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  • A Modified Pulse Coupled Neural Network with Anisotropic Synaptic Weight Matrix for Image Edge Detection

    Zhan SHI  Jinglu HU  


    E96-A No:6

    Pulse coupled neural network (PCNN) is a new type of artificial neural network specific for image processing applications. It is a single layer, two dimensional network with neurons which have 1:1 correspondence to the pixels of an input image. It is convenient to process the intensities and spatial locations of image pixels simultaneously by applying a PCNN. Therefore, we propose a modified PCNN with anisotropic synaptic weight matrix for image edge detection from the aspect of intensity similarities of pixels to their neighborhoods. By applying the anisotropic synaptic weight matrix, the interconnections are only established between the central neuron and the neighboring neurons corresponding to pixels with similar intensity values in a 3 by 3 neighborhood. Neurons corresponding to edge pixels and non-edge pixels will receive different input signal from the neighboring neurons. By setting appropriate threshold conditions, image step edges can be detected effectively. Comparing with conventional PCNN based edge detection methods, the proposed modified PCNN is much easier to control, and the optimal result can be achieved instantly after all neurons pulsed. Furthermore, the proposed method is shown to be able to distinguish the isolated pixels from step edge pixels better than derivative edge detectors.

  • Relaxed Stability Condition for T-S Fuzzy Systems Using a New Fuzzy Lyapunov Function

    Sangsu YEH  Sangchul WON  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E96-A No:6

    This paper presents the stability analysis for continuous-time Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems using a fuzzy Lyapunov function. The proposed fuzzy Lyapunov function involves the time derivatives of states to include new free matrices in the LMI stability conditions. These free matrices extend the solution space for Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs) problems. Numerical examples illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

  • Generic Construction of Two-Party Round-Optimal Attribute-Based Authenticated Key Exchange without Random Oracles

    Kazuki YONEYAMA  


    E96-A No:6

    In this paper, we propose a generic construction of one-round attribute-based (implicitly) authenticated key exchange (ABAKE). The construction is based on a chosen-ciphertext (CCA) secure attribute-based KEM and the decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) assumption. If an underlying attribute-based KEM scheme allows expressive access controls and is secure in the standard model (StdM), an instantiated ABAKE scheme also achieves them. Our scheme enjoys the best of both worlds: efficiency and security. The number of rounds is one (optimal) while the known secure scheme in the StdM is not one-round protocol. Our scheme is comparable in communication complexity with the most efficient known scheme that is not proved in the StdM. Also, our scheme is proved to satisfy security against advanced attacks like key compromise impersonation.

  • Interference Rejection Characteristics by Adaptive Array at User Equipment Using Measured K-Factor in Heterogeneous Networks

    Kentaro NISHIMORI  Keisuke KUSUMI  Misaki HORIO  Koshiro KITAO  Tetsuro IMAI  


    E96-B No:6

    In LTE-Advanced heterogeneous networks, a typical cell layout to enhance frequency utilization is to incorporate picocells and femtocells in a macrocell. However, the co-channel interference between the marcocell and picocell/femtocell is an important issue when the same frequency band is used between these systems. We have already clarified how the interference from the femto(macro) cell affects on the macro(femto) cell. In this paper, we evaluate the interference rejection characteristics by an adaptive array with user equipment (UE). The characteristics are evaluated based on the K-factor used in the Nakagami-Race Fading model and the spatial correlation that is obtained in an actual outdoor environment. It is shown that a two-element adaptive array at the macro UE (M-UE) can sufficiently reduce the interference from the femto base station (F-BS) to the M-UE even if the number of total signals exceeds the degrees of freedom of the array.

