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[Keyword] CTI(8214hit)


  • Beamwidth Scaling in Wireless Networks with Outage Constraints

    Trung-Anh DO  Won-Yong SHIN  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E98-B No:11

    This paper analyzes the impact of directional antennas in improving the transmission capacity, defined as the maximum allowable spatial node density of successful transmissions multiplied by their data rate with a given outage constraint, in wireless networks. We consider the case where the gain Gm for the mainlobe of beamwidth can scale at an arbitrarily large rate. Under the beamwidth scaling model, the transmission capacity is analyzed for all path-loss attenuation regimes for the following two network configurations. In dense networks, in which the spatial node density increases with the antenna gain Gm, the transmission capacity scales as Gm4/α, where α denotes the path-loss exponent. On the other hand, in extended networks of fixed node density, the transmission capacity scales logarithmically in Gm. For comparison, we also show an ideal antenna model where there is no sidelobe beam. In addition, computer simulations are performed, which show trends consistent with our analytical behaviors. Our analysis sheds light on a new understanding of the fundamental limit of outage-constrained ad hoc networks operating in the directional mode.

  • Blind Image Deblurring Using Weighted Sum of Gaussian Kernels for Point Spread Function Estimation

    Hong LIU  BenYong LIU  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E98-D No:11

    Point spread function (PSF) estimation plays a paramount role in image deblurring processing, and traditionally it is solved by parameter estimation of a certain preassumed PSF shape model. In real life, the PSF shape is generally arbitrary and complicated, and thus it is assumed in this manuscript that a PSF may be decomposed as a weighted sum of a certain number of Gaussian kernels, with weight coefficients estimated in an alternating manner, and an l1 norm-based total variation (TVl1) algorithm is adopted to recover the latent image. Experiments show that the proposed method can achieve satisfactory performance on synthetic and realistic blurred images.

  • An 8-Mbit 0.18-µm CMOS 1T1C FeRAM in Planar Technology

    Shoichiro KAWASHIMA  Keizo MORITA  Mitsuharu NAKAZAWA  Kazuaki YAMANE  Mitsuhiro OGAI  Kuninori KAWABATA  Kazuaki TAKAI  Yasuhiro FUJII  Ryoji YASUDA  Wensheng WANG  Yukinobu HIKOSAKA  Ken'ichi INOUE  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E98-C No:11

    An 8-Mbit 0.18-µm CMOS 1T1C ferroelectric RAM (FeRAM) in a planar ferroelectric technology was developed. Even though the cell area of 2.48 µm2 is almost equal to that of a 4-Mbit stacked-capacitor FeRAM (STACK FeRAM) 2.32 µm2[1], the chip size of the developed 8-Mbit FeRAM, including extra 2-Mbit parities for the error correction code (ECC), is just 52.37 mm2, which is about 30% smaller than twice of the 4-Mbit STACK FeRAM device, 37.68mm2×2[1]. This excellent characteristic can be attributed to the large cell matrix architectures of the sectional cyclic word line (WL) that was used to increase the column numbers, and to the 1T1C bit-line GND level sensing (BGS)[2][3] circuit design intended to sense bit lines (BL) that have bit cells 1K long and a large capacitance. An access time of 52 ns and a cycle time of 77 ns in RT at a VDD of 1.8 V were achieved.

  • Application Specific Slicing for MVNO through Software-Defined Data Plane Enhancing SDN Open Access

    Akihiro NAKAO  Ping DU  Takamitsu IWAI  


    E98-B No:11

    In this paper, we apply the concept of software-defined data plane to defining new services for Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs). Although there are a large number of MVNOs proliferating all over the world and most of them provide low bandwidth at low price, we propose a new business model for MVNOs and empower them with capability of tailoring fine-grained subscription plans that can meet users' demands. For example, abundant bandwidth can be allocated for some specific applications, while the rest of the applications are limited to low bandwidth. For this purpose, we have recently proposed the concept of application and/or device specific slicing that classifies application and/or device specific traffic into slices and applies fine-grained quality of services (QoS), introducing various applications of our proposed system [9]. This paper reports the prototype implementation of such proposal in the real MVNO connecting customized smartphones so that we can identify applications from the given traffic with 100% accuracy. In addition, we propose a new method of identifying applications from the traffic of unmodified smartphones by machine learning using the training data collected from the customized smartphones. We show that a simple machine learning technique such as random forest achives about 80% of accuracy in applicaton identification.

