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  • Study on Analysis and Fabrication Conditions of Horizontal SiO2 Slot Waveguides Using Nb2O5

    Yoshiki HAYAMA  Katsumi NAKATSUHARA  Shinta UCHIBORI  Takeshi NISHIZAWA  


    E103-C No:11

    Horizontal slot waveguides enable light to be strongly confined in thin regions. The strong confinement of light in the slot region offers the advantages of enhancing the interaction of light with matter and providing highly sensitive sensing devices. We theoretically investigated fundamental characteristics of horizontal slot waveguides using Nb2O5. The coupling coefficient between SiO2 slot and air slot waveguides was calculated. Characteristics of bending loss in slot waveguide were also analyzed. The etching conditions in reactive ion etching needed to obtain a sidewall with high verticality were studied. We propose a process for fabricating horizontal slot waveguides using Nb2O5 thin film deposition and selective etching of SiO2. Horizontal slot waveguides were fabricated that had an SiO2 slot of less than 30 nm SiO2. The propagated light passing through the slot waveguides was also obtained.

  • A Constant-Time Algorithm of CSIDH Keeping Two Points Open Access

    Hiroshi ONUKI  Yusuke AIKAWA  Tsutomu YAMAZAKI  Tsuyoshi TAKAGI  


    E103-A No:10

    At ASIACRYPT 2018, Castryck, Lange, Martindale, Panny and Renes proposed CSIDH, which is a key-exchange protocol based on isogenies between elliptic curves, and a candidate for post-quantum cryptography. However, the implementation by Castryck et al. is not constant-time. Specifically, a part of the secret key could be recovered by the side-channel attacks. Recently, Meyer, Campos, and Reith proposed a constant-time implementation of CSIDH by introducing dummy isogenies and taking secret exponents only from intervals of non-negative integers. Their non-negative intervals make the calculation cost of their implementation of CSIDH twice that of the worst case of the standard (variable-time) implementation of CSIDH. In this paper, we propose a more efficient constant-time algorithm that takes secret exponents from intervals symmetric with respect to the zero. For using these intervals, we need to keep two torsion points on an elliptic curve and calculation for these points. We evaluate the costs of our implementation and that of Meyer et al. in terms of the number of operations on a finite prime field. Our evaluation shows that our constant-time implementation of CSIDH reduces the calculation cost by 28% compared with the implementation by Mayer et al. We also implemented our algorithm by extending the implementation in C of Meyer et al. (originally from Castryck et al.). Then our implementation achieved 152 million clock cycles, which is about 29% faster than that of Meyer et al. and confirms the above reduction ratio in our cost evaluation.

  • HDR Imaging Based on Image Interpolation and Motion Blur Suppression in Multiple-Exposure-Time Image Sensor

    Masahito SHIMAMOTO  Yusuke KAMEDA  Takayuki HAMAMOTO  


    E103-D No:10

    We aim at HDR imaging with simple processing while preventing spatial resolution degradation in multiple-exposure-time image sensor where the exposure time is controlled for each pixel. The contributions are the proposal of image interpolation by motion area detection and pixel adaptive weighting method by overexposure and motion blur detection.

  • Maximum Positioning Error Estimation Method for Detecting User Positions with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle based on Doppler Shifts Open Access

    Hiroyasu ISHIKAWA  Yuki HORIKAWA  Hideyuki SHINONAGA  


    E103-B No:10

    In the typical unmanned aircraft system (UAS), several unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) traveling at a velocity of 40-100km/h and with altitudes of 150-1,000m will be used to cover a wide service area. Therefore, Doppler shifts occur in the carrier frequencies of the transmitted and received signals due to changes in the line-of-sight velocity between the UAVs and the terrestrial terminal. By observing multiple Doppler shift values for different UAVs or observing a single UAV at different local times, it is possible to detect the user position on the ground. We conducted computer simulations for evaluating user position detection accuracy and Doppler shift distribution in several flight models. Further, a positioning accuracy index (PAI), which can be used as an index for position detection accuracy, was proposed as the absolute value of cosine of the inner product between two gradient vectors formed by Doppler shifts to evaluate the relationship between the location of UAVs and the position of the user. In this study, a maximum positioning error estimation method related to the PAI is proposed to approximate the position detection accuracy. Further, computer simulations assuming a single UAV flying on the curved routes such as sinusoidal routes with different cycles are conducted to clarify the effectiveness of the flight route in the aspects of positioning accuracy and latency by comparing with the conventional straight line fight model using the PAI and the proposed maximum positioning error estimation method.

