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[Keyword] CTI(8214hit)


  • High-Efficiency Sky-Blue Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Utilizing Thermally-Activated Delayed Fluorescence

    Yasuhide HIRAGA  Jun-ichi NISHIDE  Hajime NAKANOTANI  Masaki AONUMA  Chihaya ADACHI  

    PAPER-Electronic Materials

    E98-C No:10

    A highly efficient sky-blue organic light-emitting diode (OLED) based on a thermally-activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) molecule, 1,2-bis(carbazol-9-yl)-4,5-dicyanobenzene (2CzPN), was studied. The sky-blue OLED exhibited a maximum external electroluminescence quantum efficiency (ηEQE) of over 24.0%. In addition, a white OLED using 2CzPN combined with green and orange TADF emitters showed a high ηEQE of 17.3% with a maximum power efficiency of 52.3 lm/W and Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage coordinates of (0.32, 0.43).

  • A Brief Proof of General QAM Golay Complementary Sequences in Cases I-III Constructions

    Fanxin ZENG  Zhenyu ZHANG  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E98-A No:10

    By investigating the properties that the offsets should satisfy, this letter presents a brief proof of general QAM Golay complementary sequences (GCSs) in Cases I-III constructions. Our aim is to provide a brief, clear, and intelligible derivation so that it is easy for the reader to understand the known Cases I-III constructions of general QAM GCSs.

  • Acoustic Event Detection in Speech Overlapping Scenarios Based on High-Resolution Spectral Input and Deep Learning

    Miquel ESPI  Masakiyo FUJIMOTO  Tomohiro NAKATANI  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E98-D No:10

    We present a method for recognition of acoustic events in conversation scenarios where speech usually overlaps with other acoustic events. While speech is usually considered the most informative acoustic event in a conversation scene, it does not always contain all the information. Non-speech events, such as a door knock, steps, or a keyboard typing can reveal aspects of the scene that speakers miss or avoid to mention. Moreover, being able to robustly detect these events could further support speech enhancement and recognition systems by providing useful information cues about the surrounding scenarios and noise. In acoustic event detection, state-of-the-art techniques are typically based on derived features (e.g. MFCC, or Mel-filter-banks) which have successfully parameterized the spectrogram of speech but reduce resolution and detail when we are targeting other kinds of events. In this paper, we propose a method that learns features in an unsupervised manner from high-resolution spectrogram patches (considering a patch as a certain number of consecutive frame features stacked together), and integrates within the deep neural network framework to detect and classify acoustic events. Superiority over both previous works in the field, and similar approaches based on derived features, has been assessed by statical measures and evaluation with CHIL2007 corpus, an annotated database of seminar recordings.

  • Implementation of Soft Switching Forward Converter with Self-Driven Synchronous Rectification

    Majid DELSHAD  Nasrin ASADI MADISEH  Bahador FANI  Mahmood AZARI  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E98-C No:10

    In this paper, a new single soft switched forward converter with a self driven synchronous rectification (SDSR) is introduced. In the proposed converter, a soft switching condition (ZCS turn on and ZVS turn off) is provided for the switch, by an auxiliary circuit without any extra switch. In additional, this auxiliary circuit does not impose high voltage or current stresses on the converter. Since the proposed converter uses SDSR to reduce conductive loss of output rectifier, the rectifier switches are switched under soft switching condition. So, the conductive and switching losses on the converter reduce considerably. Also, implementing control circuit of this converter is very simple, due to the self-driven method employed in driving synchronous rectification and the converter is controlled by pulse width modulation (PWM). The experimental results of the proposed converter are presented to confirm the theoretical analysis.

  • Power Allocation for Ergodic Capacity and Outage Probability Tradeoff in Cognitive Radio Networks

    Qun LI  Ding XU  


    E98-B No:10

    The problem of power allocation for the secondary user (SU) in a cognitive radio (CR) network is investigated in this paper. The primary user (PU) is protected by the average interference power constraint. Besides the average interference power constraint at the PU, the transmit power of the SU is also subject to the peak or average transmit power constraint. The aim is to balance between the goal of maximizing the ergodic capacity and the goal of minimizing the outage probability of the SU. Power allocation schemes are then proposed under the aforementioned setups. It is shown that the proposed power allocation schemes can achieve high ergodic capacity while maintaining low outage probability, whereas existing schemes achieve either high ergodic capacity with high outage probability or low outage probability with low ergodic capacity.

