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  • A Novel Displacement Sensor Based on a Frequency Delta-Sigma Modulator and its Application to a Stylus Surface Profiler

    Koichi MAEZAWA  Umer FAROOQ  Masayuki MORI  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E106-C No:9

    A novel displacement sensor was proposed based on a frequency delta-sigma modulator (FDSM) employing a microwave oscillator. To demonstrate basic operation, we fabricated a stylus surface profiler using a cylindrical cavity resonator, where one end of the cavity is replaced by a thin metal diaphragm with a stylus probe tip. Good surface profile was successfully obtained with this device. A 10 nm depth trench was clearly observed together with a 10 µm trench in a single scan without gain control. This result clearly demonstrates an extremely wide dynamic range of the FDSM displacement sensors.

  • Analysis of Non-Experts' Security- and Privacy-Related Questions on a Q&A Site

    Ayako A. HASEGAWA  Mitsuaki AKIYAMA  Naomi YAMASHITA  Daisuke INOUE  Tatsuya MORI  


    E106-D No:9

    Although security and privacy technologies are incorporated into every device and service, the complexity of these concepts confuses non-expert users. Prior research has shown that non-expert users ask strangers for advice about digital media use online. In this study, to clarify the security and privacy concerns of non-expert users in their daily lives, we investigated security- and privacy-related question posts on a Question-and-Answer (Q&A) site for non-expert users. We conducted a thematic analysis of 445 question posts. We identified seven themes among the questions and found that users asked about cyberattacks the most, followed by authentication and security software. We also found that there was a strong demand for answers, especially for questions related to privacy abuse and account/device management. Our findings provide key insights into what non-experts are struggling with when it comes to privacy and security and will help service providers and researchers make improvements to address these concerns.

  • Compact and Efficient Constant-Time GCD and Modular Inversion with Short-Iteration

    Yaoan JIN  Atsuko MIYAJI  


    E106-D No:9

    Theoretically secure cryptosystems, digital signatures may not be secure after being implemented on Internet of Things (IoT) devices and PCs because of side-channel attacks (SCA). Because RSA key generation and ECDSA require GCD computations or modular inversions, which are often computed using the binary Euclidean algorithm (BEA) or binary extended Euclidean algorithm (BEEA), the SCA weaknesses of BEA and BEEA become a serious concern. Constant-time GCD (CT-GCD) and constant-time modular inversion (CTMI) algorithms are effective countermeasures in such situations. Modular inversion based on Fermat's little theorem (FLT) can work in constant time, but it is not efficient for general inputs. Two CTMI algorithms, named BOS and BY in this paper, were proposed by Bos, Bernstein and Yang, respectively. Their algorithms are all based on the concept of BEA. However, one iteration of BOS has complicated computations, and BY requires more iterations. A small number of iterations and simple computations during one iteration are good characteristics of a constant-time algorithm. Based on this view, this study proposes new short-iteration CT-GCD and CTMI algorithms over Fp borrowing a simple concept from BEA. Our algorithms are evaluated from a theoretical perspective. Compared with BOS, BY, and the improved version of BY, our short-iteration algorithms are experimentally demonstrated to be faster.

  • PNB Based Differential Cryptanalysis of Salsa20 and ChaCha

    Nasratullah GHAFOORI  Atsuko MIYAJI  Ryoma ITO  Shotaro MIYASHITA  


    E106-D No:9

    This paper introduces significant improvements over the existing cryptanalysis approaches on Salsa20 and ChaCha stream ciphers. For the first time, we reduced the attack complexity on Salsa20/8 to the lowest possible margin. We introduced an attack on ChaCha7.25. It is the first attack of its type on ChaCha7.25/20. In our approach, we studied differential cryptanalysis of the Salsa20 and ChaCha stream ciphers based on a comprehensive analysis of probabilistic neutral bits (PNBs). The existing differential cryptanalysis approaches on Salsa20 and ChaCha stream ciphers first study the differential bias at specific input and output differential positions and then search for probabilistic neutral bits. However, the differential bias and the set of PNBs obtained in this method are not always the ideal combination to conduct the attack against the ciphers. The researchers have not focused on the comprehensive analysis of the probabilistic neutrality measure of all key bits concerning all possible output difference positions at all possible internal rounds of Salsa20 and ChaCha stream ciphers. Moreover, the relationship between the neutrality measure and the number of inverse quarter rounds has not been scrutinized yet. To address these study gaps, we study the differential cryptanalysis based on the comprehensive analysis of probabilistic neutral bits on the reduced-round Salsa20 and ChaCha. At first, we comprehensively analyze the neutrality measure of 256 key bits positions. Afterward, we select the output difference bit position with the best average neutrality measure and look for the corresponding input differential with the best differential bias. Considering all aspects, we present an attack on Salsa20/8 with a time complexity of 2241.62 and data complexity of 231.5, which is the best-known single bit differential attack on Salsa20/8 and then, we introduced an attack on ChaCha7.25 rounds with a time complexity of 2254.011 and data complexity of 251.81.