  • A Small-Space Algorithm for Removing Small Connected Components from a Binary Image

    Tetsuo ASANO  Revant KUMAR  


    E96-A No:6

    Given a binary image I and a threshold t, the size-thresholded binary image I(t) defined by I and t is the binary image after removing all connected components consisting of at most t pixels. This paper presents space-efficient algorithms for computing a size-thresholded binary image for a binary image of n pixels, assuming that the image is stored in a read-only array with random-access. With regard to the problem, there are two cases depending on how large the threshold t is, namely, Relatively large threshold where t = Ω(), and Relatively small threshold where t = O(). In this paper, a new algorithmic framework for the problem is presented. From an algorithmic point of view, the problem can be solved in O() time and O() work space. We propose new algorithms for both the above cases which compute the size-threshold binary image for any binary image of n pixels in O(nlog n) time using only O() work space.

  • Reporting All Segment Intersections Using an Arbitrary Sized Work Space

    Matsuo KONAGAYA  Tetsuo ASANO  


    E96-A No:6

    This paper presents an efficient algorithm for reporting all intersections among n given segments in the plane using work space of arbitrarily given size. More exactly, given a parameter s which is between Ω(1) and O(n) specifying the size of work space, the algorithm reports all the segment intersections in roughly O(n2/+ K) time using O(s) words of O(log n) bits, where K is the total number of intersecting pairs. The time complexity can be improved to O((n2/s) log s + K) when input segments have only some number of different slopes.

  • One-Round Authenticated Key Exchange with Strong Forward Secrecy in the Standard Model against Constrained Adversary

    Kazuki YONEYAMA  


    E96-A No:6

    Forward secrecy (FS) is a central security requirement of authenticated key exchange (AKE). Especially, strong FS (sFS) is desirable because it can guarantee security against a very realistic attack scenario that an adversary is allowed to be active in the target session. However, most of AKE schemes cannot achieve sFS, and currently known schemes with sFS are only proved in the random oracle model. In this paper, we propose a generic construction of AKE protocol with sFS in the standard model against a constrained adversary. The constraint is that session-specific intermediate computation results (i.e., session state) cannot be revealed to the adversary for achieving sFS, that is shown to be inevitable by Boyd and González Nieto. However, our scheme maintains weak FS (wFS) if session state is available to the adversary. Thus, our scheme satisfies one of strongest security definitions, the CK+ model, which includes wFS and session state reveal. The main idea to achieve sFS is to use signcryption KEM while the previous CK+ secure construction uses ordinary KEM. We show a possible instantiation of our construction from Diffie-Hellman problems.

  • id-eCK Secure ID-Based Authenticated Key Exchange on Symmetric and Asymmetric Pairing

    Atsushi FUJIOKA  Fumitaka HOSHINO  Tetsutaro KOBAYASHI  Koutarou SUZUKI  Berkant USTAOLU  Kazuki YONEYAMA  


    E96-A No:6

    In this paper, we propose an identity-based authenticated key exchange (ID-AKE) protocol that is secure in the identity-based extended Canetti-Krawczyk (id-eCK) model in the random oracle model under the gap Bilinear Diffie-Hellman assumption. The proposed ID-AKE protocol is the most efficient among the existing ID-AKE protocols that is id-eCK secure, and it can be extended to use in asymmetric pairing.

  • Admissible Stopping in Viterbi Beam Search for Unit Selection Speech Synthesis

    Shinsuke SAKAI  Tatsuya KAWAHARA  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E96-D No:6

    Corpus-based concatenative speech synthesis has been widely investigated and deployed in recent years since it provides a highly natural synthesized speech quality. The amount of computation required in the run time, however, can often be quite large. In this paper, we propose early stopping schemes for Viterbi beam search in the unit selection, with which we can stop early in the local Viterbi minimization for each unit as well as in the exploration of candidate units for a given target. It takes advantage of the fact that the space of the acoustic parameters of the database units is fixed and certain lower bounds of the concatenation costs can be precomputed. The proposed method for early stopping is admissible in that it does not change the result of the Viterbi beam search. Experiments using probability-based concatenation costs as well as distance-based costs show that the proposed methods of admissible stopping effectively reduce the amount of computation required in the Viterbi beam search while keeping its result unchanged. Furthermore, the reduction effect of computation turned out to be much larger if the available lower bound for concatenation costs is tighter.