  • A Visual Inspection System for Accurate Positioning of Railway Fastener

    Jianwei LIU  Hongli LIU  Xuefeng NI  Ziji MA  Chao WANG  Xun SHAO  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E103-D No:10

    Automatic disassembly of railway fasteners is of great significance for improving the efficiency of replacing rails. The accurate positioning of fastener is the key factor to realize automatic disassembling. However, most of the existing literature mainly focuses on fastener region positioning and the literature on accurate positioning of fasteners is scarce. Therefore, this paper constructed a visual inspection system for accurate positioning of fastener (VISP). At first, VISP acquires railway image by image acquisition subsystem, and then the subimage of fastener can be obtained by coarse-to-fine method. Subsequently, the accurate positioning of fasteners can be completed by three steps, including contrast enhancement, binarization and spike region extraction. The validity and robustness of the VISP were verified by vast experiments. The results show that VISP has competitive performance for accurate positioning of fasteners. The single positioning time is about 260ms, and the average positioning accuracy is above 90%. Thus, it is with theoretical interest and potential industrial application.

  • Weight Compression MAC Accelerator for Effective Inference of Deep Learning Open Access

    Asuka MAKI  Daisuke MIYASHITA  Shinichi SASAKI  Kengo NAKATA  Fumihiko TACHIBANA  Tomoya SUZUKI  Jun DEGUCHI  Ryuichi FUJIMOTO  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E103-C No:10

    Many studies of deep neural networks have reported inference accelerators for improved energy efficiency. We propose methods for further improving energy efficiency while maintaining recognition accuracy, which were developed by the co-design of a filter-by-filter quantization scheme with variable bit precision and a hardware architecture that fully supports it. Filter-wise quantization reduces the average bit precision of weights, so execution times and energy consumption for inference are reduced in proportion to the total number of computations multiplied by the average bit precision of weights. The hardware utilization is also improved by a bit-parallel architecture suitable for granularly quantized bit precision of weights. We implement the proposed architecture on an FPGA and demonstrate that the execution cycles are reduced to 1/5.3 for ResNet-50 on ImageNet in comparison with a conventional method, while maintaining recognition accuracy.

  • Joint Adversarial Training of Speech Recognition and Synthesis Models for Many-to-One Voice Conversion Using Phonetic Posteriorgrams

    Yuki SAITO  Kei AKUZAWA  Kentaro TACHIBANA  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E103-D No:9

    This paper presents a method for many-to-one voice conversion using phonetic posteriorgrams (PPGs) based on an adversarial training of deep neural networks (DNNs). A conventional method for many-to-one VC can learn a mapping function from input acoustic features to target acoustic features through separately trained DNN-based speech recognition and synthesis models. However, 1) the differences among speakers observed in PPGs and 2) an over-smoothing effect of generated acoustic features degrade the converted speech quality. Our method performs a domain-adversarial training of the recognition model for reducing the PPG differences. In addition, it incorporates a generative adversarial network into the training of the synthesis model for alleviating the over-smoothing effect. Unlike the conventional method, ours jointly trains the recognition and synthesis models so that they are optimized for many-to-one VC. Experimental evaluation demonstrates that the proposed method significantly improves the converted speech quality compared with conventional VC methods.

  • A Fast Length Matching Routing Pattern Generation Method for Set-Pair Routing Problem Using Selective Pin-Pair Connections Open Access

    Shimpei SATO  Kano AKAGI  Atsushi TAKAHASHI  


    E103-A No:9

    Routing problems derived from silicon-interposer and etc. are often formulated as a set-pair routing problem where the combination of pin-pairs to be connected is flexible. In this routing problem, a length matching routing pattern is often required due to the requirement of the signal propagation delays be the same. We propose a fast length matching routing method for the set-pair routing problem. The existing algorithm generates a good length matching routing pattern in practical time. However, due to the limited searching range, there are length matching routing patterns that cannot find due to the limited searching range of the algorithm. Also, it needs heavy iterative steps to improve a solution, and the computation time is practical but not fast. In the set-pair routing, although pin-pairs to be connected is flexible, it is expected that combinations of pin-pairs which realize length matching are restricted. In our method, such a combination of pin-pairs is selected in advance, then routing is performed to realize the connection of the selected pin-pairs. Heavy iterative steps are not used for both the selection and the routing, then a routing pattern is generated in a short time. In the experiments, we confirm that the quality of routing patterns generated by our method is almost equivalent to the existing algorithm. Furthermore, our method finds length matching routing patterns that the existing algorithm cannot find. The computation time is about 360 times faster than the existing algorithm.