  • Target Source Separation Based on Discriminative Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Incorporating Cross-Reconstruction Error

    Kisoo KWON  Jong Won SHIN  Nam Soo KIM  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E98-D No:11

    Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) is an unsupervised technique to represent nonnegative data as linear combinations of nonnegative bases, which has shown impressive performance for source separation. However, its source separation performance degrades when one signal can also be described well with the bases for the interfering source signals. In this paper, we propose a discriminative NMF (DNMF) algorithm which exploits the reconstruction error for the interfering signals as well as the target signal based on target bases. The objective function for training the bases is constructed so as to yield high reconstruction error for the interfering source signals while guaranteeing low reconstruction error for the target source signals. Experiments show that the proposed method outperformed the standard NMF and another DNMF method in terms of both the perceptual evaluation of speech quality score and signal-to-distortion ratio in various noisy environments.

  • Spatio-Temporal Prediction Based Algorithm for Parallel Improvement of HEVC

    Xiantao JIANG  Tian SONG  Takashi SHIMAMOTO  Wen SHI  Lisheng WANG  


    E98-A No:11

    The next generation high efficiency video coding (HEVC) standard achieves high performance by extending the encoding block to 64×64. There are some parallel tools to improve the efficiency for encoder and decoder. However, owing to the dependence of the current prediction block and surrounding block, parallel processing at CU level and Sub-CU level are hard to achieve. In this paper, focusing on the spatial motion vector prediction (SMVP) and temporal motion vector prediction (TMVP), parallel improvement for spatio-temporal prediction algorithms are presented, which can remove the dependency between prediction coding units and neighboring coding units. Using this proposal, it is convenient to process motion estimation in parallel, which is suitable for different parallel platforms such as multi-core platform, compute unified device architecture (CUDA) and so on. The simulation experiment results demonstrate that based on HM12.0 test model for different test sequences, the proposed algorithm can improve the advanced motion vector prediction with only 0.01% BD-rate increase that result is better than previous work, and the BDPSNR is almost the same as the HEVC reference software.

  • Measuring Crowd Collectiveness via Compressive Sensing

    Jun JIANG  Xiaohong WU  Xiaohai HE  Pradeep KARN  


    E98-A No:11

    Crowd collectiveness, i.e., a quantitative metric for collective motion, has received increasing attention in recent years. Most of existing methods build a collective network by assuming each agent in the crowd interacts with neighbors within fixed radius r region or fixed k nearest neighbors. However, they usually use a universal r or k for different crowded scenes, which may yield inaccurate network topology and lead to lack of adaptivity to varying collective motion scenarios, thereby resulting in poor performance. To overcome these limitations, we propose a compressive sensing (CS) based method for measuring crowd collectiveness. The proposed method uncovers the connections among agents from the motion time series by solving a CS problem, which needs not specify an r or k as a priori. A descriptor based on the average velocity correlations of connected agents is then constructed to compute the collectiveness value. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is effective in measuring crowd collectiveness, and performs on par with or better than the state-of-the-art methods.

  • Facilitating Incentive-Compatible Access Probability Selection in Wireless Random Access Networks

    Bo GU  Cheng ZHANG  Kyoko YAMORI  Zhenyu ZHOU  Song LIU  Yoshiaki TANAKA  


    E98-B No:11

    This paper studies the impact of integrating pricing with connection admission control (CAC) on the congestion management practices in contention-based wireless random access networks. Notably, when the network is free of charge, each self-interested user tries to occupy the channel as much as possible, resulting in the inefficient utilization of network resources. Pricing is therefore adopted as incentive mechanism to encourage users to choose their access probabilities considering the real-time network congestion level. A Stackelberg leader-follower game is formulated to analyze the competitive interaction between the service provider and the users. In particular, each user chooses the access probability that optimizes its payoff, while the self-interested service provider decides whether to admit or to reject the user's connection request in order to optimize its revenue. The stability of the Stackelberg leader-follower game in terms of convergence to the Nash equilibrium is established. The proposed CAC scheme is completely distributed and can be implemented by individual access points using only local information. Compared to the existing schemes, the proposed scheme achieves higher revenue gain, higher user payoff, and higher QoS performance.

  • Electrostatic Tactile Display Using Beat Phenomenon for Stimulus Localization Open Access

    Hiroshi HAGA  Kazuhide YOSHINAGA  Jiro YANASE  Daisuke SUGIMOTO  Kenichi TAKATORI  Hideki ASADA  


    E98-C No:11

    We present an electrostatic tactile display for stimulus localization. The 240-Hz electrostatic force was generated by the beat phenomenon in a region where excited X electrodes cross excited Y electrodes, which presents localized tactile sensation out of the entire surface. A 10.4-in. visual-tactile integrated display was successfully demonstrated.

  • Active Noise Canceling for Headphones Using a Hybrid Structure with Wind Detection and Flexible Independent Component Analysis

    Dong-Hyun LIM  Minook KIM  Hyung-Min PARK  

    LETTER-Music Information Processing

    E98-D No:11

    This letter presents a method for active noise cancelation (ANC) for headphone application. The method improves the performance of ANC by deriving a flexible independent component analysis (ICA) algorithm in a hybrid structure combining feedforward and feedback configurations with correlation-based wind detection. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated through simulation.