  • Software Reliability Assessment with Multiple Changes of Testing-Environment

    Shinji INOUE  Shigeru YAMADA  


    E98-A No:10

    We discuss software reliability assessment considering multiple changes of software fault-detection phenomenon. The testing-time when the characteristic of the software failure-occurrence or fault-detection phenomenon changes notably in the testing-phase of a software development process is called change-point. It is known that the occurrence of the change-point influences the accuracy for the software reliability assessment based on a software reliability growth models, which are mainly divided into software failure-occurrence time and fault counting models. This paper discusses software reliability growth modeling frameworks considering with the effect of the multiple change-point occurrence on the software reliability growth process in software failure-occurrence time and fault counting modeling. And we show numerical illustrations for the software reliability analyses based on our models by using actual data.

  • Design of an Energy-Aware LED Light System (EA-LLS) for Energy Saving and User Satisfaction through Daylight, Space and User Movement Analysis in Buildings

    Sangmin PARK  Jinsung BYUN  Byeongkwan KANG  Daebeom JEONG  Beomseok LEE  Sehyun PARK  

    LETTER-Office Information Systems, e-Business Modeling

    E98-D No:10

    This letter introduces an Energy-Aware LED Light System (EA-LLS) that provides adequate illumination to users according to the analysis of the sun's position, the user's movement, and various environmental factors, without sun illumination detection sensors. This letter presents research using algorithms and scenarios. We propose an EA-LLS that offers not only On/Off and dimming control, but dimming control through daylight, space, and user behavior analysis.

  • Matrix Approach for the Seasonal Infectious Disease Spread Prediction

    Hideo HIROSE  Masakazu TOKUNAGA  Takenori SAKUMURA  Junaida SULAIMAN  Herdianti DARWIS  


    E98-A No:10

    Prediction of seasonal infectious disease spread is traditionally dealt with as a function of time. Typical methods are time series analysis such as ARIMA (autoregressive, integrated, and moving average) or ANN (artificial neural networks). However, if we regard the time series data as the matrix form, e.g., consisting of yearly magnitude in row and weekly trend in column, we may expect to use a different method (matrix approach) to predict the disease spread when seasonality is dominant. The MD (matrix decomposition) method is the one method which is used in recommendation systems. The other is the IRT (item response theory) used in ability evaluation systems. In this paper, we apply these two methods to predict the disease spread in the case of infectious gastroenteritis caused by norovirus in Japan, and compare the results obtained by using two conventional methods in forecasting, ARIMA and ANN. We have found that the matrix approach is simple and useful in prediction for the seasonal infectious disease spread.

  • Robust Voice Activity Detection Algorithm Based on Feature of Frequency Modulation of Harmonics and Its DSP Implementation

    Chung-Chien HSU  Kah-Meng CHEONG  Tai-Shih CHI  Yu TSAO  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E98-D No:10

    This paper proposes a voice activity detection (VAD) algorithm based on an energy related feature of the frequency modulation of harmonics. A multi-resolution spectro-temporal analysis framework, which was developed to extract texture features of the audio signal from its Fourier spectrogram, is used to extract frequency modulation features of the speech signal. The proposed algorithm labels the voice active segments of the speech signal by comparing the energy related feature of the frequency modulation of harmonics with a threshold. Then, the proposed VAD is implemented on one of Texas Instruments (TI) digital signal processor (DSP) platforms for real-time operation. Simulations conducted on the DSP platform demonstrate the proposed VAD performs significantly better than three standard VADs, ITU-T G.729B, ETSI AMR1 and AMR2, in non-stationary noise in terms of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and the recognition rates from a practical distributed speech recognition (DSR) system.