  • Node Density Loss Resilient Report Generation Method for the Statistical Filtering Based Sensor Networks

    Jin Myoung KIM  Hae Young LEE  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E103-D No:9

    In the statistic en-route filtering, each report generation node must collect a certain number of endorsements from its neighboring nodes. However, at some point, a node may fail to collect an insufficient number of endorsements since some of its neighboring nodes may have dead batteries. This letter presents a report generation method that can enhance the generation process of sensing reports under such a situation. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Block Randomized Singular Value Decomposition on GPUs

    Yuechao LU  Yasuyuki MATSUSHITA  Fumihiko INO  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E103-D No:9

    Fast computation of singular value decomposition (SVD) is of great interest in various machine learning tasks. Recently, SVD methods based on randomized linear algebra have shown significant speedup in this regime. For processing large-scale data, computing systems with accelerators like GPUs have become the mainstream approach. In those systems, access to the input data dominates the overall process time; therefore, it is needed to design an out-of-core algorithm to dispatch the computation into accelerators. This paper proposes an accurate two-pass randomized SVD, named block randomized SVD (BRSVD), designed for matrices with a slow-decay singular spectrum that is often observed in image data. BRSVD fully utilizes the power of modern computing system architectures and efficiently processes large-scale data in a parallel and out-of-core fashion. Our experiments show that BRSVD effectively moves the performance bottleneck from data transfer to computation, so that outperforms existing randomized SVD methods in terms of speed with retaining similar accuracy.

  • A Comparative Study on Bandwidth and Noise for Pre-Emphasis and Post-Equalization in Visible Light Communication Open Access

    Dong YAN  Xurui MAO  Sheng XIE  Jia CONG  Dongqun HAN  Yicheng WU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E103-B No:8

    This paper presents an analysis of the relationship between noise and bandwidth in visible light communication (VLC) systems. In the past few years, pre-emphasis and post-equalization techniques were proposed to extend the bandwidth of VLC systems. However, these bandwidth extension techniques also influence noise and sensitivity of the VLC systems. In this paper, first, we build a system model of VLC transceivers and circuit models of pre-emphasis and post-equalization. Next, we theoretically compare the bandwidth and noise of three different transceiver structures comprising a single pre-emphasis circuit, a single post-equalization circuit and a combination of pre-emphasis and post-equalization circuits. Finally, we validate the presented theoretical analysis using experimental results. The result shows that for the same resonant frequency, and for high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), VLC systems employing post-equalization or pre-emphasis have the same bandwidth extension ability. Therefore, a transceiver employing both the pre-emphasis and post-equalization techniques has a bandwidth √2 times the bandwidth of the systems employing only the pre-emphasis or post-equalization. Based on the theoretical analysis of noise, the VLC system with only active pre-emphasis shows the lowest noise, which is a good choice for low-noise systems. The result of this paper may provide a new perspective of noise and sensitivity of the bandwidth extension techniques in VLC systems.

  • Tensor Factor Analysis for Arbitrary Speaker Conversion

    Daisuke SAITO  Nobuaki MINEMATSU  Keikichi HIROSE  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E103-D No:6

    This paper describes a novel approach to flexible control of speaker characteristics using tensor representation of multiple Gaussian mixture models (GMM). In voice conversion studies, realization of conversion from/to an arbitrary speaker's voice is one of the important objectives. For this purpose, eigenvoice conversion (EVC) based on an eigenvoice GMM (EV-GMM) was proposed. In the EVC, a speaker space is constructed based on GMM supervectors which are high-dimensional vectors derived by concatenating the mean vectors of each of the speaker GMMs. In the speaker space, each speaker is represented by a small number of weight parameters of eigen-supervectors. In this paper, we revisit construction of the speaker space by introducing the tensor factor analysis of training data set. In our approach, each speaker is represented as a matrix of which the row and the column respectively correspond to the dimension of the mean vector and the Gaussian component. The speaker space is derived by the tensor factor analysis of the set of the matrices. Our approach can solve an inherent problem of supervector representation, and it improves the performance of voice conversion. In addition, in this paper, effects of speaker adaptive training before factorization are also investigated. Experimental results of one-to-many voice conversion demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