  • Privacy-Preserving Decision Tree Learning with Boolean Target Class

    Hiroaki KIKUCHI  Kouichi ITOH  Mebae USHIDA  Hiroshi TSUDA  Yuji YAMAOKA  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E98-A No:11

    This paper studies a privacy-preserving decision tree learning protocol (PPDT) for vertically partitioned datasets. In vertically partitioned datasets, a single class (target) attribute is shared by both parities or carefully treated by either party in existing studies. The proposed scheme allows both parties to have independent class attributes in a secure way and to combine multiple class attributes in arbitrary boolean function, which gives parties some flexibility in data-mining. Our proposed PPDT protocol reduces the CPU-intensive computation of logarithms by approximating with a piecewise linear function defined by light-weight fundamental operations of addition and constant multiplication so that information gain for attributes can be evaluated in a secure function evaluation scheme. Using the UCI Machine Learning dataset and a synthesized dataset, the proposed protocol is evaluated in terms of its accuracy and the sizes of trees*.

  • An Encryption-then-Compression System for JPEG/Motion JPEG Standard

    Kenta KURIHARA  Masanori KIKUCHI  Shoko IMAIZUMI  Sayaka SHIOTA  Hitoshi KIYA  


    E98-A No:11

    In many multimedia applications, image encryption has to be conducted prior to image compression. This paper proposes a JPEG-friendly perceptual encryption method, which enables to be conducted prior to JPEG and Motion JPEG compressions. The proposed encryption scheme can provides approximately the same compression performance as that of JPEG compression without any encryption, where both gray scale images and color ones are considered. It is also shown that the proposed scheme consists of four block-based encryption steps, and provide a reasonably high level of security. Most of conventional perceptual encryption schemes have not been designed for international compression standards, but this paper focuses on applying the JPEG and Motion JPEG standards, as one of the most widely used image compression standards. In addition, this paper considers an efficient key management scheme, which enables an encryption with multiple keys to be easy to manage its keys.

  • High-Speed and Local-Changes Invariant Image Matching

    Chao ZHANG  Takuya AKASHI  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E98-D No:11

    In recent years, many variants of key point based image descriptors have been designed for the image matching, and they have achieved remarkable performances. However, to some images, local features appear to be inapplicable. Since theses images usually have many local changes around key points compared with a normal image, we define this special image category as the image with local changes (IL). An IL pair (ILP) refers to an image pair which contains a normal image and its IL. ILP usually loses local visual similarities between two images while still holding global visual similarity. When an IL is given as a query image, the purpose of this work is to match the corresponding ILP in a large scale image set. As a solution, we use a compressed HOG feature descriptor to extract global visual similarity. For the nearest neighbor search problem, we propose random projection indexed KD-tree forests (rKDFs) to match ILP efficiently instead of exhaustive linear search. rKDFs is built with large scale low-dimensional KD-trees. Each KD-tree is built in a random projection indexed subspace and contributes to the final result equally through a voting mechanism. We evaluated our method by a benchmark which contains 35,000 candidate images and 5,000 query images. The results show that our method is efficient for solving local-changes invariant image matching problems.

  • Fractional Pilot Reuse in Massive MIMO System

    Chao ZHANG  Lu MA  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E98-A No:11

    The pilot contamination is a serious problem which hinders the capacity increasing in the massive MIMO system. Similar to Fractional Frequency Reuse (FFR) in the OFDMA system, Fractional Pilot Reuse (FPR) is proposed for the massive MIMO system. The FPR can be further classified as the strict FPR and soft FPR. Meanwhile, the detailed FPR schemes with pilot assignment and the mathematical models are provided. With FPR, the capacity and the transmission quality can be improved with metrics such as the higher Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio (SINR) of the pilots, the higher coverage probability, and the higher system capacity.

  • Power-Saving in Storage Systems for Cloud Data Sharing Services with Data Access Prediction

    Koji HASEBE  Jumpei OKOSHI  Kazuhiko KATO  

    PAPER-Software System

    E98-D No:10

    We present a power-saving method for large-scale storage systems of cloud data sharing services, particularly those providing media (video and photograph) sharing services. The idea behind our method is to periodically rearrange stored data in a disk array, so that the workload is skewed toward a small subset of disks, while other disks can be sent to standby mode. This idea is borrowed from the Popular Data Concentration (PDC) technique, but to avoid an increase in response time caused by the accesses to disks in standby mode, we introduce a function that predicts future access frequencies of the uploaded files. This function uses the correlation of potential future accesses with the combination of elapsed time after upload and the total number of accesses in the past. We obtain this function in statistical analysis of the real access patterns of 50,000 randomly selected publicly available photographs on Flickr over 7,000 hours (around 10 months). Moreover, to adapt to a constant massive influx of data, we propose a mechanism that effectively packs the continuously uploaded data into the disk array in a storage system based on the PDC. To evaluate the effectiveness of our method, we measured the performance in simulations and a prototype implementation. We observed that our method consumed 12.2% less energy than the static configuration (in which all disks are in active mode). At the same time, our method maintained a preferred response time, with 0.23% of the total accesses involving disks in standby mode.

