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  • Budget Allocation for Incentivizing Mobile Users for Crowdsensing Platform

    Cheng ZHANG  Noriaki KAMIYAMA  


    E105-B No:11

    With the popularity of smart devices, mobile crowdsensing, in which the crowdsensing platform gathers useful data from users of smart devices, e.g., smartphones, has become a prevalent paradigm. Various incentive mechanisms have been extensively adopted for the crowdsensing platform to incentivize users of smart devices to offer sensing data. Existing works have concentrated on rewarding smart-device users for their short term effort to provide data without considering the long-term factors of smart-device users and the quality of data. Our previous work has considered the quality of data of smart-device users by incorporating the long-term reputation of smart-device users. However, our previous work only considered a quality maximization problem with budget constraints on one location. In this paper, multiple locations are considered. Stackelberg game is utilized to solve a two-stage optimization problem. In the first stage, the crowdsensing platform allocates the budget to different locations and sets price as incentives for users to maximize the total data quality. In the second stage, the users make efforts to provide data to maximize its utility. Extensive numerical simulations are conducted to evaluate proposed algorithm.

  • Design of a Compact Triple-Mode Dielectric Resonator BPF with Wide Spurious-Free Performance Open Access

    Fan LIU  Zhewang MA  Weihao ZHANG  Masataka OHIRA  Dongchun QIAO  Guosheng PU  Masaru ICHIKAWA  


    E105-C No:11

    A novel compact 5-pole bandpass filter (BPF) using two different types of resonators, one is coaxial TEM-mode resonator and the other dielectric triple-mode resonator, is proposed in this paper. The coaxial resonator is a simple single-mode resonator, while the triple-mode dielectric resonator (DR) includes one TM01δ mode and two degenerate HE11 modes. An excellent spurious performance of the BPF is obtained due to the different resonant behaviors of these two types of resonators used in the BPF. The coupling scheme of the 5-pole BPF includes two cascade triplets (CTs) which produce two transmission zeros (TZs) and a sharp skirt of the passband. Behaviors of the resonances, the inter-resonance couplings, as well as their tuning methods are investigated in detail. A procedure of mapping the coupling matrix of the BPF to its physical dimensions is developed, and an optimization of these physical dimensions is implemented to achieve best performance of the filter. The designed BPF is operated at 1.84GHz with a bandwidth of 51MHz. The stopband rejection is better than 20dB up to 9.7GHz (about 5.39×f0) except 7.85GHz. Good agreement between the designed and theoretically synthesized responses of the BPF is reached, verifying well the proposed configuration of the BPF and its design method.

  • Study on Selection of Test Space for CW Illuminator

    Qi ZHOU  Zhongyuan ZHOU  Yixing GU  Mingjie SHENG  Peng HU  Yang XIAO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)

    E105-B No:11

    This paper introduces the working principle of continuous wave (CW) illuminator and selects the test space by developing the wave impedance selection algorithm for the CW illuminator. For the vertical polarization and the horizontal polarization of CW illuminator, the law of wave impedance distribution after loading is analyzed and the influence of loading distribution on test space selection is studied. The selection principle of wave impedance based on incident field or total field at the monitoring point is analyzed.

  • Non-Orthogonal Physical Layer (NOPHY) Design towards 5G Evolution and 6G

    Xiaolin HOU  Wenjia LIU  Juan LIU  Xin WANG  Lan CHEN  Yoshihisa KISHIYAMA  Takahiro ASAI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E105-B No:11

    5G has achieved large-scale commercialization across the world and the global 6G research and development is accelerating. To support more new use cases, 6G mobile communication systems should satisfy extreme performance requirements far beyond 5G. The physical layer key technologies are the basis of the evolution of mobile communication systems of each generation, among which three key technologies, i.e., duplex, waveform and multiple access, are the iconic characteristics of mobile communication systems of each generation. In this paper, we systematically review the development history and trend of the three key technologies and define the Non-Orthogonal Physical Layer (NOPHY) concept for 6G, including Non-Orthogonal Duplex (NOD), Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) and Non-Orthogonal Waveform (NOW). Firstly, we analyze the necessity and feasibility of NOPHY from the perspective of capacity gain and implementation complexity. Then we discuss the recent progress of NOD, NOMA and NOW, and highlight several candidate technologies and their potential performance gain. Finally, combined with the new trend of 6G, we put forward a unified physical layer design based on NOPHY that well balances performance against flexibility, and point out the possible direction for the research and development of 6G physical layer key technologies.