  • Human Pose Annotation Using a Motion Capture System for Loose-Fitting Clothes

    Takuya MATSUMOTO  Kodai SHIMOSATO  Takahiro MAEDA  Tatsuya MURAKAMI  Koji MURAKOSO  Kazuhiko MINO  Norimichi UKITA  


    E103-D No:6

    This paper proposes a framework for automatically annotating the keypoints of a human body in images for learning 2D pose estimation models. Ground-truth annotations for supervised learning are difficult and cumbersome in most machine vision tasks. While considerable contributions in the community provide us a huge number of pose-annotated images, all of them mainly focus on people wearing common clothes, which are relatively easy to annotate the body keypoints. This paper, on the other hand, focuses on annotating people wearing loose-fitting clothes (e.g., Japanese Kimono) that occlude many body keypoints. In order to automatically and correctly annotate these people, we divert the 3D coordinates of the keypoints observed without loose-fitting clothes, which can be captured by a motion capture system (MoCap). These 3D keypoints are projected to an image where the body pose under loose-fitting clothes is similar to the one captured by the MoCap. Pose similarity between bodies with and without loose-fitting clothes is evaluated with 3D geometric configurations of MoCap markers that are visible even with loose-fitting clothes (e.g., markers on the head, wrists, and ankles). Experimental results validate the effectiveness of our proposed framework for human pose estimation.

  • Composition Proposal Generation for Manga Creation Support

    Hironori ITO  Yasuhito ASANO  


    E103-D No:5

    In recent years, cognition and use of manga pervade, and people who use manga for various purposes such as entertainment, study, marketing are increasing more and more. However, when people who do not specialize in it create it for these purposes, they can write plots expressing what they want to convey but the technique of the composition which arranges elements in manga such as characters or balloons corresponding to the plot create obstacles to using its merits for comprehensibility based on high flexibility of its expression. Therefore, we consider that support of this composition technique is necessary for amateurs to use manga while taking advantage of its benefits. We propose a method of generating composition proposal to support manga creation by amateurs. For the method, we also define new manga metadata model which summarize and extend metadata models by earlier studies. It represents the compostion and the plot in manga. We apply a neural machine translation mechanism for learing the relation between the composition and the plot. It considers that the plot annotation is the source of the composition annotation that is the target, and learns from the annotation dataset based on the metadata model. We conducted experiments to evaluate how the composition proposal generated by our method helps amateur manga creation, and demonstrated that it is useful.

  • Design and Implementation of Sensor-Embedded Chair for Continuous Sitting Posture Recognition

    Teruhiro MIZUMOTO  Yasuhiro OTODA  Chihiro NAKAJIMA  Mitsuhiro KOHANA  Motohiro UENISHI  Keiichi YASUMOTO  Yutaka ARAKAWA  

    PAPER-Office Information Systems, e-Business Modeling

    E103-D No:5

    In this paper, we design and develop a sensor-embedded office chair that can measure the posture of the office worker continuously without disturbing their job. In our system, eight accelerometers, that are attached at the back side of the fabric surface of the chair, are used for recognizing the posture. We propose three sitting posture recognition algorithms by considering the initial position of the chair and the difference of physique. Through the experiment with 28 participants, we confirm that our proposed chair can recognize the sitting posture by 75.4% (algorithm 1), 83.7% (algorithm 2), and 85.6% (algorithm 3) respectively.

  • Multi-Distance Function Trilateration over k-NN Fingerprinting for Indoor Positioning and Its Evaluation


    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E103-D No:5

    This manuscript discusses a new indoor positioning method and proposes a multi-distance function trilateration over k-NN fingerprinting method using radio signals. Generally, the strength of radio signals, referred to received signal strength indicator or RSSI, decreases as they travel in space. Our method employs a list of fingerprints comprised of RSSIs to absorb interference between radio signals, which happens around the transmitters and it also employs multiple distance functions for conversion from distance between fingerprints to the physical distance in order to absorb the interference that happens around the receiver then it performs trilateration between the top three closest fingerprints to locate the receiver's current position. An experiment in positioning performance is conducted in our laboratory and the result shows that our method is viable for a position-level indoor positioning method and it could improve positioning performance by 12.7% of positioning error to 0.406 in meter in comparison with traditional methods.