  • Write Control Method for Nonvolatile Flip-Flops Based on State Transition Analysis

    Naoya OKADA  Yuichi NAKAMURA  Shinji KIMURA  


    E96-A No:6

    Nonvolatile flip-flop enables leakage power reduction in logic circuits and quick return from standby mode. However, it has limited write endurance, and its power consumption for writing is larger than that of conventional D flip-flop (DFF). For this reason, it is important to reduce the number of write operations. The write operations can be reduced by stopping the clock signal to synchronous flip-flops because write operations are executed only when the clock is applied to the flip-flops. In such clock gating, a method using Exclusive OR (XOR) of the current value and the new value as the control signal is well known. The XOR based method is effective, but there are several cases where the write operations can be reduced even if the current value and the new value are different. The paper proposes a method to detect such unnecessary write operations based on state transition analysis, and proposes a write control method to save power consumption of nonvolatile flip-flops. In the method, redundant bits are detected to reduce the number of write operations. If the next state and the outputs do not depend on some current bit, the bit is redundant and not necessary to write. The method is based on Binary Decision Diagram (BDD) calculation. We construct write control circuits to stop the clock signal by converting BDDs representing a set of states where write operations are unnecessary. Proposed method can be combined with the XOR based method and reduce the total write operations. We apply combined method to some benchmark circuits and estimate the power consumption with Synopsys NanoSim. On average, 15.0% power consumption can be reduced compared with only the XOR based method.

  • Object Detection Using RSSI with Road Surface Reflection Model for Intersection Safety

    Shoma HISAKA  Shunsuke KAMIJO  

    PAPER-Intelligent Transport System

    E96-A No:6

    We have developed a dedicated onboard “sensor” utilizing wireless communication devices for collision avoidance around road intersections. The “sensor” estimates the positions of transmitters on traffic participants by comparing the strengths of signals received by four ZigBee receivers installed at the four corners of a vehicle. On-board sensors involving cameras cannot detect objects in non line-of-sight (NLOS) area caused by buildings and other vehicles. Although infrastructure sensors for vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) cooperative systems can detect such hidden objects, they are substantially more expensive than on-board sensors. The on-board wireless “sensor” developed in this work would function as an alternative tool for collision avoidance around intersections. Herein, we extend our previous work by considering a road surface reflection model to improve the estimation accuracy. By using this model, we succeeded in reducing the error mismatches between the observed data and the calibration data of the estimation algorithm. The proposed system will be realized on the basis of these enhancements.

  • Geometric Predicted Unscented Kalman Filtering in Rotate Magnetic Ranging

    Chao ZHANG  Keke PANG  Yaxin ZHANG  

    LETTER-Measurement Technology

    E96-A No:6

    Rotate magnetic field can be used for ranging, especially the environment where electronic filed suffers a deep fading and attenuation, such as drilling underground. However, magnetic field is still affected by the ferromagnetic materials, e.g., oil casing pipe. The measurement error is not endurable for single measurement. In this paper, the Geometric Predicted Unscented Kalman Filtering (GP-UKF) algorithm is developed for rotate magnetic ranging system underground. With GP-UKF, the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) can be suppressed. It is really important in a long range detection by magnetic field, i.e., more than 50 meters.