  • Generic Construction of 1-out-of-n Oblivious Signatures

    Yu ZHOU  Shengli LIU  Shuai HAN  


    E105-D No:11

    In a 1-out-of-n oblivious signature scheme, a user provides a set of messages to a signer for signatures but he/she can only obtain a valid signature for a specific message chosen from the message set. There are two security requirements for 1-out-of-n oblivious signature. The first is ambiguity, which requires that the signer is not aware which message among the set is signed. The other one is unforgeability which requires that the user is not able to derive any other valid signature for any messages beyond the one that he/she has chosen. In this paper, we provide a generic construction of 1-out-of-n oblivious signature. Our generic construction consists of two building blocks, a commitment scheme and a standard signature scheme. Our construction is round efficient since it only asks one interaction (i.e., two rounds) between the user and signer. Meanwhile, in our construction, the ambiguity of the 1-out-of-n oblivious signature scheme is based on the hiding property of the underlying commitment, while the unforgeability is based on the binding property of the underlying commitment scheme and the unforgeability of the underlying signature scheme. Moreover, our construction can also enjoy strong unforgeability as long as the underlying building blocks have strong binding property and strong unforgeability respectively. Given the fact that commitment and digital signature are well-studied topics in cryptography and numerous concrete schemes have been proposed in the standard model, our generic construction immediately yields a bunch of instantiations in the standard model based on well-known assumptions, including not only traditional assumptions like Decision Diffie-Hellman (DDH), Decision Composite Residue (DCR), etc., but also some post-quantum assumption like Learning with Errors (LWE). As far as we know, our construction admits the first 1-out-of-n oblivious signature schemes based on the standard model.

  • Hardware Implementation of Euclidean Projection Module Based on Simplified LSA for ADMM Decoding

    Yujin ZHENG  Junwei ZHANG  Yan LIN  Qinglin ZHANG  Qiaoqiao XIA  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E105-A No:11

    The Euclidean projection operation is the most complex and time-consuming of the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) decoding algorithms, resulting in a large number of resources when deployed on hardware platforms. We propose a simplified line segment projection algorithm (SLSA) and present the hardware design and the quantization scheme of the SLSA. In simulation results, the proposed SLSA module has a better performance than the original algorithm with the same fixed bitwidths due to the centrosymmetric structure of SLSA. Furthermore, the proposed SLSA module with a simpler structure without hypercube projection can reduce time consuming by up to 72.2% and reduce hardware resource usage by more than 87% compared to other Euclidean projection modules in the experiments.

  • Communication-Efficient Federated Indoor Localization with Layerwise Swapping Training-FedAvg

    Jinjie LIANG  Zhenyu LIU  Zhiheng ZHOU  Yan XU  

    PAPER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E105-A No:11

    Federated learning is a promising strategy for indoor localization that can reduce the labor cost of constructing a fingerprint dataset in a distributed training manner without privacy disclosure. However, the traffic generated during the whole training process of federated learning is a burden on the up-and-down link, which leads to huge energy consumption for mobile devices. Moreover, the non-independent and identically distributed (Non-IID) problem impairs the global localization performance during the federated learning. This paper proposes a communication-efficient FedAvg method for federated indoor localization which is improved by the layerwise asynchronous aggregation strategy and layerwise swapping training strategy. Energy efficiency can be improved by performing asynchronous aggregation between the model layers to reduce the traffic cost in the training process. Moreover, the impact of the Non-IID problem on the localization performance can be mitigated by performing swapping training on the deep layers. Extensive experimental results show that the proposed methods reduce communication traffic and improve energy efficiency significantly while mitigating the impact of the Non-IID problem on the precision of localization.