  • Enhanced HDR Image Reproduction Using Gamma-Adaptation-Based Tone Compression and Detail-Preserved Blending

    Taeyoung JUNG  Hyuk-Ju KWON  Joonku HAHN  Sung-Hak LEE  


    E103-A No:4

    We propose image synthesizing using luminance adapted range compression and detail-preserved blending. Range compression is performed using the correlated visual gamma then image blending is performed by local adaptive mixing and selecting method. Simulations prove that the proposed method reproduces natural images without any increase in noise or color desaturation.

  • Ergodic Capacity of Composite Fading Channels in Cognitive Radios with Series Formula for Product of κ-µ and α-µ Fading Distributions

    He HUANG  Chaowei YUAN  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E103-B No:4

    In this study, product of two independent and non-identically distributed (i.n.i.d.) random variables (RVs) for κ-µ fading distribution and α-µ fading distribution is considered. The statistics of the product of RVs has been broadly applied in a large number of communications fields, such as cascaded fading channels, multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems, radar communications and cognitive radios (CR). Exact close-form expressions of probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) with exact series formulas for the product of two i.n.i.d. fading distributions κ-µ and α-µ are deduced more accurately to represent the provided product expressions and generalized composite multipath shadowing models. Furthermore, ergodic channel capacity (ECC) is obtained to measure maximum fading channel capacity. At last, interestingly unlike κ-µ, η-µ, α-µ in [9], [17], [18], these analytical results are validated with Monte Carlo simulations and it shows that for provided κ-µ/α-µ model, non-linear parameter has more important influence than multipath component in PDF and CDF, and when the ratio between the total power of the dominant components and the total power of the scattered waves is same, higher α can significantly improve channel capacity over composite fading channels.

  • Posture Recognition Technology Based on Kinect

    Yan LI  Zhijie CHU  Yizhong XIN  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E103-D No:3

    Aiming at the complexity of posture recognition with Kinect, a method of posture recognition using distance characteristics is proposed. Firstly, depth image data was collected by Kinect, and three-dimensional coordinate information of 20 skeleton joints was obtained. Secondly, according to the contribution of joints to posture expression, 60 dimensional Kinect skeleton joint data was transformed into a vector of 24-dimensional distance characteristics which were normalized according to the human body structure. Thirdly, a static posture recognition method of the shortest distance and a dynamic posture recognition method of the minimum accumulative distance with dynamic time warping (DTW) were proposed. The experimental results showed that the recognition rates of static postures, non-cross-subject dynamic postures and cross-subject dynamic postures were 95.9%, 93.6% and 89.8% respectively. Finally, posture selection, Kinect placement, and comparisons with literatures were discussed, which provides a reference for Kinect based posture recognition technology and interaction design.

  • Local Memory Mapping of Multicore Processors on an Automatic Parallelizing Compiler

    Yoshitake OKI  Yuto ABE  Kazuki YAMAMOTO  Kohei YAMAMOTO  Tomoya SHIRAKAWA  Akimasa YOSHIDA  Keiji KIMURA  Hironori KASAHARA  


    E103-C No:3

    Utilization of local memory from real-time embedded systems to high performance systems with multi-core processors has become an important factor for satisfying hard deadline constraints. However, challenges lie in the area of efficiently managing the memory hierarchy, such as decomposing large data into small blocks to fit onto local memory and transferring blocks for reuse and replacement. To address this issue, this paper presents a compiler optimization method that automatically manage local memory of multi-core processors. The method selects and maps multi-dimensional data onto software specified memory blocks called Adjustable Blocks. These blocks are hierarchically divisible with varying sizes defined by the features of the input application. Moreover, the method introduces mapping structures called Template Arrays to maintain the indices of the decomposed multi-dimensional data. The proposed work is implemented on the OSCAR automatic parallelizing compiler and evaluations were performed on the Renesas RP2 8-core processor. Experimental results from NAS Parallel Benchmark, SPEC benchmark, and multimedia applications show the effectiveness of the method, obtaining maximum speed-ups of 20.44 with 8 cores utilizing local memory from single core sequential versions that use off-chip memory.