  • A Simple Decentralized Cell Association Method for Heterogeneous Networks

    Tetsunosuke KOIZUMI  Kenichi HIGUCHI  


    E96-B No:6

    This paper proposes a simple decentralized cell association method for heterogeneous networks, where low transmission-power pico or femto base stations (BSs) overlay onto a high transmission-power macro BS. The focus of this investigation is on the downlink and the purpose of cell association is to achieve better user fairness, in other words, to increase the minimum average user throughput (worst user throughput). In the proposed method, an appropriate cell association for all users within a cell is achieved in an iterative manner based on the feedback information of each individual user assisted by a small amount of broadcast information from the respective BSs. The proposed method does not require cooperation between BSs. Furthermore, the proposed method is applicable to cases of inter-cell interference coordination (ICIC) between macro and pico/femto BSs through the use of protected radio resources exclusively used by the pico/femto BSs. Based on numerical results, we show that the proposed method adaptively achieves better cell association for all users according to the user location distributions compared to the conventional cell range expansion (CRE) method. The advantage of the proposed method over CRE is further enhanced in an ICIC scenario.

  • IBShare: A Novel InfiniBand Network Bandwidth Allocation for Cloud Datacenter

    Ziwen ZHANG  Zhigang SUN  Baokang ZHAO  Jiangchuan LIU  Xicheng LU  

    PAPER-Network System

    E96-B No:6

    In cloud computing, multiple users coexist in one datacenter infrastructure and the network is always shared using VMs. Network bandwidth allocation is necessary for security and performance guarantees in the datacenter. InfiniBand (IB) is more widely applied in the construction of datacenter cluster and attracts more interest from the academic field. In this paper, we propose an IB dynamic bandwidth allocation mechanism IBShare to achieve different Weight-proportional and Min-guarantee requirements of allocation entities. The differentiated IB Congestion Control (CC) configuration is proven to offer the proportional throughput characteristic at the flow level. IBShare leverages distributed congestion detection, global congestion computation and configuration to dynamically provide predictable bandwidth division. The real IB experiment results showed IBShare can promptly adapt to the congestion variation and achieve the above two allocation demands through CC reconfiguration. IBShare improved the network utilization than reservation and its computation/configuration overhead was low.

  • Performance Evaluation of Interference-Aware Multi-Cell Beamforming for an Overlapping Cells Environment

    Tomoki MURAKAMI  Riichi KUDO  Takeo ICHIKAWA  Naoki HONMA  Masato MIZOGUCHI  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E96-B No:6

    As wireless LAN systems become more widespread, the number of access points (APs) is increasing. A large number of APs cause overlapping cells where nearby cells utilize the same frequency channel. In the overlapping cells, inter-cell interference (ICI) degrades the throughput. This paper proposes an interference-aware multi-cell beamforming (IMB) technique to reduce the throughput degradation in the overlapping cells. The IMB technique improves transmission performance better than conventional multi-cell beamforming based on a decentralized control scheme. The conventional technique mitigates ICI by nullifying all the interference signal space (ISS) by beamforming, but the signal spaces to the user terminal (UT) is also limited because the degree of freedom (DoF) at the AP is limited. On the other hand, the IMB technique increases the signal space to the UT because the DoF at the AP is increased by selecting the ISS by allowing a small amount of ICI. In addition, we introduce a method of selecting the ISS in a decentralized control scheme. In our work, we analyze the interference channel state information (CSI) and evaluate the transmission performance of the IMB technique by using a measured CSI in an actual indoor environment. As a result, we find that the IMB technique becomes more effective as the number of UT antennas in nearby cells increases.

  • Play-Out Constrained Dynamic Packet Loss Protection for Scalable Video Transmission

    Jun LIU  Yu ZHANG  Jian SONG  

    PAPER-Multimedia Systems for Communications

    E96-B No:6

    This paper analyzes the conventional unequal erasure protection (UXP) scheme for scalable video transmission, and proposes a dynamic hybrid UXP/ARQ transmission framework to improve the performance of the conventional UXP method for bandwidth-constrained scalable video transmission. This framework applies automatic retransmission request (ARQ) to the conventional UXP scheme for scalable video transmission, and dynamically adjusts the transmission time budget of each group of picture (GOP) according to the feedback about the transmission results of the current and previous GOPs from the receiver. Moreover, the parameter of target video quality is introduced and optimized to adapt to the channel condition in pursuit of more efficient dynamic time allocation. In addition, considering the play-out deadline constraint, the time schedule for the proposed scalable video transmission system is presented. Simulation results show that compared with the conventional UXP scheme and its enhanced method, the average peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) of the reconstructed video can be improved significantly over a wide range of packet loss rates. Besides, the visual quality fluctuation among the GOPs can be reduced for the video which has much movement change.