  • Loosening Bolts Detection of Bogie Box in Metro Vehicles Based on Deep Learning

    Weiwei QI  Shubin ZHENG  Liming LI  Zhenglong YANG  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E105-D No:11

    Bolts in the bogie box of metro vehicles are fasteners which are significant for bogie box structure. Effective loosening bolts detection in early stage can avoid the bolt loss and accident occurrence. Recently, detection methods based on machine vision are developed for bolt loosening. But traditional image processing and machine learning methods have high missed rate and false rate for bolts detection due to the small size and complex background. To address this problem, a loosening bolts defection method based on deep learning is proposed. The proposed method cascades two stages in a coarse-to-fine manner, including location stage based on the Single Shot Multibox Detector (SSD) and the improved SSD sequentially localizing the bogie box and bolts and a semantic segmentation stage with the U-shaped Network (U-Net) to detect the looseness of the bolts. The accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed method are verified with images captured from the Shanghai Metro Line 9. The results show that the proposed method has a higher accuracy in detecting the bolts loosening, which can guarantee the stable operation of the metro vehicles.

  • Doppler Resilient Waveforms Design in MIMO Radar via a Generalized Null Space Method

    Li SHEN  Jiahuan WANG  Wei GUO  Rong LUO  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E105-A No:11

    To mitigate the interference caused by range sidelobes in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar, we propose a new method to construct Doppler resilient complementary waveforms from complete complementary code (CCC). By jointly designing the transmit pulse train and the receive pulse weights, the range sidelobes can vanish within a specified Doppler interval. In addition, the output signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is maximized subject to the Doppler resilience constraint. Numerical results show that the designed waveforms have better Doppler resilience than the previous works.

  • Proposals and Evaluations of Robotic Attendance at On-Site Network Maintenance Works Open Access

    Takayuki WARABINO  Yusuke SUZUKI  Tomohiro OTANI  


    E105-B No:11

    While the introduction of softwarelization technologies such as software-defined networking and network function virtualization transfers the main focus of network management from hardware to software, network operators still have to deal with various and numerous network and computing equipment located in network centers. Toward fully automated network management, we believe that a robotic approach will be essential, meaning that physical robots will handle network-facility management works on behalf of humans. This paper focuses on robotic assistance for on-site network maintenance works. Currently, for many network operators, some network maintenance works (e.g., hardware check, hardware installation/replacement, high-impact update of software, etc.) are outsourced to computing and network vendors. Attendance (witness work) at the on-site vendor's works is one of the major tasks of network operators. Network operators confirm the work progress for human error prevention and safety improvement. In order to reduce the burden of this, we propose three essential works of robots, namely delegated attendance at on-site meetings, progress check by periodical patrol, and remote monitoring, which support the various forms of attendance. The paper presents our implementation of enabling these forms of support, and reports the results of experiments conducted in a commercial network center.

  • Effectiveness of Digital Twin Computing on Path Tracking Control of Unmanned Vehicle by Cloud Server



    E105-B No:11

    With the rapid deployment of the Internet of Things, where various devices are connected to communication networks, remote driving applications for Unmanned Vehicles (UVs) are attracting attention. In addition to automobiles, autonomous driving technology is expected to be applied to various types of equipment, such as small vehicles equipped with surveillance cameras to monitor building internally and externally, autonomous vehicles that deliver office supplies, and wheelchairs. When a UV is remotely controlled, the control accuracy deteriorates due to transmission delay and jitter. The accuracy must be kept high to realize UV control system by a cloud server. In this study, we investigate the effectiveness of Digital Twin Computing (DTC) for path tracking control of a UV. We show the results of simulations that use transmission delay values measured on the Internet with some cloud servers. Through the results, we quantitatively clarify that application of DTC improves control accuracy on path tracking control. We also clarify that application of jitter buffer, which absorbs the transmission delay fluctuation, can further improve the accuracy.

  • Secondary Ripple Suppression Strategy for a Single-Phase PWM Rectifier Based on Constant Frequency Current Predictive Control

    Hailan ZHOU  Longyun KANG  Xinwei DUAN  Ming ZHAO  


    E105-C No:11

    In the conventional single-phase PWM rectifier, the sinusoidal fluctuating current and voltage on the grid side will generate power ripple with a doubled grid frequency which leads to a secondary ripple in the DC output voltage, and the switching frequency of the conventional model predictive control strategy is not fixed. In order to solve the above two problems, a control strategy for suppressing the secondary ripple based on the three-vector fixed-frequency model predictive current control is proposed. Taking the capacitive energy storage type single-phase PWM rectifier as the research object, the principle of its active filtering is analyzed and a model predictive control strategy is proposed. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed strategy can significantly reduce the secondary ripple of the DC output voltage, reduce the harmonic content of the input current, and achieve a constant switching frequency.