  • Power-Saving in Storage Systems for Cloud Data Sharing Services with Data Access Prediction

    Koji HASEBE  Jumpei OKOSHI  Kazuhiko KATO  

    PAPER-Software System

    E98-D No:10

    We present a power-saving method for large-scale storage systems of cloud data sharing services, particularly those providing media (video and photograph) sharing services. The idea behind our method is to periodically rearrange stored data in a disk array, so that the workload is skewed toward a small subset of disks, while other disks can be sent to standby mode. This idea is borrowed from the Popular Data Concentration (PDC) technique, but to avoid an increase in response time caused by the accesses to disks in standby mode, we introduce a function that predicts future access frequencies of the uploaded files. This function uses the correlation of potential future accesses with the combination of elapsed time after upload and the total number of accesses in the past. We obtain this function in statistical analysis of the real access patterns of 50,000 randomly selected publicly available photographs on Flickr over 7,000 hours (around 10 months). Moreover, to adapt to a constant massive influx of data, we propose a mechanism that effectively packs the continuously uploaded data into the disk array in a storage system based on the PDC. To evaluate the effectiveness of our method, we measured the performance in simulations and a prototype implementation. We observed that our method consumed 12.2% less energy than the static configuration (in which all disks are in active mode). At the same time, our method maintained a preferred response time, with 0.23% of the total accesses involving disks in standby mode.

  • Robust Synchronization of Uncertain Fractional Order Chaotic Systems

    Junhai LUO  Heng LIU  Jiangfeng YANG  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E98-A No:10

    In this paper, synchronization for uncertain fractional order chaotic systems is investigated. By using the fractional order extension of the Lyapunov stability criterion, a linear feedback controller and an adaptive controller are designed for synchronizing uncertain fractional order chaotic systems without and with unknown external disturbance, respectively. Quadratic Lyapunov functions are used in the stability analysis of fractional-order systems, and fractional order adaptation law is constructed to update design parameter. The proposed methods can guarantee that the synchronization error converges to zero asymptotically. Finally, illustrative examples are given to confirm the theoretical results.

  • Software Reliability Assessment via Non-Parametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation

    Yasuhiro SAITO  Tadashi DOHI  


    E98-A No:10

    In this paper we consider two non-parametric estimation methods for software reliability assessment without specifying the fault-detection time distribution, where the underlying stochastic process to describe software fault-counts in the system testing is given by a non-homogeneous Poisson process. The resulting data-driven methodologies can give the useful probabilistic information on the software reliability assessment under the incomplete knowledge on fault-detection time distribution. Throughout examples with real software fault data, it is shown that the proposed methods provide more accurate estimation results than the common parametric approach.

  • Statistics on Temporal Changes of Sparse Coding Coefficients in Spatial Pyramids for Human Action Recognition

    Yang LI  Junyong YE  Tongqing WANG  Shijian HUANG  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E98-D No:9

    Traditional sparse representation-based methods for human action recognition usually pool over the entire video to form the final feature representation, neglecting any spatio-temporal information of features. To employ spatio-temporal information, we present a novel histogram representation obtained by statistics on temporal changes of sparse coding coefficients frame by frame in the spatial pyramids constructed from videos. The histograms are further fed into a support vector machine with a spatial pyramid matching kernel for final action classification. We validate our method on two benchmarks, KTH and UCF Sports, and experiment results show the effectiveness of our method in human action recognition.

  • Mass Spectra Separation for Explosives Detection by Using an Attenuation Model

    Yohei KAWAGUCHI  Masahito TOGAMI  Hisashi NAGANO  Yuichiro HASHIMOTO  Masuyuki SUGIYAMA  Yasuaki TAKADA  


    E98-A No:9

    A new algorithm for separating mass spectra into individual substances is proposed for explosives detection. The conventional algorithm based on probabilistic latent component analysis (PLCA) is effective in many cases because it makes use of the fact that non-negativity and sparsity hold for mass spectra in explosives detection. The algorithm, however, fails to separate mass spectra in some cases because uncertainty can not be resolved only by non-negativity and sparsity constraints. To resolve the uncertainty, an algorithm based on shift-invariant PLCA (SIPLCA) utilizing temporal correlation of mass spectra is proposed in this paper. In addition, to prevent overfitting, the temporal correlation is modeled with a function representing attenuation by focusing on the fact that the amount of a substance is attenuated continuously and slowly with time. Results of an experimental evaluation of the algorithm with data obtained in a real railway station demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms the PLCA-based conventional algorithm and the simple SIPLCA-based one. The main novelty of this paper is that an evaluation of the detection performance of explosives detection is demonstrated. Results of the evaluation indicate that the proposed separation algorithm can improve the detection performance.