  • A Brief Proof of General QAM Golay Complementary Sequences in Cases I-III Constructions

    Fanxin ZENG  Zhenyu ZHANG  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E98-A No:10

    By investigating the properties that the offsets should satisfy, this letter presents a brief proof of general QAM Golay complementary sequences (GCSs) in Cases I-III constructions. Our aim is to provide a brief, clear, and intelligible derivation so that it is easy for the reader to understand the known Cases I-III constructions of general QAM GCSs.

  • Collective Activity Recognition by Attribute-Based Spatio-Temporal Descriptor

    Changhong CHEN  Hehe DOU  Zongliang GAN  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E98-D No:10

    Collective activity recognition plays an important role in high-level video analysis. Most current feature representations look at contextual information extracted from the behaviour of nearby people. Every person needs to be detected and his pose should be estimated. After extracting the feature, hierarchical graphical models are always employed to model the spatio-temporal patterns of individuals and their interactions, and so can not avoid complex preprocessing and inference operations. To overcome these drawbacks, we present a new feature representation method, called attribute-based spatio-temporal (AST) descriptor. First, two types of information, spatio-temporal (ST) features and attribute features, are exploited. Attribute-based features are manually specified. An attribute classifier is trained to model the relationship between the ST features and attribute-based features, according to which the attribute features are refreshed. Then, the ST features, attribute features and the relationship between the attributes are combined to form the AST descriptor. An objective classifier can be specified on the AST descriptor and the weight parameters of the classifier are used for recognition. Experiments on standard collective activity benchmark sets show the effectiveness of the proposed descriptor.

  • Software Abnormal Behavior Detection Based on Function Semantic Tree

    Yingxu LAI  Wenwen ZHANG  Zhen YANG  

    PAPER-Software System

    E98-D No:10

    Current software behavior models lack the ability to conduct semantic analysis. We propose a new model to detect abnormal behaviors based on a function semantic tree. First, a software behavior model in terms of state graph and software function is developed. Next, anomaly detection based on the model is conducted in two main steps: calculating deviation density of suspicious behaviors by comparison with state graph and detecting function sequence by function semantic rules. Deviation density can well detect control flow attacks by a deviation factor and a period division. In addition, with the help of semantic analysis, function semantic rules can accurately detect application layer attacks that fail in traditional approaches. Finally, a case study of RSS software illustrates how our approach works. Case study and a contrast experiment have shown that our model has strong expressivity and detection ability, which outperforms traditional behavior models.

  • Manage the Tradeoff in Data Sanitization

    Peng CHENG  Chun-Wei LIN  Jeng-Shyang PAN  Ivan LEE  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E98-D No:10

    Sharing data might bring the risk of disclosing the sensitive knowledge in it. Usually, the data owner may choose to sanitize data by modifying some items in it to hide sensitive knowledge prior to sharing. This paper focuses on protecting sensitive knowledge in the form of frequent itemsets by data sanitization. The sanitization process may result in side effects, i.e., the data distortion and the damage to the non-sensitive frequent itemsets. How to minimize these side effects is a challenging problem faced by the research community. Actually, there is a trade-off when trying to minimize both side effects simultaneously. In view of this, we propose a data sanitization method based on evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMO). This method can hide specified sensitive itemsets completely while minimizing the accompanying side effects. Experiments on real datasets show that the proposed approach is very effective in performing the hiding task with fewer damage to the original data and non-sensitive knowledge.

  • Implementation of Soft Switching Forward Converter with Self-Driven Synchronous Rectification

    Majid DELSHAD  Nasrin ASADI MADISEH  Bahador FANI  Mahmood AZARI  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E98-C No:10

    In this paper, a new single soft switched forward converter with a self driven synchronous rectification (SDSR) is introduced. In the proposed converter, a soft switching condition (ZCS turn on and ZVS turn off) is provided for the switch, by an auxiliary circuit without any extra switch. In additional, this auxiliary circuit does not impose high voltage or current stresses on the converter. Since the proposed converter uses SDSR to reduce conductive loss of output rectifier, the rectifier switches are switched under soft switching condition. So, the conductive and switching losses on the converter reduce considerably. Also, implementing control circuit of this converter is very simple, due to the self-driven method employed in driving synchronous rectification and the converter is controlled by pulse width modulation (PWM). The experimental results of the proposed converter are presented to confirm the theoretical analysis.