  • A COM Based High Speed Serial Link Optimization Using Machine Learning Open Access

    Yan WANG  Qingsheng HU  


    E105-C No:11

    This paper presents a channel operating margin (COM) based high-speed serial link optimization using machine learning (ML). COM that is proposed for evaluating serial link is calculated at first and during the calculation several important equalization parameters corresponding to the best configuration are extracted which can be used for the ML modeling of serial link. Then a deep neural network containing hidden layers are investigated to model a whole serial link equalization including transmitter feed forward equalizer (FFE), receiver continuous time linear equalizer (CTLE) and decision feedback equalizer (DFE). By training, validating and testing a lot of samples that meet the COM specification of 400GAUI-8 C2C, an effective ML model is generated and the maximum relative error is only 0.1 compared with computation results. At last 3 link configurations are discussed from the view of tradeoff between the link performance and cost, illustrating that our COM based ML modeling method can be applied to advanced serial link design for NRZ, PAM4 or even other higher level pulse amplitude modulation signal.

  • Evaluation and Extraction of Equivalent Circuit Parameters for GSG-Type Bonding Wires Using Electromagnetic Simulator Open Access

    Takuichi HIRANO  


    E105-C No:11

    In this paper, the author performed an electromagnetic field simulation of a typical bonding wire structure that connects a chip and a package, and evaluated the signal transmission characteristics (S-parameters). In addition, the inductance per unit length was extracted by comparing with the equivalent circuit of the distributed constant line. It turns out that the distributed constant line model is not sufficient because there are frequencies where chip-package resonance occurs. Below the resonance frequency, the conventional low-frequency approximation model was effective, and it was found that the inductance was about 1nH/mm.

  • A Low-Power High-Speed Sensing Scheme for Single-Ended SRAM

    Dashan SHI  Heng YOU  Jia YUAN  Yulian WANG  Shushan QIAO  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E105-C No:11

    In this paper, a reference-voltage self-selected pseudo-differential sensing scheme suitable for single-ended SRAM is proposed. The proposed sensing scheme can select different reference voltage according to the offset direction. With the employment of the new sensing scheme, the swing of the read bit-line in the read operation is reduced by 74.6% and 45.5% compared to the conventional domino and the pseudo-differential sense amplifier sensing scheme, respectively. Therefore, the delay and power consumption of the read operation are significantly improved. Simulation results based on a standard 55nm CMOS show that compared with the conventional domino and pseudo-differential sensing schemes, the sensing delay is improved by 66.4% and 47.7%, and the power consumption is improved by 31.4% and 22.5%, respectively. Although the area of the sensing scheme is increased by 50.8% compared with the pseudo-differential sense amplifier sensing scheme, it has little effect on the entire SRAM area.

  • Aggregate Signature Schemes with Traceability of Devices Dynamically Generating Invalid Signatures

    Ryu ISHII  Kyosuke YAMASHITA  Yusuke SAKAI  Tadanori TERUYA  Takahiro MATSUDA  Goichiro HANAOKA  Kanta MATSUURA  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  


    E105-D No:11

    Aggregate signature schemes enable us to aggregate multiple signatures into a single short signature. One of its typical applications is sensor networks, where a large number of users and devices measure their environments, create signatures to ensure the integrity of the measurements, and transmit their signed data. However, if an invalid signature is mixed into aggregation, the aggregate signature becomes invalid, thus if an aggregate signature is invalid, it is necessary to identify the invalid signature. Furthermore, we need to deal with a situation where an invalid sensor generates invalid signatures probabilistically. In this paper, we introduce a model of aggregate signature schemes with interactive tracing functionality that captures such a situation, and define its functional and security requirements and propose aggregate signature schemes that can identify all rogue sensors. More concretely, based on the idea of Dynamic Traitor Tracing, we can trace rogue sensors dynamically and incrementally, and eventually identify all rogue sensors of generating invalid signatures even if the rogue sensors adaptively collude. In addition, the efficiency of our proposed method is also sufficiently practical.