  • Rotation-Tolerant Camera Identification Using Optimal Tradeoff Circular Harmonic Function Correlation Filter

    Dai-Kyung HYUN  Dae-Jin JUNG  Hae-Yeoun LEE  Heung-Kyu LEE  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E96-D No:6

    In this paper, we propose a novel camera identification method based on photo-response non-uniformity (PRNU), which performs well even with rotated videos. One of the disadvantages of the PRNU-based camera identification methods is that they are very sensitive to de-synchronization. If a video under investigation is slightly rotated, the identification process without synchronization fails. The proposed method solves this kind of out-of-sync problem, by achieving rotation-tolerance using Optimal Tradeoff Circular Harmonic Function (OTCHF) correlation filter. The experimental results show that the proposed method identifies source device with high accuracy from rotated videos.

  • A Survey of the Research on Future Internet and Network Architectures Open Access

    Toru HASEGAWA  


    E96-B No:6

    The Internet was designed for academic use more than 40 years ago. After having been used commercially, many unpredictable requirements have emerged, including mobility, security and content distribution. In addition, the Internet has become so ossified that fulfilling new requirements is difficult. Instead of developing ad-hoc solutions, re-designing clean-slate Internet architectures has become a key research challenge in networking communities. This survey paper addresses key research issues and then introduces ongoing research projects from Japan, the United States and the European Union.

  • Mobility Performance Enhancements Based on Radio Link Quality for LTE-Advanced Heterogeneous Networks

    Yuefeng PENG  Wei YANG  Candy YIU  Yujian ZHANG  Hongwen YANG  


    E96-B No:6

    Heterogeneous networks (HetNets) can provide higher capacity and user throughput than homogeneous networks in Long Term Evolution (LTE)-Advanced systems. However, because of increased interference from neighboring cells and the characteristics of the embedded small cells, handover performance is impacted adversely, especially when the user equipment (UE) moves at medium or high speeds. In this paper, to improve mobility performance, we propose two schemes, i.e., 1) using wideband signal-to-interference noise ratio (SINR) as the handover metric and 2) emergency attaching. The schemes can enhance mobility performance since handovers are performed based on the quality of the radio link. Importantly, the two schemes compliment rather than contradict each other. System-level simulations show that both the individual proposed schemes and the joint schemes can improve mobility performance significantly.

  • Visual Correspondence Grouping via Local Consistent Neighborhood

    Kota AOKI  Hiroshi NAGAHASHI  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E96-D No:6

    In this paper we aim to group visual correspondences in order to detect objects or parts of objects commonly appearing in a pair of images. We first extract visual keypoints from images and establish initial point correspondences between two images by comparing their descriptors. Our method is based on two types of graphs, named relational graphs and correspondence graphs. A relational graph of a point is constructed by thresholding geometric and topological distances between the point and its neighboring points. A threshold value of a geometric distance is determined according to the scale of each keypoint, and a topological distance is defined as the shortest path on a Delaunay triangulation built from keypoints. We also construct a correspondence graph whose nodes represent two pairs of matched points or correspondences and edges connect consistent correspondences. Two correspondences are consistent with each other if they meet the local consistency induced by their relational graphs. The consistent neighborhoods should represent an object or a part of an object contained in a pair of images. The enumeration of maximal cliques of a correspondence graph results in groups of keypoint pairs which therefore involve common objects or parts of objects. We apply our method to common visual pattern detection, object detection, and object recognition. Quantitative experimental results demonstrate that our method is comparable to or better than other methods.
