raise the efficiency of video coding. In video coding standards such as H.265/HEVC, intra prediction is seen as an extension of directional prediction schemes, examples include refinement of directions, planar extension, filtering reference sampling, and so on. From the view point of reducing prediction error, some improvements on intra prediction for standardized schemes have been suggested. However, on the assumption that the correlation between neighboring pixels are static, these conventional methods use pre-defined predictors regardless of the image being encoded. Therefore, these conventional methods cannot reduce prediction error if the images break the assumption made in prediction design. On the other hand, adaptive predictors that change the image being encoded may offer poor coding efficiency due to the overhead of the additional information needed for adaptivity. This paper proposes an adaptive intra prediction scheme that resolves the trade-off between prediction error and adaptivity overhead. The proposed scheme is formulated as a constrained optimization problem that minimizes prediction error under sparsity constraints on the prediction coefficients. In order to solve this problem, a novel solver is introduced as an extension of LARS for multi-class support. Experiments show that the proposed scheme can reduce the amount of encoded bits by 1.21% to 3.24% on average compared to HM16.7.