  • Investigations of Electronic Signatures for Construction of Trust Services

    Kenta NOMURA  Yuta TAKATA  Hiroshi KUMAGAI  Masaki KAMIZONO  Yoshiaki SHIRAISHI  Masami MOHRI  Masakatu MORII  


    E106-D No:9

    The proliferation of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has prompted changes in business models. To ensure a successful transition to non-face-to-face and electronic communication, the authenticity of data and the trustworthiness of communication partners are essential. Trust services provide a mechanism for preventing data falsification and spoofing. To develop a trust service, the characteristics of the service and the scope of its use need to be determined, and the relevant legal systems must be investigated. Preparing a document to meet trust service provider requirements may incur significant expenses. This study focuses on electronic signatures, proposes criteria for classification, classifies actual documents based on these criteria, and opens a discussion. A case study illustrates how trusted service providers search a document highlighting areas that require approval. The classification table in this paper may prove advantageous at the outset when business decisions are uncertain, and there is no clear starting point.

  • Framework of Measuring Engagement with Access Logs Under Tracking Prevention for Affiliate Services

    Motoi IWASHITA  Hirotaka SUGITA  


    E106-D No:9

    In recent years, the market size for internet advertising has been increasing with the expansion of the Internet. Among the internet advertising technologies, affiliate services, which are a performance-based service, use cookies to track and measure the performance of affiliates. However, for the purpose of safeguarding personal information, cookies tend to be regulated, which leads to concerns over whether normal tracking by cookies works as intended. Therefore, in this study, the recent problems from the perspectives of affiliates, affiliate service providers, and advertisers are extracted, and a framework of cookie-independent measuring engagement method using access logs is proposed and open issues are discussed for future affiliate services.

  • Computational Complexity of the Vertex-to-Point Conflict-Free Chromatic Art Gallery Problem

    Chuzo IWAMOTO  Tatsuaki IBUSUKI  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E106-D No:9

    The art gallery problem is to find a set of guards who together can observe every point of the interior of a polygon P. We study a chromatic variant of the problem, where each guard is assigned one of k distinct colors. A chromatic guarding is said to be conflict-free if at least one of the colors seen by every point in P is unique (i.e., each point in P is seen by some guard whose color appears exactly once among the guards visible to that point). In this paper, we consider vertex-to-point guarding, where the guards are placed on vertices of P, and they observe every point of the interior of P. The vertex-to-point conflict-free chromatic art gallery problem is to find a colored-guard set such that (i) guards are placed on P's vertices, and (ii) any point in P can see a guard of a unique color among all the visible guards. In this paper, it is shown that determining whether there exists a conflict-free chromatic vertex-guard set for a polygon with holes is NP-hard when the number of colors is k=2.

  • On Gradient Descent Training Under Data Augmentation with On-Line Noisy Copies

    Katsuyuki HAGIWARA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E106-D No:9

    In machine learning, data augmentation (DA) is a technique for improving the generalization performance of models. In this paper, we mainly consider gradient descent of linear regression under DA using noisy copies of datasets, in which noise is injected into inputs. We analyze the situation where noisy copies are newly generated and injected into inputs at each epoch, i.e., the case of using on-line noisy copies. Therefore, this article can also be viewed as an analysis on a method using noise injection into a training process by DA. We considered the training process under three training situations which are the full-batch training under the sum of squared errors, and full-batch and mini-batch training under the mean squared error. We showed that, in all cases, training for DA with on-line copies is approximately equivalent to the l2 regularization training for which variance of injected noise is important, whereas the number of copies is not. Moreover, we showed that DA with on-line copies apparently leads to an increase of learning rate in full-batch condition under the sum of squared errors and the mini-batch condition under the mean squared error. The apparent increase in learning rate and regularization effect can be attributed to the original input and additive noise in noisy copies, respectively. These results are confirmed in a numerical experiment in which we found that our result can be applied to usual off-line DA in an under-parameterization scenario and can not in an over-parametrization scenario. Moreover, we experimentally investigated the training process of neural networks under DA with off-line noisy copies and found that our analysis on linear regression can be qualitatively applied to neural networks.