  • Efficient Protection Mechanism for CPU Cache Flush Instruction Based Attacks

    Shuhei ENOMOTO  Hiroki KUZUNO  Hiroshi YAMADA  


    E105-D No:11

    CPU flush instruction-based cache side-channel attacks (cache instruction attacks) target a wide range of machines. For instance, Meltdown / Spectre combined with FLUSH+RELOAD gain read access to arbitrary data in operating system kernel and user processes, which work on cloud virtual machines, laptops, desktops, and mobile devices. Additionally, fault injection attacks use a CPU cache. For instance, Rowhammer, is a cache instruction attack that attempts to obtain write access to arbitrary data in physical memory, and affects machines that have DDR3. To protect against existing cache instruction attacks, various existing mechanisms have been proposed to modify hardware and software aspects; however, when latest cache instruction attacks are disclosed, these mechanisms cannot prevent these. Moreover, additional countermeasure requires long time for the designing and developing process. This paper proposes a novel mechanism termed FlushBlocker to protect against all types of cache instruction attacks and mitigate against cache instruction attacks employ latest side-channel vulnerability until the releasing of additional countermeasures. FlushBlocker employs an approach that restricts the issuing of cache flush instructions and the attacks that lead to failure by limiting control of the CPU cache. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this study, FlushBlocker was implemented in the latest Linux kernel, and its security and performance were evaluated. Results show that FlushBlocker successfully prevents existing cache instruction attacks (e.g., Meltdown, Spectre, and Rowhammer), the performance overhead was zero, and it was transparent in real-world applications.

  • SOME/IP Intrusion Detection System Using Machine Learning

    Jaewoong HEO  Hyunghoon KIM  Hyo Jin JO  


    E105-D No:11

    With the development of in-vehicle network technologies, Automotive Ethernet is being applied to modern vehicles. Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP (SOME/IP) is an automotive middleware solution that is used for communications of the infotainment domain as well as that of other domains in the vehicle. However, since SOME/IP lacks security, it is vulnerable to a variety of network-based attacks. In this paper, we introduce a new type of intrusion detection system (IDS) leveraging on SOME/IP packet's header information and packet reception time to deal with SOME/IP related network attacks.

  • Online Probabilistic Activation Control of Base Stations Utilizing Temporal System Throughput and Activation States of Neighbor Cells for Heterogeneous Networks Open Access

    Junya TANI  Kenichi HIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E105-B No:11

    In this paper, we propose an online probabilistic activation/deactivation control method for base stations (BSs) in heterogeneous networks based on the temporal system throughput and activation states of neighbor BSs (cells). The conventional method iteratively updates the activation/deactivation states in a probabilistic manner at each BS based on the change in the observed system throughput and activation/deactivation states of that BS between past multiple consecutive discrete times. Since BS activation control increases the system throughput by improving the tradeoff between the reduction in inter-cell interference and the traffic off-loading effect, the activation of a BS whose neighbor BSs are deactivated is likely to result in improved system performance and vice versa. The proposed method newly introduces a metric, which represents the effective ratio of the activated neighbor BSs considering their transmission power and distance to the BS of interest, to the update control of the activation probability. This improves both the convergence rate of the iterative algorithm and throughput performance after convergence. Computer simulation results, in which the mobility of the user terminals is taken into account, show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Multi-Target Position and Velocity Estimation Algorithm Based on Time Delay and Doppler Shift in Passive MIMO Radar

    Yao ZHOU  Hairui YU  Wenjie XU  Siyi YAO  Li WANG  Hongshu LIAO  Wanchun LI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E105-A No:11

    In this paper, a passive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar system with widely separated antennas that estimates the positions and velocities of multiple moving targets by utilizing time delay (TD) and doppler shift (DS) measurements is proposed. Passive radar systems can detect targets by using multiple uncoordinated and un-synchronized illuminators and we assume that all the measurements including TD and DS have been known by a preprocessing method. In this study, the algorithm can be divided into three stages. First, based on location information within a certain range and utilizing the DBSCAN cluster algorithm we can obtain the initial position of each target. In the second stage according to the correlation between the TD measurements of each target in a specific receiver and the DSs, we can find the set of DS measurements for each target. Therefore, the initial speed estimated values can be obtained employing the least squares (LS) method. Finally, maximum likelihood (ML) estimation of a first-order Taylor expansion joint TD and DS is applied for a better solution. Extensive simulations show that the proposed algorithm has a good estimation performance and can achieve the Cramér-Rao lower bound (CRLB) under the condition of moderate measurement errors.