  • A Direction Finding Method Based on Rotating Interferometer and Its Performance Analysis

    Dexiu HU  Zhen HUANG  Jianhua LU  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E98-B No:9

    This paper proposes and analyses an improved direction finding (DF) method that uses a rotating interferometer. The minimum sampling frequency is deduced in order to eliminate the phase ambiguity associated with a long baseline, the influence of phase imbalance of receiver is quantitatively discussed and the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of both bearing angle and pitch angle are also demonstrated. The theoretical analysis of the rotating interferometer is verified by simulation results, which show that it achieves better RMSE performance than the conventional method.

  • FPGA Hardware with Target-Reconfigurable Object Detector

    Yoshifumi YAZAWA  Tsutomu YOSHIMI  Teruyasu TSUZUKI  Tomomi DOHI  Yuji YAMAUCHI  Takayoshi YAMASHITA  Hironobu FUJIYOSHI  


    E98-D No:9

    Much effort has been applied to research on object detection by statistical learning methods in recent years, and the results of that work are expected to find use in fields such as ITS and security. Up to now, the research has included optimization of computational algorithms for real-time processing on hardware such as GPU's and FPGAs. Such optimization most often works only with particular parameters, which often forfeits the flexibility that comes with dynamic changing of the target object. We propose a hardware architecture for faster detection and flexible target reconfiguration while maintaining detection accuracy. Tests confirm operation in a practical time when implemented in an FPGA board.

  • Foreground Segmentation Using Morphological Operator and Histogram Analysis for Indoor Applications

    Kyounghoon JANG  Geun-Jun KIM  Hosang CHO  Bongsoon KANG  


    E98-A No:9

    This paper proposes a foreground segmentation method for indoor environments using depth images only. It uses a morphological operator and histogram analysis to segment the foreground. In order to compare the accuracy for foreground segmentation, we use metric measurements of false positive rate (FPR), false negative rate (FNR), total error (TE), and a similarity measure (S). A series of experimental results using video sequences collected under various circumstances are discussed. The proposed system is also designed in a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) implementation with low hardware resources.

  • Uniqueness Theorem of Complex-Valued Neural Networks with Polar-Represented Activation Function

    Masaki KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E98-A No:9

    Several models of feed-forward complex-valued neural networks have been proposed, and those with split and polar-represented activation functions have been mainly studied. Neural networks with split activation functions are relatively easy to analyze, but complex-valued neural networks with polar-represented functions have many applications but are difficult to analyze. In previous research, Nitta proved the uniqueness theorem of complex-valued neural networks with split activation functions. Subsequently, he studied their critical points, which caused plateaus and local minima in their learning processes. Thus, the uniqueness theorem is closely related to the learning process. In the present work, we first define three types of reducibility for feed-forward complex-valued neural networks with polar-represented activation functions and prove that we can easily transform reducible complex-valued neural networks into irreducible ones. We then prove the uniqueness theorem of complex-valued neural networks with polar-represented activation functions.

  • Robust Motion Detection Based on the Enhanced ViBe

    Zhihui FAN  Zhaoyang LU  Jing LI  Chao YAO  Wei JIANG  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E98-D No:9

    To eliminate casting shadows of moving objects, which cause difficulties in vision applications, a novel method is proposed based on Visual background extractor by altering its updating mechanism using relevant spatiotemporal information. An adaptive threshold and a spatial adjustment are also employed. Experiments on typical surveillance scenes validate this scheme.

  • Mode and Frame Detection Algorithm for DAB OFDM Receiver

    Won-Jae SHIN  Ki-Won KWON  Yong-Je WOO  Hyoungsoo LIM  Hyoung-Kyu SONG  Young-Hwan YOU  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E98-A No:9

    In this letter, a robust algorithm for jointly finding an estimate of the start of the frame and transmission mode is proposed in a digital audio broadcasting (DAB) system. In doing so, the use of differential-correlation based joint detection is proposed, which considers not only the height of correlation peak but also its plateau. We show via simulations that the proposed detection algorithm is capable of robustly detecting the start of a frame and its mode against the variation of signal-to-noise ratio, providing a performance advantage over the conventional algorithm.