  • Surface Defect Image Classification of Lithium Battery Pole Piece Based on Deep Learning

    Weisheng MAO  Linsheng LI  Yifan TAO  Wenyi ZHOU  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E106-D No:9

    Aiming at the problem of low classification accuracy of surface defects of lithium battery pole pieces by traditional classification methods, an image classification algorithm for surface defects of lithium battery pole piece based on deep learning is proposed in this paper. Firstly, Wavelet Threshold and Histogram Equalization are used to preprocess the detect image to weaken influence of noise in non-defect regions and enhance defect features. Secondly, a VGG-InceptionV2 network with better performance is proposed by adding InceptionV2 structure to the improved VGG network structure. Then the original data set is expanded by rotating, flipping and contrast adjustment, and the optimal value of the model hyperparameters is determined by experiments. Finally, the model in this paper is compared with VGG16 and GoogLeNet to realize the recognition of defect types. The results show that the accuracy rate of the model in this paper for the surface pole piece defects of lithium batteries is 98.75%, and the model parameters is only 1.7M, which has certain significance for the classification of lithium battery surface pole piece defects in industry.

  • Shadow Detection Based on Luminance-LiDAR Intensity Uncorrelation

    Shogo SATO  Yasuhiro YAO  Taiga YOSHIDA  Shingo ANDO  Jun SHIMAMURA  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E106-D No:9

    In recent years, there has been a growing demand for urban digitization using cameras and light detection and ranging (LiDAR). Shadows are a condition that affects measurement the most. Therefore, shadow detection technology is essential. In this study, we propose shadow detection utilizing the LiDAR intensity that depends on the surface properties of objects but not on irradiation from other light sources. Unlike conventional LiDAR-intensity-aided shadow detection methods, our method embeds the un-correlation between luminance and LiDAR intensity in each position into the optimization. The energy, which is defined by the un-correlation between luminance and LiDAR intensity in each position, is minimized by graph-cut segmentation to detect shadows. In evaluations on KITTI and Waymo datasets, our shadow-detection method outperformed the previous methods in terms of multiple evaluation indices.

  • Siamese Transformer for Saliency Prediction Based on Multi-Prior Enhancement and Cross-Modal Attention Collaboration

    Fazhan YANG  Xingge GUO  Song LIANG  Peipei ZHAO  Shanhua LI  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E106-D No:9

    Visual saliency prediction has improved dramatically since the advent of convolutional neural networks (CNN). Although CNN achieves excellent performance, it still cannot learn global and long-range contextual information well and lacks interpretability due to the locality of convolution operations. We proposed a saliency prediction model based on multi-prior enhancement and cross-modal attention collaboration (ME-CAS). Concretely, we designed a transformer-based Siamese network architecture as the backbone for feature extraction. One of the transformer branches captures the context information of the image under the self-attention mechanism to obtain a global saliency map. At the same time, we build a prior learning module to learn the human visual center bias prior, contrast prior, and frequency prior. The multi-prior input to another Siamese branch to learn the detailed features of the underlying visual features and obtain the saliency map of local information. Finally, we use an attention calibration module to guide the cross-modal collaborative learning of global and local information and generate the final saliency map. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our proposed ME-CAS achieves superior results on public benchmarks and competitors of saliency prediction models. Moreover, the multi-prior learning modules enhance images express salient details, and model interpretability.

  • A Method to Detect Chorus Sections in Lyrics Text

    Kento WATANABE  Masataka GOTO  

    PAPER-Music Information Processing

    E106-D No:9

    This paper addresses the novel task of detecting chorus sections in English and Japanese lyrics text. Although chorus-section detection using audio signals has been studied, whether chorus sections can be detected from text-only lyrics is an open issue. Another open issue is whether patterns of repeating lyric lines such as those appearing in chorus sections depend on language. To investigate these issues, we propose a neural-network-based model for sequence labeling. It can learn phrase repetition and linguistic features to detect chorus sections in lyrics text. It is, however, difficult to train this model since there was no dataset of lyrics with chorus-section annotations as there was no prior work on this task. We therefore generate a large amount of training data with such annotations by leveraging pairs of musical audio signals and their corresponding manually time-aligned lyrics; we first automatically detect chorus sections from the audio signals and then use their temporal positions to transfer them to the line-level chorus-section annotations for the lyrics. Experimental results show that the proposed model with the generated data contributes to detecting the chorus sections, that the model trained on Japanese lyrics can detect chorus sections surprisingly well in English lyrics, and that patterns of repeating lyric lines are language-independent.

  • Multiple Layout Design Generation via a GAN-Based Method with Conditional Convolution and Attention

    Xing ZHU  Yuxuan LIU  Lingyu LIANG  Tao WANG  Zuoyong LI  Qiaoming DENG  Yubo LIU  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E106-D No:9

    Recently, many AI-aided layout design systems are developed to reduce tedious manual intervention based on deep learning. However, most methods focus on a specific generation task. This paper explores a challenging problem to obtain multiple layout design generation (LDG), which generates floor plan or urban plan from a boundary input under a unified framework. One of the main challenges of multiple LDG is to obtain reasonable topological structures of layout generation with irregular boundaries and layout elements for different types of design. This paper formulates the multiple LDG task as an image-to-image translation problem, and proposes a conditional generative adversarial network (GAN), called LDGAN, with adaptive modules. The framework of LDGAN is based on a generator-discriminator architecture, where the generator is integrated with conditional convolution constrained by the boundary input and the attention module with channel and spatial features. Qualitative and quantitative experiments were conducted on the SCUT-AutoALP and RPLAN datasets, and the comparison with the state-of-the-art methods illustrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed LDGAN.

  • A Unified Design of Generalized Moreau Enhancement Matrix for Sparsity Aware LiGME Models

    Yang CHEN  Masao YAMAGISHI  Isao YAMADA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E106-A No:8

    In this paper, we propose a unified algebraic design of the generalized Moreau enhancement matrix (GME matrix) for the Linearly involved Generalized-Moreau-Enhanced (LiGME) model. The LiGME model has been established as a framework to construct linearly involved nonconvex regularizers for sparsity (or low-rank) aware estimation, where the design of GME matrix is a key to guarantee the overall convexity of the model. The proposed design is applicable to general linear operators involved in the regularizer of the LiGME model, and does not require any eigendecomposition or iterative computation. We also present an application of the LiGME model with the proposed GME matrix to a group sparsity aware least squares estimation problem. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed GME matrix in the LiGME model.

  • Construction of Singleton-Type Optimal LRCs from Existing LRCs and Near-MDS Codes

    Qiang FU  Buhong WANG  Ruihu LI  Ruipan YANG  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E106-A No:8

    Modern large scale distributed storage systems play a central role in data center and cloud storage, while node failure in data center is common. The lost data in failure node must be recovered efficiently. Locally repairable codes (LRCs) are designed to solve this problem. The locality of an LRC is the number of nodes that participate in recovering the lost data from node failure, which characterizes the repair efficiency. An LRC is called optimal if its minimum distance attains Singleton-type upper bound [1]. In this paper, using basic techniques of linear algebra over finite field, infinite optimal LRCs over extension fields are derived from a given optimal LRC over base field(or small field). Next, this paper investigates the relation between near-MDS codes with some constraints and LRCs, further, proposes an algorithm to determine locality of dual of a given linear code. Finally, based on near-MDS codes and the proposed algorithm, those obtained optimal LRCs are shown.

  • An Integrated Convolutional Neural Network with a Fusion Attention Mechanism for Acoustic Scene Classification

    Pengxu JIANG  Yue XIE  Cairong ZOU  Li ZHAO  Qingyun WANG  

    LETTER-Engineering Acoustics

    E106-A No:8

    In human-computer interaction, acoustic scene classification (ASC) is one of the relevant research domains. In real life, the recorded audio may include a lot of noise and quiet clips, making it hard for earlier ASC-based research to isolate the crucial scene information in sound. Furthermore, scene information may be scattered across numerous audio frames; hence, selecting scene-related frames is crucial for ASC. In this context, an integrated convolutional neural network with a fusion attention mechanism (ICNN-FA) is proposed for ASC. Firstly, segmented mel-spectrograms as the input of ICNN can assist the model in learning the short-term time-frequency correlation information. Then, the designed ICNN model is employed to learn these segment-level features. In addition, the proposed global attention layer may gather global information by integrating these segment features. Finally, the developed fusion attention layer is utilized to fuse all segment-level features while the classifier classifies various situations. Experimental findings using ASC datasets from DCASE 2018 and 2019 indicate the efficacy of the suggested method.

  • New Constructions of Sidon Spaces and Cyclic Subspace Codes

    Xue-Mei LIU   Tong SHI   Min-Yao NIU  Lin-Zhi SHEN  You GAO  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E106-A No:8

    Sidon space is an important tool for constructing cyclic subspace codes. In this letter, we construct some Sidon spaces by using primitive elements and the roots of some irreducible polynomials over finite fields. Let q be a prime power, k, m, n be three positive integers and $ ho= lceil rac{m}{2k} ceil-1$, $ heta= lceil rac{n}{2m} ceil-1$. Based on these Sidon spaces and the union of some Sidon spaces, new cyclic subspace codes with size $ rac{3(q^{n}-1)}{q-1}$ and $ rac{ heta ho q^{k}(q^{n}-1)}{q-1}$ are obtained. The size of these codes is lager compared to the known constructions from [14] and [10].

  • New Bounds on the Partial Hamming Correlation of Wide-Gap Frequency-Hopping Sequences with Frequency Shift

    Qianhui WEI  Zengqing LI  Hongyu HAN  Hanzhou WU  

    LETTER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E106-A No:8

    In frequency hopping communication, time delay and Doppler shift incur interference. With the escalating upgrading of complicated interference, in this paper, the time-frequency two-dimensional (TFTD) partial Hamming correlation (PHC) properties of wide-gap frequency-hopping sequences (WGFHSs) with frequency shift are discussed. A bound on the maximum TFTD partial Hamming auto-correlation (PHAC) and two bounds on the maximum TFTD PHC of WGFHSs are got. Li-Fan-Yang bounds are the particular cases of new bounds for frequency shift is zero.

  • Signal Detection for OTFS System Based on Improved Particle Swarm Optimization

    Jurong BAI  Lin LAN  Zhaoyang SONG  Huimin DU  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E106-B No:8

    The orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) technique proposed in recent years has excellent anti-Doppler frequency shift and time delay performance, enabling its application in high speed communication scenarios. In this article, a particle swarm optimization (PSO) signal detection algorithm for OTFS system is proposed, an adaptive mechanism for the individual learning factor and global learning factor in the speed formula of the algorithm is designed, and the position update method of the particles is improved, so as to increase the convergence accuracy and avoid the particles to fall into local optimum. The simulation results show that the improved PSO algorithm has the advantages of low bit error rate (BER) and high convergence accuracy compared with the traditional PSO algorithm, and has similar performance to the ideal state maximum likelihood (ML) detection algorithm with lower complexity. In the case of high Doppler shift, OTFS technology has better performance than orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technology by using improved PSO algorithm.

  • Intrusion Detection Model of Internet of Things Based on LightGBM Open Access

    Guosheng ZHAO  Yang WANG  Jian WANG  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E106-B No:8

    Internet of Things (IoT) devices are widely used in various fields. However, their limited computing resources make them extremely vulnerable and difficult to be effectively protected. Traditional intrusion detection systems (IDS) focus on high accuracy and low false alarm rate (FAR), making them often have too high spatiotemporal complexity to be deployed in IoT devices. In response to the above problems, this paper proposes an intrusion detection model of IoT based on the light gradient boosting machine (LightGBM). Firstly, the one-dimensional convolutional neural network (CNN) is used to extract features from network traffic to reduce the feature dimensions. Then, the LightGBM is used for classification to detect the type of network traffic belongs. The LightGBM is more lightweight on the basis of inheriting the advantages of the gradient boosting tree. The LightGBM has a faster decision tree construction process. Experiments on the TON-IoT and BoT-IoT datasets show that the proposed model has stronger performance and more lightweight than the comparison models. The proposed model can shorten the prediction time by 90.66% and is better than the comparison models in accuracy and other performance metrics. The proposed model has strong detection capability for denial of service (DoS) and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. Experimental results on the testbed built with IoT devices such as Raspberry Pi show that the proposed model can perform effective and real-time intrusion detection on IoT devices.
